Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1961, p. 10

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si th acton fro pnt thursday june 1 3th 1961 whh the atton boy stouts by broca williamson ntly i had the honor of jhg lo tome of our kcouu ulnjl their second cout law loyally lot u ask ounulvun art we loyal to our children do waifapct our ciuntrv und set the example for our children lo tyipwr it should be our dcslru to 4 our colintry rise sltong ml healthy to vet an example jn fair- play and inlenrlly we- should strive lo keep it hatlthy and attractive by con- serving natural resource and thus ensuring that it re- raajnjm beautiful and wonderful totoctln which to live it should m our desire to have luw und order maintained bv the will ol um people rather than hv police epfortement we should want to our children aland proudly vhlahlo the nallonul aiv tbera and freely uilullnu our fluy lit honor of this ureal countrv in which wo live paseat mual 81 example keening the laws of our comv try la really easy ciumyli to im- djetautad and yet it in so cany to break them every day we must aat the example lo our children odeytnu traffic nlgnnln nnd rules matorving game lawn when hum- fishing are obvious ex it a general feeling am- dog adult that the government be it federal provincial or mun icipal l fair game and that i are nothing more than a rsome type to watch for that t is smart to cheat and evade our lawn and they are the lawa made by the people we jutve the freedom or electing if vye take ima attitude how can we expect our sons lo obey the lawn of rcoulng thoy will fol low our example and be smart guy nkvnys looking for a way round un instruction ah ihe twig i bent o will the tree grow requires courage no one is ever a sissy for keeping the law in fact history huk proven that ii require a great deal more courage to keep ihe law than to break it let un be man enough lo keep ihe law ruther than be a weakling and lack lite necessary courage remcmbijr loyally is the tie lhal hinilu people together and f lives a team strength however oyulty must work both ways dowmvards as well as upwards i think thal aesops fable of the bundle or sticks is particularly applicable to our families and our scout troops when the bundle remulned tied ihe sticks could not he hroken but when it was untied each slick could be broken one by one the family or troop which is not loyal to itself will soon be dis persed receive compliments i have received several com pliments on the general appear ance of the troop at decoration days parade i would like to point out that i feel the turnout deserved credit however much credit should go lo patrol lea ders bill cook roger ladouceur max huggetl john wood and troop leader george ware it is mainly through their hard work and cooperation that we have the troop in full uniform and each scout appearanceconscious yn- av presentation held at school address dancing on progra intended for last week a presentation was held at wootlsldc school on saturday cv- ehmg far mr and mrs albert cox nee doris thompson who were recently married a large crowd attended when friends relatives and neighbors gathered from churchill church greenock woodsidc ccdarvalc nd brisbane the evening was spent in play ing euchre chinese checkers and visiting followed by a dance with the freeman orchestra smith grlffcn jr- vvas master of cerc- hmmlee and called on the bride tad groom miss mildred watson read the address and jack fergus on doug mcarthur ted freeman kftuh lcltch and wilfred hard ing presented them with a floor lamp and two table lamps lo match cedar chest and coffee pereulator full of money they also received a few gifts frum relatives and friends both bride and groom made a reply and all joined in sinuinii fv they arc jolly good fellows lunch was served local news mr and mrs ralph mckcuwn and family visited on the week end with mr and mrs milton watson at stuney creek msjabsmgaaris-r- i erin twp council adopt penalty bylaw residents of erin township failing to pay taxes will in fu ture he levied apcnalty fur non payment following a decision ot j council reached during their regular meeting june 5 i the bylaw appruved bv conn cil provides a one per cent pen- ataion the first div ot itelault and on the tirst dav of each calendar month thcrcalicr in- j eluded in the penally will bej statutory interest final payment final payment including cv on the neut mun visitors at ihe home ur mr and mrs stan hill un sunday were mrs ada hill mr and mrs web norris and- family of har- riston mr and mrs frank hill of hespeler and mr and mrs dave swackliamcr und family of rockwood guest speaker mr proud of the university of toronto was guest speaker at churchill church on sunday mr and mrs norman turner attended ihe 101rd sunday school annlversaiy al ebenezer church near woodhrldge on sunday the stewards of the church held a meeting on monday even ing at churchill church congratulations cungratulatiuns to mr and mrs bruce williamson un the gift uf a son last week mr and mrs bruce leilch and bcwrlcy mr and mrs ronald saunders ami family visited with mr and mrs wurgun al weslon on sunday drs w f and d 1 mcdonald and families of port credit visit ed on sunday with mr and mrs charles binnie mrs r l davidson and mrs david russell enjoved a bus trip with ballinafad wi tuesday when ihey journeyed to colling- wood wusaga beach and owen sound r slii lliu 6ntl oulbu enjoyed a bus frip lo niagara falls saturday and returned homo with soro foot from tramping around but excited about the trip thoy are pictured ahovu as ihoy lino up alongside trwj bus at the poll office prior lomklno olf on ilio journoy bmwtatiaiibwbiuwittaiajjii hcj -i- rockwood surprise party anniversary service highlight local and district news saturday evening a lends and neighbors lurprlsed douglas m group of pleasantly chlabb on the occasion of his birthday euchre was enoycd during the evening and presentation of a bill fold purse of money and subscription lo the acton free press was made lo the guest of honor lunch was served at a late hour from u well laden table bringing a pleasant evening lu a close anniversary services anniversary services were held sunday in the united church there was a good attendance in the morning with rev r r con- noribatconductinglhcservlct and also giving the anniversary address special numbers were contributed by the choir at ihe evening service rev r r connor conducted the service and rev wm sherwin of paisley street church in guelph gave the address special numbers were given by the choir in one selec tion mrs frank taylor took the solo parts campbell mc arthur of norfolk street united church in guelph also contribu ted a vocal number dave ben- ham is organist iiri vcil trust company moves to larger premises reflecting the rapid growth of hntton and peel counties the brampton office of halton and peel trust co has just mov ed to a new location 28 main st n formerly the bank of torunlo building in the hearl of ihe busi ness section of bramplon the new offices give over four limes ihe floor space of the old location dn jucen street this greatly increased area has made possible additional services in cluding a safety deposit v mil with a battery uf safety deposit boxes for rent also night de pository for ihe convenience of depositing funds after business hours y building amounting to vvfvolt was authorucd paid lo hall construction co new and used lornituie lor the municipal building was an- proved fur payment lo k a hammond co amounting lo 7u expenses were approved lor the clerk and assessor i a tend a twodav assessment course in owen sound approval was also given to pay th6 as sessor 115 for expenses regard ing the convention in hamilton ifecenlly the following accounts were approved for payment general hmo roads 26l8- cattle and sheep killed 1151 welfare lett07 rwssertcrwallet feted by friends a miscellaneous shower was fetid tuesday evening june ei il the home of miss carol hon r lo honor a bridetobe miss im waller many friends at- wmm quae and contests i after many useful xla were opened lunch was j swmkia the evening wejhr will be married if cfcartea petty ol not have ii better at last people arent walking on my tail all the time time was we were so crowded that i had to sleep with one eye opon but now the houie has j k been enlarged end we can all breathe easier especially me you ask where the noney was uvid t tyil yj the bunk of novfl scottn rsound buys in good used cars h 1 i sie these qaroains now it chev sediniutmatc st mefeer 4der matien wagen 37 fe sedan 37 mynievth jdor 5 oldsmehlu sedan 3 detloe tudor 36 prymeuth 2doer tal- 36 chaw tudw 55 lyltk iiimt hardtop v i i i im chv tenk 33 sms v ten nkkup i ss tukk stlew hardtop 47 omc km pickup i l little motors i 1 no jl hwv acton niomi too sschev limteffwagen 53 peatiac rardor auta 34 riyinoulh sedan 54 mymeuth fenler 34 memer jlr euaomllne s3 retl 3uer customuna s3 hurisaw sedan s3 chrysler new yorker 55 peeihac sedan ss sms v ten pldiwa 47 omc m pkkup sympathy extended sympathy is extended lo mrs archie dear in ihe passing nl her husband in guelph general hospital saturday evening fun eral service was held tuesdav from the george wall liuieial hume guelph interment was in hverlon cenielcry the many friends of mrs i- b jollilte regret she is confined lo her home with a spinal condi tion her many hieiuls iioh- lor a speedy recovery friends of rnbcri joliiisinn regret lo learn he has sultered another hearl allack al ihe liome of his son edgar johnston mrs novell who has been a patienrtn strjnaplts llospiial guelph was able lo leave and is making progress towards recov ery mrs speck has iwo sisurs vis- iliug with her al pusenl who are convalescing after being ill the many iriends of ieiiigv llayne will bt- glad in know he was able lo he brought down slairs and is progressing lavor- ably final meeting memlk1s of rockwood golden agcn club were in guelpli lasi thursday tor the linil meeling of the year held in the reciea lion room at lie ywca the manse committer of ihe uulled church were busy on saturday with repair work around ihe garage dr and mrs k ii waller were recent visitors wilh iheir son and duiighlerinlaw in palm- crsujn recent weekend and sliiulav for appliance and tv repairs manning electric cill 230 visitors mr ami mrs mauri kurd weslrin ml james whyle ialmcrston mr and mis james llagin alid lainily guelh mi anil mrs it llonsleel lislowel mr vcinon meailows kitchener mr lied walsou ami lamilv iliionlo mr and mis don llillsou millou mr and mrs don tiiiims and sou itrian guelph mr and mrs charles robinson ousiic vviih mr ami mrs doug mcnahh mr anil mrs john summer ville ol itarrie hill visited wilh mr ami mis lied lanihetl mrs ilaet mantle speill ihe vveekciul wilh mr and mrs lil nilr mantle in kilcheimi mrs ken spence autl mrs itretl lauitktl spenl liitlay in ciuelph on a shopping tour- eteneztlt life membership presented to mrs kenneth griffiths inlctuktl fur ijihi week i ik- fitwnllm wms liiuiip vkilcil with lliu- ihriicil wa inr thf june nitfllni niul mih aiiliur nniijsh was husiiss loi i his i i r ii c ualhli injt mrs- a flunk ul rtuiilri open ft i the imvllrij wilh njnvti imli mr iillewii iiml mih v aichlhilil inwnlliie umli pnl in tuvuliiins mis mini ill iimplullvlllc wr lo llijvi luill spritill spimkrt int litis iiuillni lull tiwiiilt i illness in ilk hniiii iihiiii nul in pumtil mis hhv cm lei liiwlilillt- uii tlimisly mnseiiud hi lell mmwii nilit ilniiii i n ip slu mid lift hiislaiiil hnl tiijuviit ifniillv tn hit- jiicin tlirltilu- isliintls stn- uihl ol ihe niiiivclliiiis wink nl jolii miiiddlk ul h- sklclrnilc missinn luiit oiuiii chin liitte tllv mut uf hiiw iihhii l hf piiiplr luvrd and iispiilid hint hi lhil intnniiinltv mr ind mis iiiln hivi a dmiuhlii mrs i kind ill whii wilh itn tins inind and lunilv hsiilr mi f in island mis kind ill is a iijrislii nl must- and in an eimi jnu v htlps al hit- liispiful and sin- t- also a nkmhtf ul ihe liospilal imatd 1 1 tc mfinlterklilp mis k tiillilhs san a veiv jivilly tnlo and- was pleasanllv siiiiised alhiwaid hv heiiti pie senled wilh 1 life nicmheislilp ind pin iruin lite fuuneei uidnp mrs tiillilhs with heaillell thanks expiissed apirreelaliim lui his hunoiahle fill i mr and mis iimhi- wilt in leaving sihiii hu wink n iiimlhfi held and mis limllhh moiiv lalenls will ihitfreully inismmi meiiim a tapahle speaker and si ju ki she has luen 1 idled un many limes mil nnlv intlillv hll in nianv- siiihiiiiidlnn lofiifiiliiiljies alter sinulnu a hymn ulist he the lie lhal hinds ihe ineefinn was 1 lused wilh puivtj- uelieslnnenls wete siived h ii iv humehs iind hei jielpeis rheneer snndav h hmji itu h ocean steamship tickets cruises nnw ixiokiiitf if tr spline and sum met sailings bcxk early f l wright 211 willmr si n acton ontario imionji 95 jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv class fs i t fully insured phone 251 acton m and officers met at the home of mr und mia wiurly for the julie inthdinu winnifrctr diiritirr was piunlst fur the- usual hymns preccd- liill mle meellnu and sharon lllvth read the scripture fnm st i like second chapter this was lollowed hy pravci hv mr ii ilvhf 1 ws supplies summer enmrw uiil the ss pltnli weie suhoch of discussion it was detided lo dispense wilh ihe july nicctlnu nul have ihe nexl luceliliu in aijkiisi mi ii illvlh iluseil ihe meet- nik wilh pravit 1 lie human heal i lesls lllvilllt ellilil lenlhs ill i secontdielvieen eit h tool rat lion acton teen town ijpontornd by acton liorii club the ambassadors ttom hflfndton this friday june 16th acton leoion hall 91 am regular admission halton county iiberaljvssociation nominating convention milton town hall friday june 16 130 pm speaker hon paul martin m at fverybody welcome m m m m m m peter j papillon prujdcnt dorothy mullin socrotary bell lines robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly li p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 st georges square fill your coal bin buy now reduced prices will not be effective after month of june budget terms available save ave ave now save 300 a ton nut and stove anthracite regular 28 a ten now 25 a ton notice hydro interruption monday june 19th 100 pm to 430 pm the following sections will be affected north of mill street from willow street to cnr tracks bower avenue fr0m willow street to c nr tjtacks this hydro interruption will also inclucio the following itrcckiections john elgin frederick and willow streets from mill street to bower ave acton hydro electric commission by c s keith your telephone manager wtlljuinny day urc wilh u once jgailn ak llic aivcrafc dli- an ivhjl he like mtnl urxufi lummcr and ten to one hell uy lls mit dimir llvlntf more and nunc oik in acton are tpcmung much of their leisure time a poslblc working in the farrfen cmiklng on uurlr harbecuir or juit relaxing out an ihdr patloat youve prolmhly found hat once youre outside you lute lo go- back in ihe house mnd leave thai crucial planting job in the garden or that big juicy steak youve just put on the batitccuc bui its often necessary to run in and answer ihe phone unless of course you have an outdoor telephone portable telephone will outlets for garden or pallo are becoming increasingly popular we expect lu install a number of them in acton this summer wby not give us a call zenith 2mm no toll charge and ajt about this convenient service theyre easy for us to install and youll nod ihe price u low 3 elgin st phone 70 sjkjkmy of sunirmr reminds us ol viijlioiis iml truvclliiiy iliu oti imt ilnwn iliny hiyhvjv jt niyhl ilmikiny lor ii plate in tt hied and vcai illci i limn tup and ill u ui sl jrc no vi iir mjin iiii ii pr tihihh hipixntil tt ill 1 us it sonic iinil- tu iiijk i hut t mnipk phunttin ihcail u tan rx- auicii ut uiluiu ilotiiiiimlili n limn- than hkek ihoitf it oinitiod1- linti ii lhal and ikivs niulhri lip lot happv iravchuiu whsit iltmtit i iiinmiiiiti i all to the lolkhji k home to itt them know ou ntifd s mil ii uphoiti in help iiiiki vtur vacjliiini it im kliikhiihi raii an- low a night tall malionto station itvcnn aloiil 200 miu- ian iosl as lilllc at 75 lenlv i very year at i hi time we read of a great many drowning ac cident that mar the carefree vacation season all through iha summer we sec the unfnrlunatc vkllnis name a in tha nanar sometimes were saddened hy a familiar name ii mlgbl be a rather a mother or a child its a terrible tragedy and yet is of i en quite unnecessary bell employ res have bean wa lo learn a much about water safety a they can many of our p have taken the st john ambulance course in artificial i some have had to use ii to- save a lire its if lo save yourself from difficulty in ihe water ici a ossma44eaeini lo be in a position to help someone else la thaw of traaoll tfctt slogan think before you ihwlm b raloar a boorlsr oa worsia but ii does carry an import ant mcasaaaw haoa ffssi tlof ssssssajr and come back refreshed hut oa ii ssiias

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