Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1961, p. 3

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personal notes of actonlans viino outoftown poinlr anrf o vtfltori in xctojv hontm sis llama for ihu column an way wtlootnr thay may ba ptnnad lo4am frea r nor wl ai iha alalkmary torrln iha former vnm tnm bufluiiif 5 mill 81 mm i sfkinoccl-ix- u itiuiilciil iii duclrth hasplurt mluiid min 0 s mnltlilwi kpcnl the weolrendwilu ivlullvcx iii brunlfonl v r mr niui min crawtortl doiiiilii und bahv or bcuchvlllc were weekend menli t mr unilmri j m frunk irleiuln f mlv kullileun yminu crvwiuinh cmncrk reijyel dial kiic u a pal lem in toronto encial houpitul tlte irlciuls ol mr juck frank willow si inv iiluil lluil he wa able in ivlurn home ltin mlllon unu dulrlim hospital on saturday uhore he was a patient lor u lew iluynj weekend yuesls nl mr anil mil phil cadillck weiv mr icmldleks sister mid husband mr and mrs millard toster ol mlddlelnwii ohio while here ihiv utlended i he hurns eeleb- ralion in ihe rnvul llolel in iuclpli and also al the guelph armories mr and mn cam winn umv- til home wednesday or last week hv jel aller a holiday in st ivierkhuru florida they drove down with mr and mrs hauls ainlsllonu ol dintlnuloii mm winn anil mrs arnislronti are skiers they were away sev en weeks the town work yany is oei a- liiitf willi lluve men shun these days with dill sheppeiil millcrlntf wild llie llu jaek flank in hos pital lor observation and flock oakley nmiiii a iractnied wrist lollowinu an aetldenl iwo weeks u0 when he oil out ol a tree while triinminuon young slivel mm ewrtle hall wu very pleanantly nirprltcd thwmonday when a fuw of her brack slreel neighbor dropped in lit wuh her blnhdav uikhl wlho und upeiit u otlul aftoribon with her mr unil mr anthony lldfnau- el and donnkt upcnl ihe weekend with mr and m- john- uolnuy- cl und attended tho silver wed ding airnlvemury or mr and mrs ii klnread ul iho home til iholr daughter mr unw mm w wil ton mlllon friend attended irani allulon toronto avion and mlllon miss hesulu megivuor mrs win prank mm mabel kam- shawaiul mlutf- annie alkuns at tended the mill wedding anniv ersary of mr and mrs wesley rarhurixsj ofbosetown sask in guelph lunt thursday evening mrs kainshmw wait one ol live present who hud attended ihe wedding so years auo writer of thepopidar-cliiii- niilcs ol ginger farm in litis paper lor inlmy years mis ciwen clarke viillered a heal i ill link recently her readers will he sony to learn she lived loriuerly on highway m inst north ol mll lon and moved several years auo with iter husband to lirliuliile she also wrote the hook hal tons pages ol the past frank cooper who is studying hiisiness administration at rv- erson institute ol technology toronto is participating in rver- sons fit si open house students in all courses will demonstrate their work in ihe provinces high school students and pi-ospectux- employers saturday january 2m between r and 6jvm now 12 veins old kyrrson is in the mill die ol a niolll inillion dollar hnlldlnu pnigiitm most ol the displays will ho in ihe hlocklonu newbuildihu while wixikers are deinolishlnu buildinus on the west side ol ihe campus knox alert group study given as tv show at manse meeting mm a ii mckenie was host ess at the manse lor ihe rirsl htccllnu of the alert eveninu auxiliaiv ol knox vhureh for iwi miss llella mayo rosiell program iovencr pixsldeit lor thcwrrmrrirnind study period and read ihe appropriate lines ol a hymn another year lit oawninu which was followed by ihe sinuinu of a hvnin rinu out the old rinu in the new the scriptuiv ivadine was uiv- en by min john davidson and mrarobcrl turner leil in a prayer troni he glad tidiuas at ihe reception of ihe oirerinu mm georye younn jjave tbe-of- fertory prayer mrs c coles eontributeil a ilelluhtful solo ouwaril christian soldiem in variation v tv droadcul the study was most inieivslinu as a tv broadcast from channel jo miss rosvell iisnioderaturjau dtavotnl with the help ol mrs davidson mrs yount and mrs turner to cie ihe answers to how we po into all ihe world touether the panel niikleralor closed the sludv wilh a ruem tgihi knows our needs and a hymn the churchs one foun dation was sunt as an approv liate closing in the line piesem- ation the slale ol ot i iccswwas uatl tor the year loftt and mm ii l dennie conducled the installat ion wilh olliccrs and members accepting their jespoiinibiliiv to the various tasks cvcted of each mrs john l davidson the newly appointed preslilenl ituik charue for ihu business tit ihe eveninu the secivlaiy ivail sev eral thank you notes in apprec iation- ol kindness anil visits tnaileal the christmas season mm geo younu expressed the oy they had in vlsilinu at the manor and huspital 1hc visils as well us the yifls were apprcciat ed tentative plans lor the var imis pmjeets ror the year were niaile the annual visit to mill ion manor was lo be arranecil lor near ihe easier season special project the annual talent sale held early in the sprinu was discuss ed anil a date set tin- amiouncc- ineni in ihe press the copper contest which helps with the linnucial end was also decided to be continued und a fall thankollerinii make up ihe spe cialprojects to be carried on mrs f anderson as captain lor knox church in ihe march ol dimes hliu sponsored by ihe rotary club asked for volun teer lo help with this needed rehabilitation work mm davidson closed ihe nice inp wilh a special readmit a new years message and all re pealed the mlpah benedivlion the members who had alrculv presented ihe pixiyram serwd uj appctiinu lunch and a period ol social fellowship was enjoved mm eli masters expressed the hanks ul all lo ihe commiiiee and mm mckenie lor the use til her home pension plan to protect town employees a llylawlo provide pensions lor the employees ol ihe town of actiui was ylven lis fluiil read- iuu nl ihe tuesday cvililuu coun cil iitecllou tlte liyluw vlilch will inilude ill i municipal employ ees was- read twice previously by ihe i0a0 council uljhelr ijeceni- ber meellnu the byluw wiis llteii roiwaidid hi the deparlnienr ol municipal allahs and received its noil or approval councillii benny observed thai all plans are basically lilt same coveraue anil i presume ihe prem ium is ihe same he assunil ihe council he itll ihe plan was sal- isluclory but wondered ii all lo cal insurance ntifiils had hceti nnlillcd ol the luwns iulenllon to pioilile a peusloirpran clerk mcceachle advised conn- cillms only autius wrlllnu this type ol insurance had been noli lied he pointed mil the lm council had heeii wmkinit oulliis pla lor iiver six monlhs ani i was onlorliinale iltal itie ijftn cnuucfl had bvcn unable lo coni- plcle il mayor gov pointed mil dial ihe luml council had indepen dent opinions by men iualllleil on this lype ol pension plan the plan luiinu passed had been ludu- oil llic plan most satislaclory kiilnildy iruul council passed a resolution pef iiioihjiii the depailmcul of lliulr wavs njr ihe road subsitlv lor i lie imiioad expenditure ol jh2l 28 the lown is urauleil a silhsiilv on mail maintenance costs in uur ounls vai viniz hciwein ill and so lor diflcivnl classes ol work the north llallon reiudeil childrens assiuialiou was uiven a liiaul ol s km it was tlitiilctl lo iiiiiiilctc ihc purchasc ul the aililicssnuiaih ami i in ihe municipal ollicethc equipment was inslallcd in i dm anil rcnlcil lor thai year hv pun chasinu the- luacliiue now the rent paid last year will apply on lite purchase price the balance uccssary to purchase llu- rnach inc is j2iivs112 iiitoimilcly equivalent to line years rent wunt police replacement the cominssitiihr ol llu- on- lario pinviiiiial pumlc is lu be niililiimmilat il is councils wish thai a teplaccincnl pnllciiitllcer be slulloncd in acton durlnu- tjte vacullou pcrliuls of the local do- tathtnenl ulllcdrs the clerk was liihlrucleil lo nolllv ihe towiihlilps ol erin lls- iiiesluti and niissuuaweyii ol ihe lennluiilloii ol ihe pivsenl lire lillianiiliif oil may i l the tovnls now open lor reueuoliiii tloil ol the aurccmcnl a letter hum ihe ouliulo ihe miusliahconuiatuliiled ihe lown on the iijohh ol ihu fire ihparr inenl littijiflf lire prevention cnmpaluu diuliiu life pievenllon week and ivimrted llic stamliuus reielvcd lit dominion coinpell- tlon ciiiincittur iliirheaii suuuesled a leltcr should he sent ihe lire deiiailinrnl ullciliij councils lonuralulalious on their -iichlcvc- menl exiieiises ol si per onlnllowii dip by the mayor on municipal business were approved wutcrwnrkiirhrogrtjaa a letter 1 1 urn owkc reliirn- eil a copy ol the sljpicd aiici- iniiil il the iimummi watimyvutks tiroict luinii unileclakeii ow- rc will now lilri iin cnizlncit who will prepare ihe plans uiuf spccillcaltuus on coiiipletlou ol ihe plans owrc will call con- siiucllon lendiis and u the cost is withlirlhe jisdfmki limit sel by suie depai tmiiil ol municipal at- lavfs work will hcuin the niivul- cipihily will obtain the cases nieulviiccessary ami procure rcit istcred plans ol survey on ihe llolc tfie mivor repot led ihe nuinii- ipal uiitilots were at ihe lown ollicc lolllplelilltl ihe aiulil ol thi- im operations he also repoil iil he and lueinlicts nl ihe load coniiuillee were vishinir llamil ion to iosucl mad inaiiilciiancc eiuinncnl ietily reeve hliilou reiorted hie inauuuial iikclinu of the ilaniiiliu floaril will be held next tucsilav some council mftnlieis inilicalcit a desire lu attend suine mcelinus ollhe hoard to impiovc llnir knovtiiluc ul hs louvtiou- antl piupose ihe lirsl tinaucial slaliincnl was prcsenleil ainoiintlne l ihjmt2 aclon iiijc t 1121 snnlw tlirii z wav cani llruss lld 21h7i hulled ilih lld vim stiulax corp 12020 out mun hoard mlotf john c dennis kiimi whf thiimiuw iiiix fred coe illthi ailonjivdio ciiiuin 12h47 out miiiislallouirs tlm hell tviupbiinr 111175 ii fi harlow 2k2k apeco ol canada kami addressoitraphmulll huav municipal clerks and flu aiuc iilllccis assoc ill ml llilderwimd hid ivs pellv caslu 24kii t f iralhriland mill j i iailouciiu h2ll llal hiu olllie t7s i his and howard lld irilh munli ipal wot hi 111 vi acton free pi ess 75411 flschels miynl hold 210 hi hdyiil city amhiilanie 25uimi jtuvvnslilio usiiielup jtivj lilililinans 2im oip ihj44j i k mi wllliims 1411 jji mu kenie auailiio flic cii i 14 ill acton ilre fiuhlem 4h 51 pco services ylki fioittoir llaidwaii 2i us xou paint hi vm nisli 4 is symiiiis llai ilivate 2ft sll water anil sewer 2750 robert franks viulkl aclini molurs 4kls iranis moims ill in tlioiupsou molois 4105 llav thoiiipsnn fuels 111 ii nellls const nil ijiini cin ifiass i til ii7 4h flre aceountu ai ion iimiiii ciiiiiiii hell telephone ln can assoc ol- i in- duels hulled gas lld water anil scwcr mi j ncwlon ocjo e t wllsiin cousins lld men tv safely supply ic anatlian tiic coiji iisk74 1154 11 111 1500 lt4l 7ft i 111 1051 i 1 1 s ih00 0408 ii 14 425h8 784f2 express aarm many em dying ttttvmcrirniirtrcretrrr ducuiwj u luklnu ju loll of ho tail ktatulylnitfi hullon conn iv u i ht flu kiirl bccltot tttf- rkik ol till tonluujoiih dluuwf iihivc slowly north tlihlwuiil ko- llllll ilirm ill c upl in ik ovci looked lv lliu licolliim hul llu- diiilli nl lit tlillro elm wiimp coiinol and oiiti wnndoiw ul llu ixmnlhlt liilnro oilliu whck in our uitia llru huru ranchi and imik linked hv u wuudhi kits l cletmjv vlkltlh i or it toimldirwblf dutuiicu in hi wlands of chii id lilu iloic nl ycur ilil womlnw kiroiu tonliftnullv vnmintj and ixnitiu iroin 1 1 a- uluiuk in tin swaim u r cum indltiillm ihil iilf k not hunt with fhtmirn mjiliiiu tin- iluh hv hlilnu with air inn uncnvuicd nnniv uinhn and win in hulls ulvlnu wav in sii ivl ol ihe wihmihi kiis as lo uliv lluvni vvdikihuin ihe ailas hulvumd hruru stilxayr ul ilylny elm is now injiln wiv in llallon cnuniv tuts lhit an inrnhanlahli lor sawlnjis arr hhtf thow jlutl au inn sniiill lo inikr v inus aiitl- sinif illhusclhiil njv hir hiallliv ai tv itll in lions ol irpindiu lion a partial uifiopv is liiis iiiainliitmd to shade tin a i cas on i pitvcnl yiiiah ii inn lliowinp tliiiv is nc mil posslhill lies nl ilianuiiiy tin swamp areas lo itnolher spei irs hy rwiiiiieia lion i nun soft nitpli m ii tiered lliioiiliniit ihe areas or bv iin ilei plinlinu soil maple ouisciy sllkk hv jilt k hmiwii zone i riteman lleiipeler onr dipt muitl iolesls ospbiimok georgetown would help form volunteer brigade jo will rebuild hays barn levelled in saturday fire 80 fill church parlor for elections reports 0cr 8l1 lillrt xclon united chuivhs xiilor tu overt lowing ijl nijiht witliicmtiv lor the annual nuviin ol the convict- ulioivrtiviits prinitti in a tvmk let wen diseiinntd imf pulsed the butlyet ol josoo jppmwtl and election held lilcvtei1 lo the cmim to brine the number ixum 2 up to weir ciaiiston grieve neil mil ler mae smon hilton lilliott mebin miyhrll ciil leihtoii and orviuehroun the uiiid ol stewards is m consider itaiinj memherrdhp and will uk tt ii number lilrvtrj wvic iivm lki- dcui gin don bemtv tiank pnmisc ju long colin leilch will wooubiirn clenn white drucr shoemaker allan uuulei ml lome yihinhlut garnet mckenzie was elected i lo the ollicc o trustee to- till the vacahcy left by the death ut amos shoemaker rejected were waller wihhi- bum a ttaiiajixrgalrnct mc kenie and getirjje bowman as auditorvgeoree bowman aciretf to continue as recording steward i or the time beinfi 45ymuts q service the mlhuter the rev dwight enflel announced that orweii johtuton the clerk of session u cumplctins 45 ycun ol ci vice in one capacity or tnimherw the monthly mhttkmury and maintenance utemeni ror the owner tom hays ol hays sales farms trilalyar has ord ered ihe rcliuildin ol his lare cattle sales hams on iliithwav s tollowinn a s2so000 lire early saturday fnornhii which wiped out ihe ham ami s2 lieail ol prized molsteiiv cattle on a nip iii argentina uiili a imatload til cattle owner mays heard ol he disastrous lire over the- weekend wdtuuiihjs ieneral niananer lesv1iqiujton lt hein work immedij harn raisei meanwhile iness trom homes the t he- two passiny tralaluar policemen aiouud 4 10 am sal unlay and llames were shimitiin roin the ttkil ol one tit he harns when liscoxered ihey arrived mr miiihlton ar oused mi may rolwiuon a- i lays envplovee who was sleep ing in an apaijment oil ihe of i ce and then three tahorcis sleeping in a nearby bunkhoiise rhiev- maihietl lo save-k- head nl the cattle in tluvbarns he loie llie remainder weie mir- touiuleil by i lames short ol ihe necessary water trafalgars iwo i ire brigades stood hv to keep ihe lire trom spieailini bul could do nothini to stop ihe hlae the i lames were led hv over joo tons ol hay valueil al s7000 which suwul- near the bains i lavs farms is renowned through many cduntiies lor its large callle sales cundtii led at ihe laim he royal winter fail ami ihe london winter lair begin communications rescue courses at emergency measures pivsbytcry wus read b mr bowman the new system ol re cording contributions and send ing receipts was explained bv mr youngblut mr wood hum rexiewed huiliiiny coss and ex penses ami outlined fhe present financial psltion llu build inn committee iehirt deilanedthe commit tty icmpor- arily in active until our iniaikiat posititm allow us to start on our- next stage this next tagc is ol course a christum fduc- ation buildinc including auditor- iuni and kitchen facilities total church membership at december jl lloo was 449 mi fngelehaircil the meeting and lailies of llie chuivh serveil cot tec sandwiches and cooties- aftlrwanfs the fmeigeucv metsiiies or- ganiaiiou county ol llallon haxe annnuik etl that ihe billow ing courses hac been scheduled tor next week tuestlay jauuarv m iimnuinikuioiis iulio tcle- lhone operators otii se to conv inence al 7ui pin and ihurs- ila febi uai v 2 basic icscue course to comment v at 800 pm these coiuses axailable i mw- one uiieusud will be liyui at the i iiki geiu measure v oi gania hhn s main sued miiion j w higgins will be msiiih hug the conununications nun se and i a ihnine the ivscue eouise il is intended that liil aid mtl home nursing noises w ill be held in the neai tujiue lmetgeiky measin es co-oidin- alt ir ih in e metiregor recom mends he viewing tf cbctv pmgiam close lip jmuliiv m ai lopm ibis will be a one hour pioduc- hun dealing with the puts and tons nl fallout sliellers the pit grain will be entitled three leel o lii ih il has been filmed m ottawa loionlo anil washing ton k b hitc set ret it v ol the leilerd cabinet ih i- i massex ivicikc reseat i h hoaid major- ceneia i- 1 wriiich surial opeunjous r llvius ciui oi- t et loi lanei gene v meism es oi- ganialion or wright british columbia kesearch couikii u pinimiuiii aineitians will pie sum points ol t iew studio autheikes will also participate moves court italtnn maiktrate ic m lanp- don threat last week that he wouldnt hold aov more court cases in milloii until better tac- iflilcs arc provided came true this week he motd the mlltotr court to georgetown on mondav iikiniinf milton and north llil ton opp officers iransferrcil prisoners accused and witnesses to the georgetown chambers for some cases and pletaled fur re minds on others fuel up now for more economical warmth comfort with b a solar heat heating oil youll find our prices competitive our service efficient and prompt thompson fuels servicing your ra with a- a heating oils nd gasoline phone 69 after hours call 364 i l a timiv is important moles ami wails an ioiiiiikim skin hlemrslies ihil ate iisuillv harmless and il not lo lonspuu ous go tinnouied should lheu he any change in culm or size ola mole however it should have ineilieal atleulion in order lo en sure hat il has nol heeoine the seal ol earner in manv such cases il here is auv sign ol can- tej- it can he healed ami cuied il discovered in time colds and llu have heeu go ing ihe lounds announce winner for wi cake draw mis don dultleson aielph was the winnei ol the iruil take whiih mis stoiey hii hikrd anil donaled lo the womens in slitule ihe thaw was made l day night il ihe eiuhre held al the school winnei s a i i aids weie mis u idlis mis sloicv and messis cicoige jackson and i led lamhevl mis i lines is a palienl al ihe iutlph hospital when- she is to in u lei ln soinii v on tuesday lui leiuoval ol aialaiail lioinlier evi- m tss iriatiai ncettr rrrr f iiiiimiiii and john ailkeu id west ern llnivei si ly 1oinloo wen- home loi the weekend willi iheir p iiiuts mi anil mis iotdoh ailken at iur aticlluu ljlittthcrtikal mink latuher was in monlrcal recently attend- inj a fin aitcliou miss jnmne smith who teach es ueii dtltinville spent ihe week end wilh hji paieuls ml aiitl miivuhsell siliulu irank testa townline has heen a palienl al fiiiclph llospil al where he undei went sin iei last week th acton prmm pratt thurdy jinuary 26th 1961 iho fie i iff i own volu i4eer am hiiluiu isei vkv haw ofceretplojiw- sm ihe own ol acton in settinu iiv- ii volunleer amhulame hilj ade lile if ihe veivlce u louud uiiehhiuv coiuidllois learned las week id hi- wot ih ihdlons ih luili hoard hiauuoial rlhjchnp iu ieoiuelfivvn cieoinelown mikor i in llyile said ids lowii had the itest wis mlhlt wltiie you couldnt yel tiny twliei ami reviewed that ihe lown has purchased die uinhul- ance and ihe hiirjiule had made ll sell suphii linu- sliirljiiu i with iii linn jhe eoruefown iuii yhe now has ivtr l ineif on lliu nisiei and a hiu waitinitlisl her- viie is also provided lo tuihlor- iw rvuesjini lownsfiip id ii s i i u 1 1 1 1 v hiuher i osl thui ihailie- lo lawn residents at u m i iiuiu djni rln t llmlou ieviwe4 a loiiviei enl diflkpl ues and liih in llnanl i hdi man i duhy ieliited lo iiuwai lathed upoils q liouhlps in the dally pliswv- fin i tie i own t ooiulllois ol icrtul issistai ion il the need evii arose for nevvsii vi eln a elect rotarians to board to head scout movement i on i kola i tans weie e let led luesdav eviiilllii lo ihe hoard ol imtvernois loi lluiloy sioul and fill i findc nrovemenl in at ion servtnu 7ir itie tioant aloui wilh pmhitil- mnnhcis of stoill itoup iiuunlllee ale uo lariaiis jkm ledyei i iink imusr wlltlaiu icndleioii ami fiordon mlkcowii ilfseul i i in mi 11 lee nuiuheis aie tieor ihjjaunel i sid ncwlon and w middleton ala picvioiis inehioii ol ihe t hih inetulhi s iiuieed to spoiisoi ihe movement m at ion as one of their tominunilv ttoetls and let civt i an ainetuuent lioin lor lliei ifi oup i ouiimltee ineiuliei ihey would tolilimie lo seiae luy renpctm oiuiiiu he luesday niiihl ihn jiei meetinu inemheis ohseiveda two mimrle siltiue and paid llieii icspti is al llli iruieial home loi llie jtle amos sliikinaker who past away liiis wirk lie was an activt- inemhet ol llie t litb mil was i ailed on sivei a i ih i a sions lot his expel i advii e kolaiiali lied wilirhl delivered in addiess and played i et oi ded message liotn inlet national ito laiiin piesldi olt ldwanl mi i niijliliri ol itilj lexas i u his i ei or ded i ues- ie ml mi lamdihii ins il ihe valui lint tellowhip i d lis ln mitlarion 1011141 tnthlishtd- en h iiiunl ih piiio l miii ihil 4117 hhk mi 11 cvil ihe pulilli all in 7 led the v 11 ui ih 1i11t1 aimi vil il v ul iii 11h ihi muualm lxplalned loilailiu i a ii in 11 howed- 0i01 ltd- it lie modo lion nl ihe pulihi alixi wdi h nnlualtd the edltiui niolin nid liilrihil lion as well r iim- n jiimftittlu loiiiahir ii- was i ioi i 1 lhil eial piopt is have t n pai keil lluoojh itioi 1reai1l in llu 1111 ioie mmi how a lililllhrl oc hid- hur ih en ii a sisl with nimv loiiomioilv kikiihi i h- meiuhei- learned n cel over viimkmhh u i vc11 ipuhh ii ih niaianii tailin- hlo k ii il- 1 hoe imm 1 hi iiin ili liillv ik low ill him tllllf ikll t ml eialiin s ho hit iii h w mi oiote iii hi iin- 11 aaori this ap 5dc enlillat you to one 4x6 portrait v in studio foldtb chlldran mult ba accompanlad by n adull stevenson photo studio and record bar 4 miiht act6n fhonc 326 friday m tn 9 pm hulurriuy jo am in s pm miiton milton thur fri sal jan 26 27 28 ci blues ixvis phisiiy jllikt pkowsu ailtkcl color curltmin mon tuo wddtiiuri jan 30 31 fab 12 oceans 11 iltank sinatiia m martin sammy uavis jh plitkr lawioru joty hisiiop vulu one shuw cuch nllc u4him cimn 8 pm show ul 815 new low cost insurance protection rjairej cancer and 8 other pecdrrrd maximum benefits 10 000 premiums as low as 000 piu ylk fof pirticulk on itui fotry ind all kinrii of lijfr call dennys insurance agency 39 brock st acton phone 455 the ab supermarket 911 mill street the best for less acton omt florida oranges 49c doz p e potatoes grapefrut 5 for 29c waxcd turnips mother parker instdnt coffee 85c with free spoon lyons tea 43c 5c lb 69c the place where specials are true bargains ajax cleanser 2 t 57c madp adimf with ffe holdr iflalfoakinc l pkcs 2 49c lest0il 16oxbhl bauit o white swan 43c toilet tissue 2 roll pkg 25c hamburger meat specials 39c lb baby beef liver 49c lb mhj-

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