personal notes of actotilan vltlng outoftown polnln and w visitors in aclon homaf i vkihnu in town lust week were mr and mrs jim greer and boys of gall mr und mrs bob mcaiullcss of toronto visited trlcntb in own monday on uic weekend mr george ellloll wtfs visihiih in ollnwu tollhterulh m jack rol of caroline nurs eries has relurneel from a short combined business and pleasure rip in florida etoblcokc public heaflh nurse minn joy mcknympent the week end in town ard attended the lakeside chapter iode spririu frolic friday overling at the annual meeting of the synodical society of toronto and kingston in lindsay last week mrs ii mainprie was reelected n member without portfolio the south central ontario waterworks conference was held in cooksville april 12 water works superintendent alf duby und clerkadministrator jack mc- geachle attended fourteen members of walker lodge af am motored to buf falo to intend lakeland lodge william ramsden former ac- tonian is worshipful master of the buffalo lodge mr and mrs roy ii mines wcndv and sharon ol port credit visited with mr and mrs bill thirruirrh and lamljy over the weekend fridflv evening they at tended the iode spring frolic the annual dinner of the hal- ton county tuberculosis and health association was held wed nesday evening in oakville with actun representatives and mem bers at lending a report will be published next week were present two were grea grandmothers and onewas i great great jjrundmbthcr with regular organist george elliott away and substitute org anist mrs alf long iii with flu miss olive lampard came from guelph to fill in sunsny morn- iniz at the united church she was orgnhbjt in- the old church for several years her sister came with iter sunduv to again greet acton friends eight members of the aclon scottish dance club look part in a program of display dancing sponsored by toronto recreation al association at kennedy high school in cooksville those at tending were mr and mrs rob ert foyers mr and mrs bill wil son mr and mrs dave iatl clarkson mrs r w gardner terence slaven rr 4 jack mc- gcachie mrs robert buckner and laurence dubv jim lalt accompanied the highland danc ers penny iatl andrenn cum- ella milton and margaret slav- en seven year old daughter or mr and mrs t slaven the scot tish dance club team also danc ed al the ladies nighl of the brotherhood of anglican church men of st georges church in guelph euchre and bridge were plnyed and a buflet supper was provided tlie- dances were muirls wedding the glasgow highlanders and lighl and airy ana at jiniind of the demonstra tion the team showed the wall country dance after which each member look up someone from the audience to participate record enrolment in 37 projects at 4h clubs organization meeting mr untl mrs earl lambert and mrs nelson lambert ultended the christening of their grand- daughter jjinlne marie gillespie at fifty united church winona m on sunday seven grandparents wvrc present to enroll in 37 pro- a new surge of interest in 4h activity was evident on the even ing ol friday april 14 whjn bannoekburn school was the scene ol organization meetings for actons two 4h clubs a re cord number ol 25 young people aijjs isru basis of christian mission wms thanlcoffering topic ilcih a j francis nriciilturnl rc- prcscnlulivc t hal ion 6utliiud tie tn i is ol the two projects anil distributed projuct material lo members he introduced four local club leaders fyle somrr ville mtflvin meciilloligh sandv buchanan and nino braida who will have charge ol all 4-iihci- ivftv in north halton mr fran cis was cbairuuin lor a verv spirited election ol ollicers when members chose executives for their icspcctivc clubs fonitfc club the acton 4h forage club with a record enrollment of i rvt ljirls and 15 hovs elected as ibeti president ril van mockelen vice president john kranendonk sec tclrirv jaiiel alt ken und publicity director colin elliott for their project first year members will seed down it and acre plot to o lontfterm buy mixture of eight pounds vernal nllalfa two pounds la sulle red clover four pounds climax tim othy and six pounds lincoln hrouie with a companion crop of rodney or garry oafs sown at the rate ol one bushel per acre their achievement dav ex hibit will he a busjiel ol grain from project plots secoiifl vearmembers will ex hibit a bale of hay irom their plots seeded x vear to du iuits allalla and frode orchard trass monthly meetings will in clude instructions on hav lnd pasture rnnnupemunt seed jucl- iiilt and conservation ol soil and wliter resources calf club- the acton 41 1 call club wilh 17 nunihers elecfed russell mur ray president murray fall vice- president frank anthony secret ary and chris kranendonk publicity director member will care for their call from april until september hubmitlint monthly reports on value of feed consumed and rate of gain they will also receive training in showmanship live stock juditini and herd manage ment and will exhibit their tak es al acton fair important group nino braida a club leader and president of the acton agricult ural society welcomed the mem bers and yhcir parents and ex pressed the pleasure of the sa fely lor tlic opportunity to spon sor 41 1 work in the acton area he told the young people that they were a very important liroup because thev represent the larmets ol tomorrow and thit their participitalion in 4h help ed them to keep pace with a rapidly chanring ilii iauturv to those accept inj- offices he said you are starling vilnr career ot leadership and a file o senrte to your comrminilv speaker in sari describes hospital at vejjore india the spring thankofterlng meet ing or he senior auxiliary wms of knox presbyterian chjirch was held in the sunday scruiol room or the chinch thursdav april 13 iwilh groups irom the various churches in own joining in the service owing to the indispusilion ol the president mrs q moran mrs fred anderson took charge ot the meeting opening with praver and trc doxology asking mrs r r porker tintf mrs wm mclcod lo lead in the devotions which tul- lowed a prugram in the glad tid ings mrs john davidson sang verv beautifully the slianger or galilee flails of millions mrs anderson introduced the speaker i he rev a h mckcnic whu gave a lluiughilul lalk un the red white and blue decor at iode dance the guesl hook al lakeside chapter iodfs spiing frolic was signed bv 51 couples flidav evening as ihev enletetl the leg ion hall dcioiitions ol ivd while and blue micamcrs hags en the walls and small flags on the tables sel the stage lor the evening ol dancing lo meiv tol- tuns orchestra the legem mis rudulpli spiclvngcl and mi spiekogel ivceived gucsls and mr and mrs rae wesl weie hosts showing guests in then tables prlie winners thilc weie ioiiihi and siiiuv ilanees ulli seieial spciials mrs ra aihic won uw pne loi diiking with mi x mimn jolinns co mis johiiin kiapek won a spol dame while mi and mis mmsell nellls won the dooi prle a plant iheological basis or the christian mission which springs mil ol a peculiar understanding ol god he spoke of the peoples ideas ol god throughout the old testament how the prophets blaed the way loi 1 personal god coming to the new testament act shows tin wonderment ol the comeision ol ihe gentiles gods saving meicv is reaching- slal man the basis ol modem mis sion is god the universality is god makes lor international faith we believe in one holy catholic chinch lor all ihe win id our oideis being go ye into all ihe world miss bella mave rosell and miss isabel anderson sang sweet i v hes the lily ol the val ley mr mckenie closed the meeting with prayer a play about india and a spea ker who has lived lhee wcic high lights ol the united chinch wms cgit allilialiou sei vice wed- nestlav ot last week wms mem tiers pareuls anil iricnds walched as 17 cgit gills iiieivid theii hadges irom mrs ii 1 foicc wms piesidiiil mrs li iidkea gave lliem seals lor iheii cerllli- cates mrs colin leiich look part in llle atlilialioiduei vice as well diane allgell c cilt iieasuiir gave money made bv ihe gioup troill ealering ihe evening ii fnitcsl spoke lo mrs lulkia who accepted n onhehall ol the pies- hviettal seci clary loi afliliaied gioups the tilav hmhnrk lor tninor- lovv was piesciiled in ihe ibancel ol ihe chiiiih with llle allilialiou svivue in the ihapel tlmvilstill s cgit leader mrs dwighl fngel tllieeled lie plav aboultive vmmg people going lo india anil then iliulicling yews caroline ilib- bard look he pail ol an engineer going lo india llndei ihe colombo plan loiiame lastn as an engine- was going to help build a ttani ined technical aid hut resented having otheis ideals taught hem donna pendleton acted the part of a ship steward at ihe climax ihe wile received a cable her husband was ill in thc- linspilal in vellore the others ex plained lo hei he would be well taken caie ot there most inieiestinglv ihe guest speaker mrs harry smith ol to- innio hail been one il the origin al people who 25 vearssgo helped lo begin ihe naming 0i indian nurses al vellore the vivacious woman wearing a blue and gold sari has indians siiy al her home in loroiilo and is going back soon pat dennis explained a mural predated bvthit junior groupon ihen sludv into all ihe world logelhei a stiidv ol ecuinenical woi k ol ihe chtueh a map show ed places ihey had studied where christians weie drawn together bv ibeir coiunion lailh the wms has ihe same sludv and ihe alliliation is its completion 1 eader miss fern small intro duced mrs sinilh rulh ann lilholl ibanketl her anil presented t- ininii i ci inn fii sseineii diane angell plaved i wile going i hei with a gill ol monev which fleurybissell stiu the best cutting disc on the market milton milling co tr 89508 annoy sleepers several complaints were receiv ed bv constable ron rllpcit ol ihe aclon opp detachment helou- dawn wednesday morning ol dogs running al large barking and keeping area tchidcnts awake qu investigating he lound seveial dogs iiinning around disturbing wouldbe sleepers tile constable poinled out that a hvlavv aullioi iel bv council prolubils dogs running al large and he uigcs ilog ovvneis lo abide bv the bvlaw in dogs will be im pounded bv ihe dog coiuiol olllc- er wool any cover nment delictcncv pa meiit uill appt onl on pioperh graded ols serine the utmost hv pationimjj he iigaiuaiiim ihit uuule this pttssihlc ship collect to our registered wurclmusc no i uctou onlurio obtain sacks and lume mlhutit cuukc tium archie kerr rr 2 acton ir h wrttint- to canadian coopkkativr wool growers l1mitud 217 uay street toronto cumuli loin hei hushuul who tell it pioper plate was back in the es not aiding loieitiuers su- sart riultoi t was jjoiitj to leach underx the churcn marv befh lunotl wearing a heaulilul givn sari lent bv the yuesl speaker had the part ot a hindu returning to each whu believed indians wel- will yo to her indian i und cgit piesident susan rad- itii cl spoke ot the groups projects mar beth elliott played lor hvnms w m s members served lunch and susan heaid thanked them the plav will he presented agun soon at malum centennial manor look here mothers day gifts explorers project the nipiisj church fixplums held their legular fapedihon tin iridav evening and opened unit hie purpose anil livmn mis dunk led in player the minutes ol the last expedition weie read ti the secretary linda ralston mrs dunk conducted ihe husi- mss ami mernbeis discussed what nhcy would like to make as a jill lor heir motheis toi mdiheiv diy mis i had the hipic inc she told ol some ol ihe woik lite missionaiies did in japan anil how one hu had to wck in yet a bible flvervonc read a little pi av er and repealed the minion verse jsalmum2rcywurkcil on their mothers dav yilts and closed wilh the kxploier piaet ocean steamship tickets cruises now hooking lor spi inj anil suinntei sailings book early f l wright 20 wilbur st n acton ontario piioni m daylight robber steals toor box a ilnrine roboer lllleil n red iihii w cojnliininu equipment valued in j7s from a parked car n ininl nf 1ediiers iga sldlv wetlnesduv nucrnoon while he llriver wa shopping i inward slinlcy ism liinylleld rnad ivpiimxil lu opi con- slable merin huness hi wile had puked ihe cir in inml il llle slnre while shopping and when she returned ihe loul boy xvns missing rrum the ivick seil the actort free press thursday april 20lli ival salary schedule problems reviewed by school board sulirry slliedules und hchuol ittr the lull letni disiiisslnii liilluwed un advice receded liiiiu milicilor thulium van sickler roiardliiu ihe saleol ileum scluxil prnperiles cgit news the knox presbvlerian cgit meelini opened with the purpose mis 1 mctellan led life cgit limitn and a tew sonjis which we ai ninf lo sinn at the mother and daughter umqujl limli parker and gail rosell led ihv worship scivilc the new btism piohlems weie discussed tuesday cacnitir april tl when hoard m em hers ol usquesiny school aiva number one ami principals ol schools were present si he im m rd a lived lo supply irartspoi taiion lor pupifi taking pari in ihe llaltun musical tcsti- al beinj held next week in ac- tort ai iaitieniettls tor transpor tation are be mp handled bv the ai ions pi incipjls a tentative lepmt ilont the piiitljpals indieated lo the hontd seveial new teachers will be hired- cs wis lakeij tip b gail rosell alst we ihen divided into jnuups to liepue out parts lor the mot hei md daughter 3antiiel milton iuyj miiton weekend special crowing girls brown qxfords drown two strap white bucks uymutcaif sic s aas and bs 398 pair thurs fri sit april 20 21 22 for the love of mike color with richard basiuiart mix aufn ti danny iiravo also young jesse james wilh ray strickland mkrry andiirs mon tuci april 24 hunted 5tr angler adult with doris karioii- also fiend without a face adult with marshall thompson wed 25 27 thurs april 26 girl of the night restricted with annf francis and plus selected slmil subject lloyd nolan and cu iimh consult dennys insurance agency for quality insurance dacktd ry yrars or cxpfrihnre immldiatt and personal hlp and advice in time of need for the best call us bill and harold 39 brock st phone 455 our thanks acton branch canadian cancer society would like to thank all who freely donated timet t and ma to make oir trend tea a successful opening lo thti cancer campaign anyone still desiruig to make a donation please contact mr wm mifckay mr hilton euiott b otm j 1 dllk stationery business as usual our former garage at the conner of mill and young street5 has disappeared but we are expanding in order toprovide a complete service for our many patrons bujincsi cdrric jack mccallum service station mclaky easy new m 30 automatrrrange easy with only bun pont walk weve only got 6 lefti rotisserie 229 gordon hardware 22 mill st limited acton in the area ujl jul inj th pro d i wu velcanil- our prclitl and any new cuuonierl lo clr up j r i acton phone 47 shoes do you need any of these playing cards i cribbage boards staples staplers pencil sharpeners ledgers ledger sheets ring binders loose leaf memo sheets for all slies of binders memo books several colors only 98c stamp pads stamp pad inks laundry marking pens lead pencils paper clips bulldog clips rubber bands file folders tang covers ball points 39c to 249 each refills for most ball points sheaffer school pen bargain 98c hardwood picture frames reeves art supplies plastic brief cases black s brown 295 get them from dills stationery and office- supply centre 56 mill sf phone 603 if really takes two to make an attractive couple kr ihl at hi ml or any oihir hmit occasion tij ikoulj anu aurauiv in your wakuroll i- rom caul b and paulliiej ladies your best accessory anytime is a weu dressed man a woman sets a mood for any season be proud of her appearance special for at home 111 v mia s charcoal suit 2495 i suits slacks sport coats sox dress shirts hats sport shirts belts shoes ties sweaters jewelry special for at home imm party dresses 998 dresses handbags gloves it blouses complete selection of sportswear hosiery new spring rainwear kayserroth and shadowline lingerie lulllllhl iii 1 it in i uul n i 11 i jm i kllllllll iikl llllllllil it un vmll in puiul jiiiiiluri lnin i wi iik men ii 1 iii ell iii ill si jl li ll ivllss i nrviul illinium use our easy budget plan phone 76 pauls mens boys wear 17 ml ix st ihoni 40 j pauheue fashion shop ciiumk mill 4i main sts phone si