Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1961, p. 1

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less v acton ontario thursday april 6lh 1961 aulhftrlim m lucooj claaa mill hv ttui kfofu dttrtnnt ottjtwh eight pages seven cents sum photo dkayh car in which mrs marie burgmueller 83 mill stroet acton was killed is pictured as it rests against a telephone pole three miles west of acton the driver sole occupant was pre sumed to have attempted to pass a truck thon change her mind and the car went out of control acton woman dies suddenly halton s first 61 fatality halton assessment rises 855 b in province assessor the assessment comikiittdcor ior f rogers noted in a sum halton recommend county adop tion of the s220a3i666 county assessors 1961 equalization re port ill a committee meeting held on tuesday- county assessor ford rogers descrihed his total as the greatest in the province the total is an 855 per cent or j7357970 increase over the i960 actual assessment a breakdown of the total showseach municip alitys equalization figure as fol lows aclon 5559873 252 per cent of the total burlington 587533842 3974 per cent george town 14209525 645 per cent milton j6982537 317 per cent oakville j25397677 1153 per cent esqucsing j6677666 303 per cent nassagawcya 2270070 103 per cent trafalgar 7161- 512 3252 per cent referring to the progressive adoption of the dma manual plan of assessment county asses- mary of the data received it has been revealed that the reassess ment will generally result in i greater increase on commercial type properly thanon agricultur al residential or industrial the county assessornotedlhat acton georgetown and milton per centage of increase in com mercial values through reassess ment will show considerable var iation in those municipalities but would finally increase the county total by a very low per cent reassessment is continuing and much more near to compli tion in some municipalities than in others the estimated fina increase in assessment for acton georgetown milton esqucsing and nassagaweya would not change the apportionment of any municipality more than a fraction of one per cent mr rogers ex plained huttxtfttft uli j the nurlington and aclon sessoix described i the report mrs m mill street lcburgmucller 83 was trilled instantly thursday evening larch 3u when her small volkswagen went out of control and crashed into u tree on no 7 highway south of blue springs nursery constable william bennett of the north halton opp detach ment investigated and reported the burgmueller vehicle was at tempting to pass a tractortrailer truck and went out of control ufter the driver apparently chang- cd her mind and attempted to pull in behind the truck again ctrcnurdrg e syer ol mil- ion pronounced the woman dead and ordered an autopsy an in quest has heen scheduled by the coroner but nodate has been set this was the first fatal accident in north halton this year police reported she had been working recently as a bookkeeper in guelph and was formerly a hairdresser in acton born in austria she was the daughter of mrs marie and the late karl arnegger of austria she came l this coining in 1954 and has resided tri aclon most of the time since beside her mother in austria and her husband kurt in aclon she leaves to mourn her loss two daughters ruth mrs lippensky aclon and eva mrs theanei austria funeral service was conducted monday by the rev reginald brook i rum the rutu levshoe maker funeral home fith inter ment in fair view cemetery fr m 1500 cancer society objective canvass town monday tuesday the 1500 caimaigh of the ac lon brunch of the canadian can cer society begins on saturdav with the trend ol the town tea in the legion hall then on mon day anil tuesday teams will can vass the town lo raise the local objective of 1500 as its part in the world struggle against cancer halton countys quota is 6000 the provlnctat objective 1-500000- und the national objective 3287- 000 more money than ever he- lure sought in this country local chairman rav arhic ex plains the reason- tor seeking more money is because ol the in crease in tempo ol research pub lic education and welfare services siumsoted by the sociclv for the trend of the town tea ntaity town talks have ollcrcd do nations ol food and theit slm vices lo make this affair the success of the season lot a i merchants will be displaying lashions and all models have cheeilullv volunteer cd iheiv time dancing students ol j ti ilitleienl gioups will display their talents there will be door prizes and displavs of materials and informa tion regarding the cancer society and its work proceeds from the lea will be added lo the campaign luiuls u help i be local branch reach its objective mis rae west is supervising the lea under the direction ol the local branch campaign chairman mrs phyllis angell the organizations participating and their team cap tains will be canvassing next mon day and tuesday evenings horn n30 nt pm the christian re formed church team is under mrs bowman lions club under hert llalladav catholic womens league mrs fowler iodf mrs j jocquc legion ladies auxiliary mrs ron smith wo mens institutes mrs garnet rose si albans ladies guild kirs winnilred kerr mr roach and mis staplelon will also be or ganizing teams tamer comes too close to home lo be ignored and research is the kev u he cancer ptohlcm con tributions will help lo unlockjjic door canvassers will call next week or anyone who is out may contact the treasurer ol the local unit bill mckay mauagdr ol the rank ol mont real or hilton elliott local sect clary al dills stationery many organizations and indivi duals will he assisting in ihc-ean- vnsst recently several scientil ie dis coveries have heen made that olur great hope ol soon finding a cure or a control ol cancer but much more research is necessary in making ii possible education can magudv the hope and minimie the leai the aclon hiantli is prepared o help in many wavs a dicssnigsiaiion is in the process ol heii se up in the dills pinning plant and it will he under the supervision til mrs ldgai lidkea it will be sun keil willi all l lu- hl essai v items loi i ik- cue t mo hut md assistant e ol anvonc suspecting caruei having n or r ecoveriug lioin it township council okays 120000 limehouse school plnm for a new fl26m0 con- bolldjited public school in the limehouse area are currently being formed by the school board or emjueilng jpkirahlp school area 1 and tbetawnmp council it was leamedhhls week the plans are subject to the ap proval of the department of edu cation and the ontario municipal board no site lias yclbeen sug gested but board members arc believed to be meeting architects today to decide on a site pupils from bannockburn en rolment 49 blue mountain 65 and limehouse 80 are expected to attend the new school the council has approved including school sections 9 i 2 and ae into the school area 1 supervis ion j- acixjbtucmxz police check youngsters using firearms in town constable run rupert of the acton op p detachment this week reported confiscation of firearms irom two youngsters a bayonet and scabbard from a third and a fourth lud injured be lieved by a spent bullet wednesday afternoon two youngsters 14 and 15 were caught with a 12 gauge shotgun and 22 rifle and ammunition near the h k poller plant another 13-year- old was caught al the town dump with a bayonet and in tall cases the weapons were taken away and parents notified on tuesday afternoon another voungsler was treated by dr d a garrett lor a cut lo the face which requited three stitches to close ik- had also lost a looih constable rupert believes the ac cident happened after children had tossed 22 rifle bullets into a lire and one exploded striking l heyoungs tut t struck by truck woman injured polik e investigated an accident tuesday afternoon when a churc hill roads resident mrs r mar- tingell was struck on the left arm by a passing truck while walking tin i he shoulder ol the ruad on longtield kuad she inforitieil polite constable lir in e kiesslei the truck struck her lei i arm as the vehicle passed her and the injiuv lias been quite painlul ii is believed l he truck is own ed hv doan onm ruction com- pam who are engaged by the bell i elephonc cornpanv to install un- littgimul ser ives in town incorporation of rockwoocj to be sought motions dealt with at the j marcti meeting at the trustees oj i the polite villrgc o rock wood embraced the mailer ol enlarg ing the tire hall lo accommodate ian additional truck that the j township council place ruck i vymul tm oav light saving time f al a lime coincident with well ington iounf that the sccrct- ai otiihii priies on street lights 1 as soon as available r a disc usmofvconcjitntng the garbage dump moulted in the re- i que 1 thai the secretary write the 1 viiv ol guelph ami ui othei source ol information lor vrtier was ot looking after a land fill ed dump noiice of minion was given as btill photo hungry scouts peer into the campfire as chow boils away in the slewing kettle and frying pan during the patrol leaders weekend outing while jim war 6 handles the frying pan and bill cook stirs the stew the sc6uts left to right waiting anxiously are menno siofiels george ware maxhaggett mike mattocks roger ladouceur and leaders neil aailley and bruce witliem- lollow 1 hereby give notice to the trustees oh the police villagr of krockwiiod that i will at the next regular meeting of said trustees introduce a motion to incorpor ate this community as a village signed charles f obrien motion passed thut accounts be paid lor the village 173148 lor hydro 182074 he issued a warning lo all youngsters and parents that child ren under 16 are not allowed lo carry or discharge firearms and only persons ot age with a proper hunting license are permilted this special privilege under no con ditions can firearms by fired in town limils stressed the con stable a thorough check will be made and where a petson under age is caught breaking the law parents may be held liable heavy snowfall c k browne acton merchant was honored by queen city masonic lodge wednesday night when he was presented with a life membership able to travel by car he was driven by w middleton ond accom panied by e e barr mr browne has been a member with queen city lodge for over 40 years he celebrated his 0lh birthday last june 4 excellent aiul commended mi rogers for his work oakville assessor percy spurgeon said his municipality has been using the government dma manual and felt that this was the reason for the close equality among tjie municipalities milton reeve mrs mary pellit said she favored the use of the manual n lif rt oinmcndcd board hears decision 1h set am s r w mwildinu for on zoning variations ac ton planning hoard held their regular meeting tuesday evening the secvelary reported to the hoard the results of the commit tee of adjustment meet ing lasl thursday the board de cided not lo oppose the com mit tees decision the commii- tee had agixed til minor variat ions on he old slorey glove property and block a onoueen street east the c3 zoning of church street west was discussed hut no changes were contemplated the secretary requested an inter pretation or the word attach ed as it appears in the zoning bylaw the board instructed the secretary of heir interpret- ation notice was received of a reg- iorral planning conference irr toronto in may delegates were authorized to attend deputyreove wilfrid bird of hsquesing commended the coun ty loroing head with the use of the manual even lluugh it ho not been fully udnphu acrosn ontario he said that ihipncnred ihe assessment branch of the on tario government seems to be in favor of lull adoption of the man- uul he also pointed out the in creasing need for larger offices for assessment officials and rec ommended lhat sullieient room 1 in the new county assessment purposes joseph ciibbons george town assessor ihlormed ihe meeting thai his municipality was 10 pet cent over ihe dma manuals figure lie said that georgetown would lose a million and a half of assessment if ihe manual was adopted mr gibbons said that they would continue with the same assessment book they had heen using feeling that there was a need for something more definite in the department man ual he congratulated mr rogers on his report but declined to en dorse its recommendation until georgetown town council hod studied it the trafalgar assessor said that in some instances if is necessary lo look lurther than ihe manual he pointed out thai trafalgar was using the present manual along withl hedepartment man- mil to arrive at a better equaliz ation in their assessment r j yr xrha board reviews december results adopts student insurance policy acton district high school board monday evening adopted a student contributory medical policy toi the balance or the term t the rale of 50 cents per student this action followed- recent crit icism irom parents o a student injured during a basketball game the school following ihe occid ent the secretary wrote the muni cipal world for advice regard ing the boards responsibilities and learned the hoard was not negligent prov iding ihe sports supervisor had not shown any ne gligence during the class board members scanned ivsulls of ihe christmas examinations on prepared forms devised by chair man e s force results of the easier examinations will be enter ed on the same sheets and review ed by the board members al their next meeting pass exumi during the study ol- the decem ber examinations it was noted that in grade nine out of 1171 exams written students received 888 passes in grade 10 students wrote 767 papers and received 533 pasves grade 11 students lal- scouts rough outdoors at campsite given quantity of meal on the lirst in quest of budgcs take add a lew onions bread butler eookiok und milkeajun wilha- heavy snowfall add 10 boy scouts equipped with sleeping bags ten is and heavy clothing stir for three days and you come up with a weekend camping trip easter weekend iwo stouter s and eight patrol- leaders and sec onds irom aclon bov seoul troop gathered friday evening scanned maps at the seoul hall cheeked packs and headed out lap of their journey their golden allow comprising patrol leaders and seconds the gmup is called the golden airow patrol and is an insiruetional giottp equipped with flashlights rulv her bimils irving pans and other cooking utensils the eight scouts accompanied hv i heir leaders headed out after dark lor a lies ignaicd spot approximately live north ol acton mile si tu i master bruce williamson who plotted the trip had mark ed his country home on ihe map and alter several s and starts to consult ihe map and check the compass the group arrived al their destination scoutmaster williamson fnd his assistant neil miller went along with every move the young scouts made and uttered no ail vice whatsoever il the given path was deviated irom the seoiils were on their own 1 1 was part of their training rcrmririurd on pauc thrvc i vvji ijll lied 244 passes on i of 333 exams tried 243 exams were tried by grade 12 students and 182 papers passed while in grade 13 students scoivd 114 passes out of 170 exam inations tried chairman force lermcd the december report as pretty good and contradictory lo street corner talk about ihe exams the board received a idler of appreciation irom ihe night school executive hanking the members for the use of the audit orium during heir display night and ciwiperaiion during i he even ing classes members were advised that workmen would be al ihe school as soon as ihe summer term end ed lo repair ihe bulge in the east wall they also learned ihe pain ters would he ready lo start work ami have the job completed by july 15 general accounts totalling 474h4 and leatheis salaries iuuuunting lo s53lfloi wete ap proved for payment forged cheques mert hauls have been warned this week about accepting che ques unless thev are positive of ihe persons ideuliticalion two weeks ago two lotged che ques were accepted in town and wednesday afternoon a third was turned over to police full pack was the order of the day when patrol leaders from the jcton scouts headed out for a weekend camping trip fin friday evening pictured above front row left to right are bill cook jim ware david ryder and menno stofftflsback row lejt to right are rogar ladouceur george war scoutar bruce y aih itioto williamson mike mattocks scourer neil miller and max haggett the scouts trooped lo a designated spot on their maps and carp- pod for the weekend in order to pass their golden arrow course as leadens v

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