Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 12

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fril the acton fnm press thursday march 30th 1961 mrwmwmtoimi assssssss spiujno five pins at acton bowunq lanes by ken hulfprd kktxi4m high school march m wllh terry masnlii rolling a 686 tricounl along with mike matlock 624 123 yogis ropl arid hoglied hie teddy beans forvlhree game win des pite bol thompson kisllng a226 slrtillo lb go with jim builoiigns 222 and 2imlllo- the trlwln put ihe yogis iolid in third place with a chance to make threatening gestures for a high er spol bongs shove rocks aside el ca bongs shoved the rocks aside for a two and totals win with pelc homer shoving a 699 tricounl this plot vic roachs 211 solo clinched the el ca bongs win the rocks railed to make the triple plateau but made it for singles gary mas- ales 23 don price 224 jill hunl 203 and 216 sapphires the steadiest sapphires and the rebels couldnt lind lite secret il tripl es or singles but in the clutch sapphires were much the stead ier and wrapped up a three game win the sevenpuinter got sap phires out of the cellar league standing teddy bears 96 the rinks 94i yogis 91 el ca bongs 80 sapphires 73 the rebels 69 bsmrdmore march 20 arier a long steady pull muskokas finally made the to spot true ihey may gel knocked off but for one week at least ihey rule the roost taking the devons into camp for a three game win did the trick fur the muskies heading up the musk les win were ihe iriples of ken paplllon 672 and bert fowler 610 rolling the muskies singles wore bill buchanan 205 steve flisnik 266 al roach 213 and ermofavrii 213 devons hied u stem thirtlde of defcar-wlrrrtln- nle masales 632 triple and the singles of ben bayliss 236 arch ie papillon 215 and dennis crooks 23j but il was a lost cause leatherettes system pays ofr leatherettes new system seems to be paying ofl lulpthc oppos ition into a false sense of secur ity by losing ihe first game then clobbering them in ihe next two after winning ihe first and los ing the secund to ihe leather ettes the uppers tried lo wreck ihe leatherette strategy by tak ing the 11st canto but leather ette nosed ihem out hy two pins this affair was minus the triples but the singles were furthcom ing for leatherettes it was llel- en i sluy hflrn viltnkin 240 and joyce masales 253 up for the uppers singles were har ry rogers 202jorn dennis 259 john rohsim 216 and 220 j cluse games whiriyhittls and super solcs lied themselves up into three cluse games whirlvbirds got iheiv lirst in the tirsi hv torn- pins superior weight ol num bers paid oil tor ihe sujnr soles jnilw scmrtmulaiultlwv stiwahrti- things up by 32 pins whirlv birds were off and whirling in the third but goi oil the enuisc anil super soles caught the de cision by nine pins- pal wikiic hit ihe triple line for vvhii is birds with a tieil 678 huh blown 215 and honnv tnwtisc 201 tippctl their hats lor singles suh- soles disdained the triples bul on the single ihenie wen- oenv limaiche 212 and ei parent 240- und avelhia roclier 202 paced the mums single scoring tripl es went ihalnway for asters no singles and no iriples which could account for the triple loss glads hang up triple win wilh ihu singles or ivymartin 20r mary daley 213 lil wagner 720 and 216 swelling thrfr pin total glads hung up a- triple win al ihe expense of ihe car- nations who were of u the beam scoiewise wilh the exception ol terry arbics 219 violets have i powerhouse win roses had ihe better of the play lor two games against the violets but ihe violets had a powerhouse win in ihe middle stani and il got them the odd point for totals triples made their appearance in this affair for roses sophie oehlrich 644 and belly hatch 747 violets triple came from millie still a 661 vcnnps churchill singled lor roses with 209 in a like role for viulels were eilna dob- hie 248 and cheryl morldn 247 league standing mums 105 asters 99 roses 93 violets 80 glads 78 carnations 70 service league march 21 walllors floored pickups for a three game loss and perched a little more secure on ihe top rung as a result ray evcrdclts 602- tricounl along wilh tom mullen jrs 488 double were ihe payoff scores tor ihe walllors duke brown wilh singles ol 208 and 200 iried lo pick up the pickups in vain micro snare 2 totals ys men had micro plastics numlrcr in ihe lirsl but then the micro boys found out what il was all about and snared the next two they also spilled en oughpin togcl the odd point for lotals a couple of ihe ys men looked ihe triples in ihe eve paul lawson 654 and harry arhic 689 303 fyre somerville made with a 208 single plastics were shy on the tricounls they diddt need em but the single shooters were boots igrischow 202 leo mcgillmvav 205 bill elling 211 and cvril leighton 218 league standing walllors 86 ys men 74 micro plastics bi pickups 28i industrialcommercial march 22 reliable taxi leli goy callage behind lor the first two games then goy cartage foorul tiaelion and carted off the thirtfgame ami- gol down in iron jwin totals hv seven pins al ihe wheel for ihe reliable triples were jell fiver 614 ed meuilluway 78 300 and ross morton 673 govs big wheels were hob bruce 647 313 and ches peycha 642 snuck burr barrel to win als snak bar barnlied their way lo a first two game win liom the a- 1 delivers then ihe league standing muskokas 97 ippcis 1 1k j ons 89 whirlvbiuls if lulii j dies 70 super soles 58 legion ladies j milvh 20 dklie mgitlmiv 240 paced ihe wisliliil ihinkis j lit si game win against ihe coin i hliskeis mimimi hills uiel lo head up a coinluiski win m llu- scvoiiil with a 20s jt llnnl ets weic latlvine ivlinul mgil lowavs 201 nut n vis ilunkis scvotul win cornhosli s mli hild lo ejah ihe ihu i hukkei but dot eaile spnked ihe think ci in this one anl il v as a in sweep lor ihe nnisltlul ones hopefuls take ixs lls weiv shaiixr on the coiner puts than ihe llovluu lor a lil si game win im tunes turned in ihe second aui wilir flsic sthmult ehukking a 211 j hopeluls weiv on lle umum end lms tiyuietl to win hie thiivl canto bin svlvia tok- an lil biadshaw wilh 24s inl j0ju in that order made il a mopclul f win and gave them a sate jnir j tin lor the hui point tot totals j catling ladies lor the top inoj til triples mi the nights mil weiv dodic mcgillowiv 591 ix i ejrlc m and silvia foley 525 league slaiwung cornhuskcrs 9 wishlnl think crs 93 hopeluls 84 lils 77 march 2it mums wasted no lime in regaining the top spot after being knocked oil il lor a week mums scrambled back up with a three game win ifom the erstwhile leaden asters asters tried lo salvage ihe last game but jwjums were on a- win ram page- and grabbed it in a onepin pfeoio llnjah ejaanor goy 906 with i winning cltort hv id pins als snack bars lop trio were hill johnstone 6m don grein 710 audllill williams 648 cv r ills lotible rales a menliou 522 hon deforest delivered a liicounl lor al a 619 ledgers win sign up jollv kogeis tired a tleiaslil- ing hioadsitle at ledgeis iga lo win thelirst then ran out ol ninimuition anil lelgers win sien wnl up lor the nel iwo mil lolnls geluiig ihe lga in to tile hie niple bracket were hi dellartolo 7lh till i wavne unllv h ih8 and mac ihe knit- mccujilv m7 308 rog is ivsl wele the liiounls ol man in vhliiih f7 uid wtlo near i7 league standing reliable ti l al snack hat 121 ledgers iga 1 1 govs callage 80 jollv rogers 0 a i deliieiv 57 a acton ladis march 22 u wuh u case of vlu pift ihe bcsl foot inrwartl when ihe corbnu shoes antl ben- wjh shoos mel up inul it was coronas irlpplqu the litfhl ian laslic for a two am loials win arlene bruce and helen lesucur were- hi ihe triple section for coronas with 616 anil 621 in that order eva williams witli hi and nancy coyle vih 210 look earexiif the smyles uensons went lripulcsjfil for singles it vasvj ivyev 222i huiun ol- terbcin 220 geornina van fleet 203 and ilia mellon 215 ami 218 prthtws on win houd prouhe motors were on ihu win road in the first got detour- ed in ihe second then liiuml ihe way back to win the third and take the odd point for totals from lamb real fistale swilch- intf ort the iynitinn key or protises sinyles were nan i hirst 20r charlotte holmes 208 doris townsley 231 jackie nolin 211 and dianne spielvoyel 214 anil 203 triples went bcuuinu lovells take 2 to lain slef peycha 701 and norma rohinson 614 triples plus ben anderson 211 verun arbic 204 and jean mclsaac 220 singles pot lovell bros a tivo and totals win over mccallum services joan knight tripled lir the tex aco maids with donna krapck 218 and kitty amun240 singling league standing lovell bros 108 mccallum services 97 curona shoes j7 benson shoes 92 tamb real estate 90 prouse motors 83 acton major march 23 tiger cats allcr winningthe first from acton billiards found several pieces ol their hide missing when the cue boys put ihem behind the cightbalifor thcncxt two and stashedaway the odd point fur totals the big hide peelers lor the billiards were bill shannon 813 jeff fryer w and fred kentner 697 sharpening their claws briefly for the cats were ken hulford 764 don grein 678 and jack bullough 674 dominion hotel swarmed j all over ihe casarin flyers in the tirst then the flyers zoomed in a winner in the second and nudged out ihe third game win by seven pins but the wasowicz wallopers salvaged the odd totals point flyers chief pilots were ron shannon 653 pork gervais 649 and da preem rigo fru hoi for the hotel weiv dee dcforcst 742 bob skidu- more 741 312 and hank farlc 609 tcnpro seize win firefighters handed the ten- pros a surprise when thev won ihe lirst games and apparentlv went into a stale ol huck tor ihey went otf the beam in the linale tenpio seized the chance lo win the game and snare the odd point for totals the top pin tumbling trio for the firelighters were bern van fleet c79 john i ituntcyfi gunned he tiger cats down in the first by mhe phis with helen blllorf chalk ing up u 20 this look cure of jiuin yiminiis 201 tlucr cats i lull red to win thp kocoiui with v5rna arblc hilling a 225 but huiilbrsiwere there in the clutch add nailed tip their second win all set lo ivhnnwltli third tfatiie win werv tht lluniers but the tiger cals got point hungry and clawed out i hi win anil edged in for totals hy one pin top trio ijf leading indies lor irlplc honors were ivy marl in 612 eleanor goy s84 and veina arbic 583 league standing catchers 120 tiger cats llk huitters 81 busy bees 71 acton friends t sgar hanging pm together anil cante up krapek 65bi mkrjackrptri1r 62 we were going lo mention mumbles martins 423 double huf changed our mind leustic standing tiger cats 138 casarin fivers 101 tcnpro 99 acton hilhardsf l dominion hok so acton firelighters 55 f thursday toppers maivh 23 biisv bees hied to ho the catchers hut the catib ci s caught ihe bees olt guard and made with a thtrc game win catchcis took the liisi b a sati margin then when the bus thieatcnckl to een up in tlic scciiinl with joui knight tullni a 218 mai tin smiekhed i heir hoks with a 72 and wm mimtvr two went to cauhci busv bees hied to aert ihe shutolit in the lluul hut lleanoi mi picod cathcis in their lhn1 win with a 24 call take toluk by i phi mafch 23 sigar jets had no tnnible in hanging onto lirsl place and iweeleinng their point lotalal the expense ol ihe sad sacks with dot marie 700 ami john cunningham 622 mak ing with the triples plus the singles til rav atkinson 205 mike davies 2l and barb smith 2k the one ray ot sun shine oif ihe sad siek scon- sheet was li la atkinsons 222 solo sputniks- in whit tor wju sputniks spun salelliies mil ol orbit with a two anil totals win salellrles got t lobbcied ill the tiist illil heller in ihe sec- nnd allhough losing by 30 pins and got up enough moment mi lo win the linale by25 pins in the triple strata for sputniks were uke zajac 625 and harold fer guson 617 clara favlors 224 solo came in handy hat ia- rogers shone for salelliies wilh a 77n triple atul don deloiest w inkl id wilh a 219 single iuii lea wrap up 2 in short order rarebits never had much ol a looktn wilh the fivenfastes he fasies wiapping up the lirsl two in short order ihe rarebits came to life in the third and almost grabbed totals just miss ing out hv three pin- vu de- forest 711 353 triple along wilh kay ross 248 doris cooke 201 and beaver baxter 20 i singles sumki oui lor ihckasics minus triples bin gelling the riicbit singles weie doug wid ths 219 hart coles 215 and 220 red barnard 210 and 233 league standing sugar jets 112 spuiuiks 107 salelliies fiee n daisies 81 sail sacks 65 rarebits 63 acton mixed march 24 headed up hv blackie gaelons 6s niple and ihe singles ol bervl jordan 20s jerrv iunk 226 and kilcen giant 214 wanderers dished the sau cers and made eerv game a winning one dorance mathes oils 600 tricount along wilh bob martin 203 and ron whitham 2ik and 208 singles tor saucers went lor sweeuev eagles fly high bandits tried lo bring down the eagles bui the eagles were living high and with a three game win are within one point of the last pluol spot sophie oehlrich 698 and don grein 643 along with mai tin oehlruhs 24 and 20t singles weie the high llveis n eagles bandits deserved a heller late than av total point eclipse wilh tlu- trijilev i v 1 io casarin 708 millie slitt o and the solool helen valeiuan 212 but twas n to be iraggiers stragglers njfl be vii tiglin hill1 iwo aiul lotah win hoiu io biings them up within nil ikine disiance ol the louiih plavnll sloi itoh skideuiiiie tts iu chervl mulnn 34 tuined in the big tuples lor ihe sua- pisi notes on nature by wes fountain coming of spring purl twii in ncailyevery parfol south- ern ontario the buds of wltl pussywillow are the best known signal that spring has really started tirst in sheltered swamps and lhen on higher ground thei silky white flower parts ingin peeping irom their black coverlet in their ijrst weeks one u gleis the lesueurs phil and helen weie the lop truudleit for atoms wilh 639 f nil 601 in thai older league standing wandcicrs 124 atoms 99 sail- cets 07 bandits 83 stragglers s2 fagles 82 toonnundor march 25 yogi hears set hie rebels down in the lirsl hut the kchch caincback on ihe run in the secondhand evcneil i in- score ihev look the odil point lor tot als as wl bluk hawtis hew oil wilh the lijsi game hum the kmiijii rideis only lo have ihe rough kidrrs gel even in ihe second blai k hawks however had enough pins in hand lo lake the odd point for lotals in the flyers stooges go fivers were loo good tor ihe stooges and won both games fxilcc doubles tik- voungslors weie luriuug in oiuv vciv nice doubles in llicir saturday morning stint leu varev 177 130 307 tonv hopper 22578 303 bobby bum ue 141178 319 anne vale 179128 307 lorua macphersin isid72 l322 rov mainprie 99- i7ll rickv henderson 124- 157 28ll sliei idan 138149 2871 leaiielle spires 130125 1255 mtjb audeisim 145115 2hd terrv churchill 116135 251 league slandlng rebels 83 rough riders 78 suknies 7liverx6lvugibea js iwack hawks 34 headpin hilites well salnrdav was black sal- tirdav loi the a ton iuiercouuty icaius down al oakville van normans fletii icians blew a use and dropped the bundle to the oakiev and ihe chances o the lourth plavoll spol went tint ol theii reach at home in ac ton while taking two games anil totals iioin ihe dixie bowl ihe meivhaiyi will have to settle for ihe third slot nextsmilavs i iital league games will decide whether ihe merchants meet si 1 eel s ille or lvnn stamp in the semi final for the second lime this sci on a how lei has made- the scl- ei 1 400 cub in a wainuip session ol bowling before- huad- would never suspect thai all ol these furry buds shelter many liny flowers there is no sign ol a blossom even when ihey have reached the lenmh or half an iifch then suddenly they start to swell ami out- pops doens of dcllcue lowers each on ihe- same catkin pusyvwlllow leaves ifke ihokeof ninny other early plains do hoi come out iirjtil alter the blossoms have gone ing oakville way to howlju ihe inlcrciiuniy league wayne spiku spires spilled ihe pinvio ihe tune ol a hot 4i0 that should sellle all arguments as hi whclher we glue down our coi ner phis needless to say spikes game won ihe gordons hardware award for the gents weekly high single ayard winners pistol pete homer who can lorn in a good game when he nils lo bed early the night be lure came up with an 880 triple lo cop ihe pauls clothing award sophie oehlrich who trains on hoi mustard turned in a hot 302 single to win the ledgers iga voucher ivy martin cleaned up with a 785 triple id win the aelon dry cleaners award best over average scores were rolled bv teeners anne vale jackie palm er len varev and tony hopper lo win the coca cola reinharls and seven up bottled beverag favorite tou hutment waterloo bowling lanes i2lh annual five pin tournament goes april 28 lo may 27 this one is a favorite wilh acton bowlers while we never make a mistake we sometimes err on ihe side ol accuracy and i have been in formed in no uncertain terms bv ihe aclon firelighters team that my last weeks report ol them selling a record of 40 1 blows lor tin i sea was wrong it wa- wind 4f4 and that amigi il up adios robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formcrly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 50 st georgai square by lnl summer ihe bush will be ready lo nvm new calkin buds in preparation for the com ing of another spring springs arrival me1ns fresh uctivjty for all or nature count less forme of life among many of the insects ihe first few weeks of warmer weather pro duce such amaing change that entirely dillereni creatines sud denly appear right before ones eyes am winter long the wild cher ry or apple crotch was as bare is a billiard ball then just he- lore the l fees leaf buds started lo open a trifle a strange thing hapiehs oui towards the tip of one of the smajlcr branches that grow from the crotch a rough hille collarof liny eggs thai had been gliitd there since last sum mer began io hatch- out crawl ed a swarm ol blackish tent cl- ei pillars almost too small to sec as soon as a suitable spot has been lound each caterpillar be gan to spin the thinnest ol thin silk threads and fastening ihem lo the hatk when the toundal- jon had been- laid his makers divided their time between eal- 5 mrs c griese wins easter ham the- seoul unci guide mothers held a home bake sale and tkichr at ihe seoul hall friday march 24 nine tables of euchre were played prizes were us fotlbwg ladies first mary seynuck sec ond laura jordan consolation mrs dunn mens first mrs h lambert second mrs audrey wilson consolation mrs bella footlit mrs cranston griese won ihe draw for the fasler ham a group of the senior girl guides served lhejunch it was very a miccess lul evening ing ihe lires opening leaf huds and enlarging their lent inside jhe tent the caterpillars gather lo spend ihe night or lake shel ter on rainy days the spun silk is so line and- closely laid thai the inside of the retreat slays perleclly dry even during heavy storms easter reetlngs to say it right w hav lh moil artlculata eastsr cards in town they pronounca your santlmenti bsaulifully and wllh uit tht right accenll we have many other good suggestions for easter giftingi dills stationery ocean steamship tickets cruises ow bonking lor spiing wn bock early f l iwright 211 willmr si acton ontario imuim s jack ridley cartage llmltad conctni uocks concrite uick cinoer hocks clay brick sand stoni uvestock and hitiuier farm service and supwies dump trucks for hire cv cuss fs eully iwsund phone asi acton bowl i a for puasur bowl farihaahhh bowl for pwasun mki it dtt for sxlurcuy nil go bowlingi ui acton bowling lanesl ptiaa mt meubek qapjs i mass sll were always at your service a your local ba distributor wore always available for advice when it comes to lubrication probjcxub around the farm arrange for regular visits now contact thompson fuels phone 49 acton ont a vanload off armstrong excel0n vinyl floor tiles has just arrived take advantage of these vanload prices all guaranteed first excelon vinyl tiles 10 per the heavier gauge 080 br c the 4x4 siiixt poplar underlay only 125 4 siiklt fir underlay 516 only 320 gold seal conqoleum o ft wide oniy 89 per fool dur0lam sheets seconds for your counter juj simc it aibuntc only 11815 4 8 slice is plastic wall tiles only 18c sqft take advantage of these specials 4 fir plywood good one side 825 4x8 skmr fir plywood good both sides 925 4x8 shm 58 fir plywood underlay 610 4 x 8 skmi vi fir plywood goad on side 610 4 x 8 sct u fir plywood good on side 339 4x8 sim x remember these are vanload prices i reteovryin acto thisvanioad special on hoor tiu ends aptjh brit ten pro distributors ltd 126 main st n acton htomsw

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