Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1961, p. 2

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tftt asaw fm w tlmwdty my 4m thl auiv mima acton amna has nw look tine tow workman demolished the front section which housed ticket office dressing roomi end toilets the demolition program wet necessary following e re port from health crhielthrthat washroom facili les were inadequate lumber saved from the demolished taction wai utad to board in the enisling ice surface area the proiect was done under the winter works program tassxi nra- icirirw h v3jlni urv questions am answers cammimrn igj eljkf c artm arena sound engineer says acton distxkt ol fhm aboul cjutlai on the urtltlaul ice purfece a in georgetown u uorlliiy elllli iiptiulad vorv kuumnlillly lot linn or flu yewrn in the iirvnil lluiv hvlore bllllillnu tliolr nun mi una link a upurult iiiillnu link wus imltl whim tttniiiiri nuinlmmlilp wiii imured ainu in kiln the nirllnu ilnb iiiii hie litimmmltv iironu oi mow do other nlsms sotne eveifutmller than acton finance erenim a tlitv do it liul un vie mv hi io h it iitmhlncil liinumm ul ilfml iihiiuuuiuw miliill con lilluillolk pmiwk miuli mciu i linn imv one imui all i 0 how lull hhulhle to hold a variety uf activities hi the uwiia on one day a wf mi no limun lit tlu nuu ill ilu oh im in to piihliin in im all tlu sc 01 ilvlilis a lieu shcit ol in liiii lu miuli in ills limn nfi hum with tiilllklil lie cqulpmlitt 0 i belong to several clubs al each club will i be asked in nuke a pledge for a club ubjec live and then will i be asked lo give a pledge al home as well a tin main uhjittivr is to nil so tlu liinds lot the common iv conn i in a voluntary public suhsliiptloii throuuh nirson il ipltducs at mils limi orunuia lions nu nol bclnu sputriuilk i iiquislid to mukt ihih pludtfts j llouixir il alter the lanxuss sitthciinl funds are not ixalinl ihrouijh personal pleiiumu lo still talking eaii ui the ditcutsjuns or ihe canmunit centre project u uai decided u would he neces sap to hje competent cnciivxr- mc eiudies undertaken on the present arena building ii ua jelt ihcrc would be no u in mailing ioc and adding to the kim bl trig if the present mruciure vxt not in pood condition the entincfcnng firm of r ander irfj t u y8 and mr lcdgvr xven lo con there arc peakingdatcs again all week for representatives of the com muni t centre torn mil tee whose aim i to explain thi upcoming housetohouse canvass and the entire project saturdav jim ledger uas at a fialhnafad euchre mondav g w mexeniie and ham ottcrbein met with rotlwood firemen mrs bill buchinan and ale johnson urre at daughters of knot tut 225 letters on way asking drive support so lar over 22 leiurs have iwn mailed to former residents lonlaming information and a toldei about the communiu centre procet tlu re invited lo send ancontnbuiions to the lommittee treasurer lorni n uungblut n suggestions for nanus of ourof towners who uotild be da g mckenzie wis at a interested mav be sent to the meeting at stan matiheu huml uednesdn afternoon johnm go mkd their report indicates that the present building is nou uructuralh sound the com as band prattle thm- and mr ledger hid with high sthoo tiii pleie repon nxenvd itadt ouowv ftpost ok structvral abe qiao of sivatlkc arena koof tmises town of actov uav i 191 i suc incpetkloa the utating arena of ihe toun of acion was examined b the ma is writer d d dunbar ucac tctruciursl p eng of r v an ieruon and auocuic limited and fabricated coitiajjiing engm rr on tueit- burn limited da marvh zf med the general compound fan condition ofibe fctruciurr which span of 89 v coaurucicd in the summer of 20 0 of 1929 appeared sound and ah sis was there was ljitlc evidence of cor ipes of ixuoun or other ngn of deter toraltun of ihc roof trust mem beri or supporting columns wo attempt was made to ines tifjir ihcfoundatiuns of the buiiding but there wre no is shie si5ms of settlement and rhe faunnjikmit can wfcjv be as surqrd lo he sound 2 stress aulytta the ten iruciural stctl trusses and supporting columns designed at-andj- terbein were at l albans guild johnns go mr mikcnie and mr johnson wxre it the citizens l1 i mr go their luneh nt council free press or to miss alma brai di at ac ion home furnishings who h is a duplicate cop ot all nimes iliiadv on the list lakeside chapter lode is in ih usc of the m tiling list lei tcs ire being tped b high school ntudenis iik printing ol the btoehun and st mips arc donated theu is no cost mint red comnlclc the projeu liullultutlon of club pledge would ho mude in un effort lo rulw thti udqlllutt ill moiiiv roqulrtld ql i why wm thli projffcf hoi pul up lo fh tnxpyr lo vo4 o 3 whl will the up itmp of its ftrvrui coal much ui hydro wlr etc wiii th wrt kttvv tttiy lfct on other tilth in town 4 why ww thu hiukmh uiwd ii now or nevr jr whmi hpptu if llw urtjiunt counc1 u ehunifod ihu full a ii hit uamin on it uiis no vore ol llu mcpuviis wat iw e u 1 1 si tills pioftct is uol a muni c hull pioicel paid im limit inuil lilpiil iiixiiiloit ii is a commiin ii v pnijeil in uhieh tiliuns will volt loi llu pinfetl hv euiltiibllt lug coliiniafllv io he campaign 2 upkeep costs ol ihe aunii an- esiinuiltd nol lo txettd ihe pn st ni costs opt i al ing cosls lot imlio and walti wuv imui atcni lo tiuna and hv wi ilhei toirdilloiill o llu umiminltv centre tan not help hill have a good tiled lot all i luhs and clllens 4 now oi neci is ustd hteaust now aetoidmg lo ihe eiiglutut my 1 1 im n t l he slit i slimline ol ihe iu it i is suit ihk- hi eais imui now it mav hue tleleiioial eil lo such a digue il would he iniptmtiiil lo use llu lutlldmj il thai time ii ihe eittcns do not siippoi i ihe ptogitni now it is higlilv piohable lluv never would siippoi i inoihei t impugn couueil is not taising lltf inoiiev loi iht ptoict ii is tin itkck the l e would he tltv chai1lc in the ptojec t canasscrs will telephurnrfor an appointment after ma 11 and start their house- tohousu calls bv john t hep- are cimbered trusses with a and a ba width a complete stress an earned out for all loading combinations load alues being those pres enbtd b the ational building code of canada 1953 it 4x our conclusion that the structure is adequate to support wind snow other lite and dead load combinations and thai it meets the requirements o the bove mentioned building code resptxtfulu submitted r anderson assoc ltd d d dunbar ma se p eng back to school for canvassers it s back to school this week for oer 100 c in issers for the communm centre c impaign this vednesda or tlutrsda evening the einvssrs will rt tend i short course it the rob- erlittle school wheic thc will be instructed on all ispects ol the whole prolt im also on the prog i im is instruction in how to conduct ihe cam iss one week later the budding e in isslts uill re tin n to ihc sthoul lor fin tl instruction and then m iss kit one ol the main purposes ol the school is to be miic th it cc1 lias the complc te mil stor o the cumiiuiniu centre private pledges made by croups community on i re prepledg ins i coming along ol a tatu- faclory rate the purpose of prepledglrig la to give people a general idea of what the level of pledging has been in the various group no individual contributions are to be published the aver ages for the organliatlons are reached by totalling the person al pledges only of the members and dividing this figure by the number of pledges complete averages are not available for all organizations however the firemen one of the first groups to pledge came up with a s8 average person al pledges from members of the municipal council have averag ed 176 while rotary s average is 150 the community centre committee which had to pledge before any other groups could be maked to pledge i averaged 200 per member these figures are averages and must not be considered the pledge of any one individual of ihe organ lza hon pledging was done on the basis of personal pledges only where the person pledging was in business his business con tributlon was not considered in determining the average club wedges 100 proclamation to communitycentre during a recent meeting of he l tn issci mca ladies auxiharv t was the same decided to pledge 100 to ihc com muni centre committee for the pi opose d ire na tddi t ion the decision was made b 1 members puscnl alter an cxplana lion ot ihe prog i am had been in idc the president kiv grah im w is in charge ol the meeting pi ins wiu tin ilied loi c itenne to he tattle i and son banqtit t held in the mca binqtict tooni whereas whereas brmraflsmef therefore a committee of gtnens of the area has gathered togetlu r n encourage the construction of a commun ty centre 1 1 i mstellat on of art f cial ice at acton arena jnd this is a significant effort requiring the support of the c iirens of acton and district and the new facilities proposed w ii materially mprove the opportunities to advance recreation and contr hue to the welfare of our youth and other commun ty groups and the construction of these facilities will be a voluntary pub c subscription to raise sufficient funds n advance of constru 1 on rd thus avoid heavy carrying charges by the authority vested in us we hereby proclo rvi may 14th may 22nd community centre week and s ncerely urge the otuens of acton and dnlnct to do the r utmost to make possible the construction of acton and district commun ty centre i mmj omm44 maya f aataxi c s eve af eustmsinej god save the ouccn wins gold medal at peel festival doiotln anne orouike loeai old daughlii ot mr nu mis james o rourke rr i i inn house won the goltl medal foi her mollll pi lmiig il peel music pes hal at port cicdit i ist thuis d i in ihc undci ii el iss all gold med il winncis weie asked bv ihe music commitlee to pin il 1 conceit in st piuls aticlii orium bramplon last tndav the sibei medal went to eliza beth banning i orrre park while john migm in mil bruce bennett both ol cikiksxille lied foi the hi 011c medal there w ci c 12 m the class l walton cfnllnnial manor conservatory students city choir entertain by mlsa muriel thompson juv d a powchtonducled the ehuich wivltc on hunduy ul loi niujiu apil 2 he nought wllh him lout wcleoini ljihwi mrs fit 1 1 i icciiuiii mid ihrie ylils who an inemlkmh of the fdrlt aiinii laiv of ciiiiec angluati chinch in m on llifsi glilh uuc kaihliin wiisoif dlf nna i iicmun inul fltmlv i ii ikillluii mi powell i cud jwo pimitiigih i nun iht bible phalm m and pun ol c hliplei 14 of si 1 tike s gowpel ik ihusr hit4 text pw walt ifd mini irom cuse nut ol the tibovi liapltr mr powell sulci that id in tin miracle al ciinu jtsiih was alwavh tin n litre of oilme i on and thcielore nlw ivn in llu public eve fiery agi sinit thai linn has also put a nuirchtight upon ji sits vet me has lived on hum teiiiurv to etiilutv the same is rile of the chiutlan chinch and individual chflsti ms who nu witihed lo see ii they dlspl i tun c lit islitin virluer litstninieiilnl program a gtoup ol young itistriiruinta lists who iriivc a splendid piogram foi ihc iisuteuls lasl pill eanu again to the manor altei llu chin eh si i vice on sunday ifli r iiuon apiil 2 ihc group wis m ule up ol 14 voting bovs hid girls who me students of the on laiio consciwilory of music al 0 ikullc pliev weic acioinpmicd hy mis una van moim the see i i lai v it t hi const i atorv anil mis maieidlc and mr huluhcs hen two of then icaehtrs a small rock n roll gioup fiom hamil ion who e ill themselves ihc gcnll also came lo issist with the program as w is the eui al ihe concert 1 isl rail mis van tlmnc was the i ur pic isant and cap ihlc mist less ol ceremonies anil kept the 20 selection piogicssing so smooth l that the lime pissed cr quickly the ti ichers and j pupils plaved a vanity of instni mints accordions guitars elect rie guitarx and drums from the opening number which w is a lilt ing w lit to ihc closing number j t medic v of modetn songs placed hv the gents nil the selections wt pluved exutflv timl tin liiiuh om inundation nnd liuclurh tun lu jiihlmlubly piouth uidng ii with love divine the o hell pilpiu i e holt also sang w vend unthemv the numlieri cltoseu were vail aiiioug thtw one world glorious id in ihanillcr und minded lolk k fhv naim and l am alpha mingn such uit swunii ru r and and omega mr hall and the iwo uiluis liliing wuliis such thou dniijnstriicd how thiy as hit bliiihlid mid minv widow p ii in aritliun lor a church wulufm mtd ihe irlimllmii songs mivjh and this piovul very in stmlnuntul joinnev hid 1 in in ikisliug ihc uitlu m chosen for the mimki fur uivl mih maicolu puipove wis i ik sun shall und mr llululrslicn took pul in it u j riy life plavlng ol sjtiiu ol the si u unuw ys well in linns mis vtm lloim a euiu 1 1 hnn s mg one shj ir gullm slings solo ll is iiiism ft t m su iliudenierl s piuifd bv mis mutoiti on lur sin un i wu v ly fine solos wot wllh mil audliiiec singing along un ludi d in llu program in hun in ihe second t hoi us llu pupils displayed grc il talent aiulthe in lire program was delightful an oihei program in ihc in ir hitiin would lc appueliiled lumllton group an ou island inn hist in llu ifm ol enli iiainnient look pi let in the aitidituiiuin on thursdiv lewiiiiig april tl whim the hrsi oigimation from llu citv ol ii unillon eve i to piov idc en it t i nnuii ni loi tlu iisidcnis i um horn hamillon to present i pro gi un tin sc thoughtful md g n t inns visilots were about inciuhtis of llu choii ol c nti t prcshvten in church in ii inul ton their pitsitlint j i rtvi wis one of thiisc who c unt mis mtirrav hill was the convene i of the entire delight lul i vuiiiil the choujji isler murtav ii ill inuoimeed the piogtam led the singing and plaved tin pi mo iccompanuntnis due io llu i ict th it mi h ill pussl sscs al ll i keen sense ul liuiitoi ihc program w is nol onl a tlchghitul oiil music ill bul i mciia iar i will the wundcrlul piogrim ol choril nurnbtis md solos tu i i i great unpiesskiri on the uul tnee the choir sanj sever il hvmns hcyinnint the piugi dn with th or ol lu i iilh i janus warry who is i lisirlinl at ihe minor mi s if ill s ing lltippiniss i tj vc ud johnson sing mother o mini hold solos wi re cnoy tl viv much the visitois had pro- vidid in in v t ilv and atlraclkt- oirliilions fur a so lai hour ind il the t loss- tit tin piogr im ilusc w tc irvul cull ti i ind cok is i delicious hint ti bv thu nu ms iik lull s ind gititlenun l this hr i orj iru iiiun cwr to tome to i hi man jr from ham ilion ti id iiv op nor ttiniiy to rriti it uiiti i h ii idlfiti n tl b- urn ii nu imt d chilli tlu rn 1jn uislns w r r rd fi ill sid s th it tin i ut r woll 1 hi cnli 1 1 tint d jain h lh ho r ud liv mr md mr mil in ir lit ir luluic fcavrai iff a vuun man rjti r rlu tantlv look a st john s j c j jf wt k tl iss m r i ill h i mv ihit it was jios ihlc i restor lite with artificial re pi ration a few wttks liter wliile on his lrikkm jh he was ablt to use lur mult acquind knojltd o hrinj back ih ilk a prcvn who h id btcii utuur w itr or v erjl miiiuits md wjs n jt breathing wl lii rcciiltl mrs m moffat new president nassagaweya womens institute mrs ivan richardson was host ess for the april meeting ot the nassagavvcva women s institute president mrs m mahon opened the meeting with two poems mum s complaint an d take tune mis a frank read the minutes of the last meeting and the correspondence was dealt with b mis m mahon mrs a frink gave the secret arv ire isuier s icpoit mis m mahon in her closing remarks ns president voieetl her appiecia tion of the helpful coope rat ion ol the members mrs i richard suaupurledun floweis and mrs m moll it on the recent success lul ciichie and dance it was decided to contribute to ihe mil ton anil aelon fairs in a discus sion regarding ihe new tiaining school in milton the mihccts window tie a t me n i and sc w to s ne were ihe most popul ir limehouse name officers mrs i riehatdson was -p- pointcd chairman for the llc turn of the following officers president mrs w a fraser sccrdirv mrs j r hcnrv tieasurer mrs m f mullen as sistant sccretarv mrs a frank district duxctoi mrs m mahon alternate mrs b d young plan ists mrs w a fi iser mis m anderson flower convener mrs i richardson press reporter mis m mahon uulitoi s mis e ward and mrs m anderson public iclalums icpicstnt lhvc mrs m mahon branch directors mrs h pncc mrs j robertson mrs t c amos and mrs dc bl uiw a contest conducted bv mrs m malta was won bv mrs a trank following the ouccn and griec lea w is served b mrs b young mrs m m ilum and mrs m muff it harvey laverty heating plumbing and eavestroughinc repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phone ul 69934 rockwood 24 hour service centre spot the 1 1 foot high clock niche it i n which will it e ord t lit mi m iaisedsilunni the week ot iht house ttrhoust canvass for the nun ic nov it ion h is been com pkad it ii miiui bctwtcn the two i ion w indows ot the post ill it t i i j hi whele ihc huge chnstmis tut cots u vc u the rutiis tspvcl to hivt i ik 1 1 motlt i of the ikiu com pltltil this wttk plan tea bake sale hear of arena drive pi uin itii i rlosvom tt i md b ikini s dc vvtlt distussed it ihc 1 1 mil ii nut mil ot iht citholic hi t it s 1 1 init mi tutsdiv tviiune of this vcttk the tvuit will ht htld in iht ihuichhall ihc uui p it lot tlu month mis r i iik nkinlm hint uunirhi ol i hi k inniitut ofseivitt oiluui u ni iddtinntd tlu incctnil on j tlu ottinuiniiv ntti fund im pl mud tht pitkeduit tit t hi ainpiikn which ltts nil i full wuit this nionth it w is dttidtd that the piusuf i ni tis ii cnks out oiu othtr tit it l itc sluhild uicnd the diihi v n nvtniion in w dki rton with pi ms io b tinah juiu njts tint i ihn tvtrs read ihi in t knox student sunday preacher mrs mills hostess to wa how ird mcllvien student knox college ind i tounsilloi u f v ingil h ill toionlo pie ictud it i line house piesbvtei i in c hutch on sund t the v a nut it tlu home ol mis mills on 1 ucsd i ol i ist wctjt the puteisons visitid on vnn ch with mi mil mrs altx mt k i ot iiulph mis mills spoil t few dis in toronto i ist vttck vac txumt svinp ithv to tlu mor tut m ulill s in tlu pissuil tiutav ol tut tiitui mi s 1 indsav list wee k congniiuhh ions choir coniatul ttiotis to those in tlu mixed ciinu which pi ucd stcoud in last weeks ftstiv il as will as to j in pool pi it mt ihud uul to till those who wttc qu ihhid jt take pirt fwvulltotf in june td it the mis j surtrs report showing trie u igut h itl tontllldcd unothec suettssful vt ir hnaiui illv 18 memhirs wert present mih nlhi rr fur tin uim ing uar in ehait nanuu presul tilt mrs h colts llrst vue-pre- sidenl mrs r bi uda sect mil vuepusitfnt mm j doherlv treofcurcr mrs j tvers setrctarv mrs h fowler ediuation mrs g rosf press mrs d tlmmmgs spiritual mis leshe number fhip mrs r arhie social welfare imn t gordon dont rent own your own gauth water softener model gl 3000 manual unit 30 000 gram capacity glass i ned 10 year guarantee fullwice 99 for further inform ilion wnte or call milton w4yj milton fri sal may 5 7 village of the damned ulhiorj iamll us nul hrhak smi 1 i i plus the boy ft the pirates color null si sa cordon ul ciik4 i s iii kill rt man tims may 8 9 sons ft lovers restricted apmit u iror iiouxri uul rasjrjdqens wimh mil ik alto u lolor cart im n u i wed fn sat may 10 13 13 cry for happy willi jmk ii mo uul imsm i ocosnor plus u tulnr cartiuin noye saturday afternoon matinee 3pm thurs nile only 7pm may 1 1 all1talian show 2 features teaqdrott white a cordingley georgetown phone almm t mw tv t4sh ado new zest hcimm colot uuh quality cleaning a sparkling appearance i our bitiytst avset uherevet ou tfo and the rust vsa lo look attrae ttvt is io have voitr tlothek clean al the quulttv vsa check our claim with lest order imiimt kbhtals miltom llsa i i donyoursof rentals i i aootl dry cleahers t raaalymlii trentker pipe trencher oanten trataar sltl tew wliaeeaarrew esmnslsn uelaler eilenslan canl anal lledric oewerater available al reaseaable raea heavier cstnictkm ijmt jekn oeere with ule frmm ind uaalar 4 taw omc wwt sj tan plj suchhee end leader oraeur plus many eahf heal w olve oa tall i s mill si w phene im pmi mtkup dtuvmy i little giant rentals i mutom tl 7s3 hammton ja t4ll i tjaiecasfaft- fw ail

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