Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1961, p. 10

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ijlhqram here soon f hahon medical officer of health outlines our mental health needs establishment of a county- wide mental health program will be undertaken soon by the hal- ton county health unit follow ing the recent announcements of grant toward a halton mental health clinic i and the federal health dcpart- hallon is presently advertising in two canadian profession journals for the scrujeet of a psy chlatrlst to direct the program and other staff will be employed i later df a f bull director and medical officer of health tor halton county has prepared the following information id outline what menial hcullh services the county has had in the past plus a description of what will be provided in the future mental health services by dr a p bull during the part few years oui county has been served by mental health clinic this is dlr ected by dr roy brilllngcr and serves several other geographical areas as well as halton county dr brllllnger with his psychal agist and social worker visits halton county two days each month patients with less severe mental illness are seen in this clinic many of the patients arc children with emotional and be havior problems this clinic has served us well in spite of the small amount of time which dr brilllhgar has been able to give us our needs tor mental health services have been increasing for a number of years our present population is iii 800 of which only 10 per cent is truly rural the increasing urbanization hjfs brought increased mental health problems those patients with serious mental illness are being adequately cared for in the ont arte hospitals in hamilton new toronto and our mental defective patient- arc being adequately cared for in the ontario hospital school at orllllo local schools for retard ed children are accomplishing great deal also the stuff of all the ontario hospitals have been demonstrating a very keen inter est in the community but it is of course impossible for them to do as much work in the commun ity as they would prefer served by hospitals haltpn county is now well pro vided with general hospitals the oakvilletrafalgar memorial hot pital has been in operation for u good number of years the mil tan hospital bus been serving the milton and district area for several months the josejih brant memorial hospital bur lington is now in operation and georgetown hospital will be at ccpting patients within a few girl guide news intended for lust week before the meeting opened the press took pictures of the guides who were enrolled and the brown ies who became guides during this evenings ceremony the guides had their regular opening and then formed a horseshoe at the hack of the hall for the brow nic flyup following the ceremony the girl guides were given detailed in formation concerning the cookie day which is tb be on april 29 this year then everyone nnt down und were served coffee and cook ies or ice cream by those who were trying for their hostess badge we were very happy to see so many or the mothers turn out for the ceremony the meeting closed with taps and softly fall live light of day months it is quite evident hull we have adequate general hospll al facilities in halton coontv our population ik being well served in this field it is most necessary at the present lime to set up u mental health program that will pro mote good men nil health in our community prevent mental ill ness from occurring and prevent the less serious mental illnesses from becoming more serious this can be done to the best id vantage by someone working in the community itself it is nee essury 16 give assistance on a high professional level to those people responsible lor the train ing and development ol the vounger members or our com m unity in the home in the school and in the church these are the basic areas for attacking the problem but there are manv other community resouices winch could fee marshalled bv leaders with jirofcssiunal train ing in the psyehtitne psychol ogieal and social fields help one another much could be accomplished by woiuing closely with piietic ing physicians public hutllh nurses and registered nuises the oflicial agencies the limits and the various welfare scmecs could be given great assistance by and could render great a simancc to a menial health pio gram voluntary health agencies and service clubs hive a keen interest in the health status oi the community there is 1 piul also for working closely with industrial health sliicls and the recreational t colttnal groups it would be ncccss irv to maintain a close coopeiilioii with all ol these the greatest cniphisis will he placed on prevention hut it will be ncccss irv to icct pt lespons ibility for some phases ol treat ment eiqrnysxlh year no 44 1kt trtn jfrtt fyttsz acton ontario thursday april ifrth 1961 second section old new county crests pose problem- of origin ax business as usual our former garage at the corner of mill and young streets has disappeared but we are expanding in owii to novioi a commuti ukvici km out many patrons intheaua our new premises will be opening early in may business carries on as usual during this program and wo welcome our present and any now customers to drop in jack mccallum service station im mill st e acton phone 47 yf mystery crcit new creat halton county is using a new seal md crest these days even though it is really older than the county the stiangl case came to light last year when county clcik g irheld bown noticed thai the crest the county was using wiimi i the same crest used on the first county by luw this lirsl bv law was passed by the provisional council that preceded halton s hnt county council hack in 1854 on searching the records he eoulcln t ascertain usl when or why the crest was changed and nobody else can recall a reason eilhei so with councils per jnission cngiavirtgs and seals ol the original crest were made and have been in use for a lew months describe crest the crest features a shield divided into four sections and c ich ol the sections contains an emblem leliting il is be lieved to a separate township in the top lelt comer is an ag neultuial huiruw represent ing nassapawcya down in the lower right eoinor is a sailing sehoonei which probably rcp- lesents the chisholm family winch hist settled in trafalgar town ship the othertwo sym bols arc still a mystery but it is believed the walking plow in the lower left earner standi for nelson townships agricul tare and the hog in the upper right corner must represent usqucsing townships livestock farming one strange note the hog has a rng through its bick there seems to be no ex pi an a hon oak fettaf cluster around the shield is an oak leaf cluster probably reprcsen ting the white oaks for which the southern portion of the county is known above the crest stands a sheaf of wheat probably representing the agn cultural aspects of ha i tons early days the words corpor ation or the county of halloa arc jtrurt around the shield the mysterious crest which somehow crept into the picture sometime in the intervening years featured some different smnbols however it carried the absque lahore nihil motto different symbola in the upper left corner is a maple lear upper right has a shear of wheal lower left has the walking plow and lower right has a large oak tree above the shield is an animal that looks like a lion earning a broken spear its ongin and meaning arc still a mystery at the lndofl3ofliopies of the new c crest were pre enled to past county council lois and these arc now being woin on navy blue blazers by many of the councillors eden crest institute elects slate under mrs w dunbar the anmi il meeting or the ed en ciest women s institute was held it the home ol mrs l sine uk with 14 members in at u ml nice mis r mai 1 in com muni tv club representative repotted thai the institute was not being askeel lot i don ihon foi the mav 24 eclehtations instead zzi door to dooi eolleehon wuuld be made to deli iv expenses graduation pin giaduation pins aic to be pre sented to the grade eight fctud mis ol institute members and to hose pupils who would normal l illiiul ss no ii lramosi mil s s no s this is i joint pioii of the 1 tleii mills instil lite uid ltlell ciesl i icct officer mis hiiden acted is eliui in in lot mil lie lion ol officlis who in is follows president mis la dunh u lirst uccprcs uli nl ml s e wood house mi ond ni president mis d injje seeietllv mis g ihljc dlslllel ellleeloi mis l 13 helen assist ant seeiclar mrs l schulte branch directois mrs c mac dougall mrs w maude mrs l pcrr conveners home economics and health mrs c ahram mrs e wood house histoneal re sc ueh and cut rent events mrs schulte mrs g ingle citien ship and education mrs e per rv mrs r martin agriculture and canadian industries mrs g mae dougall mrs j chamber lam resolutions mrs c abram public relations mrs ii mac phcrson auditors mrs t bnuld mrs j ch imhcilun cnnadnn assiki ition ol consumes mis i woodhotisc courtes mis n r m irshall press reporter mrs n r marshall eard convener mrs n r marshall after ttie ins illation ceremonv iiiiilii was served bv mrs i sehulle mis l perrv and mis ron martin hutrr piutto 31 children and three adults were confirmed saturday evening av st josephs catholic church when the most reverend m a harrtrtgton d d bishop of kamloops and mojisoigneur the right reverend f j mchugh of hamilton were present pictured above at tho conclusion of the service left to nqht are michael vale jim coney michael jeffrey bishop harrington mon- seigneur mchugh anne mcmillan donna cislak and jackie bullough bishop of kamloops confers sacrament on 34 at st josephs church saturday it isn t how high hie th it counts but eol ihele on po in how vou tmi wffirhmtt glasjiined inner tank automatic water temperature contrail attractive dark blue outer casing free service maintenance installation uatiiing can equal natural whs stfil heating numb mis i xecllcnev the most rev m a mimiilton do bishop ol k nn loops bc icprcscntnil mis rxccllcnev the most rev j v ryan bishop ol h million eon el rxtl the sae l anient ol con i innat ion on m oune plople and three lelolls it si josephs chuieh on situieliv evcnuic tin iiliiiiuii mil i it itililnl eeleinonv ilti e leel in o l i how eoilli 1 1 ion lu see tile io s uovwietl ill sviilel eissoeks with e losses mil he lii is in white sllipllises with si ilk i e tps le eeic the living on ol hands 1 he s u r mie n i in i mension ot the tongues nl lire al the lust pentecost imp tils the seven jjlls ol the holy ghost t in ikes strong and perfect chnstians uard or llnnnr a luaid ol honor eonioscd ol memhcis of the holy nana sue lely ot the palish vs is diawn up ijjnm the reelory to the chuieh elltl nice wheic the bishops pio cissjon he itlcil by acolvlcs wis met by the p isioi i ilhei v j morgan the senioi ehoti intoned tlll liadltlolml ejeeliril given lo i bishop the i eee sueitlns m ilfills uul the pioecssion moveel to the dln ix eked with teel hid whlti h iiigmgs mil llnwets ol led mil while the ill u pi i seiitc d i sple mild b le keliop lot the epis eop il throne of the bishop his ixeelleiuv vv is enthroned and introduced in i he pastoi who spoke of the bishops vast cliocetu industrial fire prevention aid sought by halton bureau if industrial ind commeiuil repiesenl lives will melle ite i slilllelelil lllleusl i sxeiil 111 eluslnd file pieveiitmii eominil lee will soon he oiluned hv the lalloii coiiitt mutiul aiel i lie pieve niion hun tu meeting 1 mill li iieetlllv metllhel il i lie inik itl liiemd the impoi t till mile ol uultistil il nd eouinie u t l establish me nt eoituiilltees 4 it t tub pioups junior i ii mers homni s instil ules md il1 leulliu d i ill bonds 1 he eoniltlltlee has i ike h eo oieel slides ol llie h f u d n m inv of dlon s films md pi iniiuil to shove the shdi s nil deinonsii lie i vlineuislu i s lid lite eiuipitkiil it i 4 11 e lnh ikitllll in june wcekh sp ho annoulleemlnt uul h in the noiih wist itrntnrics i mm i i nn i imilv his i xcel leiiev his tour brothers priests ol the chuieh and two siitcis in in halton coiiniv uul de tided i llu nl pubheilv llnoivh lllil sim the hlfll issessm wail inkd speetil hie puvenlion hi live nie ills oui ib nil m involvts simiif ih buildnif it nn hie s ml i b nt in m 1 clu i nneton ol 1 i it ile u but we must ik i pi it k 1 the i b ind p ixelle e ks of i be elllpl vee 7 be t nip t leel i i t i w il el l nil i stilioiis ind ijewspipil dso lhinj jl limed hit lniid n prodiued wele l lis l 4 him l leltel ill mdustimfs le pit si nt iii e to mi till if en mlii he lllte ntv commute will b eompi i i n tin iiulu ti i mi lei i ilt i f iti hi i lis ft ii ii lltoll s e i 111 ide s 1 he t nil hie ih iv e edthi tut i hi hi btvu- i 1 pi i ii e hi i i 1 it1 life i i i lilt ii till r hi in hitif the inn h vh i i i i uh it d e in 1 it it ht llie hi i r mill lee uuiofiiu lu dt- ab ut m kh home e bee k slue ts h ive ih hv the hill e tu md tl il hide el out lu int inbe t s i it itmilion tbioii h nl ht s mie imtoie ip 1 1 1 1 h ive t i t nil ml i he ehee k iih i i iilk lluis s i m tubuiiin eosls t i tin ixiie ti tfalf ii s ilt k cottne pl ilium to iik hull i in pi i hi in us pi r t nn i 111 vt w is u uni d md c hu i i ii umiiii nl ti d d ir w i vid i ills liss nuitiul e t ojr i ition will lb it n puhie tr tire in h i ii m hu h ir ir tl n ip i ji e nit b is been suj e te i in pubh bwtl rude nl i i ih b lit u i ri uneu ill with i ie il f ill 352 fay wi hating co lelliotis ordeis questioned candidate bishop hat million questioned the emdiditis mi their know letlla ot tle c itholle i elision ex pi iiuiiil ii ions points ol doe lillle md eomp limn thetn to in w blooel m tbt tiiutrh he w is iw ite of hi thllietlltles in volved m pit piling foi the sae i tine nt ulil he olfeied uojin of cjine1 itul il kin lo i he pastor p it t nl s md liaeheis who helped ill ike it possible ills i xee lit my emph isircd th it the sieianiciit ol conlinn utmii mndr the voimn people m iluti md lullv rnivvn c ilh- ohes they must live up to their i n l ii uul si t m t xample willi sponwim in the kind eoulemni ol the s it r inn nt r ie h mdtdatt pn- eetded smelv to the ill il wluic with his spnnsoi s iikht hand oil his shoiildt i hi shop ii ii t injiton invoked the sewn eil ts of the llolv fhost wisdom undei stand me e unset foitilllde know l ihili pit tv tnd inr of the i oid i in i bon sine llie hymn come lhlv chosi hint helioii of the hu std si i tint nl itilniwi 1 ih confirm 1 1 1 ion 1 1 it int nn s md lis mel i k ne vs is issisied b llu viitm e it i h m llu be in dn t ii mi i his i ailliiii md ihi p istnr wtu in llu t hote b ii ill illt t the et i iii inn s t met i the m wlv i milt mi d md p illshioneis ol the p u 1 b j t cmflrtncd mi jse e mil ii m i rn tcr ii e sin lln j mifs cooncy s h 1 1 kt ii it ii v in nl dunn s in ui 1 ii oiv orhlrlf h rim i h nn it hi uni th m it colp mhiihi mlnv mih i v d kjh ii s hnu il rt t i m i i mi h im on w i ndt fiix it m hf ii i ii im j i k i hull ii ii vi hllwi lie ht f ml ibi e in i m ili no fb i ulil hi n i i ah in ann -alrmdhn- jrrminr m ntnirnr v im ii sminoit c lib it in fft v ii bi k jim in i td htmii hnl mi htilh j mi i hi id i hon n i i i i a hid hi mi i tin in tl ni lu irv is u ii i lb h ii n v hi bop i if n i m h n in i lb pi loi un i m iw i nt ih ri h i j me 1 hu h t ii null n i hi i john i miii in p isi i f lh turn h of hut i idv ru iph i hht r pat i llek h ttl ndlsl i p i f ir of s ie i ltd he itl hint h in iph md i nhir r iln it m i liou df sj il i n mm ii tulpb j roberl bornhold i group speaker pcvaide home and i tu in in tm spi 21126 inc gas pipe reg ptice 290 lequired cxir buyiow and save th s offer good unt i may 30ih 1961 white l cordjngley heating and ajtonoitloning georgetown tr 241 1u 74u9 chool ai on april 2 i prd etlh d r ie i ik quri n tt rtimiht t b hi meeting 1 t rt td in i i lor i i the frrj i ur r upoi j nn b mt i i r i u d i i- i ii i it t ieh p- 1 him tu i irln h v ot hikin tof i he ah on i ildj april i clinlciieh prmvtpil of the stliool v ipt ot die pn- ictds from lalcni nigjn jui specr for the even n ws rot i i rt bornhold hi ubject vist the school endejvor to rducjt vonr ehdd v elliot fhnked mr bornhold tor ht tnlighitning ulk the lunch uu served by ban- nockburn and blue mounuin uhool urction ladic and a socul half liour wak pcnt

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