w v- r spilling five pins afacton bowlinglfanes by k k k h u l fo hd high school january 2i well ii was a pood bowlinir go for the failend sap phires and rebels they willi jul themselves- u ini ql bwki pulnl- wluc lubctswon 4 lie fjm1 and third -games- ciiim ihe ml ca jjunys anil squeezed mil the odd fxilnt rni- ttiiiik hit two pins mlkekoijers turned in ihe reh- eli liest cfton a 216 solo pete homer lili the lilh spins lor hi cii llnnfis with a m4 triple r sopphlrea win ksinlly shppilircs were up aainsl the yoitis anil had no trouble in wliv ulnu the first tvn yames and went burinlne for ihe third hut vouis came to life and made with ihe win sapphires had no irouhlc in wrapping up ihe odd point fur totals the best trundl ing in this go was sapphires jotltt foleys 258 silillle rock arc slumblhik blncli the rocks- proved a slumblinii block tor ihe teddy bears and won two games and loials they went all out tor ihe triple win but the jlearsuere hearine tlown in i he second and won by seven pins caiy masales with 2iw single was ihe besl ot ihe rocks nillihji jim biillnwiih for teddy dears hit ihe triple deck with mh wavne mason made with a 222 single league slnmllng teildv hems v ihe rocks 63 yogis m hi fa hongs 52i sapphires 48 the rebels 41 bearcjmbre january 23 the top i spnr uppers were tocine -the- foul line against the second place jxvons and when ihe nimble ol jpins hail subsided ihe llevous by three conclusive wins had ie- placeil ihe uppers ls league leaders tinnic masales 761 and lluyd masales 6su did their bro ther acl lor lie triples anil pal chunhill kicked in a 210 sinyle- for good ineasiirelo spark the dcvons viii tippers were till the beaten track as far as scor es were concerned john rolison managing a 204 single mmkokiih take 41b spot muskokas alter threatening to take over ihe lourth spot lor weeks finally niaile ii bv nail ing ilown ilu- super soles lor a thivc game loss sleve plisnik and ken papillon with 790 and 647 in thai order served up ihe triples lor muskokas witii al roach 216 and hen lowlei 225 inkingcijiv ol the single- phil lesucur uiuel uiir ihe soles with 670 and mjllie fabian singl ed with 224 whlrlyblrdu take clmc win iealhereties slowed ihe whirly- birds down by whining the liist spasm by 24 pins whirlyhirds- whlrleil away with the second ami managed the third game win by two pins the fjirds snared ihe oild point for- totals sonny townslcv was in with a 625 tri- counl for the whirlyhirds with roger murray 205 anil j3b brown 230 taking care of ihe singles rnr leajlicrcllcs- joyce mwales posleila new- league triple id ki3 and helen resiieiir trundled a 603 jjukie slnndhic dcvons 68 uppers 65 wbirfy- hinls 551 muskokas 44 i-callicr- elies 45 super soles 37 legion ladies january 23 wishful thinkers moved lip into first place with an allout win from ihe hopefuls with jean bullnutfh and dot carle soling with 211 and 203 in that order hopetuls hail hop- esbiu thai wits aboui all linkers win 2 tnluw a margin of 14 pins gave cornhuskers a first game win from uis doris angell luniod in a 201 for cornhuskers in the second hut marv coonev look care ol il with a 206 and uis squared the games ui s tried hard in the llnalc bin the pins were falling in ihe cornhuskers favor and it was a husker win lor two and tolijls top iriple rollers for ihenlpfft were dot earle 574 marv coonev 548 anil poris angel 536 league standing wishful thinkers 67 coriibus i kers 66 uiss4rftopefuis 51 blue springs nursery january 24 mums were a free wheeling outfit against ihe roses and wound up with all games to iheir credit with beltv hardies m7 iriple anil audrey urquharfs 202 single heading up ihe win halton ball moguls tq meet in oakville the mniiat meelin of ihehal- hiri county baseball assqdathm will he heltl in oakville this vear il was revealed bv president pel- er mimnllen his week the second saturday in fehru- arv fehrttary- ilfh is has heen ihe custom over ihe years will be ihe- day when ihe mojnils lroot ihe towns ihrouiihoni the county will ktllonctluiilulcn4 lo the i75lhl scisoii axluirii unci al map plans lor the 1961 season ahead some 14 weeks laler the cry ol play ball will rine out across the count v as the clubs vilj itel ilown to the actual plaviny on the field botjy uach wilhln 20s slnalc wuvjrose best caniulhnti 7loinl winner the carnations were unoihyr seven pini winner when hey met nj wlili ihe violets vioiek tried to averl the shuloul by wfnnliilj the last ljame but were shy mwrr ptnv- shirley hunters 22vs1ul lmilied yod oil ilu carniihon score slucl cheryl 1roo avilb 2h1 and millie sttti vih207 wenl well lor the vio lets i avlerit take cvnds gliids were ufirst name winner from th- asters when- they squeezed out 19 pins more as ters tint even in ihe second and latched onto he third and pick ed up ine odd point for totals for good measure rheta goodwins 233 and beryl jordans 208 sinul- eswere the hiyh spots jf thti aster win glads fell by ihe way side sinitlewise and triple wise league standing mums 72 aslers 7lyiolets 58 carnjilions 54 1 glads 53 rpsus49 service league jannar24 the front running walflors were outlmwlcd hy the ys men and wound up with ihe shnri end of a 52 yo fyfe som- ervillcs ftfta iriple anil the singles of walter dubois 216 and harn arbic 224 looked yootl in ihe ys alejiivjn ken huhurd 624 and- karl gimwiwin a6i were walflors besi triplufcwilh john couture hiltint a solo 203 roturlunn pull upset when look the micro plastics in tl wt in t -htivg- been a hijjper upset il rlarv had won ihe second yame which they losi by 12 pins andy me- kenie made micro sit up with a 235 single herb schulwrl did the sime t hi nil to uolar wjien he bos led a 230 sulci or the micro crew league sinhdlng walhors s3 ys men 42 micro plastic 2hj rulary 16 industrialcommercial january 25 well als snack bar iol tinallv knocked out ol firsi place il wis goys carlaye wht j adminislered the coup tie 1iace with i sleeping three lime win freewheelini in ihe govs wiii were ches peycha 716 junior creasey 609 earl good win 646 and sculch mcciuch- eon who came ihrouyli in the clutch with 647 twasiijou4h pill lor ihe lunch crew lo swullowwih hill williams-hil- tiny an 830 301 bill johnstone 645 and wnvne spires 656 taxi put boots to lga ledgers iga who have been thrratcnine lo replace ihe als continued on page seven btff photo busy lads arc the members of the acton rover crew as they rush to complete a community proect threeof the tronomltee membeis are pictured obove as they ponder over sketches with calipers and ccnipas shown lett to rujht are bnm otierbein paul elliott and pete newton the entue crew pitches in and avorks on the piojects obituary d smith war vet buried at fairview a wiciui ot ilu- imih rei- uieiil in iik- 4sih llifihiuuki du rinj the wi4 is wur lmul hukc sinilh t iieoijiciitwn died it vhc rinn nuivnit hoiih- vion sn lrda juuiai v in his 77 ih j cji lolltwin 1 m uionihjitl ness a la im m vi 111 itluillhi mhh lo j his illncsn lu- wi- picdvis 1 ins wile lira i law 1 home he icatcs lo mhnitn his loss uo trjunhuis xlinui mis a wil liains and taci nc li s lai lc kdcr ivith l ieoiviown ami lint biothci gcoi ev sinilh ol acton as well lour ytaiuhikl ivn funeral scims wh vonducicd by rca ii kkcnie hunt ihe ruiillevshovtnakei hinial home tuesda jaruuiv 31 with inter meih in lfaiimew ccmctci pallbearers wcie tom sykes tontwootl iaile walker rav mcgim john mimu- aiul kiulopfi halton cut rate meats where quality and lov prices are combined rr 2 rockwood phone ul 42627 meat tut to order this witks sptcial round ib steak roast 69c ib beef liver 49c bologna 28c by tht puci 4t- j normh bird elected director crop association i j norman bird georgetown ws elected as zone -renrecnln- live for halton wellinylon ami waterloo counties lo be ontar io soil und crop improvement askocrullon the elections look plneeul jlhe onlarlo soil und cop improvement corivenilon f he ilalion county assoelalion was represertltfd ot ihe conven tion by jim mckay georgetown world seed year was honored at the i l convention on junu nry 25 26 nnd 27 held at the coli seum in exhibition park toron to many of millions farmers at tended the convention lo be brought up to date on new de velopment in soils nnd cropu special sessions were held for seed potato and turnip grower gneri session general sessions were held oh januury 26 a rut 27 the program on january 2aib ineluded inlorm- allon on grassland farmings pas ture tor heel entile und u new system for tiandling forage a discussion nnd film dcttlt with ihe winning pasture practices oi herb watson p king of ontario the day concluded with h dlwiission on the storage and feeding of highmoisture copi and the isthconsecuiive annulil jvirocasi by w p watson ontario livestock commissioner on ihe agntulltiral outlook for wnl guest speaker in ihe evening guest speaker al the annual banquet was james s duncanr chairman ontario hydroelectric power commis sion his lupic a challengciu ihe western world -on- january 27tlw weed control was the feature together wilh crop insurance new lindinps in fertiliser like and forage oarvcsi- ln ihroughoui the convention a tyimbcr of educational oxhihtis were on display including a mod- el of ihe herb wat son farm truhifa asafts ix f 1 i ijmwi ljiihhmim h rn i 1 r andersonkerr vows said i doub ring ceremony churchill united church was ihe selling saturday nflernoon tor the marriage of lydin made kerr daughter of mr apl mrs archie icerr- rr 2 ailonand dmald roikti anderson son f mr and mrs robert james and erson cameron ave rev milton aiken m m of oakville and mr c beaton ba tfliciuted al the double ring cer- rmony harulmadfc gown given in marriage by4jer fa ther the bride wore a handmade knee length gon ot antique while sajinavilh bouffant skirt and impressed- pleatsadded full ness the scoopneck bodice fea tured jul length petal point icevcs a n d j buttons a narrow waistband gathered lo satin roses in ihe back the brides shoulder length veil was held in place by a oi relet- ol while salin roses she carried a tmoquei ot deep pink and tinted green roses two attendants miss betty biberio of angola africa was maid of honor wear ing a guvtn of deep pink antique salin with scoop neckline and threequarter length petal point sleeyes unpressetl pleats enhanc ed ihe short lull skirl and the waisi was belted lo a small hack bow her headdress ut pink tulle was caught up hy a pink salin bow she carried a nosegay of sweerhearf roses and pink chrys anthemums miss- erica sirokoy r r 2 aelon was flower girl wearing a lull skirted frock nfequa blue crystalellc she carried a basket ol pink baby chrysanthemums during the cercmohytmrs em erson anderson sang wedding prayer and thanks be to god accompanied by mrs gordon aitken best man was robert kerr r r 2 acton brother of the bride ushers were jack vanatfer of fenelon falls and ronald ander son of oakville brother of the groom reception in parlor churchill womens institute ca tered for the- reception held ii ihe church parlor when thi brides mother received wearing a sheath dress of turquoise blue with black accessories anil cor sage of pink carnations she was assisted by the moth er ol the- grthim who wore 11 j gown ol brown and while mirj acle crepe with feather trimmed 1 hal of brown velvet brown ac- lessor ies and cursagc of vellow and hrone chrysanthemums i tables were decorated with heirloom silver candleholders pink candles and pale pink roses guests attended from brant- ford rockwood king oakville hamilton georgetown- fenelon falls toronto burlington mil ton and guelph as well as ac- ion and district a telegram of congratulations was received irom the brides sisier brnther- inlaw and family mr and mrs r ty ler tom and kathy ol inoenix arizona wedding trip the couple left on a trip to montreal via the st jawremv seaway the hride wearing a powder blue suit black acces sories and white pardenia ctir- sai communications course started the first meeting of those in terested in takinga communica tions procedure course was held in the halton emergency mea sures office milton- on tuesda j w higgirca wltlimunltimlnik officer in the fmo will be the instructor for the course mr hig- gins is a ham enthusiast and wa an opp oiticer in oakville tin live years his equipment includes two way fm equipment anil amaletn equipment including 10 melcr anil 75 meter sets the course does not include nidiv code hoi il interest is shown in the code il will be laught radio ne set upin wenl m- heir return mr and mrs anilerson will make their home wilh ihe brides parents r r 2 ac 1 on the groom is employed as a linesman with aclon hydro de part mem prior o iheir marriage un couple were honored bv the hy dro department and commission wednesday january 25 at the home of dorson frizzell when the presentation ol a mixmaster was made thursday january 26 acton ball club made the pres entation of a coffee able al the home ol m holmes bannoclcburn wi stage monthly euchre the bannockbtirn wi held their monthly euchre saturday evening at bannockhurn school there were 10 tables of euchre plaved prizes were as follows ladies- first mrssrtti ladles- second mrs bertha keniner mens first william wilson mens second charlie thompson lucky score prize mis w mc donald large fish largest fish caught world on rod and line pound luna taken al sk ann bay ns- in i9s0 hy comnubider hodgson ol montreal th 477- vrq jtluuowoiniwe lantfc stmrnr andbnmrrmnnks ahd rtieecen ties will ih used jn actual trai ning in the use of ihe equipment lpon completion o the course a depart men i of transport in- spec oil will hold exams for the students on r t procedure tor a restricted rt license cgit news the knox presbyterian cgit meeting began wilh our purpose anil hvmiktrs hansen lead our bible study which was on in dians group one led the wor ship service af lei taking up the nw busi ness marilvu lemon lead a sing song il was lolloweil hy a lunch prepared by group 1 we closed villi laps taking no chances a w m was driving along a country road when she noticed iwo workmen climbing a telephone pole what are they doing that for she saiil turning to her companion surely my driving isnt as had as thai the acfon prt thursday february 2nd 96 march of dimes campaign raises 650 for disabled continued from page one pistrict no 3 st josephs church mrs jacqueline nolan eaplain mrs irma mrs mary doherty mrs allele nolan mrvrbahr smith mrs shirley braida mrs marg- reid mrs frances matcous mi s pal pal- terson mrs arline coullrup mrs jean cotion mri pat suuih mrs talhoi mrs rose mrs pauline gordon district no chi isliai re formed church mrs j bowman captain mrs 11 venema mrs j kammingaj xlrs g vos mrs il llaenburg mrs t de vries mrs j lthiienga mis il hoi- sitedc mrs g iauw jrs j van arragon miss a van arrogon mrs j krul mrs j vanderkool mrs- k kamminga mrs l de graaf mrs f kaminga mrs v verluek district no 5 knox presbyler iarr clhirch mis fied anilerson captain mrs ila4jpijir-mhr-l-7- wilson mrs v mcleoil mrs a kirkness mrs a frank mrs a gerais jmrs hugh jordan mrs geo musselle mrs doug mason mrs tin i annsirong alis j van fleet mrn f- masters mis john krapek mrs norm me- fachern mrs mclennan miss julie hiiiiiils miss marv kay gibbons dishicl no 6 united church mrs j ledger captain mis g mckeown mrs c kognahson mrs g w mckenie mrs win coals mrs f keniner mrs win walerhouse mis n i mrs d van fleet mrs n miller m a laude u iv- mac synion mfst i- ciriuse mrs kinsr mrs ar djibv i message from president tii a message this week rev a il mekenie presideui of ihe acton rotat club commended i he lailiesju the lollovviiii siati the genen his response 1 the ople ol acl ll o the first km- ir xmimunil miixh of dlmem ituiipiilun hokl ucrc via moftt liimirlenirin li llic ailuh club iri stmrnkohnu ihe drive the supimiri uivn wouttl mm luiu itiuilelhim iih acton fmnipit tilv util only auior 4t4f hut jho siioiihiv apnvl the continuat ion ol ihe silk vaccftiatlon irb- urun iihi tht ionltminntfcor the ivhahillliitlon of tlluiblcd pery min tti prtuluttivp capuclty hv- iillinf lluil oi coniphtely fit per sons our i luniks tire rxloiidfd lo ilu- chiti muiclilng mother mifi jaiiics i illher who wan ably a- sisuul hy i he area leuilen ml i- atulerson mrs j bowrnatt mrs i cohen mrs u kerr and mrs a nolan and hy uppmnlm- alely 100 women retjtilled frum ihe yarioiis ihuixliei to which ifie leaders beloini the rotariahc aiv deeply sralelul lo all ibew ladies who ventured out on an eviremely ciild winter nloht to inae arions tanupttlttuiln i his humanitarian enterpris erv siueessfnl -many- ul ilu- yrealesr wrltotsj ol ancient rome iveiv knni 111 spain accununu 4u world oolc kncvilnpeilia seneca martial and oiiintillian came from spain once a mourishiny piiivinctj of ihekoiikiu lnipire for space halr oil and confcctlonbiv sufktu ss- jackmccallum your texaco itealcr corner mill anil young slreets opart 7 am ie 1 1 pm dally harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour sarvle live briter electricaily pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 walar st north gait telephone 62i7sb0 caroline nurseries garden centre 2 miles west of acton on highway 7 south side say it with f lowers 7 days a week to serve you s hours 901 am lo mki im floral designs for all occasions fiw dallvary in aelon telephone 7s0w13 for that smart look in alassos look to e l buchner ro optometrist r contact lanut fillad haaring aid l eyai examinad 4 miu st e acton ont wednaujay only office hours 2 to 6 pm for awhutment phone 115 acton if no atiiwar phone waterloo collect sh 28867 j is murrimyever 1 have to hang out ueky she doesnt the wash today fyer liys a lucky rliy when you own rlri trie clothes lrcr because rvriy 1iy s imperfect clr i 1 11 day safe irnllr rlrctric heit dries alt your laundry tofaileproof soilrxif icrl lion lluil lriel ready to lla nil dollies dryer is easy on your isliini4 ami iisirr on ou loo it just one more way thai rlcriiicity linhlins your duties iriulitens inll day nihi yri more out of life whru yiiu net tlw iiiostuui ol rlrctricily xk lilu sli r ui i iiviay or soil no duiliespin corners i or easy ironiiik wiihout spiinkiriit oi rolling up jusi set the dial to the desired degree of dauipnesj n rlrc- mki i i l i kiel 1y vwjltk tuk vcju c hydro s is your national electrical week- fei 5thfeb llth