Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 1

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if elghtyslvth year no 42 acton ontario thursday april 13th 1961 aulhariud htcani cum mill liv ihw 1nmi ofllr dttmrtntont ottw ten pages seven cenfk varey trapped in burning room hospitalized condition critical 016 9 walkbt todoe ajf ajw was honored monday evening by a visit from right worshipful brother a j buchanan district deputy grand master of wellington district pictured above at the conclusion of the regular meeting are soma of the dignatariet in attendance front row left to right are right worshipful brother everon flath past ddgm the guest speaker and dr a j buchanan in the back row are past ddgm rt wor bro bruce omand new hamburg rt wor bro nell mceachern past dkgm waterloo very wor bro h rothaermol grand ste ward kitchener and rt wor bro hector wilson gsw toronto 178 masons visit walker lodge acton hear speaker during ddgm visit monduy evening was a memor able occasion ul walker loduc af it am when wcllinulon dis trict deputy grund muster the kluht wonminiul brother dr a j buchunun paid hid official visit to his mother lodge present lo en- joy the visit wore 178 musuns re presenting 24 lodges as well us raprckontatlves from grund lodge right worshipful brother eve ron flulh post ddgm of wel lington and member of welling ton lodgo toronto nuulu u re- tn vllt to walker lotlit the firm since 1917 when living in drayton he served in the capac ity of ddgm he uddressed the lurgc crowd during the bunquel in the legion uudltorlum during his address dr plulh stressed the need fur lovully to god home country principles und to the musonic cruft us he omphusietl munner of luyulty iis his theme the uuast speuker charged the masons to hike un active part in their lodge work uphold masonic standards and tu make atten dance u regulur pructice he also urged the vounycr members to take an active part in lodge pro ceedings und stressed the need r for each member to have nmbi- tion to serve their iodize dr flutli pointed out there is an abundance of undiscovered tul- cnt umonu uklge ineiubcrs und urged everyone lo make the best of opportunities uttered to ihcm the guesl speaker was thanked by worshipful- master bix stan joe ot walker lodue as he expivs- sed his uialilude fur the inspiring nieuuigc brullicr- guril bcaltv- uuiunullietueciine prior lo liie ero posed relhren toast to tile visiting right worshipful brother h e wilson grand senior warden re plied thunking wulkcr lodge for the opportunity of being present und commended dr buchunun fur his contribution to grand lodge right worshiprul brother j g hinton past grund junior war den ulso replied to the toust und told the members he hod attended the consecration of wulker lodge ns well us their 75th anniversary worshipful muster brother w e raimdcn u forrnur aclqn resident and now mintir uflultelnnd lodge buffalo expressed his finitlludc for the invitation and nvlled members uf walker lodge lo attend lakelund lodge in the ncur future during u tousl to grund lodge brother e g frunklin puid tri bute lo grund lodge for their guidunce und pointed out two rothers uf walker lodge right worshiprul brother a j buchun un und very wurshiptul brother h l ritchie hud been uccepted into their organization i among fellow brethren this toast- was responded to by dr buchunun who told thuse present he was happy to he nmong fellow brethren und was proud to ussoeiute with the breth ren ot his mother lodge who made everything possible for him he also expressed his grutitude to worshipful brother len lovell as district secrelury for his uble as sistance a tinal toast was eiven to ali the lodges by junior warden bro ther martin bauer present degree dinner past district deputy grand master bruce omand congratulat ed walker lodge on ttieir work in presenting the fellow craft degree lo herb dodds head table guests at the ban quet seivetl by the legion ladies auxiliary included district deputy grand master the right worship ful brother dr a j buchanan rt worshipful brother everon flath rt wor bro neil me- elichem past ddgm wuterloo rt wor bro bruce omand past ddgm fur wellington rt wor bro hector wilson gsw toron to rt wot bro j g hinton pgjm toronto very wor bin h w rothaermel grand stew- urd kitchener wm s k joe acton wm william ramsden lakeland lodge buflalo wor bro m n naehhar lakeland lodge buffalo very wor bro h l ritchie acton wor bro len lovell acton wm charles fav si clair lodge milton wm bro ross maltby gall wm ro bert butcher wellington lodge toronto wm tom bounc temple lodge kitchener wm ken manninglgall lodge gall and fc herb dodds lodges represented were prince of wales minnedosa manitoba victory toronto rwetlington to ronto waterloo waterloo lake lund buffalo guelph lodge guelph mount dennis lodge mount dennis occident toron to grmd river kitchener gall lodge gall alma lodge gall speed guelph livvin elora cre dit georgetown st clair mil ton campbell caiiiphellville twin- city kiuluncr temple kitchener wvndhani ctielph orient tinonio douglas 40 scot land new iuih hcspelei wilnml new hamburg and wal ker acton two acton men were hospital ized and 15000 damage resulted rrom nn early morning tin today thursday at the station hotel mill street the ajarm was soun ded at 330 am algie coon varey was report ed at 130 this afternoon to be in ii tsaru critical condition following hos- jiitalizalion in guelph general fospilal rescued from a second siorey window by fiivman did price mr varey received third degree burns lo his face arms chest and legs after he was trapped in the liedsilfing room where the lire is believed lo have started vince lleveran maintenance man at the hotel was also hos pitalized in st josephs hospital guelph with first find- second degree butvis iohis head and face when he attempted to rescue mr strike halton budget at municipalities to raise hallons eight municipalities will have lo raise 93655405 for county purposes this year ac cording county councils 1961 budget which was struck in a special session thursday after noon the years budget calls for total expenditures of h 16833860 with estimated reveriue of 209- 32170 plus a supplemental lax levy of j2246285 on an equalized assessment uf j203598706 and at the county le vy of 46 mills the municipalities can raise the 936000 last years actual expenditures by the county lutullcd 90910453 and revenue came to j18260193 sixpage uit a sixpage list of expenditures was submitted to councillors us they met in committee of the whule thursday afler scanning all expenditures carefully coun cil reconvened in open council and approved the figures with only slight revisions the follow ing are highlights from the bud- gel schedule no 1 covered general government expenditures total ling 87868 including council and committee fees and expens es j 16000 administration- of the offices of clerk treasurer and assessor 46118 audit menqber- ships subscriptions und legal fees 2750 county properly 14500 court of revision 3500 industrial bureau 1500 protection costs schedule 2 covers protection to persons and pioperly including u total of 51500 under adminis tration of justice made up ol 45qpxourl house and office expcnsuc 5000 crown attorney 3000 sheriff 4500 crown wit ncsscs 7500 inquests and inves ligations 12000 juries 5000 juvenile and family coiirl anil 10000 other salaries and expens es under the jail lolal of j607s0 were 53250 for salaries of offic ials 4500 maintenance or pris- onersand 3000 maintenance of buildings other expenditures un der protection were 7500 lo ontario training schools 24000 for the new mutual aid fire communications system j3400 weed control and j500 fox and wolf bounties total law enforce ment will cost 147650 public welfare expenses total ling 235600 were included in schedule 3 including 104000 halton childrens aid soeictv 33250 other societies 50000 halton manor maintenance 2l- 000 hospitalization 24000 civil defence and j js0 grants many debentures schedule 4 set ool the 1961 payments on debentures schools and temporary debt charges lol- ailing 39730560 under debent ure payments are 22040 owing on original construction of hal- aijsiekgu mayor goy outlines program for community centre project wednesday evening uw an en thusiastic meeting uf people ut the robert little school auditor ium in support or the commun ity centre fund the meeting or alt canvass team captains and members or all subcommittees heard chairman johnny coy out line the campaign progress to date all committee chairmen re ported and outlined the rormat- ion and progress or their com mittees following the outline a panel question period was conducted in which all details ol the pro gram were open lor discussion the purpose ol the meeting was in educational program designed good news at banquet laud brigades firefighting prevention announcements ut good news xanv in pahs for llalluns fire- fighter friday evening when ubout 50 tiremen their wives and upcciul guests attended the an nual banquet of the halton conn- ty mutual aid fire service ur- gunixatiou at the milton fire hall first word ul good tidings came trom halton warden alex phillips who announced that the previous day haltun county had approved anexpciidiluic o m- 000 tti equip all halton lire de partments with twoway radio prevention awards the second piece ol good news came fmni george alexander chfelgt fire services in the fire marshals oft ice who pivented four awards that hal ion hrjduges hod won in last years national ftre protection association tire brevention contest the county ureoa had won one award while others went to milton uakville and acton brigades there was even good news- for the iodic attending heaps of praise were laid on the ahoulders of tirofiuhum wive t uu cooperation hj felting their lire menhusbands take so much time preventing and tifihuimtinc honest cooperation we have learned what honest cooperation means wurden phillip summed up us he und p u other speakers praised the mu- kv tual aid d jhnc prevention e tburisau for uieir cfloru over the put years following a delicious turkey dinner served by the ladies til the milton liicmcns ladies auxil iary mutual aid president chief reg law burlington opened the program by reviewing hallous nine years ot organized mutual aid- sxr ices we have set a pretty lair example tor the re mainder ol the province he noted adding we have come a long way ourselves in nine years first many times warden phillips was the first guest to speak and he ivcalled halton was the tirst county with a mutual aid system and also the fiisl with a ihtv prevention bureau now the went on hal- ion county stands highest in as- sesment and population ot any county in ontario and residents have a gixut pride in their coun ty county councillors he said are tivmcudously pimid ol the service the boys in blue are ren dering n this county and some of our firelighters are second to none in the province hrs uimuuiiixuiriit that rtir longawaited radio system had been appioved was greeted with cheers and he concluded by hop ing thar halton fire rigs would be equipped with radio before the end of this year gratclul milton liiehhteis were to have the assistance ol getuge town and acton biigades during a ivcenl store i ue the bar niony anions mil bri gades is teirilic cuml liie co- ordiuator chiel duuglas wikm ol oakhte said as he pmmised even heller li relighting scia ice with the coining ut the tadio equipment other guests uilrodiucd were iunnediate past piesulenl jim wauinslen ot burlingioii ice pixsidenl grant bra ol tralal- syar no i brigade reeve mis mary s pettit ol milton and ban quet chairman ivaji clarridge ot milton water mains break during construction outing the installation ol under ground cable by the bell tele phone company lam liitlay a water main was hroken near flic mayor sydney chluu of mil ton welcomed the fire light cm tu the banquet and recalled how fuive electric plant and scivices ip tlu area were shut olt while repairs wetv made- tuesday aiother water main wis broken at the iotiurol fied- eiick and church stivets ahd dur ing the lepairs muddy water seeped into the nt a in and resid ent in the area were inconvenien ced with discolored water until the resident lines cleared warden flrr fig liter mi alexander before presen ting hie certificates for the nf- pa contest awards reviewed llalloti was the lirsj to institute a couniywitle lire inspection pro gram the lirst to publish stan dardized hand signal tor fire lighten and piubably the first lo have a fireman as warden mr phillips is a trafalgar fire hiigadc inemlkt you have brought honor lo vour county your province and lo the whole ol canada by your lite prevention efforts he said warden phillips and reeve pel- til acccitted tlie couniys special ivcognition award from the con test judges milton fire chief a i clement and mavor child ac cepted miltons third prize in class d of the contest and chiel wilson accepted oakvilles bon orible mention in class 3 certifi cate acton representatives were not present but out fighting a lue at the lime the awards were made soj actons certificate was given to acion firefighters wl t arr l t th don when nemg- wbich lol lowed give to councfla these awards are alau being presented to the municipal coun cils this week and neat the evening concluded aa trk falgar fire chief geqsr wright asked tor u toast to the ladies who provided the banquat the met ajave a standing mmiirm so that all people connected with the campaign would have a lull and clear understanding of all decisions that have been made and the methods adopted to con duct the campaign indoctrinate workers as i he campaign progresses and additional people start to work on the project lurther meetings will be held to indoc trinate these workers so that anyone connected in anv way with the campaign will have a lull and complete understanding ol thewholc project chairman gov again emphasiz ed the need to have anv ques- ihe project referied iinmit lee he- it is through lions about to the steering c cause he explained ihese questions we learn ol anv problems that mrghl arise late in the campaign tv 1168338 936554 inn manor j8388t on oukvllle- trafalgar memorial huspilal uranl 133660 un miltnn district tluspilal yriiil and iwq81 on uvtt jisoili bntnl mcmurial lluv pital grants sclimil tlebenlnrcs iiklinv- a total ol jl 21717 on lltree north llallon schools tcmpoiarv debt chnrgcs will com jtttotm this yccr schedule s inchiclccl olhcr ex- pciulitnrc icilillinu j2999i5 this inclutlcd s8000 discount on coun ty rales h 1050 for auriculturc yranls- ntusctinv- and fnisccllun- eops 7750 purchases taxes and miscellaneous lor rerorestatjon j2500 lome scots liranf j25o0 reuisliy oil ice j 1 27355 lor health unit ranl and the provis ion fur a mental health depart ment 130000 capital expcndil- cnltinllid oil pnoe twtj varey and fmiuh the lilnc with two flix- cxtlnituisliers the flrcwas first noticed by one of the roomers rene ros- sijtnc who turned in the alarm und roused uther rooiners who made their escape from the hluzlnu smokefilled buildiny by usiiiu rope fire escaes when ffivmcn arrived at the scene flames were hhootinn ab out 15 tcct ulvive the roofdcnse smoke poured from around the edges of theenves and filled the street for blocks stubborn blaze two pumpers and 25 firemen fouuht the stubborn blaze which started in the upstairs sittinu loom and spread lo the bath room und roof urea before it was checked thousands of pulluns of water were poured on the fire before it was brought under con trol and smoke und fire damuge is estimated around 5000 proprietor s j brunelle was noljfied of the fire ubout three- quarters of on huur after the alarm was turned in and immed iately rushed to the hotel to as sist firemen vince hevcrntr mainhpiancc man at the hotel attempted lo help mr varey who is recuper- utinit from a recent accident and has his let in a cast mr hever- iin was forced to flee from the blainu room where the fire is believed lo have started jiftct usinu two fire extlnnuishers mr vatey munaiicd in crawl lo the window tind was sltllna oil the sill when riremun air duby arrived oh the scene mrtjuby persuaded the lire victim nut to jump and when the first truck arrived mr- varey wan carried down a ladder lo the uround by liremun milliard did price he was laitl on a stretcher und covered with blankets to await ihcwrivul of the guelph ambul ance dr w g c kenney was summoned und administered first aid those escaping from the burn ing building included mr varey jack kllerby mr ileverun mr russignu georgu wulnwrlahl harold simpson guenther irkchling ircd eagles bert 11c- mullen john couture and jack juhnslone three other roomers were not in the building at the lime or the fire commends firefighters tire chicr jack newton at the scene of the fire commended tho firefighters for their excellent jo1 in stopping the bjiize from des troying the entire building mr and mrs roy goodwin and mrs h oltcrhcin served coffee and tea tothe shivering and wet firemen at the scene second call at 45 am firemen were re called to the scene when fire broke out again in the utile the sccomlhlaewas checked in ro- cordimie ll3iiatij sitv fire prevention award presented to chief jack newton at council council audi the citizens of acton can lake pride in chief newton and the fire bri glide cf- lorts in their fire prevention pro gram said george alexander chiel ol the fire services divi sion til ontario i ire marshalls otlices mr alexander was pre sent al the regular tuesday coun cil meeting lo present an award to mayor gov who in turn presented it lo fire chiel newton the award by the national fire prevention bureau was in recognition of acton brigades entry in a national contest in the contest the acton entry took third place in class e for on- lario 2mb place for all canada and honorable mention lor class e for canada mayor gov in addressing fire chiel newton aid council takes pride in ihe brigades and your ellorts your emwis and 1ory in ihc prevention has relithed ihe hople ami is- paying oil chief newton replied lhal we ion and the province ol ontario help ut llrca a by law was given two rea dings to aulhorix the fire chief to enlist addilioual help lo light tires in the town of acton it was explained this bylaw would allow the chier to enlist help at a fire and the people enlisted would be covered by workmens compensation the holiday schedule for town employees was reviewed and u lusoluiion approved the following schedule employees with six months service prior to july 1st one week after one years ser vice two weeks after 10 years three weeks councillor bill mcleod reques ted an early mccling of the pub lic building committee various dates were discussed und must nights were already booked up the regular meeting adjourned al 910 pm und the building com mittee remained lor their meet ing tour of aclon councillor les duby arranged a tour uflhe town by the road committee suggested an early cleanup or knox avenue remin ded council or the north llallon xpeel ihv nitioiiwidcpuhlicilil udaiibourdineeting- next wed connected with this awaid will uesday at which john deacon ol ik heneliiial lor aclon lor mai- burlington will be guest speaker and invited council to a milton planning board meeting through the urban board he reported the new front end loader was at work at the municipal dump and proving to be satisfactory reeve jack margrave reported the county had se their mill rate al 625 mills for 1961 councillor frank toth relayed the complaints he had received on the sweeping and cleaning up or mill street the street is being fswept tuesday wednesday and friday moniingsat present road committee is lo investigate und attempt to come up with an im provement contacted com pan lei councillor bill denny gave the complaints and criticisms he hud received iroro local garage opera tors on the awarding of the mun icipal gat contract deputy reeve bert minion ex pressed his opinion and outlined ihe results or his personal poll or the local garage operators the dealers feel they should have been contacted belore ihc con- had was lei ir was reported thai all oil companies supplying retail gasoline outlets in acton were contacted and requested to submit a proposal the town has u cunli act with the nil company reeve hjnlon was authorized to contact the ambulance opcru- lor and attempt to arrange a contract with the company mayor goy requested members lo consider any resolutions they- might wish ut have forwarded lo the mayors and reeves con ference in june two hospitalized one critical in pr0awn 5000 lotel rrtoday ltrtdawiiiftfeib lifcwfiinfi

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