Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1960, p. 8

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i th atton fvw 22td 1960 wqirj dont forget to throw out old crusts- for the birds school christmas hollduvs be gin tonight thursday there arc christmas parties and programs in classrooms this week stturdac was vcrv busv nt the ys mens tree lot behind the mca ycstetdas was ihc nmt day ul winter floirir b fat is not icmpenturcs toboppans ire a common sight rum lhai lit ground is cm tied with snuw we ii son know if ihe rot kits i ixjit cak cinivcrcl knocked santa out of oibu sk hing on the pond is ml ing much cnioynicnl tor a numbci of children these davs acton cuicns bind pliscd ctiiistmas anils in front of the mca list night wednesday at ton luins club sponsored htxkcv u im defeated preston tucsda night in the preston arena a father wns iclhnn us the shiitcsi turrit of ihc eir is chnstmis lc from sundown o son up not inueh time to buv thil i hi 1st mis ttve now the y s men s club shll have a few choiec oiks led dtjn i tor pel to dne caiv- fulh d urine ihc chns mis hoii diss mon lh in ever children will be on the sired placmt winners in the bantam hoe ko ifn midc monda night were jnnmv wallace morlev al len di waller and loc zaba ilast weekend ke didnt mat crlallw in the arena you maj have been shivering but it just wasn t cold enough for ice town workmen have been busy hooding a portion of the nice truck fui lee skalirtr a good base has begun to show and ll cold weather continues a splendid sheet of lee is expected this is ihc season of yulelldc isils and house fiuealk and you ma shaa the jo ot your christ mas activities with others bv tele phoning news ot visits 01 visitors to the free press ai 600 an ac ion man s ear w is dam ifccd when it wis involved in a sideswipe accident with a deport nun i ot highwivs truck it crew son s comers saturdas the car owned bv thomas l perkins of 27 mill st aeton received 300 dam age the week before christmas each year the free press eiijos reading little messages of greet ings which come in along with the news items from our most faithful correspondents and of course we add merry christmas to you too the annual chnsimis pageant it he church of the hol trinity toronto has been filmed ind will be shown on cbcs open house- fnday iftcmoon there arc 53 adults and children taking part among them george elliott who is in the choir a car driven be william wit hers 186 mcdonald bled ac fori received 300 damage to ihc grill ind front right fender saturday vhen it slid into a dffch and iruck a telephone pole on high wa 7 neir georgetown the dn ver wis unhurt golden wedding anniversary for mr mrs william burgess on saluidiv december 17 ihc fimik ol mr and mrs william burgess bothered or a famih dinner at the home of i heir dau ghter mrs mary mceachcm to cc it hi j te ihc ir guide n weddinc annietnjr which took place december 21 the bnde s table was centred with a thnx itcrud wedding cake decorated in gold and whit flan ked b gift candles the same color scheme was earned out in the floral decorations the dinner eaten bs candlelight was served b their fcranddaughlc rs the bnde was atured in navi and wore a corsage of vcllou sweetheart roses and the groom osprin6e wore a lovclv gold spraved earna tiun the f amilv t onsists of four sons and lour dauchtcn the couple receiv c d mam beautiful fluial lifts and cards trom inends and rel mes and a purse of monc from the famih mrs burgess was the former annie williams and spent her early years in the shelburne dis trict mr burgess came from lon don england and worked in the mount forest area for a few ears before going to toronto where he was employed b the c pr unnl his retirement nine ears ago since itawng acton district lhe have been rcsidinc at 24 edcchill dnu guclph sttlf photo huron carols was the title of the presentation by room eight during the m z bennett public school christmas con cert monday evening pictured above kneeling is the pr ncess brenda mckeown and the ch ef played by teddy jinks a large crowd of parents attended the presentation held in the robert little school auditorium obituary funeral here monday for c w mcdonald charles wilfrid mcdonld a na tie of tills dislncl whose home was al r r i slreetsille pissed awa fndae december 16 al the cuoksulle south peel hospital after an illness of two day he was 60 veais of jlc a shipper foi cmadian liquid an he retired tn 1957 funeral service i held mon div december 19 it the rumlcv shoemaker luncr i h rtu con dueled bv dr d k puik l sliectsvillc assisted bv the rc a h mckcnic inleinienl w is in concert presentation meetings highlight community news u iiihmi chnsnnas supnerimr and mis k klousln utd i h the hultduvs i conic t 1 the lucil prcvhv i muh mr ml mrs j hn ii ntc an uuieh was held fndav the ueilcs aid held their children ol guclph i ite i i so mm mill a tciud atlcndaike chiistitns mccimc nt he hemic i iv with lite hlui s p uit 1 o mis win micpheison with i iiki mi simhi lwki illendanee i mr and mis win kl i in rev bvinr hwkll niiiisi i i iiuilv win hue txc i i j i l ihc lverlm chinch i chrisl i numlxt i vc ir ll i utsclple called on mcfiilxt nlrhc highway riwmri hv mi his e iiliceuion lis week 1cuilc cooke n v i i i w jihn ailkcn ol wcnlcin inner mi duid slew i hie mtv ixjucumi anil join atlkcn of ihc stcond lii c onianti college c i i dm alii n to- se tsoi s clul 1 m n i u htmc with their pi i rculis i ill il 1 i mi and mis outdon auk n llltw win i i n ix i i i alte pal mtv nc a huiinlitul mipx i li ll p in e 1 w lh ret m ivv k s act ehnti i in sm i s itelpei n th soil ell t meg lc ell- ithlleet p esents hem l well ide tlee make prcacntatkm a ncih ilmn is 1 so n cle t r v ul mis hi k s ml tnnlv v 1 he le ivini ihi nd il ihc a vill 1 mi iu v unii ret lid mn ll ckcs uul itatcl lairvicw cciiieleiv heic pallbe ir lis weie ak medmud jack smdei goidun riddle hudine pncc omie moll 1 1 and david ell lull mr mcdinild wis horn in ls ques nc u c islup in 1900 s tn of william mcdondd ind saiah maijonc gordon in 1927 in ac tun he and he i iimci bliiv lowne vveremained shesurviv cs him as well as three sisters mrs albeit i willi imson streets ille mis penl hammond tor into miss mrcirel medondd sliclsxillc two biuthers a lv n c ns ins albcila and wtl li in j r r 2 aelon a mic music lovei is the man h puis lis c ir in ihc kevhole ivlui he liens a soprano in ihc h v e i skits carols musical numbers highlight baptist christmas party tnllfln h tvtllnflirill illnh a tun 1 in ti 11 z l r r i following a bountiful dinner members of the adult and lunlor sunday classes enjoyed an inter sling christmas tonccit al the 3nplist church pridiiv evening when they singed their annual hrlatmoi party at the conclusion of the dinner trved in ihc chuieh basement films were xhown aflei which kits recitations musical num en and c uol sinuing cntcrlaincd veryone welcome conkrcttatlun rev james a rudd pastor was master of ceremonies fur the cii icrtalnment and introduced the numbers debbie tcduik welcum cd the congregation piior to the program pctlinji under wnv the following comprised the program a reelt illun entitled wsiin mart j away in a manger was gi pupils of mis w gordons eluss the sunday school clasnes of mrs 0 wugncr and miss norma bail he presented u play enlilled chilslmus shnrinu miss rulh landsboioiiuh s d iss look pari in a play entitled sil ver ul ihc second bed which was lulluwed bv nlav the chrislmas slorv niescnlcd bv classes ol colin bill u i ul ms junes rudd charles uinds burougli gin i eoiml sol ic comp until n ihc pi n hv his daughlu ruih pupils id jol i chip s el iss picsinlcd a skil cnlillul hume for thrisimns nfltr whu h sun elay sell mj pupils an i idull hibk el iss combined lo pi iv mil the sloiy ol ihc e in is undo ihc dir mrs robert patterson dies was last member of family mis rube 1 1 pil lei son di maiy lvatctla c irlislc widow of the laic robcit pittcrson pas sed away al ihc home of hei son aldon in lunehuuse un dceetiibci 14 in her 92nd vc ir mrs patterson was born in ob burnc township in ihc county ol huron on december 20 1968 she was ihc dduljitci ol the laic wil hum and mary ann carlisle ind was the last surviving membei ot that family being picdeccised hy her live btothcis durinit her lite iimi she resided in scvetal loe d ities al osborne township shel burne caledon ei in ind ei a tnosa townships ind ie turned trom the the tarm lo aelon in 1943 golden weeiclliik in 1898 she was united in tn ir riage with robeil patlerson in calcdun township in janu uy 1948 they ccjebrated llicir golden wedding annivcrsiry in acton when many tributes were paid them alter her husbands dcalh in april of 1950 mrs patterson resid ed wilh ik i son in limehouse with some lime spent wilh her son wdbur on ihc home i irm tn eiamosi ind with brief visits lo other suns homes from time lo lime in december of 1956 al ihc ate of 88 years she went bv air lo spend ihc winter wilh her s n aithur and his wile in houston texas returninn lo limehouse in april 1957 this trip was the hich light of her later years wjvts life member mrs patterson was a number of knox prcsbvlenan church aelon and was i life member ol ihc women s missionary society which oie nil il ion she w is active in until i few vcars ieo there rein un to moui n her p is sinl six sons their wives eiebt cj indchildien ind iwo licit crandclulclrcn one son died tn wmsfsi mfsbw for your christmas feasting 1 u tn i nks to l ik child i n hold mcctbut the uni people t ihe c hi in i in rel mil church avion i m ttu i ihiinimis mix uni on saiutd v nijlii it ihc home ol vfmttr term bf txmvtf vtc1cttyirtttv i ihe e uudi busineso collccr seivinv ontano i 1 iltv i im i ii lid de vi leicil a unique piiit iilillk nt povulleel ttainuil j hid sluelellt mimns lo avsisl vouile iikli in 1 woimii lei eartxrs in husinesn suiitenis uttciielinl the cnllcke intm vsnii district willi stum tx gradiuttinv a syvrel ine stcimieiaptxis aesxiuiiijittis ami civil tmhk tlx c ilk be rrlcx its i thnuv dumlv to entpliis cis lot intervhevs slltve it itlttxl lumltuhnl v h1 tx liken ilte janorta till ntckkntn vcishn in sun tn time letladuile thit vear ire elkahir agent to inquiix er mhmii then applfe ukins tor rcgmiaiiun b jan 2nd appheatums lor mot hers helper aceommoiuttua in irtum for light sivuts should be submit tpdl before neeemher th 196ft tuition es ma be paid by one of three convenient plans ah inquiries may be directed to mr il it spotton rcfcktnr canada business college toronto untiled 939 st clair avenue west toroalo 10 ontano christmas milk delivery in oftdet to oive out empioyees a weu lakntd chiistmas and new teats houdav tmeuwiuie no delivery sunday december 25 monday december 26 wednesday december 28 nd sunday january 1 monday january 2 wednesday january 4 we thank you for your cooperation and extend to you the compli ments of the season cranberries carrots butter 20 oi cello pkg clover gold 25c 2 for 23c lb 65c emferor grapes chocolate or vanilla fudge 2 lbs for 25c u lb 25c holly 7 oz pkg 89c breakfast gems w a large a medium a small 52c doz 43c doz 40c doz tn have a hne selection of bc delicious apples oranges lemons grapefruit all attractively priced masdes dairy acton jersey limited dairy acton creamery ltd mfmcy the sons ire aldon id limehouse russ id guclph arl hur il llimslun tex is llliult of rr aitun wilbui ul r r 4 rcickwood uul russell or acton twu sisters in law mis wm car lisle ul guelpli nd mis john c 11 lisle ol bulish culumbu also suiwu lilt rhuluneial scimce cc is eunduc led hytfci minislci re andicw mckcnie il the rumtcv shoe maker funcial home on silui d w december 17 the pillbeir eis we e he i six sons ind ihe flower beueis weie the clfcht d indchildien hucimini wis in ihc lanulv plol in kiimicw ccnic ttiv aelon driver bites tongue when car rams tree an aelon disinet man ncailv lost ihc tip of hts turiluc and re eeived a broken nose pud i when his car was wrapped aiuund a tree un the first line a mile wesl of aelon riy manlell rr i w is pi eeedinl alone the in si line when his ear slid on slippcic curve spun oil ihc i mil and hi i the tree bro ulside the c ir w is lulallv wteeked p c willci jonhn of noiili halion opp reported mr mantell nrsoi leillv clamped his teeth onto ins toncmc whei ihc car hil ihe lice almost sc ciing olt the lip he alio recciv ed lacerations no sk hint ul ihc iieiu cl iltni or g fliiinn uid mis ohen during ihe cvemnit rudd led ihc cjroup in carol s inc santa arrivei htthlighl ol the night lor vhintsleis was ihc iiii d sanla lo hind uul mils lo sunday school mt mints 1 indiboroufih s faicwcll d the program r dph oncluel 140 enoy christmas dance at legion hall thti lions clubs teen town christmas dance fitday was vury well attended by about 140 who etijuyed dancing lo the popular music of ihc cunsuls from tor unto the legion hill was dec- ur i ted wilh balloons and slrcarn- cis there wen special dances with lop hit parade records as pnes the new years dance decem ber 30 will feulure iwu bands the biblical becrshcba i i city of 51000 people e l bucijper optomitufst optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 48 mill st e acton wednesdays only olf ce hours 2 00 6 00 p m for appointment phone iis acton compliments of the season to one and all sm bensons luggage slippers shoe care kits snow boots hand bags gift certificates for any amount bensons shoes the friendly store ill st acton ont phoni 4m stock up for he holidaj s v il king size coke in cartons 6cato authorised bomer ol cacecela inder tertrod whft cococot 4il the orangeville bottling works ltd or ont

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