Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1960, p. 2

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if hsmysfxrti yrno so acton ontario thursday november lolh 1960 t prtmnl ouaws twelve pagesseven cent t muedal was presented on behalf of the uderrt council of acton high school by president barry klrfcness to leading grade 13 graduate louise wasowicz miss wasowicz was also leading award winning student during the annual graduation program friday evening at the school iwwfaawinnmmwrmmmwm in mini mi expect large turnout fifth for remembrance day service acton and district citizens will mckenile will offer the bene- join with veterans friday morn ing to pay their respects to loved ones fallen during the wars led by acton citizens band and acton junior pipe band the parade will leave the legion halt at i0j0 in the morning and march to the cenotaph were wreaths will be placed and a brief service held joining in the ceremony this year will be acton legion and lc gion ladies auxiliary town coun cil duke of devonshire and lake side chapters i ode fircfight crs cubs scouts gmidcs ana brownies as well as chher local organizations j the legion charge will be rcarf by president max storey afuir which wreaths will be placcdon the cenotaph by organizations and individuals legtonairc john mchugh will read the names of the fallen dead followed by the last post played by w d elmer smith acton junior pipe band will pay the lament and mr smith will play reveille before the brief eeremuny con eludes everyone will join in a hymn played by acton citizens band and legion padre rev a h school board vetoes driving class favors stressing three rs instead high school board members turned thumbs down on a sug gestion to include driving instrue tron as part of the school curri culum monday evening the board received a letter from an ontario safely league official stating the plan had received the blessing of the government and department of education and was being carried out in many centres however extracurricular driv ing instruction under supervision of qualified teachers and princip al was turned down in favor of stressing the three rs not d for driving in the curriculum crefghton heard trustee e 5 force remark sharply im agin it trustee m m cote suggested the plan might have some merit in view of the increase in traffic accidentb and reminded his col leagues the plan was backed by the department of education studies suffer mr force read a recent article written by bascumbe st john educational columnist of a toron to newspaper which quoted stat isties compiled by insurance cum panics on the effects of driving among 25 000 high school stud ents the writer pointed out that generally speaking the students academic standing suffered when they cither operated or owned an automobile after hearing the article mr coles informed the chairman he would have li alter his opinion nd disapprove of he plan trustee force taid we will have to choose whether wc arc tn business to leach driving or cdu cation he suggested beginners could take advantage of driving schools chairman creighton tiled re sults ol an experiment in a school in california w he re dm ml to school was banned for a penod of six months the result in belter grades was tremendous robbing tunc mr force claimed driving re- quired tittle skill and suggested the ability to think was the most important if we adopt this pro gram wc are robbing the school of hours which should be devot cd to study by which students icam to thmk he emphasized mr coles suggested the govern ment might better raise the age limit for beginner permits trus tee d moffat agreed the board could not afford to teach driving at school be was all in favor of teaching to drive but not in school hours before the subject was conclu ded trustee w coon told his colleagues he disapproved and ji including cars student council obacta at a former meeting the board pondered a plan to eliminate bright sunshine pouring in win dows in the school gymnasium and a suggestion to paint the glass was bbldovcr pending a guaran tee of durability from a paint company monday evening a letter signed by barry klrkness president of the student council objected to the window painting program and asked the board to reconsider their proposal the student coun ctl said that painting the windows would present the first blotch on an otherwise beautiful school addition property chairman w coon ex plained to the board thai dangers involved in window cleaning and an attempt to lengthen the ufa ot proposed curtains wire the in lent behind the proposed painting of the windows he said the mat ter had nothing to do with the student council if students arc going to run the school why have a school board asked mr coon his views received i he support uf trustee force as he termed the letter a little out uf place mr force wondered if the let ter had developed from the stu dent council opinion only princi pal e a hansen assured the board the letter expressed the views uf the student council en tircly and was nut backed by anyone on the leaching staff mr force told the pnncipal the board had no intention of dtscc rating the windows and the mat ter will receive further attention new ruling minutes of special meeting dealing with a request for permis sion to use the gymnasium for badmintun revealed that effect ive january 5 1961 a new policy will supercede previous rules ac ton high school property includ ing the gym is to be used exclus ively for school activities always auperviaed by the staff or deslg ftated supervisor an exception to this rule could be the use of the facilities by educational staffs in the area principal hansen reported on the success of last fudays grad uation exercises and told the board the recent student ex change program sponsored by the acton rotary club had proved quite successful mr hansen reported that chnstmas examinations would gel underway november 25 and parents night is slated for nov ember 16 he also relayed notifi cation from the ontario second ary school teachers federation that staff member w coatcs had been granted category two status the secretary was instructed to make necessary wage adjust ments bus change d moffat chairman of the transportation committee report cd bus routes were working out quite lavurablv he noted one change in schedule had been made but owing to a large hill he expected winter travel over this particular area would be impos sible with ihe bus he suggested the township should sand the hill it was agreed by resolution to name the school acton dtstnet high school but the name on the building now will not be changed vet rev h d stewart guest minister during knox church anniversary large congregations attended the morning and evening scrvkcs sunday and heard guest minister the res h d stewart ot ottawa during the 115th annmrsaiv set ion at kjiox picsbs tcnan church addressing the morning con gregation the guest minister de scribed the place of the church in vour rehgeous experience whlk in ibe evening he stressed what the spirit sav to the churches- the distinguished sneaker from ottawa low his audience thev oust do more than sil back and a lhe cun ot the church but must commit them- tfehres bv giving time and talents uic speaker urged the con gregations to take more active part ill the church and stated christianilv is nut so much some thing to believe as it is a task to be done guest soloist forboth services was majoont kelterbom of blen heim he was accompanied bv or rst e a hansen and saag in morning the lords praver and lord god of abraham in the evening the outstanding bar itone sang crown without thorns and arm arm ye brave the church choir under l he direction of choirmaster and organist e a hansen sang praise his holv name and cod who madest larth and heaven fowl slipper mundav evening the anniver- sarv was marked bv a fowl sup per and program in the church over 300 dinners were served and many others sent out the figure is down from last year the program tn the church was arranged bv mrs bert davidson and mrv g soencrvtlk with rev mckenrje the chairman he welcomed the group and expressed thanks to the ladies of the church for the supper with special appreciation expressed to mrs a m macpherson president of the ladies aid on lhe program were a solo bv mrs john davidson the des ert song duet june and donna rennick uist tramping song soio norman elliott just a wearvmg for you cor net duet charles landsborough and ian johnston bless this house reading mrs malcolm mofau campbeltville solo george musseue the veterans song piano duel mrs mel mi cullough and mrs a k mann the shepherd boy bolo don na rennick tulips and heath er duet geo musselle and nor man elliott the bailies eve two readings mrv malcom mof fall cornet duet charles lands- borough and ian johnston in the garden solo june rennick my task and a duct bv mrv john davidson and norman el hott the hols cits mrs clarence giles was accom panist fur most musical items mrv george robertson accompan ied the renqsek girls in their songs and george musselle s solo and the duct by george muvsclle and norman elliott diction the parade will march to st albans church of the martyr were a church service will be held taking part in the service will be the following members of the acton ministerial association rev d engel rev a h mcken zie rev h b slokreef rev jos m rudd and rev j nutma veterans will gather in the af tcrnoon and drive to hallonvthe were a bncf ceremony will be held at the cenotaph there after which a church service will be yonductcd in nassagaweya prcs- aylcrian church rev h c mar rand k griffiths will conduct the church service after which veterans tak i part will be served lunch scholarships bursaries total si 000 high school commencement program girls dressed in their flowing dresses and boys tn their sunday best and both transformed from students to young men and wo men were admired by proud par ent as they traipsed up the steps to the platform of the acton high school auditorium to re ceive their certificates and awards friday evening during the annual commencement cxer cises this year the awards were the biggest to date totalling over ii 000 principal e a hansen wel corned the crowd seated in the auditorium and overflqwlng to the bleachers and praised the students for their achievements he told the audience that if the school enrolment continued to increase another school addition would be necessary in the near future 1 gaily decked with flowers and school colors the stage held staff teachers and guest speaker who shared the limelight as ter tifieatcs and other awards were handed out girls big winners girls copped the largest share of the awards with several re ceivlng two or three during the stta workmen rush jobs at church yet organ tuner needs quiet vjuitl fl f l inrt cirwliu miirninii u cj rvi suit photo scout apptf went on said en acton saturday and scouts and cubs blitzed tha town as they sold the apples and handed out tags in return for the money pictured above busy polishing apples prior to canvassing barnei an scout steven cotes and cub bruce ssgasklt arena changes await approva govt to pick up portion of tab installation of a heating sys tem and toilets at acton arena loomed into sight once again when council received word the project would probably be clas sed under the winter works pro- groom and the town would be el igiblc for a grant if the plan is approved the government will share 75 percent of the labor costs and the town will assume the balance as well as cost of materia clerkadministrator j mcgca- chic informed council that a gas line would probably be run from the street line to the arena in preparation for the installa tion of the heating system the building committee agreed to visit the arena saturday mom inc to look it over council agreed to declare the week of november 13 lo 25 as retarded childan s week and make this announcement in the free press members were reminded lo be on hand friday morning for the remembrance day service and were instructed where lo meet vacant scats were plentiful with the mayor attending a three- day seminar at the canadian civ il defence college at arnpriur reeve j m greer still rccupcr ating from an operation and councillor a field absent coun ciltor e pope arrived on the scene in time lo take a scat be fore adjournment following the conclusion ol the bncf business session at which deputv reeve j hargravc pre sided council inspected the re cently completed town workshop at the water tower plan 1961 music festival 100 reword woodsfde school extensively damaged by vandals was closed for four days last week and re opened last fndav destruction was done the saturday before it is understood that a 100 re ward for information has been offered by the school board in the district plans for the 1961 halton music festivals were made dunng the annual autumn meetings of the presidents set ic lanes and music supervisors of the north halton urban north hilton rural and south halton divisions of the music festival avsociauon the meeting was held in the j m denves public school milton on wednesday of last week the north halton rural divis ion plans lo hold its festival on thursdav apnl 27 m the robert little school in acton with cldon brcthour of toronto as adjudica lor choom day evening the north halton rural divis ion has ehoscn apnl 26 and ihe evening of apnl 26 as dates for is festival also to be held to the robert little school dr fen wick has been approached to ad juditalc in the south helton division thtie will again this vear be four festivals dividing the irea geo- graphtiallv these will be held on march 21 22 23 and 24 with harvey ptrrin of toronto as ad mduatt r the earlier date was at the request of he principals us social tern the usual toneert will m i he held at the conclusion but concerts will be arranged in lhe various divisions and home and school projects members were reminded that ll will sec lhe 30th halton counts music festival and some dtseussum was held on how lo mark this event it was asked thai anv suggest i ns be stnt in to hold next blood clinic at legion november 17 a large response is expected iiom acton and district residents for the red cross blood clime being held in acton thursdav november 17 and canvassers are busy this week callmg dour to door the blood bank being hckl tn the legion auditorium will be open in the alicrnoon from 2 pjn lo 4j0 run and again in the even ing from 6j0 pan to 9 pm chairman g bcaitv reported this week thai anv resident noi home when canvassers call can give blood bv attending the clinic dunng these hours nurses and aides from hamil ton red cross branch will be on hand and will be assisted bv local nurses and assistants blood tak en dunng the cfimc is stared m a bkmd bank and can be used free harjc bv needv penons i again this vear the legion lad ies auxiharv will be on hand to provide a lunch and assist dunng registration and members of oth er organizations will also lend their avsistanex the entire opcrajkm takes but a few minutes and everyone is screened carefullv before bang allowed to give blood it is ex peeled that the same repealers will be on hand agam and it is honed that a number of new faces will be seen at the clinic mr beattv reminds citizens thai anvonc between the ages of 18 and 65 is eligible to donate and he hopes to see a number of the younger men and women tum out for the first tune the central office as soon as pos sible w l mcneil invpetltir of pub- lie schools w irncd there can be no rclixing ol efforts m gaining support both financially and from a publicity angle so lhat the fes tivals may be successful evening louise wasowicz vat edictorian received two scholar ships valued at 1250 and was pre sentcd with the valedictorian medal by student council presi dent barry kirkness she is now attending teachers college in toronto petite ilene varty received the lakeside chapler 10b e sthol arship of j25 for the student in grade 12 who in one year eon plctes the course in gr ide 12 with thl highest standing and continues lo upper school mrs w spioslun made the prescn tat ion grcilcm pnificieniy in the c n mereiul option toursc won mel boracts scholarships f ir olorl i latimer ol giattc 10 ind june dwidson of grade 12 the aw irds were presented by mrs j gal loway the duke of devonshire ch in ter iode burs try ol 1000 fr a student proceeding to higher education was presented bv mrs j w wolfe lo louise wasowie the can idiui legion scholar ship for tcneral proficiency to the student tn trade 12 or 13 who tontiniils to nn mslittlon of higher learning vv s preset led by ixgion president mix slorey lo mai y lou crcichinn wh i now at the university of toronto the annual awards of the i ikcsidc chapter iode never- i itc never absent certificate wire presented on behalf of th chapter bv mrs w sproston and mrs r spielvogel to ruth coles richard curne kay dennis bob duby lesley anne duby john gov peter homer james iron side kithenne klrkness wayne m ison stuart mcdonald ray isma diane robinson janet rognvildson gail roszell david roughlev murray smith rosa sw ickhamcr ilene varcy susan w ilurs george ware john wil li ims c irmen woodbum proficiency scholarship jack creighton chairman of the school board awarded the schxil boird proficiency schol arships which arc based on ao cdcmic standing in all subject totil amount of the scholar ships wis j600 receiving jhem were louise wasowicz grade 13 200 mary lou creighton grade ii si00 ilene varcy grade 12 100 dorecn gordon grade 12 sso elizabeth force grade ii iso brian barbcau gradexll 2s jean hail grade 10 j0 cirl ciithor gride 10 11 mary beth lllioti grade nine 20 and continued on page three with the scivkc f dedie lion uf the new siiktuaiy of the unit cd church on bund ly muminc at ii i in woi kmen te r iciny ag dust the clock this week to lave the hullding ready woi d pdih lltng is lire idy up it ll e front of the church si nrs are be ing built lo the balcony and door frames ate nchl ready for the joors to be hune the woodwork is to be finished in n itural shade underfoot there is the rnigh cement floor littered with work mens equipment however its bcjng tiled this week curpets and fumbstre are to arrive today thursday and be installed just as soon as possible missinc at ihe dedication will be the colored glass tn the win dows which is not here et improbable the men faced with installing ind tuning the urcan don t know which side of lhe fence they ic on they want the church as rcudv as possible lor the service sund iv but for their wink thev hive two pretty improhihle require ments absolute quiet ind tie in atmosphere with no dust their solution work nights j newton back as fire chief acton fire department held their annual election of officers monday evening and returned chief jack newton for another term or office also returned to office was deputy chief mick llolmis mil a capt un bern v in fleet md b c iptain wilf me eat hern sam tennant was ippomltd c captain returned to ofhte as secretiry was phil mtcnstall with johnny krapck handling the roll of trcav urer again this year sunday mornings service of dedication will be followed by luncheon served in the basement by i idles ot lhe church the 115th iry service will be held 11 the evening the congregation had an attrao- ve older printed which has been senl to former members and friends inviting them to attend the booklet includes a historical ketch of lhe congregation namcv or ciders stewards trustees and nioup presidents a short article on the new organ a message from building chairman ajf loojl a message from the mhrtstfr im rev dwtght engel and the order of service for morning and even ing theatre closes end november lost money the silver screen in acton will be blacked out on novem ber 26 roxy manager murray harrison has been informed by the odeon chain the theatre will be closed on that date tha building is owned by mrs greg ory of oakvllle mr harrison says the theatre hns been losing money for two years and almost closed last june after a reprieve the latest and best pictures were shown but the attendance remained scant on week night cm monday tuesday wednes days and thursdays there art on the average from 25 to 35 fa the show from 80 lo 90 percent of the business was done on the weekends with saturday mat inee it tendance running frojn 80 up to 240 what kept it going is the students mr harrison said who is very sorry lo see this form of entertainment lost j the town gucst skajcbt reverend e g stewart past moderator of tha presbyterian church is above m the centra with mrs e c used viceprincipal and e a hansen principal faflowina ihif ccnmencment exercise af acton high school friday evening dr stewart odrnbinecj wit and wisdom m his address which he delivered to large audience in the icnoof audnoriunvi 6

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