Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1961, p. 8

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mi ft wtna acton fnta f thyrfday january 19ty w1 under glen etanks direction onorcuo practices ttiv being held rcuiilnrly cbslumc planning l undirwny und lines ore being studied scrwuilv s an lnnoiilmis system for gel- tin wtkod into condition lor i rntldrng iukhir table edge ye- neor 1ms been ilgged up hy phil culdlrk tor w night nchool imduokving clis in milton tmttfi evoil trials nl errors he knikkeil off i he erd of neon- lihl luhei tilled it with water placed inlh oak strip thcnboll- edfhe water lorls minutes iuu4uii town workmen are busy trimming mid removing trees on young 51 this week grade two pupils- from- the hubert utile school wjth their uuclters toured the free prqk plant tueny ufternojn to vetr what makeji lhe presses run they werejftlj salishd with vthut they s about the business except ohi young lad vho asked why they hadnt- been shown the sare he wanted to see tlie money he said hud to inform him we dont prim it ockwoo mrs mcneill interred here frosty frolic rink in news following her brief illness mrs ullziibelh mcneill passed away in guelph general hospital early last week mrs mcneill was a daughter of mr and mrs robl ramshaw who lived on marlis st in the 80s and early 90s mr ramshaw uflcn worked tor john u harris who owned the farm now occupied by charles hi lavrii a h l s ceased her in recent years funeral took place wednesday of inst week with rev g a b moore officiating at the rurnlcy- shiiemiiker funeral- home ac ton- interment taking place in rockwihul cemetery piillbuanini- were mcwrsdon- hilts douglas menibh ross gordon cameron kilching wm black antiedgar johnston two large wreaths bore silent iriwute to memory of the deceased tbekhgelj the rockwood teen towncis held nfroiity frolic hop in the town hall saturday evening which was pretty well attended sympathy of the community is extended to mr and mrs roland ramshaw detroit some preparation has been made to have an open air- rink in riverside park adjoining high- way nn to-tbe-rlvor-for- jiccuring water tor flooding pur poses so far this winter skat ing has been of no avail due io some snow and hortops mill using a lot of water for mill work- v sympathy of community i ex tended to mr frank stout and mrs a k thomas in the pass ing of their brother john d stout guelph last week also to other members of family silver trowel returned used for cornerstone the liiiniiiil meeting f ebe- iilri united church wiis held mi january 16 with a good al- icnilancc k griffiths was in charge and mrs m thomson church eereuiiy wiiv prysunr uj perform i he secretarial duties all organizations were repre- sented unit presented full ro ports portraying a very fruitful year it is gratifying to know that m and m givings are up considerably from last year again jvnllcm ill inteiest that wa nmuilfxrjhefnrc the congregation was that a silver trowel that was used in the laying of the cor nerstone of the present church was now in the possession of the church mrs trousdale proposed fiamtng it and hanging it in the church and if the session and the stewards so desired that the wa would see that it was done s norrish moved that a letter of jhnnkshe sent to mrs m carter a former ministers wife for the presentation of the trowel a vote of thanks was moved to mr and mrs griffiths toy their hard work dining the year and to all the officers of the church also mr j f hitching choir leader r afterthe henedictioni the wa servcurcvlxshmcnts the young peoples union met sunday evening with a good at tendance mr and mrs george thomaswiiilvilcduucj for this meeting uim instauation team for the acton leglbri branch 197 performed their dutlbs saturday evenirtgdoring selections 30lh anniversary banquet newly- elected officers and exoculivo were installed following the dinner the installation loamafe pictured above loft to rlfcht gor don bealty acting sergeant at arms w middlefon chairman g mussello and e e barr who performed the ceremony about 170 members and guests attended the dinner- k2jll33ili2xjk county to study interest rate cut tfcrougltborrowing f rom jnit hausg all bgf one back jn office in st albans wa elections i he annual election of officers was held by st alhans wa in xuxloii meinorjalhill january 12 when all but one were return ed lit oil ice president is mrs george fountain vicepresident mis f kingsmill recording sec retary mrs john rol cones- ponding secretary mrs john creasev sr treasurer mrs wm ivnin dorcas secretary mrs b havhss and mrs f kingsmill litlle helpers secretary mrs c nellis christian social ser ive secietaia mrs s snow liv ing- message secretary mrs b havliss eilucalional secietaia mis w ken mrs j creases reliied as j it- lie helpets seciclaiy alter three years the president thanked her on behalf of all the members for her i ail lit ul conscientious ser vice mrs g fountain opened and closed the meeting with prayers the members decided to unite with the guild lor their febru ary meeting in order to hear n iak by a couple who have recent ly returned from missionary work in the belgian congo snow removal hasnt been much ot a pioblem so far this year last year at this time crews were wgrking around the clock with a unavailable equip ment to battle the- severe ice storms wlihancyctoucilolpr mem burs of haltottcoiinty council at prised to meant they enh save county funds by borrowing cur rent expenses from bonding hou ses ralhcr than banks the information came forth when council passed the animal bylaw authorizing the borrowiuu ol enough molicy from bank ol nova scolia to carry the countys expenditures until the l axe j begin coming in within the next few months burlington reeve f i ryckman ntitnled mtt- burlington had learned money could be fkiitowed from a bond house at 4i instead of the 54 rate prevailing at ihe huik thus saving hi- per cent on money borrowed to smarl oil the war it was decided to leave the nameofthe lending aijencv out of t he bylaw and t he clerk was authorized to gc4 more informa tion on ixind house loans consider museum members of the agricultural committee reported on a meeting with sixteenmile creek conserva tion authority repreweniatives to discuss the possibility of using rfietdtut alemdorjinnse arthe kelso dam as a museum site discussions- were general how ever when it was learned thai none of the meetings delegates was toosurc of what could he done bv either the county or the authority it- was agreed to hold another meeting with the author- outlines dam for esquesing an outline for the new kelso dam project near milton was given members ot esquesing township council monday alrmg with a request for the councils 196igrantio the conservation avlthurity councillors also heard a report- on the activities of the north italloh assoeialionlor retarded children and approved a grant or 1100 a til ive wa ordered on dog lags and trailer licences whjch are overdue and bounties were paid for five loves killed within the township ilys solicitor and representatives from thcdepnrtmwh ol plan- 4u110- and development and tra- vel and publicity a petition from ontario county- asking endorsement of a resolu tion lhai high school trustees be named by public election instead of council appointment turned into a full scale discussion a i tuesdays meeting the ontario county resolution noted the trus tees spend a large share of mun icipal funds on high schools and asked that provincial authorities amend the act to pi ovtde lor elec tion ol all trustees object to change mi lion representatives object ed and reeve mary s pel tit claimed the system now in usc was qujle cllicicnl depuly- rceve john charlum added that the people appointed to boards bytounei i are usually foi mer councillors and well quatifiedlor the positions oak vi lies reeve fred til ley countered that the trustees never have lo give an account of their spendings to the public it was agreed lo push ihe dis- cussiun on to next months coun cil meeting l coulusion oyer ihe sign on highway 401 il the guelph line cut oil was voiced by the roads committee and they asked the county engineer to write the de partment of highways askipg that the sign reading guelph line be changed lo read camp- bellville road however burling ton reexe ryckman asked that the name remain the same as ii signified the main route ol bur ling i on irallic to u id oii ihe new higjiway muny arc lost nassagaweya reeve john milne pointed out main moiorisis be rnmtinsrrrrhie camphellv ille disiiict as ihe westbound motor- fsis thoughrthe cuetphlinc cut ofl woultl lake iheui inio fiuelph 1 his is noi the ease as ihe cutoff is abou i 20 miles tiom guelph discussions ended when reeve milne aiulyd he had jusr learned the deparlnknt of liighwavs was planning to cicct a sign at the iuelpli line ctiioll iiuticahug cit ol guelph ncxi exil which would fv lligliwav t i fie llamil- longuetpli highway in jjic oliv letter to j he road commit tlnliujyrjojce clfief f w reqvjestetl cte signs erected on tlie seventh line between highway 5 and the bueen izliabeth highway scckfcputy clerk the personnel committee is to advertise for a deputy clerk for the comity a new gown and cowl and wardens chain of oil ice are lo be purchased for ihe wardeu the treasurer was authorized lo forward an instalment ol 99- 000 to he georgetown memorial hospital as soon as 50 per cent provincial and federal grants have been approved a j2448s budget lor the emergency mea sures organialon was approved ualancc owing the treasurer was instructed to contact ihe i ive nuinicipalhii which comprised ihe former north hallon high scliool board seiling out the leviev owing due to a deficiency of lunds given millon district high school bil lowing the board breakup last year it was noted the funds may be spread over five years salary vof assistant assessor harvey tasker was increased lo j35qg per annum and the salary 01 mrs anne u lo the county clerk was increa sed lo 2800 the remuneration of gaol surgeon dr c k steven son was increased to 1200 the ab r market 911 mill street the rest for less acton ont bananas potatoes 2 lbs 29c fancy mcintosh apples 79c 25 lb bag 99c carrots 3 lb bag 19c pei potatoes 10 lb bag 43c the place where specials are true bargains champion king size 20oz ttn dog food 2 for 31c mother parkers 6oz jar instant coefee85 wiih free spoon this week oncyat ab supermarket kino size famous tide 125 pkg mttcheus 20oz tin apple sauce 21c ayimer 1wz tins tdmat0ts0up 44sc quantities umited shop early to save a skciality shoulder ribs 2lb25c xpimfry style beekousage 29c lb hsh0lden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 7 dougln st guelph phone tayl6f27is0 rockwabd family nbmeltess as house burns saturday a 109 yearold farmhouse ul r r 2 rockuruod occupied by mr uiurmrntrrirandcrsonttntl ihclr two children ws com pletely destroyed by lire siijur- dny evening- after it was brought under control once by llu rock- wood and acton firefighters mr und mrs anderson were at- eve visitors lllnessds meeting of interest mis hurvuy jteslin was hostess for the chrwliun women- fel lowship mcvling aetjuusdiiy ol lust week- ten jiidip were pie sent njvs marry llortdp was lender and hud asplendld prtv ram mrs alex kingsbury reatl he worship which was prepared by mrs duncan kingsbury it- was decided jo buy a doen iiew chairs for lie sunday sehool oom- jliuis were made lor world day of prayer lo be bejd ii the home of mrs p g rolwrt- on osprinue februarv 17 a social half hour closed the meeting with mrs ted jestin as sisting the hoslesk locttmuem mr and mrs robert fallen diane mid kenny guelph- were sunday visitors with mrs alton ind miss jennie tovell tilile jimmy and terry ste wart are staying with their qrandparents mr and mrs hunes siiwiu4ul miuunwljile iheir mother mrs harvey ste wii infecled knee friends are sorrv to bear mrs ruyulndlyy and mr alfred tal bot itrje in llie- guelph general hospital all wish them a speedy recovery mr and mrs james tillie and family acton were recent visit ors with mr and mrs wesley lillie and cliff mr and mrs ted jestin palsv and nancv visited with mr and mrs alfred winter and clark of oustie last wednesday evening 9 l tendlnu a dunce at clnppl sons corners wilhtltel parenlk baby siling4ulllimto youngslers at the utile the ffre broke out neur ihe chlnumy water fihartg rcckwmd fire department re ceived ihe call atll pm and rushed uu the scene i flieywbre hampered to a shortage of water and after about 25 trips to a nearby stream lo fill the m0 gallon bouiier1ank fiie chiej herb uollon put jn a call to at- i on depnrtinenl lor assisianeer fhelire seemed to gain headway alter riickwoiul fiveincu left lo lilt trie booster lank combining forces the two tie- parlnitmits kiuglit the blae until after 4 am sujtday miirninjfand when it was thougjit everything was under conrnillhey lefl hwimd call rihkwotu1 uremen weie called ngitin ivrouhtt 6 am bul the tire hail gained uut- much headway and the mriicuuewas comnhtelv destroyed t spile of efforts tu extiitbiilsh the fire mr and mrs- anderson and family were offerrd shelter bv next door neighbors and h is hop ed to rebuild the home again in ihe near future ymca week here january 22 to 29 beginning sunday nnc continu ing until january 29 cvprj town und city odross canada will ob- mrvu ymca week special churcl services will be held and the linporlnnce of the yuiipg muns chrktiun assoclutloti will be ktrcfted in acton secretary sid saitz iititl iiis workers will welcome anyone lo the y uncttltisiic will be conducted in the iimi u ner facilities at the y u-riablc- young men and women lii build r nly their physical but their christian personality churches or all denominations thrmiiihotil canada and the un ited stvites will observe sntulay janjlary j9 as ymca sunday z for space heateroil and confictionwy surhies sec jack mccallum your texaco dealer corner mill and young streets opan 7 in is 11 pm dally for appliance and tv bipairs manning electric call 230 join the crowds at the reftnmrrhtm and industrial equipment show colimum buirdfiiivexhibition park toronto jan 2s262728 see tsrrntr thowlngn wor it moil pbw7furaimunurot tractor nwit comttkrdlno maehl s himdrdt of plaeai of hi n we it farm equlpihrtf from all part of the world compare telect qnd order your equipment needi for the eomlno teaiofl from canada blgoetl telectlort tolrtptitirfacltltlefsenielhlno to inlerett everyoael oe your free pw from your form equipment uler laetoy its united gas third annoal thi iddrmit on iieti uhir ind pjral ihwu ibow the full name of the perton who it to oet it the correct pv ment numbr street eddreii rural route number or post oft io box number city town or vil- uae and postal iprte numbtnirttere necessary your name end complete return address in the toppsrr- left-hed- comer water heaters ranges refrigerators clothes dryers space heaters authentic reductions k emd will mwrtu- tnwy lil canada post office 10 down all years to sales pay balance final sorry i no trade-ins- on sale items only gas sdoes so much more for so much lejmi united gas limited acton zenith u50 v v- 11 rt- siit v 1 rrizvttiita p miiswff

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