t baobab ss staff honored two baptised sunday the sunday their assistant school teachers and superintend- rnts of balllnafad churchill and letvllle churches enjoyed a ban quet in their honor wednesday nlhtof loiflwoulc whonm sat down mr beaton as key man welcomed nil and introduced the guests speaker douglas lapp of lurlington mr beaton lead in a sing song smith grlffen thanked the ladles wwrhbd pravtdedtbe lovcly- suppcr two baptized a baptismal service was held on- sundnv morning when jane patricia rlltlle daughter of rev and mrs james klrkwood and blake edward lutlc son of mr and lylrs reg french were bap tised by rev norman runs who once whs stationed here and is now at linden a were l jlimemoustt pleased to have rev and mrs the pi russ bobbieand craig at service also rev and mrs kirk wood paul and jane and the families of both rev and mrs kirkwood the junior choir sang mrt bcatbn was at the organ hall storm the hailstorm on friday night left quite a few broken windows jn the community and some badly flooded gardens dr and mrs reld are adding a piece more to their cottage at behvood- clven bible mr ross shortill who has been superintendent of the sunday school was presented with lov ely bible by the sunday school ross is leaving to go on the pol ice force 70th birthday celebration summer trips visits in news mr oliver willloms of polmcr- ston wus guest of honour at the home of mr and mrs geo wil liams on june 25 when 28 mem bers of the williams family celebrated his 17th birthday miss doris millhcll left on monday by plane for holidays at saskatoon following teaching in toronto last year little jodie scott is about fol lowing heart surgery in sick childrens hospital wc arc pleased to report mr and mrs walter thomas of port colbornc spent the week end with the llnhams comes from england mrs c jumcs expects her nephew rum london england to arrive july 8 mjss audrey jumcs is flying to new york to meet her cousin john scars they will upend n few dnys there before returning home mrs edna cummings mr and mrs hermann linda michael uml dnvlcl of rck hestcr n y spent the weekend with the james nobles mr and mrs hank wheeler of rivcrdulc mich and mr and mrs ross brownridnc brcnda und glen of slurgts mich were weekend visitors with the frank brown s congratulations to mr and mrs c bos on the an ival of a little son at georgetown district hospital un sunday mr and mrs kirkpitrick spent a week with the calvin mcdon ald nt elinwood recently mr and mrs tom hamilton and children attended the sut ton paulcch wedding at spencc on saturday mr wm karn and mr and mis c karn win guests at the evison karn wedding in west minstlr hope united church londun on saturday we welcome mr harvev mc dowell and his sister mfs os burn to the villaue hating pur chased the ron latimer house nlso mr and mrs simmons who hnvc puilhased the former earl scott property visits holland mis sxwnkck and children re turned on trulav frum a three months tsit to her homeland holland where she wsucd her relatives al bakel and her hus band s at biuk en donk the t t browns attended the brownridgc rcunlon at bramp ton jon saturday junior fire ranger mr peter glynn left lost week for swastika where he will be a junior fire ranger for the sum mer months mrs gisby is in milton district hospital following removal ol gall stones on friday wc wish her continued improvement bac steak fry at lake bel wood nine members of the bro therhood of anglican church men enjoyed a steak fry water skiing nnd surfboard riding at lake belwood wednesday cv enlng july 5 after several trips around the lake when members attempted to rule the surfboard and mam pulale the water skis fweryflne enjoyed a slcak fry pne menrf ber is reported to have brought a chicken already barbecued boats were supplied by g v barbeau and jack blow other members present included ken blow frank van wyek rev h b slbkrcef vic bristuw walter dubois george jgold and brian barbeau piano guitar accordion violin students give concert before 90 over 90 parents and friends attended the music recital june 27 in luxton memorial hall when music students of mr and mrs e watson daughter mrs l viekeryandc bydevaate-enter- mined following is a complete out line of the program during the evening oh canada kay dennis jlusselllngnrajolo nancy snow piano solo iletalt unc bcrgerc theresa mara piano accordion solo over the waves peggy wheeler piano solo gossip joan scott watson piano solo bourrcc by bach allan macdonald piano accordion solo marines hymn patsy wheeler piano solo a dance peter mttrxo collar solo home town parade roy baxter piano solo caprice from alceste lary white violin soloi-phlp-poor-by-gluck- joan gordon piano solo star light walu joe pctrlc piano ac cordion solos lets dance the polka and clam wulrx bill fisher piano solo gypsy camp panr piincheonmlnntr-solot-rus- sian cradlo song betty ramsay piano solo bourree margaret mcmillan guitar solo la goland- rinn brian tlsher starlight waltz dorothy slerritt piano ballade gortjon campbell piano accordion riding the range morley shortill piano solo i sailors race judy gordon piano solo allemaride wlnnlfred dun bar piano solo old french song jjlanesnowplano solusonaunc lurry while violin solo lullaby brahms kay dennis piano solo adagio donna sterrlt piano solo sonaline jncoba vanderbrink piano accordion sola cella llnd n miller piano solo fur etisin kay dennis piano solo bless this house god save the queen nancy miller mr bydevaate taught the nc cordion mr wntson guitar mrs watson violin mrs vlckchy and mrs watson the piano mmnumtiirrrmkimnwkiinaiu hwafmimxtl years work practice marks merit mrs d sculls awards piano and vocal solos and pres entation of awards were aplaud- ed when the pupils of mrs dor othy richardson scull staged their annual recital tuesday eve ning- in acton baptist church about 21 pupils took part and among the guests were pupils who are now in toronto dccle and leslie ann cochrane two pupils from other towns also played at the end of the program her appreciative class presented her with a gold planter jean hart top award jean hart received the top award for her years work follow ed by chris brunclle- award for the overtime practice went to sanw new store owner actons business section ton tinucs to change and this week mrs philip waltho formerly of horncpayne ontario started her duties as owner and operator ol the former ruddick store on young street mrs waltho will operate the business while her husband com mutes to toronto for his work the couple have four children the older two are married and the two youngest will assist around the store during their summer vacation although the family have trad no previous experience in the grocery business they intend to supply good quality merchandise and provide the best of service first chore for the new business woman was to alter the business hours to comply with ihose- of merchunls operating in the down town area w 1 t r t i v i ii rw this sundays church calendar t ii 1 1 i ii i in r i the church of st alban the marty anglican rittui ttio hpv it b stokicef lth vi ii 1111 joftrcy bt phone jus tin sixth suiuti a tit i units hllnimv uly ivtil ii 10 am hols luellaiisl 10 00 am maltius mi d dil tilth ba all ale wcluiiui acton pentecostal tabernacle sj churchill rood p aoc rp kcrmeth j unci pastor 73 cook st phanc wflw sunday july sih m itftkl a in muula sliumii 1 1 00 a in moi ning woi ship 7 00 p in l ange list k tucsdn 8 p in piavei and bible- stmh thursdas 8 pin clllisl ambas sadors ou ate aluaxs welcome baptist chukh acton pastor jumw m itudd 3d nelson court phone 30 sundav july 9lh i1ki 945 a m sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pin evening worship wednesday 7j0 prayer praise and bible stud ail are welcome united chutch of canada actea ontario ilcv dwtaht engcl ba minister mr gcorer elliott organist and choir muster sunday july 9th 191 ii in sn ill ltilanibjp iimii i ii is i ni sundu sehool lui sciiioi section christian reformed church ilrv j nutms b a b d minister 301 queen st box 48 phone cbs sunday july 9th jsssl 10 00 am tnghsh 2 0 p in dullh the church ol the baek to god hour prejudice theme for busy bee wi the june meeting- of the busy bees womens institute was held at the home of mrs sun robin son with a good turnout of mem bcrs the president mrs alkn ws in ihl chair thew odir j mjng truly the mary stewart collect repealed the nii call a suggestion to overcome prejudice was well anvueied bv everyone al this meeting it was decided to hold a sliawberry social and baking sale on july 8 in the afternoon at the home of mrs david hen dcrsun with everyone welcome a short course on calci ing for crowds was to be applied for committees to look after both events were elected program presented the thought for the dav was very ably given by mrs m mc leod mrs lindsay gave the re port of the district annual the busy bee w i voted to have their own programs printed the song moonlight and rosesp was then sung mrs hayward citizenship con vencr ae a talk on prejudice stressing us influence and harm ful effecti on others how it can be controlled and the results ot such efforts a discussion follow lct a couple uncontests convened bv mrs robinson were enjoyed and were won bv mis a mclean and mrs black mis mclean courtesy convener thanked the hostess for the use ol her home and hospitality diane swackhamer gifts for high est marks were presented to the following grade one julie smith 89 heather ann dumarch 86 grade two susan robinson 90 ann gordon 90 theory stephen wolfe 93 lesley ann duby 94 mrs scull gave a gift to miss helen landsborough for acting as accompanist and to mrs robert hart at whose home lessons arc taken varied program the program after the oueen was as follows julie smith the tairv swing chris brunclle blue danube linda ralston circus davs heather ann dumnrch song of a sea shell beverley brunclle and christine brunclle angelus ann gordon the fairy barque beverley brunclle ar rival of the brownies bobby hart and jean hart candy sold furs susan robinson wedding of the winds linda ralston vocal solo alice blue gown janice ralston the breakers jean hart and mrs scull dancing sunbeams marlec mcswain brisk winds donna lansboruugh dream garden bobby hart vocal solo happy wanderer john miller and mrs scull here comes the bund dj swackhamer allegro bur lesco and musical sketch ste phen wolfe sonatina in c and waltz in a flat joann torcc autumn leaves iris piano trio by sharon bradley donna lands borough and janice ralston lcs ley ann duby allegretto quintet over the rainbow hea ther lcvland lesley ann duby sharon bradley jean hart don na landsborough janice rulston bonnie beer of alton the apart ment lynn racburn of caledon dream of olwen new management mrs phillip waltho hat now liken over management of the grocery store on young street formerly operated by mr ruddick wc welcome new customers as well as former wc ofler good merchandise at reasonable prices 9 am 6 pm store hours tues wed thurs sat friday open from v a m to v p m closed all day monday waltho groceteria 10 young st acton phone 446 in memoriam donation to rapport re search in cancer eu be a constructive in memorials your local undertaker will receive donation and give official reeelpk presbyterian church in canada knox cbueca acton rev andrew h uckenilc b- bd minuter mr e a haiuen ba onanist and choir muter sunday july9th 1961 9 45 am church sehool 1 1 oil a in mortuno worship and reception ot new members theme sccalled harsh words of jesus lunior congregation ages 3 7 meet during sermon monday to friday july 10 14 10 aan vacation bible story hour delicious nutritious and thrifty guernsey gold 2 milk canada finest table milk our guernsey gold is world famous golden guernsey milk with the butler tat reduced lu 2 the economy drink only mc quart try our sunfilled orange juice only 39c ouart acton dairy phone 141 don timmings prop interest frtvirvho my savings earn at our local trust company 4 interest reckoned on th minimum quarterly balance credited to your account june 30 and december 31 cheques may be issued against vour account office hours are convenient too 1 900 430 friday 900 630 ha i ton peel trust savings company i assets exceed 12000000 44 brant st hlmunoton ni 410m mor j t whituock tr r95ss ii lakeside chapter fetes new canadians lakeside chapter i o d e held the reception or 32 new canadians after they received their citizenship papers at milton court house thursday july 6 judge w cory officiated lor the ceremony and wai flanked on each side by redcoated royal canadian mounted policemen aflercundlda h taken their oaths of allegiance they were eon- bralulatcd by judge cory and anded their certificates during the reception mrs p splclvogel regent of the lake- 3ldtchadtcrljqrjeuanjlmrst r a gillies burlington co-ord- nntor for receptions for halton received the tea table decorated with red while and blue streamers was arranged by chaptermcm hers who assisted in serving mrs george musselle immlgra lion and citizenship convener mrs j mann miss c bralda mrs w sproston and mrs a j buchanan raise damages tile ontario court of appeal has raisedtar 2700iwm h9- 000 the damages awarded to diane mckinncy high school student severely injured in a school bus accident near erin january 28 i960 ul 69983ivtrockw0od the acton free tress thursday july 6th 1961 fhgs were guy but people away the holiday weekend was qulctj the big gay fingfl along the high ways in town lined the short route of muriy muny cars on their way someplace or oilier us they passed througti manv acton inns edged in on the stream of traffic and headed away loo stores were shut three days in a row saturday to celebrate dominion day sunday and their more discussion on fair byaw a copy of the proposed bylaw governing tne use of the park by acton aurlctillural society for the annual fair was read and dl- suisscd nt he fourth regular meeting of the society in the council chambers june 28 presi dent nino braldu occupied the chair and scetetiirv mrs c w swackhamer read the minutes after a lengthy discussion usubjclotingdaymondnv sotrfdlractuiiiiskel for-elawflcahon- 1 1 plunlr were closed fvkliy most on monday many left town tor the entire summer tome for two wleks tnd j more just tor n weekend s camp iny trip or visit tuesdifv nuivitv pit kid up people were htilk nt work the monday uuibitfi- was pukd up the flajs uime down several points before approal could be given finul for appliance and tv repairs manning electric c1i 330 i for that smart look in glasses look e l buchner ro optometrist contact lenses fitted hearing aids eyas examined 48 mill st e acton ont wednesday only oftico hours 2 to 6 p m for appointment phone 1 15 acton if no answer phone waterloo collect sh 2 8867 gnta application forms for ontario retail sales tax vendors permit should be returned by july 151961 official permit application form have been sent to over 120000 ontario vendors together with detailed informa tion on the new ontario retail sales tax act these applications should be completed and returned by july 15th so that vendors will receive their permits who requires a vendors permit lvcry company or person who in the ordinary course of his business scllsgoods to purchasers in ontario must have a sales tax vendors permit restaurant and other premises selling prepared meals rcquirca permit permilsarealso required and additional information well in ad vance of september 1st when the tax goes into effect by salesmen or manufacturers agents who sell in ontario for nonresident vendors not registered in ontario vendors who have not received official permit application forms should send for one today compute and mail this convenient coupon retail sale tax branch office of comptroller of revenue parliament buildings toronto 3 ontario please send me a permit application form together with detailed information on the ontario retail sales tgx commnvhaml aootus tyh of su9mu l j i y- v philip t clark cuivmwfar a jfonwer imtmmmmmmmmm i tt