yfcoj i fytr wwi wmt ttik wvltball vlmmvnll in ih pi mil t tb iviavvw a toeelvtnji hdl twishsl ltvv llfllv the vvpenlvu vvl i be mush ball kmwi tovk pwv ihe m acttthll school twssim iv v pit umtte illumi vmulxlvlvvn tvvvl place taiv1 lime ihovsvilu vmii juhkur laruui and hcmviiaoiv i tanner ihtigsl lo pl vevvxi tanlng i the junior farmcv below pat ml victims lo a ivawliiioiv icam whkh loots like n might ty ihc powerhouse vf ihe lsajov ihi wsii ui hmmi gtvtthatl openers howrvtor neither cam vllvplaved much finesaie there wviv pleim of error tossed hall an wild throws ami a wotv that would pa for the firel quailcr ol a hatveihall game th twvt other learnt in ih weav hw m ma pc ntlhlon hot optt totoghl yfcuradayt nuul tv tye ftgtvtora meet ih junior farnv vvvll tongue iashntg i mm plvsldvoi rttaw the lvuulit ltih had a gal tvason toi ww anivaiuvu oil mivndav bin ihtv lulled in inutl cillvi the imiv u l ho ac toil team live oltu tills made i iho lin liwm hamilton and th i shtwim have been had home achvm w all cwcwvhi mil in their twvv llltlhtnui awd thv thdivt haw chance lo aho iwrt vvff h ih rr lftobhwkll ih tam plclu yijk kkkmtm ol this column vvvnl on hi warlv goll ex in slon satuivlav when the tellovvs allhe i iw pivss had tluli op en tnic to iiadinoii tt was upau nto ui mipuivcdicnt dullcrs who ntaili albion hills l lob nothivg can mliinate a baseball fan more than a game railed on account ol latlurx of one of the teams to appear hcs talcn a nipht oft livm hix hooxchold chores luuo all tlv the tup to tlv neat itottou mini o scomio tiiuml out lo h- the top iioliei ulth an si loi is holes lidlouxl b a uiotlev iivw id amateiun lantllnj an where imm iw to ho hum j svoivs wfli a ast impmtcnu nt over last ers open but the sioxne kill thmls there is still acton mmchanys inlormbcllle ball iftam racelvgd llmlr now uitiloitm llilt woek prior lo challtlnn up nnotlihr win when doncliii lallfd lo luin up uondy the loam wii llnlrlail and ilia uwpiro ollicinlly lorfellad inn rjnmo lo ac ion pictured above front row left lo rlrjhl are john cunningham joe ftliwr joe fennel anrl harolrl towntley necond roy bob bruce dudij llndiay toarh howie coin pnul lowson and harry lawton hack row llrure carrjlll row morton corgij bnalty tho utility martarjer don anrlerton brian m rhtall anrl rnapagr r chemnr peyrha miasing when pirturn wn- lakun wn phill mrcntall tnavhe he nmlln improvement nn nt hcl thl uvulherbeaten old pro i hi j lk wlniln the top tent tides lo sneak down and see how the ho are shaping up this season perhaps hell go in tor a golfers are aslod to keep couple after the game i saturday alone 2a in mind lor when the other team doesn t lnc ai open dolt tourmv ihow nituralh he s a bt penorbed thinking of all those pundas forfeits monday drop bronte 129 sat too kit undone shores li start an thing now and that is what here on mondav night diindas failed to show up fur an intcrme dtate game which had alrcadi been sailed oif on a previous date umpire mike timmli award ed ih fame to acton but the la who expected a game were duanaolnled some may not venture to the park again tor a baaeball game this tea- on the penalty for an orrenie otlbta nature usuall lakes the form of a reprimand from the league brass and the offending club pavs the umpires for the night i in our tiplnton tnn is not se vere enough we ijiink the threat of expulsion from the league should hinge on a repeat per hall assik i it ion s this vear the tournament will inltinitdiale sihutulc in the he held at the georgetown oolf books aeton lias chalked up an v4th live ginussof ihe coutilv bllsi and counlrv cub and the voni mittee in diaige anticiptte a happened ur irowl1 a lew goiters have dnsleil orr the clubs alivadv hut aie keep ing their scores a dark secret tickets are now on sale and anvone p u lictp itmg in p ist touintes will be appoached new coiners aie welcome lo attend beat bits fiiuce an dixws i an second to bruce ktdd again at hall lime of a pro seic eei milch at varsitv stadium lastlwcdneidav night hadd brea king anolher record lor the mile and i half actons bruce uj onlv half a second olf the can aclian record which is fast going no maltei where von sit looks like acton has another top soccer club the maple i cats have moveel up to fourth place in the 10leam league thev plav in gall on the weekend 1v r tanners tame jrs 189 first softball fixture beardmorv tanners made their debut into the anon softball association tuesda niht i doubling the count on acton junior farmers ip a scoring ma rathon which went an abbrexia ted een innings because of a late mart tanners with an eight run fourth inning took the game 189 plaed at the m 7 bennett school grounds because the park diamond is still unllergomg re pairs neither team shim id much in the ua ol dcunse commit ting sciral errors bihind tan ner hurlcr butih ruhmond and hall pitching for tlu junior farmer at hut the tanners c inccd a mild supenontv b smashing out 1 base hitf which mcludid t home runj one triple and sven doubles richmond telded 1 1 salcties to ihe junior fumers tuo of which uent fur thru baurs and three wire lingihiiud to douhles tinnclvxacalcs at the helm of the tannein eniid an idge a he had his turnier band batten mati hurur buuh rnrhmond and julian zajac in harnevs platnjr coach marvin hunter of the junior farnurs meanwhile was unable to field a full team and he had lo tall on iwo ot threu siduiner ftr help the jnniui tannns ot a inn in the top hah of the mrm hut the tanners sixired ihret in then half when hjm uiumiii douhj ed dil walter singud and kkh numdiinuwideu home r tanner stay on top the fanners unu b k k to knot the count in the second frame when stiange singled peau tripled and iiwoc mngl etl but the tanners w ahead m in ibj- hiyiiffli hiir mth in a last ditch attempt the junor farmers plated three runs in the sitnlh olf a duuble b hunter singles b strange and peao and a nnging triple in macpherson big gun harr liwson was the big gun for the winners with four hits in fie trips tu the plate includ ing two doubles richmond battss and 7aiai wen next on the totem with tru latter two smashing out two doubles iikh tor a iwm tor tour white ruh niorul had a hom triple short ill stmngc and were tup hands tor the tanners eaeh with thrci four tries muff hunter hid one for two while bin i use ex had i two for fie r h e jr firmus 120 00 m iu r miurs so 820 x 18 is 4 junior farmers mie pherson s lnwoe b haixild deforest f btiek 2b shorn b hunter senlh and tin ct stnnge if piao 1 hall p tosiitle down r- i in ih tanners c uyill ss comm unio ss m t law son lb waltus if richmond p hall b bavlisc 2b ill- e skulgmore it pipillon j in 4 shannon el in s brown t1 porte rf in run and pcn ov junior hit rinpicssim lour win one loss ie cord to mini it hin a eouple ol points u the league ie uling campheluille met e hauls the at- mn club did it tlu haul wa smiulis when uionle bi a es paid a lsii here and a sie saw strtiggli developed whiili wasn t settled until lie eighth inning a lour run outburst then giu tlie aurehantsa 2ielon on monda thev chose tin iasv mule oundas was schehluletl to appeal tor a twilight game whieh had hi en postponed due to in uimul wihihl on satin dav ma 27 the dundas club i uled to make an appcaiancc ind uni pile mike tirnmtns iu aided the game to aeton attet going thiough the motions of starting the scisiin to this point lias been a pleasant surprise for fans who hearcelv expected the locals to be crowding the top in the early stages of llw schedule plav er losses to guclph and george town were expected lo cause ehaos but the mixture of juveniles and adelrtion ol guclph pi ivcrs has balanced the team the elub his not hail a severe test vei outside ol then lirst meeting with i ampbcllulle hut the plaers will impiove is the season piognssis 1 hev should be in prcttv i an shape heloie mid season tolls round duele litulsav makes no hones ibout it he expects the club to nail down one ot the first two pi ices anil he isn i going to be saiislicd with set on el satuietav s win against bronte was a good example ot whit the acton club his been doing when thev undid inns in late innings then smicd tim runs in the hist two innings oil two biontc hml i ers tot in iail ie id i his tlu s iw gi uluallv uissipiii when the br ics plau d two in ihi thud two uioii iii tin totirth uni tied ii in ihe tilth wnli i singleton bronte pushed three mote runs uross the pi lie in thi sixth tt i take a eonmiindint k id whieh limiknl gimnl with hughes then lee iiglirhaiulii k tiling i hi alton i bits iuu in tlu hoiiuni hall ol tin inning howivir howu t on lallon adon tame ih rough with lour runs oil tvvtrhits two walks and anoilut eiioi tin own in bv the visifors inlteld joe linnetls three base blow was ihe big hit ot the inning it hit ihe fetiei and two urns scoied ahead ol hint ihe brave pushed anolhtr run across in ihe ninth when pi lee got on the saiks thiough an erior i tiller singled and quighv s shot lo the inhcltl was elected to make the plav on fullei bionte tuithil the acton new 10 4 in the game but tlu totals liunehediltuir blows lo give the most elicit jelf fivei starled on the mound joi acton bm he was tclitved bv howie cain in the fourth with lie bums thicaling onigli v wis the bionte nominal ion loi hill duties and lie lasted onlv until the see oiid frame win n a li ipli hughes linisln iii vislloi s sevelil mil tin irom the bat ol hob ittuie sealid his lili cihv tile ilislance loi both sides lommitu d eiiors aeton booting sjx hi ics live bob hi me and seottv mtciis tall pu ked up wo hits apien loi the winners while ouilili piii ui bionte a tin plate with hull hits iiu hid i rig a doubli in lout li ips r n r biunll im12 2h 001 j 10 s acton 2m mki ux 12 9 6 lovell bros modern meat market where quality 15 higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 ai ton audi i on if unite f i iwson s 21i lownsliy 2li rr i mn ii ii i ihler i ii mi nslill ih p mil list ill ii i imi p mi p 111 4lll 1 meet the candidates for the liberal nomination 8 30 p m friday june 9 aeton tewn hall tailing on the hill low eel the isitoi s lot ailon al ml one hit in locals seemed i attention golfers acton open golf tournament sat june 24th 1961 tm olf- 8 1030 a m georgetown g cc 1 mile cast of glen williams lunch trophies and prizes tickets 5 00 may be secured from mic holmes roy butler andy nolan julian zajac bill mackay andrew mckenzie no tickets sold after june 22 ttmptrrs ixn lu laiphcrt bis oreln pi ib bottom bill ot the scccntll thev put togethcl two i bobbles bv ihe isilois ind tlucc tuts including i double imm p ml i iwsons hat foi ihicc game tie lug urns and ill it put a new compkmon on llu game rmnti wim scoreless igun in llle lop hall til the eight while a five run splurge on three hits i doubles from bob brmvn and julian 7ajac and a stngte hv bruce cargill the junior farm ers thew in two costlv enors to aid them the third frame w is scoreless for both clubs but ihe tanners picked up eight runs in the fourth olf five hits ihree bases on balls and a wild rhrow high lljht was larrv porte s fourhag ger which ihe j f s kicked all over the field junior farmers came back with tkrw runs in the firth off two hlh singles by shorttll and stnuim but the tanners rkaade tltjm llflhe last half when ben and zajac doubled hall halton bounty liberalassociation nominating convent milton town hall friday june 16 8 30 p m speaker hon paul martin everybody welcome kter j fartuon president fbi dorothy muilin secretary knights of columbus giant car bingo saturday june 10th 4800oo cash includes 1961 rambler or 300000 reg games 1 total 2 40000 snciais giant jackpot 1961 rambler and 100000 or 3000 00 cash guelpn memorial gardens pm children under 16 yn not allowed te play qjvu new woodbine races juna 5th fo july islh express buses leave acton 11 15 am each racing day daylight time roturn faro 240 include admittion return after last race take ts mil in fin mat ion it wiles confsctionery phone 207 soccer loafs drop orenja ai inn mxnli i l miriwlwd tlu ill unu iliiiidu cmcii clulr oaks topple acton 165 flliltvllli- oak hlalnl m llllu unrii tliht at inn pliilnri km iilgltl iwirllm silav j lo adrnilik li i tin ci i tind iji fit of on vi i win to iiiiii mfrilnrii oiltc wnn irr lu ihi iwlllulil gurif m fiiikvllk mnhfig nri si mi i ah uiilri viri lid oakv alvr il fl f tfiiltlipjov harrv i avtttui irui ffncvli mi vchn itillned tl ah in thai nidi i kill i ii id li r iv l llminpnr nn tin mil mil hi vialiiriil film frn fnrrr nl vv h ce fnr fkiillili s iuil i iivvvfirr r iiirii i it rl ini iwu fl tin in inif fnhu f nn rilfigliun gnt tin i in r pair link itllli link hi fl hen slriuk n k ii i at inn 010 2 i 7 a ik villi m urn 16 m i himhiuv ufieriinoii by bunding ilwnrttwl ibili till was orendiiit flnl loa in tlflii tuns mill in ilil tnlilblllmi llnv eviri no iniilili fur aciian iiiliv in ihe stnullierrt onlhrtvj mci kiuiu llw uf were nun li llu im ll r hum light ffum tl- npiiilng ulilntlfi ai i ri riinvid in tlu- nllack and j aflf r tiirir ch vrr tvfifb bv the if he ml iaf nrvvlv lgld lril lli ltiir umrt llw flrt iin d i ivi rrilrnm 4 kill r thr itame lilivtrv finr ar inn lun lip i firiln fnrirfl itvb marlinrjell in iili li ho rvfnri half lime in tin wfiiiil hfllf avtim rerl i tlniif riiiire lirnrs in rnrnplete duriaiii miifkcri were scirnl li lkli marlingf ii hk seeond i llnrv skfpkfifl atn i arrv nnkin i lihirlh in l tnn ijtmp in anilhr r i hilitrkin jrarne on i wi ilru liv km ihe maple lnlfa i ii fan lil lit m k i william etkiir club 2 1 on siliirflav in i league game igilrivt ffarnllfin fasr f nrl fin- in d iii the llrrl dly th at li i lub kflfl llriltrrl in a 2 2 lie in irmvi tnlti ffiiirfh cpit in the rpn it arn lmp why sit home when you can own your own car sumhier time la travel time no down payment cheeae ana from thit hit now 12 ifonlh warrunly on all theoe cara m m wintiac sttlin in ihi onlv j4 liifv st tkin low aii llltr- tlmi milt j191 s7 ciifv vlikn him v voi kswacfv huv slavs j imtfrvatiorvai inn mm 51 taroo inn ml is franklin pr0use motors ltd pontlae bulck vauxhall gmc open evanlmjia htono lo directions the jem it 13j mile weal of aeton on no 7 high way half way between rsckwood and ouolph turn left at forbea oarage to arrive at the drivein thun only june s fri sat juive 910 al capone delicate row strifl r fay spais delinquent adull rntertalnment jl rry i wis plua plua babette goes killers of to war kilimanjaro color anil cult ill iseope color and cinemascope hrirlltf bardot robfrt tayior montuw jun 1213 high school confidential adult rntert mmu nl rl ss iambi y mamii imrt plus devils hairpin color corni i mi nr wedthura june 1415 up periscope color and cinemascope james garsfr rijmlsd obrie plus wonderful country color robtrf ntltciilm free playgrounds snack ba show nightly at dutk children under 13 free ahvaya e cartoon the cay blade charcoal suit on pair pants continental slacks casual slacks 2498 998 498 remember his day jura 18 with a gift irom pauls what kind of a lad is dad fie sa p swim trunka 3 9t initialled hankie so tiea 1 55 toughie shorn 1 00 athleth topa 100 a npefapap corded short si rtabby rama shirt sm the strog sat mm sport shirt tie billfold and ll 9m so wu aauj 140 straw hat 1 and a paul maafa wal upf 37mutr 4 ways to sho cwui cjunj i-