Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1961, p. 8

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tyrpntir u ikmwummim i mil jewelf tp the coop old days tmr 0am aesw back in 1941 backin19t1 starting wherever theres a sheet of ice iome boys a slick and puck theres bound lo bo hockey tl something of a canadian irjdi tlon from the earliest pot shot sessions be fore the sxbw flies through the annual boo ster night and the final sessions lo determine champions its minor hockey week in acton this wook and the national event is sponsored by the canadian arrtaleur hockey association locally of course service clubs and inter csted merchants sponsor a proect thaf has grown considerably and continually largor enrolments every year have been a sign of continuing interest in canadas national sport evoryvvcek a lot of adult volunteers put in time their spare time helping coach of ficiate and organise the minor hockey games that take place in acton arena they not only deserve credit but surely they desec some encouragement as do the youngsters who play their heart out weekly one of the avowed purposes of minor hockey week is to encourage parents to take thfir boy to the arena rather than sending young them jhee is always plenty of room for willing workers loo in an organization that grows as quickly as minor hockey does in a community so if you gel so fascinated on a trip to the ront that youd moo lo participate no- doubt there is a ob thai needs doing acton doesnt have artificial ice but that hasnt cut interest in hockey this year over 200 boys are participating in the program with the actpn legion lions club aclon firefighters merchants and slow press spon soring teams jhoyfe all doing a great ob worthy of your support arid inlcrost one of the slogans of minor hockey week in canada keep a boy en the ice and you ii keep him out of ho water illustrates better than anything one of the important dividonds of the loco minor hockey pro gram thoso who organize work at partici pate in and support minor hockey can look for long lorm benefits other than the do velopment of star hockey players hockey provides a discipline that will stand in good stead in the years tihead take your boy don t send him to the arena tken from the or ihe fre t n vrt thfy l rr thgrdy n j an inuieslmu duniimslrition jjisl ftuirsduy morning j wis uiveit 1ucijvcvciun id the dairyman clarruluc was deliver- binlki ihirreli ly i he i vet ion inn milk on aifru slreel the kv lliiiril uroup mil a hood number hillside muted the smgh to il lluiich members were present slntc down rather rapidly and to he tr them the 41 members il ilic horse marled al a kkj ihe uyoiip hantlld m a iioit pjl when turning nio elgin ileal of enioyminl lo ihuir aud sluet the sleigh upset and two leriee and ihe lone ir theirionis iri4hialitl what can be uctomp f 4- s r lets renew arbor day now would be a good time for some -thought- to be directed to themarking of arbor day pretty much of a neglected event now its importance was remembered some yoors ago it was a spring day when trees were planlod school yards tidied up and a new look developed for spring its result is still seen in many school yards ringed with stately trees jf with the tremendous crop of new schools that has blossomed since the early l50s there isample scope to provide an arbor day program ifs significance might carry over with children too to their adult life when their concern for planting a tree mignt be greaterjhatt their interest in felling a l trees live longer than any ojher living thing some trees have been found that a thousands of years old the oldest tree in canada was felled at the age of 1092 years we can think of no new school thai would not be enriched by the udicious plan ting of some trees each year neighbors new president the inauguration of the new president of the united stales was an impressive oven that we like millions of others saw through the wonders of television its true there were minor incidents to detract slghtly from the over all impressive- ness like the fire in the lectern and the rea ding problem of robert frost the impressiveness of the event to us though was in its deeper significance the 43- o jo kennedy facesthemost ominous concentration in history of mans oldost problems war and- the threat of war hunger abroad and a terrifying population explosion at home are typical of the problems that face the new president and his administration none of his actions can be taken lightly with ihe united stales holding the power and responsibility of western leadership the change of administration in washing ton may be taken as the opportunity for some of the belligerent ppwers to alter their course in a face saving way in their efforts to extract a more lenient attitude they may be in for disillusionment and a fresh round of cold war threats as canadians viewing the scene from a distance we may think it gives us the role of disinterested spectatori of course such a role impossible since the inierests and obec tivcs of bothcountnes are in so many ways similar the canadian altitude however can not be one of intervention name calling fin gerpointing or whining at the actions of the bigger neighbor while we may differ xsilh american policies we must be prepared to guide our own destiny and progress we sincerely hope the relations of our country will continue or a friendly basis qf mutual trust and we have no reason to ex pect otherwise under a new president as canadians we extend best wishes for success to the new president inh oor hop- for lengths of new friendship in the chain of friendship that ties the countries who is the watchdog in those days when county councils throughout ontario are being subjected to harsh criticism and could possibly face either re strengthening dr complete abolishment our thoughts turn to one question ho- often is the work of a county council appraised and by whom just who is the watchdog of our county system- the consolidation of services under the lone county roof thereby saving the focal municipalities operating expenses and waiving unnecessary duplication pf services in neighbouring townsalid townships was founded wtfh good intentions but today as large cities tend to wiihdraw from county government on as annexations and amal gomations rapidly change boundaries of towns cities mcj townships the staid old county government has been ridiculed those favoring its abolition contend thai n places too heavy a burqlen on properly fax w hile attempting to tarry out its maior responsibil ity on construction and ma ntenance of roads they claim the local municipalities can handle such services as local health units care of aged citizens welfare ambulance and library operations if this is true then who can ably judge the importance of keeping these mat ters on a county vmdebsis w certainly the actual members of a county council the reeves and deputy peeves of each municipality within thecounjycannot themselves be the only watchdog sometimes it has been felt that while plugg ng for mi pravements or better deals for his own dis tnct the selfjsh county councilor miy be swayed into thinking the county rule is o good rule there are ajso soo ll fund ons delegate trips a sense of import nce incl of course special remuneration itleved by councillors certainly the ictual member is no unpartisan fudgt of h s council s ex stei e j are the munic p ll count is the w itch dogs hardly so for through i iii d t ftck of interesi and understanding of flu jnty system town and township tounullofi g vl little attention to the work supers stcl by tht- county and it would seem that county coun cillors do little to help fellow counc mors gam a better understand ng of whjt riie p ire n body is do ng th sj leaves honest appraisal of county government up to the piovnk al govti n ncnt here aga n however vqvuu it i oh l it is hesitate to ev i limit tru county urvies ri legating the respons bihf back to ihe lttil municipals es theprohltm miy rcsoke itstlf locilly f mun c pal lounc k toulf be persuijed to take a closer look h the county nd t- special teai res wif make t an impormni cog in the mun c p f adm n sfrafive mat- 4 nery rj the acton free press published by the dllli printing and pnhu thing co udl tounilcd in is and publihrtt nui tliursjj at sv uilkhv hi a ion untjno fiinlhrot l hi- audi i buuau ot ciiiulition- 1 hi i t a imt- ilk omaivoubo diitsion ol iho cvvna adertimti rutr on rcqtw hubiiplioits paibk in jiuiilt jmh1 in cin id i j4jvi in ihe lmtrd states- stx montw jl 7f smiu mpii amhotted js saiiiiii tb mill povi oflue kpjit mun oniui 2 the only paper ever publlihfd in aclon g a oawd r i dllli eilllor ill chat pills manayuth editor business and eoitoial office phone 60 0 acton sapat utd sfttce riciiiik i ikiultil llin mimi llnni miw1 ik iloni- lo i oil olil in mil iiiiiikli ills ilnlik i ll illill i llhisi ll li millu in n ilion nvln illii nithl i il in im link kk in tin uill up io llll kilns 111 ulllllllkill issivs hill i ipiliiil lissim pi in- uiiii nl i iinin ilion pipn- mil ill ih- uiiii p ii iphiin ill i ol ii iiluii- i p ipii ii ippv innlission it iv i i i li 1 1 u is oni slumpiil on i nuijiiil lowi- iis niiuiuili iiilk in tin i mill smoki- lllllk is iluiiol i loulll sn llillhlll llll ul iul slillopl iplli1 s spii ill pi i 111 111 ml iin tiuii ol ilii spun i uiiii ol ihi luiis mil lot il blillihliss i oi llus 1 tliiuilll bllluk llilllliiiliil inioui ol mi niuspipu woik villi 1 1 i ik on l iljints lb il im iliiuil iu in pi i tiiision booi i s nosi tm link kiln mi b ul h uk i hi ill i unlit inn i urn ol lln luilr- mil tin oilil puiiih in ihi i in horn in ij hi sujisi i ihi i ll vv is llllll io ll i llll willi i in iki i ikiision iliiii s no hi sii mi 1 1 r i ii i uil il oui ii vv is oilil loll ol six ivllks ll ii i i ihii tli mil lo ilo somi- ihiiv lb n i loimil lln mi i iiv i luh i vi ik ii hii il soiiv lot i lllttlllll ml vvllltli slsliju is i 111 1 lip ml llllk is insli ml ililliuul i liil hki i ik vv 111 ill ii s not ih 1 i u iloili inv i iiilm m l oh ii i lli i ill i in hi vv l mr urn uul i in iitsl soil ol sluihiii ii up i m 111 kill ol ilk si jllipi iiiuils i ll ips mil llllt i llll ulsi iii s mil i 1 llllll 111 llll ii 111 ikl i mliss ll i 111 111 1 vi llll 111 i vv llll i ills nilil ill 111 i in i t t kl is 111 lllll 1 kll vv ill lb mil ll wliv i i iii i i ll ill ii iiil iii ik i iiimj l i i i iiivmii il i luln l ml hi r hill lilolouklllv s 1 vi 111 ii ll 1 itll it ii ll s 1 111 p 1 i kill i kill- ii s 111 111 s h i j is 1 s ihlllj 11 i ii illiu iuli i bil ih ul l 1k- i i in i mil vv ii ii niu i llll hlljs 1111 i mills ithlllt i iii lllllll uk ll ih ol ll lllllk lln kuls i iii mil i il nn in lliusi isin mil ill i ill lln v iiiiilil lo ml in iiltttt mi birk lino mp plnsii il mill i in v bun iii im i nil lin bloom im t in is in is mil il s i hi mil on ol lb isi ii il ivioiloll blooms lb il lln iilui n ls ll s liinilnsi tliiiiljnu nil vivvjiii suiipihl oir mill olosllis 111 loii lou lonn inlo till boilsi mini i isi i lo h milk lb in in ol thnsi hip- lwkvx irtl ktlibiti bioonis iiil nil will b is i l imh suimrsiil nn slu ilw ns si i llll ll i llllll iiiol iboiil nil oin lishiu i ullm in lln i illllllllv ol pi hill- pok i ol lo llll kll i liks ii jnv ol ihi illlli in vnils ol lb il n il llll iii h llllll 1 llsil lo p llll ip ill hul sin s ki n is mils i nil i ii inv in im sb s i iiii su i lllipll ol hill s iii il i i i on oni ot iii in i iii ii litis 1111 llll i in 1 nl lln nihil il ii si llll iboul is ski ills ol 111 ll 111 ill ul w nil 111 i sin s 111 i i kill iiii i nn iiiil svvi in i i i llll llll ii vv llllll 111 lllllslli il lllsl in lillii lo vvi n w bn i i inn i kip mil sn sum il is pi isi i is iuii b sin s m i km t in in luv si nn s tn i s i linn 11 nl in ms unl ill i i 111 s i ikl iii l 111 i i p i lllll sll l by bill smiley lopui mil ni b nk mi vnil il s iii in womkrs fui i riliii ilion mil uillimil i w is i in ilh hi iiinin lo inl lb il i l il i isi lb il i los b ilsotl i i im i n ii mil unl hi nn h l ii l i u vi lis lliil 111 nihil in hi vi i il lln i in lint- 1 1- piillnl oil i illlipk ol shots lb ll h ul lln in ill l isplni i lib iboul is n ii illicit im i t iiiiipk ul lln nlil him is i i ippnl mi on 111 b ii k mil lokl nn llni b nlll i irrn imboii in iiis sink ihi pillk b ill iii lln- slik pmkil iv in llll is i b ill lllsl join wo1 us oliln nil ins il m i bolltii m on lln 1 1 iniiill loo il nn rrnni vvoun n mil ouiv lillnis ul ov lo itiloi oui i urn on lln p 1 i ihk hi lln ilubioonis ikhtil from orilmirv ioilis uhcn ptopli ilk i unl1 p jlliillim is uiplnu i asl thuriy numne ih auiiri vs mms cuib liicl iboul so iocji buhiniss mil piofcsmn ilnun is yiusls liirinu thfir rcgulir ihnaii nileiini snitkil uitisi ilurini itu- evunnil wu tnl hnrmilh mp eif prkslon jnel he lun- a itry injcrcslinb i ilk sjid cvpunjiitoit f the fir ois ripoil whiih imc unikr discussion in larhanivnt hi i ilk uis most inlcieslmil anil ciluiaiional and mdiiattd ins snout kuiinu ilihoutili he stitr eil ik u f anv polniial biaslli u is ihanktd in moillv rimir uliu lias iisponslhk for oblallllllli lln spiakcr tin dublin i hi rirv soiiih mil jiutlii 17 and dliilni ijn tlllsllllss sissioi1 il was lllllkll lo linlil a box sonil and dniiali lln jiioinils uiiilio war viilims fund mr ouni in wuldn prisul ul loi tin folloinnp pioliiiii iiadmi in joan somi-rvilk- sol os hi c culls nadints hi miss i youll ihoinsis b ihi sihool ilukliui iiinnulutius hj ii suns pi mo solo hi join sry uniiilli anil niilaiions in mb iliiiklinlili i al lln- lonilnsitin ol lln- pioji1111 liinib wis sirinl nut i von ol 111 inks ti niki id in mi wildu uul his assistants loi lln lull iillii liliulli nt i in bush jailiui tul uniki w ii in lln inn i i isi link and lln siliiduli is in lull sviinij as iln simon pun tin nuns fii ilini fun until linn sb in ol bumps uul bnitsis and iiiiuril iv iiiluliiii lln spnl tlois tin sliitulll ol this kipin has proi nl i km in minis uul two ilion tiniiis hui intiiid ihi pin tins should in iki loinpil ilion iiii kim ru lln riimliv cup iuns of prinii- aclnivnalry mjlk iipsiid and their tolilcrds niruliid ilw sinci mjiitlicr mr tjjitjdjjc or tlc mnniil were nl- juicd in ilw mtsjiap thi uv ruiidwuv was the ijusc ol an cxliiinit runiwuy on miji suitt un satiudu ifler- mion mr hiram fclur of emu had ins team ul tuvloi s black- siuuh siiop biunji shod and his son was dpvinp jhem down mum strict when the uv ioidiilv iujilii the bijliililitli lo slew from one sjdc ut the shil lo ihe oljut op mondav fienliib while loastinti down bioik sunt on a imbsleijih herbnis stiuinhle vouiltiisl son ol mi and mii thomas ramhle churili stnel susiamnl mtiutis throujrli mm my in ionlnl vaiiii ahnnv hob sk nh a l itn fool til lln lull vvhmh inniinalid i il tllv a louniiv of hours lalii hirbum in lonip in with his imon lonipanioiis aiiihii kennev uiul missis ni lln williams her ida blown nora and lijlins kninil 4iad bull loislnit cliiwn annis sin 1 1 ilui me in da iiili ivnll up vnlorii arr nnd nitiotiaiid lln inh lolllv lake tor scleral lurns on their wav honii lliev dinikil to tuasl down bunk si tlliu skil urn inlo a pur ol hi iv l bohsliinhs slindinpin llu shidows it mi i mis sioii uiul not disiiinibles lo wirhirl who was sliniiii lie w ts knoikid uinonsi ions anil dud al ii o i link iheolhui pas sniiieis inn onl shakin up as ihc undid in a iruniplul heap an i nl5it hoitiei nialill was pi unl on monday hilvvten ii mis lomposid ol bankets and one hum tin town tin yame was ixlitine and ihe liams wiie innlv matihid with tin liime bimu unl unnl ihi last mom nils when ihi lniij luam went tin ul uul xi on 4 professionjmjci dncavflleks g u i d e mfdical funiral nimcctokg i 111 lllsl sl ix i cll lip i 111 llll- xi ii s ij 1 nk il i n i ill ip nix vv in n in s in vv il i uiul ik i 1 i hows in llnnisi ivis ib ml mini n n nils dili stt isb ui hamlb ill u si ipi nl iln builllj is 1 w 1 k nil mi 111 i mini s nn v ii i ii lbs ul xi llkllll iii l s ill llll will ll 111 i i ikl hul lis i l l vi 11 i sinni u ullll- un bul i s j ix kl p hi ibslhiii i i ivvint lo till wni k ii xi ll dr w g c kenney phvstcian and surilron ofrii in sxrnin hlick 41a mill si e actun oflicf phnnp 18 rrsidmii 1 1 church st i pliono l dr d a garrett plivsicnn and surjipon cornlr if w lllvi and ijitr entruiiit- river st actn ont hhtinf 21u phone 000 night or day bru e shoemaker mgr s3 optical and iieakinq a1dh in hill i i inl iii is puiuslllll ll iii ii iii ii i lull iii i i vv i l i ll ll ii i ill i bi uul ll v u i i vv ll il 1 1 sli in i i pi in ii ill ll ll ii i i 1 1 111 i is jiin ilk mill i i mis is r lln 111 i ii n iii i l i s i ii i ku i sp i i iii i s l kll 1 v vv i 1 111 i ilknl lb mil xx in ll niu ii u nl vviih ih i ii w hi i i llklll 11 1 i i link u i pi i ii i i i i i ii i hup i lln ii ii ink is iiiiidiu- 1 dr robert l buckner phis din and suriteon 31 willinjlon st aclon ont plioni 079 otfice houn fl8 p m afternoons by appointment llfi stt and ivsubavcp f l wright jn xv iinir st i i n ontario pimm l pr us r ui il fstale ul limit jnci- e l buchneb r o optorni trut contact leniei lieorlrv ajd x mill st e acton- in anon wednesday only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone in ilfmtai mill ll i i il i llll i vv villi new years reunion for dr7mrs hore j i s s dr h leib dt nal surgeon off c crnti- m 11 and t r il rick strut off i ii 111 hi appointment ii i hmonf 11 dr a j buchanan 1 ii ll silt m j oil i sa mi i strut of ii hi s u a in to a pm 11 ll xx dnsil o if ul h1 imuhunc 14a dodging round the district m llltjl is i is lkal dy boy d o w s mil ion is l il 1 i nl im bv i 11 sv i i 1 i s ip 11 11 hi i 1 ii s 111 iii i ll u is v i i v oiiilnl i il xmk iii linn iii v v hill il v i nip vlli i i hi kl llh lln ni- i nl lliiiliu s i i nub in isil wlnn ill i l 1 s nilliuv ilh musk i soil n ip 11 ii i hi t in im i i ii h i i i il niulx pi hi il iss win i w ii v v i in t i i i i j i v in lln bisi si tm it hi i ilk i hi vl i ll ii pi i i sssi mi sikillsmmi 1 mils t it 1 in nb im i i i vltmlull low llll i ilivv lolllliiuiiiix 1111 lliip ul i v 1 il im i vnil i miiinh in tin ullvi iraiakjk un ill i j illtn it s in i 111 aid al a unnl muniiipal uoanlln ii uv v b n lb s im i i ill v suhiiihuil last vnl ik maun mis iln i w isi ip s i i in v xulli mil lo iln thilitinnp vmrlt xvltl i mi i i i i i p lintn oulsuli tin t vvnslnp hkxmiion i ihhiis in llus mi ii iipi ihi tn il i is lot thill lasts ilatiiin ill it snn pipk in tnlv i in u i null i ti vi mils linn pnposil un links ii4lnl ru lltsl i fip in nn li t iiil tli n iii ii ills pi i lint i 1 i link llniili i 1 ikcj iowsii tin sifiool butt i vv nils iiiisins lil bv vlllllls hi imvii s lst llll lotllll ii oi is m un as ij un mbi i s in xl ii h mum il nolid i isi wnk n un n inn ill lo lb sbol l wis lixiiiinl n inline lo nils tilt npnou ul in im tuiiubns il iiii oi bx wauls is wiini ii i l i i lb i i i ii ni in i iln vill u ih i llllll ii ii v leatherland qc noary c f i i i ih ii r r i s 1 cito public i tirs 10 00 am 12 00 m i 00 p m t 1 0 p 1 os bv appil litmi nt onlv ph fir it i lal acton i i ii ll rj unl ii r b it i ti i xi i i nil v i ii ll is llll iii iiixiiu llll llll 1 1 llllsl 11 i iii i llll v t ihi nivi 1 vi i km in ikill i txil n ii iv i in it two 1 uvllli is ill ii liusb un is in ml ajnl i w s l i hill n i 1 lo ii l hi t i- ml i m i ii it i th l p hi i in mi i me i uis ii i ii 1 ih ii imilnns llnkv in ikij 13 ol i i 111 w i tlsl tl il i i mi iii i mi ii i unl hi ii llu 11 i inn mm i ix i ii u lln vv i ik iph n mo kohil i llll lllll a bfeaida b a f solicit r voury public m ti st s acton on ihont 76 ii u s 6 p tn 9pm i i t 9 t in sruril tv 1 c rk s k fimlph i 4 2h2 off ir ii un v a m 1pm s ivi ilan 9 a m 12 am hastings payne b m- nil im citirn s jrus iuhl c 1 mill st alm f f appointment- call flftl i iimorharr w roy riddell dc palnu r euufir chirooirctor 17 mill bt phone 40 olrice hhirs 1uri a thufi 1pm apm sjji it ejn lpro robert r hamilton optometrist fyes fxarmned glasses litted no mtin st v quoruetown ont office hour 10 im to 6 p m man to frl fieninits by appointment c toned saturday for appointment pleaac phone tn 7st71 afditinq accotlntinq lever hoskin chartered accountanul ii main st n 212 km st w ilnmptun toronto 1 hini- gl 1u24 em 4 0111 pootatbiwt ot spihlallitl edmund g morgan dsc 14 grm st gill loll on lhne ta 2 2740 m mdav wedmiday fndiy bv app iiilm nt tkavuimv ouidt gray coach lines coaches lcavr actov standard time aj bound iiu am i daily except sun and tl i h i m 11 33 a m 2 oh p in sohprn 111 pm 111 pm ll pin sun aid hoi i weitbound 10 27 am 12 57 p m 2 7 p m 5 27 pm 727pm upm mm pn i 12 a m len sat sun and it i i canadian national railways standard tfm eaatbound l pailv except sunday fl 44 am daily except sundayt 0 12 m flaotnpi dally except sat anal sun lit pn sat only m i in sunday onlv a 01 p m dajly xcept sunday river all grnrft- lovin 8 27 pm daly etlyer at georgettnvn 10 00 pm weitbound dallr ll im datiy niul sundav 8 37 pm sat oilljr fix a m 111 p m sundjy onlv 0 43 am flafltavpl suttdjor only jtiyer al ouelph tm pkaftt pally excect sat and sun u a4 ul jd er ail ie i ly klyer a jl stti u

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