Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 3

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personal ndtes of actonlam vliltlnfl outoftown polnff end of vltllori in acton home mr jack rol or carolina nur- serick in hollduylng in florida mc unci mr j bert wood re- lurncd hufmi this weak from holiday in florida prlendh are sorry to heur mr waller woodburn is in toronto general hospllul and hope for a jpoedy recovery barbara joun baxter teacher at poxf credit was home for the easter holidays with mr and imrs h baxter donald and ray missel duality and audrey an derson of toronto spent a few days lait week with their urund- mother mrs mury mcauley of ac ton miss betty mae tosbury who tuuiihl suhool here last year and is now in brampton spent her eas tcr holidays in jumiicu with un- othcr teacher mrs btirm-omsllnttuin-jnd- mn c o burns murv ann mil garry of toronto visited with mrs hlnton 53 lake avenue acton on the weekend mr tlntl mrs c w mason vlsi ted mrs masons sister mrs e wullers of london on sunday they were accompanied by mr and mrs george swltzer and famtrjtor etobiiokc the annuul synudicaj meeting of the w m s or the presbyter ian cliunh in canada was held in lindsay tuesday wednesday and today mrs horry mainprize secretary without portfolio was amonu those attending raslnsncuu iv c- three ycorold jlpnmy ellerby son of mr and mrs allan ellerby r r 4 acton suffered second degree burns to his shoulders back and hips when he wus scal ded with boiling water sunduy when the hot water lap was iil- cidenlly turned on during his bulh the youngster wns rushed to sick childrens hospital where he is expected to be a patient for u few weeks when the members of the alcrl evening auxiliary or knox ljiurch mode their annual spring visit to hallon manor on wednesday evening april 5 they were il companied by their minister rcv- a h mckendc several members ot the choir some rrom daugh ters or knox mrs william mc inlyre and mrs calvin mclnlvre and three voung musicians bill devries bill patterson and jack rowley who assisted with the program club meetings are all having guesl speakers these days as mm ol the community centre comifut tee go to each group to explain the prolect thevj have a pre pared speech bright and amusing flip cards and folders to hand uut thev report excellent re sponse monday gord mcciilih eon was at the lions club mee ting tuesday gord beattv at the rotarv club while alec- johnson and g w mckejiie were at the lakeside chapter i o d e mee ting there was another cmnmu tee meeting last niglit and t- nighl representatives will be at the ys mens club meeting dial exchange program now underway in acton boll telephone workmen and cuntraclors hive hlltcri hu town converting telephones to ihe dial system and installing under ground tables til pnpaialion tor lhe new dial svsleni to be adop ted lnlei this tall telephone repairmen aie ton tin tun then program ol convei ting phones to thtr dial swem and tlil dum construction com fianv is busv with ditch dingers oyin piping to housl umlcr- ground cables to service the dial system telephone poles in some aicas have been cleared hum the main slrcets to the rear lot lines ol homes and work has staiinl on the construction ol ihe thai ix chanl building al the coinei ot elgin and church streets tuesday a bulldoci knocked down trees anil levelled the sue loi the new building ami sui e vols hae staked out the aiea lot llic new structure the contract lot the building has heen let to a kitchcnei lirm and construction is expected to begin as soon as possible hope to raise 3500 quota at community night in june a lestival of masked scottish mil square dancing and eiifci lainment by ethnic groups will be held in june to laisc actons quota of hsoo lot the budding fund for the new north hallon school lot ret u dud children undertaking to try to taise the amount assigned to tin town is the senthslv dance club add thursday evcrtifrg ol last week a general meeting ol nionijbois and rcprcslntatics ol oilier organizations was held in llu ymca loj asccitain support foi the protect ihe new seliool will sent mil ion georgetown and ai ton ills li ict and pai t ol the cost has- been appoi toned to eaeh area the scottish dance club agietd here to back the dine and seeks the co operation and help ol churches sei vice clubs and olg anfanons immediate support about 10 ntteuderl the meimlng in he y hasc nunt with some eonvevrng immciliile suppoi t ind othcis picpii ing to pic sen l ihe uiets to then groups tor approval dales lot tw mnie meetings wiiy set in anticipation ol lull suppoi i ihe men to mcel in the eouneieliambei s aju il 1 to discuss si ifnig up booths admissions pat king tk ind the women to meet the same dilt al the cilentel lloilh o mis r vv gatdiilt to discuss u lilsbnieiits the dance club will plan progiarrt club president di r d duclc net pointed out milton and- georgetown have raised their quota acton has ho far done nothing we eel tvurrc have hicn enuugh demands on lite people ralfier than ask lor mon v wc would like to yivb some the geoige linggett with help fiom ladies groups telephone conven xi mrs ii l bennie representntive at the meet ing were lakeside chapter i o d v and st joseph catholic womens league mis elma bral- cla duke ot deumshiie chapter i ode mrs c ttiomn st al bans guild mrs l blunn eaervone can pnrlieipate as well as cii1jv four year ago ihe hist eommunity night held bv the gioup lour yeais ago fu ll at- lid ijoo people to the pai k ipd ihe ethnic movemenl is much mote prominent than it xeis various ptugiam proposals were sketched we want assistance not sporisoi ship wt want woi kcrs and lime di bttckncr pointed jiiil suppoi 1 was pledged it onee bv rcprcstmntlves n cnunctt ihe rolat club and lions club in charge sinne comim i tec mi rnhcr s ll ie alieulv been nimed illcse uc bill wilson in chaigc of pai k ai langernents mrs robert but knit w nh mrs less gallo wiv irnl mis l browne pro mi on anil public ilv mis bill wilson sciictaiial boh tove rs tin urns seoul ami guide mo iheis 111 charge ot refreshments unik 1 mis sid newton and mis ihmg al 1 his community nigh lr seoul and guide mohicis mis winnie kerr mis will mcbach trn tind ivlis giant womens institute mis g llatgtaxe cit izens band joiin mchugh high school mis jess galloway high school students council bi lan spioston and john ladoftciur guclph pipe band tied wnght legion mam pcit i ions club fohn blundell juniot pipe band bob toyeis rotarv club ron lewis ys men cat i masales st john ambulance robert hut aeton agiieitlluial soeictv and chambct of commerce nino brnrrfa cramcrl dc h minton and bill dennv a legion i allies auxiliary u ptesenlatitc was unable to be theie bul pto- mised to help started in 1955 speaking ot tin pioposid new siliool bill wilson explained it will be hmll ii a initial local urn one mile mn ill ol hot nbv i he sehool in milton which ibis will 1 epl lee si it led in wss some ol llv pupils ate now able to yo to wotk he said 1 uenezer travels of refugee worker outlined at wa meeting ebcneier w a held the april meetnik at the home ul mi and mrs waller lixeman guclph ruad the ilcvutions were led b mrs w larly and the theme was ejstet ihe ujaudcsl lime til all the vear fur those who love jesus for alter the sadness ol theciisis thciv mines to all ihe world hi flloi ions news thai he is the h inu chi isl mrs s tiousdale iine a rea dine that thev might live an inlercslnitf chaplei ol the sluds bonk was portiaseil in mis m mahon who used a map ul the wuiltl to illustiale tiaels lumi the world council ol chinches amonu tile- lelllees who lune lleil irom the coniiiuinisl eoun tries this uieamatlmi estib llshes ihese roluuccs so thai lhe can help ihitusikis h inint them tools etc to work with mis a i imk conducted llu- business and hiam nmtalions air-iisr- -t- rr-jr- sr rr honor j newton during dinner i ire cllle1 jaek newton ol ihe aelon i uxtiphlcin anil ikaid 1 mole- htlnadewiv leled i i lelln ctfiiiii apnl 7 in his lleml mure buddies dutine a baueuel at the dominion hotel ml newton who is limni the emplos ot lleaidniok fol a position 111 ilmtilllo eas picsell ted with a desk elock anil pen kcl b the ucinlimnc tltieade ixpulschiel iheo iapillon made tile- pivseiilalion and piais eil mi ncwon loi his woik in supelvlsing ihe- eompain llle men dunne llu- mu 14 hie men ol the- 21 man bueaile weie presenl lo etio ihe iuik dm nei and social tune alieiwaid lloyd marsden draw winner at lodge euchre a pleuvt emuine was spent at the euehix held at crew son s cor- nuns saiuixlax apid 8 lonjucn lit liieiunhip loilge no 4s7 alter n gaiiks ol cuvluv lunch uo seized and the pncs award cd ladies high was won b mrs r i davidson ladies low bv mrs gat net riise mcp s high went to clnine gough and mens low to gurnet raw the draw for the picnic barbecue and tools charcoal ami j meat voucher from dron s meat market went lo uoyu mormlen ul rockwood fiom othei churches wen aeeepl cd to spring leas etc in the neat uturc refreshments weie sercd by the hostess and hemielpcis plan ramlly sunduy mi and mis edwin waison opened their home tor the apnl sunday school meeting a ioous hall iuju i ul hvmn singing was cniovcd bv all present mts m mavwaul lead the seitplure irom the itrst book ol peter mi m blvth led in piaei and mis m mahon read a poem 1 hi touch ol the maslci s hand plans loi christian lanulx sun iu which is held in ma veie jnuk anil owing to the giomitg tit tendance seeial moie sunilw sehool papcis had to bt ouied mis watson seied iclicshuieiils birthday surprise pastor guest speaker flic haptisi cliiuch lxploicis held tilt it leglllat i peilllloll with inula kakion and jud goulou in ehatge counsclloi mts dunk ope licit willi the pin post anil ill sang this is oui lalhei s woul jiiiin cioidnn led in the opening pllel a ipiailet ol jo nine i mils himuph jean hiiiiiki llillv lmdshomugh and jiuda rauimi sang jiub loulon lead ls dm 2 inula ralston iail the uunutts l llu last lkihlion ami mil l ill paul dunk collated ihe olluinc mi s dunk condukied tin inim iless pasloi james hudd was jikst pcakci and unik as his lopie reiuemlei th ctealoi in the das ot out oulli atlet the closing piai thes had a soeial lime ot games and light utiesli menus with a suipusl bnttula eau loi dai letie mtlurd iiuuk b mrs i tuelei guelph youth iniured car strutk signals an 18iatmld cjialph oinh kiwhaul unan seddon vs mon is sua el icecivcd cuts lo his kiu and biuises to both leg around 2 ul this morning thutsda when his ear struck a c n k sig 4ml mitmulli 8tulf plmlo beardmore firemen feted chief jack newton last friday during a dinner at the dominion hotel when they presenied him with a desk pen and clock set some of the group are pictured above during the presentation left to right am bob brown f tournour w allen b snydtr chief newton b fyigell deputy chief t papillon c shultis d cripps r r parker plant superintendent and s townsley mrs h helwig president of baptist mission circle the uiphsl women s missuin and mis i uuk upoiled loi cuele held ihe 11 api ll nieelme al llu i ink and isiloi mts lilllll thipill 111 home iii 1 1 e i llle seelelais lead llle le roekveood the niesidint mi t pun ol llu piemus annikil mee i aiklshiillillill opened llle llleelllip s u jleels loi ullll pi ivel and a in mil mis i i 12 u ulupud as lnlluus lllsltx s seliptllle le ullll- u isllle i hono t piuklll mis chllles 2tlh ihaptel ol i uki slu lid iii i n u piesidenl mis ii piavei loi intsmon ikkls ol in ol i hohwi ami hull 1 iklwie lllsl e kl jlleslllellt mis 1 llipiliall snoiul lee piesl ill mis i meellltllmhi leeold 1 mil pimp iiiiinhiis pus nle 1 a skil eillllud lli lp iiulluin 1 seeiilan mis iliiii mil llfek and llu mil aid miss hlkl vl i uslo assisl t lie k sllissine ihe lulp lnued lilslnel mis ii tnpps lumi ii idint llu misson hooks on l ll ml vl hilelieiin llu le ullll ionise i pi nllsl mis i llllllllil link hid iisimi mis l dunk mis loll ii ul llu nimillis i ialle1 llu d u ul in os lsll ad an a i leieshne iilli mss 1111 i and ulilluiiip i inih s l jsuldlos1 lu mulnil mill piixii soi i 1 lumi is lo lii ho iu on luilouji io ui i il i ol 111 j vv iii nils i tiollllll all llollll iii ml ll i ill ll mil ii miss i liii is llu jioslesses a mis ii lliluu imiiiiiiii i inn i iii ol ill inks uis i li iided in upon ol ilu uliiu luss u mi kndd st albans guild prepares for tea si lh in s l ui i n inoiilhli mn liiii in 111 i ii ish ii ill un 171 piil s llu piisidellt mis i llliiiui pusi did iii llll i ll 111 ltlsi u i lllsillssvll lllil llllll iu p 111 ills iiuilll loi i h illsss ili i lo hi in id on s in j i llu mn iiii null i ui h i i uiuih mil linel si mi liimu ta 27150 golph ulloiiiiiiiie home i vipn notice change of address lo 36 cork street east i ii hell leleplllllle olllee h s holden optometrist illlllll selluol slllilillls iii piaellsinii tot llu iniisii tislu il lo 111 held 111 ilon lilu llns llllllllil 1 diiviiliii sillll llllle skills apnl ill al 2 am tockwooo euchre parties fatal accident in area news seven tables ol euchre were hi pliy lust wednesday evening hi the parish hall kpunsored by the bt johns w a ludies hluh score mrs h bmden eden mills ic ics lone hands mrs d swiick hummer ladies low score marv swnckhammei mens hih mi l men s liinc hands george ines mens low arthur lweis lunch ol sandwiches and tails tea antl col lee were piovuletl b ihe indies t twelc tables ol euchre uerc m plav at i lie i ish and gainc trulav in loun wall a lalgc rtumlcr ot voting people enjoctl danemy al leiuards the scout and cub mothcis ate enlei tainuig then husbands and scins this lluusday excning in the parish hall lo a tin key dinnei with tummings uv and mrs r r connujs iiul tlaujihtei of walkcitun weie in the village last lluusday look ing uvei ihe paisortaye mi ami mis albert stiutlls an istlint with mi and mrs aiehie 1 teai ml i it n is seiioivtly ill al ihe piesinl lime mis m moinson his leluined huine allei spending seeial uccks in ninth hiv with lui datiphtei anil son in law anil lam ilvmi m mis win llaie i i lends ul master 1 eiinaid 1 must live vmkl sdii ol mi anil mis win loiust a paltenl in ciitl iph n nu il hospital ie ptet to leain he is ill ullh eun vulsions mis st iiii i me donald is dso ill in si josephs hospital tie iph ik i tuanv ii lends hope to 1 speedv leeoveie i atal accident muell ulel is tell in koikwood in etmiheiion mlh a talil ueiil ml ulmh txkm i in a caldei una t ii old f1 unlsiin ul mi antl mis i oien guild ind son ol mi ahd mis lutij is c cakui k l 2 gin ink lasi i i ida ei nuijj jieiilul bva cat xunciul luuk place mondax al wriuht u i a loi hapet ot i he piphel luiieial home i2h mii si nloiih ridi moiul hill inlet men i took plan ill roekwihid lillli kl ik milts his pm nls he haves to inoum jus loss iwii hiolhets and two sisti i s and lelatles ill koek uooil mi anil mis oslii diihii anil lunik spenl i il i in i ol ojilo 1 isl week duiinu i aslei holulass ml nut mis i i ink kelso spoilt llu mekcl1il in ktleheliei rue lit mil ucektlld msilois mi and mis ralph hodgson nil lanulv wiih mi aiul mi s daxe me i ai lane mis ii htawie and ml ml ilnilhtei ol gall mi and mis j i liloii lamhiil mil lamiu ol sainia with mi and mis i nil i unix 1 1 mi and mi s max noi 1 1 sons ol i iota all antl mis m gin iph rev c g ii mi and mrs ii sptnl and hon 1 imms and iis diml ken mm ia and il i in guelph lasi miss i lialu ill mephedi in ol oltlllh llle hllll- sellimil vis home iluiuil listti hohdas your cleaner is your clothes best friend moths love stains lot udry clean and store your winter wardrobe now custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 u ni out by 5 pan cash ad larry main st n phone 272 tho acton free press thursday april l3lh 1961 new process tom nicol second generation as engraver of headstones niiimpum mnminienl winks is one ot the tew lenialnmu hims in oulano thai shll peiloim left lei uork on headstones uilh th hammei and elusel this uill change sluntlv ulnn the new sand hlasiing loom is taken into opeiation at the pieseni lune- ihe head stones ue cut into shape h liu supphei in loninht hi also attds llu ukidental di coral ion and the klleiuig is then added at the loeal voiks ihe ulietitim is fust maiked out ind linn llu sui i minding iui is ehisi llu i iua in hand leauile the klieis in holil lelul llu woik is hoih exaeting and pieeise and both eiigiaveis at otamplon mummi i nl works have hail ue i m liis evpel lellee tom nlenl i ngrnvcr william c ah in llu ouiut iloi v this win k in l on 1 1 nu lion wilh tom nienl his iiiliili mi nlenl lived loi nu 1 1 iu at ion situght idges and uill allow ihe loeal wmks lo add the oinumept- al design lu u bul finishing toil ehes in hand aie still needed sand blasting is done in a sep aiali loom with lie ope tutor standing outside and opentllny the iij4ijjmiiitl a guaided a piiluu and witclung the ojuia lion tliiouith a window intone ill in this wav the dusl is eoiifuud and llu giii used in hlasinilt uiiimulius on the bias ting loom llooi mil ean be col ui ltd and iislii ag nn iliamplon miiuorial wotks pto- iishs iiul i it i is luadslones in piil and halliin liiuntus and oe i asionalk in imonlo secuutl tcuerutlon loin luil is tlu sieoiltl genua hon in ins t iinik lo do this kind ol wink hi appuniiied to his tallki m iiih ilo and apai i tioin i hu ik wluk in was in the linn ills hem atll l ml mllei hi it nu mln is tlu i iil das ind is utlluiiown luu willi llu mliiulueiiou ul sandblasting muell ol tlu hand unik will lu eliminated hut a nihbei mask with onl llu design eul out is plultl oli llu slnne nu tin sand blastei euts into llu slum j thioiigh llu txposvd desiun ol llu in isk without d tin iging tin mask ilstll in tins piiniss tin lilteis tlkinseuis ik nnliiittil j hmuvu b masking the uittis iiul s iiul bl tsiing tin sin ul ing ana llu smu tllnl i m hi obi mud as in llu pustnl hand ulkl nu thoil ilnuti hy llaiul 1 he sand blasting allows luu i it lie in and guaiinlii s pi i k v tl error in story al ilik ll u l iii llll kllllltll ll iii i ul it ll llllllll l liuk mippi i llsl lik mis 1 ill 1 mi hills ii iiul wis nusl iki lil ii lli mil i is mis i ill 1silu sui 1 1 vit i ii llu isl 11 iiu vmm k vi is lilllll hl slik his llllllllil is ilsn iii nu husinis n miinnl i ui wo stock and order simplicity mccall butterick patterns hintons 5c to 100 store weekend special 20 off uiih ii ilton o pip upoittd niik thin llliiiui ileultuls oel llu p ist wee k pollock and campbell miitiiliitimis nf high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 62i7su ml ns work boots iivdko s1sman kaul man st fight cancer with a checkup and a cheque our thanks v3v- rj pl to thl pcoill ol acton for your generous krsponsf o our lanvaslks anyon till tlen iikj to ntiik c a iljii ition please c lit ii i mr wm mack ay bank of montreal or mr hilton elliott dillsstationery canadian cancer societv wcstbouml on main sucil llu iir piucivijcil ntr llii iiiiks mil mruik llu siiniliul iiuliii up ullll i iv l oil tin- iiim1ihi porlion ol ho highuj constable ron rupert ul llu anon op p delachmunl urns tiyaleil anil reportctl ihptis were pending the 1951 chiilo wui a tolul wreck harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work ottand gasftjrnaein conversion burners baus and bekvlce main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 jjbckwooo 24 hoor service the ab supermarket the best for less always sweet pickled cottage roll 47s plate brisket pot roast vi l ii s one quart envelopes arruiion f instant zsjjc quality wieners 39 sliced bacon 55 bright fancy 48 oz tin green giant is qz tins juice 27c 1 fancy pe 2 2 37c extra extra special tomatoes i ceuo pack 19c bananas 10 lb your dollar has more value at ab

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