Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1961, p. 8

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gtf away planners twentyfive year ago in caisada one farm woakrp4aluavo tha average enough faoev for hlwaalf and nlna other pswsoris tbotay he jfodue enough for himself and 22 other pottons considering thai record it is startling lo riot the opinion of qualified observers that in russia total agricultural production today it rid greater than it was in prerevolullnbry timer now nearly so years ago no communist could admit it of course but the obvious truth is that no body of bur- woeratlc planners is going lo gel production from the land to equal that achieved by the good farmer who knows what his toll can beat produce and what the market will buy and who is free to seek the greatest possible gain for himself in russia not surprisingly the plan eattt be wrong despite the record in khrushchevs book all that is needed is greater compulsion the soviet press has reported mi speech lo a- recent agricultural conference you may problems say we were vyrong in abolishing the com pulsory delivery quotas for farmers two years o said hie soviet premier you are right we admit our mistake we overestimated your communist dedication to the party we shall correct our mistake the government has in- created the purchase plan for wheal for the year next year it will be higher still this way we shalf force you lo work in such a way that our production of grain and other farm products goes up year after year the moscow press word on to report that when this self criticism was rocelved in silence khrushchev oxploded why dont you applaud i am old enough not to care about applause myself but i demand that you show your agreemont with my criticism silence it probably the only way kkrush- chevs audience could question their top plan ners udgment under the planned economy the plan cant be wrong and those who must try to carry out tho plan apparently can never be right from whence you came come this june and youll be faced with a decision and perhaps some research youll be asked by one of thousands of census tak ers 7o what ethnic or cultural group did you or your ancestor on the male side belong on coming lo this continent youll have a choice of 31 possibilities that are listed and theres room for another if you cans find the one you choose now if you are one of those thousands of immigrants that have come only recently lo canada that question shouldnt prove any hardship but if youre like us and havent much idea no recollection and havent a family historian you may be in for trouble er a wild guess the question isnt a new one the prob lem is that every time were faced with it we cant remember the answer we gave the last time and we can only imagine there are others who have similar difficulties it isnt enough to be a third or fourth generation canadian you have to be something else be tides of course this question was not included on the census sheets without some problems it was originally omitted and- wo think cor rectly so but someono in ouobec thought tho fronch werent getting a fair doal and would be lost under the inclusive form canadian the result was that thousands of alroady printed forms woro scrapped the queon s printer wound up his prossos at hull and churned out a whole now batch so we could purrle over our ethnic- or cultural back ground canadian just wont answer the question you can be austrian danish fin nish- greek irish lithuanian norwegian russian swedish yligosliivic belgian eng lish french hungarian italian negro polish scottish ukrainian native indian band mom bor non band ctsck estonian german ico- landlc jewish netherlands roumanian slo vnlcpwolsh or anything else you can think of but canadian if you re as much in the dark as wo are about tho origin you d bettor got ready for the census taker now by digging out the family bible or contacting your oldest rela tive or taking a guess who promotes it a lady asked us the other day why we have daylight saving time and who estab lishes the period of its duration frankly we didnt know then and we dont know now but after e weekend of trying to get the younger generation and ourselvos converted to the time difference we re wondering more seriously seems to us the idea started during the war when there wes some need to conserve electricity the situation has changed of course with the hydro and commissions anxious to sell all the electricity possible that pretty well rules that group out as the con tinuing need for daylight saving time we doubt if it s the farmers who want daylight saving time because wa doubt if they enjoy rolling out of bed in the dark any mora than we do besides if changing e young household over to daylight seving time is a problem imagine the difficulties involved in a herd of dairy cattle daylight saving time is by no means pro vincewide there are areas we know of down around windsor and detroit thai don t adopt tho advanced hour and we can only imagine the confusion that kind of resistance leads to it s not too many years ago there was considerable confusion in this area about proclaiming daylight saving time and some of the smaller communities were not quite up on the metropolitan plans until it was too late the confusion that men playing with time can produce was quite evidoht then we have a sneaking suspicion that the railways have something to do with tho en couragement of daylight saving time a long nme ago we recall an organization with the word railway in its title urging the adoption of the new time the fact that makes it slick r out in pur memory is the irony of the situation when we leerned that the railways would continue to operate on standard time it seems about time whoever is promoting the adoption of daylight saving time and prolonging it into october should come out with some reasons facts and figures on its advantages we would like to hear from the promot ers whoever they are its now or never th report jceivd thi wk from r v anderson and associates on the structural soundness of the present arena building is an encouregirtoand most necessary item of the community centre protect the report indi catea that the present steel work of the build ing it structurally sound this once again confirms the campaign llogan it s now or never at the present time the steel work is sound and warrants an expenditure to im prove the service facilities through a new ad dition end tbe installation of artificial ice if the cempeign is not successful now it con ceivably could be that the steel work will deteriorate to such to degree that in future yean we could lose what we have in the building and an arena project would require a complete new building fortunately this is not the case and the present sound building will accommodate the planned renovations another sound feature of the commun ty centre project is the decision to have itu addition architecturally designed by having proper plans for the building all fire and safety precautions will be incorporated before the building is constructed another advan tage will be the architects experience in crowd control which will make it possible to use the building to its utmost efficiency the campaign itself is proceeding accord ing to schedule and beginning may 1 1 can vassers will be telephoning for appointments with subscribers tind will then make their house visits during the week of may 1 4th canvassers are going back to school this week for their canvass instructions and will be prepared to assist you in preparing your pledge the canvassers hove a b q job to do and any help you can give them in arrang ing an early appointment will assist greatly acton free press publuhed bv the dill prlntlnj and publlihlnf co ltd founded in i87t and published i vrr thursd n at w willou si ailuli ontario mtiruxr ot thi audit bureau of cinrululiuns the cwna and the qntit luouebol dhisionof the cia na advertising iats on ixquist subscriptions paahle m adamt 3 00 in canada vi 00 in we unlim s t mnn i 7 s m 7 authurucd u second class mail post ollitt depart mem ottuuu the only paper ever published in acton g a dills editorinchief david r dills managing editor iusiniss and editorial office phone 600 acton a i jiuj m u thi good old days back in 1911 t otd jzljktce im nut much fm bluml line s uhin il mints lo piopk hut iuv m ulttn cikii 1 in won tltiirin whit is auiiiij wih i linhi with niv kills i lupn thinking ol ill the ihii iluiisiiis lhivl inhuittil and ul what will buomi ol them uith ill thost quit i me slois lit i kinj in llu hataumml om ol niv old m ud units i od soul in m in u is h id i inm tunmt lion ih il llu r w is sunn llunu spi t 1 il i bun i i hi smiks as i u stilt slit jrot in loiuh willi om ol i host turns th it npcu ihi in i imil nets sik piovtd to in i own sitislution iind loi 1 si il 1iimu iil 1 h it wl will llslllul id lioin s11 willi im imi iiil vunii minnn oiluis 1 his is tihoiit is impiisshi is s iinp ou iil ill ui lis ill sitndid lioin ad im ind ti i d imvi hem tmuh mou in ttiisud hid sht m in ibid lo pioi that hi niv loul w is m urn k hv 1 prx villus m 11 n tjt 01 ih it ciin 1 i ollohi ilki 1 w is i kissing lousin m pi 1 sun d liiu ss is th it niv kuls in thi di st l ml mts ot i loni lini ot diish pi is mis who livd on pot thus mvii v islinl unit ii ound in llu 11 h m tu t nut iu n did inv thuib miia 1 litis ti urns 1i1 in sti i kw t ittlt 01 s highlit llu oild f niihsh m 111 himimt i wish to o on uioid is st iiin th it 1 m 111 iljuv happv 1 bout thi otu mil 011k living ti null ulu 1 m kuls h ivi 1 hiu s 1 in iil niv h dv uoukl hi pioiul to v 11111 is 111 mti stoi tu tioii il 11 milt it hi 1 s in a ut i old 1 hu wins bit nun with 1 thitih it wluli hut and twinkling hi ik iis 1hi n is shi 1 wil is ill ja 1 out in thi u vouth thiv h ivi biti butt 1i0 hunt 1 1 s 01 s ulois di sokik rs 1 in v t tmi loim philos ph 1 ii tinu tlu op n iikh mouths i in iti ml niv l ulu 1 in i iw ii hsu t in ih it 1 1 1i1u hi s ii it liiilt bin lniili ik s not bij but u iihs 1 bout i is so 1 k 1 11 l wi 1 hi his ibout is mititi hut is i ii hivt 11 his ij1 ik has bi own 1 vi s mil th il ui t twiukk ik s 11 it it ill slmiid th ink hi ivni hi s iuir shot 1 butt 1i1 or inv ihui 1 ki ntii u 1 in in ami hi h is no hoiikspun philosoph pi nsi u tlu ix s noihini ilimhnmi or lolorful aktoiit- niv kids urindtiihci his 1 a tul lib hi s workid h ird ik dik sn l cufcs ill ink or tuvstir hi s mild of rruinmr and sptivh he imild pass tor a smut iv school suporintindint uhiih hi his bun nothing i 011111 has ti hipncmd to grind id inkss ol luursi vikj by bill saailcy who hiv bun out ol woik tot sutintv w ks mil w ill tn l iv f iiitw 1 1 im th iw uih niilov nu nl iiimii iih 1 no tinthini- 1 m ninn hki th it iui hippuuil lo di uul id oh i httk whik din lu lost his ii ifi whik thi um mis win siill in huulijis lu wis ihiowu out ol 1 1 ul u 1 md bitiki l ik thumb on ins j md hind but lu pissed 1 pntiv uiicii nihil wintti 11111 mill tin i 11 m w ith loin i nit 1 s ami 1 iittipk ol u s i ut 1 w ink lu w is up 1 i ukk 1 put lint on sioi m w iiuliiws ik till nut smishid tin bonis in his imptuikd 11 in 01 whit wis it 1 1 of 11 lit s ud ll w is pit i iv soi loi 1 whik hut it w isn 1 m 1 1 i itmi ik h id in non hook hltid to his stump uul il w is 1 tisi hit i hi 111 1 h ki h uni ouiloi 1 ibk otu d t h w is w iitiiiil 1 1 illui iiunpt hot si his ho k w is thins 1ht01illt 1 link m 1 lolll 1 h 1111 ut ll luil lo tlu h mm s k id 1 ipi s inu 1 inn j st u ik d tin mini il m inoilu 1 in 1 iw lo ki d out llu kill iv n window md s iw tin hi 1st lo b il lull dl p wiih hu bust uul com pkulv in ipl ss b uif di illii it llu 1 11 j ol tin di nu ibis l il htm 1 b id shoukk 1 loi v 1 s an ihi 1 d i lu w is gad about nearly now i ol till 1 1st ltw wi ks 1 illu bun 1 unbluil iioutul in tin p 1st lust n ot nuks in at 1 mi uul n w i 1 iiia i 1111 dm st up to llu ow linn is 1 11 is ui nis n 1 tiiuiiht inu 1 1111 ti id ih it lill pi 111 ptisvllth ptlt h i it lis his it 111 iiloptnl t u si i 1 il 1 1 1 ikini h iv with 1 ti 1111 vvlun lu hpk i oil llu si it uul k ii b tut 1 11 hoist s md 1 ikt nom o iln inns miuti hid his botl but in w is pit kul up bv llu 1 iki ind lolkd iloni with tlu h iv until lu vtlkd mio 1 uul tin hoists bv sonu 11111 nk obi mil hi tliovt 1 1111 d mul 1 oiib w iih his otu u m in llu d iv s win n tin in ul m ui slut id out in ihiskilh in llu morniiil wiiil thioiilih uli it 1 t 1 ui inu s 1 hi wink 1 d iv h ul tot him uul jot huiiii il in d 11 k on mou 1 hm om 01 1 ision tin sk ij h ovi 1 nu in d tlu hoi s i s 1 m md in h id to w dk honu ty 1 uik 1 1 ml it wiih woitv hi 1 nisi tin ti im hul lillopnl into tin v nd with llu siiil1i lontf bt ion him i od iv it in ilu w hi 11 nu is 1 nu n 11 1 tipiik mi t uiliouslv tow aid ii hiliikiit mv kuls 1 md id is loiilih is piuimti ui lo ks 10 i us uiiiil ti thin lu io uul dots mou woik in 1 d iv thui most nun ol h ill his m us i h im it to hi it bun toinplain about uivihuil hi h is 1 muundous nun in ik 1 1 is m inii l1 11 v th it is w hok hi is liiiimiis uul unlit im ih v n ii ns 1 111 u j1 id ih it p 11 1 it liiin is in mv htldit n i t ii it iii ll is 1 i i ijllll 1 inu v 1 nihil hi back in 1941 taken 9om th umit ibm vre dm inu n special mcltlnit ol loimrd moudav tvinlnu missis v h rumliv titmiitu- m ond ii it i 01 i- win nppnlnttd to tin- ciniulliv uoiud chuiilu inr a muuin thpitwtl nppui iutlon on ivthall u luiiikii tu tho nun 1 01 iluki inliiist in uiiuiulj tot win d in till ihu uiip laiikid hv hi out rusiunnlion mtniil atf uvd in uhicialo with llu inw mtinlhih mul piosmi ihoui vulih ull piiit ividitls mihh pinnm itnhlnsim pionlilod foi ihu nionthlv miilittu air the uikaidu thapfui iodr ivns iluv ovtiiinu when ihruo nuw munilvis wuiu iuhuiiiuii amti tlu timsiuliim til hu shims ihu nuiimvrrhumd a vuiv inktvtipu inul unluitiilninu mimlki nr vol til sikitlont by a ljioup nl ltvt and ulrlh uiwki thu dliucllon ul miss mm nl hkkults i hu hfuh llyht ollhi linnnu w ih i inlk hv miss m 1 aiukisoiv on lui mission vvni k inionu llu km ants in lip in llu u spiakim wis pttsuiuil with 1 utiiutilul boiupiil ol spi iiitj lovviis hv in pit silk ul hiv vlniciil i mmiinn who tonus lo si lost ph s chiuih alton will ininiiunu his p istoi tic inu iuvi sund iv ik bus just 1 muhiikd i vi us pislotal miu11 111 i illwootl mi wihm 1 wtikhis won llu m nsh dl m tituss md lliiiv i nu 1 iln c oiiljoh urn iuu in tin intiilsiinu ttiiiusis ii johnstoin i uld riimkv s sloii dm my tin uuk llu i inichoiisi woim it s instil titt lu id 1 sthttsshil iniilfo m tlu 1 1 yum h ill in di 01 h town i isl wk k uul 1 lisul 1 loi il ol m loi w 11 vunk a jmod sitd 1 niwil tilt iuk d thi ill hi uul 1 vpiissiil tin 11 ippu 1 1 il ion ol iln 111 h i c st lilt i tilli s ill i iklllle in 1 usinn i in nu s for this 1 nisi itii us who wi u on tin sin 1 i ihoiii 4 p ut i in sd iv il it 1 noon illu u d sunn sm ill nk 1 ol whit m 11 niv il in pit still mull ininl tpt is hki win n on llu mou llu 12ili i it id uniii ol tin 7ili c in id 1 in i it id ai iitk i w is on 1 1 nu in v ioi 1 niit i slk nuks md p isst d lliiniilli at ion coskvr u icitinc to rw vnur aim in 1 thrtshln mm hint as he did about thurtv ve tr iyo but thcrrt noihid intcrcuitttg in hi sturv ul a man viho misotl a tamitv and ran a fann with oik arm heck vuu tan mil mth rmrc thrillini stuff than that iir duv in ihc pancrv all about tclluws in tin hrst pi iti- it livts us ill ith nu 1 1 sh 11 1 ui thi mi nuiri it pi ut 1 1 i n 1i11 tttlk ih 1 i will tu lit b ibk i p u h p if u ii l in tin in w i n 111 s hut i h 1 i mtu h 1111 v m nt 111 il us t i 1 h 1 it s vs it ill 1 h w ih ii 1 i h 1 k n in i ilou t w n t mi is i mi pk i th ii 11 i i v ik i i h i p i 111 1 t t h 1 n i ot i i w i 1 1 u il 1 u ii k u mk b uul h tu s i l ii n nil t ii k il i i it i 1 1 0 11 1 slit v ii i itul s 1 1 ii 1 to 1 iv si lull t hi- omniu 1 1 1 1 iiu l lilt v nt 1 1 tu u t t m i nui ii fs hurt will n t thu t 1 in 1 st thi 1ill1 ih v ts md ml 1 in tun is w ii b i 1 nk h i it ilk w ik st iii ii is quite umqik huni mv thitil 01 tl nu 1 tl s 1 w 1 01 mv oihti 1 nui th u m kn i of s h hlls w lu t st w i i is ll it pist uld litl sldi w t k h iv dl bu n bud tu st m 1 p u 1 i u 1 itt 1 this t mui l m ik 1 in w priniknt m s ifupuiui pf 1is ttui otu wti t rrrmpttt well fst ibhsh a ntfvv paiitm tlu ritcpavcrs jiy nui n ini cd but tht v ittt tu ik ill ion unit j in ok mihisnui tjtlurt of thi prihrpm av t 11 md tin distiut is 11 tin tn il in ihis wntuit i do noi iifi jhout is mtith as 1 uvd tu but i h ivin t hi aid advtist cfitnisin ot alton hum in irtiln d nt in n 1 winn l hi pitsttit stru inu v is i uih h us 1 1 mou ijii tht itmd i ul ibk wi ft n it suit k 1 nt t build ll lb it w is ih sn ok c t 1 11 p sis h k 1 1 bi usid i 1 mi t iiuul iti in uiidi t tlu t nl s 1 n 1 unii th ui 1 m 11 p tin lit fit tpt ut in iti nil it i 111 s i mil is w is ml nip it 1 d tii it inpk tt ikw builduil is hi i it tht pu sent turn 1 w ii w itt h with m in 1i1 n 1 iiiutist thj ustilt it ik sow t imp iiln win h k tut in tin tow 11 ind 1 mi u idv md wiiiiul s m 1 nliihuli 1 wtu n l 1 s ill m li mil i m i ui iiu nv 1 mi i d 1 i 1 1 isi k sups ijntt n i ik t 1 it nl v b dim bui n t n v ss uu ih bill tik ph u pi nt r is will underwit ith n w 1 1 v in st tiiiiji in till s is t lit ll stxl v k 1 wi 1 1 1 kt 1 11 w sub but i pi mist m rt nk 1 s i 1 ih n t 1 hi h in c tt 1 r l uh 1 1 russi i r tin 1 kt inio sp u it out t it meet at ialliatfad sv h t 1 im is tlu topic un- 1 ills dsm in whin jtkjul 21 um iniuil ctiiiili yinin w pl nu i with hilhiuitaj uiif pv ipk u billitlilut sun tt is 1 11 i uik h v is vii tnlteit rnua lb laaaa nf lha gma press ttutvy mty imi mt mtiloii hiitnlnturi who iihil ills illtlttlv ixllll pdllllh ul s tin imist slmw itt loronti lull nui yi iiic ssful lii wlimlnu iiu pilis mi uiiiiihniiiv in mm iiiikill ind csihiilihiii iiui si 111 111 llu lull in iittitwrature from 711 ilt ui von on sluhirikiv lu w nit huscliv wilt u nuvuiv iliutk on lliu miiukss of vatiliiliiii muiiv nf imt flowti iiitoih woif imsv hiliiitnlnu tn tiivci inv nliuiii mil nlhiii huwiih mi ciimhui hihiut ih ohiillnn ii inn 11 nl llu mill if lliu trikt tv nil mill st mill ik iiilitumlilnt mil liuihcr iilifiililiiiiu tn tin llnllko diirlnu tho council nwollnu mnitdiiv llitlnu thu mamhtih ciliiii with two iwililmis hlitltiil hv tntijiuvlih ioiikniu huii- vilk in ihili men one wllu im i wiilk nil knnv ave nil the south slid 1 1 0111 mnln st tu thu pink j111i ihu nlhcr was im the wlst suli nl willnw si limn clinic ll in atlllls si aiimlnt tutliinn tins htitt in loiiiuiis it 1 nils inr u louplu nl m ns uqilcmlnu 11 siiluwulk nil llu 11111 th silk nf annus it in luiui i lulu il i ndiilik sis count i i iccipinl thu piilllnm nut niiustiil the tkik tn tnuki 1111 111 mmiik with the uilitlnin iii jiulpli in luki the uvuls iii miln ui tl unik lulithl priuitil irniui on ifiurhiluv iiftiinimip nr inst wlik ihnnl live mluik tile hntisi ihliinpinii tn mi james wivlillnl 111111 iiusuns inn us wis ilisimvid hv tin file linns ii ul h 11 mu tut ipi the p isi im inks iiut mr lonsttive nl aiinii4inl just innviil in mint i i a in lint ihui stiitul in llu sinu uul il is liiliiviil spnks limn die himniv set lire in iln mul niilihnis uadlliid nui il llipktl in put nut the i i 11m s lull n in 1 sililllaite nl l 111 i ii h 7 stuill dll llllilr piissthli in sivl tin limine hut itt ntthi tiirutturrwnvsavitd m ni uf tin f limits 111 il uiiisi iltimiijli uidi ihiii spiiiiu sniliiit uul up id this him tin u itlui liis tiliii in dull lavui professional dihectory and travellers guide r kfr- 1 lai jhui t minfitai dirvctoith dr w g c kenney lh 11 i 111 inrt sun i nu on u n sm tn 111 i k oa mill si 1 ail 11 olfn il nui 711 iti siilinn 111 f huiih si i ilmni ill dr d a garrett ph r in itul sun n r inn t tt ii i mil ii m 1 si inn inn ii li 1 si ai inn om ill 111 hi dr robert d buckner iml c i i mil s 1 1 n ti w i in n si aipln onl ill 1111 ib oft 1 ii 1 s i ii im af 11 11 i l a p 1 iti 11 lit tlplttlslnt asil ivni ran f f l wright 20 l hi 11 s act 1 ol 1 iii ni hi a i 1 1 i 1 mil ii i inr ol 0 yi i a 1 1 dr h leib of n r 1 r v ii in i y iimk s of 1 ii ui ipl ap n tfi fpiioni i dr a j buchanan i s oil it m ii s 1 o ii r i 11 i a i i l po t 1 1 1 hi c f leatheriand qc i l s r n al i i c ii 1 s 11 fin 1 m iao 1 in no p ni im 1 n s 1 t l uh 1 mpnt ipnll ur pi ii i 1 acton a bra ida ba bi r s ci v i l pub c 73 vj st s ad m onl ptvonc 9 off h ur c p ni 9 p in lpm t p m kudu diiy 1 c ik i f vi lh xa phnm uk nil i nr d iy iliuii v shuimukir mar iitk ai avt arino aiiih e l buchner ro oplium ti 1st cont ul i mm a hnrinr aidd tn m ii st i arlnn in aitnn wiillinul 11 onl i ki pin ii xi pin i r sppnnlnwnt ptinin 111 robert r hamilton opt imi trlst y v pi i x imiii it lis kittnl lid mini st v pioiki tilin oil olfici lliurs iii ii n i ii pni m n tip 1- n i vi n nui h apuuintinin ci i rrj satllrdiy f r iipi pititmpnt plium phnni tit 1 11171 ai iirnst at c ol ntin lever i hoskin v i n tt ai r im ml i mum st n 21 j kim st w ii mpt ii t r nt i i i i ol i 4i4 tm t 1111 pohiatriht ifppi iw t lalim rdmund g morgan dsc 4 1 i s f it iph onl i i ii ta 2 411 m ndai wrrtiutrl il fi it pl m l appi i iln i lit thaveuw guide qray coach lines 1 ills 1 eatf acton ui it sav nc t in fi bound ii v ii t 1 j i ijj k vi i ir il 0h 1 l i m tu im iv srnit sun i iiu im im oft i p m isun ind 2 ml iih 1 livy p ii 11 17 p ni p m 727 2 7 p m 1 32 pib i 12 i sul sun anil canadfalsj nathdnal railways dai 1 nt sl rva tirni k blame pigeons tht iiuimmf icatlhi i ufit ir is limint a whc of art ults whuh uuilith thi pn anj t tut nt pf l oils aiul rtkiur llu spit ul ilis ivt in humans in uut of r fl im 9 j n p m sj urdjv ban 2 a m hastings payne bji and so c ur a t hib c k mill st act m for amkiuitiiiai cll 0d1 w a m o t ronto itilv rirp sunrtv 1033 am tt toronto btff i ni t t nto 0 01 pm to tt r no sunday only wmnind 30 a m tn stratford f as pjn t stratford hot pm to stratford 1ju am to stratford 7 di w nk i 2 33 p m to siratford flat utttay only b t ftmteamm

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