Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1961, p. 8

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sp ib4ijlilsfiftif iraiwwj tpttvf w u xu whw7 v joyce carpenter and bcr r pupils will entertain lbs ictklenu at halloo manor tbb selurday evening the twin lakes development at speyiide u apparently pro greasing to advanced stages quite rwfidty lop the escarpment activity at the tennis courts ami it occupying a great deal ul the4uentlrne during the evenlnc during the summer the- iw ted church will hold jut une ervioe at 10 am there have been two ten ices each sunday morning eskl- n the editorial page picture it susan perry daughter of mr and mrs rum perry mm don baton r r 4 rockwood uai one of j00 who won uko in a recent nestle contest finl prize was a smmtt home and 00 persons entered the fiivr day of summer yesterday well so said the calendar the furnaces thought differently there was smoke from plenty of chimnevs ol people who disagreed with ihc calendar youngster getting the kiss from a umh swimming iblurg and boat ing are popular pa fairy lake rhu tithe of year oulte a number of atrangera are enjoying the fishing ficllltle and some report good catchea of pike a truck driven by don thomson main st s acton re ceived si 000 damage friday morning when it leffthe road hit a pole and rolled over in field on the seventh line neat hornby opp reported the dri ver was uninjured although no special recogni tion was given to kartn schu bert grade eight student from the m z bennett public school during the graduation banquet wednesday she was envied by her fellow students for her per fect attendance record since she started school in grade onet tbe lionettes were passing out handhills advertising com munity night friday night and saturday beside jack holmes 70yearold democrat on the job were charlene marshall mary baker yvonne duval barbara adams thelma- phillips and shirley cohen with jack holm es frank simioni and bob foy ers wading pool opens sun continues park fee weather permitting the wad ing pool at acton porlrwlll be in operation this sunday under theamporvuion of ruth land- borough following a decision tuesday evening by the board of pares management i chairman r r parker inform ed member that superintendent alt duby of the town work force had been instructed re siding the installation of the nitration nvatem fur the pool continue charge following a suggestion by george barbeait to consider changing the nark charge for acton ratepayers the board de cided to leave the charge the same a last season for the sum- ber they agreed however to review the charge before next season and make a definite de- clsfon7the secretary was uiith- orired to alter the season tick- uff fhmn hunk anthony grade eight pupil at the speyiide central school bad his euay chosen to be published following a recent bus trip to toronto he is pictured above oh the right with principal colin leilch as he reviews his essay during the day the pupils visited fort york high park and the mus eum hong kong teacher addresses ballinafad evening auxiliary the avsuluic iiilnitxrs ol liiufaul ecnini aimhurv uirv present at ihc june mctnna held ill the home ol mrs w sunder- on four jvwjtijtes jnd num bcr unwtcrvtj toll cjii wuh an acfcouni ol ihcir im dju- a huincwlimumon tllmiil uith the apprmul r j untuuon l 10 dollars lo the vuwiiion ilihk- schuul a nnte ol thanks was read fmin the v aitknouledy ifitf the assistante itmn the cn- iny atuiliurv in promiiiii mrie for ilu u jshnmitn in itu church hawrneni the i lolling bale fur mciwir tehel will i packed this thin via evennie mr i mi lmiv isunitir member scitvtuv willed m mis e slwuv lo pitmnl i he devotmin al mrs snow based her nnu ment on the inm t liipkr ri ditcteninomv ami also ienl this too shall riss hv puhe noon the bp jiiliourned t the church and ua addiexwd hv beaton mr be aum sjxike on the jtnpurtaiile or missionary work and eoinrnendcd the eeniny aux- iliar tor its vuppoit ol the scout ik program as the sponwtr vl i he tubs and suts the evening atmiliar ol the wmi is canv ihk its work into the world us did the earlv nussionartel tn the ikyinniiijy o he christian church mi he a ton inthkjwed he spei lil mjist wen iav a fuih vehotl ieaahei lioin hon kony nm siudvinjj al bat helot ol religion eduialtion mr ee pointed out the lelatttjoship uf huiii kony to inaiiiland china the ihiel woik ol i he khuith in honj kony and wlul canadians tan do lo help he klmunl iiitetesllny slides a- ell show rnj s en it icw and hinuhnys ol ifijuy khiy mis j mi eneis etistl the appieiiation til the yroup lo holh vli ami mi jieaton mi ikalon iltwd tu- ineetuie wilh piasetaild a n lal hotu lul iiitt i mil h was seised hvmis c itealon ami mis a lul r us sisied b irw- hostess chk coiffures for clients at stylists summer school a new hair mtuis sehnil has been established al sules acies ranch live miles noun ol a un al11ieciittwtivriiio rihirth anrt fifth ciukessitmis ol itsmiesinj partner in the project aiv rmno seliniui tormvrly a hairdivssr in milton helen burnt s and e clyn hathaway they my iwniittnii pat ions from ac i on to have irnn haii srylrd while intentatiimtllv known hlr stylists demonstraie with comb and sheatv they have i n few cllentn honi aclon j wm pfointmcnts tins wivk anil i ljn echoed u be 111 lllll as wit v all ovoi the lliuhd states leiiiiinsliatin ml rako an he whiiol turmissvivva of pans i i aiue vorld kiiprcnu hatniions ol iwvisi the wo- week summer wliool will ik- opeialcd at i he latni eaih vear ih- paitners plan student iiunt riyht mit to the attractive site and hvetn the lodye a ehel and waiter an employed there die itihnii horses it ml still to he completed are the swimminy pool and tennis eourls inlirs tinm thr district warn cd they might spend from foui tofivchdhrsiherpnreinc un paid mixtcu fur clac with schools mftncn etartett tea sntart 1ficw coiffures their reward lu years obo in kv kchckiik in i make it u hahii to keep yiuir toftoto and an fret on the ground and yudll tohto tby ver tuv ft itu airo3fimtaumrv jiiafwjui r je axluix titurvati chuftchnu s uitterent of famyiris lies of a he re3dinwas wa meeting presentation of interest in weeks nes wmmcarihiir or kv2 acton mr imd mrs cnrnn orillln ol liutlan mich who uri- ul the home at ospiirine anil mr mid mrs jui- thontpson or acluil visilfj ix suiuluy will friends in culliniiwood arrivea from enlantl mr william thompson of lan cashire enuland is visiting with his cousin mr jiwhua thompson and other friends wedding iwlls arc rinyliiu in the community friends arc stiriy ttrhcar that mrs harold griffin issindcr the doctors care with a sore leu and is taking treatments they wish her a speedy recov ery a presentation was held al woodsidc school friday eveninu for a younc couple who aie lo he married this week lome satin- dersand miss carol cowley the evening was spent playlnu euehre julin mcdonald was master of ceremonies for a shorl program music frank free man accordion selection vern dennv music alfred saunders and garnet winters tlie young cuuple were called to the from and mrs ward hamillon read an address jim mcdonald john lights leslie and frank- harding presenled them with two occasional chairs a wool hlanket and a card tahle they both made filling replies lunch was served naaarrjaaclaitii mrs bruce leilch was hostess for churchill wa tncclinu on wednesday evening june 14 the president opened the meet ing with prayer a hymn was lung mrs archie kerr win in charge of devotions different ones read a verse presidents icsiimonic blble the scripture given by mrs ronald saunders minutes of the inst meeting were reod by the secretary plans were dealt with includ ing catering to a wedding the meeting was closed and the hostess and her commence serv ed a dainty lunch communion service communion service was held un sunday at churchill with rev mr foster taking charge along wilh mr bccton mr and mrs norman turner attended a family gathering- at the home of her parenls mr and mrs j j julian at mallon on sunday mr and mrs clare macarthur fwclland spent ihe weekend al the home of his bruihcr mr and mrs fred macarthur a week ago mr and mrs john clark and son john of guelph visited on sunday with mr and mrs al fred saunders the family were till home jt being fathers dov mr and mrs arthur griffin mrs tressa keeler mr and mrs limehouse wi president cuts 40th anniversary cake a very happy and memorable occasion was observed in the memorial hall where limctjousc womens institute celebrated their 40th birthday ninelyfivc ladies from nctuhburinii branches signed the register mrs william mitchell and mr james nublc ucuctinu them ut the door after the president spoke a few words of welcome the ladies were entertained playing euchre the nrizes goinu to firsts mrs r l davidson and mrs w sinclair seconds mrs mclntvre and mrs koben miss sjinerille and mrs r uiwson were scaled on the lucky chairs and each receiv ed a potted plant cut birthday cake the hall looked eery attract ive wilh large baskets and vases f blue and yellow iris and spi rea the tea table was centered with u laitfe bouquet of blue and vcllow munis blue candles in siher holders and a loielv three tier birth cake which was cut by the president mrs rouuhly mrs m lillerby and mrs a w benton both ol whom are life members poured tea the ladies weie honored lo have the district president mrs harry wilson of palermo with them miss charlotte turner mrs v non is and mrs c sin clair all hioulil greetings xm be half of the v i ions branches an attractively prepared after noon lea was served mrs s matthews moved a vote ol thanks to ihe limehouse ladies lor it very happv and cujovahlc after noon mis i brown fittingly re plied much ol the success ol the af- icrnoon eoes to ihe convener mrs led lliow n ami all those who helped and worked so hard in ihe preparation but ell at the i lose it wad been a very iv- warding hiasion for petroleum products gasoline fuel oil oeisel fuel motor oil call stove oil thompson fuels urvuino yaur r with ba hiatino oiu nd oasoiini pmoni 4 afti hours call 34 j i rot rat discmiuinxtinc 1souncsuent3 lyrormmls accessor iks mf i r dills m mill jit stationery rimhm mi imaummni mtrrr ouue dbtwctlon taoti vuniul ets on hnd by changing the year and imue them lo nsldentii pplying at charge of 100 permuuilon wu granted the nccrelary to order eight new picnic table ku from j b m- cketule and son at a cost of si i each the kit wlh be o- sembled hyffcfv coreluker roy arnott r etnerftnc exit plans were finujued for the eurelaker lo arrange fur a pad locked harrier ut the swimming iiiva in the nark to allow the si john amhulunee brigade to muku a lust exit in lite event of emergencies board members learned the liny scouts were handling the naik booth concession and the seerelury renorlod ihe opeialion sullsfaetory accounts totalling si47 were appnived fur payment n v- n s best supermarket take advantage of these holiday specials and stock up the shelves at home amd at the conage only ab offers customers top lines at low prices holiday specials jallet toilet tissue 10 99 garden brand orange drink libbys golden glory pineapple juice libbys catsup tidbits or crushed pineapple cut rite wax paper 32 oz tins for 4 oj 3 6 or 02 5 r 3t 4 for 48 oz tins for 1 1 oz bottle 20 oz tins 100 foot rolls fireside packages asst cream biscuits 4 sunbrite lb pkgs margarine 4 wood smoked kipper snacks 10 99 regatta fruit cocktail english beef pie sherwood dessert pears libbys orange juice maxwell house instant coffee 6 potatoes oranges 15 oz tins for 5 oz 4 oz 6 oz 6 for 8 oz tins for 20 oz tins for 20 oz tins 6 oz jar oz jar for 25 lb bag 4 dozen maple leaf assorted cold meat 4 pkgs frankford grttrpi5r50qrildr 10 oz tins m a-it- jlil -i-

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