tr aclcjpr prett thurday april 2fh 1961 mutlc roatlvulhhe next wed nctduy und friday the llhrurv ik culohrullriu lib tary wetkaullh bulnt tin usutil very uki local firemen fxllnuuuheil grass fire ncnr mowlnuy iluee suinrdiiy uflcrnixm hs imvhwlvs minus when the inst snowiiillwjllsaiie i ii tl lias rim thetoursy now tohiiiiiik the annual cluim- her i comiinrcf dinner when the cilien oi i he year will lw seleeled aniither sure tfltin if sprlim hoyi have luviiitsklnu a suaklnn hi munch hlii suckers from the thmil creek several residents have heen busy in their spare lime eleanlnu hie winter tlehris trnm iiioiiiul iheh properly j uiuleryrmiml unsollne slcimue tanks have heen lnstiille1 al the new texaco station and the new hiillcllnu is prouresslpii very rap- idly trout teimon opens april 29 the lilifh school volleyhtill iiaiihitn hus buuim theres a uume between aelon and mllltin scheduled for millofi i his after- mion thinpiiiuy ii lub schoolers are looklnu fiirward to their climci hi tle school iiihlltnriltm tomorrow evenlittf the theme for this years dance is south paclflcr weathers still loo chilly tin niueh siieeesstul mrnelt lhhihu scouts are sllll waltlnu lor an nppnrlunllv lo catch plenty ami hold a llsh try in the scout hull kvery time the sun slarls lo shine the talk ol promised uolt lialnes hecomes ijiore prominent it wont he long until plans lor the aelon open uoll tourney will yet under way the hiuiiesl sjiuuamukcs p ibe season flouted down monday looking as il there hail been a tilant plllowfliibl in the sky one fluke was so bin it mil onlv pin out a hurnlnp cltniixlle bill ruin- ed the rest ot it loo ospmnge miss doris fines receives certificate for leadership plaque of silversdollars gift to mr and mrs duncan moffat add third prize in 80 classes jn fall fair womens divisions the dlrvctnrs of ihe aelon aim rkullural society held thitr sec orict regular meeting onwctlnc- duy april 12 in the ounci chimlhor presidimit nino brnitla presided and secretary mrs c w swackhiimer rvail the minutj es duriny the meeting vommit- lees were reviewed anil revised t the matter of indues tor the ltl j fall fair was discussed and the selection indicates that the usual high slandurd ol iiulgin per- sonnet will be- maintained this year more prlxes- a delegation from the ladies roard was present to request ail- dilional prfrc money lor various classes ol womens work alter carvful consideration the hoard approved the iidilition ol a third prle for 80 classes in the home- craft division silvfrwood the directors o the smieiv pledged their support lo the com fiutnitv centre 1 tivv and invited the campaign chairman lo address the murllng mayor cloy in his remarks poinletl ool the muan- tayes thai ihc new facilities would oiler to the lair houtil in particular and to all rural people in general in reply lo a request i mm ihc hoard for a lnuyienn tease tor the use of the paik and its lacili ties as the siic tor acion l mr- cloy slated- thaisuch a lease would require he passing ol i bylaw bv council me wont on to sav that he would take up the mailer with council at ihe ear lies opportunity the president and r 1 david son were delegated lo meet with the central cimimiitee on satur day morning to dico-s- ihe par that the society would play in ihe campaign mrs clare wilson president her us new institute slate the april inciting ol the sil verwood womens institute met j al the home ot mrs harry j ma re hi ny ton vjth the president j mrs william norton in t he 1 chair the meeiing opened with the institute ode followed bv the i mary stewart collect roll call j was answered wilh payment ol dues letters ot tjianks were read froiv mrs corbet 1 mrs geurjic henderson and mrs d limkav ivt mowers truit and hank bimks jvej to new halnes and siler- xxk1 cbels tor iheir rrcipc liles j xoicti hai ihe group injic like ciilvr swinv lt- skj ivii unti make cenl 01 plun l1 meat tijf a hiiri bu anj mrs j- i alleild ihe cukwlle on vs et- 1 george a inwei lriic ir aus- v manjiir elect officer 7 ti nv i- ower l v f 1- r sv nt ji kk jijr lo itru oe- mrs hjfi mtr ftwncr ol it vt minimiv t ire ju tit ojiwer- in lwl jiui l irist ukj jsepiel p-e- 1fi mn ciare wilson i i- jinhiin mfn cttge hun iom sipiikn mi i hnil- -nr- jr v rtir weavurtr mix har s0c 1- jim vnjricaurct mis cico ru ihslru t ilinvlm mis willijii surlon hiatuli tin is mi m v k c lkh1siv and mis l camprxll pianist mrs i lnusi uidijois mis i mdlei and mfs r r convene s agi uultoie mil canadian unliistnes mrs 0 i indv tind mis kuswll miliei titienship and education mis hans lindauei and mrs 1 car v oi 41 iv 7b i1 1- rs 5tv k hr lrr l krr l1i mi ui v michael hislorical research and current events mrs han marchinglon and mrs dave wil liamson home economics and health mrs d peck and mrs h liiulaucr press reporter and public relations mrs clare wil son courlesv mrs tom apple- aril and mis ben jones llouer tund mrs dae wimianison tweedsiiuiir history mis h marchinglon oid mrs k c liiukix mil call mrs william oron- h was ilcliiled t hold a bulb sale al the ma meeiiug hurtk oic steeii burns sun of mr anil mis clare burns tell on a lence put lint a wire through the bridge o his nose car damage 300 in hornby accident a r tricii h uimi iliiuslill 11i orwi- ri nl aliin ftantll svi 1jhihh- mniuln uhin 11 hliilimt nui iii nt hmiiliv niiilh llilniicr i rpuilil ttvir i iiuhhmnij ull ilu siiilh i iik vikii r 1 111 inlii luil ilul iimii nmiiw l ilul tt iiiiliol imcnd ilu- huh nul filkil owr tiil- dncr w un hurt fleurybissell stiu the best cutting disc on the maiket milton milling co tr 89508 klyhleen members und hix visit oiv utlented ihe annual mecilng or ihe womens institute held u ihe home of mrs win maepher- ron mrs 1 archllmld presided and mrs k sliihhinulon read ihe minutes llnimclal slatemeul njid thank you miles also a idler irom rhe president ol i mrs lymhurner mention was made ol ihe summary day lo he held al oac lof invoked runs this was ol particular interest as several ladies had made runs in a class diirlnu ihe wlnler led bv mrs t pines anil mrsh taylor il was agreed lo order a hroue phuiuelo iw ailixed to the cairn which will ik dedicated al a ic- unlon at the school liiler in june inyruvtul cerllfleulu miss doris fines who had led llirls cluhs lor leu years rcccnilv receivetl recognillon troin hon ciiuullejluw in ihe loiin ol tin cn tuiveilvertlmcaie anil she was ae cordeil a hearty applause mrs c storey reail portions ot inlcrcm tiom the cac hulkim a reporl ol ihe tecent dislrici di- lectors meeling was given h mrs s lidler il was agreed to parlicipale with other lusiiiuics in ihc dis irtel to sell calendars in ljn2 the treasurei annual rcpoi 1 showed a halancc which will in needed lo pay lor the plaque thai is ordered lor ihe cairn nvwortktfvii mrs s lutler presented the auditors report and mis d 1 iui bertson presuled loi he elcciion o olttcetn president mrs archibald lirst vice presiilent miss d iiuc second vice presitl iit mis a- mccrae secretary- treasurer mrs k sliibtiugion assisiaul mis c slorey histrici ili rector and pi ess iv ihjiter mrs d i kolvrlson al ternalc mrs i archibaki branch directors mrs m jackson mis t tines pianist miss p fines assisiaul mfsw wicv audll ors mrs k tax lotanil mrs s fuller program conxener hiaiuli ihr- eclois and conveners ol standing committees lunch committee mrs h theaker mrs ci lruiulx mrs tanslex flimcr m liuil commitiee mrs il theaker mrs k klikislei mrs c siorex card conxener nils m jaekson sateiv conxener mrs v macphersou public relations mrs g jrtiudx bread contest in the home made bread contest mis il theaker received lirst prize with miss d lines at ihc piano the ladies sanii springtime in the rockies the nullojdoni ira xv i in last years rut was ihc subject lor a short paper given by mrs robertson mrs k klooster and mrs k stohhington assisted thc hostess in the serving ol ivtreshnunts home from hospital mr hugh sinclair was able lo return to his home tollow ing a lengthy stax in tiuelph hospital where he received treatment tor diabetes mr l j buck sharon und gary spent a few days xvlthrelutlveu in monlreal and attended the lur buyers market minnie and norman buck s lew days wl enls in ciuetph lew days with their graiulp pent ipar- mr and mrs keith heard wood hamiboii miss joyce watson and live ilea rd wood o lergus were recenl weekend visitors vyith iheir parenls mr and mis vv heard wood third- line miss linda ferguson spent a lew inn wilh her cousin fvelyn henderson al her home in bel- wood mr and mrs ieorge dixon and lore mae ol hiamplon vtsled ie- cenllv with mr and mrs il r howard mrkcnic was a visitor im 1 a lew davs wilh mr and mrs win prank in inclph mis meicer jiekson ol llllls- buigh is now teai hing in ihe jun ior room safely ftonr during the holidavs an emei iltn v liie dooi was inslalled in the juuioi loom this is a salelv tnelmiie as ireommended to ihe liusiee board to overcome crowd trii al the main door in case ol lire mr and mrs il r howard spent snmlax al newmarket wilh mi and mis r a craig linda and steven svmaihv is exleiitletl lo mr ami mrs harold theaker in the churchill rev d engel takes service onuminion serviee was held on suitdav at ihurchill church xvith rev dwight lngel ila ol acton conducting the service mi ami mrs iuiiel winters vt-ritrd- nnsmidnv with- mr and mis winters al woodsioek i allies of ai ton agriculture socictv held a eiiehic at hannov k- hurn school on saturday evening wilh a good altcndaiuv congratulations lo mr and mrs fmerson anderson on the gilt ol miss anne hull ol islington spent the weekend with miss donna ledger congkit illations to clarence denny who won the lucky ticket passing of the formers- mof-hor- mrs a theaker punvrul jtervlct was at actbn wilh interment at uverton cemetery lucky winner thirteen tables ofcards were played friday eveninu- at the school sponsored by ihe womens institutes pries xveru won by mrs roy young muryuivt shiirpli slim mai thews and jack cairns lucwy cup mrs stan mai thews mrs mae yoho ward indian apolis mrs victor bcachin of winger were overnight guests ol d l and mrs roberlkiin while attending a rally at fvcrton sewliib sample jspringe teenagers held their meelinri the school with 10 girls and ihtie leaders mis a mccrae mrs k siiibbingtonand mrs f archibald present the 411 pledge was repented and linda ferguson read ihe sec retarys report plans are beingconsidered for achiivemenl day when either a skit demonstration or exhibit will be given a discussion on grain and bias o material anil stay- slililung i ol lowed a sample o slav stitching hemming gather ing darts zipper reinlprccineiil seams are lo he placed in note hooks home assignment record books and work on skirl and bloilsc r j j on be pi cu it haiu o the ladies ailon agriculture society on sat in day evening oullllnirbec the clunchill wa held a quilt ing at ihe church last week and on monday evening robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists icinncilv l p head phone guelph ta 42071 sb t goorges squar the kingswoy monument works limited js nuinciinc is clmitijv lfttfrinci folip- mlt to acton and district during wllk of may 1st anxone vmshiu insei iptious plu ed on memorials picas- jiiuk t gordon strain mihon tr 86522 rovono chargel corner stones and markers placed immediately granite corner stonot 1600 sot of 4 plus lviihli selling chiijv imhi niw years rlsolulion an like hahiis tivilip in church tu he liciutl hoth must ix carried out iininetlialely for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 330 on saturday evening april is a large number of relntlvcn und irfcndii stuttered al tbe home ol mr and mr duncan mortal 6111- line nambfaweyu to homy them on the occaalon or their 2sth wedding unnlvemury mm mof- fol nee fretle darby in dtiught- er r the late mr and mm chun darby and the late mr and mm james moffat were dtincunh par ent all of nbkungaweyn i f gen vanier presents 4orth area award to miss avison- piiewlnnlnu milhors were presented wilh their literary awards by governorgeneral van- ler in ottawa monday evening arming them was poetess miss margaret avison of toronto who lived in acton when her father hi ii w avison was minister ol aelon united church dr and mis avison now live in gall cjen vanier presented ihc win ners ol ihe governortenerals awards with specially bound auto graphed copies of their works in ihe gillandcrlmuon inncrhall al government house they received jl000 prizes irom the canada council later at a banquet miss avisons book of piriry was ciilled winter sun oilier winner- were anne herbert brian moore paid toupin und prolessor frank underbill a very pleumunt tinie was spent renewing old acquaintances and during the evening music toi dancing wns provided bv mis wihium liuly and alex near many beautiful gifts ol flowers china and cryslal as well as alum inum chiomc and silver were re ceived bv tills popular couple they were given a plaque made entirely ul silver dollais wltii h was very unusual and ihe -neigh- bors presented them will a in lump und ituweis- a delicious luiull was seived from u lace coveted table i ruler ed wilh a lovely llnve licicd i er decorated wedding cake ilmk ed by 1 ill i tapers by tin- datight- ers of the home jean muv and norma assisted hv seveid aunts cousins and neighbors more snow on moiativ inut everyone- wotlder just when win lei would give up engagement mr and mrs roger murray acton wish lo announce ihe en gagement ol ihrlfuidesi daughter al home i dull matilda to wil liam ialwurd ted youngest sun ol mr and mis diaries allen ailon wedding to take place lildav april 2hul 7 pnl al the bulled hlllth acton fill lludl lie rtli-ili- ol iii wollii to was tin nlisli i i i i in 2t ilu- us swim the fleurybissell still the best cutting disc on the market milton milling co tr 89508 v group insurance salesmen kill jiaiion otnl y ii vou him a proieti lei on i in fikilip salt s and want tin chiinii lo niove alieid listet in ilu- maiiaeeni- nl nil e uant lo heai lioiii son mallon cimpn alive medud s-ivhe- is a sin ill lompniv uittl a hiir inline we want salesmen who an- willuiy lo wotk haul i prou uilli us send a in il minimnv tu iiox 677 canaiirw cita1lio miito ost illld lie pffpaiid to mltrlanlale voili ales leinid t tin- hrm jlllei view j superior isffu5irefinshers exquisite furniture refinishing rtnd general furniture repairs all work guaranteed phone ta 25993 10 lawrence avenue guelph ont second showing african safari films by alf long on african wildlife during his hunting trip acton united church monday april 24th ml sponiorrrd by junior nd senior choirs tickets now on sale amktfsoe f fust showing sold out stuoents 2sc be looro safe jt lake ihanci wim viki my yum liter vull i loo viluilili a c ir thai let it go it of bllh larl on rife 11 id liif f i tet um iliiniti hi ih- ot lolov r tile- only i i lne iki mejlii linyer i i lire iai cn youi iri-el- felinii sitc tint iiiiv you owe tu your liljjinjr irltf your pocket kl ml mill r m car ii s lll a kkaiiv hard wikthr ii- vol iiwlm iiaii voiir spttlnli chasgiovir dovt doav aw iongir phone 51 am letts tail for voiir car slirvice it and retlrs it we hav inualled an alemiti electronic wheel bjllancer lor dapandaktl laurwing sarvie frank toth motors 13 olwhh st acton phone s3 rx tablerite 10oz pkg of s 9c wieners i burnt mild curad lean peameal sliced back bacon 39c 6 oz vac pack no watte meaty pork lb tenderloin 99c ditcoun value save 13c puritan meat balls 15 tin l rj diicounl value svc 10c strawberry aylmerjam ur ditceunt value save 8c iga salad dressing jar 29c 39c 51c frozen food department sunkist lemonade 6 59c dairy department iga mild coloured cheese cuts v 39 extra 36 in bonus tapes receive 600 bonut tap wilh each of the allowing llf orangeapricot drink 4 clutlcc aylmer tomatoes 2 tn mir lluulil detergent ss lluitiply dumniy potato chips v kmfl lanarlun cheese slices 11 hi pku with free 200 in bonus tapes iv veal beef or poi polar king choplets canada no i pei potatoes 8 u pkii 10 lb ba new crop california juicy valenciat no 1 sunkist oranges 59 49 size 113 c dl no 1 grau californi cabbage nol oracle critp tender lettuce site 24t 2 for 29c siia34tl 2 for 29c v