v r tbb atfonfree praia thuraday february 9tfv 191 viran workmen arc buy huwins out frozen water servic es the frost on the red tuoii- day morning made uvery kcenic picture many skiers were active un nclyhboiiny hills luring the weekend acton liiiih schiiol tenchcr will he ultemirnu u convention on friday is spriny just around hlie corner two crows were sighted on j5 stcterrad sunday i snow removal on mill street lias hcen 41 purl of lie town workj mens chorus this week j pheasants are reported to he active in ha district arid appar ently ure becoming quite tame in some areas the school creek running high this week and children might be advised to keep off the ice as the lop layer is onl a rhcl- kiddles enjoyed the snowfall last woekend and many of them could be seen be pulled around the streets on sleighs by ibeir parents j an editorial appearing in the aclon free press and uriclex pub lished in the canadian crmimplon were discussed at great length on neighborly news radio pro gram last -sunday- sir you missed last nlhtt wednesday operetta presenlat inn he sure and see tonights the auditorium was packed for the firs performance scenery costumes music and acting are superb jiif u q- iiiieuiiism whmiwinirtwyv i st albans wa guild hear medical missionary a combined meeting was held recently ufsl albans wa and st albans guild at luxlun mum1 rial hall rev l d dolbyt former medical missionary to the belgiarl cungo was ncscnl with lik- nit- mil mill of their inter- esftni fife flicrv with their four children he and his wile wciv forced to flee the conpo last siimmcr after 25 ycais preaching teach- inn and healing in the district ol kwanuo in congo 25 years representing the wms of ihji regular ban ol canada they went tu ihe atrican counli in obituary imo showing colored slides the two missionaries sketched high- jitihts of their wurk and exper iences in a country which they learned to look on as home just a month before the upris ings mr an mrs dolby sent their tour children borne to l-an- ada never expecting- to- have to follow them just a few weeks later the speakers were introduced by mrs edward blunn guild president- mrs gewme fountain president ol ihe wa presented hem with a small gift in apprec iation of their interesting anil inspiring story mhif 1illtlm cockledoodlrooo was the title of thoskit presented wednesday night by grade three studonts from the robert little school during i icir operetta performance the youngsters are pictured bbvo durfng iheir dress rehearsal mo idy afternoon tho pupils entertained tho audience wednesday night during tho first porormanco complete plans for project during united wa meeting active in georgetown groups 7vrs william frank passes a member ul many oryanta- titms in georycuiun mrs william frank 85 died un thursday jan uary 2fc atler a hurt illness she dtrherhomerwi i hhcnhra ghtcr mp james f evans 2 guelph st geuryeloun lor scv- eral years the lormer mary gilmour she was ihe eldest daughter ul an drew and elizabeth mcedward gilmour early pioneers ol the guelph district and was burn at bade nock a seuitish settlement ill pusllnch alier her marriaye hhc lived in nassayaweya and fulluvcing mr franks death she made her home in georgetown with mr and mrs evans mrs frank was a member 6f il w invtitme the red cruss sikiety and the local courv cil ol women she belunged lo knox presbyterian church and was a lite member ol the wom ens missionary society til the chut ill until a lew years ago she was an rr ut lnc ladies lawn bowling club she leaves lour children mrs william bullard elma ol kil- brtdir mrs w rtvanderson pearl or guelph andrew of campbellville and mrs james f evans june uf georgetown eight grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren a brother andrew gilmour uf flamboro and sisters mrs joe frank of acton mrs w h tovlor hulkirk alberta mrs charles watson hamilton and mrs edgar boucher morristun rev alex calder came irom peterborough lo conduct the fun- eiifl service un january 30at the harold c mcclure funeral home inierment folluwed in campbell ville cemetery pallbearers were live grandsuns w r anderson 1 lalrulrlles kctltulh bnhrrrrr calgary fyle somerviilc acion dr tom pridham guelph and bruce jelfrey aberloyle and a nephew charles weir campbell ville- erin township council names fire area reps the wa ol acton unit church met tuesday february 7 in ihe church parlor mrs st ei rill wus ptanisi for ihe opening exercises the devotion was given by mrs earl lambert f tomt lum heinejtsusglti4s4th light of ihe world in ihe churchs unity all joined in sin ging ol the hvnin blessed be ihe tie that binds reports given mis evans repoi led many thank you notes lor cards sent members reported 17 isiis to sick and shut iiisa two minute silence was observed foifhe late amns shi the roll calt a verse til sciip ture containing the word heart was answetxd by all the word harp was chosen lor the march roll call complete plnnx final plans fotihe bake candy and apron sale lo be held sat urday february ii in the church parlor were made a pol luck sapper lor all wa members will be held in march after miipah benedicti lunch was served by ihe group i largcj mrs wilderspin mi lambert si holmes mrs evans and mrs utlml facts a city hoy on a night hike in ihe uheky mountains inquired of the guide is ilirue a grizly wont attack you if yuure carry ing a flashlight that depends said ihe guide on how last youre carrying il liavori v haadpln hillt cunllimcd from prcvliii highlight of tlie- intercounty bowling between ihe aclon mer chants and van norman electric iamf in which thc merchants ttkik down u two tnul totals de culon wus the new high single record posted by mike bennelt u hot 403 mike spared a cor ner deuce in the first struuk i ihe wicotul and third spared n corner deuce agalnjtiihetlourlli then struck out downqtc hi you know what they siy mike old bowlers never die they only tydc away if ihitt is the case li was darn nice fading on your pari t tournament vlriyi touinaineiil virus has sliuuk tlu femidejwmleiv ul aclon givbig the ontario open iiye- pin- singles tournament a wliirl on march s at ihe playlune bowl in toronto lor tht qualilvihg round will ih ivy martin joan ktiighl chetyl morion un vl jordan and mimic still donl know jusi whal men will he giv ing il a crack but as we go lo press dorv fi rein and mario cas- arin will he on hand weekly awards marion storey was the hoi fe male bowler lasl week a 702 triple which included a 111 single picks up the ledgers ig a fthidstuirs along wilfi the ser vices of acton dry cleaners the mens triples and singles were going up and down like no bodys business with ihe linil scores lieing an 844 triple bv shanny shannon taking ihe pauls clothing voucher bob jl in ijs8 sinule to hit gordons hardware voucher pete papillon hears liberal leader speak mai ion liberal association president peler papillon ot ac- tun was one of ihe many guests present lo hear liberal leader lesier b pearson stress the im portance uf stronger -canadian- united stales relations during his talk at niagara falls friday january 28 during ihe annual meeting ol ihe southern on tat io associal- erin tow nship coiinch nief wednesday februarv i in the liuiivicipal oltiee hillshurgh all irtenibeis were piesenl with the exception ol councillor r row an who was ill reeve geoige wallace piesiiled reeve wallace and deputy reeve ii maiden were appointed icpicscnlatixcs lo actwn rural file aiva no 2 jiwsh was m he paid as the townships shaie ot mainleiiance and icpaii ot the hie aiea it tick 25 was donated to hamilton hnmeh l he sal arniv rttvt wallace wis-ijt- ik- ikiui one tlav s pi and mdeagelot jl- lendinga meeting ot the gimd vallev cunscrvaitiin auilun itv at dundalk a 25 giant was inute to the wellington countv seed fail the minlstei ol highwavs was iu he ptlitioned lor ihe siatutijjy- gianl on ttad cvihiulmne oil s7l074lo ti i0 the ministeil highwavs tts also in lv klilioikd todesignate as a development mul ihe town line hotwveu fun and townships tiulhcwesi uu cat cilon ami chinguacoos town ships un the east imnihighvvav j 24 lo ten a cot la j the school boards and villages ol hillsbuigh and orion are to have their requisitions in lo ihe clerk by february i the road superintendents sal- it v was set at 135 per j hour accounts passed tor pav merit included general 3ilt3 load j6tv4732 sheep killed and in sh lion 23 1 1 ungcrt r d iainhle and guthrie re hearing land use hvlaw 10 erin town ship wellaie 381 the cold weather and deep tiujtt luwe- a um -til- mwfr ami ualcr connectiods over ik past lew weeks idrr mr p e the need for prime minister diet en- baker to invite us president john f kennedy to make can- aila the lirst country he visile it is high time some ol the underbrush is cleared away iromj canadaus relations he slaleil new admlnlbtrutlon he told his audience that the j untied slates hail a ncjv energet- j ie and courageous administration in washington amt suggested a strong and creative basis lor pos- ilivc cooperaiion should he es tablished with it mr pearson siicssed the new ulminisl ration should realize canada is not just mother oun- tiv luit one ol great importance on this continent and ol signif icance in the world he stressed during the meeting bruce powe executive diteclor ol the the ontario liberal federation called upon par tv workers lo prepare lor an election in june he stated he wasnt sure there would be tin elect ion tjien but he staled hcv wauted wui keis iu be readv in anv event sufr photd the farmer and his wife was the title of the scene when this cow played a title role shown above are marianne coles and sammy- hubbcll playing as the farmer and wife as their favorite cow stands meekly by although nqjyisible the front poiiion of the cow is played by bruce sagaskie with shiron white as his partner our up and coming teeners lo bowl tile hesl over lllell avct- iges lo imbibe ol ihe liquid re seven sandv bobby treshmenis of cocacola up ahd rcinhartv weie cripps anne fryer browne and allan reidl sporting gesture a nice- sporting gesture ol van norman electricians in intercounly bowling though il spelled disaster them winwise they were all pult- ing for mike bennett to run his string out for that big 403 game as phil lesueur said donl know why you merchants- pick plaque presentations highlight meeting presentation bf two plaques highlighted jhef united church sunday school teachers minuaf dinner thuisday jebiuaiv- 1 when two members were hniyn ed lor theil taithltil service miss dorothy slmnjpns was- honoreil lov her continuous ser vice as a teacher lor ihe pasi w years matisell nellls received i plaque also for his valued and lailhlul service to ihe sunday school the phnpu prcseittilions rtiijis to mil yoiti records lion tiicin rolled his 4 rvlord liipd alaiiist us jell fiver liitcns ids high average agaust audnovv mike enrnes along and hits us willi his 403 single record its nice hoveling bv voir lellows and good luck lo you and thai arnigos winds it up lor another week adios wore mndo by ihe clrrk of the seshlon orwell johnson pol luckvdinnnr memlieis cnoyed u po hull dinner served in ihe voung peoples rrwim its ijy sat down lo jhks wvi oiafeil wuh heauir- i ul hiikfl arrangeiuuhls and candles following ihe dinner david lldkrirshnwed yoniud slides de picting actons eirjy tlavs an i many amlllar scenes and laces weie ri aheil ihe slides- were loiindhy rev u ijigel dining a housei leaning stint in t iliurih in memoriam i ikiiiiilloiix tv auppiirl re- mrurcli n cmicvr cun he u rniinlnhllv in memitrljim your jicil umlf rlukrr will receive- toiullloni untl iflve olflcltil recvlplii your cleaner is y6ufl clothes best friend add new life to your clothes with our ovriert dry clcuning sorvie wcsdw custom cleaners sm day service except saturday in bv 10 iiin oin iiy 3 pm cash am cahuv main st n phone 272 station restaurant in township permits ni w olf lfil wild a good issue ol building permits clerk don mc- mitan reported his week durj ing january slis5qtr worth of permits weie issued including a service station and restauianl on highway 7 near the roc k wood i curelbs00 one garage l00ui and one collage 1000 j robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists furmcrly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 si georges squat lovell bros modern meat market v where quality is highcr than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 dmur uhlplfr milk ftl man f nuri nw vtporatad milk rcp bdohjat sucr nd tour writ today i i huw fttpmt trjl say e 2a dozen a large eggs 92c 20 oz roly bag carrots 10 oz cello bag spinach i large size celery apples fancy macs fancy spy 2 for 21c 2 for 35c 2 for 29c cello bd 3 5c 3- lb cello bag j acton creamery limited phone 53 ftceoetlvfrv ynrof olhrr qnntinna may to anavrrrd in our fthff rrllrfrifnl kavlnkt plan for full detail drop in or phone oakville vi 43716 burlington ne 41028 brampton gl 13365 trust ft savings company oakviile li lliuuli strict burlinoton 4st hr in i stint brampton ii ouctn st e t y ptwrite r s for the office school or home smithcorona portables in a chok i ci lv ik 5 standard upright models un0lrwcor kimincion l1c convenient budget terms available ty wd g ppw ccppici