mk afctort fn praai thursday jona 22nd 1961 lit travelogue autumn colors in april as nurse thrhled by australia nz trip flora mohat nursa who kvatt hata forawrty ml u m at duncan moffat i hack bom in british altar a rtsctnalfag mt to naw zaaland arid aus- italia aba ibaraa aonw of har imiinaajnm in a laltar which la ao tatanattaf wa publuh it to itaaotlnty i arrived back hv vancouver on may 22 thus comnlellnu my travel around new zealand and australia and now i will endea vour to tall of someot my ox- p at trie end of february i left auckland by bu lo visit a friend in wanganul that i had become acquainted with by correspond ence through womens insltlulc work navar tedibtu there is never n tedious mile travelling in new zealand as everywhere one finds inlcrcilnu and beautiful scenery and nil is beautiful and inlerestlnu in n different wuy on the jotirncv south lo wanganul i passed lake taupo which is situated about the centre of the north isle lake taupo is- an old vulcuno crater and is the largest vulcun ic lake in the world the dimen sions being 25 miles lung and 17 mile wide some years ago trout rrum north america which normally weight 3 or 4 pounds were put in the lake and for some uncx- plainable reason some have grown to weigh 25 pounds in lake taupo the belief is that some undiscovered minerals promote the growth naturally this spot u a flhcrmuns dream of para disc active volcano we drove through the national nark south of taupo passing mt klgauruhoc which is still an auie volcano and at wairakei we paused the gcothcnnal station where they have harnessed the power from 32 thermal bores for electricity in the evening i reached wang anui on the west coast of m z a lovely town situated on the river by the same name the shores of the wanganul river at one time was the home of many of the native maoris equal rlghta for maoris the friend i wusvisiling was very interested in the maoris and was able to tell me a lot about their early history there is no discrimination and they hae always had equal rights and pnvi leges with the while man con sequently they aretvcll educated and progressive citizens mrs spurdlc mv hostess worked for manv cars in the museum and was atso a irec lancc writer for scscral of n7s leading newspapers and she showed me many interesting artifacts and presented me with a book she had published recently dealing with the native customs all love race all new zealand people arc horse lovers and every town ot any aizc has a race course 1 attended a horse show at tajhope wherc mlvs pat smvlhe eng lands famous horse woman give a fine exhibition of riding and hurdle jumping while at wanganul i was taken to new plymouth a distance ot 90 miles and i enjoyed the seen cry enroute immcnsolv mt eg mont the highest peak on the north isle is the towns pnde and joy some sears ago gum trees from australia were lntiochaed to new 7ealand these trees blossom profusely and we passed many along ihe wav that were covered with crlmsmi flowers truly a beautiful sight sit of first saltier after u week m wanganul i went in to wellington the nwi southeily city of the north isle und ihe cupltul of ihe country after a pleasant visit and some sightseeing f took the inter- island steamer ul 8 pm und ar rived at lvtteltun the port rof chrislchutxh tin the soutit isle at 7 a m the next day chrlslchurch which is sltituted on the canterbury plulns is the home of ihe early english settlers in n z there is much competi tion among the gardeners so the citv has manv lovelv lawns and gardens i hud lea with mr aiul mis deans mr deans grand parents being the tlrst settlers on ihe plains and i look a picture ol the first house which ihev erect ed over 120 years ago which is now a museum niece sheep station overlook ocean prom christcluinli i went un to tlmnru to visit mr und mrs ilank hart mrs hart is a grand daughter or the late mr and mrs tlios rutuhv whom many acton- inns well remember with affec tion ttiev have a sheep station over looking the paclllc on one side and on a clear dav mt cook n zs highest peak which reach es un utlitude of over 12000 reel is clearly visible in the buck- ground this was the first mojin- iiiiii to lie climbed by sir cdmund llillarv and is one or the count- irvs favorite tooiist attractions the harts took me lo lake tekapo heie we saw thechurch of the good shepherd a lovely stone building on the shores of tile lake built in memory of the eulv settlers the church has a large picture window facing the southern alps and i couldnt help reeling praise should come easv in such a beautiful setting they also look me to see some of the sheep stations in the moun tainous country and as the weath er was becoming cool men were mustering the sheep fiom the highlands down to the valleys lor ihe winter famous resorts after leaving timaru i went on to a guest house in imcrcir- gill when i spent three wks while there i went lo queens- town on lake wukitipu and lakes te anau and manapouri these places are all famous resorts and verv lovelv at oueeristuwn 1 had a tup lo skippers canvon a very scenic dnve which follows the shotover river which at one time was a wealihv gottl mining river easter was spent in invercargill and it was verv chillv and windv with temperatures reaching close- to freezing several nights off to australia in mid apnl i returned to auckland and on apnl 20 i flew lo melbourne australia while there i paid a visit to captain cooks cottage which is situated in tile fitiav gardens where it was ttansplanteu brick by brick and stone bv stone from york shire england it now stands as a monument lo the memorv of ihe eieai esploier and navigator thai discovered australia in apnl 1770 another place of interest to he visited in melbourne was the rtindeis st railroad station re- puled lo be the busiest depot in die woild from melbourne i took an oigmied bus joui to canberra and svdnev canbciri is the most beautiful cilv i have ever seen it vvas de signed solclv to be the seat ol ceople by u lundxeupe architect v ihe numu of wullcr gulfln the llrst purllamcnt was held there in muy 1927 and today ihe city hus developed so magnlfl cently that it now ranks as one of ihe finest tiillulkin ihe com munweullh we were taken on n lour of the parliament bulldlngsthe speuk- ir ehulr in ihe house of com mons was u replica or the one in ihe british house hint was des troyed during ihe war later the biltlsh dapled die australian cliulr making ii from australian timbers autumn in april the carpet un the floor weighs a half a tun und was woven in scotland of auslrullun wool the dcsigiv-4n- ikacarpcl was made up uf gum leaves acoins and vvultle flowers gum irees und oaks being very plentiful in ihe country and the wattle the na- tiutial flower inntlic early davs ot the city over eleven million trees and shrubs hud been planted und these were pretty when we were there in their autumn colours on april 25 it happened that our lour vvas there on anzae duy which was the fortvslxth anniversary of the landing or the australian and new zealand forces at gullopoli in the first great war there hud been a parade und seivice at ihe war menforiul in the morning this memorial takes the form of a hall of memory galleries and strongrooms in which are kept the relics and records of the part played by all the australians whu served in two world wars koalas laughing birds on april 27 we went on lo suf ney which is a vast city of over two million people set amid de lightful surroundings sydney is renowned for its beautiful har bor surfing beaches and other tourist attractions ciossing the harbor bridge lo the north shore in the tnronga park zoo vou will find the koala bears knuwn blue gum babies because the only foods they will eat are the leaves from these trees kangaroos are also plentiful us are the laughing kookaburra birds the city itsell is a busy place and now the third largest in the british common wealth on mav 8 i boarded the orient it pucdic liner onuna ul syd ney and started my journey home the oriana was launched by h r h princess alexandra of kent in nov 1959 and is the largest ship ever to be launched in england its overall length is 804 feel with a gmss tonnage ol 42500 it carnes 2200 passengers and a crew of 900 with a service speed of 27i knots michael burnt pholo prize day ended ihe school year at st andrews collage aurora friday june 9 and corporal andrew knox piped tho dignitaries in lo ihe ceremonies outside in iho quadrangle son o mr and mrs kenneth knox ho was awarded a pro ficiency prize a complete tot o the works of shakespeare allonding wore mr and mrt knox his grandparents mr and mrt george sponcorloo and mrs c f lealherland night school committee debate fall fair display new courses tr v control haiton county weed control mews by k mcarthur county wlilid inspuctok plaiinmn lni in idviincc mem bers ul lie ac inn tilylil tctlml cotnintltec moiuliy jtwlc 12 fj iclhi jo lualn un untie 11 booth nl the fall lair lor exhibit ol work done in the classes and then went un tu discuss courses for next fall njijjiii school next season will hcum mundav and tuesday octo ber 2 and 24 with ixccmbei oil there will iyain he 12 twuhuui leusons in each course last vears popular couises will be ulfeicd again some with iii fercnt leachcis high school lea cher michael bex an indicated ins willingness lo teach a couise in drumaiiis and committee mem bcrscnlbumstita1v heaid a re puubivcnbyjflrhpeer i had a splendid trip home and eniuyed the luxuries of this lovelv ship immensely visiting auck land suna and honolulu em utile and back home mv travels hae been very thrilling and i am deeply grate ul tu the people ol australia and new zealand lor the kindness extended lo me and lo the gnei ot afl good things tor his care mer me in bunging me safelv back to canada i have enjoyed lecuulmg my expel icnces and i trust that tn readcis haxe de- lived some pleasuie in the reading i hae resumed my wuik at l hl mission hospital iji bella bella b c anil wmltl be pteascd to hear i rom old 1 1 lends again in closing i wish to thank the ldilut of the i ree press for publishing these let lets must siikeiek riuia mot la in ol what mr hevin would include he is a lormet cuc dir eel or next eotiises discussed weie mosiacs choral singing unci a combined couise six weiks ol public speaking and six weeks o leadership hauiing the leadei ship iiunmg course has been giv en eiv successlitllv il othei night schools and include the pro per tunning ol u meeting more details will ik published lulei un all couises olfeied letters will ijc sent to don bex ion nnd miss rioiciue wilkin who have resigned liorirrihe torn millce mi bexlon was ehaii man the last two cars while miss florence wilkin had been un the committee in anotis cap aclttcsinccitsinceptnin at tlm meeting chaired by mrs j cieighlon were mrs dunham mis bill toth mrs claude cook miss wanelta smith miss dons crippt mrs david dills mrs wallet dubois mr and mis a ian lauder henry devnes geuige bowman and bob tiank watery subway twin tunnels 3 to feet undei ihe city of niagara tails cat ry water from the niagara river to ontario hydros sir adam beclc no 2 gencniting station six miles below the falls pork up your summer sportswear with sunshine kesh custom dry cleaning let us store your winter clothes for the summer months safe insured low cost storage cir custom cleaners same day service except saturday in by 10 am out by s pjn cash and carry main st n phone 372 were paving the lot for our free dance at the 1 frostee freeze corner main and bruce streets milton friday night june 23 dancing from 8 pm no charge if it rains friday night come on saturday hsh0lden optometrist eyes examined glasses fitted 36 cork st eait guelph phonatay lor 27150 yuilow ttockkt in fall uueh vciir we see tin hicrense ol rocket thiougluiul hallun county at a nieelltm tr county municipul milhoritleh und weed liihpeuon in mlllun leccntly ii whs pointed out quite emphatl uillv i hat the best time to hpiav yellow uimket it in the fall seawin the meeting wus address ed by iiowaumlenrv ileldman pielel- husbandry depl guelph out ai iranck agrlctilltirc re presentative foi ilaltuu cnuntv and harl mulr i rult tint vege table specialist fin iiil counties ul llalton peel ymk and noiih wenlwoilh during a discussion un the etintrul of yellow rockel all three authorities tijjreed that rocket should be sprayed inj the fail i the most effective cheini i ds leeoinmended are 2 4 d ii or m c ii in ileitis wheie eloveis tie piesenl ol 2 4 1 in either the amine or ester form iheie jwl no elovcis in the oy tomato iiikiuciih new this year ihe new seleeliie herbicide fin lopialoes is called solan 4 ii c a few vciis auo it was doubtful as to whether ieseutxli woikeis wutilil ever develop a eheitnuit wet i killer thai could be used safely on such a tender crop uh t run a loes however ihe obstacles have now been overcome und u limited amount of solan 4 e c s available for commercial uwe this summer solan 4 ii c is ued at the tale of one ltallun per aire as an overall i rent men i in one gallon will cover four acres usum a iv band it it up- piled lo ornatoen two week after plantlnu when the wcedn me less ihati ij liliih indlcu huns aie that sulun 4 r c will he a bilt factor in redue inu weed control cosln for tomato y lowers in the future display today ihe llftme ucouomics and ludusrrtitl artit roowis will be husv this aftcniikin rhutsdav as a lashion show and thsplay of wuik will lake place at the rob ert liltte school piiiinls un urltcd lo attend ihe display and see samples of chit drens work ami enjoy a demon- stiaiion of mural urranuemenls hv mrs pierce uf rusedale plural georjtelown jack ridley cartage limited l concrete blocks concibtk mick cinder blocks clav muck sand r livestock and feimlizeh t fam sekvice and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv class fst r fully insurad honi 3s1 acton boy coal ave ave ave nut and stove anthracite regular 28 ton budget terms arranged if desired now 25 during june only buy your supply of winter coal now patrons wanted ages between 16 and so years free hair styling by world renowned hair stylists and teachers from the united states and europe at thoir summer school styles acres ranch mr rtylco nd miss novnlca of paris france the world mjprcmo champions of 1960 61 will be in attendance patrons must be prepared to spend 4 to 5 hours class dates unh9tlh4tlhradj hours j 00 pm to 500 p m appointments taken starting sunday june 18th styles acres ranch mr bruno sclisizzi camar 4th una 5lh cancasslan 5 mllaa nehh of acaan phone erin 25r32 c o m i n g s o o n 9