Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1961, p. 6

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f pounding the sports beat whos thai knuckiiii lit my door ii could ho ihc lair viimu maiden but ii huprxm ncm week mora than likely ll will itv a can- vawter for the community centra fund i next week cliimixis weeks nr preparation and iletiillt lot ihe fund committee thin the nidimir joe would never think of the fund executives hove been run nlng on the iiimpaiyn molln its now or never mid iron litis angle thiili- jumoiow it looks if were iliinu to hnvc an arena equipped with arillltiat ice in ac ion the lime lb now run ovei the arguments in vout own mind take the pros and put them with the cons i if you con hoimtlly nay thai the fund doe mil drve your upnorl ihcn wed dvle you lo wrigh the full again before you decide against contribut ing indication are ihe can vas i going over the lop and octal being thai we are every one like baeklnga winner mayor john goy and two nl his hcnihmen jack mlcicil ha and bill mllcoli look a tup lo walkeiton on mnndiv mtiinlv tee the ilc inikmu process in the bruce cipitil they were fortunute enough to meet up with an old imnv in wilkeilon spoils man tubhv scfimilt tubhv being 1 member ol the wulkei ton arena buuid from its tniep- tion wis able lo till ihe aclon trio in on nil ihe particulars ol running an ice plant the walkerlon arena rum ten months of ihe veur wjlh liockcv roller skalinu bingo eti as its major attractions hut it look rome time before thev ironetl out alt the burs blpgest blow was the failure of their sicli pipme to withstand the ammonia and they attributed this to wartime utoel and wartjme welders unfortunately ihe leak dldnl develop until ihe arena had a cement floor with a lev- raio urface on lop of thai over the pipe ii looked like a cotly failure until ihey dreamed up a solution which has been working very satis factorily for ihem they simply left ihc floor a ll was laid down plastic pipes and made ice right over top of that when the hockey i over they simply roll ihe pipe lo one end and use the remaining space for summer acllvllle 5 the mighty dude backstop toi the 1947 onliuio ihampinn team is back ujiuin this cti himluiu out pointers in a louilunu urn form for ihe interim dtulc base ball squad in sptte of inclement ueulhei dude has been piune ihe bos a prcseuson workout and repoits rciucuinlk that some ol last years team aie irvine out in guelph jtmioi uulis the two lantlsav lxs pete lawson and aml williams a member ot ihe guelph iluh last season are making a but lor the team ii they click and there is utile doubt tliev will lea in moio base ball hum in aclnn hulieiil liinu will be suirv lo see our neluli- hot lug city pick ihe cream of the alton i rup i dude is not dlslouivilieil how ever and has his eve liuitied on i rookie ciilihet who is slum hip plenty of promise the hurling stalf appeals to be one til the veak spins tfus season hut i lie units -in- out looking over the held for new fuces guelph junior tenuis have a penchant for picking out ihe belter intermediate player wr eligible for junior from this district however ll i la ihe playcnr benefit und inlercounly circle ure travelled widely by com for future big leaguers if a player has any polenllul hes more apt to be noticed in ihe inlercounly than back here in the bushe deal bit the vvuv it looks low onlv a tew imvs are going o gel the oppoilunllv to pluv orgameil baseball this sliinniei ivvo snirisnitndcd litiens pete vale and tal owens hac entered i ive wee team lit the llallon county minoi baseball sltich lot miss 12 vcais ol age and under t seems to be ac ions onlv minor nliv that will pluv against mil icle opposition what aie ihe hances of a nun league youi tuess is as gmul as nunc but as i now thev are veiv dim brampton famed senior lacrosse club knuwn lounlvuide as the rxiclsmrs will be plaving untler a new name tins season the club has stilliimhed to sponsoi niessure antl ihn season at least will he known as simpsons ram bleis the iiinior lxiclsiurs will remain with the liadiitunil name ilthough thi are sponsored bv a lonstnjltiou lonipanv an eagle eye view is about the inh lonitucnt ue can make ubout hie inst telelist of toion lo maple 1 cal hall panics it was diffiltilt to distinguish the base paths honi ih luneti m des the kns must hae lxen on the loot ot ihe sladliiiii speaking ol bust hull lelicasts well saturated willi them oji the weikentls ifou aie ve supposed lo lie in the etvul outiloois when ihe huv ol a hie league hall lmiih- keips us inside still no wind liom the soltballcis about he pioposul town league aie ou listening secession ol toronto st mil hails maims liom the oma jiinioi a utiles slmuldtvddrnnnr- area spoils seriht s loiinlinutic at least he piediileil the toronto sihmii woulil neei icne the juniot a ii ii anil amis u ihem ol blul fine did vou ace the ulecasl of ihe kliitucks deib when ihe s2 laconic cattihaik imik the leul in ihi sliilih atler hailing mosi ol ihe uuv- this set ihe al l tnosl got up anel shmiteil it isus ihe most ihiitjuig finish ive seen kl lei in a deibv wrestling stalls llus salittilav in mllloll atitia i hinir ihiiio glads won iho trophy in tho bluo springs ngrsory bowling leaguo tuesday ovenfng during iho final playoff tho toam boat out the rosos mums and asters for iho championship pictured abovo aro the happy winnors included in the pic- turo aro toam captain verne magos mary daly alice pilking- ton wanotta smith agnes mcginnis lil wagner and ivy martin sports the acton free l press thursday may 11th 1961 200 fete pete mcmullen for baseball contribution voted most valuable player john goy jr receives trophy toll lean last kitnit tenhv- itc mar okthe bantam lunkc leant john gov ji was liken bv surpi isv moiulax c l iiiiil uhin he was piistnuil with a must xaluafrli pktmi cm llu team tik irani nvmmih d h llu aclnn tiulitihuts tu hosltii bv the liivimn in a u ioih i nul tt bean tivit in llu tin it ill ilui dfll uhith a film mi llu ws8 w dllfc siliitai khiel jkk nca inn piisittinl 11 ttiunskv heail iuakli diklts iiiaiiii wil iimi spik 1ol i ami w ilhani k nil- hi i niiipnunl nianaki s aiu- ki lt iianspn laiiun ivinii i nul phil kci islall ixinlaiit kiiakh innal hk kt i iiyik liuth uin khemn the tnmj miiiki ol tlu nuaid j ituivii t a nii ot hix team niati itu pit uhi- salufda aiul umrniikt nit m was kept vcmil until tlu ban quit mnntlav ipreuw rjlltmlc in uilptiiiy tlu- m ntt luhii thanketl the tin nun t i itu in teivst in sp4insui utk tlu vmnv ktei s aiul luki tin hi 1 1 ijihtt i s ihe entile lenn imul thitn i lot ot jl itmult ik im in ud mi that in spm ot tuit i k w wins it hail hem a mku slnl si ison ami entuie h ul iumul ellent iimtliin nul miki virion tt am tnanat i hv i h ihu1 ft ra i set i thi noting luls loi itu n merest ami tk tvi nun hum antl mate his pkastitt al tvuv as tikiateil with sikh a line imip nl his ikul kmih ii uttlvl tomise isjhtattl the manan i s ncnlipients as hi kvumui itu pist eisin simteil al the lit tl t ihlt um the follow nitiv j a k pink tt am e acton hope hnut aiitluv i hunt knlt hlllti pi imin i i imilp ll h k slil tilt i oioillo i andrews highs s ion s ti tallttt l lh latl t s iitiisi piiiin will i mi i tuini vtn kul in tlu tlnse in 21x litemls relatives lei low hiimiicssnien and hasehall enlluisiasis tiriheteil in milloli last niyht wednestlav to pav tnkntc tu pete mcmtilfen a man llit lenikil tlil daikk u base- hall in llallon cmintv tele mi mullen uill teminihei it as a nielli wlun ieibotlv seemed to hae a ixason to sav si simiiej thank mm tor his mam viais ol lontiihutin his utoiis in haslball started here tie is a man ulio siai itll his chilli lanvi wtlh minoi hall i in his home town milton he liulnl up sctmiig 14 eus is puiikiil ol llallon cminl uast i hall assniialion plus ihiee is pit sitknl ot the pannl oba and i sirh an aiine woikei itu tlu iuise ol hasthall ituli tlu tall htm milton s amhassadoi ol sptii is gijoilwill i milton red so ink i nudiili h ill al lub spottsoied ihi ojjnnij and siiiitediil in palluim plinl ot pitt s iliuiinlinus to make a bi mlil ot it llihlinhls win llu piismiation ot ivtt s 1 a loiloiil ti ml lllbt tship bv oba mtitliin jim uaklu llu pi miitit urn ol an inp avid sil ii lia liom llu kul so enii lii ami llu piisentaiioii ol a i i silti piithu b kiv pithitk j i oniaiin siks mauaii ol ami dlslllkin i mr isuichuir aiioi hi i sh 1 1 1 1 ii at ii it w is tin skiv h b lunuiv mil ini in ol i 1 oimioii oiiiiiion mi hist bill sioi lilki while j nil ilulii l sa unit ii oilut ihan ipuss his opinion t liit l tt is i itu ol llu bt si pusiiknls u tvtt hid in aiiomphsh lie ivieited a stand ing ovation head table quests im liuletl mc bill bovd camphellvillc in teimnhalc nun lot 1 en amluws mimii sul chdits rtil sox man- ajiei ail melanson rtd so ipils itknt don loklka anil mi pe mink oba oltutals intioduttd b mi vvaldu uuluiled sitielnv lommv row ilon lae hell i i ink al nisi long it ant rett arnold waik hum ilooil and sl mii okl i ml biadkv ihe inst oba pnsuknt anoltu i mi m tu i olhe johnson ol oakvilk also uuiu his tile meinhiislup pin last niyht special gueslh spinal gin st n ami 1 1 units ol thi gllisl ot hunoi whl btll iii seven clubs vie for title in intermediate baseball stltptlulom were cleaned lit the llnltnn county bakubull ah solu tion hiih week for u retold 3 entries v seven tlubn will vie tor ihe title in the intermudlute seilen whkh uls jjiulerwitv may 18th in the tomhlned junior juvenile leauite theie 1h ii tulul til six ent rles three uvenlle and three lunloi the mldgel leauue has six teamvihe banlam leauue elyhl leams and the pee wee loop live all mid there will he u lotal ot 2tt niimes plnved in ihe ivuiilii schedule n ihe live leauue and ihe plavnlk lor i he ilyht in no on in in the ontario baseball as soiiutlon plavilowmh milton tieoruelnwn oakville bionle alton camphellvllle and dundas aie entered in the inlet mediate league while millon wateidovvn and oakville aie in liinlnt the iivenlle clubs aie cm lisle uuiliinjlon and bundas in jiililijcl uionie builinglon camphetlvliic dundas deoige own and milton will do haltle white in the eiijlil team liintiim leauue iheie is buthnulun ujjiiltciu u wij u zj j aetuii inlennedlutes open the banc bid i ucunon here on hutur- duy muy 20 when they pluy host in uc ewly formed ienrgutown club compoted of ninny pluycrs who inat ua- mm tolled in un aeton uniform ihe oeiilns uumc could be u kind of a unidfie match dude mnduuys crew reaumc ualn be followlnu monduy when ihey lake on cumpbell vlilc in the nnknuuwcyu cupl tol bionle cmipbelh ille dundas i den mitts hotnbs millon and slieelsville i he pee wie loop has atln bionle biulinglou lden mills and millon oakmlle fcden mills sheets ville and geoigelown aiu owns with new entiles in ihe llallon assoitallon ihls eii to hoosl the amount ot teams ovei ihe 10 tnai k ihe annual all siar game is to he luld sunday julv l mils in vdun the best plaveis in the as sot ia i ions j n lei mediate stiies will met i an inleitonntv sirlioi squad ihe gnne will hkil hi paed al cmipbelh ilte and will he divided upon iain this monili ciuh sluis in the league has a tonvtnei in tliugi ol its opeii lion tins en loi the hrst lime ptll jlinn aiul roy levens all nl g and v ktkhe bush toacll ol ihe hamilton juntoi rid wings bob fas to sccielai uea surt1 ol millon biuk john mon managei ot the orange mile culling club ralph don uliii managei ol the james h matthews plant ami all tlu num- bus ol ihe llallon counlybast hall assoiiiimn dining his sptlth guisl speak mdlmin tilled toi a moments knee in tubule lo he late clai in ruklell v lio tonti ibuled so ninth to milton and llallon eoun baseball tlu oilms ot lit hat k t ii nsiikll v oss ll t mils llu vi i llu ill lu ii ih i uniiing iii itt i v t bllkt i iu1i 11 it k hut a tot o lit shonltl k mihoiikh atlo b tontpttm loi a loioiilt tiassi toilltl u lonships ipiahlit x in ttu si it i mis iintk i tiu iph i igion tuit ihis wtvk toi his alma sillk1 lis ttu iuiiiiih i thi piomlut ion iij ailon tvsls tttl iuiiiiih t one is tlllilttl in llu itu kukt i uus i hthil vihu h is ilu two iiiniu 1 s in tin fuul tbainp iut ot tin lllu t hh tale if sltl ipll m llu o ha in ktpl tns tn siiu in s is in lold shi soi niusik iboul his i huv s m hast bat t n i1 shakt i ino pit st ntt tl l ion ol iiano stilos in a mannet lh 1 1 ohk jiminv millman lould otllt lit i i ilu i i quaint s llu 1 still a v e a v e see prouse for price for the best buy in town on new or used cars before duy be sure you i ry franklin prouse motors ltd pontuc buick vuxhl gmc open evenings phone 16 ktiowk 11 is whit vim it un jiont ttttnis witltim is whii ou tiath vimiihh jack ridley cartage umltod concrett uocks conchte uick stoni tuolk kloci sand irvestock ami krtiuzu m shivict tnd supptlts dump trucks for hire t pcv clau n fully liwwd mom asi acton a good boat with a poor motor will leave you in mid stream dont take chances have your outboard motor chetked now before holidays bvuroutcoarbotorrictalist guaranteed service grant motors 252 qumn st acton phon 85 wllh men from ucroitm tlhi ill- irlcl luklnu churiiu hurry cumon u clurkum fur- met coulii nl ihu ililuncl hiiimjv lun inlcniilillallh i iuokln0 jirl- vi the pec wcu wrlfh nml clnn llluuvlv r niirllnuiiin nuwui1 iiuinlwr ul ihc llullon ciiiimy uxiluiivl slnn he wiih clumutl ul ihe immuil mfuilnu tliulm ihu illinium mliis tlu mlilurl uioup w iimilii hv duvi andrew ul htuinvlm ilsn i new member nl ihe exeiullve nul ihe juvenile juniiii hciic in heinu rilheied hy len sle mirie of millun ihe ihiul new exeltilive memhei twenties roar again friday at teen town the teen town riinvu 11 he i euiuii 1 1 ill 1 1 id iv evenlnu luul 11 novel ivvisi with 1 riiuilnu nvenhes atmosphere lillle ciesur intl ihe consuls pluvett loi the leyuiur dinec llld lions tltih lliipernnes vveie syil i umh vii mofiis mm lev allin iiiilpiv sulenl aiei- jolinsiiu jutlv allium won 1 pne lot hei leti lunu red wind loslume mil jo anne lone won unolhei loi ihi w2ii llippei snk diess spiliil diniln ptles went lo llonnu kenniik ol aclon und ihi punnet tom wulls ol millon who tlimvil ihe i2lli slieel run the puir iuied ihe hesi in ihe chut lesion competition were ihmi llu llnu nl guelph und kuren ainihn o igcorgclown try baxter drugs firsti youll find- many gift suggestions to please mom on mothers day sunday may 14th let os that come in today help you select special gift for mom baxter drugs mill st 1 phona the piirenl inlet metllute uroup rme him in ihe pusi wllh bruce hood pur iii ci inu will conlintie hi operate uh it ihc iciiuuc kiltulinv treiisilier imiklnu iifler i heir nores notkh duve mianliur who hihrjeen un uitlenl workei id hit oukville rusehull association i- tluned riils vviek ouve looketl litter ihe inlerinetliule ouks with llllle 01 no help hclflil uiven hv ihe oiuuniulion untt wlien he in tiled t j1111i01 tlub ihis vi 11 hie sume pit tine wus tleveloinie so 1le liunetl ihe whole issm tiu k lo hud cornell president ol hie assoclulioil tljete schethilt lor tjle vuliiius leueues will lu puhhshetl in this pupei ut xl wei u itu antliews c imp hlllvlllt iiiisteimiiitl wis up pointed lo look ulltl pit p u 1 lions lot the unmiul ill 111 iiuui im this vi u mil hun loir 11 uill likt iv he llu hesi lo tlilc tin cxeiulive ilso uiiiid ihe knni in pluvtd ul luinpliillvllle ul llu sume lime but alllit ws siieet si id ii he lei i up to hie 1 lulls lo decide upon j champs bradford pordtruplurcd iho oiia liilermetllute b irown tueiujuy nlltht wllh-aii-llt-uwu- luiklnu lliev handed ihe port dover kullorv the win jiave liramoid ihc- final seiles lolir nanus lo two with one itiine tied lurllrr this vear ihe iliulloitl dull liurned up the ccntrjl on i- uiio limue iiiuriinu on ovei milton fitoitetown dlindus hume im 1 friilil ma oukville 111 ihe uuulur stheilulc you will enjoy learning to drive with halton driving school u111i lunliuls government i iicusctl graduate liistiuilor group or private lessons tr 89047 express buses direct lo old woodbine races saturdays and holidays may 13lh is jun 3rd leave acton i i 71 am drtllfjht time ralurn jq 1a includa far oiu admittlan ralurn aflar latt raca llekctsaiitl lilloun 1i1011 al wiles confectionery piioni 207 mccrae branch canadian legion giant car bingo saturday may 13th 380000 cash includes 1961 rambler or 200000 reg games 1 total 2 40000 specials giant jackpot 1961 rambler 300000 or 2000 00 cash guelph memorial gardens 8 pm childrtn undar 16 yrs not allowed lo play i i little giant road grader anyone with a tractor and three- point hitch can use this scrape to grade their own roads doityourself ditch4line pipa trencher jet redm mix vameere trencher garden tractor alto skll uwt xtamien ladder whl barro a card and n auttrit ofnarator lor ront ideal for grading and levelling around your farm or rent ay day week or month the tractor is also available on our economical rental plan construction equipment john deere 420 with blade 20 day front end loader 25 day gmc 4 ton with 25 ton float operated 10 hour wi have other items givi us ac all for your reou little giant rentals phone milton tr 89753 a division of r mcdufff son ltd hamilton ja 94515

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