i- etghtyeventh yaarno 2 acton ontario thursday july th lool aiilharlimf u ium4 cim mall hv tlm lwowr nmrtmrtt qhmwrn eight paget savan cenfe plmts pha holiday shutdown the gatekeeper in tplto of the closedown dlatton saw division of uk purler canada ltd will stage general shutdown from july 31 unlll august 8 with only a hand- fbtofwoil ln1heplnf keep operations active- micro plantlca company em ployecs with the exception of n few will have their holiday be- 6 inning july 21 until august 8 and low press will close their doors during the week of july 24 with a hinull staff remaining no vacation no shutdown has been sche duled for the thcrmoid division of hk porter co as it is a com paratively new industry und pro duction in only beginning mi chigan bulb docs not anticipate a summer vacation on account of their seasonal business the acton free press plant will remain open while employees stagger their holiday periods in order that a paper will still be published every thursday and printing orders can be kept up to dole the acton ministerial associa tion has not made special plans for vacationperiod bul each min ister is expected lo lake holidays merchants and employees are not lo be forgotten during ihc- summer time in spile of ihc fact everyone must eat buy clothes and other commodities although stores will not close their doors it is expected thai vacation per iods will be staggered n order to provide continuing service for their patrons school children began a two months vacation when door closed for the final lime june 29 some already have headed out to summer camp other lo cottage and a majority sllll at borne fovtioiranys industries have storied vacation periods and merchants and busi nessmen ate getting the urge to head north for a rest ap green firebrick company will close their plant ror the week of july 10 and employees qualify ing for a weeks vacation will take lime off others qualifying for a two week period will cither take the week prior or after in order to have all holidays com plete before the busy season be gins a skeleton stafl will remain on duly during the shutdown in order to maintain equipment a ax engineering company will close down operation the week of july 24 and take their second week between christmas and new years a small crew will remain on duty at both limes to keep machinery in order tannery started beard more and company in certain departments has already started their holiday period with the hide house ind bcamhousc closed down since the 26th of june some workers will receive two weeks others three accord ing to their service record the main production portion of the plant will enjoy holidays from julv 7 to julv 24 with some divi sions throughout the plant re maining closed an extra week a skeleton staff will still pass by acton fair scheduled for september board plans added features classes mult fmte davi manks receives the gavel of office during a racent meeting of tho aclon rotary club and officiated at president he it pictured above ho receives the gavel from past president rev a h mclfenzio the new president served at vicepresident last term olhor officers wore named during the meeting ujaimuii appoint m beyan assistant principal boarcl principal discuss failure rates michael bcvnn science and leaching and equipment requirc- engllsh teacher at aclon district j menls arc necessary lo leach a high school monday evening motor mechanics course at aclon was appointed assistant principal next fall by the hoard members during the board approved a resolu- their final meeting for the seoson ij requesting necessary repairs mr sevan will replace former 0 lnc intersection of no 5 side assistant principal mrs e c road and 25 highwav as it pre by school buses copies of llu- motion were to he sent in county council nassaitawcya council and nassagawcya school hoard tinting complaint after properly chairman coon informed the board the ujass linling of classroom windows club learns butchering during tuesday meeting reed who resigned lo lake u vented a bad hazard and was lisctll completed recently did noi meet position in north york i during the blrief meeting mem bers learned from principal e a hansen that final result were reasonably clone to ihoc in past yean but higher than standard fcet by the department of educa tion asked by chairman e s force his opinion or the results the principal pointed out the failure rate throughout the school aver aged about 25 per cent in break ing down the failure rates in grades mr hansen gave the following report grade nine and 10failure rate 25 pc t- 0 years was between 29 and 35 per cent grade 1126 per cent and grade 1223 per cent grade- 13 result k will not be available until the fall query re poles following a report from the secretary that bell telephone company hud received permission to install poles across the bound ary line between the m z ben nett school and high school pro perty chairman william coon objected he was panted permis sion to interview otticials of the company and review all details of their plans lo determine if the request was necessary interview parents trustee duncan moffat suggest ed that parents of students grad uating from public to higb school should be interviewed by principal hansen and the board agreed to send letters to each rural parent and notify acton parents h means of an advertise ment in the five prevs trustee coon tvquested the secretary o enquire from the department ot education what acton rotations learned th fundamentals of buying and merchandising meats during their tuesday night meeting when tom dawklns meat mana ger for the iga store was guest speaker mr dawkins out lined details of proper buying preparation and merchandising of meats his talk was in teresting and much enjoyed the speaker ws introduced by rolar- ian frank prouse and thanked by rotarian jim ledger during the meeting out-of- town guests bill can of georgia tuwn rev d powell and f gal loway of mili on and e shultis and w fearnell of guclph were present to see past president rev a h mckcnic receive a perfect attendance pin during the meeting the pre vious week presidentelect dave manes received the gavel to take over the office and conducted the meeting other officers el ected tor the year include new officers pivsident dave manes vice- president tom shields secre tary ron lewis treasurer fred gordon past president andy mckcnzie director a club service bill pendleton committees attend ance louis wasowic classifica tions and membership ken hardman club bulletin mac sprowl chairman andy mcken zic bob grant fellowship jim ledger ken hulford magazine fred wright program frank prouse chairman ted hansen andy mckenie neil bowles public relations bob grant ro tary information andy mckcn- zie tom shields sergeantal arms ken hullnrd pianist ted hansen song leader walter wood burn director b vocational sci- vice jim ledger committees career day jim ledger ted hansen neil bowles occupat ional information art padburv wes masales 4way lest ken hardman dip v lor c coiiiinunitv ser vice gord mckcowh commit tees crippled children jim ledger wes masales ruralur ban mite sprowl tom shields easter seals walter woodhiii u chairman wes masiles mac sprowl amos mason rotary scholarship ted hansen bill pendleton art padnurv scout movement gord mi kcown frank prouse jim ledger hill pendleton director iv in icrnit ional ser vice paul nielsen committees international student piojct i tom shields chairman his expectations or the windows in the gyn the secretary was instructed to write the company responsible and have a repre sentative visit the school the board learned that the alterations to the principals of fice and changeover of the public address system were progressing favorably and unit painting would be completed promptly school cure taking uuperviaior r splelvogel and assistant k mc- kinnon were granted a s200 an nual increase in salary accounts amounting to j2i4is97 were approved for payment church on air kvcry third week church ser vice iroin the christian reformed church can lie heard over guclph radio station the service is taped i lie week previous and heard the loliowine week aclon will have a fall lair thla yaw in spite of misunderstand ing by some resident due to forthcoming installation of ar tificial co and building or the community centre there will he u fair septemlter is and 1 ft jihit- year fair promises lo he bigger and holler than ever and patrons can look forward to one of ihc inryest fairs ever singed id aclon there vlll lie il number of hpccaln the most prize money every given away and many other attractions since ihc adoption of he firm fall fair in aclon maah 1913 which was iirgutiicd by acton businessmen continuous advances have been made and i he acloh agricultural society is making urraniiemenls for the best ev er i his year first fulr al he first lair in ijil fieurtfe huvill was the first president tnd george llyntls 1 lit- first ecniliiry over 4100 attendeil the event when the rovul grenad ier guard baud was one of ihc big features there were over 1000 entries al the i list fair anil over 1000 was offered in prize money fortyclghl years hvc- passed since aclon fair was first or ganized and durinu ihul time many committee members re mained in office ror a number ol years this years president is nino briiida and secrulary is mrs c w swiicrhiimcr- ior kiddies and adulls alike the t green ainnsemehl com panyhas been cnuaucd and over ii tides and oilier amusements will be provided cattle sheep hoi horse poultry and pet stock will he bin allraclioiiv- will several clianycn iliade to improve the various classes no parade durinu the lust hoard meet inn waller woudhurn chairman or the school children parade re ported the parade would lie dis continued ahci word was re ceived the teachers had voted lo i- u- 12th of july the glorious twelfth will be observed on the eighth this year lol 465 acton will parade in town saturday before leaving for the district parade in george town headed by the lodge band the parade will leave the robert liltlo school ut 130 am pro ceeding down main st to bower ave along bower to mill st at the cnr tract up mill st to main st and back lo the school grounds the georgetown cele bration is being held by the hal- ion county loyal orange associa tion hosts lor the day lol 245 georgetown acton junior pipe band is also going lo georgelmvn and beloiv the trip they plan to serenade c k browne ardent lodge member who will be missing the parade this year matt jhil be prepared andhavo your onirics ready for exhibit at tho fall fair september 15 an 16 tn women and children alike are urged lo make plans now to have their entries ready in time prize money this year will be the largest yet mrs n robertson being presented with a trophy for her prize winning jam and jolly in he contest sponsored by the free press and general foods kitchen received 24 prizes for 24 entries last year withdraw their support regret was voiced hy the member but they admitted it would be im possible to continue the parade without the i assistance or tha teachers stan muhews reporting for the light hoi se and pony division out lined i hauges tn prle list to include scparau clnsses for shet- 4uudand welsh brood marex and fonk llciku staled there would he an additional clns4 for re gistered shetland ponies and the hsl five ponies owned and known hyrihe exhibitor one lealtue is a class for the best lnuv turnout driven by a gitl oi boy girls wilt wear an ink k- length dress hat and gloves mid larry a bouquet of flowers while the hoy will wear a felt hid sports jacket and slacks to majch points in this class will be awaided lor alliie manners con formation and i icanlinesh of equipment dining the owning poultry hair man ierd kcnincr presented an addition d list of poultry specials and this class is en pec ted lo exceed tltal ol last year another new class will be add ed in the cattle division for the i test exhibitor of a dairy or befif type call by either girls or boy 12 veais or uiuleivcirv pr in litis rlass is a itallcr donated by the president ami iwo special prizes consisting of wrist watches donated by fim lcducr and the bank ol montreal many dupluys iloiid membeis aieliopeful the ai luo cliiiubei ol commerce will assist with i he industrial and comrneicial displays again this year school childrens work hikin exhibits plants and flow- iis liisiiinie displays baking inti pteservid gfmids homecrafts hull and veyilable displays and many other exhibits will again be on view ves ai ion will have a fall km al t i vii v will hegin friday evening september h and carry on until saturday niuht septem ber in vlafcci tinil- jiixiu heen landsboroughs pupils present recital accept awards monday evenine over 21 pop- 1 baptisi chun h its ot miss helen laiulsborough at the beginning th iccital including just one hov pre if the popular voting leather tiled their parents anil annual u iriends i il i tir i at ion be prepared scouts brave weather pitch tents settle at grand bend camp sunday by don ryder strict supervision cleanliness inspections plenty of sleep training and tun head the agenda lor the hrst acton scout troop doling their 10day camping and raining outing ut pinery provincial park on lake huron at grand bciul advance parties with cars and ted trucks lolly loaded left th shoes md wrinkled clothes weie a ovcrlihikcd but skip anil oilier hansen ken hardman rotarv saturday morning foundation waller woodhui n i ai nv nig at the campsite they ralph davies iniernaiioual conli p headiuarlers tents ami tacts livd wright loreign gitl fouled the ihieeuule area lo project paul nielsen neil bowl es hah tmak monday momlno it th boy seoutrcamp at plnry foratt camp grand band ilartad activltia for tha tcoutt thay ara pkturad abova around th flag located at head- quartara tant tha boys will ba away 10 day and taka a complate training during that tlmt be utilized lor the 10 davs balance leave sunday bf4gbftudsji4y sund4yaiur4 ing the balance ot the scoutsjed h the tantalizing aroma ot were transported by xars in bacon and eggs cooking over th donned bathing suits and head ed for the beach to enjoy swim leaders will adhere to shut uilcs darkness began setting in and lor the balame ol the outing about 10 pm fresh milk and the niuht hawk ihkii umlei cookies were served and eveiv- the supervision ot pat nil iculei one bedded down for the nighf roger ladomeiu tipjied the ii some ot the boys are light standard pennnii after ohiiinui eaters at home no doubt lhev7s pei tciw ol intal innk lti will return to acton with bells neat and best managed patrol limiscned and a few pounds heav iculie ier rover scout boh llinlon in inllimiug m charge il supplies is keeping singing ol i on the quartermasters stores heap ui s ih n ing lolhe roo at all tunes j teivcil eplu it tantalizing smell f means i mtn lulv monday morning the loimali vlpi viil s oiil were a davs atlivities cle presented willi a ioisige hv i dolls chcrvj price her sister miss i ken ruth laiidsboiolmhjnrrodiked the miinbeis on the pi ogiuu top awurdx an award for earning the highest marks in reieni examini ignis went to june swnkhmiei siisni pei i v won a pi ie lor u i umiulaiing the most overiimc prat lite v71h minutes with carol pitlci svmi in set mid plate also the ret ipitni of a gil i un jhe basis ol all mmiiki ld hy old i be mosl pi ogress shnvvn doting the pal cotton pit kers jour swackha- mer when johnnie come was man hing home sandra irwin l lvcning catherine mc- oiilentuieut stephen piialis bold krihtccn swackhnner span ish dante helen henion vocal solo t whh a beauldul morn ing jo anne laridshoioogh jv- eitoie iioiii the nulciacker sinie pi ir a ii stevenson song wmhooi wotds iran buhner ind helen laudshorough the an tar judy duby venice jean hoiiihi the sh k doll di- ine moiiade the skairts waltz vu ia ii new ion f mrlrudcs fienu wall judy duhv and sandra irwin was tew aided joanne laiidstinrongh the jolly with a gill itoin her teithei idirkies chervl iriee theme on the program hoin piano coiueito no i ka- singing ol hie oinen opened nu millet beiotiful dreamer i he billowing pi mijiii ciml i heme ti mil i vulos helen ben- iatleison in the iroiishte the iilo aiulet son moose bin anne sviim wind 1 leinor nthi i am ie iwul 111 lieiie ill the cod i kites in the m nablv i he bieak and 1 1 ula al the liead- ek h piliol i insl i iu lions on t i i1h i lull ill lilvlii ollt 0 1 1 ik dame siisni pettv kselte palsy svutl waves ol t hi- dan iihe kathleen si kfioner a meny lone mu ion mi nahli ion mkji solo bless i his hooc prencnl tilfl a gill horn her ilass was pu etileil to miss landslhiroilgh hv cno dat let sort i he goet soloist vas pie sen led with a gill in applet laljoii ol her two solos vacation bible school pouting rain and patches of fog to pinery park iortunately the skies cleared and the sun befan to peek through before the last load ol scouts had arrivtxl stoutmasicr skip bruce wili liamson group committee mem- j hers and a few patrol leaders j were on hand lo greet the ncatj lv unirormed scouts and acj quaint them with their new sur- foundings camping within a tew yards of the acton troip vyas a group ol cubs and leadcis fnim wind pine camplite mixed with the smell ol cohee brewing and needles scenting the area first dav inspection was casv on the young scouts as moddv raise 6340 acton afhctillurwl simit ty bus announced that the rural canvass for the community centre campaign raised ju president nino bralda made ihc announcement ut ihc laf sor wlnse plans had been to meeting ol the society in the lake dinn their tenis and leave council chambers early stirnuv morning flans were halted however due to i c the rain and thev graciousiv j laymen i ake oervice left their tentserect tor the ac- 1 t it f ton boys to use until monday i dl of vonierence ones arriving sunday receiyxd allah uiuder was speaker at retui medli d aid medital aid is t lose at hand as two tiametl st john ambii ltilie livnleis aie in tamp and dl i a mimastet ol jiiii bend is available in the event ol summei vttuion bible sume t lass- am emeijeik v an csiellent suiij beu h willi good clean wilei prov idis won dei tul swimming i hie ot tnesi have been set pitiul starts monday for 120 over 120 children have enrolled eat liuuh at the thurih and re- lor the suiiimci vttaijon bible sume t iissts again al one oclock siiikii being held lor the third iintim vi pupik will not be jldnv keloime 50 n h xl fkglllh ping the aw ion x alllp lvcrv has its own hltle village patrol setup uuuide lenis luadipiai lei s and neve- siiv eiuipnieiii vinled hv a np nsvvlion is held twii to cusiue ikamiess and taut si i it 4ui haw t down and no onip uowed deviiie itoin them mcatt puitv lual aut wliiilinonie and an e ining snuk is served helmc 1 nshvttnn are ugolu t ihc christian cfmrrb this total i miles t hildien tlian last tt ml- vatiium m h j muiiiv and vtui toiitinoe umtl iridav julv 21 the evening the tlomiig date paients and inends itc united loi en nihi when a loiuplcte pnum has been planned the hool is under die snii- vi slot i of ttcv j il i li la pas tul ot i he lion b aiul imv vootti iioiii kindergarten lo giule eight kmiie lo attend the supci- vv ill k- assiacxl hv six leaflets und aslvtants thorch unless t lo windet limn die vard during lijss hijpis at the paiculs toiiseut an v one in lei est ed in attending the t lassts is reiiuestcif to tutv uu t rev suimi al tt duu weather cool few in park ha- doniinimi dtv holiday fail- tl lo ditrjit a inkfl ii aclon piiw lisl wriktul intl ptrks bojiit vi ntn v mi i fmr ne- insinkimp mu- stujcni- lunni p p ii there wai ihc mhiml will k- ri- suimi r j t surtdi mrs j i iiiii mr ii ilii-ii- llu- lnws of rilc- hr mi june- uuitikf mr- kttfvr in- piano shulll and i krul miss m kiniitidj and mithrwson uslrv ann krsuiik himclf v j iuhin piivi imi is ihc iusi aiil mi- irupcr niihvv is miprrmmiii lh- wading and b voldliuu the inch led in best uiuiiicd ut any alundcj in four rnip lrlhiii uaihrr has hcn loo willship and inlcl of ihtir con- by aclttn scouk biia numbi i the scluwil will be- dmdrd inm chilly lor crowd rcrcncc experience in the absence or years pannis cm resi is- 1 four croups hetiinncp junior scimls had laken over the job of ihc minister the rev djvighl i sured tluir vouncslcrs nc in inicimeiliale and scniors studies i of tiperaiinji the park lyioth for enttek 1 haiuly will enjoy llu- out- j will vary according to the age the sumracr bul while they artf for ihc summer munlhs jusf inn sleep and egl well and re- 1 jirouping awav alvamp other tccnaacn are one service is being held at 10 j turn home will a much better children oitcndlng will begin ai working at the booth with ico ajn knowledge of scouting i nine in the mumingr lop al noun fred dawkinx quile a joll when thev viewed the unileil church sunday mom- and striii lush jinikin- vnr the camp hir ihc iirm lime asing repnsenlint ihc ihiee nun mcl loilci luiluics uc iijhl ui hcas rains created a gloomy alvol the congrcciiion who paritci ilir inipsii mosphcrr ami bivt them a kadipitcd in the rncnv contcrctue ai thcic is no iloubi ik- imp in sid tirsi impression iverythlnj lluma by sunday evening things bc- itan to hum everyone was kill ed and the strict agendji laid out by skip and ccanmitlcc memhers was put into effect camplires were humins and pat rol areas set up x few acouu