Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1961, p. 12

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tie acton boy stouts by bruce wllluimon recently received a comp lalnl regarding oo many fund i raising campaign by the stouts policy organization and rules which in the book of regular lorn thol till ncouti must abide by in quite clear on its financial policy and ii la my intention to endure that the troop obiicrvv these regulations al air- tme it ik permlsulblclvlih the ntv firovul of the district or provlnc- ul headquurtcrk for scouts to- hell certain hems to the public as n tnothod or raising ihclr own funds troop funds and thus not be dependent on the group committee who mom sponsor an annual fund raising campaign for such hems as meeting hall tents ollund hydro bills etc indapuhdeut funds this system of selling articles to raise their independent troop funds i fully approve of and encourage however before i will obtain headquarters per- mission to sell an article i ensure that the sale of said item will give value for the money and docs not interfere with the right ful trade of local trades people general fund raising campaigns are run by the group committee and not the troop the address labels that the troop have been selling in the past couple of weeks full within the above category it is nol-a- fund raising campaign organised by the group committee us due to the fine support given their murder the mortgage cam paign the group committee does riot anticipate uny requirement for additional funds for the n mainder of this year run by scouts the address labels is a project run entirely by the boys in the troop in strict accord with pol icy organization and rules for the purpose of individual train ing all proceeds will go to troop funds and be used to purchase such items as badges weekend camps etc and thereby gives the boys a feeling of independence f do not want anyone fo feel obligated to purchase ihesc lab els as they arc being sold as a service and a means of training and not as a fund rulsing cam paign although all proceeds will lio into troop funds troop news panther patrol under the lead ershlp of pl john wood irf- vaded the wilds of blue springs foru wet but enfoynble weekend patrol camp pl roger ladouccur and his patrol are having qujlc rf prob lem trying to get the flag pole erected in tront of the cabin at blue springs however he slates that with any luck it will be completed soop it is expected that our sum mer camp will be held in the sand dunes at grand bend where there is lots of good fish- init and swimming the dale has not been set yet but will be de cided within die next two or three weeks w if there is any parent who feels- they might encounter a problem in sending their son lo this camp please get in touch wilh me as ihere is no problem we cnnnol overcome cither fin ancial or olherwise we expect the cost of this camp to be 113 tor i he iwo weeks and if you have iwo hoys in the troop vou will only pav half tor the second one 11950 tor iwo in no case will ihc cos exceed this figure even il you have three sons to send congratulations arc exlcnded lo bob walson on his promotion lo second this is the first step up i he ladder anil even though he haled lo leave what he con sidered the best patrol i know he is made of ihc correct slurp lo make his new palrol just as good as he one he left notes on mature by wes fountain coming of spring by the time ihc firsl wild blue violets come into bloom in marshes and damp ficlds the forward push of spring is in full stride all day the air is busy wilh ihc voices of birds newly returned from the south almost hourly the shadows deepen un der the trees as the young leaves broaden in the warm sunlight few of our native wild violets are noticeably fragrant yet they hold close to the top among springs favorite flowers there arc literally dozens of species ol them and an even greater num ber of subspeciev often j he violets growin colonies so large that ihc ground is tinged wilh blue for many vurds too lovely to believe even a quick glance is enough to tell that this sight is almost loo lovely to believe bui their full beauty strikes one only when one has knelt down to see the symmetry of the individual bios som thu delicacy of their and the incredihle details freshness of rhc young massed leaves which form their background il is past midspring before the first ol the columbines poise their dainty fivespurred blos soms al the tips ol slender stalks for u fortnight the hudm have hung there waiting while the stems grew taller even in their lealv stages one can see the lorm of ihe flowerstobe their spurs and petals were pressed so closely together that they looked more like delicately carved wooden pendants cnormous variety there is enormous variety in the blossoms u these lnorites ip some species ihe spurs mv arc hurdly later season is the while clover it thrives in all sorts or sunm well drained places while clover is ihe original source or the delic ious clover honey which bees prepare irotn the nectar ihev sip lorn ihe heart of each of the many clustered flowers perhaps while clovers second claim ihe this sundays church calendar to fame is its ability in produce those fourleaf clove photo by mrs p wright antique steam engine has been renovated and runs the gilborlson saw mills at eden mills will gilbertson is on top of ihe engine and andrew laing stands in front the joint owners spent their spare time last winter repairing ihc old- timer kingdom hall tradein store in former country schools jehovahs witnesses are hold ing two services a week in their new church the former lome school north of acton on the second line of esquesjng town ship sale or the school for 3500 was finalicd in january by e queuing school area board no 1 some decorating has been done and pie conjugation hopes to improve the huilding even more there are 36 active members as well as other associate members presiding minister is len sch neider ol rockwood the school is now called king dom hall the members meet twice weekly on thursdays and sundays the stone school on no 7 high way and the 22nd sideroad has been bought irom the board by jamcs goodli who operates i hardware store in georgetown he plans to expand business in the concerted school selling sec ond hand boats lawn mowers used frigs and stoves etc the school is located on an acre right on the highway dublin school was bought bv john black and was made into a residence durfertn school was bought bv the hon john varemko provinc ial secretary of the ontario gwv- ernment the schools were offered for sale bv the hoard alter thev were closed this tall the children now attend new consolidated schools ummfoow mqtfieys missionary task athorrie cited by mrs nutrna intended for last week the thankofrerlng meeting ol ihe prcsbvicrian wms was held al ihe home ol mrs kirk patrick wilh mrs nutrna ol ac jl here should be a time tii open ton as guest speaker mrs nulma gave a splendid talk entitled the missionary task nt the mother in ihe fam ily she siid parenthood is 1 1 antique engine runs saw mill an antique sieam engine is now tunning ihe gilbertson saw mills al eden mills and its shiill whistle can be hcavd lor miles andrew laing opmollal and will gilbertson ol edep mills are both interested in old machinery thev spoiled the oldtimer pur chased il and look ils renovation on lor a winter huhbv il needed plent ol rcairs ant the men vure busy in much ol i heir spare time a lew inlcrcmed neighbors helped them as well rinilly thev col ihe sieam up and il wis hruuuhl to eden mills to go hack lo woik il ihe mill group insurance salesmen for halton county if you have a proven record in group sales and want the chance in move ahead taster in the management end we want tnheartrom vou million cooperative medical sen ices is a small company with a big l u 1 tin we want salesmen who arc wiling to work hard to grow with us send a hriel summary u box 677 canadian champion milton ont and be prepared to substantiate your sales record at the first interview the church of st alban the martyr anrmcan rector the nph b rlokrocr lth stb 1b5 jeffrey st phono 2fi sunday april 3nth the fourth sunday nftti ft 30 am holy eiifhtnst 030 i m holv eucharist church school ii 00 amtur iltanv midweek cebebbation moniiv 1 miy liwil fiasi of philip a s- m and st jamc a m 10 am holy euchai ah art- welcome- 1001 easter baptist church acton pntfor james m timid 30 ninn omit phone 2tw sunday apnii 30th lflfil it 00 am morninr workup tn- nis jisiis ami thom as 700 rm evening worship the rticn jesus and peter 0 4i am sunday school mnndnv 7 no baptist higb frl- nvjup ui dru-sdi- 4 p ni 7 30 p m pi bible study m mhsimi bant ayi ii meeting an blessing nt well n a rcsnonilbll ity and mother holds the fore most place home is mw onlv a place to eat and sleep but where frhi bible and lo open he eves 10 the spirilttal aspect of life slv slated that all we have and ih belongs to christ she cpdetl with a veise take my life and let it be consecrated lord lo thee mrs s cam sang solos- eobipanicd by mrs roughley who also plaved a piatlo solo as dul mis o mulder mrs bert benton obliged wth nictniliun numbers mrs a benton introduced the speaker and mrs sanlord look cue ol courtesies scripture passages were read bv mrs sanlord and mrs h nor ton mrs a benton and mtcs paltcison led in prayer mrs mitchell was in the chair and closed with prayer 19 attended the hostess and several others served lunch at the close congratulations lo mr and mrs john bvcrs on the safe ar rival ol a haby git i in guelph hospital we i eg re i that paul turner is a patient in ciuelph hospital wttli a second bout of pneumonia having been out onlv a lew days we wish him a speedy recovciy we extend swnpalhv to mis roughley in ihe passing ol her mother mis brigham at milton gad about continued from editorial pago centre it is quite a switch in this da and generation and- 1 think a vcia commendable one i will have to continue for an other week 4jr so uiih mv thoughts on the acton arena in the meantime i wish it all suc- united church of canada arttm ontario rm dwiktit engel b a minister mr george elliott organist and choir master sunday april 10th lofil 0 30 am earlv service d30 a msenior sunday school trade 4 and up 1100 am morninr worship 1100 a m junior sunday school up to grade 3 with nursery st endiv 0 30 exploiers fi 00 jun ior choir all are welcome christian reformed church rev j nutrna b a bd mnimer 301 queen si box 40 phone fiw sunday april 30th 1001 10 00 a m english 2 30 p m dutch the church of the back to god hour presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew ii mekenzie b a b d minister mr e a htntrnba organist and choir master sunday april 30th ip0i 0 4i am chinch school 10 00 a m jminmeis bible class 11 00 am morning worship sermon subject the spirits in primin junior congregation ages 3 7 meets during sermon acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchill road p aoc rev kenneth j reid pastor -75conk-sr- phone 140w sunday april30th 10gl 1000 a m sunday school j 100 am mot nine worship 7 00 pin evangelistic tuesdiv 0 p m praver and bible study thursdiv fl pm christ ambassa dors fndrrv 0 30 pm pentecostal cru- saders you are always welcome no stubbv that they more than little hooks five little capsules ot glittering black seeds when the blossoms have gone and the mound ot scalloped hluishgiccn leaves be low the flowering stalks take over the show until autumn comes along another well loved flowering plant of the spriugintosummci maltby i ki i ll t vohiytrockwoqd sfehyrariett ocean steamship tickets cruises now hooking lor spring inil siimnilt siihiis book early f l wright 20 wilbur si n acton ontario phone 9s th atton hw p thuridey april 37n 141 icntt ro tmc hmtou commends of church meeting i kkwuul ont etlllor aclon fitt rrej aclnn onl dtfiii- sir il is williiiivnt ploasinvjllull i like ihls iippmlimilv lo thank vou anil your newnpapcr for i ho u licit on jchovuhs vviltuscs al- limlinn ilicjr mmljjtnual confi-r- ence in hi iill april 7 lo 9 i9ai- wo xonlinmimv roail of uhal k happonlng in ihe nominal chiiirhis inn i i1y seldom do wo read alwmt ihe aeliillv or jeho vahs witnesses it is elating fo vf ihill ihe aetoti tree piess in txorcisinu ils riyht ol freedom dues ineludo jehovahs witnesses in ils news ihatis of intetest to its mailers now thai the aclon connrena- lion or jehovahs witnesses has purehased the fonder lome sehool i am itmikinj lonvard to leading more- ol their activity in ihe community an liitcivbleil rentier william m ralemm hoekwiiod wool any government dcilelcncy pay ment will apply only on properly jiraded wools secure ihe tilmott hv pplninl7lnj the uruanbation iliac made this possible 8hic colucttto our hcklntertd warclioiuie no i wealim oulurlo obtain saclci and txvlnfc wllhoui cliaruo jiotti- archie kerr rr 3 atlon or bv writ in lo canadian coopeiiative wool chowcrs limited 217 buy street toronto canada for that smart look in glasses look to e l buchnmr optometrist contact lsntei filled hejring aids eyet emmlnad 48 mill st e acton ont wednesday only office hours 2 lo 6 pm for appointment phone 115 acton if no answer plione waterloo collect sh 28867 superiorioinuifrefinishers exquisite furniture refinishing and general furniture repairs all work guaranteed phone ta 25993 10 lawrence avenue guelph ont actons best fo c appreciation week in appreciation of the wonderful cooperation from the people of acton and vicinity we offer the following spec rat s appreciation special for garden beauty no 1 rose bushes reg 149 109 this week only c larks 30 oz tin tomato juice 10c solar 20 oz tin sliced pineapple 21c vel liquid detergent 39 12 oz c lynn valley 15 oz tins cut wax be 2 for premium fancy size tin sockeye salmon 53 old nippy cheese maple leaf week lean pork chops 59 country style spare ribs 55 jubilee brand bulk sausage 41 wieners 59 i pickled pork 53 country club florida oranges 200 size 39- white or pink grapefruit 10539e 2 bunches green onions 17 king size canadian imbers 2525c- bananas tvik24rri alfcui- j n

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