Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 10

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nineteen centuries later attributed to dr philip schaft 1 el 191 893 here it k man who wat born in an 6b- cure vtflage the child of a paaiant woman he grew up in another village he worked in a carpenter shop until he wai thirty and then for three yeart he wat an itinerant preacher he newer wrote book he never held an office he newer owned a home he nover had a family he never travelled two hundred mllei from the place where he wai bori he never did one of the thingi which accompany greatneu he had no credential but himself while hill a young man the tide of popular opinion turned against him hit frlendi ran away one of them denied him he was turned over to hit enemtet he went that fine line pfthapi were out of tune with the times but wo always regret teeing the price tao municipal service climb higher and higher lit not too rpany yean in the dim and distant past that many municipal councils were not paid for their work save in terms of achievement lately thought the swing has been for paid councils we use the term paid rather loosely though because in many casesit is simply an honorarium the difference botween honorarium and salary though is a fine line probably the fine line is in differont places for different people for instance last week county councillors raisrd their meeting foe from 16 to 20 this feo applies to the committee meetings as well as the regular monthly meetings there are some of the niembers who sug gested tthat 16 was sufficient ancr the fee should not be raised there were others who suggested the 5j20 fee wrfs quite reasonable none of the old arguments about it um covering expenses wore raised and there was no debate between whether it was pay or an honorarium the difference betwoen the two is sopar atod by a tine lino the day is fast disappear ing too whon there aro sufficient citizens financially able to serve on councils without pay as the job of dealing with an expanding and more vocal electorate increases there are many different opinions on the 16 and 20 fee it ust depends where you draw the fino lino a bold conspiracy it is common knowledge that despite tho party line of peaceful coexistence commun ism is working hard in canada and every other democracy to stir up troubje and be come if not the government the power be hind the government less common prob ably is the knowledge of how bold the con spiracy has become in south america recent red activities that led to the expulsion from uraguay of a russian government representa tive have brought disclosures from the gov ernment of that country about moscow s at tempts to influence latin america s 140 000 000 people uruguay with 3000 000 people and an area about one third that of manitoba is having its serious economic problems added q inflation is the problem jjint the price of wool the chief export product has been tumbling the communists exploiting the crisis sparked a not in which there were scores of muies and one death evidence of their involvement led a the expulsion of the cuban ambassador and the first secretary of the soviet embassy in a dispatch to the toronto globe and mail jacob beller has reported from monie video on the story s background the soviet first secretary was an important figure in the soviet espionage system he acquired a good knowledge of tbe spanish language years ago with the help of latin american com munist intellectuals in moscov in 1958 he wasscnlhorttomd the management of- the communist propaganda bureau for latin america montevideo was the ideal spot for such n ba until not long ago soviet officials c cl iili need any special permit to enter this c unit the local banks followed the swiss i ache of not divulging their accounts there are about 90 communist agents here in the guise of diplomats the ussr has 60 persons in its embassy here and uruguay has but six ul moscow in the year 1959 there is as yet no report for last year 776 foreign diplomatic pouches entered uruguay all bearing mail read communist propaganda less than one tenth of this mail was accounted for by the us and british embassies free trips to soviet russia are arranged for journal i sis students unron leaders and working men in the name of cultural ex change four hundred soviet tourists visited this country last year to acquaint themselves with it estimates are that soviet propaganda here costs more than 100 000 000 a year the main brunt of the propaganda attack is directed against the united states of course the key slogan is hate america fortunately few latin americans are qo mg along with moscow s campaign in uru quay as lin south american countries generally official policy is stiffening towards the communists and their cuban bedfellows potpourri acton council on wednesday set their 1961 mill rate at the t qures of 8 commei cial and 74 mills residential the rates mdi cate that not only council hut all municipal bodies have made a real effort to hold the rates the same as last year rlt 15 encourag mg to note that all budgets were pared unt i it was possible to hold tie line while acton was able to hold the rate at i960 level prac tically every other municipality we hear of is faced w th an increase some a consider able increase it will tenure a herculean ef fort on the part of all munic pal bod es to stay within this budget announcement by the bell telephone company oj the r piogr mi o piovide ex tended area service to acton subscribers is made this wetrk when tie dial pron is completed december 9e schedule it will be poss ble tor acton subset bers to call w thouf extra charge the bell subscribers m georgetown and rock wood of cou e once again we are not being g ven thing for nothing and a correspond ng m cease m monthly charges will be made ap ptirently the telephone company cannot in crease rates without an application to the gov ei nment but increases can be m ide f subset bers are provided v fh a larger cill ng area it will be up to the subscr bers to he cole whether th ncreased service is worth the jncreased cost counc i s h jv ng in enq necr ng study made at tie ptesetit arena tc determ ne the sotndness of the present structure ths is a goo j prict- n the i ght of the prpsel rt no at ons meanwh pirns are proceed nq to implement a puhl c ubcrip on 1m paign to finance the renov jt oris the acton free press publlthtt hv the dim frintlng and publishing co lid fouiuud in 1 and published even thurmttv at willow st acton on 1 uio mcmtxi til the audit dun iu ot c u illations he c wn a and the omaiiooiubci pmmn it the i v s a atuhinmiii ii on ntiiinl easter joy through the mockery of a trial ha wai nailed upon a crou belwaan two thieves hit executioner gambled or the only piece of property he had on earth wlille he we dying and that wat hn coat when h wat dead he wai taken down and laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend nineteen wide centurlei have come and oone and today he n tho centrepiece of the column of progreii i am far within the mark when i tay that all the armies that ever mar ched and all the navies that were ever built and all the parliament that ever tat and all the klngt that ever reigned put together have not affected the life of man upon thlt earth at much a one solitary lifo the good old days back in 1911 fhnln tiy rutin r tiivlit sua cutct sfitc by bill smiley iii lliul spill iii 1 st lilt i lulll miiu ill hllll- ill tli spilt nl ptll ik 111 us milling iii iii m lllll iii llll i li mini 1 1i111111 slim mil 11 1 1 1 11 h liii iiii 1111 1 u vni i in l h m 1 h in hi in ll lllll i illlll lllll llslllll lis uluii mill lnu 1 linn lin i i iu 111 him s isiiii pirsimi ilili liill i tlili inihoili in llll 111 1 this is llu i it mil i i llu n u lutl i s uh k is s 1 111 11 1i1i1 ii s ni in c in ul 1 in 1 mil niil wjilln llis ulu tlnl is sull nil 1 iilu 1 1 isii si ul 1 in 1 iu hi ml ilmii llli is j illlllllslkl slllll 111 iilni li iu i ul llu vs nut lin unh summer is as umuli is li nm 1 s t u iiin pmpli sslut tu i milium in anil lliinliiiis i in li iu luj j mi linij likn n in llu his il ilk mil ill llun kill 1 i n 11 11 ii ilu soils llil ii s i 1 mil 111 pi i li i 1 11 inll isikiitul iiiiiiuil ulun iii most minium ii p i m i i 1 liml s 11 u up in tin kiln s in mini nun is lin in i inn iti i i i 11 i nnil s ol i i inns mil llu siu k s mill p 11 h i in il i liipiul iii i in ill ntlil i lin ill kltss ills llll lllosl iii illlll still l iii l til hill i 11 v si i i sutppitl ni hui llll sslll lllfl unlit in llu iiu i iiuliiiu i ill mi ili li iiihhn unh limn kill n looking iiltiti slillmi i inil link months n c ul ul i til uiiiiiin l inn im llu si tins anil sunt nl m litis wi m loo htiss til liii i ppiu pi us nl i ill null iuiliiiiiis iu hi lmiiiuiii in is i mil iimn ll m l1m s 1 mi inn it n sslitii i si is stip iiiiliiii punlin anil tloli i li ii siltilltiv tils hoi vx tun s il p a t v nriii up ih- iiu ihtl old ink mini hull in iliimsiiiii h n hi push mi in it ml ol t iiln in l ii l ii llll stllll llu ollitti 7t t a mi il lliinniili llu unit i i i i mums pun iini u is mmpliuk s nu in hit- i ilikinsk lis n inn i hi ml i hi i i i t iiliii h ills loi pi mi iiiivoiu in llus iiiiinlil 1 ink mi n i in uh ns h ii i i i i i i in i i in in i i i i i pi nu k ks shuhtk m nl huioil lo il in in n i iu in k il n h in hi mi until in i i itll m in nl llu i in is ituti mil nihil inlk h li in i in lis i il llu mil illis linn ol m i ih in li in otllslllil mlltlltl nit t snsp t l illtlsl 111 llh ills iu is iii i i m iiili ii ins gad about some easter recollections i lui i iimui i i 1 1 uh mil i iv t it i iti s ills must tli i h t i ih li i in i 1 hui pi pi i in ti l ml li n oiii hi nu s is n u in i u lit in u il i li ihi u i 1 i sit tp ii iii i p lllll iii i i ss s 11 lllll lit s 11 k s imok in 1 tu t it s i lusl n hi t kh i i llu 1 ii h in i in mi i ii ins ii 1 in nu i p i il hill llll i l ills iii i ti 1 11 ii it ilk i slum li i in i s i u s in u 1 lull i il ih i ii i l it s tilth i i i olhn nun h i iiiiinli in i ii in t i ntj1 hm i i vi i km it nit li p p u hilt ill h i ii n h in pui isii p imliiit iluii k iji i s 1 ii i ik i 1 hi i t u l i i k i s i h k i u h ih s k l v is u t i llll s s l i yukon from the luue or the iree lm tliiinulay maruh m 11 1 mix aim i smith sulil lui pinpiiiv nl llu iiirncr nls mill nml iiiliiw sl ihiiiiiiiiiiu mi w w luiiulilmifi pmiiiilv in mm 1 1 siinu- nn mnmdiv lnr jikix mlh slllllll i1h lllhmf inn mi iuetht1 ni linn minn wljlli mi sixi liis ihu nw i tin umiiiiilh nml oiiliiillillils mi w i antlimmin iiimtil ihi lu inn kali liom tin unim i iimiisjis nl ha- milmpiillilii it ink in ihi aiiiiiw him k in llu fi ill ililllnn nil lllisiliv ills ttiin htuli il ii wllh t isi i fu klnus ouli i iks spmil w lllll sihn lullllllt ul i isl link iiiv liiiuvuhlv ill llu ilium nl hull ti u lu i mi inlin s cnli iniin wlllnw st an iililuss mi flu ilitiunls lin sin 1 1 ss in ih ii inn mil lilt ivis iilu n hv ii i mimii llu uc in rims htispli iilu nl mi nltiniii mil llu immlhis nl llu i milk n is niiu li ipput i hui liv llu ii nu niiu us pti si in miss mu ii iwllitiiiii luu lin liisi tlisplii nl inilllntt ltsi uitktnil wlin li iji lijiliiitl i linin niimlii i ol i iilu s in llu itimiiitin iii llu huiilill spun minis mil lllll slllts tllspjlmtl iii llll iu is pit mists iul i 1 1 iniiill ul iiiluil mi it tn it h n in t ii i in il lit illli i isl iiii k 1 1 inn in lliuil ii iji lu till ml st i ills illlll iii llslllll iii vlllllllllll lllll it 111 ililllls ii il i sl lit is rpilli llipll mil tin i ill is iilm ill hinlilmi pmiuls lit miiitlslt ti ins link iii v illnillli1 hv linking fill lilt l inn sliiiinl i itlitl illlll tlispus 111 ul ills pusilll itllllfllllks i iii illlll ip lllll i iii slliilli i s tills lit i k lllll lit l ii 1 1 pi ihk s i slu 1 1 llu i ii i ul ii iliiii mil ii pit mslit il tinpli tishms a iminhii nl usiitinls in llu in t li tit i iimpl unt tl til lluii iisdins in imnitn iiii iml llltl nuvi nt qtjili litppl to sit llu ii iti r uplilu in tl mi willi tin liimvn stli ol llls intl ilnii mils lisliulii tl it i noun his i u tl lu i t s ill i llu olllli i it illi tl t lull sum iiii ills itiiltiu sunn nl iii- iiiiii il hiotijl llu infill sl pin i s l it i it l illlll t iii llll llll bak in 1941 tuken ttnm th imim ol lh pre pnmu thurmlity april 3 141 a wlv hiilcthtlllll biliyo hmm1 miitul hv llnulmuv womtmi insiltuir yik irii uuliin vri rite mill sum nl m wtln iiuwl to iu limit loi wai work ivs liilsilnv tvtnfnu iiuoul 20 hit huh ol mi nml mi v i wiljfht iinmynt in h jtilluiliih lo tfh in ill wilh llu in iliclr 2 li il wiiuiinu innluittiuv a most inomihli rvtnliiu wis hpllll willi lilt popillill lllll mi wilyln in illi i ihit apnl i 21 l us iio was out ol llu liliitkt sl tl is of tlu i tsl fni it wo llu ymt a hiclinlnlon tuim iiliiinul homo mom liiuus mnn i iv ivuilnu wilh i nuii 2ah vu tm on hi 1 1 niis luh it wis oiu o llu nuul ifiumvi wins ol llu st imiii mil wilh niilv jillu plivi ivfuuujh i oi llu p 1st lv vi lis lluii liis htiri i itiimnl iiu u isc in the i oik i lions it ilu i usi nm iilu r in a ion hni llu vt it i ioslii on muml iv cl i n w hiyh u i mil km ipls wci il72wtu whuh i ilmusl ildllhu llu llmlf i ul i isl l ii ll v s2s22 willi llu m illlll lllll t ml i i plllll i iii iii s l iik il ol lilt pill a loo s liitliiili u s pi iv iii iiii ilininiiiiilv all ol llu in lnul llu iislnnis pnl iiki ruiissiiv is iiusl ul ilu in tin t i lll i pin i iiiisiiu ss at phi uh t li is shoiu it i tli ulv nun loi mi t r il i i hul 1mi u is i iliinl tin iki i aiiiim i ui i jii ihtpiiii nt ol mipplu s loi llu nu n in llu- m 1 it i u i si in lo lu i lip i ii ti is it iii i llu at inn hi null this w i k mil i hi i omloi is u ii ii 1 1 iiii i hi tttll iiliplid hv llu nu n iimi si ix in- slnpiiuni is mil i ioiiiki oiks iipiisiiils i urisult i tlllt hulk oil llli kh of lilt i ulus ul ilu lot il in null i nlnii nl of i in in itr i i i nl i uru iiuiim list ihiifstliv in il up llu in on lint loi i slim t r i r j 1 1 aomii u i n u iik i i in hid i nl loin luionlu in hjl ih- tin nkd t it onto the it i ks n on 1 professional directory and travellers gultfe f iishiai miirctoba dr w g c kenney ihisititn tnil snrirfin nrfui in sitn nl it k 4ia mill si i- art n offitt plum 711 nrildinii 111 c liurili st b pliiini lo dr d a garrett inutlin imt suriiiin clirnrr t w lliw jml ii sir su in r inn hut r st at n on ihtini 2111 wh 1 s ixhuitl it ill i u l h must hi ii nu uih i iii i h iii nisi i nu llu i h ti i 1 i i i i i pi pi t i i i nt mil ih p linn s nioiillls su r in i iiu i i n i i h in nu nisi v nml i slip ui u iu u i ll 1 illi il in i lllliltii i k i nun i liii i ll llll ilsn hui 111 ilshlri ill hi i llll n i ll hi i ul i i til i i i iili tit i i i p t s it ii 111 i is i ll lllll ul 11 lllll ill i i 1 ll i ii i l ll lllll llll ll ll i k i i i 111 i mi r h il i s il i hiiiiii i i i i i hull i i ilium su h ihi null tlu si i i ti i n i i h i in i u in li h i hiiiiii i n i i i 1 11 i k i in li n i i tin ii n tn i k p i i ki litis pi is ill i i r ill ih pi t i inili ilu il nli pi mil i tl it i 11 l i i i ll ll i lippll sl ll ills ll i iiiii i k ii i in ii ti tl unh i it in dr rqbirt v buckner ihicun antl snriltun 39 wi i injilt n sl ac nn onl ilio ii 079 oriic htiiirs h pm altiino rut h apptitritmi nt aitraisim mi isshiisi f l wright 0 w ihur st at l r in irto pliont us i 1 i ml i i ii i i l pliuni- coo n ght or dmy hruc- k shormikcr mfr hill l anii heakivo alim e l buchneb ro opt rmtr it ctmtact lnarl hftlng aid 4bui st r aebm in arttm wednlay onljf 2 hi p nt 0 00 p m fur jppmnlmrnt phone in robert r hamilton orjimrtriit fn fxrmnrd aiiib t fed clj main s s ciiontrtiwn ont tiri htiurf 10 i rn tu 8pm mm to yn in run kb ly appnnlmu sil saturday tic nt pi 7jb7 i1intal l lttin ikoivnsii it iti il ml in tlu pi si ri il h i i i i k i v i ii i ihi it- ih in- i tun 1 i m in th i p s pi in i uis ii i nu 1 t i i il iu i u unt h ul lui us hi i i ilk l i ii i i iu nis in iiiiii ili nttir s i ill tin i hon it is t u k i i ill i i in llu ih nn 1 i 11 1 1 i p k lilt iii t u is nt i i uh i i i i 111 i i i ii ilk lllillll i i s tl iii llll i i iiii i ih u ihi t l 1 l j i l lui iu nl uh n ill 1 i i i l i i il l hi li i it t i lull i i i i ti i in nn h ul i h i i h s i li u i ilu urh tlu litis i 1 1 1 t s is ihi 11 ii si i n i i i h i ui ii u i i i l iiii u u i it i i u h i i s sisl 111 i u li i u li s k t mlv i uhil l n s i i i til i i i 1 ik i i 1 i t i i i r i i i n i i iii t i i n i i i inn r i i h i 1 1 pi 111 ilk llll i i i ii i i i t n i iiii u i rn it in i pi i i it i u i i r i vir t ts i i i milk i t l t in h 1 n r hr tu ti tin is n llinv unt i s m k i vmsnitli 1 in uit ill hislsipi i ll 1 iiu h ih k lp ir f j vi ills ills i i s ml 1 is i i l ss is iu s llll s s s 1 k j v k ss i s dr h ieib il r il s irtp i of r r i r 1 i and i in k srrrl ot ii ir lis app i imrnt th ttiiom 19 dr a j buchaian i r a s of i m i slrtrt o ii i s 0 i n 1 6 p m cl s i il tlj jf tn n li h irr kh 1 kai c f ieatheriaisid qc 11 1- ir a si ft s arr r u c 1 1 c m 1 t in- l 1 311 i rr n s 1 v -j- r t r nli i cl 111- 11 iii actov a efsaida ba n s fir n i r v- h e ra wi i sl s ai r i rlli prr ptl i 1 tl m i ll 1 i k s f larlvtl t t rz of frhoii 9am spm s iirljst 1 jm 12 a ti lever hoskin riafi risit ai t si lunli i main si ill k rif s w itr itnpt i t rti i i ir nn ol l4 fcil 4 13l rouiatmiitt i o sc a jli edvund g morgan dsc 14 r s o rtt i ta 276 m lai ulmslay f lay toy api i n rwni tiavtujuv ouiot graki coach lines 0 ba oathrs ltavp actov s jridfd t nr lii li- ar d 8 11 m da riritrt san u4 ii 1 t 11 33 a in w pm urt 63jpm 111 pm toot p i- a d ii wrlttad 10 27 m 12 s7 pm 2 17 p m tr p ti pi ii pit n r r i 2 am fr s sun and 11 s- siihsiiijitiiins pi ihli in iili jim 23 10 in i inuj 4 oil in llu lnits1 mitis si niiiiittis sl 7s sinihi sopics 7i aitihoiiiil is vioiul tlass liil vusi chi ist dtpjrt mint otitu i the only paper ever published in acton c a dills filitiirinc iiiol diilil r dills maiuylnb rilitnr business and editorial office phone 60 0 acton ti t th l 1 a ti u i ipi u t m ih iiiti i till trust ilmn shsniilsi i i i i it i a t ml iluuum r in k nntli s lllil ji iritis in llu i t tn- j i- s stsll ss i sprint iliitsmi s h u m tin i ss tl t llu pm l vul1 llk hljr nii isinll n- hiiisi 1h ni ilu ri i thim i in in u is nn piittnii ihiinni m llu itrml it sprinn m tins itnnlis is j n ishhm n in ilu iiiiuluii al v sv tin htl i it is il mi it hutcuus niillllmiu ihtl m u ijililu sxtil s on mill sl ilu- d holsslir ui ih lust luim llu nlj nl urih li i s is is sull 1s in nl m ll injituill hot ho as i ho nliimli- ot mai k u i u is hl in him llu hml is in s jppur in suim ai v usi iiii iiitiks pusini bttaust ul -ait- i pirtpls iisul louiii imt ipnii i h ii ol th si s inmiifh from mi lljppv lo dnlng rather than hunkine hint mmtl i null ai iiiriu- so- fasiir to all s hastings payne n a tlul casaoian natlonal railway siandard ttm tam buiuid da t txcvv utuly t 44 int d t s cxrtp s t f j a n ar n piitil p i m i actnn fj appii itrnenl call 99 cimowtroi w roy rtddcll dc ptlmpr smcitic ch ripscsr 17 mil lrrt ptionr 40 off hwir- tue- tliurs ipm pm sat 10 jn i pm f m mvt ajl nor- sj las cr pm sa ily j vt pm survrlav ttv to pip taalr itil siinalatr ftsr at caili wfcn tf 10 pm l j fyrr at cli tollg pm da ir ii am duiit nofl similar 7 07 pm sal mtly j on 43 a in- iftignepi nij ont rirr at gltrtpa th guav daily mtrxutal teat bam ui autv ul pm

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