Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1961, p. 1

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t- tv v f lhtylich year no 29 actonpntario thursftdoc january 1 2lh j i i kmciwai named chairman to head hse acfon district high ichool board during the jnaugurlrrtlnoudayvwlhomemb right- are duncan moffat nasiagawayto repreentatle rev dwlghl engel aclon council epfjolntment e s forcbrcoorttflfappolntnjent icrehiry wrmlddlelonvulcpon public school toard appointment artdc w swackhamer eiqueting appointment aulhorlud nj clx mill v- l ru wlum eight pages seven cents to mason knit a now dye and bfeech hoiian in being trecled atlhe mason knit ting company limited plant this week nnd completion of the tujdiuon in expected within three weelui time the new uddlllon located ill thcireur of the nrcseitl properly will house he bjcuoh dmnn and dye vathuii welruir the boiler und healing secllon one hew dye tint is expected to he added to the ones presently installed tuesday morning cement foot ings were poured andlon alius construction compuny exepecls lo proceed immediately with the cement block walls g mason president uf thi company reported this week ihet new addition will house ahti equipnicjit used for the wet pro cess of making underwear con eenlralion of iheniecwnery in one section wlll eliminate un necessary moisture throughout ttiegeneral plant ares drawings show proposed post office w fteseni space evju board accepts wage scale proposal names e force chairman tuesday two new ywembers joined tlie ranks of lhe acton dlslrct high school boar this year and tues day evening were among the trustees taking lhconth of of- flif durlriu the inaugural mealing in the board room at the high school pnescnt for the meeting were duncan moffat representative from nuksagdwcya council c w swackhamer representative from euijueslny council william own public school board representat ive and e s- force ond rev dwlght engel acton council ap- poiiitecii lo the board namhalrmajf mr force was named chairman forhcycar wiibmrcoon ap pointed his vicechairman com- mitlecs formed during the fncet- ifluwere a follows finance and natiavenmtnt e s force and xt moffat properly w coon trons- norlhtlon u moffat ond c w swackhamer school program nndpuhllcreliiimins rev d- en gel ond e s force reengaged for anolhcr term were caretakers r spiclvogel and k mckinnon attendance officer g spencer lee and secretary- treasurer w middlclon chairman foive while riving ihc financial report turnetl over the reins to his vice chairman w coon and submitted a proposal covering the members of the board and ihc staff for lm in submitling the proposal he indic ated it was not meant ip estab lish a salary or wage policy but designed to allow the board to carry out negotiations schedule ialarlai allowances wages for 1961 board metubera meeting allowance 12 meetings each flmmesiimitogeiitioe n i 1 tlielollmvlnbls ihe submission in its entirely which was adopted by ihc board unanimously 1962 s 500 150000 board sacretarytreaaurer salary per annum business mileage at 10c per mile upprox principals office secretarial services per annum 100000 attendance officer 200 per visit and per annum 501x1 caretakers wages per annum 610000 aclon district high school teaching stuff sulury schedule mill principal f mkh plus school size allowance j1000 per leaching staff member viceprincipal class plus y uiutant principal classplus annual increment principal rtr-ttnrrr- viceprincipal i zz assistant principal teacke claulflcatlon uncurlltkuv 0 certified i certified 2 cerllllcd 1 certified 4 annual increment cumulative sick leave half of unused statutory sick leave maximum experience allowance firsmwu years ajlfjoo next five veals a i 200 maximum teiicher allowance total supply teacher rate per day theactiiii district high school byaifl will piy any leather pcniiancnllv liinn the leadline profession while in the acton district high sihoot board a gratuhv of a 4700 5000 5400 il 100 daw max 9300 140 500 100 500 500 500 max 7w0 8000 hmo 8700 300 601 1000 leave days at ihe salary rale enjoyed at to maximum of 100 days 1600 2000 rclirinp the employ ol ainuilaled sick the time of rciircmcnt up council approves service increase revises town water rate schedules 2800 was added to ihc an tin paled annual revenue of the wal- crworkfi department by the pass- he ol a new wiler bylaw incoiv urutinii u iv vised schedule ul rates the new rates will also increase- the revenue ol the sewer department by an equal amount the two bylaws weiv presented to ll couneil at their second meetiuu t die year mayor ciity pointed out that the increases will hrinii up the rates comparable to the commun ities amunil us and will he en- ualaiul just to 4ll involved he lstsa1d the aim had been to go as easy as osstble iu ihe homeowner charges increased the serviie cluuc has iven increased v per month lot inch water service oitrmn sump tion rate now applies to each consume i whether it is a residen tial commercial or industrial ac count the hill is prepatvd fixim tw tabled the scrwice charge is baseil on the site of the meter installed und the consumption chniye is calculated frop the number ol gallons- used in the peiival table or cliatfct sltowtnif rwntiihltri-lndi- catc the charges which become ctlcclivc tehruary i 1 1ft i service charje i inch serfhtt j ia4 i inch service ms i inch seiviee 320 j4 huh service 375 tj inch service i 5e6 2 inch service 73 3 inch service i0 4 inch service 2746 coamimnttott cosu first sq000 gallonn 35ctierm next i5a000 gillons 28c perm fiver 200000 gallons 20c per m these cliarset arc subject to a service froirt the main to the pro peity line at a cost of j6500 a charge of 7500 lor the installation ol a 5 inch sewer lateral ii the water and sewer lines me installrd in ircommon trench the charge will be s 1 2500 a minimum service bill of service charge plus 600 zallons of water at 35c per m v a double service charge where two lamilles ure served by one meter the second blaw dealt with was the sewer bylaw which was passetl and provides for the in crease ol the sewer rates in -ac- cui dance with the rates ol the water bylaw the rare is an am ount equal to the water hill it is anticipated lhc increase in rates will provide some relief in the deficits incurred lor many years in the water and sewer de partments a change in the community centers bylaw at the park will allow an- application for a pro vincial jrani on the work under taken last winter when the curl- in p rink ihr collapsed only other business completed was ihe rauiinp of permission to hold a lan tlav lanuary 28 jo the sipiirts and pee wee hockey teams six years feotarian traces family tree sparks humor and interest paid by the 20th of the month touowihfiv v lnfttallauon of a vljwvtet 0k years pcrtcct attciulance canil ptesidcut kev at 11 mc- kenie a pen which was awarded to him tuesday evening iluriny die llutaiy club irectiu4j the award was made to the president during the dinner meet- jug ami eyeiaone joined in con tialulahons to their president kotatian mac sprtiwl jave a humoums aiul in teres tinp talk on the snuiwl clan hum 1810 to i9 60 following the dinner mr spr- owl explained how lie became in- hearing many discussions by his hers it was after these talks he became interested enough to wrtte a book since starting ihfe project six 1014 discount if the accotml istvears ago he has travelled to dis tant points in the united states jind to clangour scotland to viiit registry office and talk to older people acquainted with his relat ions other information was gath ered run i family bibles andmaivv enquiries have been made his decision to publishthe book came to him ahout one anil a hall years aeo and presently pihlicaliontias stu el and mr sprowl hopes to have the hound copies ready in the near future already some demand lor the hooks have been received and copies haye been promised to sev eral libraries in llalton county terentod in the ftpwlly tree after- with relatives seeking a copy a well he told the members ab- grandmotner he told tlie mem out 400 copies would be publish ed und available thanktd speaker rourians received many laughs as mr sprowl told hmit hirr ex- neriencex when coriipiling infor mation fur his book he receiv ed a hearty applause from the members at the close of his talk fohowing the oath of office by the members hocretary w middleton led the board in on in- auguru prayer a letter of appreciation wiyi rv c roni the carutaken for their christmas presents from the board und good wishes- for u happy new year it was learned during the meet ing that insurance on the schoul had been renewed with the wes tern insuruncu culnpuny through f dei i wood agency the agent was instructed to divide the com missions aniong local agcnls in the usual manner prices were received from jhe lias lorn blujulng company for ctwting other windows irrthc hchuol urt the same principle as the gymnasium was covered the property committee was inrtrqc- ted to review the area ouncernejcj 4indmukearepoil in ihiv fihure before any decisiorr ht made the nrinclpal and secretary were instructed lo attend a meet ing with the georgetown district school boiird to inifr our prob ems i eluding payment foi coun try students attending cither achtuil jteix tul poticyapprottd z it was decided to adqpt a type- vvriter icntaljjrogrum in place dl purchasing machines yearly ptincipal l a hansen informed he uoatdil would bemurc ccon- mical anil practical to rent the machines a a constant check by company repairmen would ue jnade and eyefy tpyewriler re laced tor a new one everyfivc ears he pointed out that sdnie l the machines presently inuse oad lieen purchased when the school was housed in ihe stone section al the robert utile school property chairium coon re ported to the board lluit during a recent lire drill conducted by the firelighters one classroom hail been lost according to firemen when the shop classroom failed to hear the alarm mr coon poin ted out that no alarm bnzzer was installed in this room but he would investigate and have an alarm buye installed in both the boiler room and shop class the board learned that lire con servatory built by the late anjos mason had been offered to he school lor a greenhouse and jjie principal was instructed to have the science teacher view the structure and see if it would meet requirements meanwhile ihe piopcrty committee will in vestigate approximate costs for installation and erection of the cousir mr mollat transportation hairpan reported everything was running smoothly and the nassagaweya council hud provid ed sand for one of the steephills ravelled by the school bus chairman force and vice-chair- map coon were empowered in have signing power along with the secretary treasurer the -hn-rnl- set mcclihu dates for the first monday of each month at 8 pm y accounts tniallimt 1413 1 1 were approved fsr payment steal money pouch in tuesday breakin h iiiimcv pouch containing cash und cheques uu tolcn tuemlay surocthae w 7j0 am und 645 iu after aide window hd been ndaad aad en try gained ul tile home o rusv ell paltrruin 7charcm street mi patterson tastlhed police the hrtultln had- occurred when he returned hometrom work and constable ron rupert f the ac lon opp detachment lnvullga- led plutw for ih proposed- peduriil piilt office in aclon cume to iiuht thu wtci whon orriciuis received cop leu fur uummunta nlid uuntikll6h the propoi4klsllf lor luii new bulldmjr ik on bower aveiuio und two prurivrllcs will in involved the new building will be one loreywllh bnmmennnd liiculed whcrctlwiihcih slotey glove- shop uhd home occupied by mr und mm kknox mniwu ii u expecledthalfdouble riimr bpacvjof thq presehl office will be rjrpvldcd and pobtnl depurl- ment jand cusom office will hary lie main floor arcn tlie luiliuntrujil iwo ntnln vniriirtcctfffir pulrorik uiul a side entmike fr onlployee the inulu lobby is lohe divided into iwosecllliiis will the main diiyllme business purt locked ul closintt time untl imcilhur portion which wihim jcri open fiir luix- holdeis to pick lib tttiiil niter hours i wlisliliiwn oil ice slorauc bondroom loadinit und unltiidinu tireiis itre included in- ihe phius the eomplele iireu in ihe busc- ment is imliciilcd lor storatte urul mulliiik fucililies an olitslde lei- terdrpp uccominodntes- patrons ufltir normnl hours on ihc west sulu of the build- iliit n driveway is rllanned leildinu to u hpnciouh purkin lot wilh an exit on alice sirccm provisions liave been made- fot- future ail- ditions to ihe hiiilding access fctettntr cuttnrns or the post qllicc can be uaincd uile readily with ihe plansiicthe en lireniilltlink following ihe design of ihe new brampton post office no time announced il is understood that any ulicr ations recommended by local de- parlmcnts must be in the hands of he works department bv jan uary 28 np indication has ixicn sour rttom touchin opp over a thousand christmai trees thurtdayr january 5 are chamber of com- ivmrca president e g tyler sr and mayor jk goy aslheyapplyllghladtorehetalarrje crowdtwredhhe were sorvod cofeo and doughnuts by members of- the chamber it was the first year this program has been undertaken and already thoc of c are planning a program- fornext year awawwuah itlven when work iii the lcmcll tlon of ihe present wildinnh or slarton tlie new post office will lake place h students stage icejcarniyalweelc ice sciilpleriiig interfofm u imcs skatinft und dancing will lealiire the actiai district high school ice carnival week holng sluged this week us students par- licipute in winter sports beginning last week students began fashioning figures out of snow and ice and product inn luui been held ttptluer to ihv cold snap this week competition htih- been held as students played hrnomhull miniis brooms on the ice sii rtiicc pni vldcdz hy tnwn workmen on ihe school profierly equlpmentfor ihc game tiutln for hockey sticks basketball arid u good puir of rubbers trrprovent slipping antl sliding mi the ice tluirsday evening flonltfhu u skating puny has been phdyud hy the slutlenl council for nilry lake and everyone is expected lo lake part bruce andrewtt has been named coordlnalor of the program and is worklngln con- itincl inn wilh ihe student coun cil friday night tjicre will he a dunce at ihe high school und on saturday afternoon tobogganing at the three sisters hills dmlw winner mrs chester allaii rr2i ac- ion was ihc new years first winner in ihe aclon merchants jltcckly tlraw saturday afternoon al ihc post office tind collected mrs allan hud her name drawn from ihc huge drum contalrtthtii ithmisands of conpopsbymrs fcecl kenlncr and j bert wnod- of till local chamber of com merce presented the money lo ihc winrtcr wmwtittmwir am- ttimmmmimtmmm ectators enjoy doughnuts as 1100 christmas trees smoulder over 900 doughmds and 500 cups ol eoltce were cotisumed niter nearly 700 residents watch ed approximately 1100 christ mas trees reduced to smoldering embers during the aclon cham ber of commerce christmas tree burning party thursday evening january 5 citizens wallccd on toot drove in acton lircligliters also provided cars or came by taxi lor the ttrsi yearlychrtstmak trccbtirn ing project undertaken by the chamber kiddies were liaiiled in sleighs und everyone waited anxiously for chamber president e g tyler sr and mayor j h cioy lo touch oil thehatrie that was to make the pile ol trees a raging inferno sky bright soon the sky was lit up lor miles around- the dried bran ches were fed y several pile of newspaper spotted throughout tlie ttvcs the glow from the huge blu7etrude the unrounding air quite warm sitting nearby was one o actons fire trucks and a group or firefighters making certain sparks didnt start a fire other than where it was intended ac- lunhskjorrri amhulnace brig ade was ready with their am- hi lance in ihc event ajineone was injured or bitten by frost music over their pa sysjem sfrve-hefreslinwnu- before the lames were out chamber members were husy setting up tables coffee urns were unloaded from the back of a truck and boes or doughnuts opened to feed the hungry crowd children niv adults alike crowded around the tables eag erly awaiting their turn with a number of children returning time anil time again with only a handful of child ren lelt and the members of the chandier cleaning up the debris firemen poured water from the jhjqgjemipe onto the dying e hers lu make sure sparks didnt lly to near by homes or endanger buildings ptficiaijiofthirc of l prot nounced the event a rebounding succrfw and alrcidy plans arc being made for next year v- mtitxtauiu mr and mrs r warne celebrate 40lh wedding anniversary saf married 40 vears go january 5 in the erin parsonage mr und mrs robert warne 298 peel st saturday observed their anniver sary with heir family and group of friends and relatives the couple both born in erin township lived fur six years on the wurne homestead in the ac ton area before buying their own place at rr 2 acton they lived and tanned there tor 10 years before retiring and moving into town in 1947 a mrv warne die humcr phoebe hilts was born in ballinafad and was always fond of chickens and gardening during their 30 years on the farm mrs warne looked after nearly 600 lien- in one year she recalls planting u peach stone and watching it grow into a maturetree producing lbtiv kels of fruit one year the lirst year of their move to town the couple found it hard lo adapr the m wiv es to the change but now are happy and enjoying good health jn-llieir- retirement we wriiildnt continued on page three ctmcnt k6tin6 were poured on monday for the new i arev pictured above oo the uft gutdlno the cemenflnma the emton- knil plant in acton the new addition truck to the wheelbarrowe and on the left qattijg iady m kimp- mlt houae the dye vts end heatirg ptantf nd lioiler workmen the cement into the form sj

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