Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1961, p. 1

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tr rrstp eightysixth year no 31 7t acton ontario thwisay january 2alh 1961 aihioik wud cilba mslt hv tils pmi onto dspsriatftat otfsws tert pgosevf cenli atsu phtiui acton ah board waited no time following their election saturday before they began making pan for lhl years fall fair shown aoove in the front row left- to rioht are the erelarytreasurer mrs c w swackhamef preiident nino braldaand pan president lloyd mcenery peering over the thoulderi on the left it f irit vice preiident calvin ailken and on the right second vice preiident fred kenlner the 6fflceri wereelected during the annual meet ing saturday choose anne bennett top orator during public speaking finals captivating her umllcnce nnd a punel of three judge with un in- terentlng untt welldelivered ac count of space explorations anne bennett 12yeurold grade cighl pupil tit the robert little public school placed unit in the public spuuklng competition fin- olii thursday evening during u rogulur home und school assoc iation meeting second place wan awarded to mary grlschdw 12 also u arutle eight pupil ur the robert little vchoul the flnulaujhocontbt pul hon home und school association ware attended by u large num ber or puruttts und pupils the two winner will compote outrldny in mtfton-mnthe- hel- ton inspectorate division when evrfnner will be chosen to con tinue on towunl the onlurlu championship seven vontestanta during the evening seven young npeiikern were- henrd fiv eluding x girls und one hoy pour were troni the robert lil- lle kchthiluntl three from the m z bennett suhoul last yeur the coveted ben ru- chlin trophy went to the m z bennett school this yeur il urns captured by the robert little school the grade eight winner will have her name engraved on the trophy which will remain in the ncihkii trophy cahinct three judges mrs frank rug- urs acton high school teuchur colin lultch principal or spcy ulde public school und rev a h mckcnzle knox presbyterian church mlnluter deliberated ov er the upuocheii before bringing in their decision the speeches were classed of such hlijh cnllhre that they awarded three honor able mentions before naming the two top winners well prepared summlnii up the speeches mrs sogers told the interested imionidbv the amalgamated- audlencumhulllnevcnltipeochch jwere well prepared und present ox showing richness of vocubul- ury uoud sentence structure und interesting aubject tpalchnl she nbuhtuti peiiker were- beard hulle clearly throughout the aud itorium audience uppuul is must hn- purtimt when interesl is held irom beginning to end thut is pruuf of a good speech she concluded rev a ii mckeriic stilted it had not been an eusy selection to make i have judged a num- ber ut puhlic spcukinu contests but lew were as difficult to de- ciile as the one heard here to night he emphasized the second pluee winner mary grischnw spoke on electricity our servant honorable men- tiun went lu linda bruidii m z bennett school who spoke on her hobby figure skaiinu murgurcl mackenzie of the rub er li i tie kchool who chose as her subject why i am proud- to be u canadian anil kalhci- ine mckcnzle rubcrr link- hchooli lor her colnrlul descrip tion of foil henry under the tup ic an historic site other compelllora other ccmipelilurs incliiilccl jane cooper m z bennett pupil who spoke on rain and john mcgcuchic irom the same school who nave a ttvltf-descrip- lioii oi brinks monument im the heading a historic site m z bennett school principal w d elmer smiih id hisopen- hgreiharkii expressed uppity iution to rhe home and school atsocialion lur sponsoring the contest und outlined the rules und regulation lor tlie event he pointed out it began with class room speaking advancing to in- specturate anil district fevels draw winhri will receive certificates ronald broughton if r ac ton was probcnl saturday after noon when his name was called und he received a total of 160 cush during the weekly meixh- rnik draw while waiting for the cluck to slrlke throc master of cerem onies j bert wood told the largo gathering pi shoppers at the post office that commencing february 4 the cash prlw would be dis continued instead waincr each week will receive equivalent to 10 in ulfl cerllfleulcs hcpolnted out the oertlficnlcs will he ivdeemahlc only at strcs owned by merchants participat ing in ihe weekly draw thief steals cash at jersey dairy police invesllualed u robbery in broad duyliuht at ac ion jersey dulry tuesday ofter- noon of lust week when approxi mately 10 in silver was taken horn a cash box while the owner dtintinimlnss was in his apart ment upslulrsf mr timmings after complet ing his country route returned to the dairy to count his cash and complete his bookkeeping- while wailing lor one of lis drivers to return he went upstairs to his apartment i alter his driver lloyd mcln- tyre returned and cushed in re ceipts tlie proprietor went down stairs lo check the cium in order lo make a bank deposit ho im mediately noticed a quantity of quartern und soc pieooiilccl in die box f ler he hud rolled other silver uowiis missing learning mr mclntyrc had not taken it to make change he notified police rroni nurth hiillon opt questioning ihe paper boy who was ihe only person recalled ar ound the building they icaped a man had been lurking near the rear uf flic dairy the youngster gave policc descri of lhc rjmaafidhey immediately begun a search but huyc not been able lo make an arrest to dale with ihe granil winner chosen in ihe provincial linuls dtirine ihe cunvenlion al easier on behalf ot the home anil school association mrs j w wolfe second viccprcsuliint pre- seuleil each contestant with ihe gitl ol a tminlain pen as she concralulalcil the voiuhlul spea kers al ihe eonclusion ot the pro gram col tee anil iimkies were served bv iissoeiation members name george harra p moderator at artriual meeting of baptists name nino braida imehi a myearold actoii biichelur avus named srffuvduv ul lernoun to head the imi rail fair bird the aiimial niiiiirrig ot ibe agiic- ollural society was held iii the town hall nliio braida it director for the past eight years stepped up from the office of vicepresident which lie held f or ihe pusl iwo yeuis tiike ihe refits to lead ihe 61 bourd mr ill iiitlu flan iwen quite uc live with ihe imiiril iluiiug hts term ol olllce ami hasliiken a keen- fnlciem in the culnesllow each year his voice chum be htard echoing ihrimulioui the rlaf phiim anne bennett pretty 1 2yearold grade eight student from the robert little school won top honon in the acon finals public ipeaking confetti thursday evening january 19 shu was chosen by a panel ol three judges among seven contes tants and along wmr mary grischow runnorup vyill reprb- tfsnraclorrl1herha1rorriripectorale contesl-iri-milton- sheis ihown with her princlpel g wmckenzie of the robert little school as they hold the ben rachlin trophy won by anne erect house since 1955 under disiuvsiurt since 1955 lot 8 a picshiipcd piece uf pixicriy in glen lea subdivuion had its luturc decided during u six huur public hearing thurs day january 19 two mem berk ol the ontario municipal board under the chairmanship of wil liam greenwood axtkled by anmmi l mccrae ruled ihal thomas and thomas builders in ihe area could civet a huuiu on uic utiv the nuuuvis ol ihe acton baptist chuivli met tin wednes day evening januarv 18 lor their mmuul miisiness ineetiny alter a ivit luck siipjwr the pastor led in a slum devotional hetoiv call ing the business meetinii to otl- cr new in the nuiuiiuiiuil com- nit t tees icspoijsibiliiies this year wus ihe seieclion l a person n 111 the msilion ol chinch mod ctatotv ciettiie tluirap a ueacon was mnninaled and tuilv eleited lo the ihmi lie pivsuleil al the ivmaintler ol ihe nieciin hi pastor james riuld who caijy i the chmvh in jul reptnted regular siinchrv motuint and rt- etuue sei ices iiud wednesday niuht piavr and bible suulv held with good attendance throughout the summer and tall highlit his ot the church pi- uiatu uviv a huthcrhooil sei vicvon octiiber 16 with jyhu relmef ol oakville as speaker uiiimctaiy sen ices on october 2s with rev harold uny ol mc muster uivitiitv college s spea ker anil a vmk ol evangelistic ktiiakvftnuwiiihvi u 20 with tlw rev jumcs li tetley s mi mottcr repoh rroircu the lollowmt organuations re ported tlwir pnutvss lot- ic vrar board ol deacons b la1 mccutcheon boacxj ot tnistecs by mia- herbert hciwia mission band and womens missionary ptwvchartetlintuhw oufth adult fellowship by mril john chapman fellowship fund by wbwir ivyr baptist hifh l1ttwhlv bv keith dunk and cnwifc roll by mrs douias dunk uuvd buhner sunday school aiperinundcnl reported a gain to sunday school enrolment from 40 jo 75 during the year the clerk charie ijandabor oiiiih ivnorted 51 resident active church mem lie rs increased glvlngs mrs john chapman church treasurer reported an increase in weekly envelope yivinps the major church project ol l0 was a ixuovalion ol the basement ot the church and mrs chapman moed a vote ol thanks to lloyd lllslev chairman ot the house committee aiul those who gave their time in helping to imple ment this project llovd uuhjter chairman ol the nance committee sported the maucial pixjgress in the general ami misiitojjaxy hinds ot the church and submitted a propos ed budget lor i9m which was jicceptecl by ihe members new church officer the following church officers wciv elected on recommenda ion ot the nominating- commij- lee trustees mi ilelwij west lloyd uidiuei this com mi i tee is mil suhicii lo annvial election deacons nouoraiv lite deacon fred west to utite in 2 lyal mcculcheon io reltie m g allarrap to ivmvin i col in uaillie wdnu1 fnci exollie io ilovil uulniei clerk c iandshoiotitxh church luisutvi mi v johh chapman tiuancidsecietar miss alae rdkingtou miion fund treasurer miss fldi lier sunda sv ihkii suhi iniendenl llovd uulmci issistint smidav vchcmi sifthi intiiutf oh mix t rudd auditors llovit llisley ii j llelwig finance committee mts j chapman mivs a pilkinton j cum r mi tied on iliyc twtt canada wide firemen win three awarcfs in fire prevention cbhiest wtinl was iiccciwd recently irom i nv munlult m s iiuini of the ontario lux- mainlialls ulljir llwt alton fire depart ment had won three avard in ihe l0 fire pivventjon week cuniest fire-chief- jack- newton and his department received acfcixv- ledfiuent by letter last week learning they had placed 15th among municipalities in ontario loth in the allcanada awanu out of ssi municipalities compet ing unclassified a to population honorable mention or canada in the jj00 to 4j00 population da ilficalion and third cor ontario in tb tine population jiroupuigv rhmnp tlw cu i iu- chiot newton hul viiinpilcd a m rajv txxtkuhih un eiitpicil tn the cumpetiiiiui cimuiinini newspap er clippings ot all rxcntmhefinc- men narticinaled in tmtuiunjt fiits and ot c piclures ol lircb sporu aciivlticn anil ev cnl participated in uerc ako in cludud thi h the fiii1 year actnn fire department fun- enteied live oontcsl and their cllorts weir well rewarded a copy of the letter willi forwarded to council as well informing ihe incmbera ot the splendid participation ol the deparlment umlcr ihe direction of tlw cluiirinan ittwn council were in structed to ptvpurv un amend ment lo ihe lonini hyluw to ul- liiw the erection ol a uinclc luiiilv ihvclliii on the lot- uetore announcinu the verdict ihe chairman slated tlie buurd vi lelnclanl tu override docik- iuns ol municip4il council and stressed ihis action was only taken if tlie hoard elt uclionv ol council weiv not pixjpciiy lakenur it ihe hoard judges u council has acted arbitrarily or ihata hardship may rvsult entitled lo relief mi greenwood told tlie llcar- inc the main question lu he de cided was whether die applicants ritumis anil jhumas were en titled lo some relict on the re- maiuiny portion ot lut ii he slaleil the hoard was satisfied such leliet was justified as the leniainini porliuu uf live lut in itiesiiun closely met the require- inetiis nl ttie bylaw in fujree al the time ihe plans for the subdiv ision were appruvcil al the time the plans were an pioxed bylaw j78 was in effecl htij mis ameiuled a short time laict ludence hruuehtoutat the hcninu indicated thomas and thomit nrn present at tlie pub lic hcaiiui held prior to the ap- linivil ol bylaw lr btit raited no ohieciion lo the chances made insidelot cleanuicca tor btnktiiiy purposes dvlaw it28 ridopieii as a roning kvlaw re- plalj lormci bvlayv atb- werent frudem mi oiernwiiod diaried tneau- as and tlioiiiav had nut iullowcd proceilure prudent persons wodld hjt tohoxwd he slated it was difficult for the board fo understand the lack of ol experienced builders familiar with loniny regulations in handing down the ruling mr greenwood stated the font aid clearance of tlir pmnaanl dwstlliruj would closely roirx with bylaw s7s in effect at ihe lime original plana were ayfttviv ed he stressed side yard dear ancea of eight feet on ita tide and six feet on ta have to be adhered to he noted ihe building must mccl all olhei lequireincnis of an r2 zone em bodied in the present zoning bylaw 1128 lulled six hours during the six hum hearing which began at 10 am anil last ed through lo s01 pm with a break lor lunch solicitor jack russell lor ihe applicants tlioin- as and thomas called as wilness- eswltliain 1 homas senior mem- ber ol ihe building lirm anil his two sons george and jack as well as wo former members ol acton council in i9ss f- g ty ler sr and e fooiin acton council lepresenteil bv solicitor aldo braida called as a witness clerkaduiinisiialor iik mcgeachie during ihe evidence it was brought out ihal cuuncil in 1955 j nl given a vnbal agleciubtt he builders that they wouutdc- able lo secure a building krmit when desired iu exiliange lor a piece of lot 18 deeded to ihe imvn lor a proposed roadway entrance inlu property- al the lear expected lo he lltilied as parkland verbal okay ml tvlei liisl witness cillcd se as n in 1955 when nr- tgiual plans7liir flic sutidivisnin were appioveil by- council tliutci iiieslioniug bv mi russell he told ihe heanng council al ihal lime had agiveil lo allow a biiild- ine pennil on the reuiairiing por tion ot lot 38 il ihe buildeis would deed a pomiun ol ihe propeilv lo ihe town asked whv extracts ol this conversation did not appear in cimliniirft on jn0i tiro fair groiuuls un he culled jhc en trunln and untiikuicod the wlnnurs in ihe callle division his ucllvl llesund inluixisl uniting ihu junl nr fiirrtiurii -cjubs- liuve ilanled rlm iiiuch prulsx limn time lei ihue allliuiigli he works iin u iiiuclilnlst in aclurr his lomlness lir ugricullurc hus gained lijin acclluni finm nlherdtrccliirsuhd cxjitblloisaimniil the coimtiy ttyi praise jii accepllng his new olllce the liicumlug ptvsldeiit icild i lie mem- hers lie tell himuied lu succeed puslnresideijls hefd in liluh res- jwet bveveyone ml jlrjilila prulsect the untiring elluiis iil rellrlng president lloyd mcliiiery und told his dlivctois the retiring president hud never spared ilm- solf bui put every iiflorl inlu making the lair a successful one he lold the laidles divlslun i hey were the huckhutie ul ihe kocloty and prulsed them fur their work in ihe pusl und asked their help nnd cooperation in ihu fu ture in conclusion the new prcid- denl told the membership there was an iinpunum place fur agrl- euhurul soclclleii uinl raid he- was u slrorig huuater himself rellrlng prvslilont t mclinury wished his siiccchsoi ihu best ul luck in ills new olflce und asked ihe board members tu alay the nevvf preuldenl every uppiiriunlly of keeping ihe stundurds uf acton fair high mr mcenery was ihunkud by the dlreclup lor his work during ihe pusl two yuurs- hog sheep exhibit during the presentation ol com- mlliee ivpurts it wus learned ihe hog cxhllilt wus the largest in ihe history of the fair und the sheep exlillill find surpassed any in recent yeurs both- exhibits bud the lurgesl enlry und prize money uwarded the following iftlcers will as sist the new president during the cuiulng year pust president l mcenery ilisl viceculvlnllken second vice fred kunlher und secfelurylreusuter mrs irene swaiikhamer naijieil- to ilu board of direclura were u wut- sun mjmccuiluuuh c sprowl l mcuun 3 mtirshull w fryer r denny c thompson a nenr d mathews m sprowl f sum- ervllle r everdell s griltin j fryer c mcnubb w swuckhuin- er g jackson und w thompson mrs swuckhamer secrelury- ireusutvl inliinued trie bourd i gelling 6o oneiteisoii uiul wilgges the job was gelling 6b lurtfu lur i5jt they consider splitting ilu position ifilu two divisions shij ngreed to licl us secteluiylieusiller lur utiiilhur- let in und will receive us- suuiikc i niln mis rulph ixdhtyr- it was ugrueu lu give luilber coii- slderulluii to uiloptlng mrs swuckhumers suggest loi unulli- er yeur hel pair date dulvs lor the jhnl acton iulr were sel fur september is unil ia the presldeth and secreliiry weiv uiilhnilzed tti attend hie uiiiiiintcuiiyeiiliiti februmy 22 and 21 by resolutliiii the seereluiy was instrticled lo reiiiesl aclini coun cil mv their tiiiislderiilhtli uf duitblliig the fair hoard grunt ihis year iiiuih lur the fluid crop cnnipetllliili will lie flrllil- lxd during llic march inuelliig financial riporl hank nuinugerswuller wihki- huiiv und william mckay weru unanlmbiisly ivuppoinled us null- inns und during the meeting mr wihuthiuii presenreil the fin- ancliil ivporl which showed tot al receipts uf tawovo unci ex penditures amounting o ar7a1- 74 leaving ii hunk balance uf 113722 racelpta grunts provincial u 1121100 halkin cfoiihlv 40000 esqulklng twp 7100 erin twp xooo eraniosu twi 2j0o town uf aclini o0jw ontario livestock lixht cunuihrciul fealute iwi00 field ciort 161100 lfcinutluiih jr jms0 memberships 18100 enlry fees s0jj4 gales ui0v social evenings 11520 banquet j 1550 lucky dtiiw itltrf muple cllv ikiiows 3i1jm commercliil exhibits 1000 sulcuiuidvurllslhirntrr 67lit pilr list comnelltlon 1500 refund council chain- ir 2000 total 4jiit4 1959 credit balance iillt cuslt on llund s6j account receivable ion00 tolul receipts ta9o096 cohllhuedon pngettoo two alton youngsters confess to malicious damage at ajax following the malicious dum- agc created at ajax engineering plunl two weeks ago two aclun ytiungslers age 10 and 7 years udessed lo ihe crime and have becn questioned by police fcoiitpnnyollleliik are especliwl lo assess ihe boys parents lor the dumugc caused anil replacement vuiifcol missing pails ol equip ment on ihe weekend ol january 14 22 vyindows were smashcilm the factory and lieuvy plastic muler- lal covering equipment stored in ihe yurd lipped open und pans froui 14 aqua towers ready fnr shipment removed plant manager wllllani coon und op p couhtulile 111 u c res- rlcr recovered several ul the cuiil- pohenl purls irhder piles uf lum ber but between 15 und jo purls are still missing partnli pay ttliut a cthiiplete tiiveiiluiv or liils- slng parts has been taken and re- plueeiiient will he made bv sen ding lo ijiiilnville kclilueky vherc ihe towels were munufut- ttired mr coon expects his superior lo tissess tlie buys parents for tile cost of the replacement of the broken windows as well as the cost nricc ol the component purls j a ss4mm iou the urge barn sales arena office bonkhoute and en apartment of hayi sales barn war levelled by are early saturday morning lot ware 52 head ofprhia holttevi cattle valued el ovar 30000 all told end tlated for shipment to mexico end cube th4 fie wm first ncjced bytw trefelfl wl tufl0er kwi fihf brloedfav lunte from tpreiidlng ownw torn heyt he ootfc duo ol the biwieniluhjm cento polite end kep rhe iu tfie rlldu8 in another rliyt barn immt aifiwb ajejjjf w b mw f j j v 24 taltifrsiariiiirto jtta lv4siaf2iils ivi tateteiii2i f fwjirtitf

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