Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1961, p. 3

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school pupils to boost 60000 arena program princlpul g w mckohli of i ho roblil little mjiihii received llu- nod nl approval hum i lie kcltixil board lumluy evenlnu tu have tne pupils puillcinule in uiruioit- fiia the cuminunllv centre cum mil too lor ur mxjiii imiuiaiii in acton i mr mukenle uskcil pei muslon to huvc tlu ptiplk wiiiu nit esuiv pari of 11 puhllcllv prntirnm anil pledge support i rum pixxeecu i inn tmorlhit 100 niimiiiiwevii pit out ol vmlous piojiith thu honrd mciiilicm fnvoriil tin- suuyesiinns wholihiiiitcdlv and nppioved uw of thu uudltuiium hv thy commit- ice loi u iiunuiul iiicotlnu weduev clay anil i 12 ill ills tvpoil tin pilmlpal nulid that jmuo hud been ulieii tin rcil ctaw society out ol wiliool luiuli he liku reported the icly niilloii or two teoilutn mid the hirlnu of one ihe hccrclnrv iidvlwed tile hnaid lie hud propuicd tin uul cement lo he signed lv the nusmiiijwevii and aelon school hoaids iiliiii il plls in the home eioiiomlis and liuliihti inl nils eliisses aciiiiinls lolalllnu ssait02 weie approved lo panient kuiio jsutu r t ulu jlui- ijl i baking problems recipe trade highlight at daughters of knox mii hern price iiimiuc piivc wau luistcns in the april meedim of the dtiuuhtcin ol knux mis allan i in lines pi esf ded im ihe business portion whkh included flnaliinu niranuemenis lot ihe dnlfodil tea lo be held in ihc near fufuie meinbeis weieinvlt otl to join ihc uroiip vhiiirj ihe ilalton miinoi l his week mis clirioul ashley leadei of ihc yuhip in chaise conducted a hemtlilul scnicc ol win ship centered nhmiflhc easier i heme he is not mere for he is risen as he saul ihe smly concerned with i ills of women in the new testa meni who tinned in ihe hie ol jesus was pixsentcd by mts dei u van fleet mis john i id ouceiu mis howaid cotes uul mis jim mcknight the loll call was auswetcd wtih an at tide ot clolliiny loi litis veais hale an exchange ol uc rpes look place ulnun wrih a dis cussion ol specific hakmu pib lems which showed icsiih m mini inleieslinu and vailed menus kit the families ol group memheis ihis spiinu radio tv evaluation creates interest at greenock meeting the march meelingnl greenock womens inslilule was held al ihe home ol mis g wallace mis c aitken icail ihe sliipluiv a two minutes silence was ohseived loi lowed hv ihe i oids p uni son in memoiv ol wo cluutei mcmbeiit of gieenock jminch mr jennie mckeown and mrs ruben allan who passed away nuddenk lisi monlh in keeping with llu- slandmn commiltee projiijm he utll call wns ansueied will a usolulion sustained hv iwio last yeai the president mis callan chaii ed the business when a donation uiis voted lo ihe red cross mp peal and a pa pel dne planned loi he spnni mis c alt ken ptcsuiled ihe ic- poi i o ihe spiiny executive meet fill ol ceniie wellington oistucl when plans ueiv imahed loi the olsiiici annual to he held ni bar- rie chinch in may mis i hemsun will he hostess foi ihe annual median in apnl when a uihin diunct will pieceile ihe niectiuy the baking contests loi ihe disiiict annual consisting ol homemade hi ead and chcir pic will ik held ul ihis nueiinii and ihe baking used loi the din net fniertalnmcnt comments 1 he discussion on tadut ami television evaluation ciealcd a hicat deal ol mieiest wilh aned comments on all ivpes ol cnlet laiupicnt mis wallace and mis r mckcowu convened the pioiatn on tesolul 10ns mis 1 lemsle ixael a poem cntiteet ssaiulif a splendul papei pupated and uad bv mts g wallace exptaiucel he wink ot litis eoinmitiice and mvc n cteai insight into the piepaia tton pic si malum aiiel annus lewis a resolution must pass be foie h is sustained in i wu mis i iivssenaai won a eonlcsi on disiinyuisheil ictsunahlics m oisnuise prepatcd by mts r me keown the hostess ami lunch commit tecv hci vcimunch mil a social hall limit was enjoud eauinarad seven join church at easter service seven loluuuiilh in uuhkt wl c ihe chinch was nuelv decoial cd hv lovclv plants on sunday irmininit one helnu placed iheiv ly mis welt in memory ol hci patents mi and mis fiank uln- nle mi ueaton nave a line faslei hennon ihe iunioi choh san mult ihe leatkrship ul mis rea hm who is making a wondeiful impiovemenl with these chitdi en ihcscuioi ilmli alsik sang thu inn ihe sci vice seven oun people weie w ceiveil into chtilch inembeislnp miss i onlsl- snnw maiv oakei mcrvin while hillv smilh mi and mis david mc neiv ihe manv li lends ot miss kale mckiv weie soi i v o leai n she hail u i ifii bieaktnu het hip ami is in iiulph geitemt hospital mi t mts ail willets te tinned hotn i lot ida on mondav ninhi imd mi willets is now in guelph hospital untleiynlim tieit inent mi s ii luk1siv who is in iiclph llospiial it list lepoit is sherhl iv linptoicd i ask i vtsiiois with di ami mis chlloiil rut weie mi an mis luid niijiua and mt uul mis iihlli ol litionifi mi uul mis ijmk wilson with ihe lilkis piuuls mi and mis loin gibsnn wi ruchre iionp fine ol i ik- wl hi id a itieliie nl ihe home ol ml ami mis lorn gibson winneis weu mis otitic tit gibson loin gibson hukv diaw i i nu mel nei can vi up ptics mis aiehle i awi ntuman suu lair car is total wreck four slightly hurt loin poisons were dialed loi miniii mimics cnl ihiusdav inoiniiiii lisi vveik allei then in liisheil into tniatdiails and lolleel idvii in l mb ink nu nl on hiuhwiv 2 ni ai stt v side i p ii pin tlu dnvei was muhul smith 22 ol omen mu olive oitswll his m model cai vas i lassi i t ioinpli te vvue k minutes of 1893 tv show on program a wa meeting on match 22 u laches ol th wa nl acton united chute li en loved a pol luck suppei at the chinch altei snppet vwlhmis i i nitel pianist ill joined in a sinjj sonu mis fait i auihei i con ducted two coif tests hoi it weie won by mts bessem two cauls weie signed b all lo be sent lo two mentbets mis g simpson and mis s holmes who uccitll celcbiaicd then 40ih weild my anmvcisu as mis h cltlluiis ttml miss i simmons salt i ik- heaiiiitul old hvnut soltlv and telldelk jesus is calling minutes of 1893 a luphhiihl of he evening was the uadiiil ol ihc minutes ot the ill si middle mil list nui linns hum uk iiiiksaiii minnie hook ol the veai i891 bv mis t i poole mis i ai i maslles eonihleled a eision ot the iv panel pioenim 1 ve lioi a secul vehieh was most amusing panelists weie mis i neel mis lvuts miss sun niotis t mis h hums ol albs ton a loi mut piesiik ul whom ajl weie vet pleased lo hivc baek mis meaule s scelcl vcas die ai this sundays church calendar the church of st alban the martyr ani1iican tiio iii- u n siokuit ki ml lth st ii liffirs st lllolh 2115 slndw mm1ii 111 the mim siinliv mu ii 10 1 0 jo 1 ti iihiilii sih 1 11 no im m inns sundiv u tiuluri 19- uwi i ill i all an- wtliiuii united church of canada artcm onurio hi ilimrfu fiibii 11 a minwl i mi guiriii kuull -oi- mist ind iviur bmtut slnny apltll ilth ufcl 010 u ni hiil siia ire 0 30 amiiiioi suiul i shii ciido nnl up 1100 am alivnnik worship h do i m junjot sutnun slul till ui iidc 3 mlh 11111111 presbvterran church in canada knox chlbch afton u an uukinilr ra ii d minilcr mr k a hirun ha oruunuit and chou muttr sundav apiul lh 1881 d4a m ctiurcli schiiol 1000 a m allnutrr blblrcuu 1100 tm mivnlns womhiii nd huly communion junjorcoiurmauon imvt 3 7i dihii durtnv icrmon baptist church acton plisull jllllcm um hlllltt ju nilxun court phoiu- jlkl sunday ii mi im- mtmliink win nu g it iluu m 7 iki p in farnlthr wuimui siirituit wurhip 9 4nni sundiiy sclioul mundiv 7 30 luwillljl wlnridi 730 ii mtiu siiuu lndii 630 tiliin iihi jun nu choir all an- wrliimu- arim mil pwi 111 nuiuisi hibii kii uul iivil 111 ixmiis ill lu i iimilk mis ii nils miiik llilni slit llis til i ii ilulllil slllllll isllis ullh iv- lliiilliitiius u iilni m fji i ui lllll p llls 1mii lll mil vt mis puuli liniiiilil i ihli iiiiliii in i i lus omittrd a lllllllhi i ul ih 11 s iii iv illllllliil lliilll luss tills vtik lllll liui ul spui vvi iq iiiinniiiih i litis will utll us villi ipjkii i iii in iu i ills llu hul llll lllll 1 1 ui ni nisi iik- l uuk in sllllluits ulns llns i llilllll i islil scouts rough outdoors during weekend camp fcfftmtfjtiu rmii paw ont alt wan mil suntihlne ddilnu ihe weekend cuuiplnu jiip in i lial ihc sun killed lu uilne al anv mine heavy wuiw limlliiiicd j in all and lempciuluicj dmpxd lu new lows in spite of hit lorn cnl wealhor iheuidenl ciiikit peiwevercd and lived under tlint vas ivenealh ihe uen skies 1 lift i destination was lenched in omul 10 put i ildav evening iiml inuuedhitelv ihe pikitv was split into two tulips hoiip numlver une begun selling up hive letus and the hhei moup built a hie ami stalled in cook a late evening snack ilthiglih ilue tenia vdat huuyhs weie cul in line the inside ol the tents ami vtleepinu bans vvete opened up wlih pick acks slmed in a iuit bv uiihlv shed allei ihe letils weiv pitched j ihe cook hollered loi t how and eveivone sat aioiind uiuiichinit hoi ilons iitd diiukiuii cotlee be ton- thev lucked lltemselves inlo tin ii uiiiti sleeptnu blankets a solt pellin snow lulled the tioiii inlo i sound slumhei mil beiatise ol ihe late utiival horn ihe ptev lous eventny iluv weie allowed to sleep in next inomlnn mure smtw siiuitlav niuininjj ami siill the snow i el i campliie was buill and bieakfast cooked ami con sunn d while dishes weie he inn si nibbed hv some olheis were exuloiini lite tenilorv mil plans weie luialied lor lite balance ol ilu weekend outing soon il was tune to eonsidei mult and once aain ihe ihe wis slokcit cms ol be ins uul lahs ol bacon weie hcitimmiii lo sizzle ovei ihe hie ihe aiotna eut timisfd ihe animals in ihe woods lioln then siuiiiikm hut none daud to veiilou out to ihe kimip hesults ihe beans ind banni hambuts uul veevlahlrs weu eookeil in loil ovei he liu allei meallime llu limlem et nut tn eaiuesl lo teaeh the hovs llu luiulunenlals ol then bailee ic iiuu nu nts sinilhnut wimki i u v in ami manv olhct lists weie pissnl lu lou ihe oii i ui i im loi snppuliine what s huwmu v ci the hie this hiiie scrined lo lu llu ihouhi tunning ihinujilt iuioius nlintl but ctuiosiu wis soon sitished as i hune mast ol heel with all llu nun nuifus apiuaud bclou llu lain ijlltl sloilk uoiiht in toll wlun llu misi wis lust huul ed lo the cooks thev snatched pollock and campbell minulacluicrs of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water si north galt telephone 6217580 liiili head and immediately looked loi an oven and toast pan keiucnihcilnu theii motto he piepmcd ihev iiiuavelled the loll papei tucked in the mast uml diopped il lulu hie einbets of ihe i tie viueiahles weie cooked in puts uul eveiv une lepoited u delicious and wholesome meal soaked minv bonis aid dllut wiatinu appaiel weie dried mil ovei u louiuu the allei siouls had donired div clothinu watch game rnllovcluu ihe stuiiuoiis liuu mu session in ihe allei noon scoiilei wlluamsoir pleased with 11 tt eunphii opeialion lo ilale invilcd ihe hovs lo waleh ihe hmki- on lekvistoil in his home allei ihe name llu hovs hii ihe sae k and slcpl unlit aldi ilawn a hieaklast coinpiislnn bu on ad cus was mule rcutv betote lamp was bmken up in tcullucss loi a i huu h puade taslei sundav hinloims iuc lullv pukid avav in haveisuks weie donned anil evi ione piled lu wailuik vehulcs lo lirid to own and alltnd thu seiviee al si alb ni s i huu it allei llu hovs utivid home molheis unpacked llu u duds idled die wash tubs tml be pan llu choie ol e kntllljj the li tat men is willr hoi sudsy walei meanwhile hos ieieint similu tiealiiuni in the balhliib ainiuhnu ihe wiekeml oiitinj weie si oiiti is hnue williamson t neil millet is will as siouls max maptjelt david uvdn i adotu mike malloiks hill cook and mclllio stollels junnue w gioiju- wue oaknlle siuul i xpeneiue is itiripi mils i pettenie sltuws us whil iuinol he done ii shows ns all llu leasons loi not doiny 11 auctioneer prompt courieous blrvice norman c liddle tr 74413 georgetown caroline nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 soulh side say it with flowers come out and ice our fine display of evergreens end shrubs get in eu ly sllrt cm your lawn we hdve so green lutilier mil turf speciil also ull garden acressones frfsh cut rowers and flowering plants 7 days a week to serve you hoi rs ilk a m in oki im floral designs for all occasions free oehvory new telephone number 37 day or nite utikkapyouiwaidinie rrrt i impression prfect hf a c christian reformed church ki i j nulm i b dd vimtir jill quintal box m mluiiv- bill slmy apiiil uli iwl i ii 110 nm hiiklish 2 ul p in hutch tic church nf uic iljck id giid hour acton pentecostal tabfjtnacle s3 cluirchill road paoc hrv kenneth j rcid ritor 73 cihik st phone w0w sundvy apiiil hill i9b1 iii 00 a in sunday schhil 1 1 00 am alormns worehip 7 00 p m evanceliatc tucdiv 8 pan prayvr and otble study you are awy welcome step lively into spring with moro fashionable than ever a costumes i lu wiii minph made loi eu h olhet i h iu vehai ttp- u1 vi v i bou i onr til uul iiusn tnsmbli that iiiiukn he hl1 llu i ui vs look lllll keeps otl 111 the labium oih tckc ukiinltje of our xayaway charge accounts revolving budget accounts its what yoir gel for the low pric thai counts jjte cornea style suabfie your assurance of excellence add new zest fresher color ii i ill quality cleaning spa i khne ipoi aiatu i is oui hitjisi iscl wluicui oii pi lllll the bisl w i lo took oh k llc lv lo ii ii oui i lot lu e li il l il ihe ijtl il 1 1 v wi check uur claim wlh a lest order acton dry cleaners s mill st w phone 128 free pickup delivery credit fred euringer with plays success plav dhecloi ud muihtliei hasjucn ljlven pleitlv nl ciedit hv tunmiii star tillk wendv mlthenei the vmiuu actordli n loi sun ul mis sophie km in liei of ac inn diiecled ihe ihahs hv liiiltene lonesco and ihe suiulbon hv iduaul albee in a eoinlc double heailei piven bv ihe liilveisilv ahimnaf dia malic i lub in oionlo she vvtlies the urentesl eitdll im llu ewnhihs nun ess uiusl yo lo the d rev loi lied i ui innei mil hni ol lilnu mans mull with h had a studio piodiulion al stialloid last season fleie is a dlieeloi uhif knowsstaliny ind platwiiilui and ihe pi matuc showul he also knous lmwlo liet whal lu uinisliuin uiois a lust slip in hookkit pliiic1 to slop iriuhriii oiu loiii ifi luniks lo tin uc 1 1 ill lolk j weekend special 20 off minh work boots hydro sisman kauiman e tlio aelon froo prn lliuriflny april alii 19a1 3 view cofored slides at rotary meeting aelon uolaihins weie lualtd lo a pievliw of ihe uoilielowii clubs mlnsliel huv luesdiiv eviiiuili when ruifenc duin uul lohn i nidi of lite ililyliuoi iny 1 lub showed inloiidilidi s i om pic u with laped sound illicls duiinif ihe meelinu 12 mmieu weie propositi loi pinspecllvtf numheislnp and he men will in appniaihetl lu oln ihe club dill in if llu- meiiithishlp ill ive i iti i si al cainpaiiin chahniaii kill ivmllelon ietoilcd let in ns in ihe openhilt wiek weiv veiv uuouiacihut and he club is look- uilf loiwaul jo uaihinu ihe anil- i ipali d ijoal for that to e l buchner ro optometrist conlael leniet filled hearing aidt eyet euamlnod 48 mill st c acton ont wudlii nliy only oh in lluul lu 6 i in fop appointment phone 115 acton ii no niiawur ilionu wutiiluu collut lill v hu6 1 insurance means for trade and tnduitry few pooplo today would bo able to risk tho hundrods of millions of dollars noodod for factories and equipment if insurance woro not availablo to protoct their investment t fow would daro to take tho risks of trans porting their product to market without insurance few merchants and doalors could lako the chanco of stocking merchandise if ihoro woro no rocourso against ovorwholnv ing disaster back of practically all our irado and com morco is tho pcaco ol mind which comus from insurance last yoar the companios writing fire automobdo and casualty insur ance paid out moro than 500 million dollars in claims across canada ral ovidonco that insurance tndood moans pcaco ot mind jul canada tmsukjumgc rcdouition m twbau w morm llutm 300 raasptxlftf coeayrmi wthmf tu auteamobj tueef ctmmdtttf fimimw the ab supermarket the best for less always our big sale continues to april 8th extra special blue brand baby beef 42 roast lb 29 lettuce 2 for 29c oranges 39 qws

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