j tho aclon f roe pross thursday january 12tv 1v61 h or in hiaiuplon thcyie busy icuyuc elated m aijlig lor mi invasion of mi over ijciudcisvin were- optimist ic ahiii over in hi jrcn isxkr boys ixilwucir llic aes of ighl anil 10 veaiw the event is briimploii linns second annual novice hockey week which opens muich m and iunslrapiil 8 there are inlrh from 48 towns iiritl cities irtitiuiihoiil ont ario maniloha urtil even inc- ironi the united sliiles the louriiuiiuiu is broken up into four elsissiiiaillortk accoul- inn to popiilalhm a for j-ptii- ynunllics over 35000 ri for towns of7101 to mooo c 1001 to 7m0 und d up to 1000 at trn litis an entrv in the c series which includes 11 cliins delhi walkerlon oikrltle acres fcr gun hospoler oriiniievfhc mil- tonmarkliam unlunvillc god aurora tillminhurii anil ingehollr once uuulri the winnipeg cftlu will he making tht irlr from- munuobu while u leum from port huron michigan will represent the united slut- en tcw ol rtic iwjys about the possibilities of an in dustrial hoekev icirjnic asked the caretaker of this column lo say a few words on their beliall so cnuin tcjkis iluie to pel heads together and havea league iulsaauwlllinulodin hie pads and wear the blades a few of us caii i cvcrrplay there js still lime to form a local circuit aloiig the lines of ibe softball leuguc which functioned mi smoothly last summer hav- the same sponsors would he wil ling o enter a leani in fur hoc key anil keep their names in lights would the executive of the yofthitll league be willing to get this thing hurled just a thought millon menhauls of llietnler- mcdialcs shaking a slump which has plagued them through the hirly part ofthe season proved theyre a dtilcrcnt team now when th leuguc ictt dihg bradfortl last weekend nick terris charges dropped an overtime ibriller on friday nigh on their o bail b 65 saturday iwiwevci they wal- mopcdthc funis 84 rigid on their own stamping grtiuntls brmlford still occupies llic- ton snot in tlie soven teuni leu ktte with hlnctwiris tour losses und three lies while george town is breathing down their heckswllli nine wins five de- fouls ami one- leiultnck oiik vlucbrlngs tip fourth place with is points while milton arc in flflh with 12 officials of i juvenile entry le i ions aclons n the tricuuiitv their vi win last iughl 1 the teams chalices in ihil playoffs manager urntc marks fell the vleam had laced the powerhouse of llic league many of them a major clubs in ihe early stages of ihe schedule anil now theyre meeling icamsoflheir own class- iliciilioii fleseler is ihe lean we will have trouble wllh he said georgetown and milton wi can liejit the lions nfeel prestoii jiere on monday night preston is also an a club but thu acton learn nas chalked up a win ovcrhiciii iasl nights victory was a tri bute lo ihe acton ilclense coach lcn bayliss has molded the blue uncis lulo an eiloclive unit anil hey broke uiiinanyfjeorgetohvil plays willi efleeiivecrvecking a few bone crushing body jolts the manager of the george town team apologized to acton officials ufler the game for he actions of some or his players us the game drew to u close tlie referees handed out three misconducts for uhuslvc lun- guage and tlte georgetown riclul ultjtfsuled it to youthrul tetnpers 1 beat bits lor xtmnu 1anatlanigiil in millon ihelocal merchants are meeling niagara lulls flvcii-ol- ibe juniui- a cir cuit in an exhibition 1500 tree tickets are being given to school chilifren for the event ami although it isnt unlil icbruary i officials are reporlcil worried whether llic arena will hold all who will iillend kevin flail of ihe acton businessmens- pee wee team sniped his i2lh goal in live cames oh saturday in brampton three hundred fans were onhand lo witness the double bill bet ween the sijuirts anil pee wees i juvenile toumey slated for milton m april is expecting 24 entries r7jrmnuricc rookim kichartl prilled a neat one the plher llighl in a tv panel show when asked his opinioji ol staf ford siivyllics controversial opin ions on education the moder ator when told ihe ilockel agre ed with smvtfics senlimeuls on developing ihe body asked at leose of ihe min le ttockel replied no at tft pense of the governixient iticharil is a strong advocate of physical jilncss programs citing examples jm his trip locomnuin- istvoiiiin ies as prool of llieir worth hills around hero dont have tniilc enough snow for ski c4thusiaslmjuicvejal ii m iln- hills arountj ruigeville on ihe vcekencfs v new records al acuin arena or are thev the- same as lasl years skalinunighl lots ol rlnlbm in lleni what ever happened lo cruisinglown th kimr vear out i w null photn acton so01rts hockey toam aro pctured diring a practice danny harkley bock row casey harkley ronnie johnson john session at acton arena tfut past wepk the youngsters are mason allan mckenzie ramsey hay john dowding brian managed and coached by walter kowall and kon mkay front dunn and gordic lawdncew kowall and k mckay arc shown rcrwrmef to right isa aaclgi i jolthebackgcound marskall mark kowall bobby andrews petor martingale and v- iji7i georgetown frustrated ttotir challclp31 wfii ron miilculm wili pi ytiu uiul uit iissisl sparked ac- uiii ijons id a 31 vcilury over i learn ol ilisyrunlilcl gcorycunvn juveniles in a cticmiiily conlesi last- njglit wednesday in aeton arena the lions playing a jtiyyed brand or hockey lolled life visit ors with iheir t lore- cheeking whenthey did break ihrouyh on the nel georgetown found john lcathcrlaiul a lotiyh nul to craek prustralioi ictt to hard words and near ihe games end three ol the visitors were cooled otil with misconduct penal lies acton one up ron mellon nul aeton in ihe lead in thelirst period when he completed a play with ron- mal- m- tm d lhttryphtl 1 iphrgt 14x1 town went scoreless the lions chalked up a 20 lead in the lirsi minute til play in the second stanza on a uoalby malcolm with phillips again as sisting georgetown spoiled leather- land aid loii stuilmil al the 216 mark ol the ijiird chapter when duons shot to ihe uir cor ner cauytit john on the short side the visitors put on ihe pres sure in an attempt 10 deadlock ihe count and missed several to new york jet flight cash for winaer at lions clubs ice carnival the regular dinner meeling ol ihe aeton lions club held at the svtaliou motel monday evening was attended by almost- thuj lull membership o the club alter an enjoyable meal dui ing which lion turn ironside ihe clubs tailtwisilt levied lines on ihe membership lot all -miru- oldubiuusieahuils niem leis eugigeil in 1 very interest ing business session t squirts supported by acton businesses whenaclun sqtmu skated out wtlh tcr new sweateis hel mots and other paraphernalia recently they bad quite a uw ol ibe humiirssnien titmi this du tiiel behind them donating to their equipment bind wete the 1 olio wing mccallutn srice station ac ion tarn suppb thttmpson mo tors ten pro distributors al ton motors acton vvirdcial is mcmullen window sales piojixc motors hp set vice station hill toth shell service station grant motors wlmthains guiagc j bert wtuul insurance lovell uuis meat market minpin i- 1 eetfie aett7n1lme iiu nislnngs pauls mens and uos wear ymon hanlwaie hipis orug store g01 dons maidwaie bensons shoe manuii kes auiant j ridlev cartage gis cm uge canadian liiv coiptr- 1 a i ion station hotel toth shoe reiuii a ihul n supcuoarkei li dion miau iliittnns 5c 51 sloif tylers transivort xvit- volfi is dmiiy dir uilnamav 1ut los wear uaior umg acton drv cleaners dominitvi hotel acton boanit twines aclon crpmcn custom cleanei v trank toth shell srice slat ion ledgers iuuu- rachlin jewllers benton grtxoiics lit tle moiow aclon jrey dairy mullen dlry roys ciectric actott buhrdx 1 dlscnnjiime bingos l was decided to discontinue the regular bingo games so that membein could give lull suppoi 1 to the teen town dances and other planned activ iliei plans were completed i or an ice carniv al lobe staged nnn liv evening ichiuarv 2 this will be held in the aclon aiena aiul will consist ol 1 eoniplelc ice show in the gall figure skating club a ti iple eojjilv show and a show by local ligure skating stars die skating will be lolloweil bv a luckev game slaitiu the aclon lions juvenile club in- a tiicounlv hockey league game jet flight in con jiinction with this carn ival the lions will lie staging a draw the prize beini a leluiu jet might to new york phis s1 spending monev i or two people all ptocccds1 mmu the- cai niv a i and the draw will be donated lo the icind lor prov iiling ai tilicial ice in aclon club jnenibers weie allocated duties tor assisting in prcpai ations lor the carnival it wit announced that the next teen tovvn dance would be held on jrrhuarv 20 good chances iloveevtr ron malcolm was put in lie clearfy- bill dawkins and pete iiwsoii near ihe end ol the period and he slapped home a hard shot irom directly in i front ol the net tor the insurance goal both teams missed good chj tri ces through the game especially ihe aclon club next home game for the lions is here on monday nighl when they plitvhost ij preston game lime is 845 mrs period tt mellon malcolm phil- lips ln55 pens see let harvey second period a malcolm phillips pens malcolm fcrgiimii mann llarvev j- thlrd period g duon ferguson a malcolm dawkins lin dsay pens mellon lindsay u2 mo 246 1 80 nor- bants drpp two lnteague play- ion wheeler misc misc ferguson nn norton sc meet georgetown friday midgets lose three games isertntitjctl ttitatttf lu orangeville aclon team is still improv ine eveiy lime out and bill buchanan and emerson baxter are rnxdicl ing a win rhis friday night when the locals meet georgetown here oakvilte took the initiative early in their home game al mil ton and chalked up a km victory sheldon blow scored all lout ol tlie aclon oals with mervvn marshall gctline two assists and gordic mason and km johnson appealing in the brackets once apiece in the retun game in alton on as theii contribution lo thcilts- mal shovung ol actons minor hockey teams ihtjrwcek lhebiin- tams lost a 02 decision to gcorgclown here- friday night and anether lomutonby 1 2 2 on tuestlay thtee rnafnr- penalties were handed out on friday night two ol theih lo ihe visitors mervvn marshall and- ruddy holmes scored the aeton mark ers while m wheeler r lane ami a blair wilb fvo apiece and m cummins b bennimd r prcsswtiod with one eaytt- ae- counicd lor the georgetown goals j tv squirts peewees impressive in weekend tilts the brampltn ah star pee wee und squirt team played host lo the aclon business mens group o saturday before a itnge gathering al bramjilon arena the flower townbovs imik both ehdsof the double bill from ihe locals 20 for the squirts and m for tin piit wues the kiipcrh goal tending oh by mark kowall kept the suitji is very much in ihe ganie unlil he final bel ikl x4 i t f any luck a i all urounu the- brampton miet ihe tbcals coultl have emerged with- a win or iu leal a lie bohlvy- turkok sparked the acton ollen- ce in ihe pee wee fixture kevin hal i scored for aclon assist ed by a fine play i joni barry iilliolt lo avert a shutout the score was no indicarton of the play as the locals looked right al home with the star stud ded brampton team hul the ptil- ixh around he net of he hosts proved tio much lor the acton kids thc brampton coaches and fans sang the praises of the ac ton boys for their effort ken mckay and walter kuw ait feel he stiff competition lire hoyv are having is beginning to improve the locals considerably the nexf home raines will be wednesday january 18th al 610 pm against the same two bram pton- teams rickv henderson ol the lcals and bill reed ol ihe visitors lock- rrtrjll it llstic duel and ulti ma jor penalties for swimmers tests passed in gvelph the following tests were sue cessfully completed during hie mouths of november und deceni- tver at the guclph y pool by mem bers of ihe aclon water ys swiuinimu cltdi prebeglnnei s certificate jcan- eite milne barrv duchanan john reid pirst slat jim jennings second star sandra biina jim jennings third star anil crest pat ithiu- dell sandra bi hiavlitida steven- soil- harvey taylor r- fiftu- star and cresl jim brunn bill reed carl weir the ctub christmas paity jtfas hettl optvcemhcr 18h and a unge anil vociferous crowd-eum- poseikcilhoth sections ot the clu enjoyed ah evenihgrol christmas water gamei tnchiduiu egg-and- spoon jthriloias shopping races for beyinners inlennedlwles mvi advanced swimmers iiiul u yule log race or advanced swimmei s aiufttle savers in which the rest of ihe club joined enthusiaslicallv as lively bushes tn iinpedc ihe elforls of the lifesaveis to bring hottie ihe log jim bucklaiul is the senior in structor lor the club sure lire combination small child and one match iwardcd iheir elforls hrfcholdeff optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas si guelph phone taylor 27150 1 -r- eil 10 goafs while tlie loenls net- leil otdy two i rum the sticks of brian sproslou and ruddy holmes tuescl iv nighl this week the ac ton mini jouriievcd lo orange- die and camcoul on tin wrong end of ail 8 1 tininl tvspite the goals registered against him joe massev plaveil a tjne game in thel nets lor the acton club speers notched three ol the ran seville eoals vv ith vvalsoni diuidson marshall dermou and woods s 01 ing i he other count- eis b ian sprosiun haed tin franklin pr0use motors ltd 1961 bargain sale 5 mull is hi continues for this week see us now for that spocrals jiijs 55 lcnxl slaiim vviin 55 pcnliji 4 trsc atil uul i ulitt 58 piiniiiu stialu 2 lr 57 plniniulh 2 drllr 56 plymiiiilh slnwn v8 i it ml aluhi marker harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwoop 24- hour sarvico 5fi ruiik 4ilkir hardlijp j uili latlin 5sh mitin 2 pi sfilan 5o punliac sitliii j so punliac tmliii- m 55 miiin 2 dr- am k-iili- f5oiclmiinhik- 88 sitlair 5s in siilin j 55 cnv sljui j pontiic-bpiclc-vsuxhall- 54n6soio pliciltiuii 1m5 am ps pb ifc5r54 chciti sedan 1095 53 cliev bel air 2 di s g95 aulonialie ratlin 51 plvmnilih sedan jii95 51 find sedan j 995 51 ptmliae setlan one 53 chev bttaiie i 51 piniliae 2dr ii i 51 punliac sedan 52 pontine sedan anlu- 895 malic ami radio s 995 51 austin 595 51 punliac j 995 i 795 j 695 j 695 j 525 s 575 j 495 j 595 i 595 i 495 j 895 51 gmc 195 125 150 125 lilmian open evenings phone 16 i milton arena thursday jan 12 j figure skating 4to in 6w- pni- industrial league hockhy twogsmes siariinti 8 pan clen wllllimii vs piii ilurllllglnn vs lliinis ffidsy jsn 13 int a hockey port credit vs milton 84j pm j5fifry jan 14 public skating 2 lo 4 pm 8 to 10 p monday jantfi minor hockey night tuaiday jan17 figure skating 4j0li iui pm junior farmer hockey 2 games starling at 8 pm wednesday jan 18 adult pre school skating 2 lo 4 pm public skating 8 ujl pan jack ridley cartage lirnilod concrete blocks cinder blocks- sand livestock and fertilizer concrete brick 3 clay brick stone farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv cuts fs vf fully iniured phone 251 acton 1 l vev j skate exchange trade in your qldskates for new gordon hardware limited mill st aclon phone 76 reasonable trade in allowance worlps hrt3t fuel deuvery the first nnn who pieknl up a imriuiip lappit utnl t arrierl it into ins eat whs niakint ii tlolivcrv uf fuel a hit itnrv- lialilr ptrliap- init il a u bltp in tlie right tliiteiion nltthllhf taktll iiimhv tllr ftirwunl since tluii ine ul tjn- ffriiiusi nis when he leaniytl to ue oil because oil product- lue been in i le amlrthle at reft- solialit putt c ertjitmt- in cimaila oil lnit inoiitliaii lidt our home- and speaking ol reasoiialle priccs mt ihe pii itl eai tlie price -liitpcriid- rivivi- for lioino heal llic oil llill risen far ics thairiht- ot of other llnncs only onelhilil n- much hi the general cost of in uir imperial oiu limited ilor 80yciis canals leading supplier ol energy 7 just two thincjs hold home trade at home with modern transportation no merchant can sit bacand think of any one customer as jm two things and only two bring home town buying to home town stores first it is well selected merchandise of good quality sbcond it is lotting tho potential buyer know about the goods by moans of attractive advertising the basic advertising medium is your home town imiwsfaper y teu and sell through the acton free plr t t i 1 im i m d m m- laifiia j