Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1961, p. 6

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i th f- fr pratt thuredey june 15th 1961 ttltoii candidatei speak t acton liberal rally li- dotptfoued from pao one conservative government for al locating a portion of ll 4000- 1n0 civil defense budget to pro vide bunker for cablrict mem- bora if awarded the nomlna- tion mr mulxak promised to erve halton county with honcily and with integrity which in hit eatimatlon should be the junll- tiea for a good politician cy young oakvllle radio ncwi editor forecast under a liberal regime canada would recapture the enviable position lost in the jiast few vears he told his au dience that under the liberal government canada cnloyed some good year but since the reign of the conservatives canadians have not experienced the same meature of affluence and pros perity in stressing the avro layoff mr young stated it was not necessarily a had decision and said the liberals had been warn- ied earlier the arrow might be ob solete before it became fully op erational three hour notice he explained howese the con lervalivcs had cxcniscd extreme callousness when only three hours notice was gncn to some papillon 1400 employees they would be out of a job he advocated a properly plan ned immigration program as a cure for trade ills by an increase in population harry pollard a liberal since ims when he began his interest in england critlclxed halton fed eral representative andy best when he noted he was a likeable fellow and had done nothing wrong during his term of office in fact he has done nothing period he is jull a rubber stamp o be plctcd up and dropped at will this is why he must be de feated competition myth mr pollard reminded the au dience that world trade was a twevwav street and labelled jn panese competition a myth claiming cheap imitations of ra dlo parts from japan has enabled one canadian firm to monopoli7c the transistor radio market he denounced the present gov ernment policy of imposing ta riffs to reduce unemplovmcnl as he stated this arrangementwould not decrease unemployment an informal question and an swer period yollowed the meet ing chaired b rov goodwin in the absence of president peter speyside pupils take bus trip grade so en and eight pupik i rum speyside ccn t ral school departed by bus wednesday morning and enjoyed a fulldiv buliny touring plates of in teres i in toronto during the trip they toured foil york hiph park the muse um and 7ik they supplied their own lunch for noon hour and were hume for dinner hwmmq school bell cairn service sunday planned by institute mr- c storey gave an inter 1 colleen and john hunter of estfofi report of the dim net an guclph have been visiting with nual at the monthly meeting of i their grandparents mr and mrs the womens institute held at aixhle sinclair while their par the school when 12 members ents mr and mrs john hun- and one vuitor were present tcr have been wsihng in dccater mrs e archibald provided and iii with relatives mrt k stubbington read the mr bert slnilair who has been minutck thank you notes and on the staff of the bank of monl- finan statement an invila real acton has been transferred lion wa accepted to attend the to the ajax branch short course on home care of the sick sponsored by the greenock branch later in the fall considerable business was dis cursed in connection with the school reunion and dedication of the school belt cairn being held on sunday june 18 when john root mrp will be the guest speaker invitations have been sent lo former teachers and pu pits and all are welcome roll cull won responded to with a gardening hint mr e fihher read a salute lo june by fuilh bjiluwin refretthmentk rrved by mr e fuhcr and mrs d winter con eluded the meeting billy mckcn7ic son of mr and mrs norman alckenie cele brated his fifth btrthduv on thursday his guests included duvld und jimmv stcwait randv stewart und willie bulloch mr und mrs win stanley ol redwood city california visit ed recently with tru jornici s vis ter und brother in lau mr and mrs robb bailev and taimlv mibh dor it lines k muinetator for lite censui in this locahtv mr und mrs bvion bruce and iumilv hpent sundi wih mi und mrs hugh tumuion and daughters yi torunto tea and buxaar a nuinbtt ut lidus hum tin loud churcl attended t u u and bajuuir ti bar ml hill chuieh on wednchtitiv mr m jtitiksti mt and mi- tied btptu isitid oil sundi villi mr and miv jjihi jiuivh neat hat iiui miss v ilniti mjomi t rtluim j ituitu ftull ich i smal on i u da tuliuwinf tiil uinn rcv mtlk mii rjr ol dun curdu ltd mk i ftiiiunimi church txi sundo mium aiiii utryt i oriff i ji ion pit j hi mr rvd m- m 1 tnd imkii a b ivvikxi m hid oi sund nh mis i i im mr rwl mii t it ti s lm i a at lijn vitud on stjmliv vutli mtk i sont r bum photo rtv james m rudd was ordained tuesday evening at the baptist church during a special service attended by several outoftown church officials and a large congregation mr rudd pastor at acton the past year is hoping to ourney to india to preach in the mission field some of the visiting ministers are pictured above following the service- left to right are rev w h aacwhinriie preston rev charles terry gait moderator roy self brampton rev jamox m rudd rev stanley washburn massachusetts usa dr orville daniel and rev alfred price guclph i i a 1 oftlwarv acton residenf for 56 years mrs w j hall mourned 45th anniversary for mr mrs coles mr and mrs murray m coles wcic leled recently on the cklj sion ot their 45lh wedding n nivcrsarv when 22 members of the familv gathered lor dinner at the presbvtenan lav ccntic in the caledon hilk a presentation was made and iiil since it appreciation and iksi uishct ol their tantllv vele ek tended to them b rl sluat t coles their eldest son who was host loi lhc evening vocal and instrummtal re ndi lions bv the lrandchildii n and nuns twiid 11 rniniscerkls eoniplcted a wr happv tnini mr and mij cjes vmil mat tud in loionlrj in 1916 and ope i a id a latin at woxibi id until ivv whin thrv moved to thur pr is ut hwille tast ol at loll i hi lav in ilnldufl and si alec 11 ltatult inldie tl pi situ at i he aiinivetsai liltbuiifhi welt ki v and mis stuait ou s joidn keniudv oul jiiuiiik pi lohmjlu mi and miv clatinee tilts uulh liiuei onnu aioun and jim nut it aiion mi ul mis a s ro i joel anil cuu of pint in md mi and mis wns id tojs slptien vaklu and ia aih t a inn llnahle h at j ml wui mi and mis j aslon mis uim kotnit jane itul maiihn ol noith itav after an illncsn of hive weeks mrs william j hall 17 brock ave passed awav in guclph gen era i hospital an saturday june 10 mrs hall who had many frl ends and always enjoyed making new ones had lived in acton for 56 vears she ujb noted for her musical talent and vs a great lover of flowers she attended knox presbvter tan church faithfully when her health permitted and was a mem ber of the ladies aid she was a member of the womens insti tulc former member of the duke of devonshire chapter of the i o d e and the loyal true blue lodge she was born at limehouse daughter of the late william scott and rachael aithurs and uicicarni i eden mills camp popular for picnickers the lulhcian camp at ldeii mills has been a busy place since the first ol may with annus i groups holding picnics satuulav last st andrews chuieh teigus held a picnic and sundav was he annum urulhcihood rally ol the lutheran body with alien dance ol close- to 900 fioni wd land oakville hamilton walkei ron hanovei kile he net watei too and vanous olhei places tiils coming week lout picnics aic booked paisk united guclph lutheran chuieh guclph st peters church picsion and a scout group picsion pic nl licial opening of the camp lot guls and oos will lie july i visiting mi and mis a man lev lot a lew davs wete mi ami mis w stanley htjnmnl kett wood cilv california also mi and mii loh flaiuv ospunt mi john stevenson is ai i ions he atl and dan is in hamilton da a week vimlinu with mis kavi sle vcllson exams are over celebrate in miltcn at lha frostee cornar mom and qrucc st miuon free dance mxt wok frl june 23 om tir nawly pvd lot monb om rjn no chaioi m60tj pt m02 855 outilondlng waolhar raahlonc wormt fiwtf mikhoi ei colon oty to obttly eeomndcol lain mosre gordon hardware limited m1h ft httm 7 ua nun nutt in gcdielinvn mi hall clicil in january 1919 mourn her lobs she is sunned bv ihitl claufl tcrs and iwu suns nellie and william of torunlu ruben ol wingham mai nine and lmii mrs wilfrld mleauicrn atlun six urundchltdren sistels mis cathenne lane limehouse mis fmily midonalil auon mis maude hill and mrs cedtn closs of georgeioun the funeral sertie was ik id monday june 12 11 ihe ruiiiilv shoemaker funtial home ton dueled b the rex a ii mckol ie lolloutd hv inllimenl in lairil lltntlei pallluaieis wire lluolcl mi in lie i ted andiison lai i lam beil kennelh millui hilhnd prue and jm maidonild all ol alton cirrvin some ol ihe heaulllul downs win uimi cntss glm siotl flne reilh douglas pi ne and norman prue aockwood final services for j birtch uist suntltiy john liirlch who has sccuictl a church at lam- teth in the i oiulon aica con dueled final scrv tecs in conncc turn with etlcn mills picsbvter lan church and rock wood church mi and mis butch have made manv fncnds in both eonimunt tics as well as in outer cucles while residing in the communitv thejr many friends both here and f2den mills wish them success in their new field of labor thev ue leaving for their destination this week as 1 i c suit of war in wcillu i duunn last week and up to the pixsent lime voting feilks aic en loving ihe usual summer spin t til swmimini in the null dam ad loinmg the htghwav pioneer village okeefe centre welk show for dublin outing wednesday june 7 was the day chosen this year by ihe dub- hit womens institute for their annual bus uuhntf it wa a per fect june day and ifn ideal day tor u trip of this kind members and their friends got on their way shortly before nine oclock in the morning their first call was nl culverts greenhouses in brampton herc accompanied by a guide thev were shown ihe seedlings as thtw are started on to when the per fect blooms are ready for cutting it was very interesting to the ludles to see he care and work necessary lo obtain lle perfclt mowers as we see i hem n lp florists shops after a lour through the ship ping room and slock room thire they headed for pioneer villape in the black creek conservation area wood bridge a picnic lunch was served and all en joyed a roam through ihe build ngs time too short ll was mdst interesting lo see utensils furniture implements and other things used hv the pio neers of our country the lime was all too short lo see till the different building the laskay emporium otherwise store pos i sibly was one of the most inter- 1 esting and displayed manv ar t tides used by our fore bearers i manv years ago and really de picted the way of life in early canada i in the afternoon the ladies at tended the o keefe centre where the tlower druhi song w as porlraved not onlv was nvol gical enjovment but the pleasure of seeing the o keefe centre in itself was of much interest the grandeur of the building with its marble walls and staircase was most impressive the auditorium is complelelv panelled in chern wood and with haleonv is able to accommodate about 3 00 per sons the cost of the building is estimated at about 12 ww 000 coliseum concert a tup on the subwav took the partj to a restaurant on yonge street north for dinner later the parts went to the coliseum in the cnl grounds and the attntc lion was lawrence welk and m company the cousseum was packed 16 the rafters as well as the show ring the program was very well received and all felt that this performance was lie culmination or a very enjoyable and dcllgiufuf day the bus load arrived hack in towjuound the midnight hour with a tired but happy group of tadies car truck hit 1900 damage a truck driven by sam muddle of ml i ton and a car driven by drago vranlc of acton collided on the brow of a narrow hill and occupants of both vehicles were shaken up mr vrank re quired medical treatment while others received bruises lit the mishap const tom dube invest gated call your insurance agent before you buy a car thats right your inmranre a yps joawill wd iiiiuranri rowrag fjf urrirrw or used but did jou kiio uu can arany v k1 tie cihii oii wd to buj a tur tn wltuift through cfuj agent automobile tinann ilan low rati ronfiflintjal m r i rtur d 4ji tumcniliil jtrmi of courm contact ui lfur ou iju our ry ca yvj ill b tudiou il d dennys insurance agency 39 mock st bill at iiabolo- acton h40nc 455 suimminu biiame ptipular il- siklilenh last weiknul viheu uann wiathei ariinl al last caroline nurseries garden centre west of aclon on highway 7 south side one stop for gardeners do ii younslf patio itonai in variety of colon 16 x 16 75e mth 8 x 16 arc ojch complete line of nursery stock annuais perennials and roses say it with flowers i ki sll llll i iow1 ks and ill i ii 1 im nis floral designs for all occasions days a wfrk lo serve you nl vv iiouus jiki am in 900 im free delivery new telephone number 37 day or nite promotional special save 50 on new kodak film for each roll of film 1c 1 1 at hinlons store lot dee1on- hiu oti ma nuiehive a new ndl ot film lor onl l re gular pi lee hintons 5c to 1 store film developing outdoorables to celebrate outdoor uving patio dresses swim wear be r etc come in and choose from our select col lie lion at summer ear ai prices to suit our budget good baby buys pic t is e tut lies to txautits tiir babv l11i or bn plas tes that o trom bat v at el u hedeh and mure woiielertut ihiis toi wabs te ucjr this summer hue nuv is a lolleetion piind to iie sou top alue ednamay ladies and childrens wear 41 mill st e nm 477 dads day dandies lor walking fathers if hail l walking ihe iiixii ue tunt lul lull if li utilk- lily in unrk oiu ol lltene yiihiunlceit iihimi urn ulll lei hint euiic liln liir uihn uml mil in ut ditic lullir iir dcul 1958 black beauty ridcou 500 tudor automatic 1957 ford custom 6 cyl sedan 2 tone clean economical driving 1956 4 dr ford sedan mechanically good stand some body work 1956 4 dr ford custom sedan auto- malic a popular model real nice t9 t hc du tires and springs handy on the farm 1950 pontiac 4 dr sedan nice for cheap transportation low down payments 1 easy terms sea ut tint el thompson motors acton ltd htoni 69 acton 45 nuin st bwf actons best food centre supermarket szl 138 oranges 49 maple leaf s p cottage roll 39 shu wood 1045z- tin n dessert pears i7e 29c all steaks 75s liquid detergent thrift only at ab supermarket welchade 33oz tin grape drink 29c r r i i to peaches 2 s 39c fruit cocktail 19c libbys brown t5oz tins eans 2 1 31c brichts 15oz tins catelli 15oz tins ly 116 ill and sweet mix pickles 29c new potatoes 49c rose brand sweet 16oz jar 10lb bag extra special lfttuce 2 heads 25c shop and save the ab way

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