Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1961, p. 4

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ktiimhuimileatiiiak epjerypswa vv fwrricff tv s iwb i i 1 v- a rrfrpr sjt p i ilft it lji v liriayiijvc i 1 i th acton frm pret thursday march 16th 1961 iwsijwiif hobu3ft ambtv i bgi i i i depending upon which sfde of the fence you silt sim- day itmevked junior a hockey conic i from toronto must huvc looked like either a farce or i tauurl hit or delaying luetics by st catharines coach gus bod- mtr incase you havent heard the sunday curfew dvopkd oil the contest with 10 seconds left to pnv si michaels en iyedu 43 lead and a twoman edge when the buer wenl indicating no furlhvr play the speaker system in maple leaf gardens informed the crowd that the remaining 10 seconds would ik played at a later date presumably when the teams meet for their- nest en counter however it was obvious to tv lans if not to officials that st catharines had been playing a delaying action for most of the last period in the last iwo min utes jarrelt or st kitls fired the puck into the crowd on three occasions one player penalized wenl fur a new siick although lie couldnt possibly see action again in regulation time puzzled fans asked to what purpose ft wasnt until the business manager of the oha bill flanley was reached ror com ment that fans knew what st kills delaying tactics were all about i ian ley said the entire game would have fo be rcpluyed according to wimc rule the oiiji adopted in 1955 there could be no question about it protests would be of no avail interpretation of the nil es has atwavs been the province of tike dti7c aiul fuw would- quarrel with most of their decis ions but it seems to this scribe that an unmistakable odor ol fish hovers around this one obviously the ride was not written to apply to names where only a few seconds remain in regulation time ti role other wise puts a mighty hig weapon in the hands of coaches when ever the situation crops up ag ain and like anv good court room lawyer they can cite this instance us a precedent the parlies taken lor the big gest tide- however are the fans they paymhujjcight and for the large crowd utthe gardens sim- day the riding was a travesty of fair play maybe if fans were vocifer ous enough to demand their money back a few times less of this type of situation would occur canada has once more re gained the world amateur hockey- championship in spite oil all the forecasts to the contrarv sun days game ik t ween soviet rus sia and trail when the crown was wrapped up with a 51 win left no doubt that the canadians were worthy of the mantle last worn by belleville mcfarlands of this country and last t year automat ically awarded to the united states olympic champ ions biggest thrill for this listener was the plaving of o canada at the conclusion of sundays game the canadians in attend ance really sang it lor the bcnetii ot over 12000 swiss and over id million tv viewers in europe who witnessed the presentation of the cup emblematic of the world championship it wu proud moment tot caimdk ftndvu tribute to the cimhdun amateur hockey a tooclutlon who in pile of the- critic went all the way with trail smoke eaters now is he time lor nil hjh climbers to predict who avjii sialic off with lord stanleys basin thisseason hunt expect a predict ion trom this space until the seasoi is over and the league championship decided leaguel leadership will probab ly be decided tonight thursday when toronto invades montreal for a game which could decide which of ihe two canadian learns finish on top personally with- leafs losing red kelly andcnnadiens on a win kick were picking the montrealers to finish first for the stanley cup play off a however watch out for those leafs beat bits industrial league all stars from acton inok another beating from erin inter mediates saturday night in an exhibition score was 104 milton merchants were climinat- vd from further competition in intermediate circles this season friday niglitin barrie four gam es to fine lakevieivs spotted the merchant three goals in llu first period and then made a last period blitz that enabled l hem to edge nick ferris crew alter a disappointing display in the latter stages of the sche dule georgetown raiders are showing surprising strength in their int a series with oakville raiders evened the series last friday with a big win in george- low7trth7v were- paeetl by age less junior beaumont with n pair of goals a last minute entry by milton in the oha junior d series has been a plea sant surprise the milton club finished on flip tjf a four team round robin and is presently deadlocked at one win each with new hamburg in the quarter fin als acton lions will meet paris in their lirst ami what could he their last game of the juvenile tournament in milton faster week mondays fight between floyd patterson and ingemar johansson was an oc casion for some exchanges of greenbacks in town but it seemed that most of the money was on patterson to win which he did albeit sloppily with ijlbcrt back in harness acton i ol lowers of the guelph royals are confident the ruvals will lake the oha junior a title this semester most seem to i eel it wtn be between st mikes and guelph dont scratch eddie- bushs hamilton club though they may be the sleeper false alarm actijn opp detachment inves tigated a nonbreakin saturday allernoon when a typewriter was presumed stolen from a car at the rear of ledgers lga store reported by w pope george town the supposedly stolen type writer turned up at his home in georgetown and local police were notified- the investment in plant and equipment in the canadian steel industry is now s2 1700 per em ployee x3t55- m i up amd ow was the slogan during the triclub volleyball taummot thursday march 9 when the rotary ys mans and moat cfob held a toint meeting the ys mens club won the l and were presented with an original rembrdndt trophy th camera caught some of the action arid shows ron lewis heftng the bait over the net as his teammates hope ill i 1 a neakerwes pulled during the liuyball game last week when three local clubs battled it out for a coveted trophy accordihgjlo the looks on the players faces the ball should be tra- velling over tho net but seems to remaking a pass underhoath bowled over c company wirt tournament douse opposition in finals the acton firefighters first annual bowling tournament he l ween the three companiesa b and coturned out to be a howl ing success- alhree game match total pintail to count produced a clotc battle between the three companies and it wasnt until the last frame of the third game that the champion ship was decided a saving in sport that a team is only as strong as its bench proved true in the case of c company who had the reserve power to win the title c company champions the first game saw c comp- an collie up with n 1 1 itgttmer to lake the lead a company bounced back in the second with a 101 1 game and c company was beginning to sweat b company were rolling steadily and were looking for the breaks and ihe hig games a company came up strong in the third with a 1109 hut c company were almost matching them ball lor ball and whet the chips were down in the final irame came through with flying colors to post a 1014 score and be declared the first champions by so pins bftd breaks b company got the breaks they were lxking for in the third game but ihey wero of the bad variety and they faded from the picture following the backslapping some of the hacks seemed to be far down and congratulations the victorious champions man aged to lorec their way through the admiring- crowd to a clear space where fire chief john new ion look over and in a lew well chosen words congratulat ed the winners and presented them with the champions tro phy guelph girl wins 142 cash jayne prior an attractive guelph teenager was cheered friday evening during the acton lions club teentown dance as slje was presented wjth a chetpie lor sn2 luckv ticket holder for the lions lice trip to new york lor two with an added s50 lor spend ing money ilc guelph girl decid ed against the trip but was pre sented with ihe cash prize syd lunb chairman of the dance project presented the luc kv winner whh her cheque as nearly 150teenagers cheered her with an envious ring in their voices the draw scheduled to take place dining the cancelled lions lee carnival wu- niatemafc1i 4th during the concluding mer chants draw at the post oil ice 200 at dance theiv were about 200 at the le gion hall a week ago liiiln lor the lions cliihponmtcd clincc highlighiinn dick doo ami the donts lecouliug artists wlm hac been on the hit paiide ihiee limes mickv ivmts drum- solos were teaiured lions club mem hers weie chaperones a campuny game 1 2 j iw ii dodcl 172 9 2 598 ii ninoii r g willwi 149 s 149 tilrkosz 200 245 s 695 b vn fllm 212 219 211 642 m holmes 178 206 203 587 n mison 150 210 360 911 1011 1 109 303 1 tf company iam e 1 2 3 tnl j krapck 166 184 161 511 ii olliilicin 200 215 415 n price i3r 132 270 1 pink 219 18h 2sk 663 n kniuhr 214 194 189 597 j jlwlull i75 129 3ql 974 917 869 2760 c company gam e 1 l7 3 tnl s tennanl ill 187 575 b williams 210 163 204 577 11 tnwnslev 245 191 137 572 d price kellv 1 frijtll 248 i8 228 659 b spielvngel 223 223 m mecrima 1 217 258 475 1117 950 1014 3081 attendance award presented rotarian a twoyear perfect at tendance pin was presented to rotarian vicepresident dave manes tues day evening during ihe dinner nice ting when 12 guests were present lor the annual father and child meeting pivsideni rev a il mckcnzic made the presentation and point ed out it was the first lime in the history ofthe club this honor had been bestowed on a member scooter ron smith was present and led ihe club and guests in a singsong and various song games following this three films were shown much to the delight til the young guests in the dark tooting of horns and reading ol music was done bv members ol acton citizens band members under the dim lighl ol gas ian terns wednesday evening in the band room at the arena in a tate well to their favorite surrhnnd- inas prior to the iron i ol the arena being lorn down occupying lite upper deck ol ihe arena for the pastjl vcar members ol the band decided to bid farewell to their javoptc sur roundings in spite ol power being nit off in preparation for ihe de molishing of the iront of- the arena gas lanterns were pressed into serv ict and under the dim light eyes were focused on sheets of music and horns tuned as various departing tunes were plavcd held in v recently band practices have ijeetttteld intitcytalca on ac count of ihe roof leaking at the arena but members decided to- bid farewell to their familial abode with a rotfmii sendolf a singsonu amlnsinry telling period recalling laics of past sessions highlighted the last ga thering in the band room jr farmer ah stars defeat peel county halton countys top players in junior farmer hockey showed they were the tougher lot in a battle with their jieighbonrs to ihe east peel county tuesday night when they drubbed ihe visitors 81 at milton arena the game was billed as an all- star tiile match between the two counties with each one gathering the best players out of the leagues operating within its boundaries players represented ha 1 1 op counlv from the participating clubs ot palermo acton milton and the champion norval squad a broomball game followed the hockey exhibition and this took place between the halroti counlv girls and the peel girls with the acton boy scouts one llrolherhimml a few years nyo ul a scout rally in hnglancl lord rowallan who was chfel scout al tliy tinie was talking to a large galheiiny ol seouis al a cllmpfirc he ask uu them how- manv brothers have you al once a voice pip ed up three that vjis of course a correct answer hut the chiel went on to rcnilnd ihcrn- ihal as well as iheii own btothers at home ihey had milliops ol brothers through out ihe world do voi i remefhber whal your seoutmasieisaid wlun yon were invented as a tcndrwiwu well let me remind you he said yon aire now a hoy seoul and one ol the worldwide brotherhood ol scouts this means ihit now you have joined scoulv you have brother scouts in almost every coiintty in the world some ol thcnvmay have brown faces and others black or yellow bul that is only whal we call skin deep lor f am sure that ihey are every hit as giwul a scout as we are and have just as much fun ltt us never forget that as a scoul we recognize no bai i iers be it race- creed color or lelig- ion all are welcome in what he founder called the jovous brotherhood open to all in a happv lib that shows results because il jmvs eat h of us our chance ol service to our fellow man and lor god patrol leader- john wood hail a surprise visitor at i his pa i rot m r i v whe a d c tim hums ol the camp hoi den district paid an unexpected visit to our group from all appear ances john ounn lountl out that mr hums knows quite a bit about tree lei ling whal do you think john the hall shows evidence ol a premature spring cleaning the woodworking shop has been cleaned up and the court ol honor room lias a fresh coat ol green and while- paint this pi byhniccrwii1lnirtm feci has been nlng nil utr- uver a week under the siipei vialon of iroop ender georye ware well done hoys keep up ihe good work an old bill good working con sole radio was discovered in someones bajtenient lasl week and hys louno a new home in t lit- court of honor room in case some of yoiu paltol leaders wonder whal ihe icclpes are doing in ihk column lust have patience you will find out all about il al our c of ii tamp in the meantime i stvprest a stutlv them cut a potato into small pleces cut up a carrot into thin slices make i lb of hamburger into a i inch thick cake place ingred ienls together on a pieie of foil sprintut with salt and pepper wrap in the foil place in ctiab and cmk for i to 20- minutes l exira flavor smear meal with innslardbeore cooking girl guide news we opened with god stive iht queen and the guide prayer im mediately billowing roll call and inspection miss parkvr took thaige ol several pjrk ihe doen orso girls wejil into the kiteheh lor an instruiiion class of home musing thev slaved there unlit camplire while the i est ol the company was ha inn a regular woi k night where tluv paset many lists to ijtc satisfittion of all we elosed willi ii simple tamp- firesonhfalisihe light ol uay and taps winter works program lhe llrnl wlutr works propram lo take place in acton will got under way in ihe near future when the trout sedhou of the niviui whtl uenjolshed council expect to provide one months work for four men who qualify under the winter work program in order lo qualify for one of these fobs unemployed muysuh- mil iheir names lo ihe town of fice and ihe lour selecled will procure a reference klip from the unemployed insurance olfice in guelph belore beiim tmployed baedeker the name associated vith mideooks for travellers came h karl ilaedekei- ger- maiipiihlisjiei of guiile bin its t horn decorating l y with vllppr just wet apply and sponge smooth- youll get th hmj of it ft gofidon hahdwade limited t mmm promotional special save 50 on new kodak film iiiiii 1 franktin prouse motors ltd niv with confidknot wcdo mil iret 7pdimler mileage bck we tla mil retail laxln wllce crultcr or can thai liave iteen in n major collision we will npply name and atlilrcm of ilvliiu nwiier on requcx we irffer no barfalm nnly mund merchandiie ul fulr prleei wc uaranlee saltsracllim wllh urltlen uarnrnty film dovclopg sprco ior each roll of film wft al hintons store for dcvelop- hik you may puichasc a new nll of filni for only i re gular price hintons 5e to 1 store iv- w1 hoick le salnv i it anion itic radio 611 vaiivliall super lue dcinonsir aloi ii morris van 5rt riuick ccnlui- sedan fulk equipped 58 huiik special sedan aulomalie 58 ponliae 4 dr sedan am and t alio 58 ponliae 4 dr sed 57 ponliae 2 dr ii t aul and radio 56 phnioulh sin wgn 56 hiiiek aulo ladio ji295 55 fareo ton pjikup j 595 55 thev sedan i 795 55 fold slalion waein j 895 5 chei belair sedan j 8v5 j 1995 54 devolrf riredome x am ps ii pb j795 51 riril sedan black j 495 55 lord sedan fliem i 495 53 ponliae sedan black i 495 51 plymouth sedan i 495 51 ponliae 2dr ilt j 595 52 ponliae sedan auto matic and radio 1767 il95 1895 ji69s 5169s 1195 i 895 ponliicbuicuvuxhjllgmc t 395 opn evaningt phena 16 sprirl will next tuesilay officially arriyc see the challenge of asia the new color movie lilmeil under the direction ol larry henderson nationally known newscaster jn milton st pauls united church wednesday march 22 815 pm commenting in person mr henderson will show the i orblddcn kln dimi of slkkhn the wild illcphants of i3urina royal dancers of laos all the lihimous mvsterx and intrigue ol the ci iiiit in the shadow ol- red china tickets 1 sponsored h si pauls mens club free tractor fuel l second special canadian farmers tour scotland england wu iniiiint muniieil mav imh 63500 inclusive ask liir names in- nn f i arms hi stoned places clmdint ilasyow uuriis cuunin lubnluiiouh lurk lincoln woulsor loudon f l wright 211 willuir slnvl n acton ontario 5 now a betjer size range up to 14 years of age boys wear for spring and easter boys make a sprightly dash for the easter parade look to- this practical neyv spring styling handsome well tailor ed easy lo keep sipshape outfiryouryourigstarhbfbt ednamay utuw and chlldrmt wor well tay all your fuel bills for six months on the purchase of a new ford or f0rds0n diesel ai i his iimaikable otter is made so that vou will tiud out on our own nrri llu ekp4iuiwl tucl ecuiiuxuv yuu-ycj- withi uid and ijjiditjiidicml liiicifm it ou puilhase a new luidvon majoi or letraor loul diescl tractor imwhfthw iiiuixj jliinmlialii llr 1- m p a t your toel costs during the lust si mouths or 400 hours o opeialion whichever ikcus first let us piovo to ou the outsiandinu rtononi und pvrforniuncu ol this yrvm tine of it a tors come in see us now thqmpson motors 49 main st north acton ltd

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