Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1961, p. 7

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eightysixth yearnp 51 sht jvjrfjw ffitt fto acton ontabid thursday june 15th 1961 second section music supeavisor glenn banks appears to be an easy mark for a musical instrument sale during the robert little school fun fair as margaret lindsay attempts to sell him a toy xylo phone a bluff with a 20 bill backfired when he was offered the right change pupils now plan a concert the last day of school to raise tho balance of their 200 pledge for the com munity centra fund prjc up your suhmbl sportswear with sunshine fresh custom dry cleaning jjetus store your winter clothes for the summer months safe insured low cost storage custom cleaners sam day service except saturday in by 10 a m out by 3 pan cash and carry main st n phone 272 fish pond activity kept public school pupils busy friday afternoon during the fun fair staged by robert little school pupils youngsters are picturod above as they wait their turns to fish for prizes baking tables candy bar evellery comic books and while elephant sale booths wore equally busy 1 limehouse festival music program given by ss no 9 pupils intxrullit for lusl utck piunls ind iiiuhn ui tin pupils at s s nci 9 tiiilil i spkmltd piuii mi di ksltv il musil bv ilitisc who hul t ik i p 111 tllls l 11 at i miluuhim memorial ii ill om it 111111 i isi wtik mi rctd m11mh mom it t ilm diluted 111111 mis i kaiit at tin pi mo mis ci i i ml piisukiu ol w svhool assoualhin v is liiuiiiiui mi knijik show t i mm us alu t lunch ik cuiiiii ciukd with uaiking in monk achievement day tiil 411 club puis ik hlki arnold gkiul 1 iknlitiii iktlv amu blown anil m n n j imh s ilk mini llu ai liu t mil nt i i it mifton tin siiuuln with iikii kadtis mis kn kp ill it k nul put girl ilkir break mis gisbv ind skil i he club i 1st wt utkomtr mr ami mrs iimil ocintv mil hltlc datryh tti lo iiil 1ll1p micy moved i mint aeton on the v tela ml mis blm denton a i tended the lidiisstaii tei 1 01 miss anne oeanush a hndelobe of next siliiidiv at her ho n jjar tision i isi s ituid i motors lo indliinupolls s alkn injhs inuiuied jo7 in dt m ipuhs i isi weekeiut wlleie he uleiukd spoils eents mis ted miiiiiiw ol t01011i0 his ik in wiih ik 1 mothei mis i lilt lot i few d ivs miss k111i1 peinhletou of ik nnpltut spt nt the j weekend wiuj miss i ind 1 williams miss joe anne pool is hospil jhed with in appendix infee lion we hope lui hei spicily ic unlfy master johnny medoniltl sinp a solo during i he servite al lnnelidiise piesbviei tin church on sunday mr movvud of knox colic ye was ministci 1 how many have a bank account 7 chances arc thoy oil have because nowadays practically everybody la a bank cubtomor and they go to tho bank so often and for lawn bowling the im i liwn bowling scison gut oil to a yotd slait situidiy evening june 3ul acton houllmcr olned b a yoodly mini bet imtn the rock wood club 1 he 111 tils vveie in ixeelknt condition and play wis entoved by all iwo lell end panics weic pi i id winneis loi 1 he ecninji welt lkiils lust mrs i kelso u points sleond mrs j uuekni tn mis u veldhiiis lied 24 points men lusl mr ostiandci k points second w neai 28 points altei llu bowling sandwiches lea and eollee were served by he jadies of the ac on club a isi to the rock wood club is plan ned foi the eeiiing of june 17 i he hilt rcimnl i caut open ed pi iv wcdntsdiv inn mil june 7th at ion isitetl in noigclowtl icoigclown winning s e unes uid tie ill i lo actons 4 wins nul i tit ind ouiscormj aelon on the ticllinc 97 lo ithik n points at ion look 9 points a ihu same i line rot k wood wtie pljni m jilelph hul no ikws ol the tames hue is aail able pupils raise over 111 at fun fair pledge 201 far community centre robert little school pupils raised iii of ihelr 200 pledge tor the acton community centre fund rridiv nflerihhtn in a few hours during their fun fair in the jiuditoritim up for sale wut h iking t indv comii boiks ewelerv ilnthlng imtl surprise ptukages and arheks were sold al a jjrciit rale as ehil ilren swarmed through the audi foi him la get a chance at the choice articles during the arena campaign pupils pledged 200 lo the fund determined to meet their maik ihev htjged the fun fair and took sole rcsponsibihiv foi ihe work ei erv saleable product was mark li find thmdreu coind be seen untitling their pennies as thev attempted lo huv a dolt comic honk or pieee of jewelciv r a committee set up with a re prcsiniatiit from each grade u dttermmed lo meet their quota ind ik xl plan ar variety tnldnt show tin finil day of school they lie fukiii tom a ul to 1 packed itidiioriuin pupils with u little 01 a lot of t ik ni will participate in ihe show and once again pro tee ds will be used to riaih the j 200 god knickknacks were picked up by children al the while elephant sale booth friday afternoon during the school fun fair net proceeds amounting lo over 111 will be used to boost tho pupil s 200 community jcentro pledge some of the smallor kiddies had a difficult time choos ing their surprises lions carnival raises 500 111 spile ol wet welfllti in tilt i uly si i ihe at ton i ions club lout d iv t nun d it u nils was eollsidcled illlte siieeessllll llll lilt till il 1 illv llldle lies lilt pi octet is amounted lo appioxi in ilelv jsfm ruks e time booths liiiks ind lutkv dl ins sp il kill keen llllel tsl duimg the font da dim is e hi idle n ind ululis sw u mi d over ihe giounds al llle eisltin oulskuls ol low ii lo spend then money and assist the club club meiiibeis issiskd iliimin the t ii in d in selling lickcls and sl ilihl 1 spit iii llltkv til iw s iluitl iv night eluil ixed llle show win n eonsl ibk ron rll peil ol ihe at loll opp del it ii meill iii idt llle i ions di iw lor llllet llll ibk pi li s tlisl pi it ol i movie i inn i i w is won hv mis i en l ijowels loiotllo silolld pi lt ot i pnwii mowti w is won bv don wilkes coila town uid thud pi ii ol i bitvtk went lo 1is s hi ml i rain sends institute picnic indoors second year in row despite llle pup il iliiin in mi liiu mil c s nil in liulushns nul mis r i duiilsui al ihui minimi m i k lips on s il inispinhk t inn hnmc tttr tin m l nuisttieis mis s holnus mil pkllk nulling nl l in al lull dlsllkt illlnl n hmtlnl sunn v i llu ui illinium inliimlhil i llu livlilvlils nl llu mini is in tint list i it nul llu ii ilisltul nniu il iniilitil tulil in nil vi is tulil inilimis lining a ctnn li tonn itiiw ilnivn pmii ul i nil llu lull i ill mis nisuitnl in mis niii linn ni pusiuil ii llm uliil 1 liki lusl ilinl i in minimi llu hnsnuss i lu punii mis in i pus nl tin il pi ins win in ule lui llu nl- i ill i i mis will i spin in suilil ii diiut iliun i iv siimi ippm i ill in ul in i i nk is s ilk hsu il ilunilliin ills lulnl li i ill lu i uti i lui llu p isi liiu mil linmhiis iiilnnlii i nl in iiu ii us ink s iiulviiilii s mil l issist in linn llu in ilm uliniiniil pi inlinj llu tluiins null llu iijuilnij ul ilk i mils i in i pul i nl in hi is 1 1 ip iilll pi hi i llllllei 11 is in llll lui sills l of lilies um sl ill iinlihli pi i i n t urn i iiis n salelv tips luinl lis i mi sp i il i m mis hiui riisi is l ii piuikliil llii pn ilillns 7ins in i nk m s ii inns o many reasons to deposit havings arrango a loan buy or soil foroign exchange purchaso money orders in fact canadians sqom to uso banking services more than tho pooplo of any other countrythe chartered banks for their part do thoir utmost to mako each branch a friendly efficient centre for ovory kind of banking service the chartered banks serving your community remember dad with a gift hell appreciate from our tool up sale any hanoy tool orse valint up la 2 49 yours for only 99c symon hardware 43 mih s mwa 49 il in 111 il illns piji mi i nei 1 ill mi linn i n mis slil i si in ill m i liiu i nul hl i hii hiu i mis ii nn in nul mis i ul i imwil i t ni iisi tt m ht mis iui i ii il n ii nn sl huiinlilnl snpp i tt is pi ml 1 in i ill i ill h ul p n i ik n i iiumi sihsl n n mi s km hiinm ivpus nt ih ih inks lu llu 11 isli s i ii in k 1 1 i t el tun s i tulilli 1 i ihk unit i nul ihk l siill tni n tlu pin bl llll pint likil jaim-speoau- smrf im km a huge doil cleirjht iho eye of nillie funl icoy ilurinrj ihe school fun fair ind lor 1 0 cents he in irk llu puieh i i i i il home she is pictured iljove clrt pmij lu i mw io lsjion is siil hiindj over the moridv lo booth o ill inly j nine mcmul leu a i1kjl viiicly of gjbtl wi bioujhl by the putjil from till urddes dlid adlrs were fd1 ind funouj daughter graduates another air hostess ih in i mi l i mm km r it il mi i ni n ii ill luiun hi in mil i ni ii i iln i ul ii ii hi i iii n 1 mi hi i iii ii tl hi ii lii 111 ill i iii i ni i nl ii u in lui ul n ii mt i i in i i i in s hli ltni i mi ii il il s ii t in imiili u i mil i i n lllsl wnim i nt i i li ii mil iln l i ii iii ii iii i ii i i ii nils mi v ih i i i si i iinlihli k i i ih n n lit he k 111 tt is mi i it n i lull i i i in lu h ss tnlh p in u 1 nn s m ii t tit mli it li iiiiuit il iii t ilil nil ill in iliun ih hi t i i i i ii i i in i lusl hip in in i i t il i l nn i is l ii i i i i i n nine li i i i ii il i i k lu vw ik mi mi i ii iii nil i it in in sun lull lui i u i l ih in ul i i ni ii i tt u i i i m i li it in l 1 ll n hit iii il it i s i i ith i p unh ih u li p i i i i u i pp i liuilli i jl i iii ii janet ihitknfcr mastoid is hltmi hi s l ml 1st llll l 11 ii 111 ii s i nil nn ill nl isli i nl ni ii x iii istonl s i p ml in iii 1 ii ii s lljil 111 il lelilllullles i iii isljlil cll exterior white only 595 gal tenpr0 distributors limited 126 main st n acton phone 519 muctc j bet t t i i i t h mi ion irv u i wtnt il nt i mi ihiiis i ii id 1 mi tn i u n li 1 i luin i in jin ii ii r i i ii im a- llu j i t iii ii li m th it hi vh iw i ilu it siu u i mi iiu j i i 1 i mill tlun liti him mil nn ni i ill k thru t in moju in his h tn i on it hv h ul unlun 1 tdsp nt kill in ii he htij efili nt two ji ii ii imik i hi ntiti vfu ft 1irttpii otl in mi ik tn in n hi i dkiisiep jtnimoh liur in lur litter box sik iikihj tlu kiur and uaj itklspcxtl wmi jnd piu 28 lu 1 lmlud tind u

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