cu tha acton ft pnu thursday may 18lh 1961 wa v with the acton boy setts by bruce wtlllamaon parent hnve occnslonnllv ask ed mo what is tlw court of ho nor dial i lit patrol leaders mul seconds ailenll everv trluuv ev- tnlng 1 he court of honor is the unvernlnii boily of ihe hoop ami lonsisls of the pnmjl iviul ers mxiiimii troop leader who nili as iliiiimnn and the scout- mcimei who niicnils in an ucl 1 vlry tapidttf our ulittil lrou represents xcinitlna in thin community bv its nuionx stoiithnu in general ii imlpixl llicrcloie anv tnut- tcrs until lire llkelv lo lome he- fore the public must tirst he considered 1v the court of ho nor they mint uinslilei ihe pub lie illations value or the mtlwl- les pmposed tor example it would he n ghjd puiposal for smuts lo vol untcvi their scikes as ushers etc at such lhlnns ns chnritv hockuv names hall games con ceils etc however n trained com i of honoi would see thnt the stouts selected were proper ly lint led loi ihe oh thev had to do one shahhv looking ot distuin lemis scout would elimi nile all ihe good win k done hv tlu lemaindtl of the troop responsible for dliclpilne the tlisciplule ot the sctiuls is ihe lespoiisihtlilv of theii putrul lejtleis anv situation whtch gets out ol conttol oi thieatens to jeopauhe ihe pond name of the titmip would he handled by the cum i ol honoi who mav turn the mailer oxer lo ihe stout mastet foi a linil tletsion as a lesult of the above vou tan appietiatc ihe lut lhat the limit ul honor must leeeive ad dilmna tiiinmu in oulet lo he citialilietl lo handle these situat inns llieiclore on friday even infs one til ihe thtnps we trv to attnmplish is to hilp ihe pat lol devtlop ihe npht at tltude tovvirtis tllstiplmarv att mo thev must realize that it is muth moie impoitanl lhat thev trv to help a delinquent under stand what he has done vviong antl hnw he tan avoid the same mistake than lo douse diabol ital piintshmt nt thtv must also ttteive liainmp on how to con dot i pitiol meetines patiol camps ami how- to tiain their pitml in pmeial curtail llnuri due to the school exam period ihe tout i of honoi on frulavs will he postponed until the 21ld of june tioop meetings will be silverwood for one hour only beginning the 2slth of may mul continuing un- llr the ittllt of jurte inclusive 7 pin lo ii pml thin will enable each scout lo devote extra time to ills studies m one of the muln purposes or ihe scout movement is to build iltlrenshlp and a good educutiun is one ol ihe pilme requisites of loduvs oilmen i m sure i hat each siour will lake thin extra hour for his- studies and enclt patrol leader will devote the extra three hours weekly lo his studies our troop piulcit for the month or june will he tor every scout in advance one guide in school if we succeed in this ihe entire troop will be heated lo a weekend camp seek campsite lost saturday afternoon group committee member s newton accompanied by patrol lender ruger ladcvuceur max hugged but cook and troop leader george ware plui patrol leaders doug thompson and michael mitchell of the second trafalgar troop left acton with ihe scout master their destination was pinery forest four miles south ol grand bend which wnrrrath ed after a three and a hair hum dilve the patrol leaders wore made acquainted with the campsite lhat we have chosen tor summer tamp and selected theh individ ual piltio sites we spent ihe night in plnerv forest and lifter a late breakfast consisting of toffee bacon and eggs slightly singed toast and cookies we left lor home arriving back about inm sunday our thanks lo mr newton for driving his tar first class scout in the eves of the siout move ment roger ladouccur has qua lified as a fust class scout and is now capable of looking ofter himself and of giving reasonable assistance to other people at all limes his understanding of the promise and law has grown with him and he has demon strated that he is doing his best lo keep the promise as befits a lusl class stout congratulations roper you are now a real stoui you now have the queen s scout and bushmans thong mauls to work lor also the v ningei members or the tnxip to help along they vull he lookuip lo vou the scout for an example antl i know vou- will set it 153- wa may tea family service presentation in area news beam hill sunshine and blue skies greeted the ninny guests ul ihe delightful may tea and bilk ing mile which win held hv the hbeneer w a ut the spacious country home of mr and mrs hiiroki savage r r i moffat mrs ii savage and mrs k glllfllhs welcomed ihe guests while mrs m havwuid and mis g ttoheilson acted as leit room hostesses the tea room was completely filled dining the afternoon and mimv of the guests tinned the mounds lifter having tea- a heiuillful tloinl aiiiingement hv ihe blue springs nmsery grilled the tea table thinkcd bv candles the rest of the looms were tie totaled bv a prolusion ol spilnp flowers ctvmvsttm tea general conveners for this suctessful tea were mis j kll- chilli mrs w dunhiil mill mrs ii kiivnge pnuihig leu timing the after noon weiu mrs a 1iank mrs h price mrs- s trousdale uml mrs w darin serving sand withes and cookies weie miss k noiilsh mlsu i nonlsh mid mlsi s saviilie servlrfg lea were mis j kllthlnu miss j lluv ward uml mix d hully mills camphellvlllc oakvllle mortal iiielph uml kllclieuei family day flkneyer chinch was well ii i itll sunday morning lor finn lly fitly service which wus con dinted bv tlw sunday school slall siipeilmcndcil ii blvlh gave an impiessive message un christian living uml fellowship iii the home he said piuvnls should take nunc lime for fain ruse toisaues lonipllmenls oajlly worship anil lofelheiness blue spilnus nursery weie wniirtle ftsamsrwijhamwhhfui hy the wekomlng tiimmlltee and the i kites poiiilup lea hie huge table ol delkious home huklng lonvened by mis a diamond antl many helpeis was toinplolelv ileaitul hv early alleiniunt guests weie piesenl from all siiiioiiutllng lominunilles in ilmllng atjon aikell dlen i vt n v i i otutuatty funeral service on monday for elgie c coan varey bums received in a fire ut ilu station hotel a month ugo piov ed ratal und elgle clllford coon vuivv died in guelph geneid hospital last rriduv may 12 funeral service was held mon tlay afternoon mav h at ihe rumlcvshoemakerluneral home conducted bv rev ii b slok- rccl und interment was in fan view cemetery pallbearers weie joe hurst chester pevchn rov agar sum brunelle gunlhei frishling und pete tdrkusz he was a member or ihc le gfon antl legionnaires held a niernoilil servite sunday even u at ihe funeial home mr vuivv learned cabinet mak ing from his uncle in geoipe town antl was highly regartletl in the trade after dlstlnugc wsvwor ui 0ituay iriun the aiinv he had a business in a building beside ihe slallon hotel now tlemolislied lo make loom loi the p liking lot lalet he istablishetl at ion wootltialts main si s he hail hvttl in at lou loi the pasi 2s yens iliteieslttl in spoils he plavetl vvlh ihe at ion solihall league limn in geoipt town in 1914 a son ol i ihel mai hit ol toionlo ami ihe late maik vaiev he was 47 years ol ape on july 4 i93 he mauled the lurmei pearl baileti who suivivts him at their home 290 arthur st three children remain valene mis lleniv jones alton lvntla and i eonaul at hoinl two hiolheis rossi ii ol loronlo antl mm lev a sislei kathleen mis pi nest plumb ol aiiloui took pride in turkey farm james arthur williits dies tlile uciiidi ciyht piirulthiul i en siniflvi bicsil trarukhimren greenhouse tour for institute jewellery fdr 4h leaders the silverwood womens inst lute nul al webbs cneenhollse in nnal on thin silav mav ii with 12 latins makinp the loin ol ilu pleeiillousis the downs wetx- in lull blotnn and woith while st imp mrs don lindsav moved a sole- til ihanks lo mis wehh loi l ikmp lime mil ol net htiss i i i slum ihim thiouph t mls william noiions hoiiu lot ihe nitelnig the presi deill mis lnv wilson opened the niieiuip wiih ihe institute odi loltowtil bv the marx stew- ait collet i minutes ol the hist niielinp weie nail lollowttl bv ilu loll till whith was answer id bv lununt what1 hoiielit lasrnt tli u 1 elitln i mtd conesp unit net and business wtu tit tli with cauls o thinks wen nul i mm sneial thai inn uul llowtis wtu stilt to whilt in hospu il mis lluiv minluriplon u ul a npoit lioin a disuitt puilinp uul mis g bun put a itpoit liom hit tb ihnnij sht ii it mh il ik k pati s lo ihe nfstntt an mill lo lit held iii nolptlown an mi ii un mmhinplon william viiion uul mis clau w ikon mis millti picstntttl mis i in n i ami mis gtoipt bun wnh i w i puis loi ihe i p isl vtais ol lump pit suit in mu siiiilars ilu mil imp was tuiiutl oiei in mis i limlsn who hatl ilu plopl un loi iplltllllllit mis i i mils iv malt w t jjhui uv i noun i ulu ii a pood hit ot mon iv w iv t m satl o bulbs il mis uul tloweis tlu nuilin tlnsim with a sis lal hall hum sp in oiti i tup o it i 1 iris for leaders ilu i ul meilinp iht silnr vviuhl i hits w is he iii ii ilu hoilli i l ilu- leiiln mis h iron ide with the president caroline norlon in the chntr it was de- tidetl at ihe last meeting to en tertain the mothers so thev can see what has been athieved all the gnli helped prepare the lunch when ihc mohcrs ar i iietl eath pirl met her own molhur at the door antl then mis ironside introduced the piesitlcnt caroline norton who intnklutetl ealh girl of the elub who answered the rollcall ol what 1 gamed from this club the tirst vicepresident bonnie norton presented mrs ironside and assistant leader mrs g w buit wuh a necklace antl ear- jng set fur ill ihework thev had done loi the club alice wilson caroline noiton mar lone burl sheila campbell antl bonnie bell seiietl lunch al the end ol the met ting mrs clare wilson piesidinl ut the women s institute ami mulhei ol one ol iht intmbtis llianlttd the pirls at tlu close ol ihe meeting lot i wondeiful lime fi lends and neighbors ol mis hain stoit will be pleased lo heal she has returned home trom ilu hospital also mis r r cor hell has 1 1 mined home all wish thnn a speedv teeovcrv alter un illness or six weeks james arthui wilhtls of ballma fud passed uwav in toronto on mav 9 he was 71 years of ape- mr wilhtls operated a till key rnm and always took pride in the quality ur the buds he iusetl a friendly man be is widely mourned funeral service was held on thursday u last week mav 1 1 ul the rumley shoemaker fun eial home conducted bv charles beeton or biilhnarul and the rev curtis or mount albeit uni ted chuith interment was in mounf albert cemetery pallbearers were jim curran of guelph a nephew jaik ham med or auiora joe allan ol erin archie uawr norman sinclair ami robeit mtfner ol ballma fad mr williits was born in tor onto antl in 1916 was married there his wife ethel mav wil litis survives him they had lived at ballmaratl ror 17 years coming here from emery ont ano a son and a daughter re main dr d a williits ol mount tilbtit and mis helen brown ol niapua falls ontauo a hto lhei maxwell ot furl laudei set arena clock at 510 daily t know wlut time it is arenauuc watch the clock in dicntor at the post office cval7 day irt 5 10 p m that when in a snull ceremony representatives ot different interested groups will be moving ahead the hand thai tells the davs total on mondav the first moe was direillv to 12000 when mick holmes and juta watcrhouse in stalled the indicator fice on the lock and set the hand at the pietampaign pledge total tuesda campaign thanman johni gov uth cord mtcut- theon and joe huist moed it ahead lo 22 000 with a broken hroomstilk wednesda the firemen were on hand to set the pointer ahead to m 000 as a result of the can nsmrs cttorts on tnesda night thursday night ys men take fixer other dates are being ar ranged lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higherthan the price free delivery in acton phone 178 wins book andrew smith son ol mr and mis rinalel smith a piaele 10 hiph school student was ihe ie eipieiil 01 beaulilullv illustialeel hikik enttltt iht sea aiound i s bv rachael ciimjii hi was ilu sdiikil winner m a conlisi sprinsoml bv ilu bums 1 bond tiavel apentv the sulifcil r the- essay was canada in l he veu 2 010 issavsaii now under consider alion tin pmwtitiat aw irtls harvey laverty heating mumming ano lavisttouohino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burner main street n sales and service rockwood hone ul 6ms4 ockwooo 34 hour sarvk a1 used cars heady for we open road 1961 ford fairlane sedan tutone automatic 1960 ford fairlane tudor 16000 miles 1958 meteor rideau 500 tudor big motor automatic 1956 ford 8 cyl sedan automatic radio 196t ford 6 cyl 1 22 wb 9 foot box a ton pickup a tin imm in trnperahn at h hwcm a ut hrm thompson motors n h40nit acton ihl act on 45 main u at tow t isu liiuj up inlcilviihiy mn tmne tm ifu thililuii in stuv aulkhip ihc uniyr iliolr led ihc lum ureyntinn in the slnylnu il ihe hmiins nnd sindui itlvih wus the niuunlst jeanne ann hewlev sin ii a sold und wlnnllred dun hai and pikiiv hlvlh sanp i duet alliin lliiywuid nnd klhii andersun euuh leiul ti passage il hh ipttirv k rrimths rend 4c ah nmifuements nnd alsn remntked utnv pleased he was with the wuik ol the snndav scikhii sliff in evptessirik his thanks he said i his is tiuw the jiuikii t hint h tele newlytvedh a veiv plesiimi sikkd ncnirni was spent in htttokxille mill ic lenllv li ikhkm ihc meni new ivwltts mi and mis dclinat wnlsun nee nam v itnik delimit is he son if mr and mis f tlwm wilson ol r r 1 catnphi imite t niihv is idiiiiliiv l sfiailnrd ihev rc n siding in i mjjlon it piesenl wliviu delmar is einplnynl in tlu hank don moflit mc foi ihe een intj askll mi and mis walson in tome lo ihe platfoim douilas hohson rvu jn address and kiith andeison piescnttd the iouple with a puise ol inonev thev hnlh teplied expiessiny stnttie thanks to ihe tommnnitv ami ihe leinnmllr t1 mil lxen iiik was sptiil in daitini promotional special save 50 on new kodak film for each roll of film left at llintuns store for ellvl-lop- init you miy peirllnisei j nevv roll ofrilm for only i ro- gular prietr hinlons 5c to 1 store film i i o p i r g sciv ice otminoi girl christened on mothers day killhluctl susan buby liiliuh ifr of mr anil mrs utib bullcv was ilirlsleiieil lb mothers hay servile ul the mimosa chnreli on sitruliw mr mul mrs a sluttlev of cainpbllvllle vlsllcd with their ilauiililer and sonln law follow inu ihu chrlslenlnu mi anil mrs wlleos of wood- lirlilgi- vlslled on suiultiv with mis m juekson mis c lunter spenl ihe week end with hei sun and danuhler- in law arnold und mis sinner mil dihlulittmnnl nlauiira pulls kobeil cltuke returned home 1 1 oin the guelph hospital sul uidnv altei leeenl silrtiery mrs a bulloch j nil whue were weekend visitois with relu lives in toionlo woikmen uie husv urettlnu hie lop storey ol mi tiasers home mi ihe 2nd line wlneh he puieliused last year from car man ciillfin mrs k kloosler is a pullent at si josephs hospital gifelph where she is umlciuoinji ohser vat ion and tests mi anil mrs ken robertson lynda and donna ol rexdale were snndav visitors with ihe funnels paiejtls d g and mrs roihiisoii other uuests at the same home ilurlnp the weekend inelntled mis jaekson mr me iii v jaekson mis doun rob ertson and ehildien ant mv mil mis i lod rubeitson all of gil ipb mis a sinclair si son ar e hie- jijii yiandsiins ralph and all the hot water you need with an automatic gas rental water heater free tarvlca malnlananes installation only 175 per month residential only plus gas comnumal ratts are pood too for full information call white a cordimgley georgetown tr m247 tr 743m graduation whatever your graduates future career may be we suggest the gift for a lifetime worlds fjrtt and fattmtf portaklc typewriter smithcorona atuna-ao- vl t vo fooj iso -wow- fsfes wevrnwrful to mi wadrful to ivstl no lift ia mom apacaeu sled thaa a smithcorona port- able for school aad eollef uudcats for all tha famirjr for irsvcling its tb bortabk thai ives hit avictuaa pcrfonnaaos full ilia icayhoard paf gate and many other fea ture astd idea lo show yoau cosnas eoaaolesa with aaurt carryiat easa pica your out oowl sfop in toon see t oepaonstratfd we have many other gift sugges tions the graduate will appreciate come in and choose yours whue the selection k at its ust j joppici smttlicul ohd sumliis two deaths shock area ypu guests at gait tb ummilinhv wus shocked to luurn rhul art wlllllls intel puswd uwtiv in inronlii llnspllid on rtiesduy inotnintt of lasl week funenil servile wns heki on friday afternoon from ihe rum- ifvshoemaleer funeral home mr charles beaton conducted ihe service interment wus miulo in mount albert cemeterv aakttihtmir iri vr bert vlsllcd on sunday with hei son fluin whok n putlenl at 1 hannlllon hospltid mr and mrs vic grove and children of downsvlcvv were siinduy visitors wiih mr and mrs ross mcfwun und family palcfuics on silurcliv turned into red faces sunday thanks to some wonderful summery week end wcalhcr and some hot sun the province of ontario is larger thnn trance and spain combined dies suddenly r ii klikwood passed nwny very suddenly in guelph hospital on sunday after developing pneumonia the fnmllv hove hud measles cm from kimsmsuial the young peoples union tended services at gait on sun day nitilil to hear ming lee as uuesl speaker he is attending rmmanuel college toronlo robt r hctftiilton frod a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head pmoni ouhpm ta 4ml omrtti sajvtai summer toggery prepare for outdoor fun shorts bermudas pedal pushers jamaicas slims tops sun dresses 7p4e cornea stifle sufrpfee your assurance of excellence lines by c s keith your telephone manager you art likikniii it ncu column for rcsulents of this irea as vhi kiiu tin il ein uill plopk living in vour tommunilv pcilnips ou know some ol them personally tluv miv live nexl dotii jr sit in liujilii iilskil vou thev ire vpicil of ihe munv people who work iuliliiki is a learn to bung vou the best possible ukphone sltmh we limine lhat ihe ihinn hut loncern us at bell oftlii tcjiutrn vu l inleresl to nu so 1 m gouty to do mv blst to bnny vou news itlms ot htneial mteixst about vmir tlllphint srvni ind about ihe people whu make thul wrice possible if you fthould aak anyons ut writettuiurn ik joh in ui dualry more ur leu cxcluivc to women telephone operating would urclv come near ihc heudor the hut yet 11 wasnt always to boyi were ihe fir wltchthiunl operators until they blew their chance litres how one of the founders of the bell telephone company dee crlbes whnt hupprned the service al thul time he4 referring to the ttms was very hod because the young men engaged far night duly were fond of working or ploy- ihg in ihe daytime the sig nals would be ringing loud enough to wake the deud but they would not disturb ihe sleep- in operators finally the complaints became so numerous the bell company decided to try using women operators and so it was that the voice with a smile a traditional symbol of telephone service came into being on a 24hour basis mrs m s font chief telephone operator in at ion is typical of the women who handle the calls placed by telephone users here upon the reelings of loyalty and purpose that beh employee develop is founded the companys ability to pyuvlde good tele phone service and ibis comes out very strongly in cue ol emergency time and again when an emergency arises girts al the swllchbourd will sluv on duty for hours on end and ihoee off duly will report to the office lo sec if they an help out but lhals just one way a rather spectacular one in which thousands of women like mrs ford arc working in canada today to ensure thai you get good telephone service modi in hus h hi st uiw s in alton liki ilu tr msn is i si i hei 1 hji minv out suit mti 1 1 sis iid still li o ltioit with 1 hi iv si hi dull ul work in thi homi this nu ins lh it the ultphoni lonus in lot lot ot vim and ihit i win in cxtuision liliphom in i hi kitinm uhni 1 hi lad ot tru home spends most ol hi r turn is so impoitanl not onl will it sae her man siif eai h llax hut it will also ic nuns a bodcdtitcr pot ftinsun phonrjrr j r mt iome in loel iolorsjhit in hanir the brauu ol the home vh not iall our business uf fur for more information about extensions in tnir home csxj ijamjlti