Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1961, p. 4

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fowling the sports boat runs who werent at last sat urdoya intermediate ynmi here rrilmfd the belt name of the year campbellvlllc came to town un beaten this seaton but their pit ching staff urns reduced to one and hes usually u cntclier in an alton uniform for the first time was bob brattain n young lefthander from guclph and hln faik wn to fetter camp- bellvllle bati most ftared in the league campbellvlllc fans wanted to know what huppencd to the acton team ih their last tew gamci they figured the acton club was going tq furnish their toughest opposition after meeting them in the opener in the village and be ing extended and they werent wrong i ex cept tor one ball that the young acton lefthander grooved for campbellvilll s king or swat earl cairns the villagers would iijvl taken the worst beating they ve hnd in many seasons but that one pilch wllh three tliirlri on the pond pill the camp bellvllle club pn even twins calms parked it over iiil tnjhi field fence a run in mil tenth enabled ihcm to shade the aitons 87 they got n big scare how ever and it look n lot of the roeklneis nut of the villagers they were lucky and they knew it it was tasily the hesi per fomuncc from iny aeton pitihci this season brattun proved to have a good assortment of stun that hnd the vllhoers hanid mi struck out ii anil allowed nnh nine hits oei the 10 tnniny tlis tance winprmc cimphcllulk s start er also hurltd a line u une in his first stari of the se isein a c- cher of the sehnol thit hurls mil hull hack almost is fast is u is pitched lu-slar-uul-to- weake in- thc eiuhlh arm il of c in fields who hastilv donned a uniform anil us miiititl mm the imim saved the le id llu villigers eh ilk ed up in the lenih although greeted hv a double from olel le im m hi john c unn ingham he settled dimn in strike oul die ae 1111 side 111 the bottom of the tenth campbeixvilld having truuhle with supposedly mimnhtkithorclm will emerge the top town duffers and liev will be recognized by the multitude wllh suitable iroph les reports rrnm practice tour neys indicate however that the outcome is orten doubtful two of the contestants we know sneaked onto the course for trial run sunday they re turned with tales of huge lakes wide rivers and stone quarries in the midst of the ighole course these obstacles will no doubt lengthen get deeper and more dangerous after the open beat bits dean prentice new york ranger hockcv star arid a resident of guclph will be- in attendance at the community night event saturday in the park the perennial stringer of the rangers will sign autographs and generally be available to give in formation to budding hockey stars a rangei scoui xvill also be in attendance larry nolan of the soccer maple leafs has lormed a lunior soccer learn lo encourage the sport in acton when oikvillc oaks played hen recently we had a strange com lihiation around first base bob bv anderson co idling first for the merchants was oined bv ills son don who had lust hit a single 111 it dropped in the hole olhel in ron or the oiks left in right field it was a family affan lor i lew minutes yes del walt urs who plas right tield and wields a potent hat for the tan rs la tin acton softball leigue is a son of minute walters the resemblance is startling compbehvihe string intact acton edged 87 in 10th frame one big wallop and the myth that campbellvlllc intermediates cunt bo beaten was still intact after saturdays clash between aclon ivlerehanfs and the vltlng era here the wallop a grand slam home run by earl cairns in the ninth inning turned what looked like u sure win for aclon into a 77 ball game a run scor cd bv campbellvllle in the loth enabled them lo shade the lo cals 8 7 it was their eighth utruighl win easily the best game or the year acton hud an edge on tiic visitor all the wuv through the contest thanks largely to ihefine nine hit pitching of southpaw bab brattain and timely hitting from pitcher tunned outfielder john cunningham decision reversed and the locals might have won if a questionable decision at se cond base in the ninth hadn t been reversed in favor of camp bellvllle the runner first colled out was later ruled safe when townslev dropped the ball after what looked like a safe interval that left three men on the bags and set the stage for cairns bases loaded home run that went over the fence in right meld campbellvlllc a losing club to that point regained their spark and sent a runner home in the loth on a long flv lo right an error at the plate allowed lum lo score frum third two in first farlicr aclon hopped onto al wingrovc starting moundsman foi the visitors for two runs right in the first frame brian mccnstall walked and so did bob bruce elltlcrs single through i he infleletsconng buih ot them campbellvlllc was thwarted in comedy of errors tuesday tanners trounce ff 187 1 he i innicrs plagueii d sli lliev collected a single run in the ekv fuilcrs anil sliimhu toes loin th three in ihe sixth anolhei turned tucsiiin s sorih ill contest in the seventh file in the eighth nded up willi anolhei sfngle- bctweeii them mil tanners into i eonieik ol errois as a icsull tinn mas lies beanlniore clew b ul no liouble ilimnliil ihe hose lolcis 18 7 lin theh second win ot the cut tent schedule mil it let them tied willi dominion hotel foi first pi ice m the lour te im circuit has been eleven times the fiicmen boot staff this scmson h irrs ilnnul ton still recovering horn the bro ken leg he suffered in list years oba plavdowns is in uniform but lu frum hctnu able to pitch jack roberts long the m un sta of the vjllagcis rcenveleil from an miir lu sust iiueil in the hockcv si ison hovvcvet last i rldav he put a piece if metal in his ieli irm while work ing on a m ichinc that sidelined him for a while il le 1st gary ileitis now resident of campbellvllle has kept the merchants in there hes why tvv n straight wins in the record books softball circles in talk mj uhou tin amc thi dominion hole v nim a uuisinon niiiluil rtjm n tannin- ihe jtrst 10 is oecii eleven llni pilehiniled the hall tan 1 up i 11- slriki ci in i while the tanners commuted loin errors behind the pitching ol bruce cargill ind notch richmond bill willi lms allowing eiglu lilts over ihe first five lunula spun foi tire hunters give vvav loi 7s0 lmilsav in the- lllth mil dijilc s tantalilng o lenngs were smashed lot mm more hits fin a tolal of 17 thi ivvo beardmoii pitchers al lowed 10 safeties over the nine inning distance tanners take first blood tanners vveni inio a w lead in the first frame when hum i iwson del wallers and bulch richmond singled but the smoke eaters e imc hack with four in then halt on two singles bv town slev and duval tu take over but again on ivvo hits the tan ners plated lour more runs in thi thud aifd went ahead lo stay mil ton in the ninth the rircfighters replied onlv once in the seventh when townslev s walk mccnslalls sin gle duval s triple and pattersons double accounted lot three runs big guns loi ihe winners were h irr lavvson with thiee hits including i tuple in foul al tempts del walters with a two foi six and ben bivliss with a ivvo lor six h ill slammed a three buggci in the big five run eighth will duval and dude ltndsnv e le ii soekcil oul two lilts lor the losers duval s big one a tnple vvlille lmds iv had a perfect night r h e tanners wt 103 i si 18 17 4 rircmcn 400 000 100 7 10 ii tanners bruce cf lavvson ib commundo lb in 8 walters rf richmond ss p hall lb buvliss 2b zujac c cuigill p wcbslei ss in 8 papillun ii ioitc si blown 7 tire rightcrs b spiclvogel cfi i rank spielvogcl ih townslev 2b p mccristall ss duv il b dodds c krapek e in sth j turkos rf w patterson rf in 7th ping if williams p lindsav p m sth the top half of the second when withr two out and two on the bags john cunningham made n spectacular catch of dredges fly to- right aeton added two more in the bottom half when runnel walked and scony me crlslull s bunt left both runners safe the next two batters went down in order but john cun ningham smashed a ball to deep left centre scoring the two njn ners ahead of him and netting a double neither club scored in the third or fourth but in the top half of the fourth nicholson led off with a single and w cairns doubled to score one moore singled advancing cairns to si eond and when laklng s long flv to centre was caught cairns tag ged up and went in to score- acton made it 52 when scotty mccrlstnll hit safely in the sixth stole second mlvanccd lo 4 the acton free press thursday juno 22nd 1964 dominions top tanners daley whiffs 18 batters dominion hotel lust vtni s cd onh six hits c li thi list inti soft bal i champions demonstrated and ilktcl tuo thit thev uill be u potent lunc aiding his own causl dil iso hit ihnc nm honiti in uil dgutri this season b walloping strong beardmorc lntry 115 list thursday night in ailun soft bal i association aciiviry two bit innings thx fifth and sixth in uhtlh the hotekis lhalked up nine runs took most of the sle im out of the tanners attack and thc were reduced lo a pair ul runs in the fifth and seventh ulh a sfngleton sand wiched into the sixth prior to these outbreaks the pnme was close the hotel creu sixth inning to linish oil a fit run outhursi he is casih the tntluidual star of the g ime james tnpud in the hlih to empl ihe basts as iiil hoielcis m ide it ml the t inrkis go b ick in the time in the botlom hilt with i pur ol runs but ag am the five run dorniniun sivih i inning put them behind ii 2 h ill on thl hags uith i ti then the mosl tonlrovemial piny of the game occurred win gixwci infield tfrwtmder wns eawlly grabbed and harold townslev matte the lortc ul se cond however he overstepped ihe bag and lakinu overran both m arte il back for vetond ind en route townsley tagged i nking the bise limp signified the runner una oul the ball hopped oul of tounslevs glove the umpircj his lleci sion the bawes were loaded big call cairns stepped up lo the plnte and although he is a left handed batter he poled one of bob brattain fork side pitches over the rifiht field fence lor a grand slam home run in ihe 10th gary fields was walked the next two bat tern r second stiiuil struck out bill moore lonfl v to centre enabled fields lo make home when the throwin war muffed at ihe plaie fields then struck hii the next three acton battels rrnttaln wlilffi u boh brill un scallciing mm hits foi aclon struck om jl billcis uul ualkcil six win gioc ind ileitis sharing mount duties lot cimpbclullc slrtt is ilovn b he sli ikejul touu ind issued lic huiscson balls i kids uhillcd he bitkis in the 10 hilrs he piichcd to w ilking none run c impe ooo 020 nns i y i at ion 220 001 020 1 10 1 c imphululk w c inns k moon j likinc a vmgioc i cauns chestei king michul son fields 6 dietlge hamilton third on n balk and scnied when brother brian hit safely through idiort cunningham double in ihe eighth the aclon club playing cne of their lie si games of ihe year look a 72 margin when fennel look a pass pitch er boh brattain singled and both scored when john cunningham came thrdugh with another long double oul to ihe soflball tha mond to greet campbclmlje s new pitchei left bander garv tic ids tint wa it staed until the top of the ninth when h nmllon started ilie visitors ofl with a single to centre thafbob bniec made a grc it efloii to nah re suft ihe ball went through his legs and hamilton went to se cond w cairns got a base on balls but moon whiffeil ak ings bloopc hamilton in intercounty league aclion wednesday june 4 ul uockwood the home team turned george town aside 12 lo 10 at acluri the home team were alu victors defeating cuelph 14 to 8 aeton won 6 or the 10 games played and oukcored the victors 112 to 76 thin is the second setback in a row for guclph who dropped an ir lo 4 decision in their home lawn bowlers win two week enilier at the strong rockuood opener a hands of team league standing june 17 rock wood 30 acton 23 george town 23 guclph 12 on the evening of june 17 sev eral member of the acton lawn bowler were visitors at the rock wood club in n mixed jit- ney mild weather helped to en- lou rune a fairly large turn out und u uondetful time wa enjoy ed bv all wlnnen of the jitney ladle marg taylor georglna kcuo und concolalion mm h rogem men frank keltio pete saunders and consolation pete sim coffee and sandwiches were stned al the home of dave gray duiing a social hour after bowl ing has throuuh for ihe night next teugue games are june 2kt aciop al hockuooil june 23 guelph al georgetown aclon b mtcrisi ill mi cunninh im i f bob bnitc h tounskv 2b j tthicr ss morion c j rnnell ib p cusiall ii bob biaitain p the second ind chalked up foiuth for a 20 pi ited a run take the le id another in ihe margin struck out 18 beardmorc s meanwhile went scoiekss is dominions new pitcher dalev whiffed the first 10 men in in 18 strike out ellori over the slcn mntngs he allow ckct scored -nm-nl- bcudmorc smtv onlv jnrnrr thr srrrh wherr zaiac doubled in ihe sevenih del v liters clouttil i twoitin homer lor the 1 innlis whik dominion hold went seme less in the lop hall butch richmond lunkd tlu mule lor be udmoic s allowing is hits stei il ol which loulti hive been gobbled up wnh i lit aje more tr bv his miles r h dominion hotel 010 14 o 1 1 is be ird tanners 000 0212 5 5 dominion hotel d grein ss b johnston lb jordan el dakv p shuliis ib j imcs c manes 2b meculchein rt fiaci ii i bcardmtirc tanners sh innon if poitc it s h lnvvsrtn ih d i walters rf richmond p mill lb tivlor b 71 bivhss 2h 7aiai c skldgniore el blown el 6 wtbsler ss i umpires torhes cole pi itc h dodds 1 kilbv m bliinltt i bases pamt championship hopes dip soccer captain injured om fill brbij phird nti taw al 7 brjincn mitkl pruuad until tlu mjiiimii du it readied crijkcitouk v jrnl c sjioi h1ji i rid ul dubk jn il iii mt hait m loi nrwal ol the v auon tix r oum i oll ifii 1 in ul tin irniu il u alujh mapk icils won ivvo inn s om i iiil wlckend s mui il t in i l ilih h luii in stout v ciectv aclon turn d bak ik hum club 2 lo l v i thn d spol in k it ui m h tillll il w is i dost j kill i t tin in si 20 minimis with i i iimiiiij lioni tnd to eiul ll ii iii t t i ii i iii it i sln i l lis seoied thlie goals two i tiiilli pob irlinell otk hv 1 hiv n lali snonil hall stout v link i isl jo lis hill vtl jo ul lot mn ihiitl bui at ion il in ih tkniid his win lttl homt two lott go lis 1 k itlllll iuiv nol in ami hob high b in il lut l ui all wilt in mil hxi ihiotigti maiimgetl hcloie tlu linil whist k shut out orungcvlllc lu in txhihilioii lanu m alton sink i ilu i mis sluitout oi itigi vilk 4t sums in i shephcul ii hiiilnti h v in witenbtig jaiitul nolan in this g mic at ions champion ship hopi s look l lleeitkd dip wllill lliiv lust i ipl un piul sthippti with a lorn i utikge ik will t ike o coaching dutits until ik u tutus to pi iv in iwo months i his week aeton plivs liacui biantloul it hi atlon ihhji s itutchiv u y p m if you are thinking of a newer car b w hsv goad t4eion of e oneowner cars s 2 which wl hnc scmtfil some since new the arc thorouyhlv a reconditioned and i guaranteed for one full year under lb ouarsntmd warranty prsgram m pont1ac sedun slrulo- chlef 2295 00 54 desoto sedan fully equipped s795 55 dodge regent 2 dmir custom radio s93 55 chevrolet 2 door tu tlnn wagon s995 ft 58 pontiac slratochlel sedan automatic 1 695 58 buick sedan automatic 1 795 59 pontiac sedan strato- chler si 895 60 tord ludor economical ivl j2 095 buick fffplr new woodbine races june 5th to july 15th express buses leave acton 11 15 am each racing day daylight time 240 return after last race return fare includes admission tu1mis ind infurm itiun al wiles confectionery phone 207 btie isst paints take advantage of our paint special long on savings scarfes exterior white 395 gal 125 ot scarfes porch and floor 395 gal 125 qt scarfes ior semigloss 3 ga st scarfes white enamel 395 gal scarfes white latex 395 gal 125 qt cil exterior white 595 gal 225 qt cil white enamel 595 gal 225 qt cil white semigloss 595 gal 225 qt cil white latex 595 gal 225 qt 10 off on all other paints and varnishes the above prices are for cash only ten pro distributors limited 126 main st n acton is franklin pr0use motors ltd pontile bulck vauxhill cmc open evening phone 16 ftlh ii i laclonqppconiable copied the hajioii uniy lultuuimnx trfiphy in 4 hiwm nnuat qolf tourney at georgetown wtm h a i r bv receiving the iijfasthy item paul armstrong son of the donor willi ilm ai 11 b m ronsiablet ron 1 vucsi keuer alto of the local detachment lhr iituii nmnt riim up will a jam kof of 64 for 18 holes played a i iho nodi hullun gii and cuuniiy club announcing the opening of norms barber shop at acton billiards to get ahead get a haircut notice hydro interruption sunday june 25th 100 pm to 430 pm t s hrc ttffup on wit i cluht the to ov- nq street s- of s wallace street mcdonald blvd acton qlvd bower avenue from wallace st to railroad ttack agon hydro eleqric commission- 3 elgin st

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