Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1961, p. 5

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smbmsmmbmlmhswgjmuijblaltalli krtlhmmji i fl personal notes of actorrhm visiting outoftown points and of visitors in acton homes 8 tennis havms registered friday evening at the acton tennis club and enjoyed a few games before th night was over pictured above are some of the members who registered end paid their fees shown in the front row left to right are cheryl lee mrs robert bruce mrs hon- lewis and eddie long back row left to right are blair kennedy ian murray bern ard kent janet murray and gus kent all from georgetown for allstar game i vr ri r nvww pick cream of halton crop five members of the champion campbcllville merchants are amid the hallon county nlliiar team lineup which will take to the field sunday july 9 against call terriers the occasion will be the loops fifth annual allstar oamc antl it will be played in campbcllville this year jack roberts a veteran left handcr fn the campbcllville line up and gary field another ten hander with the village squad who is in his first full season pbcltvtlh with guclph merchants hi the inlcrcounty senior league along with lyn mclaren who is the mainstay of the rookie george town entry arc the irio who were chosen tops in the league added to this pair of camp bcllville pitchers are first sacker earl cairns and another infielder stan henderson who will hold down his newest position at third base henderson has played at every position with the club but this year is making a regular turn at third base and was chas ten best at it by the seven team managers in the ballot- system choose wlngrove what will likely be almost as tough a battery as they would come up against in the intcrcoun- ty league will be provided in the allstar game with alan wingrove the youthful backstop for camp- bellvfllc as the uip selection here wingrove has plavcd all his baseball for campbcllville as has earl cairns the first base choice and in the past two years the sharp receiver has had a number of offers from inter- count v club who would like o use his servicer at second base is lcn coolich of oakvllle oaks a former soft- bailer who made a switch to baseball two years ago he won bob bruce out over such top men as milt ons ron shannon and dundas mario sebben the shortstop slot goes to stu honnant of milton red sox who although he has played as many games at third as be has at short gained the mosrotes in a close battle- with campbell- villcs sharp elmer dredge and oakvilles ross dryden outfield strong the outfield is split between three different teams and boasts some power hitters as well as good throwing arms making their choice a natural jim wilson an addition to the dundas club this year was a lop candidate and he also boasts some intercounty experience he will toil in the left field position alongside centrefield bob bruce one of the most underrated play ers in the game who has been actons mainstay in the outfield for a good number of years with his seemingly easy shoestring catches with a long right arm alongside this pair will be pete kennedy of oakville oaks a former miltonian who has played most of his baseball in the motor city and is a real powerhouse at bat kennedy will bein the school hou so side of the outfield for the big game at campbcll ville what would seem to be a na- lural thing is the choice of len andmiv ihr cam mer- brwjrr rti yn srxsmk jbe- n gait terriers are opposition for halton s int allstar tilt the fifth annual halton count v baseball association allstai game will be held julv 9 in campbcllville it wis announced this week gall terriers a top contender in the powerful senior inici- counlv league will provide the opposition for a team made up ot pi ti vers from the seep inter mediate cluhs in the malum lea- cue the te triers boast a strong lineup ot plavers from united states college banc bull uul under the coaching hand of nellie cooper who toils at second base for the squad and is a lormer major leaguer should provide n gotul das entei tainmcnt lot what is anticipated to he the largest turnout eer tor theeent the game was in si created when oakville oaks were in the senior inteivountv league and they then provided the opposi tion but in leceni vcars u has been the top team in the league camphcllvillc iuh eai that has plavcd the stais ot the te- maining teams milton wa- the ile ot the game last vear and engagements two years ago it was campbetl ville but the move back to the illage is hailed bv the clubs with a giand opening ot the il lage parks new clubhouse an added feature the field managers ol the seven teams were given the chore ol choosing ihe allstar team thi vear the league umpiies had done the oh in piw ions veais the choices were made bv a ballot svslem with each inanagei ivquirvd to vole for plaveis other thaii those on ins own squad a meeting ot the executive ot the league is to be held tonight to finish plans lor the event and it is expected tbje ii plaveis chosen on the allsiu viad will be pieseuled with a medal hoir i ring their participation in the annual game chants firey mentor as the all star team manager this was voted on by the managers them selves making andrews a un animous choice his aides will be art melanson milton- red sox firstyear fulltime pilot and dude lindsay of acton mer chants who has guided the tan nery town club for ihe past five seasons for the opposition gait ter riers vet undefeated in six home starts in the intercounty senior baseball league will be on hand and ihey boast an armful of us baseball stars who dot the ter rier lineup game time for the annual tilt is set for 230 pm and will be plavcd after some pregame ceremonies on behalf of the 1 gue executive president pete mcmullen him self a veteran in the baseball world announced this week his appreciation tor a fine job done bv the team managers in the league in making their choice for the allstar team the mana gers took over the job from the umpires as headed bv umpire- inhicf mike timmins of hamil ton whose staff has had to do the job in the past seven alternates for the game will be chosen and ihe choices will be announced next week campbellville vet takes short course dr c l young campbcllville habillslconipuicd an intensive short course in cattle diseases at ihe ontario veterinary college the course which included doc tors ol veterinary medicine 1 torn onlai io quebec mai itime and western piovinces and the united stales is designed to bring v don na r practitioners uptodate on recent developments in prevent ative medicine and management practices under the leadership ol dr d c blood head ot the division ot medicine the couise consisted of iccnnres demons rations and diagnostic pnccdurcs this short cuutse is part ot the extension progiaui ot the ontario veleri nan college guclph friends are glad that mr wil fred coles is home again from sunnybrook hospital mrs besem and her daugh ler hermy churchill road are visiting in montreal dean lemon is home from belleville school for the deal for his summer holidays mr and mis c o burns mary ann and gary visited wltly mr und mrs h w hlnlon over the weekend mrs kay james is a patient in guclph general hospital all her friends wish her a speedy lecovery mr and mrs g w mckcnrtu attended the annual ladies night of the orillia ys mens club on soturday mr albert harris of js r acton is a patient in toronto general hospital everyone wish es him a speedy recovery home for the summer holi days from belleville school for the deaf is jeffrey goy son of mr and mrs john gov mr and mrs stewart scoyne of ridgeiown were weekend vi- situs with their son mr and mrs m scoyne and family grade 13 high school students ore entertaining the teachers and wives or husbands al the home of miss jean moffat friday night mr c mason underwent an operation monday morning in toronto his many- friends and neighbors wish hlm a specdv lecovery r mr and mrs wm st rut hers mrs a mccutcheon and mrs s sinclair weie among ihe ac- ion guests a ihe stru- thers reunion at erin over the weekend mr alf perron acton citizens bandmaster is a patient in sun nybrook hospital toronto mem bers of the band and his many triends in town wish him a speedy recovery mr and mrs d f west rr 3 acton will be at home to their friends and neighbors on ihe occasion ot their 40th wedding anniversary saturday july 1 from 7j0 to 9j0 pm please omit gifts members of guclph historical society sunday visited he home of josef drenters rockwood which was formerly the rock wood academy the arlisi jmd painter is undertaking restora tion of the handsome old build ing attending the uniled church mens conference at keswlck house mtiskoka last weekend were mr w j really mr allan lauder and mr bern veldhuls they will report to ihe congre gation at the service july 2 sunday of last week the young family celebrated with their sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs david rudclifte nt 297 peel st on their 45th wedding anniversary and presented them with a threepiece patio en semble mr and mrs h c rognvald- son of elliott luke visited with their daughter mrs j tat ton mr tatlon and sons on the weekend mrs rngnvaldson has just returned from a six week visit with her lather and family in british columbia and saskat chewan birry nesbit from ckfit to ronto expects to be in town lor community night saturday he savs the program was discussed al ihe variety club luncheon by press and radio representatives this week another who plans to be here is mrs esme ball ol gorgetown north haltons dele gate io the ontario association for retarded children who savs headquarters staff were delight ed bv the plans to raise monev tuesday morning mrs marv gowdy left aclon io return lo madison wisconsin after visit ing with many friends here a ftimer music teacher here she was at one lime president of the aclon music club and mrs charles heller held a reunion of members at her home thursday of last week attending were mrs a j buchanan mrs c l poole mrs charles heard mrs g spencerlee mrs m mccul- lough mrs marguerite tavlor mrs hilton elliott mrs w j beattv mis bernard veldhuis mrs joseph janv mrs kenneth knox and mrs dean leslie on monday mrs w j beattv enter tained for mrs gowdv at a bridge party at her home mrs gowdv taught music here and was delighted to see some of her tomer pupils she is still giving piano canons irt mailison psprinqb mr and mrs fred lemon wish to announce the engagement ot their eldest daughter xtarv- eliz abeth to edward william haw- cs son ot william a hawes r r 2 acton marriage will take nlace ut acton pentecostal tab ernacle satin dav julv 15 at 3 pm mr and ms lindscv ferguson of rockwood wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- 1errogarargriceio-mr- don ald gary bard of guclph the marriage to lake place in ebene- icr united church campbcll ville on saturday july 21 at 3 p4 37 cops lawyers in police tourney fhiitv seven lawvcrs and po licemen from halton count held a t unl i lied golf loumamen i a t thenoith halton golf couise at gcotgciovvn 1at week ihe lust ol what in hoped to be an annual a trail art forester ol dundas opp dctavhncn took low gioss with 2 while merv harness rifacion o p p had low net at 64 the bui lingion pohic team- ot u bullock b tacvslnnand b dan iels won the learn trophy most hones l goiter was j retime who shot is holes in 171 strikes while dave richardson of north halton opp hod ihe highest score for nine holes a terrific 98 a dinner and ocllfvmtnir followed when trophies were presented george moore of bur lington bill bennett and dave hardv of milton organized the affair among the todas of india a woman must greet a man bv touching his feet w ith her loie- head campbellville back in stride bronte bombed by 274 attack after ihe closest of possible footnotes bruce hamil- games with aclon on saturday campbellville came back to trounce bronte by a score of 274 on sunday afternoon campbellville bruce- hamilton pitched the complete nine innings for the winners as he registered his second win of the vear he al lowed four runs off eight hits as he struckout eleven walked six and hit one batter mcdonald hughes and ouigley alt worked tor bronte allowing 27 runs on 21 hits they stuck out nine and walked len six runs in the sixth campbellville came up with another big inning sending eleven men to plate a walk bruce hamiltons single another walk a couple of fielders choices and conservative singles ult the hats of earl cairns win- grove and henderson produced live runs mid built the score up lo 204 bronte scorer leftfielder g mcdonald hit a double and a single for bronte osborne and bud mckav ton was struggling in the fiist three innings when he allowed four runs off six hits and faced 19 men in the lasl six innings he settled down shutting biontc out on three hits while lacing only 22 men campbell v ille are now hitting 340 as a team anil have lui fifteen home runs in ten games campbellville still has a post poned game in oakville- to play 200 crash a car diiven bv william rogers at 6t longfield road at ion re ceived 200 damage in an acudent at crewsons conieis wcdnesilav morning operr house party on 50hv anniversary mr and mrs james st rut hers of erin celebrated heir 50th weddlnu anniversary on sulur iliy mr and mrs strtilhers farmed fop a number of years on ihe second line on ihe farm they uilu to mr und mrs clif ford siorev many friends and neighbors from this community attended their open house cele bration measles are quite prevalent and a number of the junior scholars are affected mr a bulloch and sons reg and willie spent ihe weekend at their collage at kearney new garage mr david stewart is erect inn a truck garage on the second line he t ween vermin and ed stewarts houses visitors on fathers dav with d g and mrs robertson eluded douglas robertson and son murray of guclph ken and mrs robertson lvnda and don na of rexdale t iiii by swing linda sirandholt received a naslv bump on the side of the head when she was hit with a swing in the school plavgrounds she was examined at ihe guclph hospital where she remained overnight for ohsei vation no serious injuries were found sundav callers at ihe home ol mrs martha jackson included mrs calvin evans and edward mrs g thomas campbellville mr and mrs lionel watson and phvllis coningslev miss marion wheeler mimosa mr and mrs don cameron and ronnie ol-ous- lic mr arid mrs george- cooke a guelph moved on saturday to their faun home here across fiom the school which has re- cemlv been renovated the acton ree press thursday june 22nd 1ol review tont to boost community centre fmtd moffat silver wedding is celebrated mi and mrs lloyd campbell celebialcd their silver wedding in biookville hall on fi idav ev ening when a large gathering ol relatives and friends tame liom london grimsbv toronto hamilton btumplou port cretin guelph diaylon elora acton moiriston puslinch milton und sur founding distiict music was supplied bv the cuirie orchestra and jack roughlcv moor man ager mnv useful and beauti ful gills were icteived which were displayed on decorated tab les cenleied wilh a three tiered anniveisarv cake n sav all did justice to edle lo bounti ful lunch the f i iends of mrs harold jarvis wish her a specdv recovery from her recent operation we are sorrv to report mrs j reynolds had the misfortune to bieak her ankle mr and mrs melmer ol to ronto visited mr and mrs w a h aser visitors over the weekend wilh mr ami mrs david hendetson were mis ail cordon ol barrie mr and mrs wm cmnish of wiston mrs joseph frank ol acton and mis m james of georgetown we trc pleased to sec colin dunkie has leturncd home from the hospital ait padhurv is also a patient in sunnvbiook hospital toionio singled twice while price bob mckav and p mcdonald all singled once earl cairns hit a home run and three singles lor campbell villc ken mooic and slvi king both hit a double and two singles while al wingrove hit ihrec singles brute hamilton singled iwue george chesici lack lik ing and ivnnv eaton all homered i a v cine hamilton dnuhtcd and bill cairns and stan hciulcson all singled mr rogeis told police a truck was approaching on his side ol the mad as he louiuled the curve so he pulled to the shoulder lost contiol of the vehicle and it en- each tered the ditch const bill ben nett ol nu vestigatcd th ildion o pp in- robtr hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 st gorgs squar a popuaryoiing dancing in s true lor mrs joyce carpenler and her dancing pupils deter mined lo play their part in es tablishing a community centre in aclon ore staging a dancing and singing review tonight thursday in ihe robert little public school auditorium all receipt i will- he turned over to the community centre fund some weeks ago the same troop gave a review with pro- ceeus going to the acton branch of the canadian cancer society theprevfous show was a sellout and everyone attending was impressed with the excel- rr lignydufreftln lenl performance given by the youngsters v the variety how wilt include group and nolo numbers singing acrobatic and cancan dunce and will feature the pive straws- a local quintette who are well known from their en gagements nt garden parties and concerts in the area making up the five straws are gedrge muskelle vie brnlow les fhiby jack creasey and george hall pianist programs- have been distri buted which entitle the holder to admission they will also bo available al jhc door tonight rbesti gift shower for brideelect mrs edward lrvingvftm-hoiess- at a miscellaneous shower for miss kathleen pevvtress whose marriage to mr donaltl green takes place on june 24 a number of games amused everyone after vv hich the bride to be opened manv lovely gil is the hostess served refreshments assisted bv hi lie neites susan curne and mai ilvn avres attend anniversary mr and mrs j cairns and children toionto attended boston church anniversaiv on sundav mr and mis rail martin ingle wood mr and mrs clyde vivian mrs j gorman and david hamilton mr and mis harry smtlh anil mailha toronto vveie guests of mis a mckenie and nancv on sunday wilh mr and mis r w orvdgv new barber of filial opemrig or anevvbar- bcr shop has been announced this week and norm jltimenivk new proprietor of the billiard parlor will be the operator mr humcnkk comes to aclon with 1 vcais expel ieiue in ihe baibeiing trade anil presently opei ales a haiher shop in george town as well he moved lo ac lon last week he formcilv-bar- be led in bramplon anil in the west a manied man wilh two children the new barber brings the total lo lour wilh the open ing of his new business were mr and mrs dean leslie aclon and mr and mrs ccdrlc cross georgetown mrs c g jones and mm m watson paris were dinner guests of mrs jones daughter and son- inlaw mr and mrs j dredge on sunday- mrs s j brown enjoyed the horticulture bus trip lo mont- ical last weekend you will enjoy learning to drive with halton driving school parent5rfor to55than 0 your teenager can be taught a complete 10- lesson safe driving course group instruction private lessons also availably milton tr 89047 when its a matter of forms see us the acton free press 59 wlllow st n phone 600 caroline nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south side one stop for gardeners oo it yourh pttio ifonit in variaty ol color 16 x 16 75e hch 8 x 16 38c mth complete iine op nurse8y stock potted roses new supply of tropical plants say it with flowers tresh cut flowers and potted plants ploral designs for ail occasions fro dollvory 7 days a week to serve you nerv hours 900 am lo 900 pm new telephone number 37 day or nits john j krul fine carpentry and cabinet making speciatiziritj in kitchen cupboards alto with builtin ovns and store fixtures wftaisodo- additions recreation rooms remodelling furniture refinishing also saw filing in cooperation with m local firm wo can do comploto job plumbing wiring and boating all on on bill up to 3 yaart to pay homo ownor only see us or phone 40 victoria ave acton ont midsummer specials all in a1 condition 1959 olds 88 4 door sedan 1958 black beauty rideau 500 tudor automatic 1957 ford custom 6 cyl sedan 2 tone clean economical driving 19564 dr ford sedan mechanically good stand some body work 1956 4 dr ford custom sedan auto- matic a popular model real nice 4 1954 gmc vi ton pickup heavy duty tires and springs handy on the farm low down payments easy terms so ut first at thompson motors acton ltd phone 49 acton 45 main st al iwnr 3

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