Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 5

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r monday tests satisfy avian officials vtol gyroplane ready for approval following the cancellation of tne avro arrow ill mallon tome lime ago la aeronautical engineers bent on staying in canada convinced themselves of the potential of a vertical take off arid landing plane the engineer slaked their tn rccm on iho 2180 toniept and av- slarled a new venlure called ian industries during tens monday the gyro plane taxied above iherunway officials are qulie pleated- with the fierformbnce and hope lq have ihe finol checkout some time next week ll is believed that repreftcnlallves from ihe army und dcparlmenl of trans port may be on hand to witness the official hlghl find formed in rcbniory 195 for the purpose of design ing and subsequently producing a vtol gyroplane for personol and business purposes the men wore backed by a group of far- sighted georgetown business men a private dominion char ter was granted and the comp any began operations wiih a 100000 authorized share capital the dcparlmenl of transport vva informed of thcprojccl and was most generous in providing assistance and giving advice prototype built within a year a prototype had been designed and built taxi tests continued throughout the winter and in the light of the experience gained improvements were made to components on ihe basic design the program con tinued into the spring and mas progressing satisfactorily until a taxiing accident damaged the first prototype certain components were re usable hut the an frame was beyond repair thus entailing a revision oljhe program work on ihe second prototype began immediately and this is the air crart that is now performing in ihe current program a third prolotvpc plane is now being de signed and is approximates su per cent complete in detail lorm tut dlghls during ihe test lights at kit chenerwaicrltkj airport llaiokl koelller an experienced pilot and staff mcmhci handles the plane following the disastrous tesl when the lust prototvpc crashed injuring ihe pilot olhuals have been careful to make ceitain lakeoil controls ate locked to prevent the plane leaving the ground when ihe official lest undei ihe supervision of robert cjii lie xn- experienced helicopter pilot u made- ihe- laleolf controls uill be released in oicl er lo allow the plane to sou into ihe air market price compared with the present price of a helicopter appioxt mutely jooojsoooo the new craft vs ill be more in leason j ihe average person as olliuak foresee a market piece of lis 000 nlcording lit ptoduction require ments alriadv quite a number of 01 dels have bcen plaeed with the companv bin none will be aeeept cd until the linal okav has hevn giv a the gvioplane so conlidenl ate the companv officials lhe have- taken an opt ion un an additional piece ol land and b the end ol this vear ex pect then stalf will lie inciciscd lo at least 40 wot ken- one fit the tcalurcs cit the new plane is ihe lac that it can be operated bv a conventional pilot and opciating and niiuueu met costs are much lovvet than that of a helleoptei first flight credit oi eaik accomplish meats in the science ul lotuv mrs h r force hostess lowms the iniuil ihuul uonun mismuiiui skiii nu ii t ik home ut min h v lmu iikn lluj illltlulmml maixh 14 ilu pic jdcnt mis loin opt nut the mcttiny w nh ilu miiyinii ot u hmu uiul ixulint psilm 14 in uiusuu is a pum i allll tlu ixpotlx ui itlmlt with ilu- lisui ihtnk utunnn hits pltinikit m mis i iitki mil ik i iiioup took ihe woislup smiu ttul siiuk 1- ptlll ol llli ilut otxikil uilh j imiin ilu ik hum iho bivtul it lilt mis j mihtl aiwj mr c ivmiii u ul ilu miipiuil taken limn m m uilku mis cat law ln1 in ptixn iulur of goapu the siudv us h isn1 tin tlu hkiorv ol ilu toui yoxls uiih mm lldkcj a lu- vomnuntator mrs poolt as maittuu mix moore as m muk mis kgcu chic as 1 ukc aiut mis cat liu as john cath titling lun ilu hook wai wnirn aiui to whom it was cspoualfv wutun 1 lu mituu of the itmxtfs amh hshts is th ont om of the inn a us nu hided bv till loui gits pi- 1 uiitcia this was a most mlounamc stiah the meeting uis tlosttl b o w d ol cm l tuut praer mi a muwmuker thanked the uumo while tea wing flight o applied to the autogyro belongs to a spanish engineer senor juan do in cle- vra who started experimental work in the year 1920 three year inter hte endeavor was re warded when n compatriot se nor a g spencer on jnntinry 9 1923 flew the worlds first suc cessful nulogyro the word autogyro literally translated means self rotation the syllable gyro does not im ply g pheno huh- uyration which means lo move in a spiral to rotate or revolve self rotation when applied lo aerodynamic phenomenon which cause the blade to rotnle is called nutorotation thus air pacing through the rotor disk in rotation produces lift helicopter different an autogyro and helicopter are different the autogyro com parativcly well developed before the war utilizes a free wheeling nolpr the rotor dlsjc is inclined backsrelatie to ihe aircraft da turn presenting a positive angle or attack to the oncoming air the passage of this air passing through the uindmilltng disk ptodiilcs hit the hchcnpier rotor disk lies in plane with the aircraft datum and is deflected in anous modes by the cjcltc mechanism while being drilen by ihe engine the fact lhat the rotor is dm en by the engine gies the helicopter ihe ability to hoxcr major stride aian engineers reasoned that if a blade could be made with a high degree of stiffness combin ed with a strap system to permit flapping and torsional movements of the blade a maor stride would hive been accomplished low ards safe rot or thjs sxsiem climihatcs drap hinges and the associated iroubl esome dampers it has been found that ihe blades never go out of liauk e en undei the most atduotis oper ating conditions to sumniane h was lelt and has now been pinul that uilh the sslim outlined ihe problem of ground usonance has bcin compleleu eluuinatid in the avian 2180 ground resonance is a problem that has plagued tolan uinged an c i it t tinin then inception perhaps the most noticeable feature ol he avian 2180 design is the cleanness of aetiminamic toim luh in part to the pear mounted engine configuration coupled with a duded piopeller special layout this carefully conceived knout serves a vanelv of purposes reduces- cahin noise reduces pas senger hazard in caw off tic dur mg might a nil improved lorwanrf visibililv for the pilot the use o a small diameter ducted pio peller permuted ihe rotor to be plaeed neiirtir the fuselage dat urn thus improving ihe fting hiabilttv andrcducing ihe overall height ol the gvroplane dueling a propeller tnercases us static effieienev proilueing high ihrusl and also provides ihe auerafl with a stabilizing unit lor fjtward flight replacing the nmmal function of a tail unit the luddcrjs mounted in the nai section ol the duel taking utvantage of the increased air flow a lyconjmg o1a0a 180 hp engine is installed attached hv a four point dvnafocal eraoli mounted to the airframe alt ot tlu cabin bulkhead is st l turn it ommodat ing t he t tiel eeln 4ontaitung on the proto tvh 2h jniihiial gallons 2 u s gallons gi tug i range ol 480 ut miks ilu links mounkd ab- ihe ingiiu ihrust line givjej slfcts of two main solid steel legs mnd an oleopneumatic fullv sfcerable nose wheel flight ivoeedure two mejjods of isecomlng air borne are possible ihe con ventional run or a direel jump tafceoff in the latter case the procedure is as follows with brakes on ihe throttle is one third opened at thin point the clutch can be engaged by de pressing the rdfor pitch letter to us lowest point of travel ghing zero incidence to ihe blades the throttle opening is increased giving a predetermined rotor rpm the rotor pilch lever is now pulled upward this action has a twofold effect the drive me chanism lo the rotor is tojnp letely disengaged horn ihe enuine and a positive angle of incidence if applied to the rolor blades in other words the pitch is ehang ed as in a variable pilch propel ler this action causes the rotor blades to bite the air thus lifting ihe aircralt vertically using the kinehc energv stoied during ihe spinup- when sufficient height is at lamed the rolor pilch level is lowered lo a cruise lock position and the throttle inmmed to suit flight conditions ii pi ivitv i etil lo the cat buret the aiva muter tlu fuel lank liu pace loi irtilialutn as storage atea ih ioi evlia tuel i inks etc a spacious cabin is provided anil generous entiy and exit r ljtu b a siitehuiged ptexiglas canopy and wide opening door the tricycle undercarriage con h mton kattc feast of beautiful music presented by church choir a sermon very appropriate lo ihe season of lent was delivered ibyrev j k l megown when tielnntlacled ihe church servlie 1 in the chapel on sunday nrter- niwn march 12 mr mcgown read a- lilt scripture lesn ver se 9 22 of ihe ftrs chapter of cnlochlans and then chose as lik seimon topic the punkise or the cuis remnrklnb that lent wai the uaon leading up lo easier when all eves are tautened upon the crosi mr mcgown said god created man as a wing capable or fellowship with himself hut that through sin ilia hecame 11 enmity willi god the purpose ol the- cross is reconciliation whereby ihe repent un i soul is re stored to gods hfve und grace the cross is the bridge between god who is sinless and sinful creation arid tills is the great purpose ol the cross a veritable teast of bcaulirul music both sacred and secular uih enjoved bv the residents ol the- manor on thursday night march 16 when about 30 ladies and gentlemen who are members of the sentoi choir of st- john s united chureh m cjeorge tow 11 presented a piogram the prcsiil ent of the ehou mrs 1 kielnev was among those who came the filtetl leader til the- elimi ken larnson ellrecteeimhe choir in all its musieal numheis and plaveel all ihe accompaniment the clioli wore ihelr verv altrucllve wine colored choir gowns gra ham farncll the capable choir man for ihe evening extended greetings to the resident from ihe choir and then announced each selection on lite program in verv uppiopuate and interesting fashion each number on ihe program whether vocal 01 instiiimental had us own special appeal for the aitdieiiee and each selection was sung or plavcd in fauntless fiiji ion the choir opened the pio- gram with two anthems gieal anil maivellous and hast lliou mot kjiovvn and closed the pio- gram with two others q savior or the world and the king ol love mv shepherd is a inter vals in the program the choir sang four familiar hvmns also among them guide me o thou great jehovah antl pass me not 0 gentle savior a maie choir of nine mcmhcis sang two selee lions a little- while and fiiih ten the coiuci seveial voeal dueis vvere sunt mi ami mis michael peleslhak sanu ihe love- 01 clinsl mis hnvvau wiiuttliis vvfulli inel v il sic m suae li ih met and miss sindia spiotile and rill finish s ui i lleaid luee voue of jesus sa vueil soli weie siii1l hv tom dlllv willi solo was ll is mo seuel tea explorers plan parents night the ailon baptist explorers opened ihelr meeting wilh ihe purpose uiul shining of this l klv tulhers woild mrs dunk lett in prnver all rentnied the memory cimj john 1 29 secrelarv linda ralslonv read ihe minutes of ihe last meeting and gave ihe roll call paul dunk ejjlleclcd the offer lug mrs dunk lead a ston about the twins vacation then ihev worked lor then stais and plaed some name ihev made plan open nicilit and lo patents and lueiuls wilh the txploiei sang childien who siis wav lo hold an invlle their they closed praer uul walk in je trfc acton free frresi thursday march 30th 1961 iimehouse tioulen whose solo wsti be thou night and mis trancis thomp son whose bolo wtis in the jar den ih addition to the very line numbus list mentioned inslru menial music also delighted ihe audience ml harrison and peter fnigiavc plaved two piano duels melodv ot i ove and minuet rob cit wtiggltsuorth puvcd a irum pet solo ncarei mv ciod to thee a social ikmii al the close ot the piojiiun was lirealh cnovcd since i pave the audience v a chance to renew old inendships t t eslahllsh pew lnendship with these identic ladies and ycnllemcn fiom gcfiigelown tea tnd eimikics vvctc sci vlci to all present the lesidenls are indtpl cd lo hiniaid shiubsole il ihe inainten nice slall al ihe m unit loi ai langing litis wonilei i til c v emnp and hope he will hiinti ilu ehou hick ht mil mauoi as sunn as possible thele was a touch or old ire land in ihe dining rooms ol tin vi nmi on si patricks oi loi when ihe rcsidcnls asseinbletl llieie lot dmnct on lhil iii 1ilv idiuul pidiv st patrick s d t lavois it their places the favors wc ie made ol link while papei cups hlled with minis with each cup u sling on a lhclii papem shamioik these leshve and mui tble link i urns h ul litt n st ni bv iht novt m he i iioup ol si chiistophei s aiiliiu in chuieh in hui inn inn wedding visits cateringn news mrt iawon mrs osborne mr and mrs jack law son and carol were gueetu at ihe ross wright wedding in port cicdll united chuieh and ihe reception fol lowing in the dime plaa 6n saturday the w 1 ladies catered at the annual liirkcv dinner foi the georgetown district milk ptoduc ers tn 1 irftchouse memoiial ikill on thin sdav eve nine- mr and mis jack wood ol camplkllville on salurd iv even ing and miss rufti ilammnnd ol ihoinhutv and mi lewis hovel ol meafoid on sunday vvete vlsi tors with mi and mis hctl ben ion mrs mcquillan of willowdale and mr and mis rov meouillan and son thornhill and mrs san ford ol stew art low n wcresundav visitors with the mitchells mr and mis bill mills and fam ilv of toronto visited ins patents on sunday rummage sells well ys menetles gain tlieie wai n lineup friday af ternoon waiting for the opening of the yb menottea rummage sale in ihe yfack and almost- everything was sold wlthn an hour and a luilf the club with onlv eight members has held several very successful rummage des i e- vffjt1 mrs stuart smith and grand- son 7tmmu hutchinson of w- ton vvete with itio patrersons on stindav pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 63 wktr north gait telephone m 17580 avian industries exclusive manufacturers of a gyroplane carried out checks this week at the kitchener waterloo airport prior to the final test for department of transport the proto type plane pictured above was seen tuesday as it was transported through acton en route to the airport officials of the company have received several orders already but have declined them until final approval has been given new members for knox church new members received at knox presbvtertan clurreh on palm sundav included 17 b pro- tession of faith david bcerman geraldine calder ruth j cules sandra j davidson roeer lad oueetir jack mackenzie david manes mai mceachcm ken nelh mc isaac miicmici r mor tison bubira 1 virion linda s pnkei cihivi ci puce dad rusell biiiu she i id in mituav j smith ji and susan vviheis alicl bv eeiliticate hunt othei dun dies mis david mules tiom b illinatad lulled chinch rohcil r pnkci ji 1 1 out st aiuliew s ilesbv teiian chinch auuii i the- chinch mcmbership slaiuls it ss0 of kllnx wg being wrvvd tluiv wa a tal table set up with anouii ar tide for sale their hclvhusin ess want on until all wan sold baking marmalade plant and eggs- all enjoyed a social half hour before wending tluii way home call central fuels petroleum products gatolino fuel oil dmmi fuel motor oil stove oil lubricants genbud quell hamy and hod hiktnsujmia milton 2nd acton call tung distance and ask for zenith 91450 no toll charge rr 3 milton georgetown to 73829 eggs grade a large 38 g di new carrots asparagus oneu un v 33 green onions 2 bun 15c radishes 2 bun 15c acton creamery limited phone 53 free delivery exclusively yours onlv one of a kind in ontario these hind made hats will put manic into vntii spnnc and von will find the seasons must mauicallv enchanting dictum at paui r i i t i as1iion shop from s69b iveii slupe- side- and turn everv hinllit ikinp color to set ill vmlll fuc in llllllllllu pelfcctliill notice changof address to 36 cork street east near bell telephone oiriee h s holden optometrist ta 37150 cuelph also st i our ix iiilifiilk liihirlfj suits and coats in ii ilk l mt styles from 2998 rrvrrsinie raincoats i lull slvlcs from 19 98 sprino blouses to brighten your day from 298 ft months lu puy biuliili iums ctiuluillv invited paulette fashion shop cernar mill and main sis aetonoflt hartzmountain live pets for easter gifts hintons pet department offers you supplies for easter gifts budgies these are select and colorful young birds familas and males regular 6 98 and 898 easter special 498 698 canaries genuine hartz mountain roller canaries imported from europe guaranteed to sing regular 8 98 easter special 598 see our assortment of bird cages and stands bird foods and accessories- budgie toys etc a wide selection of livc pets and pft live baby easter bunnies i a truly eatiar gift for your children thfy wll love these fine young specially selected live easter e reguhr 1 49 special 125 goldfish tropical fish aquarium plants aquarium supplies ttc goldfish 19c 29c 39c turtles baby green florida turtle 59c each genuine hartimounjain pet foodt and aetemtone for birds fith cit dbgt end all household pem hampsters golden orv uto hampsten a lovely pot for ch lilrcn 98c and 125 each hampster cages utter hampstir foods etc see our complete line of viobin toi quality doo cchlars harness uashis ek hintons 5fltstore tim store that oives you a bmtar choke a better quality aiower price j

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