Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1961, p. 1

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sajgsvai riy eighlyslxlh year np 2bj- acton ontario thursday january 5lh 1961 uulf tholn j9a1 council met during their inaugural meeting tuesday evening with all members pro- tent picturedfront row leff tovight are clerktadministralor j mcgeachie reovo j hargravo rwayor j goy and deputy reeve h hinton bac row j newton w melood l duby g bar- beau w denny and f tdth rev a- h wlckenze and reydengal from the acton ministerial association were present for the dedication service i r iriarv the band plays on started brothers on musical career resident has visit from trio monday no vnluc can be placed on youngsters eager to muster ihittianci and lonie ii iirgunim anti- ward of- apprecinlion or a kindly thank you this has been the mollo of charles mason willow street for many many years monday evening- he had liis new year brishtened consider ably when he received a visit from three brothers whom he hud not seen since they wore short pants and with puffed checks blew their hot breath in- tu the mouthpiece of u band in- harold lome and clarence priube kitchener men puid a kpcctal visit to mr mascyi mon day evening t recall childhood tlavs h t tuwnrwlwn4eiicjjuriycyears ji during mr mason first tauyht ihcin to play the horn started in lm back in 1926 when the acton resident look u position with a kitchener firm to supervise the tnaklng or gloves he found time to leach a eroup of anxious artot horn tooting it was not long before more youngsters gath ered and after a short lime mr mason formed hie kitchener boysand girls band among this group were the pi luge boys the monday visit was describ ed by mr mason as the great est thrill of my life he remark ed afterward a reward for doing a good deed has more meaning and knowthg your prcciuied built band up mr mason remained in kilclv that short spaccottime buitr the- band up from a mere hand ful or youths to a sizeable band he recalls the pfluge boys espec ially because of their interest talent and ambition- two of the brothers harold and lome still play in ihe kitchener choirmaster in the united church there the other brother claren ce loots a horn in the waterloo band and all three give mrmas on lull credit lorthcir musical talent they are all married and have families with some ol the younger ones playing musical in- sirumenls the acton musicians interest in youngsters has been a lengthy one and in 1943 started the acton whengiven in terms rilohunks one and in w3 started the acton and knowthfyour efforts are an- v ilul girls band which three years later placed first al th cne and waterloo competiu iun todays acton citizens bantl is comprised ol many of these youngs now giotn men mr mason liimsein holds v musical record hard to defeat and for a number ol years was bandmaster of the acton band arid to this day seldom misses a parade or practice and slill ass ists any youngster anxious to master the art of looting a horn dearrbegins his37thyar this month itichurd man i stints his 37thveur us rocklvood correspondent for the acton free press his clearly typed well in- fornicd hews items arrive each vveok regulurly and tun always he counted un to till an important comer with interesting hems mr harris is termed the dean of correspondents he often comes tu town lo de liver his news items personally iiiul is ttreetedwilh affection by stallihemlwrs an 0ac graduate he lives iildrtc in roclavood and is a well known resident hitspecial hubby is photography juki he is very iulephsfjulteolfcti he brings along numbeitn his black and white or colored sliclefrlor the matt to view ifndevei yiie admires the composition anil subjects caught by the lense i mayor by piihsinu a ji50000 water dorics system extension bylaw ut the mnugural meeting of the i96t cminell tuesday the year got ofr to a flylntf siurlthe by law read twice by the- 1960 couh cil was read a third time by jhe new council after approval had becnreceived from the depart ment ol municipal affairs the byluw allows- the town to enter anmireeinenl with the ontario water resource commission for the completion of the project- it alter the enbmeering work and specifications are prejwetl anil tenders received ihe cost umounis to over the jlsooooan- mass christmas treeburning planned for acton by cofc thousands of chrislinus tree i re expect ed logo up in smoke thursday evening when the acton chamber of commerce stages a monster bontire al lhctlump and distributes doughnuts ancf cof- tee lo spectators this year a new innovation will he introduced as ihe chamber in contunctjnn- with town- council and workmen wilt hold ihe huiilircon ihe east side til the cnr hacks near the dump to mark ihe i2lh night following christinas t uveryune is invited lo attend alula larjte quantity uc dough nuts amlcollce have been ordered tor ihe occasion sliarp al 730 pm a lighted match will he touched in the dried trees ami soon crackling and sparkling branches will he reduced co embers appointment of twp officials at nassagaweya inaugural appointment ol otlicials to var- iihis boards committees and oilier township posts highlighted the inaugural meeting ol nassaga- ivlva twdsjiip ftttnril on mini- march of dimes campaign opens rotarians spark drive inacton fontlw iiit trmc acton will have a maivh ot timcs cafnpaign to assist poliomyeliiics and- the orthopaedic dty disabled in ivhab- ililalion jh campaign will be sponsored lv the avion rotary club anil the will pc assisted by manv lulics ol ihe coniiiuinitv hemline ihe kolaiv campaign is chairman ait cordoii who will ik- assisted hv scveial members in lining up cam assets aiul sparking ihe drive jliti letlgei is fet itiiling yhtii- in in ami is- responsible lor the canvassers and contacts hive been made al jl dune lies md scvcril ollhc lulics irom cuut will lx- sclci ictl lo make house cdk mis j i cdgei has been chosen as ciuyi mauhim mother aiul v tl i he id the ladies ihionehoul ihe camp ten and urge eeionc available in amsi in litis voith- while iuisc januai is miuh ol lijnus moplh in inoie than 20 oniaiio cominunilies co m mill e e s ihrougluiul the province recruit disiiicl caplainsvciiptains recruit marching mothers merchants dis play coin cullccloin i linance ihe work ol the rchabilitlition found ation torj6l the campaign culminates on monday january m when llie makhing mothers call at every home collecting coliij ibutiotts in the one hour mothers march we need oluiueer marching moihcisin acton saitf mrsi-ed- gei and we apxtl to all mo who hac this one hoir lo spate to inei their sei ices o the maich til oiinesv vkelmbiliialioii disabled iidulls ivjconies inoiv successlnl eveiv ear said ml s legei men and wnuun ilisablcd i iiim aiciileuts disease n inherited iniscs are taking an acljw pail in manv phases ol indiisiiv and etuntnene ihe plaivincul ol dis abled woi kvrs in jttbs has reacheil i record lex el ami these handi capped people aie pro ing iheii product i il in compel ilive in dustry ihe uehabililition joiindatioti depends eiiiirck upon xolunlarv coninbuiions loihe marclt ol dimes to pun ide medical and itaining programs loi the disabled and so equip them loi nunc use- lid lives lhete ne manv jobs in ulmh pbcsicd disability ncetl iiot he a lumdicap ctjutinueil mrs leil- ger ixpei iene has shown that the inaitiiity ol tlsatilcd people can bctoiuc gainlulb einploeii in tulei to ouctlhe tosl fil piuijm- ielialilitiiton to this iloxilli cs illslbjltl u lilts loi ll ihe miuh ol dimes hopes lo raise scotio limn the mothers much eanipajlii in iaise ibis niiount ihe likal oinnujtee like the o on leer committees in ihe othet cenltes need nunc vohm leeis h hblwig honorechby workers prior to retiring from cnr day arrcittdont reeve john a milne deputy reeve julihrortertsimurul coun cillor dr b d young charles thomson and bill coulter were sworn into olliee by clerk don tmiitatitintcrrcvr-ftt-pr-er-jef- fares of lowvllle and nassnsu- weva anglican church conducludr u devotional reeve milne was renamed to ihe milloi district hospital board mrs pauline elliott was named township hall caretaker 200 teenagers enjoy dancing over 200 teenagers celebrated nexvyears early friday evening when they danced to the music ot two oi chest ras and enjoyed meitymaktng with noise makers and novelties during the lions club teen town dance in the legion auditorium the large crowd in attendance donned paper hats twirled nuise- makers and broke balloons as thev enjoved one ol the high lights ot ihe dancing season music was supplied by tlic premiers and the consuls and both orchestras kept the dmceis going steadily chaxioiies lor ihe event were i hair man svil lunb and jack dohert v ircd hriggs and jack hlundell all memleis ol- jhe lions club dukcis are itkiklng forward lo iomoiriw ilidav evening when ihe diiialones will supply the music lor another dance 11 natalities 255 accidents in north halfoti 1uuhi clerk dun mcmillan was named building inspeclot and rerfcl of- licer reeve milne and councillor thomson were named to ike ac- ion lire area committee former cmint-tlltr-arehic-tt- service- was renamed to the milton lire area committee and omar van aviis appointed to planning board tor three years while jack robert son was given a one year planning hoar lerm ail township oil icinls wove re appointed the clerk wus given i woo raise and workmen ylveu five cents an hour raise council and employees will be sent to the good roads c in toron to in midfebruary gravel pit licences were renew ed tor cooksvillelaprairie brick dominion tar and chemical and nellie oneill accounts totalling 28859 and a rtad superintend ents voucher lor 24508 were approved ok window coating during final meeting during a special meeting o the acton district high school board thursday december 29 li us tees inspected the newly tinted win ilovvs in ihe gymnasium and found the job highly salislaclorv during the meeting retiring chairman j crcighton anil trus lee m m coles yj re presented with pen and pencil sets facb alsu received a scroll lor their valued service to the boaul acitiuuts iiniornttinpliv j72m- 94 were appioved loi pav inent belore adjoin nmenj al 9 pm superstitious pei sons had better watch out next week it s fridav ihe lllh pidvert he proect will hayeoi r ijuisllon that ihe project be rxsiibmillod lo ihe dtpart- would not affect ihetoal lax inent iif municipal affairv may- rale with the first- payment tlxic or goy pointed oin in answer to in 1962 nfforts arc being made 4 auti- photo acton arena hes been a popular spot this season especially over the holiday period on monday afternoon open skating w h v a w t u 17 i cleared oi halfwaythrough skating are fivepretty young girl front trow left to right are charleno jamos laurene rnnlck ano dianne frank back row are june and joyce rennick lave ihe project uhdertaken under the winter work pro- yrain debenture churfca the annual churges lor prin cipal and interest on he ji5o000 debenture issue will amimnl lo approximately s 14700 it is i licipated these costs will be mcl by increased revenue by vviiyot 1 water- rate increase iind- through ihe possible sale of ad ditional water the byjaw read ingwas passed with the- unan imous support of all members onlv i b passed by council was llie sliiiulhrg br- rowiriu hvlaw recmircd to prv vide funds for opcratjon of the municipalilv until tax revenue is v jxceived the total amount auth orized fur ll was 25o up x100000 ttom the i960 figure- the increase- was fell neceswiry when last years amuunt- sufficient and it had been lice- essary to piss a wrcond bir- rowing bylaw later in ihe year total mhiinl txnrowetl last year was jlftooo dcclurwllon or office first item 61 birslness on the agenda was ihe declaration of office by the members which was administered by clerk j mcgeachie in ihe customary first proceedings members were present from the acton minist erial association rev a h mc- kenie read a passage from scripture followed by prayer by rev dwigljl fngel in his inauguralzaddress lo members ol council mayor goy cautioned members not to look lor or expect anything slaitlinu to happen inl9ai but also pre dicted that 1961 should lie u- year ofmx slcndy economic progr for llwlo m -ac- litrtrw n llotuvctz 5i ml ttr c ue ol prohahly 1500000 he urueit a close vulrjion each dollar- spent lo he certain the ratepay ers gel full value he fell that j uf anv rint ii th the members bcutcd ut iluf oiuncil lublcand prumlked that all information made avatlable continued an paw thrtt reappoint m c smith chairman during public school board meet tiuste m c smith was re- aimointed chairman ot the public school hoard lor another let in dm iug the inaugural meeting tuesdiv evening in ihe riibei t little school following ihe install iliou ol the chair ihttt the following commit- tee vv e appointed lor thevear financechaii inau t wtlson arrd c- w hradlev prokiiv chan maiiil t marks and 1 manning and supplies av benson fngagc caretakers mm ing the briel uieeiing jhe boa id levn gaged cai etaker i viilc at a salarv ol jv600 c ml coll 1wh1 and r anderson as ed new pupils had started stiidie itisimint tai etaker at 000 following ihe holidavs ieoige seiueilee was ie-engag- principal mi kenie icporled ed as aiieudaiue ollieei al a saljoue ol the teachers on the sik av ot jilht pel vear w midtlle- list olkving ail opcralioil he ion vas rehired as m 1et1t v- j last dav ol vt hiol and tioied a ireasiner lor another lei m suppls leather wis handling the appioval was given pritu ipal w i fjmer smith arid principal ci vv mckenzie to purchase lib rary books o he auiounl ot 2m each for their schools the secielarv informeil the b 1a rd they would wind up the year wilh a loinlortable surplus lo start ihe new vear oil school spotless principal smith told ihe boan he was quite pleased wilh the condition ol 1 he- school following the christmas holidavs ami com- ineittklthe cuetakei lor his ex eellenl wurkduiing the childrens socieiv secielarv absence byth principals repott- hdatd tor the use class quite efficiently following a request from rev d fngel to purchase unused blackboatds lor ihe united chur ch sunday scihhii rotiis bojird members agreed ihiit blackboiird tlicatded following the fit c would lie sold to anyone at -1500- eich members weie informed by irt- ttir that insurance commissions had been ilivided among the au dits in town according to agree ment a letter was received from thivscircruv ol the local cumer ilianking the fthe auditor ium for t licit general caiiipaigu meeting accoiiuis totalling- twa vine appioted lor pavtuenf and ihe legtillir meeling dales wete set tor- the lust tuesday ol each mouth al 7u pm vw-c- iw cldlml i hi celebiatmg his osth hutlultv tmlay t ihtusdavt heib llelwig lias 1 little iiiore to celebiite than iuost xople having biitb dav he is olhcialk ivtned fturu the canadian saiional railwiv as height shed opeialni t he will miss tin- shiuhingot height cais as the these engines iniekmio ihe sulmg just as he missed the hrmiii ol ibr steam likmuitive kllowiug bluk and painted stiue it pecttliat obic ts i u acton ate seen hanging horn puny lok- during ing saplings in his viitp doijtj herb he become alarmed lxcause 111 1 jlake plac short linn ihe saplings yvill de calls ihe etop tnio si mug uvbusl trees cn r thanks to herbs sjvcfal miviuies el as well- as mci eased blisme receive ilh ii ihelines ihmstlav eveninkot last wecli ittnking has alleiscd llie tenting uviuibl mxut vvca- ciuiulclabl houoied bv his icllow wot kei s j now with fiev hu k in ld icpicstniaiives ttom vai imis 1 1uuntng tiinspris diieci marcti i lh his 4s veal s nt x lu seen miuv change- l in 1 oli onliug ami ir change honi the ik ami tuin sieant to die the 1 iv li ed pi nu ihe white siiuiki the uiesel iliu hubby llelbie as he is bet jet known to his lellow woikctn and irnn crew will not be iile however he puns 1 hill tin piograiu ttcsiyrimcnting in botanical re- servh sounds cia nit m the laast ahct1v he is piktuc- ing j- special vanelv oljotwatocs ind lettuce and has cttissed x- cral plants and come up with beuutihit luhvers his special gartlnht privlttcetl two ertips hkuanlen and urtvveis are his hobby which he started over m l companies aiu he was presented i one rnni 10 wiihilugc liuvellmg big j able work- ha i speeches weie at a minimum larger height dumig the gathering but con this dors 1 giatulaiions weir plentilul as mr in alton and helwigwas cheered by those piv notetl a noli sent and admired lor a god job business in well done he also received a vamp here ithei c been 1111 di oltices iot applv hi the iciirin cable liu ie ton since lv d andlifrvhvc ac invhaigaled during the north hallon pro be e detachment eight them weie lalal result inp in ileaihs itivriine were injur in mishaps on north haltoii loads accidents giaduallv dccixased horn in jauuuv lt 1 in june a vujlden ihop ikmiitii in march when onlv ii aicments fveie re- iudctl 1 umii he siuninertime r iliev j u leased quickly to 2b in ikuiiinj ihe licaxiest niiiii btr i fatalities was resorded in mav when thiee petiple wrre m voiced inliial aciiilenis opp accidt urport accul dead 2 ills idet ml 111 i ii st lelerani from ihe local chaii umii ol the order ol railroad telegraphers on behalf ol all members siaithtg al the age of 20 june 207 wh the then voting lad was living m neustadt ami lived close by the railroid line- running tiijic north to hanover from neus- tudt he went lo v duiihg his farewell pat t fi 1 div heib piaised his asikiales ftvflhetrcropei jhon and assis tance given hun ihiiing hi 24 rars m acton memories ol his cais with the railtxiad will lv recalled ever will ciirs in ilkcshriny lvciusf mr helwitf lives only a nturws throw yam au and has mfjjily ex- liolgln clerk in 1u22- aud came away tram the station itlll llil milll april liv juk- allkusi 1 sfpiiinlwr vtnlx r novlmulhl dtvllllvt i960 totals ini x ii in 17 l ir 27 35 h f 1 i- 3 hem hhwi0 iqai roight shed opcrdtorrolircd ohiciilylodiv inrj room at- ihe nation where the preionution was held mr thurday and tait week a nurnber ninis fellow workers and hajwig received large travelling bag hie it tn amaleur friends gathered at the station to present hiw wth aqift and bid gardener and delves mlo botanical research which hainlandj lo him farewell the group prtfient are pictured aoove in 1 the wait- 1 do plenty of 7 rrr v i s- r-

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