Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 1

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zhi elghtyslxth year no 40 v acton ontario thuksdav ma8ch 30th 1961 alllhorlud m wnd ctam mall by th rswt offltw dafmffcmnt ottawa twelve pagesseven cerrre ft 600 donation by ys men boosts finances of board a cheque for 0fl boosted the coffer of ihe y m c a when re tiring president earl mosaics of th ys mens club presented the cheque lo y board chairman bob foyer during ihe regular ys mens meeting thursday march a on receiving the cheque mr royors hanked the club for their keen interest nml hard work lit making the operation of the y possibility he stated the money would certainly be put to good use in providing equipment for the y m c a another highlight or the meet ing wan the presentation uf a s2s cheque from the club lo dis trict governor cal riddtills to be lined by the international organ itatlon for the paul alexander scholarship fund this fund as- lat any young person desiring to make vmm work his ca reel but is financially unable to continue- to a college education which t a basic requirement the election and installation the club ay officers for ihe coming term look up the biggest parf of the evcnng heading the club as president this year is y s man bill wilson other olfjceis include past president carl masnles secret ary tyfe somcrvillc measurer doug copeland scrgcnnl at arms paul lawson and directors lome doberthien and bob young i plans weic mutlc to make u donaliun to the newly lormed ys men s cluh being chartered in scarborough several mem hers indicated their intentions ol unending the good friday morn ing brcuklnst at the guclph y project chairman lome dolicr ihien urged ihe members to make an allout cflorl on the sale of chocolates during their funtl raising campaign a former guclph y s man sam symon a tencher al brookville central school was welcomed bv ihe aclon members as he joined a j iuj uk hioto two cheques totalling 625 were presented by the yi mens club during their meeting last week a cheque for 600 was given to the ymca board and another amounting to 25 was givon to the paul alexander scholarship fund pictured above loft to right are bob fooors y board chairman carl rlddolls district governor and earl masales past president of the y j men s club l au4 j nscaau- -aij- in holy week participating ministers preach follow dr a n s death acton united church lu filled each night thin week for- the holy week rcrvlccb sponsored by the baptist christian reformed pres byterian and united church con firegulions with the anglican par uh idiaruig tn sunday evening s nervice each evening different choirs lead the ilnoing the very rev alexander nim mo who wtik to have been the guest preacher from monday to thursday died very suddenly on hit way to acton tuesday after noon he had been in good health and had preached his first ser mon of the series monday even ing shock and sorrow were felt by the many who hud heard him apeak and those whu had inten fuit service sunday evening about 300 at tentively participated in the hot aervlec when the junior and wn lor choirs of the church of st al ban the martvr tilled the choir loft mr frank qakcs plavcd the organ and the anglican rector the rev h 3 slokrecl conduit ed the service mr stokrecf ted in prayers and he and the rev jurnes rudd ol the baptist church read the scriptuce the lords my shephcid was the anthem attending together ure the prcaibvteriun boaid of managers with the fiev a h mckeiuie knox explorers ihe st john am bulancc br daughters of knox the united church wa and wms the rev dvvight lngel of the united church pleached giving a prayer for illumination before his address and a ptaver lor giaccl following it the servant must suffer looked lorwaid lo llu week of special mnius ami ihe challenge of eastu reealling he scripture he said the prophet ixuluh foresaw calvars and the fact that the sirvanl of giki must suffer llu called on the jtus to accept suite ring md was humel rejected him ulun this h ip- penst mr i ngel cxelumul we twv people urr not practieatui are cranks surfer ln llolv time crtwl v too hh hmv jeclc141hntnil wwte live aid new mimi was vrawle and christ became the mad it the church wc aciw 0 h s ants and sutlei il mill be lhr will be in our minds nil his week as we approach friday the day of total rejection if we accept it we shull redcdi catc ourselves to be first setvunts remembering that god suffeied itrst in our service we are asked to suffer second in the sen ice o lu id take up thy cross was the recessional hymn dr nlmmoa address the very rev alex imimmo be gan what was lu have been a set les of seimons mond iy evening when he chose as his topic the agony of betrayal he drew illu strut inns from the bthlieal storv ol judas the thiee lessons to be learned are that the heart is de ceitful about all things that we cunnot nerve both god and mam mon and finally thatlltcsiecrttyal huit juras mure than christ the service was conducted by the minister of knox presbyterian church the re a h mckcwie and ted hanstn played the oigan knox ehoir sang ghi will ans wer pi aver with the anthem including a solo pirt bv mis jim davielson mil a duct pail h mrs dav idsen and geoige mussdle the rev jelle nutma of ihe chiishan rctoinkd church also uuk pait in ik servue mi ml kenie introduced dt nimmo organizations at lending loeet her ineluded the baptist hi tel low ship bov scouts knox sts sion aclon fiutighters and lake side chapter lodh men of thi piesbvtuiin chuieh ushcixil die jaige eongiecition o their pews j sudden dcuth the tiagie news of the sudden death tt di nimmo sidelined t hose w ho it 1 1 iuli d hi smui tuisdav i i nine the ri jelle nutma made the annoum i pu nt and thin tin riv a h mckmie spoke with nio inj situcnlv ol i ik utss i the chntxh ol ii nnnnltfs life and mimstiv the chinch ac nn wis tilled with mt no l ma condoc tihg thel set v ue ted h lllsell l the ol laii and the tumor choirvof ihe iiutcd and presbvlctian ehuixhcs sinnnp then inihcm was iheie is a gum hill fai aw i attendin loeellut wei the u lmn 1 aelies aosiliatv ricis guulis i nilid n a liiilul vams aclou wotnciis itisiiiute and ihe roiai- chin llu rev mi lne1 1 pun he el mo ilcalling al fust that nut lotd said take up ihe cross and follow mi it would be dilltciilt lo sav when jesus fust took up itis cross lie said as eastci was only the climax ol his eiiissbea itng sacnhciul sen ice is nol oy ful but giies a gicat happiness in making some one wilh our lou ihe heai i is not it be loiintl in i eommunitv umii but n the hearts and souls ol the pcople diujng holy week jesus ts sor ixjwiui ovei us wc knovvih it on the inside we are not vvhil christ would have us 1l we must ov lullvthank god for lightening ihe load that chust boie fur us wednesday evening mv god my god why hast thou forsaken mc was the topic of the rev jelle nutma s sermon wcdnesdiv and scitpturc read bv mi engcl and mr mckenie eon tamed the quotation mr enycl conducted the seivtee charles landsbitioiigh plivcd the tuyui anil led the ehoil of the uapllst chinch in their anthem god tin bid that 1 should glorv mi nulmi declared a uncial should fur a cluisiian be a happy decision as a child ol dud his gone lo his elein il home he eiinsidcred jesus exclamation a l calvaiv how can jesus ask mch a question j this was the w iv gtul had oulamed wc e tnnot undcistind the pio- blcins ol calvarc unlexx vvc- see ourselves is p it t of ih it cicat wot i e between the ptlllcl of d it kness and the kin ol heaven le llll e ist lis e i tie i toilll ami peace vi is est ihllsheil we aic a pait eil tfje vi ill lie none ot gods eliilellell will iil i til out ol gods hinds ncvei he ells eouiaeed ol dlmll ived alt ending iulc he i wcic the hljiiui cluh iticndlv ciule limteitchuuh ttll knox sen un auxihtiv knov ladies uili itv md the i uilcd chuuh youne peojhe thiirncliiv 1 veiling this evening thuisdav the suviec will tx eoudlleted li ml rodel ol ihe hlpfisl ehllell is sisutl bv mi jsnt in i llu putih i will he ml mikinte uul llu ehuu nl tile i lilted c hole h will lead in pi aic put ol ihe utlil1lvgrmntll4lu hou week srv lee s w ill be pi c stilled to till le sble ll ill et lie i il the svimon in pi icl ol hi nun lund as i inbule lo di mm tax rate pt 7478 education budget down mayor praises committees boards for close watch on budget figures preacher dies enrouteto aclon di alexander nimmo a former moderator of the presbylerian chinch in canada died about 5 p m tuesday afternoon of a heart attack while driving to conduit hoivl week serv4ceinac4un-hc- was planning lu have dinner with the rotary club here his wife sitting beside him managed to bring the car safely to a slop news of his sudden death cumt1 as a shock to actoninns who had heard him spcuk monday evening in the firt of a scries of preeas icr sermons di nimmo 67 was minister of st andrews presbyterian church at wmgham in huron county he had been visiting two brothers in toruntu dr nimmo was elected modem- tor of the ssih general askcmbly or the presbyterian church in canada in june 1950 a native of belfast northern ireland he had servad lour yetttj with the buuasl city mission fc- foie coming to canada in 1925 he graduated from presbyterian college montreal in 1929 and was made an honorary doctor of divinity l here in 1957 dr nimmo served with the roval canadian air force during he second world war and was senior chaplain al the technical tiainmg school at st thomas tor two ears he had been moderator of the snod of hamilton and london ont and a member of the senate til ihe pixsbvtciian college in vingham he wafc known for lot his pulpit eloquence his de votion to his parish und for his seimons over the local radio sta tion he w is a mcmbci of the inter ikmoninationil committee on aying and also served on the general asseiublv s committee on radio and television is well as un he boa ul ot evangelism and sue ial let ion he le ives his vvile the former i tin i ma maclcan of durham n s whom he married in i9z7 a daughter margaret the wife ol rev geoige m ilcolm a prciaby- te 1 1 in missionary who is prc- smilv honietn winghum on fur ioulii i torn tormosa und three h uideliilclun his only son stew ut was killed in an automobile iceidcnt in the muskoka district in is4 good friday uuslncues plants and stcwes ultl he clnaed lonw good iriittiy with lore apaigan salurduv mint of thcdnirete have pcout eater cas annual tuesday to stress prevention of family trouble in the cars ahead wc must were irgatding inadequate uui j put a pnoiitv un pirvrntion ami ol children 24 per cent weie tot work toward eartiei service o bom out ot wcsjukw mt lo troubled tainilics it vc jix lu pav an cminiuiu mkui tn ainih btvtkituun j paul jollllfr tumitiu jjuwtiir nl thi children aid vkicu l hiiidiv lold the annual mcctmy txilnjan in si pault united lhunh tan the director ugcted the three main problems 11t vkiji welfare adminitratiun ihla huuffklnt skilled jiatt luk ol aattlcir to familiev and puur aaniaalton of service should srhurncnnta bojltkr chatfeng- to mr fatally and child welfare tn the lt0a they arc only yoaaibla ihrauth intelligent and co citiaen leadennip um director concluded r jolhffe reviewed that or itsm ipaal alx months there were ntjmit wore qiao iso requests bf motactlve service 21 per cent rkmii nuintal icljiiotinhip k lvoljnled lot v xi iuit 2 pt ten tui eiimomii m houmnu prbliins and m pn vnt tuiu imn ulun out piuni 5 is nt tunvtiomnu itrmu hunu thniiili mil j iikhverttum or hotn illation da h ila ut nut tttrw at ec utlltapin ntatnapes dtiktx tivitaye unmamed tnottuo pir- tn tutahle tit ht pattitt per sunalittes twisted h malnutrit kin ul loc and children hclpuvs l cauftht up tn these ununv ter often help often lail pret0t further eruslun of hum an resources la these situations almuual share the concern for human re sources must be shared hv all nl us whether cuucns volunteers municipal councillors board members or staff mcjnbers and tun intuitu ttlxlst ih tt uisf tuil inln ittli htuatit utmit tnilhir ml jnllirfi stusmil vkkin ptmdiiit s clulils pntnlii in llli iii itti nitons imt iii iii till louiltls lu tvr ac hail nltl oiu sikiii unikil tm i iilt 40110 popul iiiim viheii is hil inn nl thi 18 member board thi pimimiil un in iiiiii im apihiuttnl at tarjte ilj skii his w is nm sik i tl mtk fin i membe it loi mm popiil ition i iiim nitiird to the hoard were mrs viihii vi ilsnm secretarv ontcr k in siiktc uas returned us tl isuiil thi inn tint approved a i inline in hv laws allowing one ii ihisiiitattve rather than two tmni cult titiiiuiipalitv with the muti iiissii itlnits in ml up i i ur still with the tistilt that wi havi ilnuhlnl the stm it viil stilt stiue march i 1fl mr chitds nutlliicd scviral hunes intnxluied anil ecpres- stances our children s- aid 8oc sed the hope a- ctulduxllarc ier- sanelv and administered could be d in fijltnn vice secotul to none stutnctl developed tp halton blfar is pres ilsnild c niggar was named president or the sociciv dunnp the annual meeting succeeding sydney child mrs jean wills was named vicepresident and nassagjweva nominations at large were mrs j w wolfe acton e w foster milton albert wetoom trafalgar john kobaey oak- vtlle mrs jean wltls eapoes- ing rev c m milchelirbur- llngtonm j haatinta bur- coatiaimd- ea the following is the text of mayor john govs address lo council during the introduction uf the 1941 budget gentlemen in presenting the budget for the operation of the town of al- ton fur 1961 1 am most liunpy and i am iqre you us councillors ana to be able fo mulntuln a res idcnllul mill rate of 74 mllli and a commercialindustrial mill rate ol 78 mills these mlllratcs rep resent no increase over 1960 rales a situation not many ontario municipalities will be able to ac compllsh i must pay tribute to the vnr lous committee chairmen the budget committee and the clerk jtdminlstralur vhu us a result uf many late hours or del iberallon huve made this ponslble the school boards especially the public school board have been very realistic in their demands they have enjoyed an increase- in their provincial grants which jibs allowedthcmto reducejheir requisition from council we must commend them fur their efforts i a i960 deficit of ubout 2 i mills will be made up in this years lux rate in i960 the auditor suggest ed an 80 milt rate the council set the rate at 78 and wc must thin year budgelfor thut deficit this deficit was not incurred through mismanagement by last vears council it was a result or paying for capital works out of current revenue and auditing er rors from 1959 which must be picked uf in this budget reduce damands this year our parks board has reduced their demands to 49 mills from i960 figure of aj mills the public htclkuna committee his year has a very small bud get public buildings will receive only very normal maintenance the routls department will acquire about 112000 in new eq uipment no major prugram tor sited signs can he attempted hgwuver a slurl will be made on u street sigh program 2000 lias been included in the budget for sidewalk rcpluccmcnt wc know lliis figure will nut do miles of sidewalk but it is a start on the project the normal street maintenance work will continue a slight surplus on previous years operation of thq tire com mittce will result in a slight re duction of the rule welfare colts have increased und litis ycur has been budgeted us u separate item ut 55 mills police department costs lire in creased lo 42 mills us a result of council s ttclcminutlon lu have complclc police protection during the vacation periods genctal administration costs have been held to the sume level insplte of increased coststind the introduction of on employees pension plun the town will op crate wilh less sluif in i960 the cost of operation was js47a46 we are budgeting for 1961 cost ul j53s488 we feel that with good munagement this council cun operate uur town this year lur this sum this budget presents a ehall engc lo every member of council to every person employed by the town of acton und to every cit ien oi acton i no increase very few municipalities this year are going tobe in u position lo operate without tax increase i think that with full coopera tlan of everyone acton ean un necessary demands and petty re quests cannot be grunted if we are to remain within our budget wc as council arc definitely proposing an austerity budget we trust and hope that the citiz ens of aclon will in the coming year as demands for greater ser vices are made to council rem ember ihe action wc have taken tonight und that they will keep their requests on u realistic level it level which tills budget cun stand we alsd expect and hope that ull boards commissions and re lated bodies that requisition money from the municipality will attack their problems in u most cost conscious manner it is uur objeclivcto operate aclon for 1961 and at the end of the year to be able to present a hulanccd budget i would sug gest you contuln your criticism which wllt if this is not uo compllaheti v municipal financmg is much harder to control than thut of private business tor instance irthc cost or county services goes up wc cannot look for u more competitive supplier ns in priv ute business it the government grants fluctuate we cannut look for other sources in sfiort we are faced with many demands over which we have no control these variables could effect such a budget us we huve pres ented tonight once aguln the con sideration by the taxpayer of all these problems js needed rinully i do suggest that 1961 will be u good vear for acton some growth will develop some people will be satisfied some will not be it is ihis couifcus desire to make acton a belter municip ality a more stable municipal ity in which we all may take pride in the progress we dp moke aclons 1961 mllr irate was aet at 74 mills residential arid 78 mills industrialcommercial at wednesv days council meeting this is the snmc rale at for i960 a surplus bun the budgetted 1961 operation of 11428 is anticipated with the total assessment ot l5s4023769jn ihe town this mill- rate will raise through taxation 430357 j9 the breakdown of the mill rale for ihe year i960 and the yeur 1961 is as follows public schools high school county rate town operations debenture debt library general admin welfare police fire band parks i960 1961 24j2 344 1219 12 80 ji67 560 852 1x10 in 8j5 65 m 10j6 1451 si 310 420 150 1j6 j j j1 s 49 78- mills fsj547j9j i4j8 153548821 expend for ll surplus for 1961 total anticipated racalpuhfor 1941 residential luxation f25937740 industrial commercial 15741084 grunts fees lie etc 10513092 per capita grant 1290990 sundry receipts 65915 total receipts 53548821 council passes zoning changes reviews daylight saving bylaw i iv lor avion mrs m a ihinan burlinston dooglao uinnur gci wye town sydney chi uk milton mr j pulleti ojkwllc harold c btaprr tm- fulmar mrs wilind imrd bl giiqince- otnrr kvan sjtkjv nimy a art council fo the wav the annuul duyllght saving time byluw came up at the acton council meeting wednesday even ing given two readings the by law when read a third time will brg dayight saving time in auun into tliea sunday april 30 al 12 01 am aelun will re- ert 4o standard time on sun day oetobcr29al200 am the third reading will be given the bylaw at the next meeting when other municipalities will have established the dates or tljeir ihangc to duvjjght saving time two other bylaws which weiv approved at the meeting were ehanges in the zoning by law and amendments the first bylaw provides tor the erection or u dwelling on lot 18 plun 599 this was an order fiom ihe municipal board as the result of a public hearing some nlunths ago change zoning the second bv law changed the zoning ol the a p green property trum ml to m2 classification changed one word attached to detached in the section ol the planning bylaw referring lo pi i vale garages and ilnssifieil the public storage yard on main st s to m2 with use restricted to a muritctpul storage yard the fourth bylaw dcill with established i he residential mill rule at 74 mills and the industrial mill rate at 78 mills the mill rale breakdown is punted in another stufa as well as the icmuiks by mivnr john gov after the passing ot the hv jaw other eouncillois commented on ihe budget mr mclrfd i was lor raising the milt rate to make the town look better hut now that the rate is set evervone should make every ejtorl to siix within the budget nol drmtllc mr bathcau i don i view this as a drastic budget but eapendi lures must be watched every month unforwen items can op- sct us xerv easily mr hinion when i came on council i fit there were item 1 could watch but i have been amazed at the value received for the dollar kpcnl luha been a real revelation an enormoua amount of credit i due the ffeul they have conducted the town bualnew mayor goy alter emphasulnt every effort muil be made to stay within the budget uld if critical situation ariae whereby we will have to ipend beyond our budflbt and incur a year end deficit a it u for the long term benefit of the town i will be the first to say go ahead and have u deficit mr newton suggested to conn cil a revision ol the fire bylaws shuuld be made he pointed out that the protection of municipal assessment was a very important point to consider the fire by law was revised in 1944 other bui i net resolutions passed were approval of mcmbeiship in the ontario municipal association at a fee of 1s t payment ol the financi tl statement amounting to 16 401 67 granting permission to the loyal orange lodge to hold a church paiade on sunday may 14 to the united church at 00 pin the twelfth ol july parade on sattudav julv 8 at 10 30 am and a clutch paiade qn sunday u4rxzi il -ijt- september 17 to the presbyterian church at 3 00 pm rclusal to endorse a town of whitby resolution regarding representation by population on county councils agreement with the depart ment of highways lu undcrtuke pavement patching and one pom ting on connecrtnghrtlcs within the town the highways depart men i will mi if be responsible for snow plowing salting and sand ing on these roads a decision not lo oppose zoning amendments at bower avenue and alice street for the new post office building und ad justment of zoning regulations for property at oueen st e and mead vale road for u shopping center approval of a cancer society continxftd on hagt seven 20 per cent sale or colored fiwphona in aclon la running at about m per cant about avanga ac cording lo roy murray changsv over foreman ball man hava as far mada about 4 of utah- 1m callsnd in 17 taaaa hava re placeosjtlack phonaa with col ored onis tba men will be batw two mora waaka couvaf phonaa for dial system cartruck crash in heavy snowfall a heuvy snowfall was blaniaa for a cartruck crash thursday evening march 23 when a tow truck sidcswipod a car causing both vehicles lo end up in oppo site ditches a guelph low truck operated by jack boonstru passed one motor vehicle just cist of aclon when it began lo skid and the rear right end struck the right front of a car driven by william mcdonald of georgetown the truck ended up in the left ditch with an estimated 125 dam age and the car in the opposite ditch with un estimated 175 dam age constable merv harness iif the aclon opp investigated and blamed a hcay snowlall for the accident radio stolen constable ron dtinlap on tem porary duty with ihe acton opp investigated theft nf a radio at the laundromat sunday after noon john chapman rocjiwood re ported his portable radio had been taken from the laundromat sometime between 2 v n m and 3 p m when he was out for a brief ipell mrvmn mvici ftw hatkoptori what nttt tuaday noon two toronto bualnaainmn bnev- d their helicopter et the cedar spring molelon no 7 hiqhwey east of actoh end at ahelr lunch pictured above in the plan era ed wntt end andy hudson of the federal equlpmant of canada ltd at giselle bertrand offer jhem coffee ead deuorsbim wore lhy leew c- jl

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