Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 3

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v iit- 9r ttvv fvtt personal notes of attonlant vltlllng outoftown point and or vltlloft in acton home mm eduiir lldkcn upcitl few days in noi ih bay lust week dfnnd mrs d a garrett haw returned from a holiday 1 trip to mexico mrs gronl allen left saturday lo spend a few day with rcla live in montreal mr samuel h undsay sixth tint in seriously 111 in si jos cphh hoiplliil guelph mr and mnh burnt of al llmrtn vllled with mends in acton on the weekend mm chas w masan hns re lumed homo after vlsilinu with her utijter in london mr and mrs w d roherlson of toronto were visitors in town on monday afternoon mr and mrs dour djvmmi or fort erie visited friends and relatives in town on the week end mr william prout of rich mond hill was here during the 4 weekend renevvlnu old acquaint anecs mr alex frank is a patient in si josephs hospital guelph friends wish for him a speedy recovery mr charles gricse was stricken at his home on monday and re moved to the guelph general hospital master dean lemon will he home on thursday from belle ville school for the deaf tor his caster holidays psrc peter hurst visited recently from h m s gloucester ottawa with his parents mi ami mrr jar hnrst the- members of the alert ev eninu auxiliary olknux church are maklnu their annual visit to hulton munor wednesday of next week mr and mis mike coxe and their daughter of el cuiun cilir ornia arc visiting with lelativcs in milton nnd are lenewing ae quiiinlnntes in acton provincial constable aiclue maepherson mis macpherson and sons ol st thomas were weekend uuests or the formers parents mr and mrs a m mae pherson mrs r kingsmill has been ms illng with her daughter and tarn lly at burwash she wus nccom panicd bv her two grand daught crs from chaplin sask who have been visiting with her trin rm ra m i uonyoufpmin united church young fvupv attended the georgetown united church young peoples fireside in georgetown sunday evening three earloadi made the trip miss helen lamb of vancuuv cr who ban been visiting with hcj- parents mr and mriorrle lamb the past two weeks left via jet plane on friday from msl ton for maelrld spain she will spend three months touring on the cuntinenl the baptist young peoples union is mecllnifln stratford on good friday and u carload will be attending from acton james lcudd tile pastorhcte will in stall the new executive ol the guelph association ol the cut adian baptist convention m waldnirhsccretary of the ontario men teachers puhlie school federation was bcinj raised i wavirvl ly guelph on monday of this week those attending from acton were g w mckcnic w d c smith l lov ell william middlcton and c l hognvaldson miss janet buekner hew b ick rrom bntain on thursday and was in acton tor the weekend with her parents after spending six months in edinburgh anil london she left malton on sun clay rur idlewild airpoil new york where she will commence her naming as an air hostess tor pan amei lean an lines when mary helen coulson ol he 1st milton girl guide contp any received her gold cord it a colorful ceremony in the milton scout hall sunday afternoon miss jean hart ol acton was am ong ti lends lamilv scout and guide personnel attending llu goldcord itnnc ofthc highest honors in guiding miss coulson and miss halt had been at tamp together m jim metsuighlin was in ai ion on iuesday to sav good hvi lo some ol his friends in the ae ion scottish dance club he is very shortly leaving guelph wheic he has been on the stall ol the training sihixil lor bos he is going lo take a posl with ihe udcril government helping lo organize the new pmgiam ol cot rcetlons he his wile mamie daughter shirlev and son paul arc sorrv lo he leaving this disi net when ihev havebeen so hip pv mr mclaughlin who took ihe pail ol the laird ol cokpen when it was neifurmed hv the scottish dance club on tcumstmr said he was proud lo he assoei it ed with the acmiuciul ihe elub especially the burns suppeis jiu j fete mrs stark on birthday measles flu are in district mi mil mts ro cuiml m iliuihi llu lunuit tit iiilm miis in mis linn win pun cinlu ti ituiv stii to upuil h it cuuiut mtcrcuh is i patient in milton disti irt hcispuil mam hunt hi will iuin hi impimiil ajilm si i ul id dtuinpint ttiul lluvil mu m ilufii illktius tv i ik ontuk hoy puhiulus ashuiitluin uui in tot unto hist wttk i m iwii das aitinct inn ml inn titles iku tin ban quu mill ptcsuitation lu c tun us milium 10th annlvcraurv hist ihis lo mi ami mis all it iviulu who will ih ul uip uiai i i 1 on april 4 conpiattilatioiis to mi nul miv jmk i losi on tin imval ut tluu lihklii il nilhu i miss kalhliiii viiiss n hosllss iiuln nielli at tin ihmik lui a nusiillanluns stiovlt lo himot i l ivn iv ilju an an il hi lili to ih lonlists win mo id uiinil tin i ul pin ol llu iviiuni about 20 nils wu pit siiit ami pusliiui kn with main umiiii utts llu p it t x imishcil with llu slimiil ol a iumk tiuuli mts win st uk t m ul int chnholm milton wis ph is nil sutpiisiil on lui hoih hiuh tlu on huu- nihl about s relatives uki ineiuls tmn ai ton giurlitwn toiouto mil sin loundmi list net l1m11 itd in liyn school toi a isit aiul 1 lutntlk game ol pivt- ylllhll mls stll k ullimll 1 pinsc ol moni as a hultula gilt manv mo ix happ hnth ilis mis slaik liilii how ill n and 0oiillas rohii son sptnt sitliat davs it tin pui ma ilslii1j lann nirrt i outs mo mls 1 lilt iv jiu nl uiliu situtol al liln toi 1 liu d is wink mis ridikll wis siik with tin tin llnii hi quite 1 nunihn ti 1 tsts ol tiil islis uul llu in tin ihsirn1 nul u hopi all will mktu tx inliiil hilkt mi nut mis spiiiin wilson vi hosis on mond i ihliu to ttll llluttois ol isihllsldl lid i i 11 ion ol ali uul tin 1 anil thin wivi lot a social iunin i uihti was plavid uul pi iis win awuitid to mis bui ii klsoii lot ladus liilli uul mi s rov t ui 1 il won snoiul pi 11 u nt s tiilti mint to i tumi 1 i it k nut tcioiid pni nul li 1 m pni lor toiu hands wtnl 1 chit biawn mis ixum choi 1 s won tlu pni 1 01 holding two iiinis it mi mm in tu lauu uuiitil a slioi 1 husuuss mil imj plans wux m uli lot 1 iiuhii pattv in stiw utoi it ill in apti tlu lmiiiiil losid with tuntli t vkv ft- surr photo busy gals arc the members of the acton branch of the cancor soctety as thovsqdkd up kits for iho blitz to be staged april 101 1 a dor todoor canvass is planned and ihb group loaders aie shown above as they prepared literature for the canvassers seated in front are mrs winruo kerr mrs robert angell chaiman and mrs b fowler back row left to right are mrs r smithy mrs g rose andmrs a ford launch easter seal program to assist crippled children 0lr i s00 i asui si il uml opls wire muled out last wnk hv alton rot 11 v club during tluu mnual campaign to tissisl ci ipplid lhildiin head in the camp iiliii tins viai is rotaiian bill pindlcton assisted b a com mi i lie tlu i hairm m this week cxptisscd his plcasiiic it the iisponsi tlu eitiens tit alton li il nveii ilui iul piimous i impillls tlld iiil s vcjvuiutu supptii this i 11 s c imp iiln in tin s inu miniin pro vide service dining the p 1st c 11 lc uruil plusuiaiis uul sill la 011s ol hos pitals spili iliui in orltiop ml ii sirills ittcrnkd chnus held it sti itcu locations thiuulhout oixruio lot the bciuiit of nippl cd vounsiiin ippled the outclinic scivtcc piovided li tlil lar riung i icihlus of ihe opt ino socilk fill citpptct childilii li is developed undo the closck related coopcralion bclwcin the socutv and the 22h sirviec clubs which each v- conduct the twister seal camp ugn in hnanee assistance t help iiippkd children in addition to helping luiincc the tieilment ol iupplid children hum then lommuntlv ihe sli vice clubs help wuh the clinics hv trips potting miunttstcrs and helping lo pi ovule accommodation foi those who cannot return mimed 1 hclv the soculv and the service clubs oilmmc the cjinics under l he niidical commitlce whuh lihuiik a volunteer specialist lions in cancer drive eyeglasses go to india the ac ion lions club held their twice monllik dmmi incchn on mond i last the st itiun hotel an almost bundled pet cent nun out heard lion bill toltun pas piesulcnt ot tlu siiiiisvilk i ions club speak aboul the protects mil milhod ot opeiatron ot his p uticul it club flic suniuui c unival commit in lompnsiiil lions r iv ibu uul jin jisamiic anuouniiil sit 1st u lot v piofcuss t dill il llunijli ill i 11 in i pi 11111111l is still iii till pi l 1 1 111 111 ii v s ics s i hi vvcll kit wn hi own uul l 1 mm i c hi b antusitiu nis wv ihui bcioki d j lot tlu l 11 niv il w hu h is 10 w luld on widn sd i m u 1 111 i 1 tun sd iv i 1 id iv uul s 1 tn id i jutil i 2 uul usputiwu llllllui clllll husuuss v is dis cltssid hid uspullvi coiiuillllli ch 111 nun r ivc tlu it 1 c p m is akslst cam ass 1 1011 hut ii dlul is will ut ui v c iw issiiil u mis 111 ltmiuiuti ui willi till i hllklimiltf c iikil s v utv iluvi whuh ilu iti n i ions will hi lsstsii1i 1 1 mi john hurul ii up m d on lb loiiluumuil l nmumic ni m ud ol ih pi tttsd iu w vlio i i i ut uii 1 liikluu will 11 is b ii hl ullill l til wt mi s hi h n ut 1 iub nut whuh lb i 1 uis t iub 1 ih 1 oil i mimu clubs lss 1 lassc tor indlu pulli ol vvll isms lulllll d in i ion oici tliv 1 1st s u w ill be desp itched shortly on their wav sto india announced lion pcickipillon these glasses will be distributed iree ot charge aft cr suilahlc modification to the mulct privileged citizens or hat countiv the acton liuns club wishes to thank tln donors ol cvic1 isscs who li iv c m ide this i ossihle and hope lor continued suppoii in this rcwatduil- piofcct cl isses 111 iv he lefl it l t muks liikciv stoic lamb red i si iu hnih on mill st or with tin urctflbei ot llu ac ion lions eden mius many visitors in local homes the laltci includes litnallv e eiy lop specialist inlhc luld ot ulcdumc and sin get whuh ux lleeessaiv lo the etlllillcus belie lit plans im clinics aie i nil well 111 advance lluough local olliccs of health public health tturscs and oc d doctois the socuts nuiscs loc tie and uit crippled cluldien tcpoit their needs and plan then altcndance al 1 cliuu op aptannvtt tuv chtldien lioin hnndicd ol miles aiound a com mtimtv will pal her lomcctibcm will be specialists m 01 lliopaed ic suirery and qtlur branches ormcdtcinc together with local doeturs who ill il nose their con ditions and presciibc ticaluieiit ii the kilter can be piuvulcd loeallv llu loial doctor dun supeiviscs 11 it tic ltniciit is ix ipjiicd in a big citv hospital at langiiiunls 11c made lot li ins poi lalion uul hospitahilion bv llie soculv 1 01 ihe 1961 i asin sc il l 1111 paiu11 thiti is a mmimimi ol j87s00o needed 10 caiiv on itus md otllel sciviccs lvelvonc is asked to respond lo this ltcal need bv answering the message thev hive received trom aelon rotaiv club robertson gathering anniversary in news mt mul mm ii archibald at tended the sotb weddlne unniver- stirv of mi and mn john jurvk m schundieru retentlv mr uihimii cordon altken al ended the procnlullon of gilbert and sullivan 1 opera ruddlgjjte in ihe auditnnum of occ to- junto on sntuiday uvenlng mr and mik di stewart vlsitld on sumlav vith ihv latter s nleei ml her husband dr and mrs robert kilboin kltdicntr biian roliertson k confined to bis home- with chicken pox mi and mrs wm stevenson of toionto visited with the hitters p mills mr and mts w memh- ian over the weekend masici cireg millson of guelph is holidivmg with mrs m jack son mi and mis george kioosici ind familv dravton visited willi the lorniers parents mi and mrs k kloostet on sunday mr and misr d stewart motoi ed lo thornbuiv on mundav and hi ought mrs win robertson home avilhthtnt sumlav visitors with mr and mis jcnige grundy included mi glimue of diction mr and mts jouum billon and thiec sons mi and mis rolnrt slalei and ctnldrcrt mr and mrs george m 11 lui miss ceeile billon miss vletlv grundy all of guelplrmr and mrs doug milton and mur lay ol rock wood i amlly galhcrinc d g rohcttson allcndcd a ro- beilson t uiiitv gatlunng on sun il iv at tlu home ol his biothei llovd in guelph mis hub ilbuis tionu 1 hospn il and pioljessitil 1 ibh w mr uul mis c noble ol t uul ph win quests sundav ot mi uul mis w gilhciison uul mls j llhlllni i mt atul mis ud linden uul i ui ilv u u 111 piuid is sum iv ti s l 1 ul mis guiimcll suiul iv fiusis ill mi md mrs i iliku wne mi and mis suvi pnnio iiiclph mis ki iiiuilv is spciubnl two wiks is t ol mi and mis moorat high giois impsrvo enamel the perfect paint for kitchen cabinets ospwinoc to acton free prett thurulay march 30th 1961 helicoptel servke yet hotels motels llellcoplck what next the men in the white jnekcts havent started cluishig us yet but by the sound of that first sentence they might have a straight jacket ready tuken for granted are ears narked al hotels and motels but straiiyuyemmgh few have seen i helicopter pai keil at a motel finally il has happened two toionto businessmen en rodle mi armstrong brolheis gra vel pit oniric sixth line of lsques ing ttusday niwin gkuiced it their watches and realied it was dinner time theie ihcv wlix stuck in the air with narv a i uul ing strip in sight td whiitf and andv hudson of the federal li uipmetvl f canada ltd foiyot lo till their wives to pack a lunch mil ihe pangs of hujmcr had over taken them spot motel a lundi counter al the motel just ahead sighs passenger cd while as he tucks another notch in his hell gimki remarks pilot andv hudson as he dips tin heli copter towards ihe clearing in front of the cedar springs motel on number 7 highway east of acton wilhin a matter of seconds hie tun men were alighting trent the plant as the whirling rotor hi ult still kicked up a bit of dust in tbediivcwav nothing new the proprietor oswald bert rand and his daughter giselle glanced out the window ol ihe eotfee shop and then tinned up tlu buiuei under the cotlec not just fi cool as cucumbers un usual for the licllcopler lo pp in at vour doorstep npt lo this couple the helicopter and two men were familiar they had been in for lunch before frequent visitors in the area ihe lompany representatives had stopped various times while mot oring and on one other occasion in the helicopter new face duriny corp ray masons holl days cons ron duploplf dim das detachment of the qpp is on leniporfiry duty here weekend special menu ilui is t mil savins solid leather shoes bv valfniini for only 1000 discontinued i mes i muted ouantitv values un to ia 9 maltby ul 69983vshockwood dresses blouses skirts sweaters lingerie has the easter bunny caught you napping everywhere its easter and right here weve a wonderful selction for your easter ward robe bras girdles hosiery gloves handbags visit pur hat bar don t forget to dress up for eastor we hove a logc election lo choose from 7te gameoq stifle suofcfee your assurance of excellence milton ltay milton thur m sat wrth jo si april t walt ulsnlfn sleeping beauty color plus johnny dark color vvuli tom arms riunj tu huuv 1 matinees 3 eooit ikidtl aftcrnoon i pm satlrda ait1rnoon 2 pju aihivi puuliin will be shown al both miihvis tum wd apnl s flaming star color wmrct futabt-v- plu couincwitii sam snced short subjett auo cer carloon shcia1 matinei wednesday aftll 5 at j pm showllig iht above pnrmm slsrtlno thuniay aphi 4 the sunoowners- i iil hum itnimiibiihfuifiiilti mi nitii nn for oil um indoon or out ouicl and aiy lo apply giv a tits hard glon finish rtwitt hard war and wathr bright nonyllovnng while clislanmg clan colon a iiciiiji moscft gordon hardware limited 11 mill si aclun phone 7 the ab supermarket open thursday to 9 p m the best for less always see our floor display on many food specials big sale on campbells products tv dinners and frozen meal pios aylmer frozen peas extra extra reinharts ideal frozen corn lii un hit 49c celery 2 for 29c evevekeiefc a ta w free draw zz ham a 3shc filled with groceries ginger ale or colo 2 30 01 bottut 19c rlus deposit lettuce 2 for 29c free draw 3 shopping bags sliced bacon 59 filled with groceries many many more bargains listed on our hand bills

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