notes on nutate by wes fountain helm and forests flcldt can be found nlmost ev erywhere nnd ore able to develop a crop if left untended for 10 year or o of wild plunts and a host of small animals in area which were forested before set moment an abandoned field will usually revert to forest after a couple tof conlurles unlebi gray ing or burning or other disturb ohce prolongs the field stage i an acre of field is populated with a large number of small an imals m well m plants obsor vailonn in n grassy field will re veal the intensity of life insects mammals reptiles and birds plant change a grassland or field is affect ed by surrounding regions it could he bordered by forest wn ter or bare rock or soil this area of transition can be called the edge and perhaps the most interesting type of edge is that tone between field and forest plants can be seen to change gradually in sle and variety and vijiffcrent animals take advantage of the ready accessibility that this orca offers the forest rnar gin supports a population of birds quite distinct fom those of on open field or enclosed forest mwaptriz r 7 obituary the field environment is pop ulated with nonwoody plants und grosses and with small an imals mice spiders and certain birds may be common but in sects abound particularly dur ing tbe summer above field above the field on a summer day the bullei hies are seen skipping horn flower to dower many of lljese will be theyelluw 01 white cabbage bulte flies whose larvae can destroyas much as 20 per cent of culftvatcd uibkaye and cauliflower plants- the thistles attract one of the largest blttierllics the yellow and black tiger swallowtail thfs insect is lound throughout can ada its flight is strong and al though unlike many of the small er butterflies this particular species often glides withou ulngbeals insects that parasitize other insects may help to control some of those that are destnict helo certain plants the inch mid fly glues its eugs to the ca icrpilar when llics hatch thev burrow tloun into the muscles and fat there they feed and grow ulilc the caterpillar be comes weaker the larger insect usuallv dies al this point mrs william e kentner buried at boissevain man mn william e kentner pas ed quietly nwav at killarnev hs pitaj on tuesday may 2 afler a months illness she had not been well for the past few months the funeral semcc was hi id in the united church at boissc vain manitoba on friday may 7 where she was a member many fnendt and neighbois cat he red there to pay their last respects to one who was known by her kindly deeds interment was in botsscvain ccmeicr her sister miss bta trice hilts arrived tiom ontario the nifiht before survivor beside her husband she leus to mourn her loss fixe or a fam ilv mrs tarl kilmurv violet mrs gordon chambers rita rodger and brute all of boissi- vain and archie of killarno is grandchildren and three jinat grandchildren also in ontario arc three sisters and one bruihtr miss beatrice hilts and henrv hills or ballinarad mis joseph h allan sarah erin and mrs robert warne phehc alton two brothers george and will predeceased her mrs kentners maiden name was maruaruta hilts she was born on july 8 1879 on the hills farm near ballinarad ontario she was the daughter ot the late ira hilts and martha bcs wick etta hilts ncehed her eduiat ion at blue mountain school and walkrd two miles there and batk eath d i except when the roads were had in winter on january 20 100 she and william e rmlner were mar rtwrv c this sundays ned at her home bv rei george watts a methodist minisur of which chinch she was a member her bridesmaid was her sister saiah hilts and the gioomsman joseph h allan a cousirt ol the gloom two pieitv little flower guls were phebe hilts and viola kentner youngest sisters of the htide and groom all four are still living clost u lames and friends were piesent to witness the event and extend best wish es a few weeks later thev left bv train for boissevain mam toba wheie thev took up farm ing will had been out for a ear previous to that they were succ csstul faimers in september i9ss thev re ined to the town of botssewun thev celebrated their sou wed ding anmvaiswn at their former home on the farm where lelativ es and f i tends had gathered to cnngmttilatr them and present them with useful gifts her sis ler miss beitute hilts went west for that happv occasion surf photo knox cgit entertained their mothers i a mother and daughter banquet monday even ing in the church basement members of fhe daughters of knox sponsors for the c g i t group catered for the dinner pictured above left to right arer cheryl price her mother mrs horb price who is one of tho c g i t leaders and mrs william spielvogel member of the daughters of knox the dinner consisted of ham peas scalloped potatoes and des sert recreation for retarded need association director reveals latter- day saints missionaries here the church of jesus christ of latter dav saints has two mis sionarics in this area elder ma nl aberciombic fiom aberdeen idaho and elder robert saun dtis lorn tremonton utah who ire living in town temporal ilv thev aie two of more than 9 000 young men and women who do this work full time for two vc irs there ts a branch of the chureh at georgetown church calendar the church of st alban the martyr anglican rector tho riv h b stokrtof lth st ii 183 jnffriv st phone 205 whit sunow emu i wok sunday may jlst lftrfl 8 30 o m huh eucharist 030 a ni ilou fiuhatisl oluiuli school 1100 mil oh n nil fuchitm mldwffk smtvios whit mundiv 22 mn 111 in a n hok fuoh ii ist wrdnwrfnn fihim i li 2a m 1001 10 am ii u hunum all art uvliomi presbyterian church in canada knox enrtcn actov rev andr if mckcnxte ba bo minitur mr e a hansen b onijnut und choir m ijjcr suntayty 21t 1061 9 46 a m chun h soli mil 1000 m imlnlstcr bible cla 11 00 am morning w o r a h i p thnif jusl or if taw akmik junior consrtcution taees 3 7 mcru during urmon christum reformed chorch hv j njtjn b a b d mttilrr 301 qqtteti st box 4a phone 80s sunday may 21st 1001 1000 m enfltubf u0 pmduteh th ckunft t be bc to f god hour united chultch of canada acton ontario ri duitfit entfil ba minuter mr gtorce flliolt org hum and chuir masttr sunday myjlm lfll p 10 imclunvh school suiur ii pt n it 4 md np- 11h tin juniot seho 1 ihf ml t ki jdt t 11 to ammoininj worship 11 im i m oivmt serein oidi n iiux if confinnauon u tl h- eiittuin of iiii 1t mbi 1 1 those people who attended ihe not th halton association roi retaided children mleling held on may ii al georgetown uere very forlunaje to hear mrs june 0raalen recreation direc tor ontario assoeiit ion for re aided children who was guest speaker mis r ellington pres ident of the north halton as soeiation opened the meeting and asked mrs max english to introduce mis praaten mis braaten commenced bv show ing a film and concluded with an informative talk on rec reational facilities in ontario the film into the sunlight deals with a summer camp es pcually designed to cater to ic tarded children at lake bel- wood guelph this camp was origin illv established bv rev w mcci iry five yiais ago and was run pnvntclv with the aid ot ser vice club- etc then because of lack of funds and stall fhe ontano assoeiat ion lor retarded children took over the camp and rev mcclary toined the recreation commit tee since that lime five more camps have been established in ontano and theic t six more in other parts of canada many activities camp beuvimjd is typical of anv summer camp and has a capacity foi so hoys and so girls who attend for a three week penod activities include basket ball which is excellent for mus cular coordination swimming the highlight and visits to a neai by farm applicants must he between the ages of eight and 18 and en rolled at an oarc school mrs bra iten sttvsscd the need for more recreational training within the community there are appioximatch 20 playgrounds in ontano with planned recrea lional programs in operation in main communities girl guide and bov scout gioups aie is 1 ihhshed i bowlingalley arena will ilonite time ymca y w ca and square dance gioups- will assist offers assistance mis biailen olleicci her as sintame to inv group wishing lo hum a ixcicitum committee for let it tied ehlldleif in rills community baptist church acton p itor j muw m budd 3 n son court phone 1w sund y my 21m 1h1 0 4 am blindly school 1 1 00 am mormnii wm ihei 7 00 p in i ontivic worship mundj 730 biptcst hitfi fil- umhip wttlueadiv 7 jo pi iwr prusi and b bu muds yr d i 6 10 tport rs tl 00 jun- ui choir all are welcome acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchill road paoc riv kenneth j rfld piator 73 cihik sst phone 84dw sunday my jtt 1001 1000- m son4ysohool 1 1 00 am morning worship 00 pm f ungelu special servicis with rev b h hartwrtl of hanburv enlan i will hetfin on tuesday mu 33 apd will continue nljhlly at h pnufxeept monday and sjt- tinjnv until sunday junt 4 suncmiy sirvlcos at 11 am and 7 pm you ars always welcome wbdoma q invttatlns o announcements 9 accessories come in and ask kw your free bridal glft regisie dills stationttv j mm si acton a jiurlion of ihe funds raised dining crto tvs lelclhon will he uslj for ihe purlhase of equipment for crtmps in ont ano there are a numher of acancies for retaided young adults 17 to 18 and mrs braa ten would be pkased to hlar of anv parent wishing to send their lhild mrs w treahv president of ihe georgetown auxiliary for re tarded childien gave a vote of thanks lo mis biaatui plant 54000jrees in authority program tree plan i muz is in full swing in ihe spenect 12 mile creek and 16 mile creek conscryalion authorities areas an estimated 54 000 trees will he planrul this year with most or the planting he ing done in the 12 mile creek authority and undei the rcfoicstation assisj ante program about 40 000 trees haye been planted under i his assistance program yvith the balance on author ilv oncd land plantings in the 12 mile authority arc 27000 with 20000 in the spencer area and 7 000 in the 16 mil creek aiea acton public school kindergarten enrolment acton public schools will be able to accommodate all pupils of kind age this year to enrol they must be five years old by december 31 1961 birth certificate required to avoid confusion please complete the form below before may 20 and send or mail it to your district school in care of garnet w mtkenzie principal robert little school box 302 or w d elmer smith principal m z bennett school childs name chnstian name date of birth- da sur month year parents or guardians name in full address phone no no mil for further information call robert little school 73 or m z bennett school 575 a leaky roof poor hone his reward for o lifetime of hard work is rain in the face why doesnt mm boss get the roof fixed even a horse knows that leaks left unattended just get worse if moneys the problem all thats needed is to apply for a scotia bank farm improvement loan a scotiabank loan is available easily and quickly for repairing buildings buying new machinery upgrading livestock and many other worthwhile projects i dont watt to get ydor farm in the shape you want if visit ypur bank of nova scotia branch manager soon find out how a scotiabank farm improvement loan can help you v r is1sw j i lf is the gunk of novfi scot ft manager aclofi branch duller a woillurti bible today i approximately 60 delcgales met in lcopoltlvllle recently when jho congo protectant council htrkl ik annual meet inn the cknfercnct was mnrked bv an opifmistll faith that the work of the church would continue the deleyales emphasized the unilv of the work the increased destrlhiilion of the scrlptuies wns seen ai a means of trans ruiillny the truths of ihe word of god lo the people who are living hi j verv confused state it was also learned bible sun dav had- been observed one congolese pastor brought the urfts ol three bms churches to canadian bible society head quarters in a large bundle tlw total was 2400 francs or aboul r48 mostly in one franc pieces the churches in the lower congo are tiding to distribute a larger number of gospels and the proeeetls from their sales are used to establish n colportage tund by which still more gospels may be offered to the people this procedure will develop self leliance among the african chinches in the congo the federal government has on file 1 147 suggested designs for a new canadian flag buy or rent but save on hot water heaters acton hydro electric commission 3 elgin si n phone l trw actorl frew pren thuvsdy aaey 18th 19al halton holstein breeders set date for twilight meet president t h mcgce and the dltctlori of lhehnltan holstein brecdcv club hiivc selected friday mnv 26 nj the dale for their unnunl molstcin twilight meeting this venrs meeting will lv heupat the hnvs sales arena at trafalgar in lining up the prugram the committee has sircsed type demnnslraljuns fudging and a irnicluguc there will also he reporlsi of activities bv directors of the association new innovation a new innovation will be used m the judging program official placing of classes will he carried ouubv a panel of halton hnl slein breeders they will he j h tavlor albert hunter jim car ney george pelleticnu win tnv ell and chairman ross segs worth this event is looked upon as the highlight of the hillon hoi stein breeders club south america hai 17 moun tain peaks of altitudes greater than 20000 feet lorth america has one mount mcklnley in al aska at 20257 feet wool anv government deficiency pay ment will apply only on properly graded wools scuire ihe utmost bv pntrnnwng the organization ihnt made thin possible ship collect to qii a nn i vvetton ontario obtain sa and luine wuhont chuge fiom archie kerr it m 3 acton or bv writing to canadian cnlopfftativk wool growers limited 217 bay street toronto canada e l buchner jto optometrist contact leniei fitted hearing aid eyea examined 48 mill st e acton ont wednesday only office hours 2 to 6 p m for appointment phone 115 acton if no answer phone waterloo collect sh 28867 supermarket actons mst food centre extra special try th new worlds first ceuo pack 14 oi phg j tomatoes 19c oat flake cereal- p 5 potatoes 9 ox pack 29c 10 lb 35c made by post free free 5 lb whitt sugar witrythe purchase of 5 2 giant colgate tooths libbyt 20 oi hn 5 fancy tomato juice 2 for 27e rote brand 16 or jar sweet mixed pickles 33c kraft macaroni and cheese dinner 2 for 29c allen apple juice welch paste only 126 fromn gr joiee z white grapefruit 20 oi tint 2 for 31c 2 for 41c 10 for 45c smoked cottage rolls 59c lb country style spare ribs 63c lb pure pork sausage su lb steak roast 73c h weekend special broilers