Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 11

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the acton boy scouts by bruce wtlllanwn ail the enter holiday ha ar rived the atreeln will bt crowded with children for the next week or two to let u dlicuaa the kill er that in lodoe hi our country today to you know that lam year 210 children under the age of 14 were killed and 6000 injur ed in automobile accidcnlk in ontario alone thin is more thai the entire population of otfr town can you plcliretbc choolui parka sunday bshools etc if thli were to happen in acton next week scoutv cuba gulden anil brownie are taught fcafctv at their meeting and m school however the aafcty st our children is also the rcnnbntlbll ity of you and me an parents it if not sufficient that the children igiow the answcru to qucatlonu when being examined by their leaden for lest passing knowing the rulea never pre vented an accident vet we musi ensure that these rules arc prnc tlcetl it ln imperative that wt begin by setting the example observing traffic regulations and in exercising sound common rnennc oheving the rules of ihe rood topping at slop signs observing speed limits and so on is ihe bent way of setting this ex ample remember we are her oes in the eyesof our children and as wc lead thev will fulluw i urn sure i would not leel much like a hero if because i filled to slop at a stop street mv son the next time out with his bl cycle said to himself thai algn doesnt mean anything baddy never stops for it and ax a result was hit bv an auto mobile baale rule be sure your child knows the banlc rules for safely and prac tices them cverv dav it is a good idea to bring the rules to their attention when drmng around or just out for a walk they are before crossing stop at the curb and look both way where there ore no sldewolkx always walk orf the lefl- facing traffic if vou go out at x wear something white cross on ly where it u safe and never be tween parked cars play in safe places never on the road rldo vouf bicycle in single file close he light hand curb set caod example pltuvc spare an exit a few sec onds it set vour children a good example children lake saletv rules crioiwlv when ihey see parents follow them loo let us pull lufiother over the holiday and aircst this killer re member your child could have been one of ihe 210 a good road user is a court eous roul user and one who makes allowance for ihe misiak cs the other might make troop news congratulations ore extended to keith andiews on his inies lituu inlo the i loop keith is now n member aof the largest boys club in the world a moe- mehi lhit is unique in that it accepts no race creed color re ligious of social harriers bob watson and david rvder have successfully completed tlu requirements for iheli cub tn siructors badge this required tuo monlhs attending cub meet inns and assisting the leaders with ihe cub program well dune boss bul do nut forget thai xmr dutv to the pack is not fin ished as this iust makes sou a qualified instructor the patiol leaders instruction class hail in opportunity to visit uith arlous cjiher troop last ueekend when thev went to oakxtlle to see some moies p l john wood took ins pat kil tin a hike to blue springs last satiittlav ami there was quite a bit ol uoodcrall accomp lished aceordlnf lo the repoil or tl george ware who went along to pass the bos on iheir various lests wl 21uvuisw the bible may the new english translation of the new testament issued in march is a great milestone in the hlslorv of the english bible since the days when wcille first produced an fngllsh ier sion ol the bible all sueccedinu ersions have been largely rcvis ions of existing texts diligently compared with the original ian guuges but still incorporation much of the language or the pre vloui translators the new eng llsh translation is the luit ui tlrcly new english version the translators ond the eom mlttee dealing with this oik over a period of eais are a pre tentative of all the churches the worlds foremost hebrew and greek scholais have worked from the original languages anil have had the benefit nt tlu new discoveries of ancient manu scripts and the gieal amount ol archeologleal reseaieh ol the lasl 100 vcars expei ts on the english ian guage have also dealt with tlu lexl their task was- to help tn wrror 1 rr this sundays aehicvc tlu best litirir mvli in simple eunieinpoi u i nglistj w mtirs uuk cami lo an end when the edition of the new testament was aliased ilnotigh nut tlu uiiikl bv llu oxford and cllllhlllltl pit ssls the uoik on the oki testi menicuntinues but a publication clatl has not tl been set suggested readings fc ula mattheu 22 346 d matthew 23 24 tu n john m 1 14 wodtilsdiv john 14 hm thursda john is 1 27 rndn john 16 ii situieln john 16 hu extend right hand of fellowship sun on snruta james m rudd tin pasim ot tlu baptist thuuh ami mis rudd will be aeecpted into numht i ship into at ion baptist l hutch tlu niihl hind ol ulluv ship will bt extended b lied vcsi i hit dc nun church calendar the church op st alban the martyr anglican rector thi hrv h it stikr t lth stb 103 jrfri st iini jv maundy tlmrsduv 10 miinh im i pm huh mioiiut ootid rndiiv 31 muroli 1wii 111 am thp lalinv anil auli cimiumlon huly saturdiy 1 atrll ttttll 10 m mullir iind hi hnow il of dapttmial vim sunday april hl easteh 1a b30 u m holy euohurim 030 m 1horiil luehuivt iiiftt ctiureh school 11 00 n m chrtrwl emtrit mtdwsfk crijurvncas xaater mondav 3 apiil uk 1 lt am lloh rnohii i ttpr tiimdav t api 1 ifwl in am ilili riuha l all arc wilionu unitto church of canada artaa oatarta hv dvtl4it fnal n mmutcr mr oiirur flliott omlkraal and choir masler cood toiday 1000 am service sunday april jnil 1981 jldim early service jo a m senior sunday sen trade 4 and lip ii 00 a m alivninc worahir ii do am junior sunday school up lu a a w niiitiy christian riformid church rv j nutma ba bd mmiatrr i omn at box 41 phoiw mm sunday april and 1001 ims aht enajlah ua pj outeh baptist church acton pjtor j imi at itlldd 10 ni m limit plluili job sumlat allttl ml vltil v as i hi m 00 i in m mii ni worslup liusi at ii 1 in in 1 i i 7 00 n in v l nun w il i 111 m ml il i ii i mil i hi m 1 4 i m suml ii x iio i 1 mil n 7 10 hip 1 ii ii t i 1 ill i tin l ii -uhl- 1 si in ilimi mi pi im ind llilil smn v i il n ti 10 j 1 ui- 00 jim i l- n ml vn will inn presbyterian church in canada knox i iii l ii acton llu andiik hjakkmnzii it a 111 taiinti r mi i a ii i v n n oiniust nut th i uulir stml phtl i i lhtl kis am churili s ol niim im ovtinkti i nihu ciivs 1 1 oh i ill m i n hi v i h i llu nit tot ki i n ii i i u link junior i intfiititl l lautt 3 7 mull itin nitf tuun n pi i inir- i v iiulrin laioil i r j mm 7 00 pin lit nun r ii i i tsm ii u rim n jim uu m i l ctuim smjj im acton pentecostal le itud tabsrnacu 13 churvlall ito imoc hfv kinlirhj hfid putor cook st uhuni 64w sirndw prfl aid itml 10 00 a pi sunday school 11 oo a m moinir worahto t 00 pmli urlltc tueaiuy a pm prnyar and bible stud thuradav march jo ii tiiri ililly onihum bvanocluitic filin shadow at the bootiicrann you ar aiunya wolcomo nailonol defence photo at the end of eight weeks training in canada s llh cinarlisn infantry brigade unior nco school at fort chambly ger many graduating soldiers will be qualified for promotion in the army undergoing one of ihe many rugged phases o training during this course are loft guardsman donald emmer son of acton and private john patterson of guelph seek citizen of year acton chamber of com mm e is asking for support in acton in choosing the 1961 citizen ol ihe year this year tilitns aie lurlnfi asked to nominate candt cliils for this honor and the final selection will btmade b a nominal inn commiltll ol the chamber the chambers annual cmc and conxmunitv dinnci his bnn slluduled lor nnd april so final si let nun must be made no later than april 6 to nominate a person lor ihis honor pisi mi1l tlu pci outline hc reasons why mi think he or she should be hnn oud together with a summar of the contribution m uk t llu ueltaie ol aelon iiiul mill il to citicn u tin yeai cum mittie box 1i ac inn free press no i iter th in april 6 alter th it d n tlu im si lection will be maiu ind tin citim ul llu iai htinoiid at the dinmi in apnl pumovis i itims honoted iie i a dilk in is ami is 1 isnn in pjs9 uul di w c c kiniil in ijwl stories mixed unfoi tun itik lint s ol t pi were nuspl in il i isi n k nui fusing two stouis in llu tut inss uu unilid chuuli 1 s miellllil ueniinl was splil us tirsr hilf nppnnnp unrttr prop 1 1 lu ad luu hut its uumil hill ippl it in at tlu ioihiusiiiu ul hi ilkhiill ul llu h iptlsl i slit u of missions wi iilnl in ion lusion th it m i hiu bit n l cil tipson photography th dont hide your camera the dim of the nlr weather photouuiphei who fakes plenti es oulv when flic nm i shlnlnu is gone loreeil wushicl awiy bv a horn ol tost uiik laliliule lihns dai k ctuiuly das nu loniici hokl lei roi fm t am ati or phoiujtiaphei in fui so eallitl but ueallu i pioutls him with stinicjl hiu nmsi ex eitillg plllufl posslltllillls ltusrtiis a cinmli box i mi eta can see almost is will on a lalily clrud dr is on n il i dtuulud uilh mitilighl i in ullh kodiiulot the lto 111111 can lu used with stilkinp usiills as tonj is lluu is sulliiunl sun ullier biiiht oi h i lo i n ill sh uluws on the giound ihuteruxpomin th il inipoiiuit qu du i tiled latitude mikes il possible lot mniliiii litm lo piodiiio an ai li pdible pie line 1 1 en lu n it tueiws less lllht iii 111 j wis ii llk dlsiluid lui and tlu subdiud light uiilusti iks tlu puliiii willi muod misii impos sjbk lo pioduei on hiighlli d us a got ii i ink in 1 1 im inbi i is 111 it till wui vl tl ul llill i hnonii s till be lie i l is till t tklll piettlles with 1 1 he itlllus phi i le ippi it oik ul llu ni iui phuio t iphu d uli mis in sii ipslioutiii on ui me n is i il i is llu n i tin i e tst willi wlllill ell ii 11 llu i losi lips i tn in ohimiui ntuu il i pliiitii i iph titloiu itu ill i hiu 111 lie s one lit till si hltl nel hill nit pie lllli s toiliul ill ill ul i iinih iiihiims tin vu inklnl squinting lletculy into the nun vyhh im ad mtnble camera ol tuuim llieics no problem riven when mini him l used and in this cxeltlng held the plcluicm ull be halhed in suit pleasant poets corner fayils triumph hsiis who dulst weeping st hid reside the ft le wllell i llllls i in wh w isi i huu nut mil duesi th il i iv di nils i i ii lu eommiud 11 nl si i lion been luu wis m ii 111 i s e i m wounilid heail lakes up llu sii lin wh did si i heul tarry lung ag uu and ii l im de ii lint die i hush wiipmg oih tlu mistn s ml and k t mil iloiihl uul le ll is silt i in n i loin l in i tmwl lit 1 1 iiiiiui n uul u ul i i miii he lot l di id 1 nyi in i s i jiul i niuiind ul s iii lo i h im s ml it utpu llu i ki p sltll ih i ulli md ihou sll ill se i fi lui ul tb uul is ibil aiuleison harvey laverty heating sales and service repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour service njotbing- oh hat about our liovtse qiis spring bright and tthin like a new spring imnm t thutv how our houtti looki tluse div i had it done all over and mm tin ioihmh are keeping up with ut the mst will nun h kh thun oud thinlc we fin uui d tin winks with a b of m home imprint nu nt 1 n ui thath how you can get tuun lumn utipiom nu nn uy hanu do ou to iituth p wldfllin t our mighhouihniui hot m branch hmu tin v ii lu etul to ttll ou ill about it bank of montreal your cleaner is your clothes best friend moths love stains let us dry clean and ttoro your winter ward rob now custom cleaners sama day sarvlca except saturday in by 10 tl ni out by 5pm cash amd carry main st n phone 272 aelon frao prei thurjdny if it rains p lu lyli ter lluht its a tftmid idea huwcvvi lo put a nkvllifht ftl tci uvei 1 liu lenn when usinu kilur film dn overcast das tu ellniinatf lite sllyht bluish llnjii lhit infav detiacl fnun i hi pn liiif whole newworld in subdued liuht a rnutnu futi a dtkliili rain or a niuonht n lih i the ndiustuhlt uldi upeii eve c in tiptuii a ciioil tuyv icutld ot llht and shadow otlui pictuns that ulll wiae i inajjie kpelt thruiinh oin php- lo albi include a feu sinned lose bow fil suiiowlullv in llu wjnd i cluslii ut i ueliss uui hie has huddled on a slue i eoi ut i i hslleimans etay ian i lined iitainst tn antiv si i sejipe mil hiokeu ipni i inn liiihls tiaphd on a iu i pave mcitl ihey aie available tn all all lhit is euep1 the phutoiua phel uhi uails tin tin sun lo i umc out thuridny miirch 30th 161 ii bannockbum wx hps monthly euchre mw jfiunnikkhiirn w helcl llu it moijihlv t tic hi l at baiulock burn schou on satliidav mauh is i i hole- weie ten tables plavtd piiii as billows lulii first mis s mallhiws si oud mr v mtriitcluiift turns- find f kent- uu siionit willi n wilson llu icduat tiiicnimcnt his on id 1 147 siilffisiid de stns lor a neu t undlap ii i for spco heater oil and conrectionetty supplies me jack mccallum your tixaco llaalar imnrr mill mil vminfi slrcili opan 7 am to 11 p m dally for that smarl look in glasses look to e l b0chner ro optometbist contact taniat fitted hearlno aid eyat examined 48 mill st e acton ont wednesday only oftirr hour 2 lo a p m f6r appointment phone 115 acton if no inswer phono wilcrloo collect sh 2 8867 ifirst you saiv its distinctive styling a jliiij i iliiil lmi i liil ml nk iiniirliiin lim wuii llu u luiiruljiiri ul tliou imln o11i111i1 it a trimnirr yrl lllnnli v rlimh mnrr juir losiri jil tint ami ri lui rijlrr intiilurl luxury jml 1 inui 1111 mr thn you found its full sized features yen iid r n 01111 r inh rmm tlio iilii v ii r lnylirr i ifl up tlir ikmmi utnl iwihu iihiiik il mttl it l i n i i r lu ti nt i hjit hit imi iniili it 1 sirj sn ih iiuilj in t hi rtul t fiit rr ai ii it i i i ii l r uiik i siiiu ur tiipiit titl il tjt ui in mi aoiv youve nraade it an outstanding sales success il i pin nl t r t i i i r nui irrb ml nu 1 1 ii l ti t i i n 1 i ii isi t ii mm ins i in i n i- k i i nhi iu j i iil s t i rr l ii i t- it r hrr trm li- vt r hit ti i 1 b ii i i i i il j i nti it mil uiiim il ii m e i t i u in it llr nl l h n nl illmlsm shri cwp roimtiao u turn x 1 t so mu a p off t u a amiui hotom vaiiw s hh if ry77l ukiuk franklin pr0use motors limited 351 queen st e acfon phone 16 tha kal la avaaw tal malan p waauy attack lacal tv uuhat far hata aaat iliiaail aaaaaai

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