Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1961, p. 2

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tist orftree trimming i think that i shall never in a poem lovely a 1re l and with that thought in mind we ap proach the tublect of tree and tree trim i m mlng it seems unfortunate- that periodically someone finds ii necmtary to attack the various tfttiathar previous getieratfonihave teen fit to plant along our urban streets there are a number of reason given for the attack hydro crews and telephone people seem tolaunch the attack most often as they clear the way for wires to feed po- tw or tbmmunlcalion to bur bustling pro gresslve world periodically the attack comes in an effort to remove dead limbs or 10 thin the tree or a variety of other reasons acton lfortunate in having a number of ire lined streets true tome of the varieties planted were not the best but there are many sturdy maplet end tome of the recent trim mlng hat loft something to be desired in general appetrance ugly limbs left protrud ing from the trunk were levered well away from the main core of the tree and nw remain only at a stark reminder of what was once a more irnpresslve limb the introduction the chain saw hat spec the work considerably and it is un doubtedly difficult in this day bf speed jlo regard the aesthetics of a ilea s appearance very long we reallethe necest1tyjl tree trimming but at long as wp regard trees simply interference ftjay will never be maintained at fvhlng of beauty neither will more be planted the only tree plantings we cn remem ber lately are at historic events or on mem orable cccatlons surelythlt task of replace rneul is an incumbent upon this generation as the tatk of constant trimming and re moval haltoris top spot congratulations to aik phillips on being named warden of helton county for lo appointment of a warden in halton each yearls an interesting and significant event the position carries with itia grea deal of prestige es the head of ontario t second wealthiest county in terms of assessment the ob ofa warden goes far bftyond the routine conduct ot affairs at the monthly meetingifof eoonly council there are a great many committee meetings j well as numberless civic occasions which the war den ii expected to attend mr phillips the reeve of trafalgar town ship for four terms is no ttranger to munic ipal politics with earlier service in 1941 and 142 and then continuously since 1953 as the head of the bustling lownthip of trfal gar ha is undoubtedly familiar with the growth in the south and the problems attendant to such growth it is thit same growth that is being more and more keenly fell at the county level from a population of about 40 000 in 1951 to a population today of 1 1 1000 the county hat set a remarkable growth rale this 1s the rate thai makes the new county facilities important and necestary i another rrtaiqr issue faces the county this year wilh the long mooted amalgamation of trafalgar and oakville due for some tettl ment just how this maor step will affect the county administrative tlructure it hard to predict certainly it will be necessary to establish a more equitable county voting power than now is possible r from his position at warden roeve alex phillips will have a busy year overseeing the county s activities we wish him every success in charting with members of county council a strong and vigorous future for halton county the gpod old days 50 years ago 20 years ago taken irpirt tha fame of tlie irto fr t ian ihi rtttlii luiuinriiiivii ikiii iiimp idtcuv im tin- niiiiilutliii uf thi ailon rurul hutkuy luimuti mill iihvutlv our iun hiivi in in vnluitil iiuiuvi mill momluvy haw ihuh iluihun fin uuim illhlk iitiil lliu in oil lointra to inoiiow lunjnu win n i in linn limn mill inliiiil in tin uliui t lhi m lliiiiilinoii winter elf supat utd sfotee new life for old houses one of the proposal ottawa is exwnn ing is establishment of a new mortgage thgfmanejalpqi l so far what kind of bank the federal officials have in mind isn t cleei if just another mortgage lender which cbumhsv ings to finance its mortgage opeytljjrtfa some have suggested it looks like a dubious proposition indeed there areots of those already if however the intention is so set up an institution to promote secondary market for mortgages or to develop a better lend ing facility for old houses this could be a real step forward a maior drawback in ihe mortgage field has been the poor marketability coexisting mortgages if you own a stock or al5ond it s easy to find a buyer at a price set in active trading among many investors there s no such market in mortgages however end lenden tend to be more cautious about tak ing on new commitments because mey know they can t readily dispose of mort gages to other investors an institution thai to bu rnohoagosoxljflrqe scale and then either sell them or securities backed- by i the mortgages would make this very sound- form of investment much more marketable and attractive i lmsroved lending arrangements for old houses tts a much greater problem some kind of government guarantee or ajendets pooling of the risks for secorid mortgages might be the answer here as it is now a homeowner who has sell his house several years after it was built may rfmd it almost impossible to find a buyer with a large enough down payment new house building gets lots- of help already what s needed is a better chnate for mortgages on old houses to help cut down some of the high second mortgage rates and for trading in existing mortgages to attract more lenders ah u isn i ih tl i imih loiii sn ip ut h nl hun duln i il him m iki iiu ltd ifixiil tn ht aim welti i mf nl til ou uhl a lull hltimlnl c in nil in pul tit hit h ml imu i tint til tun tiimii mil mil oiu dl thiist iimltltuns ulu iim nv iv down in pi ttts like mjiitlilin oih iilti mil vtikutimt luttf scuiil kni uliii in hiinnljhti lii hi snou hiitks tikt hm ulm kiip pit it luhni i hi a u it il tan ul lit spoil i iuiik xlslt 111 st ll sillllt il ililst mutittin i skiinus iiim sliphil so i ii liniu llu ii hit il lit r 1 1 iyt ih it ui u n not lot sopu ot olll i 111 nil 111 wllltls hkt i ukv mow il iluv il pio i lhl llllllk lilt ut it ii imml- i hill 1 1 111 t tlilll t ii in uul l il my si jt t il liu til and im msli ul ol hluhlui no ui t in l hilp llns ut ik la 1 1 1111 111 olll sllltlu ii ll 1111 ll hind i i i n 1 1 it hi h is i one set of laws a hungarian born naturalized canadian citizen named john pali has been much in the newsrecently because of his professed luppor for the nazi political philosophy from more than one source ha come the suggestion that because he has publicly en pounded such views pall should be booted out of canada but when immigration minn ter ellen fairclough was asked in the house of -common- whether her department was considering revocation of pall s citizenship status she made this reply unless there are grounds for revocation of that citizen ship he of course retains his canadian citi zenship and such punishment as he may de serve by reason of his activities may be met ed out to him ust in the same way as it would be meted out to any other canadian ctt jen john palipoitcel activities this past fsll certainly would win him rjio popularity contest in october he appeared on a cbc television program and claimed jrhat he was one of about 600 nazis in canada he went on to say that most of them were hungar tans a suggestion that brought denials and denunciations from spokesmen for that group in november pall travelled to wash mgton d c and became a member of the us nazi party within a few days he had resided that membership and had been de ported to canada officially for a failure to maintain his visitors status back in toronto a contrite pall told newsmen that i e was through with politics for good that he is a catholic and opposed to the persecution of jews although he st 11 thought the nazis had shown themselves the most effective barrier to communism he added that his one wish was to be a simple canadian citizen pall w or perhaps former political views attfloi popular here but it is still a free country and he is still a canad tan citizen as immigration minister fair dough noted if he engages in illegal act v t les the re are legal penalties but the law must be applied alike to naturaoed and nativeborn caoadiahi therecan be only one set of laws not one set for the native born canadian citizen and another set foi the naturalized canadian citizen wf i wus 4ii iuijjnlo list wtikiiul uul i till hkt i hud hltun ttniiiiioii hoin llu pio ititis mhihhu ronit in tin miiltllt of nuns iiitii ou knuu sonu thing j tiilv duln t h it oiu lousv itttk im h of slush it i limit m snou oiiil h lulls jujou il u is uin lu ixttjl lot i wind hlouinj tip tlu t lltlclt t immiiin ih it uould nil llu iihills oul ot mm it isn l ih it i i n llitsc ptopu o ll ill alltl ill t 1 1 toiinti his ik ilit ultra tt tit 1 1 s ulu u iim thost ol us ptopli will h im lost tli il louh inmi tihit mil uho iiim bt t omi sol i anil luxur lov uit i til uul his chini tht i hi on j tht south toist in jul thtn lluit iii sonu dis so hul miu hjvn to i iki oil mini lutnl 1 u kt i soiju ol llu m h im hi tonic s dillltl lit llu ii pin mi biihuij mitt mil uin iilit into jlu l nlish chinnti nht up lo llu ii knits f t n tht f skim os h it this 1 1 ou hit sunn ol hi ii ptoplc li ivi lost i hi old v ihus ih littt u i ol lilt uul h in ihoui ii iht sou i he in limits ol i ski 1u i uul unkini i in nt o ill things uul t iiini slult oul ol t ins usi likt i he list ol us tlus ilon t snm tti rt ilit tins h im losi thir old mitgrils jiui diniu the siulf ihil m ult i iuli ho 1 ihh sn hi suit i hok in llu ui ln iim il is svaiiinj h vrn cliriil i niiisi iittt filt llu si svh ii ilts who mint ndoltnils ihoui in llu h ilniy liuus ol oin tounlivs ditp mhllll sthtit lliu itinpti hint is ol it n iu i up in thu 20s nol lii4iunion l lie- tuulout tintidis uul pronv sviih ui mijli inomv sho slip iu is lo i tui uu uul c iltloi in i tht ininuii vtuitti t ills ik fti si thill tli ilftnut it isn t llu f ut ih il ssi h in tlusc p u ism s lli 1 1 jt is mi 1 1 iluir itiiiudi iluv it ill urjp pull up iii liltinsilms uul tuil i ttii iiiiuiitls initrtsitd m uh u lilt m tihir u is hkt this morn nij stlu u sou itlt tht not ih t mntrs uhit j rouh irip doun sou h id lhrotijh tht hhv ird uul lit rili ih it sou ii piohihlv iiis er m ikt it horni lonijihi yt must h im bttn hid tins t irnuknl inililltitiuls ilun siili l dkinj ihout ii it sisioii it s fnilun ut ih il in tlu it d lu ul ol tlu tounlis iitiil in lit uiltiioi thtit iu pltniv ol us li iht old hrttd ih i llu jo il ild c iu idi in i iti lo t iti looks il siju iu in iht oi uul i dks ih ml it li ii kssh uul in i s s tntk v im of ihis lollmit iljwiit in hi iitdstihu is ti mis loi us wi jl i ui iii i si ii i uu t us and hs n iii lluits noihinj tli it u ill tt t i in tn s uijtnuiis in i h ui i d skill mil s x ihul us like si u linj iht d uul du i iht uh u un his divnl htluv i irbsr3wc rzkxxmr by bill smiley to ou inlihi mint s nolhinu likt ih it phiiiiniit ul dispute ulun slu pisi soil ol jjioius i toilpli ill liuus mil jiim s di id noi is t lie j t invlhiujf liki llul ssild mji ui ul lv ulun you iiv ii i oiu i isl tutu uul slu ioujiis in lo siiuiyul iltd lilt lluit s nont ol this nimtiiiu u on nil in toe jiihhtis lot us i lu only tuiii myhoily iu iht jui it uiltiioi ui us in nib lu i s is lo llu nuv yl ii s i m d nut uul svt li lost tllllll llni nijlu ki si ol iht hint ut ui ii hit uhtu i hoots in tht km i 1 1 oust is tut kt cl llllo taken from ihe uaue of ihe free rreetf thursday jen i iu at ion will rwtilrw 2 new houtsc ft uttohimmlutei ihe growth lor ihu piewnl vi f biuy tupllulutu utul hullder tovi hviwteh cunitlnhltt i w umk und w ii deflnym yonitu ki u usuitu low iuhlxji 111 7 ownfr will uppiuthdo ll hunu fijfe a iht vita hw olfktiv j white pluyhiiluitkoy ul mlllon jvutui uirtic smm nmvil buttmluy mghi jhirt clui k iwiu mimuiclih ml uoiuiliiivri ihu nufortiinu lo hnvo hk iluhi ihumb split hvn jpmiiu nfiv oti hi i cu thu lnury wuu minor upd ultuf fuutnunl ht tolln iwd to pluy injiil uimiit whllu ruimlnu u ihtului wuml uuw ul smvwidi on mnmlttv fotu noon mt junuii stoll uf hit third lint hud thu pi infill hint an re i thef riui llnuitr ol hu left und tuliuhi by oif tuw ihu null sva turn off uud xho flrnt joint pulnfully luitiulid ori mondtiy mi titoiua siilii of lotonio vulltnu ut thu lumn onun aichle mnntv on clrtiuh s lift i yast lui littlt loot ytui old won j dow ol nitdfiim ihinkinu il wsih iivuih ii puis a to hu u pitputaliun ol nios hui oil hiiuiiiiftih di iwnil wns ilium diiiu iv hinl loi ik udininistlilii untiin ami nnlidoltk uhkli wtu itltcikt in nvliiiny any sniour mulls mr roihii mtlln hioinilk u iitonl hrtuklnu load uf lliu m ipli lojjs lo town on ihuthduv hom i a tfwtrnmlrtilhi lot m im llu load hiouuhl lo tht i u million nit ihiiitd i wm lui ind wituhid iih2s pouuik mi m k ih v s u mi i in uw iv on main sintl it fuhin ylsiti d iv upstllluu linn iioiii llu sli ijjh llu li im wis i injilii i if 1 1 on llu hill al mi w ii iw i hoi iu s mi k il y mtivtd i slinking iifi hot suftc nil no til tlhtis lioni tlu iiiiiihlt lh sit ml i v is d im ijit d sliuljjy hul ss is in toiulitioii to hi sik rijht tuny not in ui mi i tod w is t host n is thul ol llu hit hrijidt diiiinu llu mmi il nut liny mond iv uttfhl di ii a dm li tin iuw si t ii i ii v u id soju i llu litis tut i ill alt iunlv ol inhium ikih hi t n spaikfd hv iht playutu ami i latjjt nowiljbljptiuii la lol imv hi itaiuvj uanu w ihitvluioilu mikslon llun held rhtli january niiillliy in knov iustiwttlmi uiurili int ihuikdav und i it iidui mis m mulnpiiif uindiumid iht in puliation wervltx whun jinu kiimlty uiu thiihtm is ilu ii u iiiubldtnl ouilnu iht lull hoaiil iihiiiiik wudhtulav in on luii h ill mat hyinuii wuk ihoii pijil tjil o htiumtu oijjaui lion hu tin vi ai a spttiitlld itpuil i llu p iht ytat was yivm ui i nfiiih loi ilu toinmjf i iii wui dlst in hi d i in y m a lias luin in i ivt hun nils wjnltiiiuij iihijii vuiimutl i ail tnioyuik tin i i ililks imiivldiil lilt i ml i i tinny duiuts an ttiviii ijuin lliu 1 1 hiniij anil i ihl u tu ij l1 luinniit svan pusiul tu its in lussts luui twpamltd hhimii ihly iiiuiitu liihi o tlu i i hi uul i vi t y u ol n ill ilil illipilli iii is jssid into s i mi tot llu st oi fusions olumlj lilt tollllt ll mu llllj iii i sd iy rvi nine i nu inlu i s stnitk i i in i ik iiiioumiiiij i i m nulls i ist st m i oi u is 4tv millh lomuil itiiivid in lot million iioiii t u i k tn suit i c i i i mhi il ind lu uould lu tin llllt lo killlllllu iii llli t ip 1 hv ol l ll ik t i hum i hill smjjjlskl llu oflitt hi split inlo tun div isioiis mil lu uould lontinuu is tliik il tountll uislud luui i i ih sum 1 st i i k i i iso loi fiis diitus uul in ut i mm i sikiry lit st i ii j2s0 oim tl itii i d with this ui iiijl iiuul uul mpttsstd l lit ii ippm i ition lo mi i t miu il md i it ins st i uns in llu p isl t prqfessionaudirectqry- and travellers guide i hem in hin i ulu r il ishniu i lsfi mfdical riinftiai mttmcroju iinii dodging bound the district by roy downs inn n the acton free press ttrtihihtj by itw dub istehttt and kibliaitbbj cou4- founded in 1875 and published every thursday at 59 willow si ac on ontario member of the audit bureau itf circulationi tht cwna and ihe ontarvoouebec division of the c wjja advertudng rates on request subicrlptiont payable in a moo in cantrfawoo in the united states til months ii 75 unale copiei 7c authortted at second clau uail post office depart ment ottawa tha only papar war pubuthtd la acton g a wllt editor inchiel daid r dills mtnasing editor business and editorial offtct phone 60 0 acton pup imiuiit ul i ti s h is hti i p iu i u mihjtt i inn n iniiiu pa t iinuils in tht dislrut lilts u n hul m ijil vs n i uiv t miu up with tlu most nostl idt i 1 i i i i u hj in in in iiifni il uldtxss huiittl lhat i svitiii ol in mils i i 11 t dm it p sun lis t lust iu c inada nu ht ail pud hs t i ut il oth t 1 i u r pi- paajiuuts ait uiamplon oi uii ilu jiul mdion trafalgar litjis stisut oil iniuiun ul pi ui i i u sulphundtiijn unit al us italian uluuis i u liu m i ui tmploiucnl lt imu still osi ibout l pod motl uul imhiiui c nun ssdl he rtuind tirto mrs unoit builum hi- i links i mih uhuh il sson tht tiand thampidnship a udktutn lluisimis i nr a sold loi lop pritr al an autlu n al iht niu ss im u 1 r itttl hs iu purvhascr ly the brute junior r imu rs md rdtlrd it- uiil 4t uas uon bv us original uuim mrs bt i h im ol i si it n strvhsvillt hut thu kuks r burns u is 1 n n rcccnc ihe tirsi annual cintn ut tht itai is int ut n hs tlu i i ns cluh dramptos the lot il autsmun his iltnusi douhk 1 in ihi last live vcuts snowballing i rum ijou000 m fvttmihf n t in unparoilcktl j24 000 000 b iht end it 140 tlu ismnm i up its ihi mv40 baunt has bexn tr ilosik niamt nlud rasl1ui tht barttui ms ihtu wtn a low jiuin ahtmjl tovsn ulun thi lire tnjhu i ucil tossajjjs ih brtssti s wait huiis o sqiitkh t lames and a loud oj hlatk smokt hosstii it u is an asphalt uultiuj mathlnc hilnjiny md not tht tuu siurt ti igl h beam brm plnt h lisod duuu loi a thuc setk ptnod a lev tiny alxmi 40 liupluwc and hit itn tht town haul i luit s noiu jl ilus wiuvjiik iioundtin h rtr jm- limits for us i ll it h uol lis 111 it s likt pi iin los ollut ssi iii no i ii is up i his sf iv win it i ins mi is mort likt rossi iu ron tik you skul uildls doun llu stm is stldoin point ui in tht duct lion sou ut toing wlu n sou ji i lo i tointi vou pul on sour hi tkts ind slidi li dtu i itloss lilt lllttl stttloll lit id suf sttliui like i tifdiki pilot ji ou do tit slopptd and oti i ml sit i ihint in inv diutliou lor snou h inks so sou tlost your tts md dfft out hi it s nont of this p inlv u nsi i ilk ihout tht laitst pi is uul h ilk i md niiisi nut ollu i ill slufl host south i tn pt iplt m tlu i hits talk ihout in ssinitr omi i ilk is ii i nut kisi uul uu iiunu lui it s sinpptit lo tht lumt tlu i inn ni ol tlu shiitts sill uh ml c m uh ihol tin tn lui i l iikliny iht tltuuius ou his ossii icnns i ikt j i m ikt ilu hill lust mm miiotnui md dun stiossplou is lak iy un i set md uh should s my itilts uul 11 idtl i shostl 4u svholt hltmmls ijimj out ij mi md ii ss in ui j illons j i usi in ui ttiiiht i i h ii s the sin it sli nhiloiss nil minis t dk sou i uound hiu in tin uiniir it i ht n d c mi i it uis sums i jfit it s i i ii hkt ih 1 inti iji usi d hs hiu is uh i h i 1 i i i i t i h nil hull i iii t il mi lluit imu i ike ihi iosijoss m thi iuh siltl ut 1 oi ilu i m ii ts sth i uu dumped i h m in ausira h i oi iht lirsi m nkt ss svh r 1 ult tl i im tl sm jut i ii it t s uul h im i ui i k it il or w g ckenney jyixalchuiftnduftfon offtdtn synuiitbloclr 43a- mill lit y aujn office phgnr 78 rnidenrc n church st e phone im oemafcer erin fire sunday destroys barn stock i in it vi mid tin h irn rarls vuntl is mommy u thf in nu- t t mi ni ridki kk i mil uut kdltiji tihi iijjis 0vus 14 pils aiui 00 hu kins st irtls rut it d mn flr rid ui issakiiuil i iht sound f a t ml tf ash jnti is u pit ttd out i rx irimiin ssind u ht notuttj t he tp p rt i n ot i hi tai n in ttanus an lost in iht tirt uin 3400 huslu is i vt un 100 tons i f has 0 t hj itt ir iss anil s i i al f mn nnplemenis siond in th hac f nn fire department aniwerrd ihe dairn hut iht lire kid yarned i mi moth ht uluus hctort tire nun inistd aiul tinls nrarh hinlilms tikild bt prolix ted hum jujwibl ire dr 0 a garrett physician and huricon corner 1 willow and river su entrance river bt aeuin ont phune 23ti dr robert u buckner ptiyilclan and surgeon 30 wellington st acton ont phone 70 office hour 6 8pm afternoons by appointment kal fhtatk and invubancr f l wright 20 wflbur ht acton ontario phon 03 appralier reol etit and imuranct urntal dr h ieib dental surgeon office corner milland frederick street off ce- huuri by appointment telephone 19 dr a j buchanan dental surgt n office- 5a mill street off ce hour d am to i pm cloud wedneadaiy afternoon telephone mb uc3al c f leatherland qc barriiter sol ci tor notary public offer huun 1000 am 1200 pm 1 00 p m 0fto m haturdayi by appointment only off ce 22 phone k 151 acton a braida ba barrnter solicitor notary pubhe 173 alatn si s aclmi onl phone 370 off re hours pit 9 pm 1pm b p m saturdjyi 13 cork sl f guelph ta 4 7x42 office hour tarn s p rn saturday ft a m is a m hastings payne barniun and sottcitora notann puw c ta mm mr artoit for amkihunnt eau ml phone 010 night or day t- bruce e shoemaker mgr ri optltal and hkakino al e l buchnero optiimtrikt c jntut f l n i hearing aid mil st adm in atun wedniduy only 2 00 p m 0 00 p ni tir appulntment phi ru 113 robert r hamilton oplornitrut fyei kxunnnrd cjliuuti s i tunl 0u mjin st n georgytjwn onl ofice llitur 10 a m to fl pm mon to fri f vi rungs by appoiutirrefit t lod saalurtluy ror appoinuripnt please phonr til 73r71 amirtimo accounting lever hoskin hurtered ajtountanls 31 mailn hi n iu king st w brjinplon riionu oi 14824 t tronu i km 4 1131 roih atm iht fxrt hpetiulmti edmund g morgan 0 5 c 14 oreen st jflpl or t lh nr ta 2 2746 m nda wwlnrsdav kr 1y hy app iinlim tn tlavulur quidi gray coach unes oahei levr acton standard tun bound 0 33 am lsily emeepi sun ird hlj bmim 1133am jmpm 300pm 0 33 pm 013 pm 10 00 p in f sun and hoi f westbound l 10 ti am 12 57 pm 37 pm 37pm 737pm 0 12 pm 1 u 1 12 am fri bl sun 1 r canadian national railways w roy ridoell d c palmar spaeihc chlroprartor 17 mill kiwi mum 40 cmaca hours tuaa a ttsura 1 p ia m sal at i pjn standard tlma caat bound da iy nrrpl sunday 44 m dully crni ftundaxf v 13 a nv n4tuuj 3atly rcevpl sat and iun 7 14 pm hat only 04 pn sunday only vbi pm t3i rxrpl h hr at aart biwn 3r7 pm oa ly flytf al grorfatown 10 0j pm waatbaua4 daily lam dally viufv sunday wi paa sal nnyil am im p m- iwur only iu am itafatapi sunday only riyar at oualpti la daily oal sat and u ms a m c4i p at s 4 tf r scv- i ttk 44k- s a

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