Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1961, p. 3

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hiflff imun liberals choose harry next federal election a ctwwctr 300 faithful sup- purlers ronruil ihcir approval fricliiv ninlil wlien hollims lib eral purly those di hirrv c hnrlcv 1 ssvciixilil 0kvillc phvsiciun lo curry ihc cminlvs rcclcrul h i unci inlo the ncxl election fridays nominiticin convention ill the milton town hill was lull of surprises over it niunlh iu foui candidates announced their inlention rucnicsi ihc riding nnd each conducted a stimuli campniitn tor several weeks pre- cedlnclhe nominalion beit lust wednesday cv young dropped out or the race and hury pol lard anolhcr of the oninnul four uindklulas wasnt even nomin uted on fridiv in their place wne oikullc supporter lester k whitlni and i97 i8 candidate kennclh y dick of milton both declined to accept the nomination and michael mulak of oukvdle ihc lourlh of the ornjmal four can dulales resigned to give dr har icyunanimous lupport bad tl w tn his mcsstlbc dr i lu lev claimed the governments order of planes frum the united stales attractive uonettb were busy on saturday afternoon al the post office as they sold ad- mlllance programs for the community night entertainment this saturday al the park pictured left lo right are yvonne duvall gharlene miuhall mary baker and barbara adams the girls are standing beside an old buggy deeooted lo advertise the big event proceeds from iho evening will be used to finance a new school for retarded children in north halton ltoiir3jmssamycijiianab- tmbaiiiujjtiuvii juisr wtva g harley candidate lontruliclltl thur sialcnilni i hat ihc avro anuw was ubstv iclc willi cvliv cunscrvalivt- pmc inrmnl we have had bad times lit siitl i tskt pearson has p lined lo the world and al kasl john r kennnlv lhat h is 1il man lo it ul us oul ol iron hi cd liniis in inlcinalional at tails hl icimiil uncmplovmcnl canad i s most sciums prohlem ol toda and said the uovern nientwfis timng- james govntav a scapegoat lo hang their tin aneiil problems on diefinhaku he addetl lvu i pioitiisetl a hettei deal in taxi s hul nil oniaiio got was a thiee pei ten i sales tax rduc ihon is a neeessii not a liixtu anil neeik a ledeid pro gram to sliuighlui it oul it s mil easy 10 unseal an m p saul di hailev in elos i tig hm we shall win nothing iin slintl in mil uiy sees great intcrcht 1 he hon paul mai i in gut si speaker demon tralccl his v liti vie ioia sign and sail i hae a sluing leehng the iuxi 1 iheial m p lor hallon will he di hal it tlicrc nevei has turn as gieal an inleiesi in ihc aftairs of the patt as the l e is now hi ing shown h ihe oung people allatklllg tilt ulelenliakel ad ininisiiaiiun ihe guest mp aid the loei i intuit is giving ihi i unitis i pooi de il and dltlellhakei s piuilllsiw ol hellel llllllls loi t illlltis hadn i been lullllled el tinning to ihe le iumng avio qui slum he said a whole tlet ule ol ciiu itla s lehk vellicill w is m ut i lit oer- nihi when ihe allow plant itisid down now mi mai tin wiiil on nh voodoo plants have bun botiju lioni tin us to re- itinp canatlis rcat and to tlo iik ii mine ib the anow was designed lo do scouts to leave for camp grand bern site chosen no stone has been let t unturned by ihe buy seoul group com niltue and scoutmaster to provide foi tin uorety of the actun scouts during their tenclay lumping trip to grand bend beginning july 2 months ol planning for the excursion have paid oil and par ents ol the boss can rest assiited exerv means ol satelv and control has been accounted lor an advance parlx will leave saturdav with equipment and ttnt and will be busv men set ling things up in readiness tor the scouts ai rival suiulav allernoon the main campers will leave bv nioioi tir 1 1 din the scout hall kuiulav julv 2 al 10 a ui and will ixluin wcdncsdav julv 12 the site chosen lot the sununci camp is pinery provincial pai k grand bend where a good sandv beach is spicad over a toui mile arc mcclluil utd will be under ihe supervision ol two trained st john ambulance leaders and in cases ol emerge nt a gi ind bend doetoi is on call j a sickba lent will be setiip in the campsite whcic a named leadci will be on v al all times and a light will be kept binning throughout the night tents w ill accommodate live ot six scouts and the aiea will be loped oil lo pioiidc saklv stnet uiles will be adhered to at all times anil siouimasjci rum williamson w ill assumt eoiliplclc chaige ol ihe hov s a i lull piogiim ol tiammk antl ex iieises his been pi limed w4miv with the acton boy scouts in jusl one week our scout troop will be leaving far grand bend and their 12day summer cump summer cump k or should be ihe climax to ihe ycarh kcouilnn program our camp program hos been tailored to til the irapps needs ploneerinu camp cooking track ing swimming patrol leader ship cooperation and spirit are ihe hems thai we intend to- stress at camp this yeor we in lend to conduct the camp on an intel patrol rather lhan an in dividual bosis an i feel thai inter luitnil contests help build patrol spirit the aggressive capable boys encourage and help their lejs aggressive brothers evciv member of ihe troop has been encouraged lo attend this camp if there is anyone who is not sending their son for linancml reasons i ask you ag un lo contact me and wc will be able to work out a solution governed by laws the camp will be governed by the 10 soout laws which have been accepted by every scout on las imestitude into the move ment and reacts as follows la scouts honor is lo be irusiccl 2 a scout is loyal lo his queen his country his scoul- is his employers and those un kr him 1 a scorns duly is lo be usclul and in help others 4 a scout is a friend lo all ind a brother to every other scout s a scout is courteous 6 a scout is a fuend to am mats 7 a scout obcvs orders or his parents patrol leader or scoutmaster without question 8 a seoul smiles and whislles umkr ill difficulties 9 a scout is ihnltv rio a scoul is clean in bought won and deed wc arc leaving acton conli dent that our camp log will diaw ihc curtain on a great by bruce wlluameoa ion station in uniform at 7 4s p in where we will form up and parade lo ihe scout hall as this will be our last group function until fall let ui have a full turnout v g in furr ureal in adventure and great in pin pose all of winch has been mack possible bv the splendid cooplialion of the groupcom nut ice the scout and guide mo- iheis lommitlel our sponsors ihc rotary club and last but niiainh not least the citizens ol ac ion a mnssage to parents scouls cubs guides and brownies fuone is welcome lo ihe cimpfire which will be held outside the scout hall friday evening- please report lo the a- heslop offers 150 acres free to conservation area mioth p0 acies ol land and enough lilt lo build a dam i 110 lect long and 44 icet hijji welv olteixd lice lo tlu ciedit vallcv consei vat ion aulhoi ilv on i i idav itighi hit ollci was in uli bv ri llislop preside ill ot otluv dcvclopmmls i muted lo assist i in damming silvet cicik it tin ninth line tost ot building lit dam uid hauling the till were estimated at j2s0 000 uhh mavoi i nut llvtli ol gcoikt lown mil a m ttuniwav ol pott l i e tlit aulhoi it v ihan man spoke imluisiasiuallv ol tin pmposal which was tinned over lo tht i loml conliol and ativ is muv utuid lot luilhei sludv mivoi llvdi added lhal the pioiext was vital loi lutim walei mippk ot iioieglown chan man ciixe nwa poiuttd out lhat tediial and pioviucial grants wtix available it the pio- ject could ik included m ihe bl jam tutts radio star of l f my people will be host el community night in the perk saturday ovci till cunscivaliuii scheme lot the aica william can gcnngclovwi siir j vevoi altciuled the nice 1 111 tl i ihe authoriu with mi heslop ll s an idtal localion loi a dam hi said esiim ilme that kvummi nihil vartls ol mittnal loultl be moved to lie sile lioil tlu imuudiati tin a i mi cat i tslim tletl lioni the hmiiid details available thai n would cost stsoooo ioy tin taith wnik 011 i ik tlam anil al li isi twin as much again lot eouiiol slille luus answei ing ipu slums iski d in un mbt i s ot the aulhoi itv mr heslop said his otln lovuxd all ilk flood lauds amounting lo iso ai us or moit mi heslop also iiiiuualid ihiii is a fhssihtliiv hi vvofdd in n ovci 10 tlu auihontn some land al the lowei mdi ot ihe dalu look smatt be comfortable kedettes summer casuals theyre washablei 298 and 398 pair e bon voyage shower for miss chapman one of actons librarians pop ular assistant mist madge chap man was guest of honor al a surprise boil voyage showei and afternoon ten cohosted by mrs c leolherlant and mrs h h hinlon in ihe alters purk ave home invited on ihe pretext of sharing an informal cup ol tea with the hbwtcsscs and mrs h 3m hinlon sr the guest of ho nor was surprised by the arrival of other fi lends bringing use- lul liavel gifts miss chapman is planning a 11 ip 10 calgary next month in the company ol a toronto iriend and former local high school teacher miss clara grind lev small kalhv hinton and wal lir blunn curried in the suitcase full of gifts present lo sav hap pv journey were rex ii b antl mrs slokreef mis fdward blunn mrs ted moyse mrs russell peirv miss annie stalk ei mis anthonv lonslde mrs h w hinlon sr mrs e w holmes mrs art johnson mrs kiy alger mrs arthur gamble mrs jack chapman and mrs harold denny best wishes and gifts were seni bv mrs h r force mrs cecil nellis mrs jack alger antl the chief librar tan min perry watsun who was unable lo anend the show stuffed soft dolls needed byrhoispilal a few hours spent thin hum mer by inlercnted individuals could bring wme pleasure a well as therapeulc asulstunce to emotionally disturbed children nt the hospital in tblstlctotvn this fact watt introduced to the hallon brand of the ontario medical association ol ihe june mecllng held in ookvlllcon june 19 each child putlcnl in supplied with 0 hard doll which li break- uble consequently upsetting to the child the hospllul finds it can use muffed dolls in this ca puiily to greater advantage ft heuimcs hie childs possession citut goes with the child upon discharge as one can see the demand for soft stuffed dolls is neer quite fulfilled anyone interested in making a doll contribution could pet in touch with mrs a r long 90 church st actun representative of omha about 150 attend knox ss picnic about iso attended knox sun day school picnic at stanley park clin saturday afternoon there were races swimming and boating and bovs and fathers loinetl in a softball game sup per was enjoyed togelher ismswwwwwwwwm girl guide news tridiy evening five g ttom he 1st acwi u com pany met tor the senior patrol ovcrnijthl hike at the seoul hull mr hart had bruuuht the st john ambulance truek nnd we all packed the enmping equipment into ihe back the ride itself took only is minutes and on the way lo the campsite we picked up the sjxth girl juan rainsden by 7 30 camp was set up tents pile lied rood stored away and a blaring tire going wc sat around the fire just singing nnd talking until about ii o clock then we doused it and went lo bed blight and eaijly saturday mor ning jill hurst janet rognvald- son and mary gilsclvuw were up and making brenkfasi when breakfast was over and the dishes done we began to clean up the campsite and prepaic the slew lor lunch about 2 pm we all wcht for a swim in ihe river which was jusl down the road when we came back it was tune for stlp- jht it nd wtlcn rhal was all clear ed away we packed up and lid led the site at 6 pm sntui day evening mr bjundcil came to bring us back to civilization the acton free press thursday june 22nd 1961 emo course to begin schedule demonstration steps are being luken in the event any emergency results aid next thursday june 29 the emergency mcnture orgnngln- lion is holding a demonstration in the scoul hall in acton to explain equipment and uspecli of a planned couse this full county cthkllnntor w fl mc gregor will he un hand fo ex plain the basic rescue course dr jn the house scheduled lo begin in september and outline methods used ip emergencies rover scouts and n toom from heardmore and company will lake part in the demonstration and everyone is urged to attend the special meeting and enroll lor the fall course the meet ing is scheduled lo begin al 8 p tn v jnv 7tsuiu liberals show revitalizing am halton s ipberats going thitmgh u ievilahing pioccss- n there more fire in the party today than in the days of ihe lasl tcdeial elect ion- tndav s nomination rheeting in millon showed somelhing of the new lire the parly promised hailev supporleis sticwul the hall wilh hanncis proclaiming the virtues of ilicu doctorcandi date such as klcp halton heallhv vole hirlev if vu got beefs dont vole foi dlef best failed the lesl wc want a doctor in ihe house were jusl wild about hairv and for what ails you and wont fail vou vote dr haley the 20piece acton ctlicns band played llallaluia aftci each nomination was announced there was more than a good sprinkling of youth in the audi ence the erovvtt rose i lappi d m cheered when ihe hon paul mar in made his late appearance orgahfer owen mullin an nounced lhat every member or the acton libctal association find volunteered u be a candidate choir picnic driven into pavilion by rain on monday the senior choir of the umled chinch held ill an nual pienrc al terra cotla con servation area the ones who wanted lo go swimming left at three otlock with rae west nnd george fjiiotl evervone went in for a dip antl bv 6 4 everyone had arrived anil supper was al most rcadv a delicious meal of cold meal salads and all ihc things which go wilh h unfortunately the ram dime anil all were forced to itnrsh ihe meal inside he pa vihon halton county health unit child health clinics acton ontario during julv and august cumic-eacl-moniu- one july 21 sf august 18th closing parents and fnendsokthe students of the sunshine school for retarded children are cordially invited st pauls united church hall main strad milton friday evg june 23 730 pm no admittion charge 6ood reception cemsms gubhj onl a tew call back iuiuiikii to he done lodav in alton un mis lluei ot he lour auaswiu eoinpliutl vtsk i d iv with nisi a lew call- kit in he toinlh and last the countrv n list is itkcs ion cr but will liklv ik finished on time this saluida mis i es cluk ol george luvi h census commtssiotui tor thrv dishtet said th task ha- pio- grcsteel well tmru the beginmng with lew ditticultics thev ve been getting u vxiv gtxd ixeep- tion she said most people wle expecting the iiuiim i alors and were pirparcd and iulptul a iiiuk duven bv don thorn son nt aeton received 1 000 dam iigcoa rneliiwjicn itrullld uvlt in a field and broke a pole on the seventh line near hurnbv the driver was unhurt pvtjtevctance indicates a strung will 6bauiince a kircm wunl imperial veterans association giant car bingo saturday june 24th 380000 cash includes 1961 rambler or 200000 1 reg games 100000 total 2 40000 specials giant jackpot 1961 rambler or 2000 cash mow be wen guetph mew0wai gardens i pm children under j 6 yri not allowed lo play lamb legs wholo barbeque special trull chicken legs and breasts tablerllc vacuum packed aitorlcd sliced cooked meat all beef shopsys wieners 47c lb 6 ox pkga 2 for 45c i lb pkg 53c no i grade refreshing santa rosa plums no i grade first of ihe season cardinal grapes no i grade garden fresh california celery only the fresh tuitc best sunkist lemons no i grade fresh and rtuvorful f cantaloupes quar box 01 box 35c lb 25c size 24 25c size 140 6 for 29c each 25c heinz fancy 48 oz tin tomato juice 29 ica with meat balls 24 ez t spaghetti 35 detergent 18c i3ff giant til surf 59 extra 3 3 oo total of i in iga bonus tapes receive free 6 00 in bsnut tape with iga coffee saico tuna saran wrap brylcreem sunnv mum i tniv solid while- rib 12 sic i lb hku 1 mc tin 2s li koll is ez tint gljeen giant fancy peas 2135 steak knife and fork set for only oni third folder vm00 in ica cuh regtaler tape free or 29c lui 125 m in iga caih refiner tapei receive free 3 00 in bsnua tapes with fleischmans margarine c ll receive free 200 in benin tepee with 2 lb suikil i iicil djj a tomatoes srj c tihkillc i lb siklci kimlli- poly corn side bacon store hours clotad saturday july lit and monday july 3rd barbecue set free or 89c f only 1 fusoj in iga caih refleur tape hue s7m in iga cash reguler tapaa

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