Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1961, p. 11

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y atomic energy for peace by sandy batt mp 1 in previous columns i have wrltton of the activities of the numerous standing and special committees of the house of commons much or the news you read in the bres about events in ottawa is hot directly from hie house of commons itself but from one ofthe committees dealing with a specialised field of government interest the special committee on re search of which i am vice chairman has brought forward such interesting matters as the 24 million pound uranium con tract with great britain and an intensive study of canadas at omic power reactor program in recent weeks the world is constantly hungry for sources of power in can ada we have been fortunate in having large supplies of coal gas and oil and water resources of great magnitude neverthe less with rapidly increasing in dustrial potential southern on tario for instance is examining very closelylts sources of pow er for the future our increased hydro electric power will not continue forever and new plants using steam generated from coal have been built and more are arfectcdort hefuture i vast resources fortunately canada has as well and largely in the province of ontario vast resources of uranium and the canadian gov ernment in cooperation with private industry has undertaken on ambitious programme to pro duce commercial electrical power from nuclear reactors a test station npd2 is ncaring com pletion on the ottawa river north of the atomic energy of canada establishment at chalk river a larger reactor candu sclumlulodto flllnto tho ontario waaaansaatsiiiaiaiiiliaaii aiiiiasa hydro grid system has been started on the shores of lake huron there are varied opinions as to just when this electricity from uranium may become competitive with power rrom other sources many feel this will be by 170 in any case it appears to be just a mailer of time somewhat dif ferent interpretations ore put on this time period however by power and fuel surplus provinces such as british columbia and alberta nuclear reactors ore at the moment somewhat less inter- astlng to thent 44 million program your research committee or the house of commons has been studying these problems over a series of some 30 meetings ami 1000 or more pages of evidence your government is spending close to 140 million a ycor on our atomic energy programme and its importance at the present in terms of power reactors isotopes ror research and industry cobalt bombs- for medical therapy and many other vital functions cun hardy be overestimated in addi tion the future of canadas uranium mining industry the many thousands or people it cm- ploysandlhcjaroecport mar ket it commands ore most im portant concerns in recent months and years i have had opportunities to visit the various establishments ol atomic energy of canada at chalk river and elsewhere and mime or the uranium mines fn the elliott lake reglun whilc most or the output of our uran ium mines has gone for weapons purposes as part or the deterrent strength or the western world canadas contribution and devel opment in this field has been entirely for tho peaceful use of uranium and atomic energy- expresses vtevt mtisuami wwa the bible today the reverend celcstine fer nando bible society secretary in ceylon reports that a revision of the sinhalese bible is under way the first sinhalese new tes tament was published in iii and the first complete bible was printed in ceylon in 1823 a ver sion prepared by the church missionary society missionaries lif kofio saws printed in 1834 a version by the rev charles car ter was issued in 182 a union verson was issued in 1938 as with other countries the language has changed with the passing years new translation under the chairmanship of the rl rev lakdasa dc mel bishop or kurungola and with the help or the rev h k moultnh and rc w j culshaw or the trans lations department or the brit ish and foreign bible society a coherence was held in colombo on october 29 and 30 i960 at which the decision was taken to prepare a new translation work has now begun on this project this sundays which it is expected will take 10 years to complete a girt of j25o0 towards the cost of the translation has been received rrom the sons of the late sir henry de mel hold several showers fo kitchener bride several ihowers were held in honor of the rormcr joyce k milbrandt or kitchener prior to her marriage to george h cook of gait rurmcrly or the acton area on june 3 mrs georae rosenblatt and miss betty milbrandt were host esses on may 17 when the bnde was presented with an electric fry pan carving set electric tea kettle and an ironing board rrtends and relatives attended on may 24 coworkers and friends presented the bride with linen and a mixette miss berrv erlel was hostess mrs marv graham was hostess on mi 25 tthen rnends presenred her with an automatic lousier church calendar the ch1wch op st alban the martyr anoucan rector the rev h b stokreof uth mb las jeeney st phone 5s the fourth suodat after trinity sunday junk th 1061 iso am holy xueharut 1000 am choral kuohariit fol lowed by the burning of the morlgaaw in the parish ilsll and the parochial picnic in brin park midweek celebration thursday 30 june 10s1 saints peter and paul the ainvtus 10 am holy euoharst altare wrtcomef nesrvttftlan church in canada knox chumc acton rev andrew h mekenate ba rd ulnuter mr e a hansen ba organist and chou- master sunday june t jml 048 am church school 1000 am ministers bible class 1040 ajn kirksession meets 1100 am momma worship and holy coatmunlon theme yours obadwatty junior coiatiaaatton aces 3 t meets during aermon vuiraday june 1 a pjn pre- communtoa preparation ser vice christian ripormtd church has- j nutma ba bd mtnlslar ml queen st box u phone ha sunday june 5th 1081 img am engtlan ut pm dutch the church if she back to oast aletar united church of canada aelass oatarla rev dtsrtght kneel ba ktajster mr george elliott organist and choir master 0 30 a m holy communion mem- toc rs root is ed from the junior instruction diss will pnrtlcl- sate in their first communion ervice 1100 am holy communion alt members of the contfrcitation are reminded of the impor tance of recording their atten- dince at communion through the use of their communion card baginning next sunday there ill be ontv one service of worship until september 3 th icrv i s i pwgtn al li am acton kntscostal taurnacu 33 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j held pastor 73 cook 91 phone mow sunday june ssth 1981 10 os a m sunday school 1100 am morning worship toe pm rmsagellian tueedaif g pm prayer and biblr studs thuiwday 8pm christ ambas- aadors you ara ahvays welcome baptist church acton pastor- jamaa m rudd m nelson court phone 90s sunday juntl mtk 101 049 a m sunday seavaol m 0 am morning worship the out of oocir 7in4n evening worship the ordinance of baptism wetaheeday tjo prayer praise and bible study thursdayfl00 baptist high frl- all ws om viallodth ihaj si rsj tiieeasaavay aa east gam fm raiatsost in it w4e esjo swjfcy we at worfdwir ii went into york militia locfchrtitae wham wa saw a machine for making shlngses and an oven for heat ing cannon ball to burn enemy snips we arrived at high vark at a quarter to 12 we then had lunch and proceeded to tour the too there we took many pictures of the animals and w mat visited the hower garden they were verv beautiful against the hills we departed for the museum reaching itttt 10 after one when we entered we were met by two guides who requested that we break into two groups our group then went up an elevator and we were given a lecture about different animals and the passenger pigeons next we inspected the egyptian port of the museum after that we were given one hour to look through the museum most ol us were able to see only a tew or the many things in the mus eum at three oclock we boarded the bus to come hack ut the chool we had had a most en joyable day at toronto united wa gives 50 to arena fund following a bus trtf to promi nent places in toronto last week grade seven and eight pupils at- speyalde central school were requested to write an essay ab out their trip published in its entirety is the one written by frank anthony which was cho sen by the teaching staff our tup to toronto by frank anthony after several changes in plans finally the day came forpur edu cational tour to torodto on june 14 191 the grade seven and eight pupils joyfully as sembled in front or the school we boarded a bus at nine oclock after having our picture taken at 10 oclock we reached fort york where we first got a lec ture on the importance or the original fort we saw a layout of the town in early days and the way the fort was arranged we also saw many old docu ments we then movecujrito a building where we saw lh orri- cers rooms they had beds with rope in tnem ror springs they had a fireplace a trunk and a gadget with which to remove their boots we then saw the uniforms or the 12 different regiments we moved on to sec some can nons and the place where the soldiers slept the june meeting or the vi a or the united church wus held in the church parlor with mrs wilderspln presiding roll call was answered with the word father as taken rrom the bible mrs cleave led in the devotions reading luke- 10 and following with prayer and a hvmn mrs poole reported on the cards received from the bereaved and shut ins expressing their thanks on being remembered 42 visits had been made during the jnonlhjrjearjou npoctswere approved as read 1 1 was mined bv mrs lindsay seconded by mrs shoemaker that the w a give 50 towards the acton community fund the next meeting will be at the home of mrs r brown june 27 after the business a picnic lunch will be enjoyed gad about continued from pag eight o auo in the fifiv years ago lolumn that two of the teachers nxeked salaries or 400perveor for their sen tecs on the ktait and they were leaving lo be married but we were tolkina about the school grounds the fine facilities provided at present for the chil dren and the way they enjoy them for longer hours it used to be that during the summer holi days the groias grew long and a week or so before school reopen ing a team of horse came in with a mower and cut the field of hay and weeds when i started to school the first book was in the room in the old stone school building there were four rooms m the ouilding built in 1893 b the lime i had made their rounds the old hlone budding was back in ue again as a high school no wonder i notice the changes of today so much norrrcrst maltby rvuvuiiiiih cl09yojv the meeting closed with the mlzpah benediction mrs e lambert and her group sened a cup of tea tatofll carowner ive had this car for over six months and havcnl paid a cent for repair or upkeep since i bought it tncnd so the man at the scr- ice station was telling me motes on mature by wes fountain mamb a woodland pdnd is like a mln lature world in a goldfish bowl it presents a package for virtu ally everything visible through its transparent surface is engag ed in an unending struggle for existence hem one can watch ferocious icreaiures attack and overcome animals many times tbelr own lift one can study each step in a graduated series of living things as eaelt in turn becomes rood for its next larger neighbor astounding variety the waters ol a woodland pond provides hkme for an as founding variety of animal forms many of them spend a major or at least an important pan of their lire in its waters orten ihev pass their infancy there in a form that in no wuv resembles their eventual appear ance as adulls ihev mnv fre quent the woods und fields or even linger about cllv street lights tar from their birthplace voracious as uime are during their water life once thev leuc ine pond ccruln of them will never consume another pirticle or food much equipment -the- phvsiud and mechanical equipment or pond creatures is truly nslonuhlng there are ihokc who mute by jel piiipiimini pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north oalt telephone 62i75m -notice- acton office will be dosed on wednesday june 28th will okn fob bujintls as usual wednesday july 5th e l buchner ro oaromimiirr contact lenses fitted hearing aids eyas examined w mull st c acton out wednesday only office hours- 2 to 6 p m for appointment phone 115 acton if no answer phone waterloo collect sh 28867 jem drivein theatre i dri directions the jean la 12 miles wast of acton on no 7 high way half way barwaan reckwood and oualph turn left at forbes carafe to arrive at the drivatn thurs only june 22 never so few color thank sinatra gina lolobrigida plus high iwored rifle willard parker frl sat june 2324 herctilet unchained color and cinemascope steve reevls plus crashing las vagas bowery bcn s moretoes juna 227 wedthurs juna 2829 ice palace the last voyage color color robfrt ryam carolnn jonts robert stack dorothy malone pliu enemy general van johnson plus the rookie tomvn noosjan petl marshall free playgrounds snack shows nightly at dusk children under 13 free iar always a cartoon 13r9 akjjstu- personal credit needs bank op montreaxj limfll inanceplan cost lifeinsured loans sometimes faster in reverse than forwaid jlcverur have twin op- llciil systems tor above and un derwater vision while a number use snorkeltype air intakes one cun extend its air tube more than 10 limes its body length fur rrom being restricted tu ihelr underwater existence many or these dentures ate equally at home on land and in the nir then ilie snow has melted and the first warm rains are stlirlnu lo life the coldblooded creatures unit have been hibernating scores of male wood frogs are calling some or tha silent fe males have followed file sounds found the pond and then plunged in to uln the males quickly they are clasped under the jaws hv the smaller males who then fcr- tll7c the eggs us they are laid bv morning the thin gelatinous cuvering of the eggs will have swelled until each egg mass will be the sl7e of a mans rist eich cluster will contain scternl ihmi- siihi eggs tha acton proa press thursday juna 22nat ltel piano results at georgetown results or the pluno examina tions held at the georgetown biimch of rite tilniiy college or music muy 23 and 16 follow lor pupils of dorolhy richardson scull grade i first class honors i julie smith heather ann du miirsh wendy wood paul champion second class honois judy pcthcrlc grade ii rirst class honors- susan robinson ann gordon ditvld godsongull mcllugh bon nie jean nell second class honois christine brttnelle grade 111 first class honors kilhryn sinclair second class honors marlcc mcswaln anne shurilll anne sttibhs linda gil- more betty champion linda gorchlnski puss june given louise snow grade iv first class honors deck cochrane peter gadsofl second class honors beth cam eron sharon bradley pass janice ralston grade vi second class honors diane swackhamer pass marje glassford gall champion grade vii second class hon ors joanne bang donna lands- borough huuther leyland if von find lire is empty try putting something into it ocean steamship tickets- cruises now booking ror spring und summer sailings book early f l wright 20 wilbur st n acton ontario phonb m delicious nutritious and thrifty guernsey gold 2 milk canadas finest table milk ourguornmivgold isworld ramuus gulden guernsey milk with the bultcr fat reduced to 2 the economy drink only 22c quart try our sun-flllod- orange juice only 3tc quart acton dairy phone 242 don timmings prop interest ii thats what my savings earn at our local trust company e 4 ititarwt rackonad on th minimum quarterly baltnc e credited to account juno 30 december 31 e choquot may bo luuod against account office hours are convenient too 900 430 and fridays 900 630 hal ton peel trust savings company 449 rrant st ni 4loji burlington m 1 e whltekkk rat tr s9s18 never hy a kite j on an jurborne model near ro unes hydro lines carry electricity at extremely high voltages up to two thousand times greater than the volt- igen used in tho home any model plane or kite enthusiast holding a wire wirereinforced string or even a wet airing that touches a hydro line can suffer serious injury or loss of life tho danger w increased if part of the air borne object is mnrleof metnl remember them safety rule always keep to the wideopen spaces well away from hydro lines and electrical ap paratus want others to do eo 2 do not use wire or wirerein forced atring 3 never try to recover a model or kitethat is caught on hydro lines towers or other electrical apparatus parents safltty education begins at home be sure your children follow the above safety rules 6rmrlcffihvdro sl

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