Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1961, p. 2

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th acton fr prats thursday jtw 32nd 9o1l penalties pose problem signers withdraw names after being warned of penal ties imposed if properties were reamed from residential to signing a petition requesting operation of a beauty talon withdrew ihelr nome during a planning board hearing thursday june is mm harvey lambert present ed the petition during an earlier board meeting after she had been refuted a permit to operate a beauty salon the permit was refused itccmise of residential zoning in the guelph street wet area pn no 7 highway renovations illti during the special hearing with the ratepayers affected planning consultant p alan lva con warned them thai lr ihe none wo changed their property would be registered as a non conforming use and any altera tions or renovations would be illegal he also warned if fire destroyed their homes they would be unable to rebuild if the zoning was changed 16 com mercial use lack mcmullen present with the delegation asked why com mercial properties in the down town area were alloued to ex pand he uas tolcl they had been established before the zoning bv lave eame into effect mr dea con explained the bv law was not to penalize existing plnccs hut to protect residents regarding fu ture growth ask separate consideration mr mcmullen informed the board the reason the petition had been signed uas to allow mrs lambert to operate a hair dressing salon in her home he- enquired if it uas possible to deal with this request ccparatclv he sugge4cd that considers lion might be gien to allow the use of the lambert home for board 0 ahead iyfth spot zon ing no one in lhearea objects to a beauty talon he concluded mr deacorr suggested a separ ate application could be made by mrs lambert with a petition signed by the neighbors affected he recommended the applicant ask for permission to operate a beeufy salon in an r2 rune ro ther limn ochonge of zoning jseforc the end of the meeting the application was presented to the chairman and will be studied as soon as possible ask permission for home g w mosaics local dairy op erator was presont to request permission to erect a home too his property zoned industrial he- explained the proposed residence- would be erected between his present home and that of c rognvaldson on main street north tile board advised thot a for mal request would have to be submitted for further consldera lion requests laboratory joseph jany sr was present with his solicitor c r leather- land to request permission to erect a laboratory on his pro perty adjoining the present ten pro building on main street north which is zoned com mercial the land in question is owned by mr jany a lengthy discussion followed attempting to determine whe ther a laboratory was a manu lacluring place or not board members suggested if a product uas manufactured packaged and sold it would be classified as an industry mr jany explained he intend ed to produce solutions used in the leather and textile process ing trade he noted there would not be anything offensive in the summer work done already two rooms at the robert lit lie public school are being paint td and classes are being conduct ed in the auditorium at the m 7 bennett school summer work was completed al ready when the drivewuy at the rear of the school was paled properly chairman e t marks of the school board reports this painting and paving is the ex tent of repairs ot both schools for the summer obituary beauts salon providing the-neigh- processing and only clean water borv did not object but if thi property or business uas sold some measure of control could be provided chairman r ii elliott formed the tfroup the pcttion had requested rczoninp the lire area mr mcmullen enquired if it uas nut possible to hac one propertv rczoned he uas told b the planning consultant the planning boaid could hold public meeting tu obtain appro sal of the residents in the area and then make a lecummcnda lion tu council used iiiwihc cooling process would be discharged suggests trad the board chairman suggested mr ma worker for church r brownlee dies an ardent and faithful church worker robert brownlee died at his home j5 harlow cres this- tletown on may 31 just two weeks before he turned the sod for the new albion gardens pres byterian church j funeral service was held at weston on june 4 followed by in terment in rnlrvlcw cemetery acton with services conducted by the rev t slnvlck nephews were pallbearers he is survived by his wife the former letilia storey a son george at woodbrldge daughter frances mrs g mcallister o thlsllelown three grandchildren and two ijstcni mrs nell me gill kamloops bc and mrs bessie crawford rexdale came from ireland mr brownlee s parents came to this country from the north of ireland nearly 90 years ago and lived in acton moving later to a farm in nassagawcya hugh brownlee died in 1191 and his wife sarah jane in 1900 they had fise sons wih robert the voung est and five daughters two arc still living in 1903 robert brownlee and letitia storey were married at the presbyterian manse nassa gaueva he farmed for some ears and later worked as a car pentcr he was in his 83rd jear baptist explorers have saturday hike the applicant contact sales who desired to build residence in an industrial zone tnl auun baptist church ex and perhaps a trade could be plorers held a hike on saturday made he slated his disapproval uilh mrs dunk and mrs freu at allowing the business to be in tnjrgl 0n hl established in the present ami- i pilfcll uld slrjvv and mr deacon advised mr janv daisies and buttercups they ro- to submit a formal app icatron i bv the third line to include a s etch indicating u illv gordons home or a pic where- the proposed building mc suppcr ws linda would be placed on the proper dons hirthdav and a special spot kexottlng shutitud j ni bucn do sake was made hv mrs fculcr v- thl p boird can then thev nlavf1 m 1 i i he pusnied oul swucvee that t it tbttrocuihly the consul- 1 j1j s n h l 5na1 aaiutsval vmhsu vc4o tam vies orju consul- eats and bible qinie with pvenfctlhc flnarm municipal 121 m l n t lijct- a adjournment the mrs dunk opened the feu si chairman informed members he undetstood a lurkcv business located on bower ave might lie taken over b a toronto tinn and suggested a rccommcndariun up to council urging them to pur chase this property mr rihdtt slated it uas ins understanding board and warned that past thev had luined dtfvvn spot uning mr mcmullen suggested the area in question uas piesclltlv situated in a commercial aica poling it uas divided from a garage bv one icsidcnlial piufvi t jack lrc isev one of the pet itlon siclleis askeej ll cvelsonc unhdicw ihen names could ihc e propertv could be purch iscel and how god is good m us til bv the town without the build mg it desired ncss meeting with the explorer purpose and piaver jean dill mcr was in charge of the devo tions all read a verse of scrip ture with the word gladness in c ich vese- and jcnn bulmcr ex pinned all should be glad jor their homes parents nbcftriends speaker urges students to reach for higher goal cconiinucd mfrom pag jean buhner jn inne land borough billy uiiiilshoniiigh and paul dunk put on a short skit c illcd the picnic hisket thev closed witlfsjhc i xplorer privcr lean huiiiili thanked mrs in don lor i he use ot hci home ope toasts to schools toastmasiii tor the evening ujl axel slessell ot the m bennc t sehol who ptoxr4d r liiast lo rtlc oil en and inln- dlleed ihc iliziit i ihlc guests glace wis ivill hv dolollrv ljuiiilce illiwed hv a lotst lo the s h ols in slephe nttitest vlvool lnd ehtittuali mo rav smith icselved j1i1s lo the sclvjceu pu swiiid hv lim i hiit da ol m ll nut 1 1 ml j nu metrae ot kohit i hilt in it lepilng ilk tills iht ill nun m congralul jed iht shideiils on thelr piuciltss illume ihe veal unel uriitd iht iii lo eiintinut witli their e v lit 111 wink ami etllle i iioii 111 llicll sellotil mtlsit supe rv ism dtt nil h inks led llic ei ttlu ilitik class in a sltllt song uolvn llihhtttl ex piessilt ill inks in ihe llollle mil school asuocaaajuii inoiluis toi tile tllllnt i appitcl llloil to the guesl spt iki i on he lull ot the students wis csptcssed hv anile vale wklllltl mllihlut hou m idc bv mug iii t 1 mds iv head lahle guests intlodllccd bv the imsitiiasiii included mrs iwolle hoiolhv lawieiiec mrs coles anne vale stephen coles helinan lisielei prcsieleiu ol the home nel school assexiatuin maryatxt i imtsav and mis licsd ual oaases the following is a list nf the graduating pupils dannv almond bonnie arnoil jill bsmbv liail barheau amu bennett binis benton t tnrti brama bill brtggs lvle- bremghton divld butler gordon campbell grant campbell barbara churchill mi chae churchill stephen coles mly cook bill cook patricia crtmm sndracunningham ev i d su patricia dennis cmmu pick stephen dubois rothv lawrence margaret llnd sas joanne lticaiclly maigaiet maekcllle mclvvn mai shall phillip maio russell masalcs aimic mccain j mc meciea ais mciaelunl lorn mv mekeown sus in mejioi ian lame millet ihehua muvsc piul mluuac1 sale in old church precedes demolition s hindis ilk in hin ihe old and doomed united tliureh wis open loi inspection ot in in i uk lo ihe dlshiseel ol and huls wcic i liken hv w illci woodhuin ai i chs went to ihe highest hidilt r ii i unmhids rlnsrd iasm laill pile tail john im klttilell vvivllc kocjnv iltlson alien keldl j i komis iiu divitt kvdel hevellev s ivillle k k ii 111 st hll htlt hll 111 scllll 111 ill shell tl ill donna shoitill leirv sine lei vis i in smith donn i stei nil 1 null steven sv mon anne ale tie i iii ink us wilier koheit wilson thtloul wetle phillip wiilile iiv while illll wollt steven wolle id it i hut w he iii t hint h 1 ll valll nishings ihetlttl olhti lit were elet iii ll x kills dools uiil ll lid i lite tie il lol ihe new i ve iviiiiiil of si htimcn w is kepi othtl 111 hive ihcii sloletl till h sol i e lllll this mil olc- ull i in huhita tions sought stunt ot tlu liumsli j it oh i van i iiiis ken alltn vv is in ihiiit oi tlu sill huls lor dtmiilitiiiii hive not ve l ihcii sought aan elliott janice flatt ivsauk bernard freuler i obiubi lorraine gor- davld har- aijjrtllcsy clmlm hibbard holmes lovell bros modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 mauvo white color scheme for pettywaller wedding a doublorlng ceremony in the church of st alban the martyr saturday june- it untied in marriage georglna earlcnc waller and charles ldwln potty the bride is ihe daughter of mr and mrs eurl waller ot 91 agnes st and the groom is ihe sun of mr- and mrs garnet petty of rock wood the church was decora i ud with white chrysanthemums for jhe cerebnony conducted by the rev ii b slokrecf mrs trunk oakes played the organ and ac companied choir member miss lesley anne duby who sang ihe 2jrd psalm and the wedding hymn the brldit is a member of the church choir and a sunday school teacher she is employed lit ihe ontario agricultural col lege guclph the groorrt works with his father at petty s garage rockwood delicate appliques the brides traditional floor length gown was fashioned of white nylon organza with long illypolnt sleeves and a full sweeping skit delicate floral appliques edged the rounded bateau neckline with larger ap pliques at the shoulder and on tle bodice a crown of seed pearls and rhincstones 4i id her full elbow length veil yulgiw roses and stcphanatis formul her bouquet carol hansen r r 3 was maid of honor wearing pale mauve and the bridesmaids in deeper niauvei were miss marilyn ren- dell or hespcter end miss bar bara ware of acton the peau de sole gowns featured short bouf fant skirts and they curried fans decoruled with mauve curnatlons and lllvof thevalley their mat citing headdresses were wide hows which held their shoulder length veils little flower girl was the bides niece miss elizabeth mc cutchcun hf actun who wore yellow nylon and carried a bas ket of mauve and white mums the bride wtis given in mar rlage bv her father groomsman was kenneth petty and the ush ers were gary bruce and jack ford of rockwood reception in hall trlends und relatives gathered in luxton memorial hall follow ing the lcrcmony andwere- re ceived by the bridal party mrs waller chose for her daughters marriage a pale blue sluntung sheuth with a corsage of pink and while cnrnatlons the grooms mother wore a dusty blue she till of net over taffeta with contrasting white carna tions the couple left on a wedding trip to the new fnglnnd stales the bride wearing n mauve flow ered sheath with a mulching coal and white accessories thev will be living at 3 lilac place guelph fhoto by kithar taylor mr and mrs charles edwin petty wore married in the church of st alban ihe aorlyr saturday afternoon after a trip to the new england states they will be living in guelph fete firemen wives treat actun rnxltitfjitrs were trmi til like kiilt h ilitir uivih montlay lalmiuj uikii thu lulus slg i llluii ntlilt mr iii lii hell hush uuls u i ik ih lull alter turning lo iiil hill fol loumi a strumous priiiili sis mom in pouring run ik fire nun win kiilttil h lhtnwvls who itomuil si pro ns uul sen til t uhokstmt hnith whith intludttl si i juru- shoi uikt pi ioi tti iht luncti ixmp str nl a unts of tut hit vuu in 0lj weekend specials basketball boots size 710 1 4s sit 112 1 5 siie 3ft 1 7 rubber sandals ideal fof beach wear childrens womens mans 39c pr 4c pr 3c pr garden hose vinyl plastic 50 ft reg 189 special 147 folding wire picket fence 10fl reg 1 59 special 147 excellent values in summer shoes odd lines and broken sies greatly reduced gladioli bulbs imporied from holland named vat mtiej regular 69c dot to cuar 39c doz dutch sets or multiplier onions to cuar 15c lb bedding punts fiowiiino shruts tveromins rom lushis- ofraiums to clear at price jdifttoft5jojilgo5tore m twr mnpm mbetun of onla4usj wvst fsemhw anun male insaemcum anal ssrayt ate campbeuville four ladies enfr hospital newlyweds receivie presentation by mrs george infill rraclureel les were numerous hist week iri and around the vil li he of campbellvllle mrs wil liam dredge from ihe helton cul rule meal farm fell and has a broken hip and mrs andy frank rr i campbellvllle broke her ankle while culling ihe lawn al her home mrs james lambert kit i carhpbellville broke ber leg while doing housework and mrs howson lush of ihe village fel in ihe driveway on friday nrternoon and has a broken leg above the knee we with all ihe pallenls a speedy recovery lo en- jiiv ihc summer mr and mrs edgar calms at tended the presentation lnfalr- vlew school at lowvltle on sal urday evening to honour newly- weds mr and mrs htmsell dales who have moved lo campbellvllle rev r f jcffares on behalf of the community and si georges anglican church presented them with a folding dining room table and a lazy boy chair sympathy is extended lo mr htrvey frudham and son of r r 3 campbellvllle during their recent loss pf a mother and wife hardy purdy jr spent his blrlh dny on sunday wilh mr and mrs jerry homewood in montreal mr and mrs douglas inglis ind family attended the fun pnnide at burlington on sutirdav with their ponies nnd cirt mr und mrc ltuyd campbell celebriletl their 25 111 weddinu in niversirv on trulnv evening by entertaining friends and relatives lo a partv it brocltville hall cur nes orchestra provided music for diincintt and during the social huur manv c ircls and gifts were received by the happy couple 40th anniversary mr and mrs llovd cr iwford mended the 40tb wedding tin nivcrcarv or mr and mrs stewart dotighhoiouuh of rr i wate down on siturdnv evening and nisi iltendcd 3sth wedding nn nivcrsirv nf mr and mis charlcc nurrish in sundae in guclnh miss jc in flla and miss susan bueklcv loincd si dmds pres bvtcrian church list sundav rev harold marr officiated mr and mrs claude inglis and mr and mrs waltci inglis attend cd the wedding on snluiduv ir miss patricia kitchen of moms ton in duifs prcshvlcriin church miirrtslon horses killed dm ing ihc height of the clcctn cal storm here lost week mr wll hum mclaren lost his team of horses which were struck wilh lightening whllaaslandlng in the bam of mrs allen moore- mr ahd mrs william revell sr r r 2 campbellvllle spent the weekend with mr and mrs wll ham revell it in chatham jmrs walter humbly was hostess to a presentation on thursday evening assisted by mrs lloyd court whist was onjnvcd and prbes awarded lo mrs tom mil chell and mrs harold marr and mrs jack wheellhan during ihe social hour the bride tu be was presented wilh a mix master for which she thanked one and all mrs george bolls and valorle of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs a j peterson lo celebrate fathers day and mrs petersons birthday wedding anniversary conoralu latlons to mr and mrs toward dredge mr and mrs jack wheel lhan mr and mrs charles wclr mr and mrs george rollins mr and mrs ken ne 111 elselv mr and mrs charles mitchell birthday congratulations birthday congratulations to bert walton mrs fdgcr cairns mrs lcnnurd andrews rev- harold marr mr und mrs gcorgi goldslraw mrs william mcphail mrs dougl is inglis ind jiiiiii tnglk hardy purely jr and mrs llovd crawford and llovd bay- ley mr and mrs j hall of florida are visiting with mr and mrs lennard andrews and family this week grudcs 9 10 ii and 12 of milton high school finished school lust friday and grade m irv final ex aminations all this wick we wsh vou till everv success the ittlal vear honk is a credit to its si iff larry mcphail spent the week ind visiting relatives in the pcfci- boruugh district mr and mrs george injjlls and robert inglis at tended the mount sberg methodist anniversary on sunetav evening mr jnd mrs j k mahein nnd miss katharine mcphetlran at tended ihe memorial service at fhenecr united church on sun tliv mr wallace king and mr charles inglis were called to ihe polit iirv this p 1st week in mil ion ror apniance and tv repairs manning electric call 330 bdd accounts collected on any account over 510 regard tens of age uc pay you 70 if we collect if there u no collection there la no charge by can- atla a oldest collection a gen- cy kelly aiken box m orangovill ontario miiton j4 milton wedthurs pri sat june 2i233334 acclaimed by everyone everywhere waltwsnp mm m ww km mm tw moi aammn jiwiwi mllawllallb taikttmlmmwt mffiimsswrv ammlaaammik mrwosmm 2 matinees sat june 24 1 3 noon dears open 1 1 301 3pm dean ope 2301 i pic le i tend u v it- j j-r- admission adults 7c oseklren se anvtltne t including sutuscesi mon tueswto marilyn monroe u 1 jumi iz7xa yvts montano im lets make love added color cartoon acton ont wl muvoi here s a fdfi of ways for you to look glamourous n the water or out of it trus summer see alt the new style lnd colors n swim suits by catalina ind your assurance of excellence anltsavings mmtmrnm

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