Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1961, p. 3

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personal notes of actonlana visaing outoftown polnhi and ot vltltora in acton home rolnriani held a joint mccllnu with the georgetown club morn day in georgetown after unending the wirftcr in florida mr and mis nell bowles returned home thlk week mr and mrs fred williimwn of streelhvlllc vlklled with irlcndi and relatives in town on monday vldlllnu with mr and mrs g a dllljt on the weckerfd were mr and mrs flunk browning of toronto r mr and mrs tred anderm- mni j kranek jlmmlc and jen nifer visited the robertsons in toronto on sunday mr e d ryder is a patient in guelph general hospital where he underwent surgery this week his many friends wish him a speedy recovery mndr ray slater cathy and laurie are visiting this week with her parents mr and mrs cliff bradley the slaters arc moving soon from toronto to montreal friends are sorry to learn mrs c maplcsdcn had the mlv jouuncto j fracture her wrist during a fall at her home tues day she received treatment at guelph general hospital representing acton home and school association at n council meeting in guelph yvednesday evening were mr hermun truel er mrs t browne and mis lionel hurst mrs robert turner iipd mis trcd anderson will attend the dcning department biennial conference- in london this week end of miv 5 6 and 7 eonvcnine in new st james preshytci lan chinch mr and mrs j anderson ol long lake hale michigan mis virgil sides of oscoda michigan ansmr and mrs w d robot son yf toronto attended a dinner party with the fred andersons and j icrapeks on wednesday with the acton boy scouts by bruce williamson ask nny boy what he associates with scouts and nine times out of 10 the answer will come back camping scoutina and enmpins arc practically synony moutt and nearly every boy who joint the movement docs so bc- cuukc he sees himself out in the woods irving bear steaks in front of hit lent shooting the rapids lying nnug in bed with hit companions as a blizzard inshes the lent or lalng in front of his tent waiting for a fihh to hltc scouting without camping just unt scouting romance adventure camping is the lift blood of scouting it is the romance and adventure of camping which keeps seouts alive and keen and which perhaps more than anything else provides leaders with oppottunihes to help boys develop into good cittcns i find it the greatest thrill in life lo watch a patrol ur troop at camp come to ilk in the earlv morning the uv in the water in the early sunlight as the hoys wash the quiet mullet ings from the campfires as the columns of a moke riw slowly into the still dlr and the smell of bacon eomes wafting on the breeze adding u new meaning to the already thrilling scent of nature the adult has not been enter tallied who has not been weleom cd at the patrol tahte and scivcd with the friendlv dignity ol hap py bos eating with them and joining their eager chatter and infeetioiis laughter tew placei bolter then arc lew places better than camp where a leader can come close i to understanding boys oi bos and leaders ocelli ei understanding the vas ol god camp has a pi 1 1 1 hi uiul meaning to di so that it is necessary to define uluil is in tended bv scout camping ftallinafad scout camping is a simple fonn of backwoods camping which demands the minimum of equip ment and the maximum particip ation by the boys summer camp we have sxeured a wondeilul wooded site on the sand dunes lust eight miles south ol ginul bend with a river running through the area and just a lew minutes walk from the be leh on lake huron which will prouk excellent swimming facilities ii your son has not yet asked vou to complete the application lor starr photo two oakville youths were injured and hosrxtalizqd when their car missed a curve and slruck a rock embankment on highway 25 soulh of spoysidc around 1 a m saturday tho car crashed into the bank and flipped over once throwing out the driver and a passenger and landing upright again thp car was a 1950 ford and was classed as a total wreck report 33 visits to sick shutins on tuesday m i 2 the wa met it acton united chinch with an attend nice ol ifc nieiuteis mrs wildtispiii picsuud the meeting opened uilh i he ode pli ct and the lords piiei devotion vi is t iktit h mrs poole on the topic icsiis chi 1st the i tght ol the wot id in ihe chinch witness seiipiuie was lead and a iimiiii soul mis c heller was piani tot the m mg ihlltvlhlee isits lo slek mil llll i ins ile it polled roll e ill v is lilswcied h t wise coll taming the vtuiil mot he i i oi june the toll call uoid will he i at he i meeting in guelph it u ts deelded to iceept in 111 camp please ensure he obi wis v it hum ironi mrs willi mi n dlcn one and has you complete it bv line i loiniei number now living the end of this week i m cjtielph to hold the june ineel remember do not let hnanci il difficulties prevent om son i rum attending this camp just contact me and arrangements will be m ule this mjitci will be tie iled in stun eonfidenec if you have inv questions con ecining this camp please do not hesitate to call me it 180vv 12 list equipment the following is a list ol equip ment oui son will requite lor camp items marked x ate not essential but may be taken seoul uniform clasp knife compass x flashlight wale i piuof matches x tenderfoot to queen s scout x writing papci and envelupcs x se stamps spending monev not to exceed s2 x note list class seoul til iv carry sheath knives x l pack large enough lo cont nn ihe lollovving sleeping hag in thiec vhiell blankets il sleep ing bag one hlinkci giound sheet knilt fork and spoon plate bowl and mug pvjimis two towels toilet kit eh iilge ot underwear change uf siockuils handkeiehiets t shirts old shot is swim hunks svwaui liekel vratciprtkif coat peiieil nut notebook pan of letus run hei h urn when suit ible to he i mis r hiown exkiuled in in lltlllou lo li tel i plellil 111 jllk it he i hotne on howe i axelule whieh wis uujilul i1k mipih hi tudie linn is u ill i luueh w is sitwd h 1 he cimip in eh life mis mi own mis little mis iludlotil mel mis llnlrms engage jan rubes for june program smctr j in rubes h is ii iced lo t ike pa 1 1 iii ihe community night at ae ttiii 1 u k june 24 i lu scottish eliiki eluh is liiilltuite ti hle siellled the selvkes ot llle well known siiilii ol suiils ol niv 1eopk i uli i show i line who ilso til ikes i md ope i 1 appe ii ulii s lit liks i i sll itfoi i lot thiee 1 1vs 111 i i iw be i il l hum lo eton uul n hi m md i i llnw in lu w ii be ill to vvtnni lo i ike p ii i 1 ill m mos lie i show ol lulk sillies uul el met s l tl ii ii tns whuli m ik up c hi id i b kub s u is service stations homes swell township permits two set v lee station building peimils as well as several icsfd enli il peimits tipped rsquesmg lownships apnl building hgtircs lo 104 s00 building inspector william hulls tepoiled lo cuun cil moml i evening the council appiovcd i bv i iw pci milting milton lie chict a l clement to iccruit voluntect ihelpeis at flies the bv law is neiessin so lhit an volunleeis wmld be cove led bv insurance emnpens ilion e idellt ill cisc ol in ac chamhcis uul the toad super m tendenl s voucher loi 52 914 was ipprovcel iiicinceis pioetoi ami redlcrn weic tnviled to the next council meeting to discuss a watei svslem fen glen williams i poets corner nei image of spring a lovely lady warm and bright ituvelled to my house uki nlghp her cheeks were nsy itpw were red hei hair cvus blick upon her head hei gaiment was of long white laee her eel thev stepped a maidens pace she seemed to be in linage unix as uiuwmd hah blow uwough luu tlr she lime oei the lull and dowji mv way aiul nieltld lhc snow that hud epme todav the min arose as she came through the i lekls tinned tllow tiecii and blue dons i uly f in and i his pi nice was ihe goddess my he ice i ii nevci loigct day when i saw a lady coming way uv sue wallers grul il spting melt thai night and im appiov if was given 124 renovating t h e to spend council nissagiwtvi township is mitd no building peimits duiinc the month ol april a snow plow was out on hilii w i 2s wednesd i moiuing but lluic uisnl anv snow hit d i 1 1 did miuw saluidav and jue da howevci teenagers plug program on tv the teenage gioup ol the acton scottish d inee club is winking hud to be uuty foi a iv appeal ancc op ckco chan nel m at the cud ol the month hefoic then exams ikgm thc will adveitise the community night to be held in acton pirk luiic 24 which is being put on bv the club at ihe practice nlghlsaturd iv mr and mrs dave iitl ol clank son wctc presented with a table limp hv mis bill wilson on ik i ill ol the club as a small token ol appteei it ion for their help wuh the instiuction during the season the acton fro prett thurujay may 4lh19o1 car crashes rock embankment hospitalize 2 oak vi lie youths yco oukville youths were hos pitahed and their i9s0 car was eoiuptelelv wreeketl early saltu day murning when the ear crash ed into an embankment on high way 2 near speslde throwing out llic diivci and passtrnytr oliver william whilaker 20 ol 47 wilson st oakvillt wis taken to milton fttrict llospn d a fnicturcu ticck- bmkrn bone in ihe icfl loot lueia turns and ahiasions to the skull he was iransfetitd liicstliv even ing to a llaimlloii bospital his passenger murray tuck 21 of girl guide news i m mediate k following roll e ill and the opening ihe com party dispeised to pajiol cor- mis at the s mie tune the lust class gills went lo mrs watsons for ihe ilst outline of the guide history while the tirsl class guides wctc aw ly the test ol the com panv had a test session then thev played the g mie ral trap with cawll marshall in charge the meeting closed with softly kills the light ol day and laps v hawthoriu dilve oakville received a iniettuvd left ankle spi allied ilghl ankle and biulscd back he is still in milton hos pital constable carmen wilghl ol norlh llalloii op i investigated witnesses reported ihe ear enftr td ihe uesl dlleh as it rounded a curve just soulh or spcyslde rnrnrr i 20 a m stllrdar il siiuck a rotk b ink antl flliv ped oyer landing on its wheels weekend special childrens corduroys siis ii 2 149 childrens canvas slts s 2 99 only men ire eligible to sit in the untish house of louis e shoes acton teen town sponsored by acton lions club present the roaring twenties dance with little caesar and the consuls 1 3 m admission only 50c if you com drctud in roaring wt csslum olhart ragulir admission this friday may 5th acton legion hall 9 1 am pf titli i i ihis i s m u in i m urn u klll i u i- iii iu h ninp shoes muilling kit il ueillks lll it ul first dance display by joyce carpenter mill overflowing well provides wafer washroom in church the women s asmieiaiion has just lomplcicd a pioici t drill ing ol a well and ua uukv lo gt i a good well al 2 kit 1lu ilistalkd vvalei hot ami old in tin chinch ami also 1 v ishtakiiu vvhuh is a vvoiululul impive men i wi aw soi i v to have tipoitid mi willi tls h ul ihch u move il to loionlo hospitil to i is i i he ts still in duilph deiuial uul suu to sav is still much lu iianie conihwetl s4ilu mt and mis kolxit u 1 mt atteiulnl tlu al valuta aimv so vice in hramptoti on suiulav wluix alan nvxlon v ts oiu ot tht suakii and also suil a love l solo vv hu h ik had com pose tl himself hofttcteu ttllien this lommunitv lost dm ol its ohlist and most uspes ud v hi uiis when samuel h 1 nuts i pases davv in sl jose pits hos pital in his ii wit luiuiil twries vveu lu m on i nd i c btauin londuitihl tlu lumil wrmee inu i nietil vv is in i in view echteteln the eommumiv wis nlnnkid lo heat ot the sudden passing ot m j liukman in loixnto hos pital with a bean iuuk hiuial wrics wen held on momlav it ii i noon itom kumlev siuk lit ike t rutieial home two meetings vhiiil peoples i mini nu 1 m the chinch on suiul iv nilht ulun lllev elite it mild the oillle iv pie ot ciiotgetowil i tilted i hull h i mission until jau t in the ihuuh hasiiiienl on suiul i moimul 1 he svnipalliv ol the e out mini itv goes eiul lo ml and mis i shoi till uul olhel liuiuls in tlu p issutg ormi mtttv hitr ol co uul ille hiollui m i iu ol mi mil mis shot till a puke el ill ilet lhuts ki le it i lltli lovee t lipelll pupds piesiill iiui d uk ul dlspl ill hi cm ii i i ili ol ilu c in uli m c ml s t itpvllli i h i s hi ii pi i lis pi iv h i s inu vv 1 1 llll i i m e el wel oldel i i lh t ui r s 1 iii week pi ef mul ihiljl l 111 pillihlsil ilu iiulu ii mm loofll i iii nl t mm is i ki i t i m v ii 1 the ssll m i e lu ii mis l i ime he i it lllle lluit tust mrtliiv k ml pi heeds t ii mi uuh live i sot li iv ml hei pupils i t lite ills mil tie hope will ilkiul in pileeeds t i m hi u pi till i iii llll ullllill 111 1 i m i t i ul pn mi i ii i l mi lh vtt tviriin ttpnr w plllll lllllllvt i i id i iwiiiii si in 1 c 4 -engagment- mr and mrs jashtia thomp son announce the cncoimiuni ol llwlr ilauyhur duns bxelvn so mr albert john coxc sun o mr and mrs william cuxe erin the eveddlnu lu lake place sal urdae mu in churvhill united church jo km winter still with us keep those tanks full for more economical warmth and comfort with ba solar heat heating oil ehifttegw hric effective may 3 discount value save 10c iga magic 4 5 6 24oz tin liqui dete 49 3iscount value save 10c sweet mixed 2 15oz ja bicks pickles 49 5iscount value york peanut butter 2 m j decorated j a tumblers 11 16oz ice box jar save 6c vo un o pri c our service efficient and pkcmh thompson fuels ontario no i grade new brunswick potatoes a treat for the entire family no i strawberries californa sunkist valencia no 1 oranges ujno 1 garden fresh lettuce u s no i tender gxeen i cabbage 69 we reserve the right to limit quantities discount value save 6c prem luncheon meat 12oz tin 43c fresh grade a frying or roasting chickens 3 predressed 2 to 3lb average fresh meaty pork side ribs 49 alpine brand chopped beef steakettes 59- tablerite mb pkg wieners 49s extra a total of 3400 i ot box size 131 dozen servicing yaw tna wmi ba heating oiu and gasoline monf 6 after hours call 364 2 59 131 dozi 49 size 31 29 in iga bonus tapes receive free 6 00 in bonus tapes size 30t orange juice fancy peas chipits liquid wax treetweat grn giant van kirk chocolate klaar j i o im 1 s o 1 1 t j o receive free 400 in bonus tapes cheese stix z size 24 colsrad j 229 receive free 200 in bonus tapes green be birdtaya erancfa llo -13- u s no i crisp tender carrots 31 ceuo bag 39- sausage pei potatoes pure path small unit canada nak 1 ofada i it pkj 10 lb bag

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