ksf rh- if in qalwlll ui nhalii oaks shade acton 65 second tf ctaitvlll oalu cored run in the final frame last night al i3ikvlllc il gave rhrnn a e5 win ovej aton in a close hallon county intermed iate kowball tonteat ii was ibe first lime in the even inning nluliletr ilia i ihi oaks hud u margin alum ncored two runs in ihe llrsl inning to lake ihe lead they never rclln- sulehtd il unlil ihe sltlh when jkvflle knotted the count al s5 flinging for the merchants wa lefthander bob bratlairt who al lowed nine hlt gave four bates on ball and struck but four thompson another southpaw started on ihe mound for ihe oaks he was replaced by fail- bailer glen muy in the fourth when aclon plated three runs off four hits the two oakville pit chers were nicked for nine hits ualked three and struck out five auon missed an opportunity pounding the sports beat iuo to win the game in thsttop uf the seventh when lawson townsley and bruce hil successive ingles but cain running fur luwsun was picked off second redshiw oaks lowering firm baseman hil ihe only home run or ihe game in ihe fifth when he cleared the fence in right field with one- nun un towifslcy und bruce v ere u ihe pp ol the aclon hil pumde- wlth two upiece tounsleyv o two run double in the- first in tting ptleher bobbal4ttln all smashed a twobaugervihile mor ion lawuin p mccrlnull and anderson each collected a single lawrence flnll und trudcll eon tributed luo hits each for ihe winners rill aclon 200 joo 0 1 9 i oakmlle 100 121 1692 alhready for allstar tilt at campbellville v wanrttilf futf were the victims ijst mrun between liu of a iuulv ilj1 sdluiitut iilubs ulun the aclon cam dom fanwkwi iiutid llic frune tikv paid tun- t m owe soulhnjw jack itoberk showed unur uuterffcct from he tnjuiy-ln- saiurdjv j liujidj llie jns vusuificd inr jn induslrul aui wlix juukttd jl the pliiv tfittatknt nxenlk he could pilch in wul avkvd to pj umt the pimligc tin intcrcounty senior any time ol cnttfiny tin pjil its hand ik ujntid we understand a few aij pkhiciuic m sundjv and of the club could uu him and holuijs 1jh cairns just to prove the ltr when tin- buwbatl i um time ujs no flute walloped cub psvxn around tlu lui most jivoiivr tienundous home run i campbcllvlllelen andrews fan want to ujfitnbuti the uitli rumut on bojrd ocr the manjycr ol lite champion camp ub lui- tut otlitis viuii ol iv iciuu in nht held it wk his j bcllullc merchants baseball club vcrux and ajuin tlw dipped ttnih and the club s 22nd of the uhich will iust the annual hallon into their pickets cason count all star game this sutuj afew pad thir shikih with seicxtors of the all star team announced this week all is in out comment but cxjki ux uhtch will plas gait terrier this readiness for the big event indjnut sundas knew what lles were do- andrlus ttho was xuut t i he picked live of the up indiu ktlgut sumt pay ijun to mjpport the villars for the hallon associa wttks jf0 ul hl a stjr pwl pas j ji in il and then uwiiluin lineup ayainst the gall tcrrkrs pas i uippoit tlit iwll tcaun of lhl senior inlcrcuunls leauue uxrthod joc fn the uifeivner bra bits baseball fans garv field former intereountx vj thai it would be cheaper to vuld ttt a to be hurler with guelph merchants ts home cahf or tlk hjhon count v all this ear toiling fur campbell tbt bji club also nuhttvd sjfs v cijj tf gaml sun ilk will hkeh tet ihe nod to ii tk plate pfihaws a lew jt c ampbelutlle there- s start on llie mound for ihe slats kin ptnts o4 enthusiasm whip with alan winyium anothci ped up and uffieials arc expect camplelh illc star dump the mi a hute throng to cheer the catching tht will oppose a ausuts deals gibbons hkel sturtinu terner baitcry ol tollecied a pjir of hits for jock maennl and pal i ul guelph anthonsi in a junior ncl j7000 trandslaiid will he yanu against lastowel this week 0 used lor ihe first lime the guelph clctb has several ut included are showet jtul alton plavets on us loster t dlessin loom laellilles loi the dominion hotel is yomylu have tlv -vt- uin weni into the hat than wocdd hat d tluie had been nh em illevihn ilxiil s 1il uiaies ijk filiation v nduuvxis tfit park- boaid lias ualls piffo ijmii tnht tj elwit ad jrmssuwi iu sune1ass ald lnhdav 1 s rl t tuunal tii 10s ail ftdinisshji v t atid hnet jtnd an atjn jt iei n tan p t a wtavjri s hthih 1f 1 v 5au- iimi 1 aun vnllut like thes did n this niuiki but we tori ilu b4aid could have jrtei wine c inside ration lo lite base hall uun the park exis 1 i neiaton ftl purr is s md w ik m j u 1 uw 4els a hlidav and sans lo sci a bdl aik ik do sm i want to run the sunlit erf iiu admihsjoii chailes he ean sit it houu in bis famtile eas ehair hid walell hi iivii baseball on 1 il lies so uiuitlt d ti tiohiinx if an ti m sjit hi alton 1m 1 djttele u it tin 1 1 si1ualvls hlu salulis whiwl will do hi tie lu 4 llhtet ll oh ljlsi i v ihe afvuhf lls wit woule cv awv witt di v o til 1mii- ivkm eliai j j pillk park its hands lull pioicetmc s4itvdl e tow n thev won last mn il the fanneis eontmue to pie up seoies of 21 runs in one gallic uilton red sox threw n tfui scare into the camp ik ujmc meiehanls this teek njht in the village when thev extended he league leadeis i igtit nil the see nth belof c ljwing 10 al vtingiove got ihe jnl ion ot the tame yup wes a home i oakville alvj ouihil ik csimplxllville um lisi tliui sdav but weic ikjuii 7 s aetons hoeecr maple ia if luiuilk in louith place n ilu 10 lam ujik aic he ik the f avmjlillur i i u utt oi the mi tu v have shuu n s tvitl ojk ik d i lie s tile league s two top in laff olan mi boh seoreboard uunt id i llie bosalnll 1 lit iv lt t soft di ink 1 it in t t n hnvc 19 krn 1 lin 1 to ke i rc ota pai il l 4 vol lhall li id j i ell i les hiii game line is set lot 20 willi the teams laklilg to he f ie let tot i lie it waimup sessions al i 00 o cjloc k lawn bowlers al league top jn vcdiiisuj ivmmu june 2r aliuii ivvil plivinti i iiilh liuiiil gilins won inijiliti iiiil 1 touiil ljui in iuii tlun ihi dtlilttd gtol nluml is lu 7 jltu will itilkh i 1 m i iii ii iik i111ji xok llldll iks if71 1 link liu k iould luu ulirsu liu muu iik aim ivtiuii jikijii il i id 11 kxkwjd mil milliiid in in 1 1- 12 1 hi mils is uu i0111 lli ijs 1 as 1 11 ill km il h c luh wliuh is 11m in 1 ii iuwilail luu iiouiil v ia ij ii si iijdtiil juhll a ion i 1 in i 1 vm k ku iiilh n xi li i 1 jul al u i 11 1 41 il u 1 1 ll a ion ko k uill l 1 edged 42 by brantford soccer leafs no 4 club j 1 i- m ilill lluii 1 i l s si ll 1 i i il il 1 i i m mi k i tin 1 il ijlau u iii si a i ll irll fcutunjiii 0 1 1 uu 1 r i 1 1 ll l l iv iju i 1 im l 1 ku ll 1 1 11 1 j 1 1 j ti ukiiii ii11 4 itit till 1 it i m p f 1- ils mllil ll ii uki j i i 1 1 m 1 1 ol lo 1 name ken hulford preiidenl bpao ik bin 11 1 church league heks tuesday the intfkhwvh vuiirtb in up- ball iob njini 1 ui w ipo ullh an txhltilllun i inn bilmnn actim iu11101i ihmth nnl ii1ii1111 fad iniuil 1lunxl1 with liu iti l team winners tuivdiv al the rhihii i nllc 3chot tlu vinn luu uinti pli aiaaain utih nnh u nm wui aing lsplanatiftn llallinal id ftffm as far a ciririi ii um ul wil tout bv default mnlt did not field llic mmil of flrls av dwhght rntil and jim jubplrwi next ttainc 1 youna peoples t ballinafad hull ul iohilol o liu a ji iioaiio i jim w i 11 un i ii i i111i t 111 uovfclui liijn 11 i u aillloii ia lllla 11 iluiln hull illilli inlllill loosinlloii luld intiillv sljid 11 il iidlliilllini s lit i 11 1111 vim linl ilu ion v11111011 ihimh j11111 2 nnl ion i liiiiiid until ihr 2mli kiulstti lion hi u 1 11 iitu liu i11d1v ulirn tlu tinil iliiitinii 11i uu- ivvmkil ihmui uix i11i1i satuila hiux lnnins ivui priiuiuicnt in ihi luiimiiluin rtkuns buinevs us vwiuiul up stindav uiih the el txtiim 11i ivliktirm luttnii the loimnlion men ivrs sie ueir hiviteil 10 la shinn shints tmirn shiipplna e toniioixs and ilinnnr while hus- hamk hiimeil ihe midnight oil ut humnevi meetings mr mulliinl imaike ihairman laiii temi was chnsen unani mousk b the members present and will beuln his term imme- dialoly 14 1 ai luul ul ui i 1 jl i lii mil sail llallllllon it 11 i loll 11 on viml is fir 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s n i ii ol i si i i 11 1 i i ii i lis inn ml i p 111 1 1 mi i 11 ie nun 1 i 11 ssolk oill h 11 las ml linn 1 1 loi an 1 aiiiihiioii a nil i s a 1 ii 11 iv i 1 rs 111 sifnia 1 lialn lulols ii asil lo iii nl iii tinny masales tanners lumped into sole noshesslorf uf rin1 pliiie in ihe aclon softball leuuue tuesday nllihl by virtue of a bi2 win over ihe inandout junior furmors the tunners showlnu slrenlh imlh ul live plule and on ihe jmiuiul have 11 four win one loss retord and lliey ure closely pur sued bv dominion hold with three wins und a loss ton luh i thursday the hotel- ers could create another tropic tieu ill llie lop with a win over ihe rire- flghlerw paced hy ihe nulling hut of jiul luwstin who lontrlbuled four hlli in rive uppeuruntc ut the plate and with three safeties upkle from del witllers und llurrv uiwson tunners renllv walloped the shoil hunded junior larmcis thev pluttd live runh in f 1 uw iijjcjra ravni juniorkarmers nothing fishy about iho story told by a father and son wfien ihey returned from a week s camping and fishing trip to the north pictured above 15 year old jack wensley son of mr and mrs alec wrslcy mason boulevard is shown with a two day catch he and his father netted tins catch in two days in the maltawa river east of north bay included are nine pickerel two channel catfish two pickerel and one bass other fish caught during the trip wore cooked and eaten sru pope t the aclon free- prei5 thursday july 6lh 1961 villagers unload 20 hits drop acton 203 sat i wo ae ion piu he i s fell iii hi it it ol c unpin ll ille mil el lilts hlls s lllll ll iv ilk i i mm ill ul 1 dominion li slutesl hi i leh siu liu illilcls loillp to ll e is 20 1 vie loi ihi h hlli i nleis sliliiliud till 20 lilts iii iudlll two i jl me mills i pin ul i ii pie s uill 1 1 e ii itll lit s lo slli ti ll ik ii 111 1 1 lie ii slli ik to m i nilv s k 111 ihe at loll ilili i lliull hi i hip i uedlleed lo uu llhlllhiis liu alton inuiiiid still loidd do hi 1 at ton ik with liu li in ije unpin ii ili null islu d huh i uu wiih w i veins i isi wiik ul liu nod o m iii lui lilt lu lis hill 111 iii ki is ul hi llllll iii lilt vt iv i ll i hins ill he hottolll lull to in ike ll i 2 a sluuless millet vv is i pu hide lo i s n 1 1 in i hi mm it si h ik visiiois iii ihe loinlli mil i ik v vvnl hevond liiell al ie l 111 it i lu v fot lliiii moil in lie tilth mu 111 ille slml ii id i ll like il up j ti mou in tlu i iehth aelon i um in the e ijihth k ii u 7w 0mi 20 20 1 020 km 010 18 4 uqgua at hquwaymork tanners climb to top ihe flrtt five in the second three jn the third two in the fourth inaletonn in the fifth seventh jmu cluhth winding up with three more in the ninth the best ihe junior fanners could do wui single uns in ihe will and eighth c lellch wus ihe victim of ihe 161 hits the tanners belled out while butch richmond regain inn ihe form which mudc him one of ihe leuyues lop hurlers inst season restricted llic junior fanners lo seven safeti nil ml i ilnl hi ih ii iii si m ulllllll i iii hi i i llll i lllllli i s llll i illlls i oil iii ts i s j 1 1 1 1 s a i illlii llll i iii ii nn mis pilill inn h 1 ii ll ii inn ii un- i n ii i v 1 stl ll i 1 1 i i ll ll iiiis iii ii ii i 41 ll is ii ii 11s 1 i willi lllls ltl lilll i spi hi iii ii wil ii ii v 1 1 isi iii ss w iii i liukis 1 1 i pink sii i ii i 1 m lliiluus wallop firemen 206 thursday willttjasi place in ihe four team acusq solthall cncuit at stake junior farmers piled up a 21 6 win over the tne fighters last 1 inn sdav and left both teams tied at the bottom with a win ipicee cal iii leitch un the mound tin the winrfeis scattered 14 hits hut he bniy tlown in the clutch and the best the itremcn could tin was scuie six runs he had help in llic ninth frum hall willi not nianv more hits 16 ihe plough jockevs weie able to seme 21 runs anil uo ihiough i lux e pitehcis dmlc luulsas st ii tcil on the lull lor the smukw i i ile i s ami he sas fotluwed b tieil aielnbald fn the sixth aieh lasted aboyt lour battels belole he uls lllleil in fasor ol bill williams who linshed oil i ihi sixth uas a nine run ironing tin ihi i ituicis uliii eiise i ii li ul ihe i lie i ighlsls chalked up in the fust 1 1 ime slth a tun si i unil lulling i lu pit llucc mole in the tliuil aiin in the sivinth mil um in tlu eighth ini lihleis nieunstule tallied ihiie in the tilth anil in a last ihlill stand plated tun in the njnth k hill hub skiillinorc and ii pun uiu liu big guns lor ihi stiiinus with ihiex hits iub is lull ll williams anil will line ll eulleelill tlllee apiexc lui llll losils k ii i li i minis llsl ihw m 21 lo 2 i ui inui um mo 002 p u s linuoi i u in is r h ill c llllill p 11 ill p isli l tnssss hi i 1 hs ss ll slslljllkmc 2h willi imsim ll llvsuusl ii l p iii uk ll l pius it m ii phi i son 1 1 well scattered butch would have registered a shutout hut for iwo importune errors at third base the league is at the hall wa mark in he schedule nowfiiml ihe learns vwing inlu ihe second half tonight when dominion hold and the tire fighters meet next tuesday s game will see tin holelers luke on the junior farmers r ii c jr larmcis wfmtrrolo t tl tanners isi 210 111 21 16 4 junior rumcrs ii defines 2b d black lb d hall e b inseoe b m hunter 3b i peaioy ss d price el g williamson 11 r llavwanl if c leilch p d tanners walter rf hvtjrwton ih curgeti ih p lnwiion b kichmond p hull 3b web ster lb n baylku 2b zopuv l b brown tf k puplllon ot shannon cf conunundo if porle if frank carney and son ltd harowari plumbing and heating rockwood ul 69s01 vviim m 1 ill deforest rf a huvward rl your authorized myers pump dealer s the tax reduction m on naw cart hai hdad lh vilua of utad carts with car policy ol offering honatt valua lo the motoring public we are reducing prices guaranteed for one full year under the guaranteed warranty program u pontiac ttnatochlef se dan s2i95 ss nuick special ulitotnat ic 1795 s3 ciiev 2 door slallun wagon 945 llcv s station uason jims s9 cosjsll radio and other extras jij95 39 pflvtixt slrlochuf se dan jit95- u iord ludor csllmlwl st whki rrjml sutouul uie franklin pr0use motors ltd penliac buick vauxkah cmc opaa eveimq haw 1 what do you need most n hi i n ini si ii mil 111 iik hi llll ll ll iii 11 ikl usui iii ill iii iii hill i iii ii t-lvmi- lili ii u nipl i hi i in 1 ni i i no i hull inis mil h l luh vsii i il i l si i ulil i liu m i i liu l i i a l i k paint special i scarfes exterior white only 3 95 gal tenpr0 distributors limited 116 main si n acton phoni si s vzi you can borrow at low cost throuqh a loan ajwt repjev i ee asa taa allueieal reus lamlly bua i i i m i m pollock and campbell m mill uu is f llli ii iimahl mtmi iklsn mim iai iii icavhlii ej wlr si notlh ijaii likllline all iuo we rent roto tillers lawn rollers lawn spreaders step ladders stapling machines gordon hardware mill st limited acten pkene 7 pauii o lake advantage of our vacation pecfais illllullell hash camera kit i h ii sp6ciai i i7 lduk kuimu and auiiiiuai miuinmy lo tuah umbo 30 60 beach towels sf lllll iij 159 eo ivaiyone needs sunglasses v u ihim mhi11 1 price special isc 98c yea at any branch ul ihe hank of nova sculla- you can borrow for worthwhile purposrt 16 buy or refinance our car to furnish that new home or room to pay your taxes or insurance premiumsto consolidate debt to meet medical or dental expenses and jour loan will be life insured at no extra coat to you ouml aulatnan hathino caps special 59c nes 10 630 137 kodak films kt o mk 89c special 57c ou tk leivtae far film oevetacttag beail toy swim ooggut swim fins snorltalt frogmn mls swim ringi etc hinton5c to s100 store the tier ibal lvei yau a better cneke a ouehly a lower prlae k 1 i i brnk the brnk of novr scour a network op offices across canada and i nftifrv