Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1961, p. 8

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diminishing respect datecrallon in a cemetery it always hocking thall why were particularly hocked and duguited that nonet have been toppled in the pioneer cemetery officials of the towns original cemetery had the fortesight back in 1033 to gather ihe ltonet into a central cairn to make main tenance of the area as eaiy at possible and to make the tribute to the towns pioneers at attractive et possible somewhere along the way weve ap parent y lost the retpecl that was evidenced in the establishment of the calm recently viewing the pioneer cemetery we noticed a number of stones of the large type upset there are not many stones thai can be disturbed in the area but one was the stone paying tribute to those who worked in forming the cairn ai will be teen from the picture on the editorial page this week the scene is not a dads so sunday is fathers day he gets elevated to top tpol on the totem pole but in tome parts of the world he will still be low man on palau island in the south seas for instance the ruling matriarchs can have any male executed if he disturbs their contempla lion and near sumatra only daughters in herit property in certain areas of india dad is in even worte shape if he goes into debt mom can tell him to pay off the creditors in the african sudan mom may return to her pa rentt after bearing five children leaving papa to look after the kiddies thingt have changed it seems in biblical tirfiai it w considered a crime punishable by death for a child to disagree with his father throughout northern europe a father dy fell disgraced tf a son in his toons npponred publicly m his presence and greek fathers even selected the wives for their sons with no back talk allowed actually fathers day is ust a little over 50 years old in 1910 a year after the death cf her father william smart a civil war veteran mrs john bruce dodd of spokane washington petitioned the spokane minister ial alliance to set aside the third sunday of june each year for the honoring of fpfhers everywhere the petition was accepted and with the memorial service that year fither s diy was mauqurated tjie observance quickly swept the us ard then con a da and is now also followed in many aicis of latin a i south america haihhonduias sweden and even china procanadianism in a few short weeks our annual trek of summer visitors will begin and as is usually the cse the maionty will be from the united states most of these welcome summer resi dents have been coming back year after year and in renewing old friendships with cana diant it it inevitable that a discussion of political and economic affairs as affecting our two eountrlet is bound to come up since our visitors were here last sum mer much has occurqd they have acquired a brand new president the cold war has grown warmer in the far east castro has enlarged on his bug america campaign and the race for space is reaching the really big ttage closer to home there has been a continuing growth of a canadian nation alistic tpirit canadians are asserting a more pronounced procanadianism in the past year and unfortunately our amer can friends interpret this trend as a piece of ami ameri canism ir would be easy for us to dismiss such concern on the part of our u s friends as the mere reflection of excessive sensitivity but since much of t emanates from sources normally sympathet c to the canadian view points it ought not to be so i ghtl dismissed canad ans are a free people and as such like to formulate thou own polic es and pat tern the r on economy however we are so lacing the recently we have become concerned at the climb ng price on public service unpop ular as the increases to municipal councils and boards usually are most fear to obect unless they also are asked to do the ob whether it is lack of pride in community or an indication of this ages continual pur suit ol the almighty doll w it s difficult to decide recently georgetown count i increased their mayors annual fee to 500 and the payment to council members to 20 a meet ing not mclud ng comm tlee meet ngs earl er this year members of county counc iset their fee al 20 for each comm nee and monthly meeting there the warden receives 1 000 plus his meeting and committee fees in burlingron the rrnyor receives 4 000 and council members 15 for committee and council meetings trafalgar pays its reeve 600 plus meeting fees the council receives close to both the united stiles and groat d tun ihal any cnmcliin action which cjf n i f nd favour with one country or ihe c ik r s apt to cause raised eyebrows in iasl i glon or london two such actions within a short spice of time invariably are taken to mean that we are in anti american or and britain mood as the esse may be and once in a while we even marngcuqget accused of being both the eminent actor sir ceclnc hardwicke in commenting on this sad the real luxury in being ganadian is that you can be anti british and anti american at one and the sime time we assume sir cednc was endeavor ing to be witty and entertaninq but the truth remains that it is harder for camda to take even the occasioml independent line than it is for most countries however pro camdnnism does not and should not mean anti americanism and so far as possible we should exercise the great est care to see thai it is not so construed we should understand ih s and we should ex plain it to our american friends the part of a servile satellite miy be sitisfaclory for russia s sycophints but we believe tint our long frenchhip with our friends south of the border ent ties us lo the respect o a friend pl etvinoli tn price tag desecration at pionee r cemetery pretty one and certhinly not one which will reflect iho prido in the community that should be indicated grounds in the pioneer cemetory have been beautiful in recent years through the care and interest of w g o oakes and wil liam graham inch- interest in tho site is on couraging but seeing stones toppled by vandals is for from encburaging to many residents tho pioneer cemetery is probably unknown it was in use how ever from 130 lo 1885 located as it was close to the knox church it was iho last rest ing place of rev zenas adams one of tho founders of ihe town many other pioneers are buried there and thearea is deserving of respect surely something in the way of added police patrolling will be undertaken to avoid recurrences of the vandalism when the pre sent toppled stones are replaced the goob old days s back in 19 iff suyai and sfaice by bill c in ui i il things is ilon i h im i in si ilim mi lni i smiley o ll n iliu il or tit- r 1 slli oh ou htlilm nit ask hos ilu ii un nitidis hill spiuils mollu t s 0 i in is innotiiklii uith mumpus i i oil ol iniilin nl i i ounltv lit ol willi cotniik u i ilk on cjii isini is i nioiu il is loill sum p isstll ot jiik f ulu is d i p ii isim is g s id lltlli ihis s jiiimuit il iij tins i i bt ui hums uul i ih uisilis ultpmn up iiiuni ilu il lln i2lh in mm uhi ol 1 llle ell the llllillls llllliliiui me ill iniit n luu s ou 1 ells oin in lelu lev ihe 1 dun like s ll 1 millo 1 little ippiov 111 11 tliken luw it us 111 iii i iv iliihk h nils nul onil i ik n is mi ihis riu sik mijlil 1 lu in i urn ii nil hi dim low u its mom i mill i i iiiv hilul sijlih hum ilu hoik i nul hu ill ii sui tmk old niiiihii ol oiiis somiihnv uoithuhili siioiv nun imvi iiiutii ilu iss mil jiul hi mid ikht idi months bin iiv pi i mills loi hdllull ulld hi noi oui iluii nidthiis inn dun wnis nidst ol ihi mom v on ihis ioniiinnl ask thi m innf n lotus i hi ii till dti aiihj si thui uls m si mini lo- u mis llu tl till mill w lxuuhuii ih il s m uk mm i il is tiotn lookns to i us h is id uiiiil in i i mc p nk 11 in i uillll idllll win his this siiu ilion tlimlop- i it til noi ih ami i n i cm u hi mit din uiimui tot it an lln nidi i pusln ih in tin ii in iln dl dihn cuiuuuntn j 1 don l think so in i nt i think i ik iii i in oin s w ho win pushnl mlo i ioli tlu mn w mini poor kids i think lln whdli ihnv in pioilini dl pid inn dns in tins lontinml tin noi ih amu n in vutmm hid id hi i njiul ui 1 1 mini stuuh in ikpliulmt mil iipihk thin lur sisui dl oilnr i mils it sin wis io iopi with lln tn us nul d m tus ih silting tin iuk siitlns tlur as tin founlninlilad of wisdom swnpithv intl human w ninth dm my ihi same iinti minns i ik hither faded mlo i liyuri who appeared onh ai nn il limis uul whose ihul lonxirs monal item hi i inn wi ean i all oul il tin mtin process w is speed id up h iwo world w irs while our men wire off in europe lijjitinn and revelling in a soc iil in whuh the mile was sup- i e me out women hid lo take i n mod md mure responsihil it whole ginnations of child icn t he ide i thai mom was hi til ol the lamiu simply be- t uise did wis noi there there was no stopping ihe snowball a i let thi lirst world war our men st u led smoking after orul lhi hep in going tkki from thi emub taf ih fnm prtm fhanmf ttmm t 10m during the cotlnctt meeting tuesday evening metnber en dorsed a rkohjtan t topply cement nnd band to the flitemtm o lay o cement floor in the fire hnll the work it te be done un der the kupervulon of the muni cipal offjeer and the chalrmari of the tbrtt commlltee following receipt of a petition from rert dents on cameron st council agreed lo cooperme with retl- dents and install n fence along thcjodge of jpalry lake in order to keep small children from wandering to the edge of ihe wa ter sue wlot fred furwer has notified hm parents of his safe ur rival overseas he wat honored by meeting her majeaty queen elizabeth and shaking hands mr cordon currte had the misfortune to fracture a bone in his ankle while playing ball with the storey glove team at the seventh line monday evening dr f g oakes has purchased the brick home on knox ave formerly owned by mls hannah wallace he ettnects to occupy the new place shortly the lakeside chapter i o d e held their nnnunf picnic in the park last wednesday and honor ed two members and teachers miss hazel bel and miss miry jackson miss jackson bnde- cleci expressed her appreciation for the lovciy gifts and said she hoped her absence trom acton would be of short duration mr russell gregory of oak vi he proprietor or the gregory theatre acton has purchased with his son leslie the capitol theatre in brampton the deal which look effect june 2 added a seventh to the theatre chain now operated by the gregory family m gregory operates ihe theatres in oakvlhc acton intl georgetown while his son operates the windsor royal and york in hamilton last thursday night or eorly trulav morning thieves chose whuh im s garage on young si for their source of supplies thev look eight of the higher priced tires and made then getaway with this loot this leaves onlv two of the garages or service stations in acton which hae not been entered or attempts made in the past few weeks back in 1911 tionti frank la tmtta 41 4ma vlrte praaa thoty waw 18 1 am tntsreatlng match waa play ed saturday in he jtarrk be tween ooetph and acton tamtall tom with gaelph arthig heme the victor with a 20 coe the game dlaplnved aome brilliant combination and both tejiw- were tn efceetlenl for thwor- iwibtevy the guehh team were ome to take advantage ot two penally ihots giving them the ullght edge over the local team cornnlalrtln have jiaoln been registered that a number of our cltlums are bpthlng in fairy lake without bathing mrlu thin action will not be tolerated irtul if n dlsgumlrrj offence actltm ha bfjn laid before the ittngli- trnie and any further emoncck of this nature will he punish able mr james warren dls of walkerton complelecl the wurvey of ihe new john m wnrren sub division yesterday and the mup will be prepared in n- few davs some 60 rine building lots will then be available all of whkh ore within the corporation li mits the mill st cxtermlon tt ilu third line will be upuniri t soon as the hay lrop is laren ofr a crcu if workmen are busy this week mnklnii nlterntiims to the dnm at tairy luke anil when completed ihe renovations will include slrenilhinlng ihe dam and repairing leaks which haie caused damage to the road way anil raising ihe bridge about three or lour leel on saturday afternoon charlie caswell a little english lac of about half a dozen years found a purse containing jo there was no identification within but it was lurncd in al the free press bv the youngster later that exening it was found to belong lo mr e s rice and the young m in was duly rewarded for his honesty it goes to prove the olil- lime couplet finders keepers losers weepers ceriamly dues noi represent ihe sentiment of this commumly the board of education mon day eicning received with regret ihe resignations of teachers miss daisy micklln and miss eno pear son it was agreed to advertise for replacements at annual sal aries of 400 a year professional directory and travellers guide ih tnti bus list lln i h ml n s hi i ih i d is ulu n m i lllh ihlis i is miiiki s aiiii lln 11 i ils m uul s 1 7 for is meet nq the oakvillt miyor rore vt 1 si 500 ind the council si 000 innuilly mdon pn ts miyor s750 and counc lor reci ves c for edch council meet nq aqion s miyor r ce vls 800 v th its counc hois q t lq i400 there is a wdi v in vice evidtnt in the fees pi d simlrly there is i wide v mince in the work mvolvt cl n tr pil l es most fees smrt in ir chort expenses th it ire niturilly n st rv ct tin y nu it i nuy scnie tvn cplhtb m tl if if f shock lo the t t ins ihe not cf the inc dent is t iqotit fi piymimt of fus squli itqil to conn is the disturbing ih ng is whether rhe pr ct tig on jiuhl c service is rt pi icing the conimunity pride th it wis the or g n il motiit in for seek ng public ofl ct k in i uhiu i k vivl uhi l u i ii iinilinil h m dlshw ilu i id tlu mill ihl eil t u ippi h it dill iiil p sllejlll ml us mi n c lo pro the t d n public t cl nib n tin i it il s down ind till i imii ii i iniilu i lilk 1 ii l u oh hi nd l ilu h i mil ii is i iii i ii s 111 ii n ii 111 1 1 1 1 ii lull ilhin hi l i i linn i n i hi i ii i w nl nl inn d v il 11 d 111 lull i i l will s iiu iii llllllll mil i mih i i ih il s 11 ii 1 1 1 1 ml ii ii i iii 111 shi 11 ul in uolk like slu h nl it impiiiv im t 111 i hi iii she 11 iii 111 be muse u u lie i mil eimip inion lo lur ihilihiil hi cause i iihn i in blls ill uillj ihe link i in i i spi ik io i ik in limine ih il i mil i mini in ilu iiimliuil bin i ill inli bed il i i mill i llw 111111 llllmis i llus ii w ls n iliu i in ih ilnliluii in look upuii ilu inn- tlui hie infiltr iteel he golr cniiise ihe euilinii rink ihe- house o commons and ihe sluek mirkel this have learn eil to sinar wear irousers anil mike speeches and ihe end is mm he re in silhl i m run eonipl lining ii was inei il ihk in iinilenl of historx all 1 m dome is tring to ex pi 111 lo cull lelluus uhi lies pile ihe i icl 111 it mnir wile tul 1 iuw wllslfmluh un mo llu i s j i mm ire going lo mini up nn ruhii s di with the usual si w lie- for ilu puielllse ill hleh ihe kills wilj i ip mu lur h and keep ilu ill nice ii i iss gad about grandmothers garden u i in i down ihiuucli ilu i us nun ii ii l uul gi iiiilmuilui s lukllll 1111 lllllllll plllilllils anil ii lil ilu in is isunplis ihu 111 l i lluiisiwilis shuulil sli i i i i bin i wumli i il un il in i u in 11 1 iiiilm li i s r luliii luuilil thi nii s i ei iii 111 illlll s put 11 fi hill ih i w i tin l him lu in bush i s ill ml in 1 lil uk un mi bllsllis ih ii usul l i in iki thi i un in i llus i i i ii thi i uinh nist b nl i iii ii nl i hi ii ih will slin in ml iii h p i llw us v iii w i i ul ii i ii n siu kts iiiinil il iii il ui p iii 1111 slllllll ll ml vi i ul 1 lll i lump 1 uis h i i il ii iks liuti bush iluu i i iliiuui i ul the acton free pres publiihed by ihe oiiu printing unit piihllnlilng co i til i iniiili il in 1s7s and published mix tbursilin n sg willow in anon oniaiui inibu ul ilu mlii unuui ul iiiuliliuns the csv anil ilu out imvouibic diiisiun ut iho t w a aikiitismg i iks un rcitusi sllbsiiipnniis pi ihk in id inn fllkl in laji uli j4ih ill ihi- lniliil slates si moiuhs 1 7s sineli mpiis 7i aulhtuleil ui seseuiul llass mail post ollue ueput mem oiiawa the only paper ever publiihed in acton g a dills cciitorln chief daviil r dills managing cihlur ivjincfts and editorial office phone 60 0 acton wi b pn i hit is 11 thine iimilii un in il oh wh iiiilili ih 1 uiim th it it i ii ik ls ilu ii mi i i i i it ii ilu pusiie in v rtspnini in in iii ulu i mil ului m in uli l 1 iv t m is i eiiililiss lu pli uul h ipiiiupiial it s ill h 1 dug i h iimliss iiu lu b tluuwn i b nu mini n isttiit ii ll this nun im ll s 1 il ol ll 1 111 si tills lo hi ti nith am 1 k i lu i uit1 vvi 1 it d l 1 t nn in is nil pining i siipp 1 1 nn in muslim ioniums wlli 1 1 i mm in i mi u linn iis iluu is no doubt ihuul who is lu ul ul the- liniise uul in the stales and s i i im wuli pinpli tiiuom ll wsrrr stttn ilmiip u imi p ill ips l i w si iks ul swill w lb in in i iii u w s i iii nul p ins s md nuns wilh iluu hiil1 ii wns snniiiiili in imiluu th ll w is ilu d bush pi inns u msh pi nd s nn 1 ih in s il wild bu hi mining pi ilusih nun i u vwu in mini gl iius wuh kill ips ih siinlluwi is luu uul iluu li in ui l i ilimh uul mluiiii wuh iluu l llliglllll hlimllll ol iniusi lluie mis i iuw ul sweil pins llung ulu i u puhw is in pmitiii jsimi bouquet tul uik ol ihi looms in ihe home in hung iluir and in smile iiiighboi s there ivc re aniui lluuiis in giuulmulher s g irilcji whuh i i inn il nuw lee ill bill ill ul i ik 111 wile wuilllellul to nu m un ul ilu 111 lie nut so pupul ii loel 11 ui lie known b ii uiu s uilui ihul i in i hae used bill llui iii what i re- nuiuhii eluwn uei tlu i irs him will tut iu umiiiibir that biwn ul be iul uiii whlih nu el indniullu i piisulnl so el ii luusk i i sn ih ll ilu ubuellll c iinnuinili liiilu has iilud md i un sure ill i lu ip hi d will hi h ipp uiitiuuu jusi who all hi iuiitalulilid woulil dlllu nil t i i muni i iii i in un inn uiiuliiil tn w uiiailch dr w g c kenney physician qntt surgeon ofrice in symon block 3a mill si e aelon office jhone 70 llcsldcnce 11 chureh st f phone 110 dr d a garrett phyileian and surgeon corner of willow and hlvtr stn entrance river sl acton ont pione 238 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wilhngton st acton ont phone 670 office hours st pm afternoons by appointment appraising avd insubavcr f l wright 20 wilbur si acton ontario phone os appraiser and insurance oier v years in acton devtal dr h ieib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick street off let hours by appmntmmt telephone 10 dr aj buchanan dental surgmin office 3a mill street office hours 0 am to 6 p m c imil wednesday aft rnuun tilephone hh i fcnfeal dnttctqgg phone 800 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr oitical and heabiwo aidg e l buchner r 6 oplomctriat contact lense hearing aitfji mill st e acton in acton wednedayn only 200 pm 000 pm for appitintmcnl ptione 111 robert r hamilton optometrlat eyea examined cliiucs fitted of main st n georgetown on office houn 10 am to 8 pm mon to frl evemngi by appointment cloned saturday for appointment pleaie phone til 73071 auditing accouwt1no lever hoskin chartered accountant 1 main st n 212 king st w brampton phuius gl i4b24 torenui i em 4 0131 ttavtujws quip gray coach lines coacikh leave acton divbght having tune fasthnund legal 013 am idailv excepi sun and rot l amairi 1133 m 208 fan son pm 0 31 torn 33 pm 10 oe pm isun and hoi i s n ill ifv will k interred 1 linens s uul is til ll v insiitkt i n t ih iuw slull till l whikh will k hi ilk kill l r lour nines is mush is ilu urtgin il inn siniiiuiii the arena more rti in to im igu ms utiiiiion will he dlleitid pilkwise for ihe niun ihs nist alu ul liuss dm is ill lur llus weik the buuhiiii- sick leiom uromg place thi- icie talking over laniliilati s election speech one siui du i on think he put iiiiuigh fire into his speech suix- said the other the truuhlewas he iliilu t pm enuutfh ul his srkesli httu the lire c f leatherland qc barrlsur a solicitor notary public office hours 10 00 am 12 00 pm 10 00pm 300pm siturdavs by appointment onlv office 22 phone ri3 im acton a bkaida b a bsrriiter solicitor notapy public 173 mam st s acton ont phone 578 oklce houn 8pm opm 1 p m 9 pm saturdayi 13 cork sl e ouoit ta 4isu office icouri 0m 5pm safurdayi 0 am 12 am for appoinkneni call 001 westbound 12 s7 137 am s j7 p m p m 1 1 32 i 12 am ifrl p m 2 37 727 tun i i 12 a i sun and canadian national railways dayllit savlnf tuna eaitbound if ti ph iqja amto toronto w to ml pm to vs qaljf sundy p m ran to tordbtor 6l pm to strti wmk mil to

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