Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1961, p. 10

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-fcjfe- mayfartng its now the final iragat of tha community centra campaign am rapidly balng raachad aftar wenk of planning and preparation by tk commlttae tha eanvaaaara are now ready to vlilt tha home of the area to elt in pre paring pledge for many weak the com mittee has teen meeting to iron out the pro- bwm prepare the publicity prepare the ma terial to be uted instructing the canvattert and organlrlng the machanfc of the cerwai during thi time repretentatlvelf of the committee have been attending organ liatlont meetings to inform the people of the necei- tlty and plana for tha campaign tha recep tion iheie pakir4haua mcajyadha been rnftit encouraging and indkafei a tlrono da- sire and ihrerett in the prefect now the final ttagea hv been reached and tha canvauera will lhl week ba phoning residents to arranga a suitable time for a houie call to help the residents complete their personal pledge during the week of may is the canvassers have attended a school where the complete program has been ex plained to tham thay have been instructed not to high pressure any resident the can vasser are all your neighbors and friends and it is the committees hope they will be received in your home as a neighbor and friend anything thay can explain to you they will endeavorlodo they understand the profect they are in favor of the project and they have pledged to support the pro ject they will do anything they can to help youdecide on your pledge they have many calls to make so dont expect them to- waste their time if you- indicate you are not going to support the proiect remember there is one thing in the cam- paign left to do and that is for you to pledge and the time lotfldthv is n o w something special theres something special about sunday and there s something wrong too that s our conclusion when we remember that this sunday is mothers day across the continent mothers hole a very special place and they deserve every recognition that the day will bring forth all the sentimental songs will be uncovered and all the tv programs will have special numbers dedicated to mothers everywhere all the newspapers will carry editorials most people will wear flowers in their lapel when they attend church on sunday and most children will male a special effort to contact their mo ther if she is still living we find no fault with any of these practices mothers everywhere make a very spec lal contribution not only to their own gen eration but through the influence their ac tions have on the next generation they raise from childhood no one is closer to the children than the mother and it is this influence that is so powerful there s something wrong about mothers day though why do we have to have it surely it is a sad commentary that we have to have such a day to remember the mothers of the nation surely their contribu on is siflnili cant enough that they receive recognition more frequently than once a year with the year gettinq annually more cluttered with special weeks and special days it seems a shame to put mother s day in the same bracket with be kind to animals week correct posture week belter hearing month foothealth week and an endless list of others it is quite likely that few families re strain all their affection and indications of honor to mother for mother s day alone her work is year round and no doubt some of the remembrances and signs of encour agement come from day to day we hope mothers everywhere receive fitnpg remembrances on sunday and that they receive the smaller more personal ex press ons of love they deserve the year rund then there will be nqhult to find v ith cne day set apart as pother s special day price boosters there likely are very few adult canad ian who haven t done some shopping south of the border the lure of course is lower prices though when travel expense is counted in the savings may be entirely il lusory but there is no doubt that prices bre lower over a wide range of manufactur ed goods contrary to what might be as turned that difference s not due solely to the economies of mass production and mass distribution possible in the us no mall factor it has been established by ronald anderson of the toronto globe and mail is the difference in hidden taxes be tween here and there commodity tax rates the hidden taxes hidden in the price of goods almost without exception are higher in canada than they are in the united stales wnlesmrander son in most instances they are at least twice as high this accounts for a large part of the high retail prices in canada of many consumer goods compared with prices across the line maior difference is that while canada imposes both a general sales tax and excise taxes and duties the united states does with out the general sales tax the weight of commodity taxes on a car amounts to 18 per cent of the manufactur ers price in canada but only 10 per cent in the united staes sales and excise axes on one model of a low priced car in canada mount to 396 the hidden taxes on a s milar model in the united states total only 189 the hidden tax on a c garet lighter is 10 per cent in the united slates and 21 per cent in canada and on a movie projector 5 per cent in the united states and 1 1 per cent here a u s purchaser pays taxes equal to 10 per cent of the manufacturer s price when he buys a phonograph radio or television set but a canadian pays 26 per cent on gas elec trie and oil appliances the us rate is 5 per cent and the canadian is 1 1 per cent it has been suggested recently by politi cians hard put to find all the money they would like to spend that the br t sh north america act should be amended to permit the provinces the right to collect indirect taxes since 1867 the perogat ve only of the federal government the argument is that a provmc al md rect tax would be much more efficient than a sales tax at retail level which now must be shown on the price tag no doubt the retail sales mx is an inefficient tax and an unjust burden on the reta i business man who must collect it but the other woi id simply become another h dden price boc r leav ng governments even more room to m ply that they have no respons bil ty for h gh prices and that the culpr t is ineff cient avan cious business rights and space now thai both the americans and the russians have got someone into space the tide issue of whether to publicize the fail ures as well as the successes is develop ng into the mam topic there arc those who agree w th the russian system of being sure of success before announcing it and wait ncf long enough so no other scientists can check on whether you re telling the trutfj there are those who suggest the amen can way of hav ng t ve telev s on covtrage full information on what the astronaut w ii eat for breakfast and complete dtta is about the agonmg countdown s preferable certainly the russ an way leaves room for doubt that is not left in the amer can plan more s gn f cant though s tl at the russ an way ignores the bas c r ght of the cten to know the actons of i s govern ment the acton free press publlihcd by the diiu frlntlng and puhllahlnj co ud tuundod in 187 and published nin thurda at wilkm st avion ontario mimrxror ihe luelit hunan ul jlluulatiurf the t o s and tin jul iiu kjuilxx dlmsmn of the cw na aehcrtimne rati- on nqucst subscr naahlc in advance 3 0 in c in id i v w in it lie united states tun tt7t six months jl 7s smtli authorized as second class mail post oltue ment ottauq tha only paper avar publlahcd in acton g a dills editorinchief daid r dills managing editor rics e ix pal i a the good old days photo by esther taylor suyevt ztd sfitee this suntln is m iilut s d i md sinlinunl il old limit- tl mi i eel ill i linked up lun 1 ihink l ill llle mnlllils in tile hoi ul just think ot ill the veeilldelllll molllets eelebl lied 111 soul hid stor tile iii si one i colli si e is i e we lion 1 know loo lllllill lb mil mel is 1 lliolllel i eepl 111 11 she col lis klekell out ill llle g helen iii f lie 11 lllel ue li ii iii 111 eillk lill 1 inille elel sinee and she iliel m ike n tlui i ivolih l hnncnu up those hoes ol lliis t llll hill ahel one ol i he m eluhheieil ills binlhil hill elel slllie people hoe be e ii loii1c llolllul llle i1ii1l iij 1 111 isl lllesollli in inner nl i liu hlolhel s keepel then llle le his 111 11 greek mo- lller cmelllllestl i she e is ii the i illek old skill him 111 ii med her iivmi sun lller he lreu up lllel killed his d id he e is si willie iii ehell he 1 ulllll llll 111 il his eife e is mil onh old ell lliell i i he ills 111 lllle i llll was his in ihel 111 ii he is i polled i i ll lie pllli kieolll b it 11 his lies in hide 1 tile 111 in lie i it u is 1 1 11 lllls iii i lisl he minim ihil lb ilcillitttil ens i llll eli 1 ihil t nine ill llll i i hill i ik ii ll ul esteem oil 1 tlui s die in r 111 hi illll s lllele u le si i ll little nl i 111 lllle is i i ll it onl i hill is in ui lint ii l i sp il liu ii ki i i ll 1 ll it it llle it ll i v i i w ll ii he 1 is hltle he is e ls pi milt ve till 111 it ins in sk i i i i stn i km hull his iii i tie i llleillejlt ll is s i i i i eii w ii eon kn lie ulllt kl is i i t thine she km ii is e 11 pi i i 111 i llll i i hum 111 nil le in i r ill iii t ll is illll i till ll i t n th is lib pi ii i so i i sp i ti i pit iii 111 iiil tme ill i ml hill is i p pi ilk ii i ii i iii i k ll i kipp i 1 1 i ii illll i 1 1 iii iiii s s tin i ii in it i 1 i i th i ll is pi lie i h is ll il heell 1- le i lis pi jpej lllle i ll tmpl e h i i i 1 j ii nm s i isti iii h ii the minis i hut ivh it i ii ki ii i i his ml tin hi ii ii i i unletting hk hilih ii m 1 in in thus llll i ll ll e til lei il iii elite 1 1 il ill tile i k ll lliusu kstn ibltlk itlel ll he i i it t i pill lip mill i 11 illll iii ll mis b leh lie 111 lhinuili mill ill those little de i lis h inun line t el u in the ellt ll ii i i the llelel if literature tlnre lie s inn leileler milhei llellts iimi slum ul ule-lll- by dill smiley 111 the south se is so he i dill leil up mill 111 il noh hies 111 llll elipho llel liltllllle hoillil 11 ll i ike i llll illll iii llel lee mini molhers hue been 111 llle lllllllol t ll 111 seme tlleles mill llll oll 1 1 nil i 111 llle llltllll i llellsh inlk soul llho ills bent uiped llll cellel itioils lo el her knies up mellller ulollll and lllete s mother malhrcc whose dnletui eh irms itl honied m iiiinltilli b llle irish on e in pretext and ol eouise iheie s 111 il ei md old mill llidli itell lo mllll mother mil mine m is liu ihe mess ou m uil ol us kills is llll llle old illll so on bui enolieli ol this milieu tier niolher knous 111 it dup iloun eloiva hound ihe si 111 leh she is irilll ippnc i lliil 111 llll e lllllill 11 till i lllle llel ill llll is lime is she lloesll t lllle i le re lllltl nil it lliei ii iiii lo iln and lo prim llnill deiotlon md slloll hull nitieh she nie ml to lliem in thin form lllle cirs ihel ii l lo pie it p lllls lo see 111 ll sin jels inlo is line i iiursiiiu home is she e ill llloiel llllell she lels old i eoiild go on md on ibrtiit molheis hee luse 1 think lllev lie i good thine when von arc icie small lhe ire excellent it kissing in u ihe pain nhcn miu i ill and bump vonrse11 dining school ye irs thev are- h ind lor gellmt oil up in ihe nioimiil m else si igcs and lor lioiioumg moiiei afier ou arc nllllleel lllel 111 ike lllslrite ehe ip h ibl silteis no ihe world nolildn t be ihe siihl iiiihout molhers and i ihouihl 111 it i fen wouls like ilus rifchi liom the he irl uoulil remind ou molheis nil it in important nil illll role loll 11 lie pi ivcd 111 llle lllcs ot gle ll men mlekenlc king lor eximple is slid to liiie lined his mo ther eicii more th in his dog so 1 i en llippi molheis d ll to elerv one ol lull gad about music in the schools lusingss and editorial office phone 6 0 0 acton wu nkpitnllkt- lilu snou whiu ulil i uh md cinilcn i i i hum m rvoplt who will i tip furthir than out own muihti in inmu tn jt nd ut miu but vc hai nal mi irurs uni thtn s mnihtr hubb inl vlu won thosr umfi hlavvinm utir inflkud b iht inkmonariik un tlic girk ii i ki n k tiling ib ni i the nm i il piti ot ilk uiwuiiluin in i hi puhli st h mis huh tl i iiui 1 i mn 1 hilp bin in ill tin ii is t liu i ii l p ut il th ii niui whin imimi h ul lutli put in thi sthuol pi ii nil at till lltll lit till mil mil milk ii i i i id i ill in him hi iiuhi li i- sp irini bn ii i nnnl il mill n ii in u li iiul somiimus mf h i i i iiuu i win 1 1 in tin pupils uli ulll ill lltltl llll llllll p ills i i i k in i in ki ulit i u 11 i upli ut n itiniiib un ins tlu wiii iiiiillid mv i v 1 1 ix mil cuiilmts ut i it s p k ki ts 11n will su h i u i s ill u i w is i h mil ty i i in till i i iss mil npi il liu in iiki hi 1 1 win n sih m 1 plis in imisi i 1 1 ik m b 0 i will ii numbi i k w i vi i w ui b u t lll i un h stl iiiiinb miiiik lili i but i ilu mi ilu uli ii i hi mws i ilu i ins j i in ilu i i ii w is i miyhu n i tliinu w is tin thini hi t k ilk tiniiil it sniiiiil in th si i ls i iflsl ulil i in i ill ih il iu d i iu tm p in md nnsill il uliil llait wi w mid n i p ii n p iu m i hi smit-ini- th it il i wi win both ilitunid it liu ss mil iii tl lit ul thi li i li i md i bl i k nibbii sir ip i i pit m i ik ntk displ iii i i n ihi nl i t thi disk i dull numb r w iluil nit hi ihi in rn inj hi oh vis wi h i i snn iiuim in tin si h mis in ih si ihvi titt i ti s i t so i i 1 ui uil miu thin hjs lxiii nil i i v- ui jmnji ml llk- rxtreme lrft tjk rucnl inert 1st of onew i stin is in tm onto ni mplumis ilu distjuii tint inl th il j gnat piipoitiou ol thi ut driirs d j n t know how to m ki iurnit linns in u dtii or il k ist d not boihii tht ontario saftt li ihk points out that i left tarn nil i a oikw i sirttl should her in in i hi ixinrm kfi lane art illusti iiid uallci civki turns in ti iiik is auilahli from tin ont ii in dtp irtnunl of trois pull hiishw i sidtv branch himin otr tht i it rn illmv t irh nh ml dis s uik ol miu in i iiniotnbt i wlun iui month thi first six in t i r i lass h id t ik ir narm s pnd marks pubhshid in ihi i rtt- vivs ol tourst now wt hat it port cards will it may and uc hac so m in is rcjlu happv or vafc wtihoul a hubh and it makt piitioiis little diffircmc uhal i hi ouisidi ink rest nu he hoi am hcrtlcs or buttrrnic rovi lulips or iru funing moun t urn en ny or antiquilie anv thinti will tlo so itinu t he su idjks i huhb md ndt- ll hard sir ttilham olcr back in 1911 taliati rwrnt tba imo or lha r thuiulay may ii 111 onrliiu a imtfllnu mniuliiv iv inhlu nl ii ginii nf liiliiehlcil cilltiik ll wiis iiilienl in renin inili ihe- aelim llllun lluml llllll j l illll wll elloeell luulel ilu hiikimv iieiimiier iiiiiiilii uiis ii llrown mil ilu coin millet i nnnprlmil ol j u illll 0 il hkiuii n i mimic unil aiimiii 1 1nn nnnl a liuiiil ol nlmlit s iileei s litis linn iiiuiiii ltil anil ii mv iiiiesslul suunii in ulllmlllliil tle lolllllilllce uqpesli linvilllc illllillu ml ll liuiiil lllblllllllclll llnnilil tile lldllle lo llllll ii on l lo ilu 111 aihiiii iiiiii o i lock iiii i ililnv nfliniikin mi holm i 1 iillon willi is ope i llln llll pilll lllle siw mill loi mi jin iniiih hell llll llle- lllllill lilolx of altllilloiis iwmil iiui mill i veiv p ilnlnl meiilenl he wis uluillu llle llll tichefcll e illll inim llle biu ell ml ir siw mil ilnr nmiilnii llllotlith i ho ml ll is le lllllill mil llle siw hmiltlillc llll cily inn wlun siimiiiiiiw hi etniiihi his li mil tinil liu it mil the imli x lllllill mill llllll lllllleis on ins ulllll lllllll ilu llllle lllllli i w s loin riolll llle iii si lullll iii iiuv illllstil ills inilllles llllll lie inns ilu olhel lllletels illll lie s lletl j llllll i i lllllll i ioiiiik 111 iii cmploiiil h mi i a lleilili i son il his s in iiiill on m mi si lllel null i sellons ieeltltilt on s kuril il i weik titio 111 nis lo iilmn liiinlui il ilu ol it si i lion will 11 le lllllill olel llle le ll ulllll llle sills ol ilu i led inoke mil llle utllll ol ilu loul time upon his lill iiiiii eiiisluni k h litlv lllel luelmllll one ol llle hones hellveen llle unsl nut dhow ll letlllleil i iloe ii men mil i eoiiplt ol cioiihtrs lo llllll he llle lollll ill 111 liom llle he iii loul lesllll on ills it 111 durinii ilu leljulir iruelinu ol since llle lllllll lit llllcl ills lllllill hoilllll ippi iis lo lie i mi prominent pisuime ti ttin 1 ike this loim ol leete llloll piomises lo lit lcl popill ii clllens he lo he t imillelllleil fill then lllle lest 111 die spline ill innp pioerims i inns ih hiinfl niowcil lems i ikeil mil hiuneil mil heilfces irimnuil mu iiim i in wnifmimiim ii ii n back in 1941 tuktotl irrtin tha uaue of ih vre lr thursday miy 13 1441 rxknslvu luinniiu unit un pi iv i mi nt u ui i iiiulirwnv lit luudmotl iiiul co plunl hetv sliui iihivlnn tin yiiuuil officii ul ilu loniimiiv liom toronto in ai loll ii li w vliiih uuo the nil in qlluitilh uf till htlllf tlllvl ihiii oviuiowdutl whin itllil niionv lit oinptiiid ihe niw iuniu will br iiiuii uunmiul loos uiul pinviik a htiui unlit tut mil hiiii hiliiiihis dm inn ilu n juliir nuilliiu nl ilu ation mitiiilh 1il ihl i l if ion in id in tht loim of a i mile nlyhl wi iliu sdiiv i lie punt pilsltkiil h kvi wan pii vi nli d tn mini middiilit tm will iih i pttstni iilon itf ii sllvi r timiulti i ist on tu half ol ilu munlwrs a mm piour un ilimiml d ihu niidanic with imilustru niimbtth proved hv c i iindhhorutiuh k spit lvui i miihon md fit stiiith miss rukiis lid thi iioup in 1 sinj sunn md tnlcr liuiiil ilu milliiuiu uilh n h tiumhiis b i ik piit wlniuit at tht miisil tstitl ii irtliy oli s ol n uiiu town also rt ndi r id i k il solo i illll ll will s tvnl in mis w nits md mrs i alkiitsuii ooiiiim tin mini il mttimit jihsdiv iimnj ilu tlirk rud i ftru i fiom i i ii hunhv thur in in ol ilu wimii oinbiu curp- iiiiiiiuu u c in id i ihinkinif ilu nil rnlms ol i unit il md ik ik i k loi th- vmhhii itll ttmiptt iiion iivtn his tssonilis tlui i ilu linn ol siitiuu ip ihi- iiifu indusliv in at ion md dur nilt ilu umi ol his mint visit to- ai ton during n cornnti s pirv lit ir in list ihiusdiv no hi unt was ittulhti in iht ctiiih ol kay ii udini i v m ii od ut i i id who ditd ul iniuiiis wlun he is thrown imm his bnvtlt tltir nil in it t nit n i itttnlk tht ouni mm itiumparutd hy rusll johnson his tompinum wis itlinj lo ihtir touiitrv hnnus during thi tvitkntt it his itvi iltd thit only urn- hi imii hid i lifjht cuipniil j j m itsktr ol tlil ncthcrlinds rlji nnnl il su iltord u is ilu tliuir ut tht i ii imolw tl professional directory and travellers guide funfral dirfctorh mfoical tl ihiht s iiiii ilu troui lish iii si ism is hiii but is i unit lliis a is not tt uhtr ini ih mti i iiii- hi siimniir m iriblts or ui suinmrm it pist luft minim i unit is n know il in 111 si puts i hivi bun doul to thi pirk mil uok ill is tu ti uhntss tm si u tint tin building of iht com niuniin cintu i bthti tht lund i lslll i m iss is to i ikt pt lit this in mih i noit ilso th it m tntnd bill ci n his bit n ilixiiid to tht si n itc md m idt alton s iiiiin o thi tir tht honor is mill i u rud iiul i liitir from norman hun m who tills mi hi his m il is hilton couniv pubhshid in ih thinks lot ilu otlir lo p nisi il hut wi hiu a top in ui hli muiit ol iitt wi hue w ii pk s hut tht p ni wiih thi i n in ip is missing liom out it limn giuss i hiu rimblid ullii it nth stt miu ntti witk dr w g c kenney phvicinn nnd surjirnn ofdct in symnn bl tk ha mill si f act n offici pin ni 711 ni done ll church st f phoni l dr d a garrett phjmcnn jnd sui i n c rnir of willow ind itivir sis fntnnri rkcr kt attn ont phont 23 dr robert d buckner phypicinn and surtji n t willmjzt n st arkn ont phont 179 offici ii urs fl h pm aftirno ns tv app inlm nt apfraimvo and inhiban f l wright 20 w lh ir st acton out ir pn m i amirusir md insunncr on r r y us in att n pi- vtal dc h leib dt ntul s inii n oft icr corner mill ind fridor rk slnrt offic i mrs bv ain tment tfi fpiionf 10 dr a j buchanan dint 1 suru un off cta m 11 strett off ci h kit um to fl p rn ci in d wlni5dav afti rno m tcli phont lfl c f ieatherland qc darrtr a solicit r n ur public offer hour 10 00 i m 1200 pm 10 00 p m llklpm siturda by pmnntmani only offici 22 ph mi rn 1m acton a braida ba dnrrljtir solicitor n tary public 173 main st s acton onl phone sty offer h un 6 pm v pm lpm fl pm saturday h cork st k guflph i phono 000 nltrtlt or eloy nturi f sh ipmaker mar oitical avp iifawino aids e i buchner po opt imrtrnt ccmlict lrnffis ifcarink aieu 411 mill st aclm in aclon wcdnndavn only 2 00 pm oapm fir oppolntmfnt phone 111 robert r hamilton oiitomctrliit fyi n fx iminfd dluie ii f itrd 00 mnin m n gi irgetown ont office- h itlri 10 nm lu 0 pm mon to fri fvinmui by appointment claud saturday rnr ain nntmi nt please phnni th 7 1071 atlpnrtno accountino lever hoskin chirterid accmlnlantb m mnin st n 212 km st w nrnmptun t runt 1 phone- gi i b24 fm 4 01 ii fomathiiit i fool slmcialuti edmund g axbrgan dsc 14 grim st cuplph ont phone ta 2 2741 m ndnv wednesday frul ty my appointment thavbuh quid gray coach lines roachm uav arrov diutfnt savlna time euttoound u am dally aaeapl sun and if il si am iiu am in pan 9m pjn i33 klm lllpm looft pm isun and iln i weatbound 1027 am ism pm 1st em 57 am t27 pm 12 pm iih am ill a pjvt i ii am rn is- sun and t im oftlee houra 9 ai saturdays lm canadian national railways daylight aw tlma h pm ii am hastings ayns barnatm and alkkors nourlea thlblle i a mill at alol for ppolntmant eau mi pjn to toronto rants sunday oafr la hnlhj ijs smt ta

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