v a ttm aiw irvth thortdsy july otfi 1961 1 n ii i i notes of actonlaht vlihlhg outoftown point and of vttltort in adon homo i ilg ilw urn for travouiig bom r off to totugc mm bo motor trip may mag friend hot trip rwtg from day outing to the ru help utiep muruilunui in- ttrrtllnc by mtdln in item lor in- helen and edith hopkins arc vacflllnnliib fit aberlcy beach mr and mrs j frank pent thu weekend with friends in wlng- arp l mrs f lmvson ictljpst week by plane to spend a irjonth in ireland friends are torry lhar mr al klrkness is a patient in toronto general hospital mr and mrs frank slmloni and fam spent the holldj weekend at huntsvlle mr and mrs sam holmes flew to ireland to visit friends and relatives there mr and mrs james rolston spent a few dass last week parry sound and powassan friends are sorn to learn that mr doug tarrant is a patient in st josephs hospital guelph mr and mrs frank bowes ol camp borden suited mr and mrs jack lamberts sundas mr and mrs john kurela ot windsor sisjtrd with their neph ew johnnie krapek and famils mr and mrs frank browning of toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs g a dills former acloman mr frank fowke who hes now in call forma wijiexj in town this week mr and mrs n d robertson ni toronto made a w to re latre injvwn dunn the hohda weekend mrs josce laruh s a pakn n gueiph general hoypiai fam d aiid fiiends wish her a speeds jecoicrs mr and mrs barry mckeon and their children wendy timfny and david of port huran michi gan are visiting with relatives and friends here mfi and mn h hdwicci turned sdnduy after spending a week at sprlnghursl bench as guests of mr and lfrs w hcl- wlg of kitchener ft fred eurlnger whokagaln with the stratford feswolcompiiny has lines to say this year friends from town umtch him on stage with particular interest mr and mrs burton wiggins colleen jind gordon and miss gail mills of port colborne ls- ited with mr and mrs l o johnston on the weekend mrs george somervllle mr and mrs fvfc somervllle and childrenyisied on sunday with mr and mrs h klassen at sarn la and the children stased until wcdncsdav mr and mrs bill mchugh or ottawa mr and mrs ed mshugh of listowel mr and mrs stan mchugh ol glen williams were visiting with relatles and friends in town during the weekend j rasmond braida son of mr and mrs w braida has sue cessfulh passed his first ear medicine al the ltmersits of toronto he is working a mason knitting coronam for the sum mer a birthdas part was held at the home ot lmda gordon satur das in honor of murras mccon nell of milton who celebrated his 21s birthdas the 20 guests cniosed a wiener and marsh mallow roast tamils and fnends held a sur pov pa for mr and mrs gordon curne fredenlk street a the home on thi ostasion of tner sflth wedding annnersars tak n b suprise the couple mmed 50 sear- a presented wil ta bow and candlestick holders stavrmon phnlo studio married in st josephs church on july 1 were mr and mrs reginald rollings the bride is the former valerie mckone re ception wss at the home of relolivos mr and mrs d mellon 320 westcott road england australia natives wed in st josephs church nuptial mass at st josephs churxh at 1030 a m saturdav julv 1 united in marriage valcr ii ann mckoru and reginald rollings ratijcr v j morgan of ficiated the bride a teacher with the toronto separate school board ib the daughter of mr and mrs a mckone of doncaster york shire england the groom who lies in hamilton is the son ot mr and mrs g rollings of ade laide australia and uorks with the t h and b railwav ra r jt-j- jv- tv umeft ro mc motor the bride was yiven in marriage bv her brotherin law dens mel ion she wore a gown or white peau de soie with a flowing shoit eil caught b a floial headless she earned red roses her attendant was her sistei mrs patricia mellon who wore a blue dress with pink carnations miss irene mulholland plaved the organ the wedding partv and guests gathered at the mellon home 320 westcott road he couple left on a tup to algonquin park and will make then home in dundas nearly 160 relatives friends congratulate mr mrs f west the embroiderytrimmed white gown made bv the bride for her wedding n 1921 was on view sat urday when almost 100 relatives and friends called to congi titillate loo tftcv have six grandchildren heiither cnrdl howard barbara miciilihvon david chapman and fcler went urn wests only brothel richard near at rived mr undtvfis- dm id fred west ol fiom drurnhqllcr albeita to hike rr i actun tin the occasion til i purl in the family celebration then 40lh wedding annlveisary in the evening thev received their mtinlage on june 29 took wends and nelghbois who tailed place al the home or the brides bringing girts unci congiatu a- ofriclal greetings from the parents mr and mrs william near on the third line ol erin township with rev w s mc- alplncoriuiatinil all married lire arter a honeymoon at niagara tails the loimei maiiaiel neat antf het husband tied west mol ed to the ei in township ruin homci where they have spent all their mm ned life tile arm is located on the lust line about six miles noith ol atton anniversary festivities for the popular distrlu couple began satardav afternoon with v family mitheiing antl a bill let supper their daughter mrs lvnl mc cutlheon made the llliec tiered wedding cibe mrs west was in moweied nvlon with a cuiigc of white lhivsiintllvmums and mi west wore a whik boutonniere ol tin same lloweis present al the leceplion weie tlien three vhlldierr mis john chapman jr wilma ol rr 2 rockwootl mis lvil mi ctitcheon huenl and trnesi who is piattlcing law in watei thy township were extended bv reeve geoige wnllaic who is dku the waidcri ol wellington county pom tng tea were mrs e thompson ol geoigelovvn and mis gellitlde calveitml wests sislti irom guelph annmrsarv gifts included floral tubules lamps and a plant stand in addition to a hoiver oj cauls and written con giafulalions both margaret nncl fred west arc devoted and longlime mum hers ot acton baptist church vvheie mi west holds a life deaconshlp al one lime mrs wist plaved liie diurch organ and she is one of the few locjil baptists who witnessed the open ing or ihc present chinch sari ciuirv in 189 it engagement mi- find mrs sylvcutcr sargent mcdonald blvd acton wish to announce the engagement ol their daughter catherine bernice to ml glcnwood sniilon gibhv son of mr and mis william gibhs ol riveroun cicscenr georgetown marriage to take place the latter pail ol july famous band men4 o brasii a famous enb- likh band icatured on the bbc will be the stai nllraclum ot lh0 canadian national exhibition bandshell august ib to septem ber 4 twite daily concerts in the open tooled hv the i ake ontario bieees are rne to hxhlbltldn visilors sj at twin lakes i a late look at the twin lakes development al speyside shows the bam has been floored foi rjttarirdanetj7if1 he-gtvui- quantity of sod is down iht blasting is underway for the okmpic size swimming pool ten nis courts are completed and the chlldiens supervised plagiound area isjenced and puilulk equip ped h s holdcn optometrist eyhs examined gl assesfitted 36 cork st etit guelph phi taylor 27 1 so on duty conslahlc robert taulhaftr of ihc dundas opp delachmcnl is ichevinji constable mciin har mss of a- ion o p p who is awt on two weeks acalion trdr jjo juv 4 us nh u cornflower vrs many assist community night contributions still welcome mr c o f hoi k ru ptr aiirif me h ms s 1 sur mi ujtun t iu al tt an operation in tut iii o mr and mrv juc dub ol rckj itood spcn iht wrtkend u three mru lake withtlkii n mr and mi los dutn 1 mr and mrs stewart soru o rldpeierun vptni th week tief virti mi and mr- murrax seont and laniilv here mr ant mi- j jhn 1 iatx ant faniih u ljfjii u uitd it aiui on tht weekeiui will he t patents mr atc mr- al i rver mis- oivi v in jjdi ul tic jiu barbceue supp f join b 1 rtlav t mi- cniiii dr aaid mr- djmu kendal and shi din o thv lruesii o british coumbia iiicd their ami and urisit mr and mrs vi illrcc cole on their wa to s rav use l nncimt here the doctor m teach for eeks a summer sehtl h- if a doctor o pxihoio at the in erit british olumbia asitan hbntnan miss made c hapriian i- on j motor trip to tlu uis wwith lonnei ae ujrj hiifrr kehuoj teuehtr mis- clara grind ie th u- i jhursda ol last weei irom joronto will stop oil i winnipeg uj tlt m sb clirfp niai nir e mis bob ptafj tnii kijh j kumun ptall and then tin tirtr arid mitt f caijdfv tk are sres7tid bacrhs ctvi a julv 39 wellington st acton juh 5 1961 the dhtor at ton free press dear str the atton scottish dance club would be grate u if ou would eonc through vour column then sincere thanks to the manv organization and mdi uluals who assisted sj abl and so willingh in running the com murntv ight in acton pai k on june 24 i was indeed a difficult pro jeet but with mud iard woi k arid ecwipeiation we maiiiged lo prestiit j show ot interest to old and voufv hke xae were par tjetikii ly torn jjn rwit d b jlu oniaiio assoeia lion for kelaidtd luldicn in hat we gac somelhmg to the people in return foi then dollat we tried to show how some ot the different national groups within the big canadian famik express themsehes in song and dance and at the same time wc made oui contribution to the cause- of the retarded children ot north halion as it was not possible to visit each home in the town to sell somenii progiams the tluh would weleomc any cmitiihut ions tow aids ae ions shau lo wards the building ol a new sehool toi lill maided ehlldicll ot not th llalton youis ci liuk i ileen luu km i piogiam and publicity a ion seoliishnnnevchib mr aiic mr jatik ml ouitln hue a tlieit j ui m f r tht ui cuii tne me l mi and m ocute lti l 1tyll iorcu i reiiu o mi i b f ti t wil tx tiapps jcai lutoel fuioi ivott i din 1 1 ii i 1 ill ulli s u find flogs 7w ol tlu j flag ljnrd b j jojirt jttfii io the stotuti oit ub itji tlit n 0niiuuui i nigtu wi i stri inissiny uttt i l ja fll sit t vi l if jill o a iji ivl i ot d ha i ie u n ulik o us joijnto owners harvey uverty heating ftlumuuc amd favttluwcmwo hcpams to ml makes of fucnaces custom sheet metal wotk 041 amd cas furnace installations convetston sutnfts t jk ti sty in matnttiettnt ockwood miomf ut t9u tockwooo 34 mow unrum correct to the very last detail oof op lo fldt unowlilfti ol aomfil con zmfitionei lb m flmttifj in inn invilrttorib and ntirioofirttfneiilltt sno ut foi irtninlot nurl o tfoti oslim dills stationary 1 mill nt sne case i tjwthpuifth nmam amaumror fblnt ampaotonliv7 jm0tjcuy mow pip wu bt atone r i ih nmcmno tmtuaof vutv mausui up id half a6ain wmanvjw ttmtib anp hvhnmv you tms smm cutto you only kmctme juxv foc onb mininv iqmosw lbu of twr auamrm amp tmc flavolia kmuft awy tham wmh the udmcrbotu wktwop amp vour jam6anpjbujes 1iiccimf j preservls alwavft bt thart why v0ub fruit maps avxzk jauv ihn urntm im i jtotnqi to 1bv tmk certo bbcipctoo wmssl raspberry and rhubarb jelly mm ikwt mai tlhintt ite tfi 4aipsiunaboitlqiilit cuok3lbuiflf npt ltd rti9b iim 1 boiiu cwto nd 2vi lbs ihubaib tint ptctia rint tuf u im ciuth ibmil 1 wurt fully tip lid fuebwuu cul in 1iocli plaot as ml pmq iboul 2vi pouwli ihutuib puct truti in lty ttotli or bt md tqwiq wt inlet ummi4mm into ty lh uikhm tulmu ikt mf am mix to tale l hd mil wil uta wtr hiti hul wt brn to boll umn omitunlly at oni llir in cwto i hn bnnf lo ml lak4 ml md ml m i ww djinni ohtttantly rwnovt liom hut skim oil foam with imui ipoon ind our quickly into itatts covtr idly ii one mtti vi incfi hoi oiullin mil sondlor your iih copy of tho jdly mikors minair o owimii foods kitehins dipt jl cehornt obuiio certo liquid or oavatals caroline nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south side one stop for gardeners do it yeurtslf patio stones in a variety of colors 16 x 16 75e oaeh 8 x 16 38c each complete line of nursery stock potted roses new supply of tropical plants say it with flowers trrsh cut tlowcrs and potted plants floral designs for all occasions 7 days a week to serve you nhw hours 9 00 am to 9 00 pm froa dolivory new telephone number 37 day or nite tax nqtice 1961 municipality of acton second instalment now due t- attention is dran tj th pj- now panuhlc in loor iritjtnti munieipjl tieasurvr 1 the town of acton municipal office yjaca fc1g instalmtsts are dlt ss foli oa s second instalment jwy 17fi third instaiment stttimaei is fourth instalment novbusl isa according to ihc tx c e k l c- r r per ssnt psr mr- u jj r i 111 1114 unpaid at ic i c t- thi rxnalis app v i ea a t m r mni the atcriiiop i i iuimc c 1- e a na other iijum as pn- v c 11 t vlitc and epai t dc r 7ix 3 make pmext ow vm tvjle toltt ta wtke u1t1i g hex uvkjxo r1ievt uexielchie cjileiir lean mud curid peameal cottage rolls 39 for extra special values in all grocery lines bring our special handbill with you for budget savings and lean meaty frish pork side ribs 55 convenient shopping ml prucn irriitlvc july 56 1 8 cantaloupes 19c i oarcun frh bradford grown no 1 ord sli 34i lettuce 2 for 23c ytllow floth frmtron no 1 crad ot peaches 23c no i oradi jumbo 4sa clfwnl vatorula dot sliollj sunkfst oranges 49c fcsstn sjxt x c9 ledgers iga last hi atrconprrionid tiii jiui